The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 01, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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    i ; Jmwm irfifflsD MtfM'Sil Li :
It's AH Hire arid If, All True
!' AM Here and 7rt All True
THE WEATHER Tonlgl.t and Thursday,
' LOVE OF THK BOIL ts an Inherent
trait in most everyone. Many keep posted
upon the latest development in Uw aci---eju-e
ot terming throaKti Oregos Country;
" L4fe, published each week, in The Journal.
". fair: continued cold , easterly winds.
winds, v .
Minimum temperatures Twiiday:
Portland ........tea Nw. Ontan
Beiu ...... .G New Yorlc .
: Loa Angeles 4U ' St. Paul -i
VOL.- XX. NO. "283.
' Catered t Bmid -Class Mattel
at Poctotfiec- Portland. Oreaoa
Cpu nty Commission Directs Clear
, -ing of 10Foot Strip .From Mist
Falls to Hood River . County
" , Line; Work Starts at Once.
., Belated action . toward clearing ,- the
Columbia river highway" of its two-'
months-old blockade of enow and ice
ao that, traffic : may be resumed., was
taken today by vote of - the .Multnomah
county cornrtlssionera.-. v .
Deputy Csunty Roadmaster Chapman
was 'directed OTproceed at once with
the clearing, a'lOfoot strip from Mist
Fails ts the Hood River county line, a
distance of . some 11 ; , miles. -. This win
be dona on force-account and by hand
labor recruited front the' American Legion.."'-It'
is hoped to,hve; h Job fia-
isnea mims se- a,aya. . .
The motion that led to the unanimous
adoption, of the program was made by,
County Cqinmisaioner Hotman, who eic
- plained that "nature had been given a
'long tnough tlmt tcdotts work but hd
v failed to da so. .
Commissioner Rudeen favored the per-
;'formancef the work by hand labor,
the theory that that -plan ta more satis
factory' than the steam shovel' or. flame
thrower methods, besides, riving employ'
msnl to many men who are out of work.
Transportation, and housing problems
affecting the men to. be employed were
left to. the roadmaster . for, solution.
Chapman announced- that be would em
.'ptar immediately 60' or 60 mien who live
in the neighborhood to do the first work
While! he is organising "for the mainJ
pangra who win be put on. The men-Uv-;iiig
nearby already are equipped, with
-. 'proper clothing -and have homes, so that
. the, ahefter problem would not interfere
with immediate work. .. ' ,
SA'jrT 5EED WORK . '
Chapman added that ha .would also
;cait upon the American Legion -for the
remainder of the men needed probably
between-150 and 200. - '.
. Illustrative of the need of .some ; job
of the magnitude of the highway clear.
In a program to absorb some of Port
land's unemplowed '-crowd -f wore
;ihan 2DQ .-ex-servioe .men packed .the
American legion's unemployment bead
iquarters at 170 .Fourth street this morn-
UodCluMl on Pace Two. Cohnaa Three 1
Waahinirtori, Feb. 1 (U. P.) Resolu
tions banning the Um of poison gas and
unrestricted submarine warfare, binding
upon the powen represented at Wash
ington to which : 'all civllUed nation
are Invited to subscribe, i Were Incor
porated in a separate treaty presented
at the plenary , session, of the arms coft--.ferenee-
today; j ; -; . -. ,
V, A merchant vessel,' according to the
i resolution on submarines, must be" or
dered to submit, to visit and search to
s determine its character "before it can be
- Selied ; It must not be attacked unless It
refuses to submit and it must not be
- destroyed ' unless crew and passengers
fare-first' placed in safety. If a subma
' rinacannbt capture a .vessel in ctmform-
yitty with tlyese Tules; it must permit it to
I'proceediUnmolested" ". -:i
The use of ajgphyxiatlng, poisonous or
.other gases and ait analogous liquids.
'. I materials - and .devlcea is" prohibited
1052 Influenza
I ;Qases-in New York
f New York. Feb. 1.(1; N. S.)-Jtnfln--
enaa. reachefthe epidemic stage in New
iTorX today. When" more than, 1000 new
cases 'ere reported in the city for the
Y previous3 14 hours, an. increase of more
than -. S3- per cent over - yesterday's re-port.-
Pneumonia cases also, increased
from cases num
', lxured 1052 against SlS yesterday, "here
' -were 2e vdeathST from . influenaa and 66
v deaths from pijeumonia.
