i s-.- a. '. t;. ?-. .; i HOP WANTED MALE R01 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 Comte & Kohlnran Want Salesman with th Una bavin th right brad rrj to eeU. W sold Uiim sub-division UM Baruallr sold out two other during tea rth eg 121. W an tha eicluaiv selling Mil lor eight lot ana image aub-di vision. Oat BMassaa e knaktng money. Th are seu ata a oa-rua for which there la a bis demand. W vul'tiMn eat energetic, rehable men. from St t 40 year of ace. If yosiTa sold stock. aiiHisankf'rr book, musical instrument or any ante that require salesmanship you caa aril mat aetata and double four earnings. See lit. rOVTB KOHLMAN 418 20 22 Spalding Bid. Largest suburban lot and small tract sellers In Portland DRT OOD: EXPERIENCED fnge snercautil eonci tuu an UMfiing for I yaang sun who know dry goods and la capable af suprvtng upkeep of stock and set of Uck rerd bock. Prefer mac with Jobbing houe azpenrnoe who knowi the mill source rn cot toa ne goods, dr g'wls and silk. This splendid nfipwriiiitty for ftomrono row a rec ent eler nut reliable of developing Into some thing bigger, nut as, nan irtnlttv and iWl nee In detail and salary desired. A-473 Journal. M. KANE DRESSMAKING 256 HIGH CLASS dressmaking, home or eat; sati faction guaranteed. Main 8384. apt. 7. LtVPSCAPE GARDEXT5Q. SHRUBRERT FOB SALE. TREES TRIMMED AND SPRAYED. 57 VANCOUVER AVE. (REAR OF 853) WOODLAWN 8040 I CARPENTER AND CONTRACTOR T" BUILDING A.ND REMODELING GARAGES. porches as hriLTisst all kinds r ROOFING. BASEMENTS AND FOUNDATIONS QUICKLY IMJXK ESTIMATES CHEER- I I I.1.Y GIVEN. FIIONl MR. OKEI EASX 4 901. BY AN energetic, middle aged widower who baft a thorough, practical knowledge of general farming, produce sale ability; capable of taking full charge of any farm or ranch; from the East: American-German; willing to work for fair aalarr. Prefer roe who i in need of help, advice to younger or with no father. X-371, Journal. MILL MAS and logger want position as superb inteoderit of a 'mail mill and lotting opera tion. Experienced in rail and cargo shipments, team logging with high and ground lead, a weal a horse and truck lugging. S-771. Journal. DRESSMAKING by the day, st action guar anteed. Tabor -1S24. NURSES 257 CAPABLE male and female Burses, at. Marshall 2294. 894 12th LEAKY ROOFS Skillfully repaired an J painted; reference hundreds of satisfied customers; 20 year; experi ence. Main 571 or Main 1094. Prices the lowest. R. R. Co . Inc.. 220 B. of T. bldg. GnADING AND EXCAVATING Lay or Contract. RAW SON Main 6744. PRACTICAL NURSING Befereneee. Phone East 8317. EXPERIENCED practical nurae, nerroua ca&e apecialty. Ant. 643-40. FOR RENT ROOM AND BOARD (IKK 302 V I K W HOTEL. 886 MONTGOMERY ST. COB. W EST PARE Xacaas, with i or without board; weekly or monthly ratea. - AH ontaide room. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 for'rent HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 ONE . clean large Boueekeepuis room with kitchenette a ad large closet. $20 a month, and 009 smaller room, large closet, 812; store heat, close in, light, telephone, water famished. 402 Market and Teeth. Marshall S359. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 AMERICAN HOTEL, 92; North Third St. Thia hotel has bees thoroughly cleaned and ia owned and operated by Americans: the best snrfkw in the ci:y for rata charged; elagant lobby elerator eerrice, always loto of hot water, free baths; rates 50c, 7 ic. 81. Special ratei to permanent guests. EDW. F. GODDARD. Mgr Nortonia Mote! ELEVENTH OFF WASHINGTON Portland's bigb-elas drvntown residential hctel Wt give yon the eom'orta of home t aicrican and Eoropean pien. Rates rr enable. CORNER room for 1 or 2 ia modern-home, with or without board; all home privileges, ue of piano. 355 E. 30th at. Phone Tabor 3228. CALL at Y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderate priced rooms for young men in all parts of the city, including rooms at the Central T. M. C. A., wita telephone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. MAKE llJ.iint) A VEAll OTUKRH ln Yi; CAN We hare an nueiung .In this utate for a man a eell well-known. iandrd, adier iaed, hand drawa ehemical fire engina. m-rtor fire appara tus, extinguisher, boa and cnrru lrTe Une of lire flgnting aundrte. Other mn on commxtion baAia oiily, in lew rrfluctive trrriwriea Uuiu we affer you, earn 1 01)0 s month. Ho can ynn. awt without experience. E.xcluiive produrtire territory cpea. Alax Fir Liiirtne Vork Bush Terminal Uidg., In. Briinklyn. N. Y. bAi.E.lM AN WAN I Ei Iteal buunan min can (.lean un'VOOOit In 30 to 00 day. Will allow liberal drawing arcinuit n man who can Cjttalify. W offer the hlg'ie t typw of apecnlatire aeounuea. IIjla a tery Urine appeal to tle man who will speculate at ail. l'reftr man with eatahUrJied clientnli of Inveabtri. but ill con- aldec otlu'ra If thoroughly exienenovd aid nmpetnt Must show am;lutely clean rcconl. In replying gie compete bu-ln"s hi-tory. utt end reference and don't forget ywir j'hone namber. A1fr tvir. ivdno J, A-l Alio mechanic, 10 years experience as mechanic and foreman, desires position as fomnar. in either general or specializing garage. Good reference. V-105, Journal. CARPENTER and general repair man. the very bet of reference; either f rarou nr finish. Pfon-unioo. 8500. 8 hours. C-108. Journal. ' CARPENTER WORK, bjth new and repair. Prices Tery resolu.ble. 135 E. 7th St. N. Wdln 8578 CEMENT-work of all iua. g'oJd workma-ishh) guaranteed. h.i rl Battee at Co. Pboae 1 5.1 or Svllwocd 919. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 128 13th. at Wash ington Brick atnicuite, center ot Portland's business and social activities: respectable; spot less rooms; 85 week; 81 a day up; with private bath. 82 day. HOTEL HARRISON Clean furnished rooms, $2 week. 35c to 60s per mgPt; 8 tory bnck blildmg. 403 TroaX. ONE large, nice front room, twin beds, hot and cold water, fireplace: also one Tery large room, fine for 4 men employed: walking distance west side, with or with-jut board. Broadway 4833. $3 A WEEK Furnished housekeeping room, west aide, walking distance. 213 Mill St. FOR RENT 3-rocm housekeeping apartments and 1 sleeping room; lights, heat, water and phone furnished. Hirer Side hotel. 118 & De catur st, St Johns. Columbia 1127. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 i THE JACKSOM 51 la Cnion Ave. !t. S room apts.. 830 to 842.50. brick bid., private bath, steam heat, phone service, IS mill, wtik to 5th and Alder. Rose City ear. E. 2848. FOR RENT HOUSES-BURNISHED 312 ELANOR APARTMENTS Just completed and beautifully furnished. 3. 4. 5-roooi apartaoenta; exclusive. 544 . Seventh N., near Fy. Inquire 439 Chamber of Commerce. i Bellingham Apartments 1 421 H EAST MORRISON ST. MANOR HOTEL . Hoosekvpmg and sleeping rooms. 27 Its afoo rifon rt. Marshall 250S. LARGE, comfortable well furnished housekeeping room with kitchenette: near bath r3om: rea sonable. 693 East Madison it. Eat 8911. WII.L give mother's Columbia bJi. to children. Phcne S ITT A RLE for 1 or 2 ladies, front room In modern home, 18 minutes out on 3 ca runes; dinner and breakfast if desired. J. C. Corbin, 305-7 I ewi3 bldg. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen or man aud wile in business, in beautiful home; fine table board; C. S. preferred. 734 Hawthorne avenue. VERY pretty furnished H. K. room and ki toil ette, also single H. K. Heat, bath, phone, electric lights; reasonable. Newlj- decorated. Walking distance. 736 Hoyt st. 1 and 2 room suites; h. k. rooms; We. SAN MARCO. East 8th and Vet; 8 -room modern apartment. EfeA 19tu. Guild Apartments B room ape, private bath; ail outakU Main 3705. S94 Guild St. I HAVE a large S roooi modern bungalow. located at 846 E. 44th, $45. Also a aaaan S room modern bungalow, located 1286 E. Main sc. $85. Both of them oompletely fornished; absolutely clean ; nice yards, trees and bushes. Adults only. 1'tione Tabor laiu or call zu E. 44th at, 2 blka. N. of Hawthorne ave. $15 3-KOOM furnished Market Bear 16th at. house, yard. 820 LEEDS APTS. 2 and 4 room apts.. elevator service, fines in. Call Mar. S597. NEWLY furnished and newly decorated, large 2 1 room front mite ; beat, phone, gas, electricity I included in rent. 202 TiLamooi. near Wil-. 3m. are. 0RAMKNTL metal ea.lsf.men. einerlenred in reading blueprint, and alling ar-hitects, con tractors aad building material jobbers. Spiendid aomausslen profioAition with etc'u v rlghu in this see Hon to those who qualify. Write na tm wMiiiately for romplete inli.rmation. Newman Mfg. Co. Eatabluhed 1SS2. Cincinnati. Ohio. CARPENTER Erfimstes given on rnsiir work, roofs repaired snd gsragra built. Shay, 1367 Hawthorne. Tabor 1260. Uu I LL, club or rctauram fctrekeeptr or stew ard; long experience; reference. S-772, JoumsL WASHINGTON HOTEL 12TH AND WASHINGTON BTS. Attractive rooms and suite at reasonable rate by week or monttt. . LENNOX HOTEL 242 THIRD St, NEAR MAIN AttrmrtiTe. modern rooms at reanablg ratev Hotel Medford Two blocks from Depot 75c and up. $4 a weelt un Hot aii co'd water in each room. ROOM slid board in a home for young men; have 6; room for 2 more: just like home. Phone East S24S. or call at 50 K. 12th St. N. n(-r Pa vis. FUltNiSHED rooms in intst hane. with or without board: all conveniences; good car service, 1171 Albin ave.. near corner Killings-w.-rth. Phone W'wxilawn 6595. WANTED Creamery wcrk of any kind by a but:r maker with 14 yirs experience. 1022 4 Ilalhoriie ave. Ant 223 4 2. PAINTING, paperhanging sad tiutiog; prices rea sonable, w fk guaranteed. Shop 1365 Haw thorne ave. Tabor 1722 or Tsbor 1200. WANTED By young man, 19, position aa prai feeder, experienced ; or position in country shop. Inquire M-755, Jonmai. NICELY FfrtNlSHED HIXIMS IN LARGE HOME, 5 MLN't'TES" WALK FROM BL'SI NESa CENTER; GENTLEMEN PREFERRED. 243. 11TH. 5Cc Day, $2.aQ Week Up Clean roomi, bath free, hot water all hours. Hotel Cadillac. 3d near Jffersoa POSITION Wanted Yuuua man. 21 years old. experienced truck ? driver, wants Job driving or w:ll do general work. M-758, Journal. ItY SAi.fcSifES IMjrtrtct office of a million dollar corporation ia Bow opea for applications from a few represen tative scientific salesmen, for permsnent posi ttone oa lu a ales staff and the installation of bra net offices. Call or write KARDEX SALES COMPANY. amtrtrt office, 426 llttock block ALESMTSJ, trained in aeDing gro eenee and bant ware trade, excellent wrporuiniuw with great earning. X 742. Journal. WANTED A carpenter or carpnr.ter helper who will eichange labor anl a smsll amount ot eeah for house equity; balance easy terms. 48 lCxchanae bkls. ( HEIP WANTED FEMALE 204 MUll.fcA(.E woaiaei t aok and keep loiue for euiiple past midlle age. In good Oregon town; prwlnr one who wuuld be able to do prac tal nurune If aecewarr: aatisfactorv VMM. newer In penoa at llel Parkins offiee afur a. av. Monnsy, reDruary u REFINED, well educated Philippine boy would like position aa office boy or aub-jaoitor for offices. Woodlawn 3031. YOX'NG man. 23, wishes general work in any Hots! Ockley Morrison at 10th. $1 a day, weekly $5 and up; free phone and bath; steam heaU MOTHERLY woman da ires care of children by the day, week or mo., 4 mo. to 2 yr. $20 per mo. and older accordingly. Best of references. A-49S, Journal. LARGE, one-room front apt, light, kitchenette, closet, fine bed; 2 adults employed: also 3 rooms, 3rd floor. Call 12 to 5. at 530 Davis. TWO furnished h. h it and cold water. k. rooms: light, phcne and $22 month. 109 N. 18th. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, water, light furnifhed. 3sl 5th. FOR RENT 3 sinstle turaished h. k. rooms. Furnace heat. 295 10th. cor. Columbia. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED APARTMENT 1 room and ki tehee; bath, phone, light, water, heat, close in. wer side, fine for gcr.uemsn to bach. Ako sleeping room in basement. Broadway 5232. 834 5st St. Ccr. Market 2 and 3 room furnished apts,, modern conven iences, private baths: $25 to $35 per month. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 iNtTCRE MOVING " NOTICE Onr men are all anion and rare years ot ex- oefienra at Diane aad furniture moving. Onr large Tana are padded and are toe finest In the city and are priced right, $4.23 per hour, with two men. We also have smaller vans for leas. Pianos moved for $ in right aone. An work guaranteed. AUaa Tranatar at Storage Co.. fone Bdwy. 1207. bPsLrVLERED WAREHOUSE on trackage. Store r sit goods wtiu us. Let na do your mcving and packing.- CLAY 8. MORSE. INC. P mad way 8470. 454 Gan M. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES LIST year boeuee. and Qau witn an lay : srai- r W e have many nail calls for these - kO aj . pans of the city , J j i PARR IS H, WATKLNS 4 CO.. ' g.15 Stark at. Main -1644. . WANTED To rent 8 ar 10-rouoa. amlurajsahed. SBitahlw tor light bona. keeping; maat be aleaa; win take .car auaa;. aa or near-wettaada. Phone Eat 4 504. t WANTED S or 6 ronca anodarn bungalow ar T flat, ia good location, oa east aide, by mponsibla roaple. Phone East 800 n(ter to- -anorToar, Trwrti 9 a. an, and n. am. THE EDENHOLM WELLINGTON COURT a;it. New management. 5 rooms newly papered, kalsomined, walking distance, steam heat, operated by owner. Refer-ei-ce'; $55. S. B. GusUff. Broadway 1245. Lillian Apartments Three rooms, large, light, modem, west aide. 3S1 Sixth st. Marshall 1378. 305 bUAiness concern: N-24, Journal expenenced truck driver. HOTEL HARRISON Clean furnished room?. $2 week. 35c to 50e per night; ury bnck building. 403 Front. Hotel Helvetia 246-248 Salmon St.. near Third. Modern rooms 75c up. Weekly rates. ROOM and board for 2 young business man. or ladies; no other boarders, $35; piano, cloe to car; a real home to the risht party. Wdln. 12S5 GOOTi room and board. gentlemen preferred, or will rent rooms separate. East 8069. 710 E. Rurnside. "NICE lanrc ram for two conjenial centlemen; brcjikfait and dinner if desired. 301 Hciia- day ave. East lo3d. WANTED, man and wife or 2 men to share room and board.' rrivate family. H blk. from carline ; pnee reasonable. Tabor 9099. CLOSE IN, furnace heat, for two workins irls or two business men; separate room room together. E&st 1M i 4J SINliLE 1L K. room. n:wi tinted, on corner, $6 week. Nice end clean; one single H. K. room $ 1 week. 1 60 "t Orard are. FOR RENT 2 rooms, large basement and double garage; fuitable for transfer office and storage 34! Salmon. FOR" REN t 4 29 3d st. -3 modern unfurnished rooms. EXCAVATING, GRADING AND CONCRETE AVOKS 210 E. Humboldt. Wdln. 624. ROOFS shingled, pate tied by experts. Work guaranteed. Estimate free. Reasonable. East 1298 FOR expert pruning of fruit tree, rose bushes, shrubs and vines, csll Broadway 3385. W. J. Meaarmer. 85 H Flanders. TOL'N.G MAN desires position in advertising or newsmper office ; has knowledge of typing and used to meeting people. 8-770, Journal. AN EXPERIENCED orchard man with team and family wishes work. 772-Y, Journal, Vancouver. Wash. CONCRETE woiV. building, remodeling, in ex change for useful products, some cash. It 16, Journal. PRACTICAL farmer, married ' wants work, share , or wage; poultry, frv.it. dairying; can sell .i....- . . . . i i n i i WANTED position by experienced seed and feed man, wholesale and retail. Go anywhere. A.