" Man for 60 Kills
Five-Year Old Son
. Marietta, Qhio, Feb. 1. (U. P.) Wll-
Ham Landy.' 0. was arrested 'today on
- tiharges of - killing-- his S-year-old son.
, Three other children of the family wtt
!! nessed the shooting, , .: : -
Ears Coming
Back Seat for
. . ' t 4 ) -.
- : :
I - v y TaiUd Sew.
i Boston. "Feb. LTwo great pieces of
'; news wer gleaned in an investigation
f Puesday at the coiffure extosition of the
r Ladies' Halrdreasera' AssoclaUon of New
f Ln eland. ... y " ------ .:--!f-
? First, the 'forthcoming styles la,. tend-'
nine bair makeup will begin for tha first
j lima In a long Ume, to show the ears.
Berne daring girls ar already showing
.? the lobea of themaad within a
I la predicted, the sight of feminine ears
entirely exposed will be quite common,
i second, reformers must soon find
1 something to rave at other than, bobbed
- hair, because It's rapieiry. losing its caste.
lt was revealed that many penitent girls
,are cow wearing false pieces or trans
' formations to . cover up those earlier
tr.i&steps .in the hairdressing parlors and
To Explore
The Iwr of -the tforthlsd. told In
atonal son? and film and affirmed by
sedses of adventurers who have Known
its wonders.-has taken hold of a group
f , Portland men. h pr; Louis J. Wolf,
who accompanied Peary on one-of his
polar expeditions, -and Ernest Iluhn.
Carl Lofdahl and" John Norberg, recently
from Siberia,, have announced their In
tention ;bf answering the challenge of
the' Arctic and -seeking- the treasures it
holds. -: ' .'. ' ' .
Htrhn, ; Lof dahf nd ' Norberg were
members of a-party ;of fortune-seekers
who sailed into, the Arctic wastes in the
summer' of 1919 -aboard the saflinsr
schooner : Cajseo, Once the property,- of
Robert Louis Stevenson.
THREE Ct'T OFF ' .;' : v :
- The senbonef was grounded on the
rocks of King island. 60 miles north of
Nome. 'Alaska, ia September of the
same year. L after having touched on -the
Siberian coast, leavlnar thethree men. .
. The master 'and crew made shore in
boats, taking supplies. Huhn, Lofdahl
and Norberg.were cut off and left to
their &wn devices. ' For two year they
lived-moos thevnatlves of the- Siberian
coast, subsistingajdid the natives, on
meat, blubber a ndtea made from wil
low leaves and wearing- the clothes made
by the native women. -
Then came news by a native ' runner
that a ship had .touched on the coast
many miles to the. south. A. quick dash
was .made by the trio, with natives as
sisting, and the United States revenue
( Concluded on Pace Elihteen; Column Three)
Western Oregon's Bixth severe cold
wave of the winter became firmly estab
lished .in this section 'of the state today
when a minimum temperature of 22 de
gress was registered' in Portland, with
still lower readings in the Willamette
The thermometer reading this morn
ing was Just 2 degrees lower than the
preceding day and the district weather
forecaster said - that Thursday would
bring a continuation of cold weather.
: Although the cold this morning nipped
hard at exposed ears and lingers, tne
temperature was degrees above the
minimum recorded this winter. The low
temperature of the season was , de
cree " during the mld-Januar f cold
spell. '- '
To the east and south or tne cny stiu
lower temperatures were reported. "" In
the Willamette valley reports-:: -were' as
follows x Salem, 11; Afuany 19. and Ki-
gene 21- From Eastern Oregon reports
of sera at Baker and 4 above at Uma
tilla were received.. : . 3c;: '
Hood Paver, Feb.? '1-Wltlt tempera
tures ranging between above ax Hood
River ,and 2 below aero at Parkdaie.
this section passed through another cold
night. An unusual phenomenon was
witnessed at sundown Tuesday, many
people reporting having seen a sun dog,
probably for the first time in this sec
tion. Little damage from frost is re
torted, losses being confined to home
supplies of canned and' fresh fruit in
unheated basements. -
Millr Dealers Cut ,
Price One Cent to
Meet Competition
' MiUx at 10 cents and some places nine'
cents a quart in stores induced so many
customers to carry their milk home In
stead of having it delivered, which costs
more, that house-delivery dairymen to
day adopted a one-cent reduction to
meet ,the . competition!. jL This move was
decided after some of the smaller dair
ies pot milk on' retail sale at nine cents,
but was not because of (this, fact, say
milkmen, who give', a general drop in
milk products as the reason. . i
Under the new soale milk: when de
livered to the house will cost : V -
End of month payment -Opart. 12
cents; pint- 8H cents; quart, and pint
daily, 20 cents; three quarts tr over, a
quart, 11 centa.