-4. Journal. ilE WOMEN'S Protective Division, city of Portland, offer its senice in ill matters pertaining to the wel'ar and protection of women and girls; inurvlew confidential. 514 W'l-rotar bid-. 3d and Oak st. Pboa Main a!J3 1 l OrrjCF. girt: otight to know a Utile about trpwwrlter, araall salary to start: CaU morning, 437 N. W. Bank bldg. I.A1MI.S Earn $T3 weeklr. lare tima. at home, s1.lrKin. milling musle circolars. nil 23 eents silver for muir, sample copy, in formstion. Ansonia Music Company. 4 17 East 174th it.. New York PAINTING, KALSOMIMNG. PAPERING First clam work; winter prion; save money, Tabor 232H. 624-30. nnsf CLASS tranmers and maker wanted for city and oul.ef town positions. Apply imnie alaltly MILLER RA AS CO., Hoyal Bldg. A. lil'lMuli llv artMiffd 40 or 50 can get rmm and b-ard for doing a few hours' light henaekeep.ng daily. V-1U0, Journal. ikUrlv ladv to with elderlv couple on farm and dj light housework. Wages $3 per week. P 7, Jmimal. WANTED Woman wUh sinall child to to bouse-' work on farm Apply 2 70 L. 38th. Sun dsv. er after 0 43 evenings. V ATfT VV'otuan with Unall rliiUl to do houso- wurk on farm. Apply 27 0 E. 36th at day, or after 6:43 evening. Sun '"ClftL wanted" for housework in smsll fsmily . good home. F.lderly lady preferred. State reference and aelary ei;-ectil V-SWB, Jortrral. ...NTF.D two vumic w.men and one character woman for dignified dnunaUo society. Write. M 7 56, JmimaL . MI'MG leeaon in eirlisng (or memiing or housework: soothest side. W-S. Journal. HlfXlN'F.RY trimmer wanted st 214 Third at. F.ipenenced only need apply lRL for housework, easy place, CUnstian. 1 E. Lincoln. Tabor 339. ROOFS repaired, rain or shine; eavetroturha cleaned and repaired: all work guaranteed. Portland Roof Repair at Paint Co. Main 6320 SAM B. WARD, shuigler since 1894. IleUibi. and responsib.e. Auto. 632-60. K.A1.SOMIMNG, planter-repairing, painting. sonsJOe. Main 2H65. A MAN WANTS WORK washing automobiles in garage. Bdwy. 2247, Johnson, room 316 ESTIMATF.8 given on cesspool, sewer and ownent a-ork. 1031 E. Seventh st. N. Wdln. 613 FLPMKING, Jobbing, 80c. vtooatawn .'4UU. Phone evenings, IHHI'WOOD floors laid, finished, building. painng; first-class work. Davis, Main 6115 REMODELING, repair and alterations; faction guaranteed. Empire 823. WANTED Position as macagfr or clerk in gro cery or hardware siore. Z-i29, JoumaL New Perkins Hotel Washington and Fifth ttreeta. Special permanent rates. BOARD and room for married couple or 2 gen tlemen in smi.l private boarding house; fur nace heat. 742 Clinton, on 22d. FIRST CLASS tuiard aud rooai in nice pnrate home; reasonable rates; business people pre ferred 332 N. 23d st. Bdwy. 4561. CuZY room in private family, furnace heat, pienly of hot water; board if desired. 10t5 E. 21st st. N. Alberta car, 1 block N. Matthiesen Hotel - Rooms 50c day up; $3 week up; clean, lliht. hot or cold water, steam heat. 204 Columbia. EMPLOYED or idle, why pay more? Clean sleeping or II. K. rooms $7 to $12: 2 and 3-room spta. $12-$22; bath; dandy lebby. The Vaimhn, N. 19th and Vaughn. ROOM and board, reasonable: close in, home privileges; gentleman only. 325 13th. Main 7635. HOTEL BAKER ri&S st. Warmest, cleane-t modern rooms ir city lor $6, other rooms with privste bath. - WANTED Children to board; moving early Hirnii to country home 4 miles out; beautiful grounds. For information, call Ant. 515-74. ROOM with or without board in a private family. 455 Montgomery Bt. Phone Main 7651. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 LliVINIlTON On cariiue. 3 iare room. Com pletely furnished, on ground floor. Player pisno, fireplace, $4 5. Includes phone, heat, light.", water. No children. Two adults oul. East 4384 after 2 p. m. ROOM, piano lessons, home privileges for girl or woman employed, who wishes to study music; C. S. preferred. Walking distance. Main 3018. WELLINGTON apt., undrr new management, 4 room apt-, beautifully furnished; all new fur r.Uure. walking distance to business center. $40. BT.Vedway 1245. Mabelle Apartments A RrNCALOW fox rent 5 rooms and bath. full cement basement, gas range. Iiarawpno floora. garage, orchard, small fruit, chicken house and runs; close in. 1 mock from the cariine. East 4182. BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 MONTA VILLA BUSINESS BLDG, Lot 50x100. improved with frame VirH'tf. . having 3 attire rooms and 4 hvwig raonss; rootama small gaorery stork aad all flxvarea. " improvements all in and paid lor. Will aaaka attractive price for whole thing to soese aaa who means bnsinea. and might eoaaader anaati ' house as part. e Geo. F. Crow, at- 81 Mieiasaippi ave. APARTMENTS AND FLAT . PROPERTY v402 $45 E. 10TH AND DAVIS $45 Seven nice large rooms, walking crista new. newly renovated, partly furnished. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. HOLLADAY-IRVINGTON Modern bungalow, 5 rooms, sleeviing porch, fireplace, garage, furnace.. Dutch kitchen; adults only. Phone weekday Broadway 6214. FOR RENT or lease for a long time at $25. an 8-roam modern bungalow, .suitable for tw- families; with garage; 2 Vi block to car. Owner Sves at 111 E. Sta'ford st. EAST SIDE FLATS 2 4 ROOM FLATS -r FINE LOCATION ALWAYS REJfTTT $7000 $2000 Cash Income $62 Mosul C 2 5 ROOM FLATS 1 block B, C. car; ckwe In: incoana $90 gaav -garage; targe room. $72.50. 8 2 ROOM APTS. ' '.if ' Income $270 moath. Tbis i aom fen ia ment. $12,000 take everytnins. Batbiiag? fully furnished. Broadway 2571. f, Portland Home Co?:;X 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. ' . 414 Jeffer-on. at 11th. nished apartments, modern. 1 and 2-room far- rent reasonable. THE EVERETT Furnished 3-room corner apt., all conveniences, $60. Bmariway 4490. modern COMFORTABLY furnished or 3-room apart ment, electricity, ess, phone and bath, hot and cold water, close to car; use of piano. 300 Hancirk st AutD. 322-20 Ct'MBERLAND APARTMENTS Three-room furnished apartments. AH out side rooms; adult only. Walking distance. West Park and Columbia. Main 1086. 3 ROOMS and ba;h, nicely furnished, very con venient; telephone and water free; rent rea soneble. 896 E. Couch st. 1 block frexn Monta villa car. NEWLY fumi-hed 2-room sunny apartment, eX' celient nvei view; reasonable rent; close to Broadway Hridce. 164 Cherry at. CHATEAU BELLE MAE Modem 2 and 3-room aparrments, walking dLtance; very reasonable, 414 r onrth it. HOTEL ARTHUR IiOOil and board reasonable by woman living alone or ran do o'xn cooking il desired. 4122 fi6:h Ft S. E. I ROOM and board in privateTStmily. RaUM $7.50 to $9 pfr week. Walking distance.- 373 I Ross st. East 2560. n il T nlr ...-., Vi..- ...pa t.-, hlld 3 trt i 170 11th t. near Morrison. Clean, modern years old; experienced; referetxea exchanged. room by day, week or month ; reasonable rates. ' Plume Eat 4 621. I.ADY having a large cvimiortable htxne, all conveniences, splendid meals, would like two vt.v-. a i-A vi l- ,iw nrnrle to room ana noara. owuawu o"oi. rot-ms, hot and cold water, steam heat. E. 29 j WANTED A young lady to board with mother and daughter; emptoyea girl preierrea. ticme NEW 2-rouin housekeeping apartment, just ccgn pleted: hot snd cold water in apartment, fur nace heat, large cement basement for laundry privileges; nice laree bathroom. East 8954. 4-ROoM liouackecpins apartment, lights, gas, water, cariine; furnished or unfurnished. First house north Oak Grove station. George IV Metz. Oak Crove. Or. A VERY pleasant room and small apartment, appropriate for business women; heat, tele phone, lights, gas, laundi-y privileges included; very reasonable; O. S. preferred. Marshall 1132. ONE 3-room with 2 beds; one 2-room: close in. west S'de, walking distance. Address 560 Sixth. Main 1L'I7 Sunday or after 6 p. m. 3-ROOM apartment for rent in a lovely home, 318 E. 3Uth st. S., 1 block south ot 11a w- thorne car. (5 ROOM bungalow spt, H acre garden space; 9c fare. Apply rent on purchase. Owner. 4614 E. 41C. Woodstock car. FOR RENT, modern 5 room house. 800 feet of ground. Fruit trees and ga range conneriea. AdulU preferred. Mt. bcoU cariine. Phone Tabor8895. $25; FOR RENT acre ground with 6 room modern house, garage and amall bam. No small children. Tabor 914 8. WHEN moving, euy or country, get the bt at lowest prices. Green Trans. Co., Main 126L 202 H Alder at, 5 ROOM bungalow with bath and electric lights. H Llock from carbne. $22.50 per month. Call Tabor 8004. FURNITURE MOVINu, 2 PER HR, AND CP 15 DAY8 STORAGE FREE ET.K TRANSFER CO. PHONE BDWT. 2445 TWO FAMILY FLAT v-T I have a two family flat near Lead AtMiUoa. ' and 24th rt now rented for $90 avoatn. .It 50x100. 4XS0O0. $3500 dtnm. If yew -bay -this by FOr7 10 will throw in 4 1000 funwihiag snd they are good a gold. , . . O. W. TARR CO. 407 McKay Bldg. WANT $1000 WORTH? FURNITURE '. Two family flat, a beauty, near Ladd addftinn and 24th it $3500 hsndlas, with $1000-wawtat . furniture given trt you. See this O. W. Trr Co, 407 McKay b'dx He Hewitt. UOI.LADAT ADDITION 2 5 room snodera flau and' 1 6 room house, rWise Trrea $7600; rented $87.50. Owner. :4KJ4 JV 14.1 s-itKM houe, clo-e in. gas stove, lino leum. 202 Occident. Key at drug store cor. E. 1st and Halladay. Marshall 2410. 5-ROOM house, newly papered, bath and ga lights, $16 per month. 67th ., between Cooper and -McCoy. Brentwood add. 8-ROOM bouse for rent on Ainsworth. avenue near Williams. Call Burback, Maf. 400. (Sunday. Wdln, 5246.) 3-ROOM houoe. 2 lots, all kinds fruit, suitable for couple. Call week oays. s oo st o. E. Arleta station. CLEAN completely furni.hed 2-room apartment. $23. tisl'i Lombard. St. Johns car. Co lumbia 617. Sargent Hotel THE BARTON nean, furnished rooms, $2.50 per week and llso light housekeeping. 455 Alder st. RECTOR HOTEL 9 N. Broadway, new and modern, Yale locks on doors, 81 a djy and tip. week, private bath. JMT flfl IMlUll 207 14th St., bet. iVttA W'JI uu.au xa HOTEL TAIT Modern outride rwrnis elevator service. Rate $3 wk. up. Centrally located, 12th and Stark. Taylor and Salmon Furnished sleeping rooms, bath, steam heat, hot aud cold water: $4 week and up. NEW ROYAL HOTEL On 4th. near Washington st. Nicely fur niiiied rooms 75c and up. Reasonable rent by week. Mary Atkens, proprietor. privilege.-'. Tabor 1569. WOULD like one or two school children to care for in modern home. SelL 3534. BOARD and rooms for 6 week; pood eats. 734 or 7 students at $7 Hawthorne ave. CHILDREN will receive good care in home of Uiotherlv woman. Auto 630-25. LITTLE school giri, 997 Hawthorne. $20 month; good home. FOR RENT Two nice furnished airy house keeping suites, two and throe rooms each; hot and cold water, fumaco heat, phone, etc, $30 rw rmonth. 260 Chapman st. TWO FRONT rooms and baii in 5-room cot tage; clean and quiet, home-like place. Ten minutes' walk to. 6th and Washington st. No children. Rent reasonable. 171 17th sL TWO front rooms furnished for housekeeping. with free bath and light, in good brick building ri?ht on cariine, to adulu only, for $18 per month. 595 Williams sve. HOUSEKEEPING room for rent, everythin; fumiihed, free phcne. Call between 1 and 6, Sunday p. m. 1004 Commercial st. Phone Woodlawn 5724. TWO room housekeeping apt., in modern borne. beautiful location. Nicely iurnisued; heat, light, gas. phone included in rent. No children, 827. Sell. 1068. BOARD and rotn for students; reasonable. 329 W. Broadway. , CHILDREN will receive eood care in private home of motherly woman. Atit. 630-25. TaTHING AND SHINGLING COOPER. EAST 7741. BRICK work, fireplace and chimneys a specialty; e-t mates given. East 8492. KAI.SOMINING CLEANED. PAINTINv, AUTO. 628-40. PAPER SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 YOUNii I.ADY. IMgian. speaks French. Eng lish, wishes position in private family to assist in housework and teach French to children, from 6-S hours daily. W-196. Journal. WANTED, plain sewing, mending and the care of a girl from 6 to 10 year ul age. I'none Sell. 1925. LADY would keep house for or board man with on or two children. Room 12, 544 Petty grove st, CARE of one child, age 2 to 5 years, by week or month. Have a daughter 3 year of age. Tabor 7007. TaTttL fir"houaework. Good home, wage $23. r at 657 8. fUTl-'l El women ejiar wanted for high eHawi article; salary. W 17. Journal, ClRL to d few hoar light housework in ex Shane for music lessons. Mam 301 8. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 205 TYPISTS WANTED to typewrite stories and photoplays for authors; $25 $100 weekly, aparw time. Send sump for particulars. U. J. C.ARNES. Muscadine. Ala. WANTF.Lv F.ipereocei bookkeeper snd type writer; produce line; dictation at off ire. work 4nrie at heme. Reference. Must be able to file Income tax report. F 934. Journal. WANTED A place by a 13-year-old who goes to school; an old couple preferred, where there ar no children. Z-742. JoumaL HOTEL OHIQ. 266 Front, cor. Madison Rooms 50c up. $3 week up: hk. rooms: hot and cold water; steam heat; elevator service; other mod em conveniences. NEAT, clean, well-furnished sleeping room: bath. phone and furnace beat tree; walking distance: $3 week. 344 College. DESERVING lady, alone. Room and board ttO, nr $3S for two. 304 E. l't N. F.t 1SR0. PLEASANT room and board for 2 gentlemen or couple employed ; home privileges. Aut-328-12. WILL give mother's care to siaa.l children in my home. 726 Everett. Aut. 529-02. PARTY, employed wishing room with board in Kenton district, call Woodlawn 299G. DESIRABLE heated room, running hot water. home privileges, for single person, reasonable; Nob Hill district. 696 Flanders. Main 41SS. LARGE, pleasant front room, suitable for two, heat, bath, free phone. 674 Johnson, cor. N. 21st. Nob HilL DM car. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED TWO partly fumiihed nousekeeping rooms, sleep ing porch, bath, garage; light, water, tele phone furnished. Call Wdln. 1399. d Ulir clean from rooms and alcove, e.ectric lights, water and gas; close in; furnished or unfurnished; home privileges. Sell. 46. 3-ROoM Rose City Psrk Tabor 3071. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 The American Apts. . 4 and 5-room modern apartments. Twenty first and Johnson. Broadway 8360. King Albert Apartments Two and 3 rooms, rtrictly modern, tile baths, elevator. 11th at Montgomery. Main 359. EUY attractive apartment, 4 rooms, fine view desirable neighborhood. $32.50 with heat, water, gas range. 961 Front, corner Lowell ave. Marshall 397 8. UNFURNISHED 5-rocm apt. flat, steam heat. hot and cold water, aleepmg porch. 782 Mar shall st. HAZLETT APTS furnished; adult Mar. 3273. -3 large outside rooms, un only: $35. 368 13:h si 6 ROOM house and 3 lots on paved street, clone in, House Is in fin condition: -a per mo. So k-tenange mag., -a ana ousr! FOR RENT Modern 9 -room house, eieepioi porch, garage, lot 100x100, lrnng-.on, i, Woodlawn 290. MODERN 6-room house for rent on car Lne. 20 minutes to town. Tabor 7 64 4. FOR RENT 7 room house, fruit tree. 83x100 modern in Alberta, close in, $30 a month. K 720. Journal. MnriFft! fi-ronm house, close in on east aide, garage. $45. Mr. Hunter with John Fergu son, Gerlinger bldg. 9-KOOM house, semi-modern, close in east side. subletting allowed. $45 monthly; reference required. 403 Railway Exchange. $2.i 6-ROOM house aad Phone Marshall 4078. garage. Woodlawn. FOR It F.N T 6-room house. $20 per month. Broadway 6834. 403 Railway Exchange. 