' Advance payment before loth of each
-current month) Quart. 11 centa : pint. S
cents; quart and pint, 18 cents; three
quarts or over, a quart 10 cents. : ,
Cannibalism StrQies :
Confirmed by Paper
Moscow, January, SL (ia Berlin, Feb.
LV Ohastly stories of cannibalism, sav
agery and madness arising from starva
tion and desolation in the Volga famine
tone were today officially confirmed for
the first time by the soviet organ
Pravda. Hitherto these talcs of horror
had been denied.
Out for Peep
Bobbed Hair
- r
the village barber shops. -
High headdreasing. showing the ears,
will predominate this year. the. United
N 1 was informed by Mrs. Louise R.
Prey, the secretary, "founder and pub
licity expert of the association, who also
conducts an ultra-fastiVnable place in
tne expensive Coolidge corner section, of
exclusive Brooklyn. .
' The large side puffs it hair which
have been so popular will ' be reduced
gradually,; Mrs. Frey .said, "and heads
wilt eventuaJly return to normal size.
Kara have been trying to reborn to ttyle
for several months, butU is a slow
prccass .and you are not likely to see
very many whole ears for at least a
year. The high dressing U the best
thing we can do for the girl who wish
iHmnnnif Tilrn .
otuiii i II hi i i nuLV
they hadn't had it bobbed. ' . v
m mm
-. . -,v. - .
Accident Occyrs at Nehalem River,
Near Cochran; Workmen Be
ing. Carried to Camp When
'Train Plunged into Canyon.
Cochran,. Or., Feb, I. One man was
killed and six were -injured when a log
ging train plunged-40 feet from a tJfestle
into the Nebadem -river, one and one half
miles east of here, at "10 o'clock Tues
day afternoon.. The train, composed of
the engine and one flat car, was carry
ing a crew pf the Francis We 1st Log
ging company from the .woods to the
camp at .Reliance.
R. B. PARKER, Cochran.
FRANCIS WEIST, 840 Grand avenue,
Portland manager of the Francis We 1st
company, arm amputated and broken
leg, injured internally, fatally perhaps. -
JOHN WEIST, 449 East Twenty-fourth
street, Portland, foreman, broken leg
and cut about' head; condition Serious.
AMOS NELSON,' fractured leg. suf
fering from shock, condition serioua.
CLIFFORD WEIST, 640 Grand ave
nue, Portland, son of John Weist,
fireman, scalded and both legs broken ;
recovering. , -'"x '
- JAMES TllOMAS, brakeman. Antsden
apartments. Third and Morrison streets.
Portland, injured about chest. . : -v
. ALFRED BUCKMAN, engineer, frac
tured right arm, bruised about head.
All of the men were in. the engine ex
cept Thomas, the brakeman, who was
dn the flatcar. The seven men ia the
list, of dead and injured were the only
persons on the train.. , , ,
The train left the ' trestle on a curve.
Subsequent investigation showed that
for some unknown reason the ties and
rails' of the track bad slipped bodily
from the trestle . work, throwing first
the engine and then the car - Into the
canyon. The engine fell . partly ia the
water, where the- fire caused Bteam which
scalded tha men imprisoned under the
wieck&ge. ' s.
The scene of the accident was within
seeing 'distance'. of the. camn and !ima
there wer able to assist in thV-escUa.
One difficult . part -of their'' ta, ., was
jacking up the locomotive so that tjhDse
of the crew caught beneath mla-hf be
rcached.-v - K ; 'fy.-iM
The last of the men held nrisohers
tOoncloded on Pags Four, Cohnaa Four)
Chinamen In Portland's Chinatown are
laughing today over the case of Lee Ah
Bow, 15 years old, daughter of a wretch
edly poor family In China, who was sold
into the bondage of Mo On. noodle
house proprietor. ' -. ., rfi)
. Lee Ah Bow, they think, was la he'r
proper place as a plural wife of Moe On.