7 -ROOM house, sleeping porch, good neighbor hood. 805 Front, near Oipbs. war. noi 00x100 NORTHEAST corner 14th and Taylor. M 'de Et 2195. -.' .- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 463 4' 6-ROOsf houses, one rnodem, $18-$30; Ore gon Electric. Mr-hall 1874. $17.50 5-ROOM house, 3,S2 Division Inman-Poulsen s milL Tabor 523. opp. FOR RENT At St. Johns. St. Johns hotel. 205 W. Burlington. Key 203. next door. Phone East 4138. FOUR rooms, one block school and MV car, $13. Searle. 1928 E. Glisan. IRVINGTON duplex, choice. 8 rooms, furnace. fireplace, etc. East 8015. KEW 5-room bungalow, ramge, for lea&aaaa year; close in. East 1333 y . FOR RENT 5-room house; bath, gas, elec tric light. 14 5 E. Flanders. $25 month. SUITE of 3 rooms, furnished for housekeeping. Thone East 623 from 9 to 5, or East 4101 moraines or evenings, 598 Williams ave. SLN'GLE sleeping or light hotiaekeepinj room, separate bedroom, and garage. 321 E. Sth st. N. East 2619. 304 THREE nice, cUan housekeeping rooms in base ment; running water, electric light- One sin Ele housekeeping room, furnished, electric light, use of phone and bath. 268 Montgomery. TWO front rooms furnished for housekeeping, with free bath and l.ghr, in good brick building NEWHALL HOTEL. 402 East Washington St., "cht on cariine. to aaults oiuy, mr io ii cor. Grand ave.; modern sleeping rooms, steam j numth. 59o H Williams ave. htnt, hot tnd cold water in rooms. I o-RoOM II K. apt-, sink, IL and C. water, laundry tray, basement space; smtaDle lor 2 adulta -employed dais- 306 12th St. Main THE 8T. PAliu. 130 4th. cor. Alder. A RE SPECTABLE o own town hoteL Rat.es 75e ud. Private bath 2. Specnal lates by week or month, j 1 52o. LARGE front room with kitchenette, well fur nished, suitabie for 3 girls, ciose in, wast sale. 691 Hoyt. , Main 7925. WELL furnished 3-room H. K. apt., modem con veniences; adults: Vj blk. to Alberta car. 1067 E. 19th st- N. . 3 LARGE,' furnished housekeeping rooms and kitchen, rent $15 month, 703 Hood st. West side. CLOSE-IN west side. 129 H 12th st., between Aider and Washington. 2 nice rooms, furnished for light housekeeping. Inquire 129 12th at. PLEASANT room, furnished, for sleeping or housekeeping, near bath, lor one jenUemkn. 451 10th st S. Price right SINGLE housekeeping room, private home, i eluding light, cas, telephone, $10; 44 N. 23d st. Marshall 451. FLATS FURNISHED 309 3-ROOM furnished flat. $2 and garbage; adults only. East 3595. including water 567 Williams ave. FURNI.SIIKD upper flat, modern, living room, dining room, kitchen, large aleeping porch. 760 E. Main. Hawthorne car. FLAT, furnished. 4 rooms, $17 per month: 2 H. K. rooms, furnished, $8 per month. 682 K, Taylor. $40 A CIJEAN 4 room lower flat, light and water included. Adults. Walking distance. 727 E. Stark. East 3310. 4-ROOM furnished lower flit, coiy and clean. private bath, water, garbage paid. 473 Fail ing: 2 adults. Woodlawn 4739. WELL furni.-hed lower flat, 759 Williams ave. Woodlawn 24 KO. 6 ROOM upper flat for rent and furniture for sale cheap. 143 11th st. NICELY famished front room, suitable for 90 N. 16th st. LOVELY steam heated room, sleeping porch and bath; gentlemen. 57 Lucre Ua st. Main 402 or Main 6009. 2 ROOMS, suitable tor couple. light, heat, bath and phone. Close in on Rose City car line. Phone Eat 1767. OUT-OF-TOWN GIRL, .xperience G. IL W. and plain cooking, $40; wet side preferred; Small family. ZX-730. Journal. PLACE for girl to work snd go to school; Ports mouth or Peninsula district preferred. Phone Broadway 1465. room 402. before 11:45 a. ni. LIGHT housework tod rare of suiill children, pmferably where mother is employed. Phone Woodlawn 885. SLEEPING room for 2 working girls, $15 per month. Marshall 1213. LARGE room, some furniture, $1.25 per week. 169 H Front st ROOMS in private family, rent reasonable. Ad dress 509 Koss st. ptione East xot,'j. SUINGI F.RS When jou want shingling done call Woodlawn 5208. morning or evening. EXPERIENCED woman wauts housework with out cooking, in family of mean. Auto. 319-55. EXPERIENCED office girl want work. Auto. 313-82, Call A FEW men and women at ability to join auc viaful sel'.ltn nrganikition; permanent posi tion: good muney for walkers. 212 15 Fleidnrr bldg. It road way 425. fcOLTftTOft" wantxi for a household . article j UMd In every family. FxperU-nre n.H essential i .. . 1. 1 , . n o i i SKALE8MKN or w.men to demonstrate, house to bone: cholo territory. Ricliard Brush Co. E-741. Journal. WANT work by dav or hr. Mrs. Muchow, 122 H Knott Mar. 292. LADY want light work; Z-727. JoumaL home more than wages. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT 206 Uil NSU contract wiUi purchasing ul trucks, ataod rim Invmagat-lou. Sm-sll payment down, flapinew e-v term. See Mr. kilhon, 0 Burveiiile. wet aide. TYPIST wishes cojy work to do at home. 7i Erjth t N.. Wnodlswn 1772. DKrTSSMAKING. plain sewing and knitting. $2 per day. i aoor -n. EXPERIENCED woman want work by hour or day. Phone East 9298. YOUNG woman wuhea work by the hour. Phoue Tabor S240. COOKING m private family by thoroughly com petent woman. 1-3, Journal, COMPETENT day wotk strong woman need any Main 1825. mom 25. kind WANTED Ten asen. having 1 0O 4vch. with thwlr time to invst ; ln,ht work, good y. A-Hi W-lt. J nrnl. WOMAN taal and real estate stenographer; in ewtment required, .o-'l 3. J snmal. STTUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 CARPENTER wsnuT wort slteraUotis. rypair work: aarasT built; hue raied. (Vvl 1015. PAINTING. pitnn. tinting. vnoi-l work a spe cialty. Work gurantee4i. Ant. 631-02. liAKlAHMiK l.our. bj da) or coutrx't. Refet etca.l 496 R.vlne e W .ilawn 663 PAINTING, kalssxnlaing dun . at reawna bl price. Mar. 14 5. iulNGLSIt Any kind uf ntegling ddax by A-l aer hanie. Phone East 1:01. ibPr.NTalK tal mntran.r. . tn ta nniM'r-g Phon KbMng. anything Fjst tis.in. W"ANTE1 Chamberwock ling Main 4 692. or apartment cean I.rY winhe day woru. Aut. 645-56. TYPIST want circular letter work, rapid, ac- rurste. very reasonable. S-7t8. Journal. LA I Y L-htai war by hour or day. 40a hour. Wood'awn SS02. ANY kind of day work. Phone Main 4903. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 255 11 Y MAN and wife, experienced in hotel and apt house, as manager or janitor, experienced an oil burner, doing all repairing and painting. P "5. Journal. MAN and wife want position on ranch 5 years references; or will consider place on share. Room 22. I.lnd hotel, or address 11 i8. Journal. iO.MkkIR pu urine bj wueniBe; general c w"t w.yl r l Hell i.Q. after p, a PLl liftlM, d'a imj reasnnab by lb-hour ar by the b Ant, 21-V31 HMNT work: v BU s"r. ; antaed. Phone HK-rs T p. FXlS'TIMG Paprniiuig 617 43 gxd work guar u Tabor 6781 and tinti. j. Auux $Ws.lt3 and OMoisxiJ buiit by contract Et T884. H-Ms! fr kor 1. where h can w,rk and goto sr Ikw. pre 'ef fa ra. 958 E. S6th N. W. 6680. CEMENT WO UK Satisfaction guaranteed. Wonduwit 8241 tXAMINU. (railing and exravsting. CaU East 431. 174 F, tb. near Uatlnw. FLA8TFR1NO and chimney work. 108 E, 4th at Thr 56. DRESSMAKING 256 $12 MONTH 4 rooms furnished (no bed clothes or dishes I, wood and g stoves. 620 Rroadway drive; beautiful view. Inquire 326 Fourth st. Marshall 3672. CHEAPEST ROOMS IN TOWN I.icht housekeeping and sleeping, clean and homelike, walking distance, $2.50 week and up. 93 H Union ave. 1 block south of Hawthorne. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 300-A PRIVATE room. 9x12 H , closet bath, gas and electric, $6 month. luSo1 Division, apart ment C. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 COZY, weil furnished room, light and sunny, well heated, 3 minutes wall: to iieier & Franks; also well furatihed basement room. 215 West Park. LARGE front room on street floor. $18; 3-room suite, $2 5; hall room. $12; cheerfully fur nished : within 4 minutes' walk business center. 