Did she not have better food and cloth
ing and more comforts as .the drudge
of the Moe On household,. 25 Davis
street, than site had in her family's mis
erable hovel in China? White ' men
crazy, laughs Chinatown. .'
Lee Ah Bow, herself, was pretty well
satisfied in a stupid way. Centuries of
custom were: behind her. f . -
She was far more contented as On's
drudge than she is today in the custody
of Mrs. Lola O. Baldwin of the women's
protective bureau - and Miss Donaldina
Cameron of the Oriental Mission home
In San Francisco; who, : with the Port
land officer, traced the Chinese girl to
On's home after- - she was illegally
brought into the United; States by way
of Seattle.' - '
But maybe after Lee Ah Bow is taken
to the San Francisco mission ' she may
ream that there is something more in
life than scrubbing kitchens aid cut
ting up meat for noodles for her room
and board. Meanwhile the officers are
quieting her fears. S .
Authorities hop to establish perjury
charges against Lee Bing Goon of Se
attle, who, said Miss Cameron, caused
the: girl- to be smuggled . into this
Miss Cameron says that Lee Ah Bow
was taken from her native village in
China last spring and brought to this
country through the port . of Seattle,
under the pretense that she was a
daoghter of lee Bing Goon, who claims
to be the' owner of a ' FortlamT, restaTu-
rant V. - ,..'.
When brought to Portland, according
to Miss Cameron, Le Ah : Bow was
turned over to Moe On, rich - local
(Concluded on Pass EKhteea, Oohuaa Jfour)
Alleged Narcotic . ;
Peddler's Bond Is
Raised to 510,000
Trial of Charles and Ella Bill, accused
of being narcotic peddlers, whose alleged
victims made such a commotion in the
United - States marshal's office several
weeks ago, was postponed today from
February 20 to March ; by Federal
Judge Wblverton at ie request "of ' the
defendants' atfrfwy.-i'TrlsJv of - John
I'olich and Mark Mitrpvich, alleged boot-,
leggers, was set for March f). Upon
the motion of Assistant United States
Attorney Flegel bail for Louie Woo, al
leged narcotic peddjfer. was reduced ' to
1 2000 the defendant could ciain his re
lease from jail. Megel said the. evidence
is weak and be did not care to hold him
in jail wlh a conviction is doubtfuL
Total PI edgesrxrfVJl 6,069, 'More
Than Double ThaKof Kickoff;
Leaders Plan Mass Attack to
Rout Tightwads From Trencfes
CommnoitiF Chest quota.
Todty'i total ........
. X1S.0U9
Amount ret ia be pledced. ...... . ISS2.708
xne aivtsiona stana as rouows :
Brisadier Geaenl Colt . .
Brisadter Genets! Eddy. .
Brigadier General Eddy ,
. I
Women't division ,
Brigadier. Uenerml Uanaell
-With a tola In Commun
pledges more? than twice that of yester
day, campaigners felt accession of hope
that by doubling or quadrupling present
efforts Ue , quota may be secured by
Saturday night. -
Robert E. Smith, general of the drive;
rose from a sick bed and hurried to re
inforce the Indefatigable workers at
Community Chest headquarters when he
read the total of the first day's returns,'
At noon today all divisions- were
massed in -plan to -smash through the
"smoke screen of the tight wads.''
There is to be a "heart softening
committee", which will call upon those
who arbitrarily say no. There will be no
coercion. Not a bit of it But there is
earnest desire to see if Individuals who
bluntly say "no" to a solicitor, can also
bold crusts from empty stomachs, sticks
of firewood from shivering women and
children and clothing from those who
without charity's ministration would be
naked." - . - - - ; -
; Early . ,this morning the telephone
jingled to communicate the trouble story
Concluded so Page Six, Column Foot)
Final hearing 4Df tha suit brought sev
eral jears. -'ago by the ' government
against th Oregon -California-BaMroad
company. Southern- Pacific company and
others, - to recover tha Unsold . lands in
the land grant made In 1868 to tho raiU
road. wavset this taontae by Federal
Judge C E. Wolverton for MaV l.; '
Before the trial date, was set S. W.