306 Fourth, st FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single or double; gas; walking distance; free hghta. bath and phone. Eeasonable Tent. 049 s Morrison st ONE 2 room apt, $22 per month including bath, phone and lights: 1 housekeeping room with kitchenette, $16 per month. 295 17th st- Phone Main 7853. $20 UPSTAIRS Furnished, private entrance ; wutar, light and garbage. 1094 Et Harri son. THREE clean, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, to couple employ; everything furn ished. Wjlln;C607. NEAT sing'.u housekeeping rooms, $S and $10 per month. 206 13th st NICELY furnished suite, 2 or 3 rooms, house keeping rooms, at 409 N. 19th st, cor. Up shur; rates by the month, $3 and up; free tele phone, bath and pool table. Broadway 1546. NICELY furnished 2 front rooms, light house keeping, fcr couple; reasonable. 707 Flanders. CLEAN 3-room in privaie home; free phone, light water, bath; $20. Tabor 2649. 2 CLEAN, light IL K. bath. 303 Vi 3d st. rooms, electric light. FOR KENT 1 lurtusued housekeeping room. 254 4 Market ., cor. Third. TWO light housekeeping rooms for one or two quiet working people. i 3 Jv i th St. $13 SINGLE housekeeping room, tance west side. 375 14th st walking dis- TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, RUNNING WATER, ELECTRIC- LIGHTS, $20. MAIN 52S3. 310 12th st W 1DOW will rent comfortable room to middle- aaod Bentlemaol preferred. Heat bath and phone. Board if desired. Home privileges. W dln. 4601. LARGE front bedroom with closet, heat, bath. phone. $3 per week ; 1 block Mississippi car. 12 minutes to business center; near Jefferson high. Woodlawn 4375. NEWLY furnished, beautiful upstairs front room. for gentlemen only ; modern conveniences, select neighborhood. 3S7 44 12:h, near Montgomery. riK.ne Mar. 1790. TWO rooms for 1 or 2 people, only $15 month ly; new. quiet place, walking distance: hot water always for hatha and laundry. 655 Flanders. TWO housekeeping rooms, free light water and heat, $18. 354 S raanerjto st. Ph e E. 79S1. FREE RENT 5 weeks tor price of 4 ; 2 Urge furnished housekeeping rooms, $2.50 to $4.50. Alia Vista, 16th and PettygroTe. LARGE, lovely room, steam heat; select neigh borhood ; hou'ekeepmg priTiletre: ladieg only. 401H 12tb, Main 4015. NICELY furnished sleeping room, bath adjoin ing. 14 per aaonui; gentlemen preferred. Main 7466. VERY nicely fur. room with or without sleep ing porch: use of piano and library; ladies or gents. 381 12th. cor. Wash. Main 4S6. WELL furnished front rocm. private famdy. 292 16th ft between Jefferson and Colum bia. Phone Main 655; rent $15 month. NICE large room, suitable for 1 or 2. Also single room; heat plenty of hot water, phone, electricity and gas. 268 12th sL I HAVE one niceiy furnished room in my home. Nob Hill, walking distance, very reasonable rent 84 N. 21st cor. Everett ON E large sinfiie housekeeping room, everything furnLOied; 2 large rooms, nicely furnished. fir-t floor. 33 N. 17th. $21 3 ROOMS furtuahed, 634. Sandy blvd. near E. lbth. Inquire 54 E. 16th N. Phone East 6S9i. NICE clean housekeeping room, twin beds; furn ace heat Suitable for two girls or two men employed. Close in. 321 6th. HOUSEKEEPING room, with kitchenette, heat light and phone furnished; $4.50 to $6.25 per week, oao Jetterson st. Main ssi. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; 1 room and kitchenette; 1 3-room; running water. 214 13th st ONE and 2-room housekeeping suite. $2.50 to $5 per week; white people only, children wlecome. Eastern Hotel. 211 H First st FOR RENT rea.'-orblo, two 2-room suitM, fur nished. Pacific and 2 2d. Eaf. 9232. THREE rooms for housekeeping, nicely funlied, up stairs; adults. 357 E. 43d S. 1 LARGE front room, IL K., Williams ave. $3 week. OOj TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 3C9 23d N. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 FOR RENT Furnished1 modern apt. in Pied mont No children. Wdln. 130U or Main 699. NICELY furnished apartment at 710 Lovejoy. FOR RENT. 5-room lower furnished flat upper Albiua. Call evenings, E. 4608. 3-R00M, front furnished flat, private bath, gar age, close-in. 689 E. Alder st East 7820. $25 MO.. 4 rooms, modern garage, wash ro-m. business room, 913 wuuams ave. -ROOM fist furnished, easy walking distance. a 369 E. 11th. 5-RuOM furnished Woodlawn 6223. flat for rent downstairs. FURNISHED three room fiat 263 Fifth st FIVE room house. Clifton st modern, $30. Inquire. 880 FOR RENT. even room house, good condition. fine view ; inquire 817 uumetis piva. 6-ROOM modem, best location and car service. 1069 E. 7th N. Wdln. 4649. AQUita. WE move furniture of --5 room honse-for $10. For further information Main -') S-KIKJM modern house in iiedont Woodlawn 56S4. $50 MOVING $2 per hour, large ran, 2V--on truck Wdln. 803. FIVE room house. 1103 first st, $18. eluding water. Inquire 1 10a First at. MODERN 3-room bungalow, rent reasonable. Inquire Charle Rchoen, Oswego. ir. 11-ROOM house, clean, will $45. Broadway 7326 lease ; west side ; 6-ROOM house, 026 E. Couch at Kant 3212. Phone HOUSE for rent a Peninsula, $18. Woodlawn 5021. Phone HENDFRSON-BANKrS CO.. ... HENRY BLDG. . WE HANDLE VACANT LOTS ONLY ROSE CITT PARK -1?" 350 E. 71st St.. facing east, 12S ft BOT . of Failing St- - $ 425 E. 68th st, facing east. 10$ ft bo rut - r f Beech at- " $ BOO E. 49th st, faring east 200 ft Boat. of Siskiyou it . , 500 E. 49th at., facing east 50 ft, aoub . of Klickitat t 600 Klickitat st. and E. 49th t. aott - west corner. ' - 700 E. 46th t. facing weat, 100 ft Boetji : of Klickitat t 700 E. 4 7th at. faang east, 100 rV.Mttk . of Halaey t 750 E. 4th st, faring wast. 100 ft Booth of Siskiyou . -!.'. $ 750 F, 52d st,. facing east 60 ft Bor . of Halsey st . - $ 800 E. lt at., facing west 150 ft Bortll of KlirkiUt at $ 800 E. 47th st.. firing east, 50 ft -Btiai of Stanton st - . $ 800 E. 48th at., facing west, 150 ft oath of Siskiyou st. " $ 800 E. 48tb St.. facing east, 200 ft oa ' of Siskiyou at : - $ 850 E. 4 8th st, facing east 50 ft .aotUa. of Stanton st ' $1000 E. 88th st. facing west. 150 It, ftr of Thompson t . . $1000 E. 39th at., facing cut 150 ft aorta. " of Thompson st. $1050 Stanton st and FL 48th at. Boefh east corner; all improvement im Bat . both (idea. - ALAMEDA PARK ; 0-Uer-n at and E 83d. B thwv oar.' 900 25th st near Ret it drive. $1000 DonkJey ave. near 2 Sth at. . - , . IiArRELHrRST $ $23-I-anrelhurt ave. facing south. 10 ft. - west of 43d st iC $ S50 Laurelharst ave.. faring srsuth, 14V C. west of 4Sd st sTI $1150 Hazeifern Place, facing weat, JOt.'Tj. aonth of Buena Viata av. $1200 E. R3d at.. faeg weat 200 ft saM of Holladay are. i S $1300 Laddington Court near 41st ; at. 50x140. . r. GROVELAND PARK $ 850 E. A2d at near Sherman Pt, fadqc weat i $1000 E. 53d ct near Sherman at, faefaa; --we" HAWTHORNE S: $ 850 F Harrison -. facing ovi, liatjli 37th and SSth st. OOI)XIAL HElOnTS Jv S1250 C. 24th st. faang west, 100 ft goefh of Stephen st. " 7-ROOM house. 306 E. Broadway, walking dis- tance, $55. t Adults preferred. 7 ROOMS. $35. Phone East 5407. Monday. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 FOR SALE Furnishings of lovely 8 room strictly modern house; splendid location for roomers or boarders; west side; rent $40. Must sell tt once. Any reasonable offer will be ac cepted: term if desired. For appointment FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 FUR RENT New. modern G room uurnlshed flat first floor, good location. 2 blocks from car, .in Sell wood. Tallmadge Realty Co., 619 Uenry bldg. Phone Bdwy. 675. FURNITURE of 3 room house for sale, includ ing 100 thoroughbred W. I- puuets. i.a cash. House with 4. acre ground for rent iu per month. Call Hit i-ancasier Kenton car, rH off tt Denver ve., 4 blk. south. 193 NORTH Sixteenth street, five room modern flat furnace, fireplace, rent $35. Include water. Donald Woodward. Agent 104 Second st Broadway 7436. MODERN five-room Cat. two bedrooms, fur nace and fireplace: east side: for rent to party buying fur aire. i t w ouo or Proedway 4252. 3-ROOM flat, water and heat furnished: on good cariine between 52d and 54th st. , near Anabel station. An to ma tic 628-38. 5 LARGE rooms, lower flat garage, close in. 461 E. 11th t N. Call CoL 1262 or Spliwood 3505. 4 ROOM, strictiv modern, private bath, built-in cor.venienctM, east aide, on cariine, $30, Phone Tabcr 74 5 8. FURNITURE for sale, house for rent; 355 Oraham ave.. near tnion. 4-ROOil flat i'J bath, gas, electricity, laundry trays, sleeping porch, range connecttsl; on car lir.e; adults only. Auto. 623-61. PORTLAND nKlCHTS 3 room and bath, private porch with unobstructed view; gas heating system. Phone Marshall 278. TWO rooms and kitchenette, bath, heat phone and light; walking distance. Phone East 6341 or Ea-t 4549. BANNElx APTS. 2-room furnished apts. now vacant, ail outtide rooms, reasonable rent. 489 Clay. Mar. 2074. ONE 2-room apt., nice and clean, very littht; walking distance. Your children more than welcome. Main 3528. 272 Montgomery. 3 KooM u:iiunhed apartment aieam heat pri vate bath and phone; also 1 3-room furnished. 494 Market St., near 14th. WELL FURNISHED 2-room H K. suite, run ning water, heat light and phone; reasonable rate. Mam 8533. 52 N. 23d st LARGE, pleasant steam-beated room, suitable for 2 men; walking distance. 630 Flanders, apt 34. Main 89S8. JULE'S Wfll make your frock, gowna and wrap foe all occasion and also do re modeling at reaaaa able r.rir. 431 Artisan Pktg. rnone nvwy. boob. Broadway and Oak St. WE WELCOME inquiries for making and re molding g owns in latest and advanced styles; engagement in home; term reasonable. Phona ail week. Tabor 3U2. LADUiS lined ONE large room, suitable tor one or two, with private family. Public phone. 669 E. 35th f S Sellwood 2850. S PLEASANT, newly furnished rooms in wid- walking distance. ow s home; puino: ciose 395 Sth. cor. Harrison. 1 FURNISHED room, private family. Broadway. 408 S. GAKA;E funiiahed for housekeeping. $12 month. Inquire 1483 Cleveland ate,. 8-4:30; evenings, 721 Oswego st. TWO good huekeepins rooms aud one single housekeeping rooxo, close in, stove heat elec tric light; $3 and up. 167 16th st TWO fumiihed housekeeping rooms, $15 month; water, light and phone free. 393 Grand avenue south. Phone East 944. TWO front furnished housekeeping rooms, elec tric lights, water furnished; close to store; walking distance. 54 5 H First near 111 1. FRONT 3 room apu : heat.-- hot water, light and phone furnished. Very reasonable. 06 N. 21st Phone Bdwy. 4603. HAWTHORNE APTS. 2-room apts., steam heat Rent $2 1792. 566 1st St. Mar. NICE 2-room apt witn pnvare bath, 2 beds; will take care of same for 2 or 3 men. Main 4366. 605 Da via. 3-ROOM nicely furnished apt., private bath, garbage and water taken care of, $26. Call 630 Milwaukie. FOR RENT 5-room upper Gat, 546 H Kerby. between Russell and Knott. Phone East 4138. DESIRABLE newly cleaned uPTer and lower 5 no. Gat. furnace, fireplace. 300 Graham arc. FOR-REN T 5 room lower Hat 644, BorUi wirk st. Adulta only. LARGE, five rooxu flat furnace, garaca, $40. at 1 798 East Mcrruon. FOR RENT 6-rootn flat 2S6 E. 434 at. near Hawthorne. Inquire upstairs. MODERN, large 5-room Oat, 228 Alberta, near Jeflerson high scboot HOUSES FURNISHED 3 1 2 2 BUNGALOWS FOR RENT Piedmont 6 room $57.00 Walnut Park. 9 room 65.00 Both modem and in perfect condition. NF.ILAN PARKH'.LL. 219 Lumbermen Bldg. FOR 3 mo., attractive and richly furnished apt., rent $125 per mo.; best of references re quired. Call Main 7102 or Main 4091. GOOD housekeeping room in basement for bachelor; bring blankets; $8 per month. Very close in. 262 12th st. wa 281 . TAILORING Alterations, coat re Mrs. Muckier, 445 Morrison. Broad- bIIINGI-K WHEN YOU WANT 8 LUNG LING !:. 1'AIJ, mac ioo. lXfilKl6FrIC"K MANTlilling clerk, order elerk. general of'W man U-127. Journal. fill VGLLU Guaranteed work, reasonable. Sell. .' -850. fV S TKR Csa do good work: by dsv or - .tract: $4 p 8 hsmra. Tabor T4a. SmNn.ViTfTvaky roofiTl patid, (vttert r palnd. ehlmney t-f bed. Mar. 1072. " GiiPOOl dog ard Boaiaectod eaar aa awywhore la th evty. Aat 632-) 1. Soft icetio U (aaarai tBi$. Phooa Cb MOTHERS Spring apparel for you and the children. Prices reasonable. Hand work a spe cialty. East 3128. Mrs. Martin. kEMSTTTCHING whit. 6c per yard straight until Feb. 16. Button Plaiting Shop, 50t Royal bldg. to order r. 810 ktataa 14. LADIES Tour are spring hat aaad this as -with only $2.89, Roa Miilii MUwnk st and linen oemmed. dainty Ua- EMBROIDEKY eerte. la vertex a sperialty. A. 648-14. Ev LVL ts awa, an id to order une-nieca drse from $8 an. 193 ISth, HEMSmCHTNG 7e. cotton Shrp. TIT Broadway bldg. SEWING by day or boor. Hoyt, r cell Mar. 354. or Ik. Ideal 745 fBT L yet tea and chiidree s sowing at reasaa- Wooawa $, , TWO lower front children welcome. rooms, lt7 light housekeeping. North 15th. PLEASANT front room, reasonable; Broadway bridge. 3!2 Ross st block NICK newly furnished room, fumaco heat, $12 up; home privileges. 712 Flanders st WARM, pleasant room lor young lady. 4S6 Tillamook. East 6502. PLEASANT front rooms, $2.50 pr. wk.; wal- ing distance, 432 4th st. ROOM and breakfast for bus ines girt Side. Marsha!! 2735. West CLEAN single H. K. room; also 2 and 3 -room ap, near U. P. yards; low rates; quiet house. 152 Russell st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, heat, light and telephone: walking distance, Children welcome. 179 Stout NICELY furnished two-room apartment every thing furnished; near four car lines. 340 Hassalo st FIRST floor apartment 4 room, pantry, com bination range, basement grate, cariine, $35. 586 First St., near Grant Main 3976. 2-ROOM apartment furnished; ga beater and domestic ; Woodlawn car. Phone Wood lawn 1150. 651 Detain ave, ONE or 2-room apartment with large kitchenette. also neat housekeeping room; private family. 121 N. 23d st LIGHT housekeeping room for rent; fins loca tion in Park tt; reasonable. Call Main 1498, 326 Park st LOVELY if ront room for 1 or 2. with or with out use of kitchen. 381 5th. DESIRABLE furnished room, walking distance. 541 6th. Phone Marshall 8482. ROOM AND BOARD 302 MARTHA WASHINGTON Room and board tor girts; anoderata rates. 3 SO 10th at. Mar shall 1251. ATTRACTIVE room and board, ia a lovely horn. lor 1 or 2. .- a 19 SSth $.! 2 NICE, clean, furnished, housekeeping rooms; furnace heat; dose in. 75 Park. cor. Oak. FOR RENT 2 housekeeping rooms in my private home, 810 per month. 268 20th st. NICE clean two front h. k. rooms in private residence; walking distance. 660 Belmont CLEAN house-keeping rooms, furnished, do s in. Cheap rent Mar. 3836. 1 LARGE room and kitchenette, running water. eans beat Oliver apt 494 Morrison. THREE room furnished modern apt., large out Tide rooms, hot water heat; walking- distance. 575 E. Stark, cor, of 14th. Phone East 8636. 4 ROOMS, bath, phone, heat on cariine. dean. well furnished, quiet and very desirable, adulta only. $35. Wdl 3996. 5 ROOMS, light and water , $25. 4628 67 st 8. 