Williamfl, Special, assistant to the at
torney general,' .who was appointed to
handle this base and 46 - others which
have arisen outk of the-controversy, filed
kn agreement of facts witlt- the court
In. the. agreement both the plaintiff and
defendants agree' to facta concerning
the land grant which it would have re
quired marry weeks to prove in court
This agreement which is 50 typewrit
ten pages, will probably make -It pos
sible if or the court to hear both sides of
the case . within . two- or three days in
stead of possibly-that many weeks.
Under an act pf congress of 1868 the
old, Oregon Central railroad, which later
became the Oregon & California rail
road, and which is now the Southern
Pacific com parry, was given every other
section of land : between Portland, and
the California line on both sides of its
right 0t way for 20 miles back. . Under
the! agreement the railroad company
was. to sell the land to bona fide settlers
for 2-50 per acre and not mora- than
160 acres to one person. -
The company obeyed the law for a
time; Williams said, but soon started
selling the land for anything it would
brings Some -properties - were sold- for
less, he said, while others were sold at a
higher fteure, and in some cases- as
much as 20.000 acres of timber land sold
(Concluded on PafB EMcht, Column On)
Ordinance Barring.
Parking of Autos in
2 DistrictL? Passes
Parking of automobiles on the south
side of Jefferaoir 'street between Third
and -Fourth .streets was prohibited this
morning by the passage of an ordinance
by' the city council. The ordinance also
prohibits; parking .on Park street from
a point 75, feet north - of Taylor, street
to Yamhill street and on Yamhill street
from a point 7S feet west of Broadway
to Park street.' - ' . .
.This is to prevent parked cars from
interfering with the; arrival ; and departure-
of busses at the Oregon Auto
Stage Terminal at Park and Yamhill
streets. ' - 1 - - . :
Choked to Deatli by I
Her Own Silk Hose
Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 1. (U, P.)
The body of an unidentified- -woman,
about 5 years of age. who had been
choked to death by her own silk stock
mgs, was found in the railway subway
at Twentieth and Charlotte streets he re
today, police announced. Police believe
the body was hurled from an automo
bile from the roadway, CO feet above
tfas subway.
$1,200,000 Golie;
I- Broker Arrested
Philadelphia, Pa., Feta, 1. t. N. S.)
Edwin E. Kohn. fugitive head ' of the
bankrupt firm of Kohn 4 Co, brokers,
was arrested here today. He was held
In $35,000 . bail' by Magistrate ,Renshaw.
fvst Fhiladelphia. Losses of the com
pany are estimated at $L200r009 by the
receivers. ' .' - " ... ..... - - - .-
-' s ' . t ' , - ... ',; . ,
- - ' :
Twenty-five - M illion Corporation
Saved for Oregon Through
Keen Business Ability! Court
Blocks Move Against Delay.
The Coos Bay Iuhber company : of
Marahfield. a $25,000,000 corporation, has
been saved for Oregon and 1200 lumber
men kept out of the bread line as a re
sult of the -guidance . of - United States
Judge Charles E. Wolverton.
Tuesday afternoon the company,
which entered the receiver's "handa Janu
ary;!?. 1919. was able not only to pay
off a $3,000,000 mortgage which fell due,
but pay off all creditors in full with ac
cumulated interest, as well as- the sal
aries ' of all employes.
Ten attorneys interested in various
forms of litigation growing, out of this
case were high in their praise of the
court and each declared .that but for
his business ability the company, could
never have been saved.
The judge's order allows the reorgan
ization committee, incorporated as the
Pacific States Lumber company,' to buy
the assets of the Coos Bay -Lumber com
pany and to float as $8,000,000 bond issue
to carry on the affairs of the new con
cern. The mortgage on the new company
covering the bond issue was fUed Mon
day in Roseburg.
. The 13,125,006 doe general creditors
has beea deposited in the ijadUi tt Tuton
bank and within the next few-days will
be mailed, announced . William Denman,
federal court receiver for the company,
a few. minutes- after : Judge Wolverton
handed down his opinion. ,
Tuesday morning an effort was made
to hold-up the court's final, order by the
filing of a claim by Charles A. Wheeler
of Minneapolis, against C A. Smith and
the C. A. Smith Timber company. This
action -affected the plan of the rearr
gonization committee, as it cast a cloed
en the clear tiUe of the $8,000,000 bond
issue, doe to the fact that the interests
of the timber, company had been taken
over by the lumber company when-the
timber company went out of business.
- Wheeler filed a claim for about $150,
OOjO real estate commission, alleged to
have been earned in 1918. - It was gald In
iha court room by opposing attorneys
that Wheeler-had never presented a bill
for this servlp ejther to SmiUj or . the
timber oomiiaViy,''buc ' had waited' until
(Oenelndcd eS'Pass Ktbteen, Column F.b
Toklq. Feb. LfU. P.) The opposi
tion in the Japanese diet today bitterly
attacked . the - Shantung settlement
reached at the Washington conference.
declaring it to be tha crowning humilia
tion of what was characterized as
Japan's ignominious surrender at Wash
ington. . . . , .
Official circles were - in doubt
China's acceptance of the settlement
rearing tne Chinese, approval would - be
worthless because of Ch ma's govern
ments 1 chaos. -t---''-.V:--' : :
.Tokio, Feb. L--L N S.) The Koku
mlnto partyt third In Importance, today
introduced in the house of representa
tives a resolution calling for . a ' reduc
tion in the strength of the - Japanese
army. Thelextent of the cut was not
specified in the resolution, but leaders
said they desired a reduction of one'
half. It is reliably stated the Selynkal,
dominant political party, is considering
army reductions seriously, but may vote
for a, slighter ut than sought: by the
Kokuminto adherents. : j : :
Law Enforcement
Develops Squabble
'Astoria, Feb.' 1. The first general
meeung or, tne As torn . Law Enforce
ment league developed into a squabble
in the First Methodist church Tuesday
night when-James U Hope turned from
a broadside against Mayor James Brem
ner and-Chief of Police Carlson to up
braid the Ku Klux Klau. His attack
on the organisation was halted by. Rev.
M. T. Wire, Methodist pastor.:, who
jumped up, .crying, "You can't say any-,
thing against the Ku' Klux Klan Irom
that platform.' - ' - .
- Hope declared that he had. been given
permission Jo speak at the meeting and
would do so, but Lewis M. Klelzlng in
terrupted him again by shouting. "I am
one: of the wardens of this church. . I
will not allow you. to continue speaking
on this subject" ... -
Upon request of the chairman of the
meeting. Hops refrained from ' further
comment on the Klan.
- He jroundly denounced Mayor Bremner
for conditions in Astoria. ' '-'Chief Carl
son and the police .force are protecting
vice here.- he aaid. - .
' United States Commissioner Howard
K. Zimmerman declared that there are
88 rooming houses jn Astoria and that
"a city the size of Astoria cannot sup
port such a number of rooming bouses
run on legitimate principles;" - - '
Former U. S Consul
; Passes at Medford
Medford. Feb.- L WUliam S. Crowell,
long prominent . in public affair here,
a ;veteraa -of the Civil war and consul
to Amoy, China, in died at his
home tn this city Tuesday night at the
age. of 78 years.- -?.. t.
.Sessions Age Him
HUGHES photographed
- last week on his way tq
arms conference. - He has
grown old and gray in two
months, ' ;
1 ' f
t v
AV h, '
Snmmary cf Pact
On Five Navies
Washingtonj ; Feb. " L : After almost
three months, of, cohtinous negotiating,
the five great naval powers of the world
formally, presented the terrps of -a treaty
which definitely prescribed - the; limits
and charts the courses ; of ; their navies
ror -tne next is years. - . r , , !
The final text of the ; document . held
few surprises- Besides a modified 10 year
naval holiday, the treaty sets a scale of
future tqasage. for America, Great Bri
tain, Japan, France and Italy, and is
based on the maintenance Of a ratio of
E-5-2-L75-1.J5, though the ratio itself was
not mentioned out of deference to Japan,
which felt' that it branded her with-an
essary inferiority.4 It provides for
the fcrapping'.or abandonment now of
the fhlawing number of battleships or
other f lgntlng craft t America, 20 ; Great
Britain, 24 Japan, Z4 while Francs and
Italy do nV scrat ping until . 1930 : and
1931. respectively. t 1
; With , these paimtat provisions car
ried out at once,- the.; naval power . will
retain the . following capital ; ships: .
America Maryland, . California,- Tennessee,-
Idaho;. New Mexico, Mississippi,
Arizona, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Ne
vada,' New -York, Texas. , Arkansas.