1 block irom hern park. FOUR nice light rooms, close in. reasonable; adults only. 660 Union ave. N. ROSE APT.. 3 rooms, furnished. A-l condition. FOR RENT, 6 rooms, furnished, at 1138 Bel mont, near 39th st. Open 11 L m. U4 K a After Sunday phone Tabor 7850 or call at 92 E. Salmon. Also. 6-room house, i am ana u urn- side. $25. WANTED to rent 3 to 5-room furnished Cat or house: modern, near school; by responsible party ; references. Y-l. JournaL S-ROOM bungalow, newly painted, strictly mod ern, 2 baths, well furnished, lo-minut rale $50. Call alter 10:30, Marshall 3342. NICELY furnished cottage with garage at 294 Crosby st, 3 blocks east end of Broadway bridge. East 7816. Adults only. FOR RENT Horse, partly furnished: acre ground, fruit and berries. See place Sunday Call Anto. 640-65 evenings. FOR REN reasonable; Beech st -room 2 to house, partly furnished. p. m, .Sunday. 148 4, Journal. SEE CS FOB LOTS 'HENDERSON BANKUS CO. HENRY HUKJ. BROADWAY 4 754. FOR SALJv Furniture of 5 rooms, place for rent $16 month: 3 lots with sll taxis fruit: 2 blocks of Hawthorne car. A tnap. 2S19 Sth st. S. E. HOUSE for rent snd furniture for sale. 2 good wheelbarrows with grubat aud other tools; also 24 I-eghoro hen snd cockerel. 8.13 Upshur. 141 FLAT for rent and furniture Lr a e. 11th t 5 ROOM house for rent $25.00 per month. Some furniture for sale. 823 Minnesota. GOOD looking substantial furniture of 6 rm. house; house rent $35. $580. East 8069. FCRNITUBE of 5 room Oat rent $30. 421 6th st 5-ROOM fiat for rent $20 per anonth: furni ture Tor sale. D2& Mill av. an uiLajr. HOUSE to let 5 ruom, furmtnre for ; rent $25. Apply 9 to 5, 330 E. Ninth t STORES AND HALLS 314 FINE corner store and basement also upstairs shorn, in new modern building. Park and Yamhill, oprtosite Anto Stage depot Donald uacleod 34 jnmner or commerce. MISCELLANEOUS BARGAINS - - $ 300 E. 22d. fac. W.. 835 ft N. of Hmf worth, sewer paid. 850 Killing-. rorth. fee. R.. 44 ft E. Ti. , ( 850 ITescutt. lac. N . 50 ft. W. of lrv. '. $1250 Terry St.. fac. N-o. 274. ft AikJ. 25x100. - $ 150 Maryland are., fac. W., 166 2-J ft If . of Saratoga, 33Hlll0. ? 1 $ 800 Morgan sL. fac 8 . 15V ft E. of Mk. 25x100. i '-i $ 150 E. Bumaide. fac. N . 75 ft E. of IL. 23X1O0. : I 300 E. 80th. fac. E.. 250 ft N. Barasa. ev-r paid, $ 500s Shth. ave.. fac. 8., 200 ft E. ef 17 rt. 100x100. I $2250 Wonderful slew site adjoining Mt TWr Park, on E. Yamhill St.. 8nv0 au'ft $ 500 Fowler, fac. E . ltlO ft. N WinclMO. 100x112. i v; $ $00 Atlantic st. fac. Et. 250 a 8. JeatB. $ 500 WilUrd are., tc E.. 154 It 8. lBr4- Und blvd. 600 Franklin rt. fac. X, 210 f- E. SOtaL all impiosementa paid. $ 550 En ave., fae. N . 100 ft B. oMtill ri.. paved and paid. $1250 X. W. cor. E 18th aad BW. $1000 CfOxlfKI. B 15th st, fac W.. 100 ft. NT of Ainsworth. For yovtr covivenience yon may call today r in the evening Tabor 4139 or week days BroagV way 7567 - HITTER. IOWE CO. BEALTOBS 201 2-3 5 7 Board of Trade Bldg. n TWO ACHES ; t PAKKROSE ? $15 DOWN $15 PER MOXTH $1349 Rich l!t garden land, free from rock, all cleared. 200x420 feet on Wilson a. north of Parkn . C. J- HARTMAX CO. tL 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th and Stark Bt. VACANT store building for rent; living room in the back; 1200 ft of floor space tor $30 a month: will give lease. 597 Williams ave, FURNISHED parlor with piano, suitable for music studio; light down town; no sleeping room. Mam S781. LARGE spec for rent reasonable, suitable for painter or ngn writer. Be . . aieiuw. 4 92 Couch st FOR desirable apace u phone Broadway 871 B. iireproof warehouse SOME BARGAINS 100x105 eorner. E. Davis Price $650. -60x100. near Franklin hiatb. Fro it fluanM. eversthing In and paid. Price $700. . J 50x100. The Alameda aad zstn. a.vv thing in. Prica $1250. 50x100. Knott near E. 26th. EverTUiing . Price $1250. C HENRY W. GODDARD. ti.Ttat. 24 3 Ptartt st Bdwy. "Ti. STORE for rent Suitable for barber or pool room. 1523 E. Gh-an st. TOP floor. 60x100; good light good elevator, $85. D. C. Wax. 24 X. 5th. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 TO LET Office space to public accoantant or public stenographer or similar occupant not in real estate bnsinesa, at reasonable rental. Room 1029 Chamber of Commerce bldg. DESK BOOM for rent Specialty man or broker preferred. Lights, phone and Janitor service inclnded. Prestograpb Co.. Inc. 7 1st Bdwy. 5097. ONE of Ladd addition's fin borne; 8 rooms and garage, nicely furnished; piano; easy walking distance: lease for a year; $90. East 5580. THREE rooms, partly furrhed, light and fad included: fruit and garden. 846 Bowdoia at 414 Second st, corner of HaJLL TWO front housekeeping rooms, furnished, furn ace heat 293 H Weidler. East 8331. LARGS on aside 2 apart Trent. 86. room apartment $5; 3 room Close in. Phone East 765. APT. White Temoia district; free phone, heat, licht. water; $35. Mam S465. 70 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, light and clean, 384 Park street. HOUSEKEEPING; gCTTB FOR RENT. H8 COMMERCIAL.. HON EAST 264$. FURNISHED apta. and aleepg rooms. Bixu st. SICE, CLEAN, 3 ma, gaitabia for 4 adult. Free phone, light, water; 325. Tabor 2649. UNION AVE. ana -5i aa mmglnte; 5 ROOM modern fornished bouse, rent $50; reference; adult. Ill K. 71st X. MT car. 7-ROOM ail modern house, furnish d; chicken boose to keep 100 chickens. Call Tabor 5423. MODERN 5 rooms, sleeping porch, in Piedmont. near Jefferson high. Wdln. 4713, 5 ROOMS, partly furnished. $15. , CaU 396 Front eor. liamsoa. Main 3o73. 6-ROOM, modem, rumple tely fornished house in Irrmeton. Call Woodlawn 5684. 4-ROOM boose, plainly Inrrhod. Call at 145 E. 34 st BonnyadB ear. 7-ROOM. piav garaga. fin dktrict, $65; 4614 E. 41-st Woodstock ear. FURNISHED houaa c jzat. rtaom 629-89. DESK ROOM, with telepnone and atenoaph service- Phone Bdwy. 3713. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS 350 TRAVELING man wants furnished room, down town, suitable for office. Address, Boom 344 tyrecoa notet. ROOMS AND BOARD - 352 OUNG MAN want comfortable room, break- fast. garage; east le. es. or JUawthoroa ear. Z-709. JoornaL WOULD like to place strong boy of 15 with good peopas in country. mo iasvippt ave. HOUSES 361 WOULD like to rest small furnished boa or lower Cat; 3 is. family; must b reasonable. 0-22. JournaL WANTED TO KENT. 2 or 8 roovned beans with 1 or 2 aeras, atabk fear eu; aear Port- Bdwy. 6034. Til rtisc ul'T AV ESTATE $275 2 lot, cement walk, near Portaou$h ave. ana car line. -. $450 2 lot. E. 17th. near uerum. Mat assessment to aatume. . - - $4 50 3 lota. Irviagton Park, near worth aad 23d. 1 . Tatnr.s cm ny of the noa. F. W. TORGLF.R, 106 Sherlock bldg. sv 1RVIXGTOX PARK Two bargains: Eaet 22. facing west 835 ft of Aworth. awwer and paid; price $300 Aiao Dekam ,Bst sooth, 220 ft east of 27th at. ; only $250. Caa jaa beat them f a KITTfcR, LOWE at t-V i . Bean. j 201-2-3-5-7 rrd of Trade Bldg. BY OWNER Lot 89x120. 18th at.. Poplar St.. r theme or between 1 7th aad block froaa Haw- - rrne ave. Inquire 411 Ut Wtshingtoo, it. 145 Grand tve. NINE kt. over s acre. Rich koem aoslvhBB for sarden, fruit arxl cnickrna. vwta aat Sacramento. $675. Term. Stag kit $75 - ea-ri. Auto. 224-64. - ROSE CITY DISTRICT - J 60x100 lot, good location, do to ear. 40t Terms. See Royal. 72d and Sandy blvd. Tabet 155. hurst $2000. IBYTXGTOX PARK S. - eorner 28 aad Jarrett Sewer, rw sa paid. $450, Tstxar 8441. -.. SEE Scott Berry for Sunny aide and Iun7 Jot, ranging IB price irom I WW sv 1038 Belmont Tabor 8361.' 86181, GOOD soil, fruit; E. 42d t; $740. Anto. 631 50. Write C-125. JomrL J THREE fully improved lota, wv-al aide; Stbt anto a first rayment Aut 637-32. - 1T50 TAKES 60x100 oa 74tFi0O f U b of Broasiway. faeing. Tabor 644 1- . 2 LOTS. 47th at. betweia Btaatoa aad Sat ye. iarpruvemeDt paid. 1300 eacb. Iahr 42LL. la 1; got maat be tsvsonahia, V-12, Journal, . .4 . . '' U - " '- . "'. I ' . ' . f - '-