Wyoming,' Florida. tJtah, North Dakota,
Delaware, a total of 500,650 tons but the
United States can - complete - two West
Virginia type ships whereupon she must
scrap the. North Dakota and , Delaware,
leaving her during the naval holiday with
a total of 525,85 tana j - - .
Britain may retain, the Royal 'Sov
ereign, Royal Oak. Ifeevenge, Resolution,
Ramilliea, . Malaya.- Valiant. ; Barnham.
yucen KUsabeth. Warsbitfe, Benbow, Em
peror of India, iron Duke, Marlborough,
Hood, Renown, Repulse, f Tiger,. Thund
erer. king George V Ajax arid On
turion, a total of 22 shijps- with a ton
nage of -580,450.. but with permission to
construct -now two new (ships, followed
by the scrapping of the Thunderer, King
George Ajax .and Centurion, thus
giving her a holiday tonnage of 55850.
iaraa uiaias im ,
Japan Mutsu, Nagato, Hiuga, laei
Yamashiro, Fuso, - Ktrtshhna, - Haruna,
Hiyei, JUKigo, a total of 30120 tons ,
Italy Andrea Doria, Caib Diullo.
Conte , di ' Cavour, i - Giuiio Cesare,
Leonardo - da Vinci,. Dante . Alighieri.
Roma; Napoli. Vittario Emanele, Regina
Elena, a total of 10 ships with ,182,800
France Bretagne, Lorraine, Provence,
Paris, France, Jean Bart, Corbet,':: Con
dorcet, Diderot, ' Voltaire, a tojal of -10
snips wits Z2i,i tons. .: ;
. The 5-4-3-1.75-1.75 ratio, as will be
seen, is slightly varied at the start' but
when replacements start it will be in
force as .the ; powers are ' allotted - the
following replacement tonnages: .
United States, S25.CO0 tone; Britain.
Concluded as Past Bcfetao. Ootama tm)
'Graveyard Liquor
Tests . to 100 Proof
. Roseburg, Feb. L Moonshine, taken
from stall recently seised on the Flagg
farm at Dixon ville, -and sent to experts
some time ago bypberiff Starmer to be
analyzed, was; returned Tuesday the
analysis showing it to be SO per cent al
cohol. 1 19 proof.--- The chemist stated
that . it contained a large . quantity .of
decomposed vegetable j, matter which
would ' cause sickness snd . probable
death. .Much sickness had occurred be
; ' "
. J :.'..5S
I f ?
if n
fore the still was taken. . , .
Hughes Announces Striking Achievements at Plenary Session of.
Disarmament. Conference:' Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Is
Condemned and.Punishment Provided for. Yic!ators,xof Rules; ;
China to Get Back Seized Areas; Pacts Yet to Be Ratified. -
NavaI treaty presented and approved. ,
,:' Sbantong settlement annonnced. . . , - . , . . - :'.--
., ' Balfour announced Britain, In consideration of the Shantung agre
ment, will return to China the British holdfng -Wel-Hel-tVei.
"Open door portal, military redaction, foreign troop-erntval, secret
treaty revelation and other agreements concerning China adopted.
Poison gas and submarine warfare treaties' read and adopted.
V'VSecwtary Hughes amnounccment that battlesltip Oregon Is to be re
tained, as token of sentiment because Japan was allowed to retain giant
battleship JHutsu for similar reasons. , . : .
Coherence Adjourns "at 2:30. p. m. . - ' .
.-.: ' By Carl O. Groat - - - '-
Continental Hall, Washington, Feb. 1. U. P.) The flvepower treaty, '
providing for a sweeping limitation
approved by the arms conference In
One after another, the representatives of the five powers arose and offi
cially announced their acceptance of
This followed a speech by Secretary .of State Hughes, In "which he
stated' that the agreement-the first of -its kind -in' the history of . the
world absolutely ends the competition among the great nations in naval
building. " : '.-:'". -V, '-' ' ' ' ' -:'
As Hughes outlined the' numbers of
ships 'to be retained or scrapped and
proceeded with ether details, .he was
now and again. interrupted with hand
olapping not. however. -1 such thunder
ous ' applause as welcomed his- Novem
ber. 12 announcement of: Americas pro
posals. ' ; -'. . -.; -
He sought to clear away ipisappre-
henstons ' 'Which might arise from
changes in the original program, show
ing : the principles then set down had
been accompllshed-j-even If with modi-.
ficatlona, f.He ' called attention td the
likeness Of the American proposal and
the final draft bf the - treaty. He read
the four points which he had Outlined
In the same eat nearly three months
before and then read the principles of
the final treaty.': . s
"The American principles have been
applied In. detail,'' he added. ,
: Hughes noted that Great Britain and
Japan .had abandoned some of their
claims to conform . with the . united
States principles. , . '"' ;--!'-i -
f .: '
vTheV battleship Oregon will bef re
tained,' ': Hughes said.- "because of sen
timental reasons just as Japan wishes
to retain the Mutsu.
iThe people of Oregon wished the ship
preserved and it has been so decided.
"Scrapping,' he continued, "is not left
to conjecture, but' is provided for spe-
eiflcallv In -hant.r IT."
Then he explained briefly the plans
for allowing replacements to start in
1931 (with some exceptions) and. then
discussed airplane carriers.
"We are-taking perhaps the; greatest
step toward establishing the reign of
peace..' Hughes said.
- M. Sarraut, head of the French dele
gation, replied to Hughes for France. J
M. Sarraut vigorously defended the
naval position of France throughout the
conference and pleaded for , American
sympathy. ';' ;:'v
Continuing to record .momentous
achievements, the conference- then re
ceived from Secretary of State Hughes
a second five-power treaty banning un
restricted submarine . warfare and the
use of poison gaa In modern warfare.
Today was the- conference's greatest
day of achievements..- - -
.The -rapid . fire manner In - iWhlch
treaties vital to the peace of the world
were brought before the conference and
approved clearly revealed that the suc
cessful conclusion of , the conference Is
near. Final , adjournment is expected
within-a week.-.. .:-,..- .:... :.,
Only the nine-power, treaty, which is
tfbw virtually complete, and the -21 de
;T How's Business?
; torilyrTh(e?Joiirna ha$"arrariged lor a riurn
"1 ber pi: -daily newfrl&tiir&:? trtmibiistncss
, fields all -oyer the country. -
- ' ' These news features include a daily Wall
; Street dispatch from tStuart P. West, a
financial iwritef of auUiority,f additional
iyire nr frd
VUvestock markets and business and com
' modity news by jtelegraph eveiHy ! ay from
- These eatUresf are included in; the daily
leased wire report of the Consolidated Itca "s
Service which, vill appear; exclusively in
this field inThe Joura : ,
: -
of naval armament, was formally
a plenary session today.
the treaty. - -
mands of Japan remained to be "mopped .
up. . - -y
Conference achievements recorded to
day were:-. .-. -. ' : ..
Approval of thev navaf limitations
treaty. '.- : ; -
Presentation of the Shantung agree
ment between . Japan and China.
Announcement- by. Great Britain that
because of the Shantung settlement Wei
Het Wei would be returned to China.
.Adoption of several resolutions assur
ing China much more freedom from in
ternational domination, i . -
: Adoption of a second five-power treaty
prohibiting uta eatricted submarine war
fare and the use of poison- gaa. - -
The submarine . treaty, ex-Secretary
Root explained . forcefully,- "stigmatizes
the doing to death of women, children
and others' engaged in peaceful travels
and provides for treating as a pirate
(Concluded on Paso 'Eicbtma. Oatasa Oiitl
Washington, Feb. 1. TJ. P.) Two '
white American soldiers . whe attacked
two aged French women at Is-Sur-Tine,
France, were shot down' on the spot by
an angry mob of United States officers
and privates, William Miller of Dallas, - -Texas,
told the senate committee investl-'
gating the Watson charges today. -
"I was an eye witness to the shooting,
but did not take- part in it . rnyself,"
Miller said.-. ' , ' , '
2 Trainmen Killed
In Head-on Collision
. Vlncennes, Ind Feb. L U. P.) Two
trainmen Were killed on the Baltimore
A Ohio railroad in a headon collision of
a freight and passenger train between
Noble and Olney, lib t Misunderstanding
of qrders la said to have resulted In the
wreck. Wllliam'Smalley, engineer.' and
August 'Tuucas, fireman of the passenger
train, were scalded to death when the
boiled on their engine burst.
:'.-; -li
- )
--f '