TUESDAY, JANUARY -31, 1 1822. DBfflMlS MAY DRAFT MARSHALL III INDIANA FIGHT B Hesert I Beaser CaM4 Km ata fiimiralwn (OocrrtcM, ltaj. to Valt WaAtagton, Ju, Jl, The (rowing eeeXblUty ( Democratic Waders draft In former Vice President Thomas R. iaranu into the Isdlaaa senatorial eeatest U the latest derelopment In' luriMnriy Interesting; politic! iltue- tlon In the Ifooslcr ststs. inoiena, which, more than any other eaU, nurture Its politics with the aam Jeeloue eaurasiasm aa the home garden fa nurtures h(a prise vegetables, la fet- Uns; ready to stae the first and j iMr the stoat Important political show ef this poUUcal Important year. cm ine one nana Republicans of the state are split In a bluer fight between fUaetor New and former Senator TUvr. Mf for the republican senatorial noro- instion. rftnfAftlES COME KAKLT . un the Other hand the Democratic Warfare are watchln the derelopment of iia-n 10 oeiermine their selection of a candldaU to oppose the winner In no KepuMiean primaries. The piimar- "7 . are in nrst to be held In the country, and are rrnnlMl k. .4. ministration loaders, therefore, aa highly "vuriani, oeraune or ueir probable ef. face upon primaries elsewhere. Her la the situation : Senator New. strong admlniatralon supporter la the senate and personal frknd of Prealdent Hardin. U up for renomlnatlon and election. Former Bene tor Beverldg-e. allied with tbe prog-re ami Te element In 1113, and nior or less "off the regular reserva tlon" erer since, la a candidate for the nomination against New. Lew Shanks, mayor of Indianapolis. who last fall when he was elected com pteiejy aeieaiea Rears machinery at in state capitoL Is making speeches throughout Indiana, for Bererldge. lEXOCSATS BEE CHAJICE Whoever wtns the May primaries New or Bevertdge the bitterness aroused In the pre-primary fight would nam oyer, according Ho Republican as well aa Democratic leaders, to a degree that would make election of a Democrat to the sedate not only possible, but prob able. Dernoeratlo leaders bellera that Thom as Marshall, always popular in Indiana, a former governor of that state, and with a record of great popularity as vice president in the Wilson administration, is their logical choice for the senate. Former District Attorney Van Nuys of Indianapolis Is regarded as another pos sible Democrat that might be drafted for-tha nomination with a good chance to win. VTkn BETEBIDGE TICTOET New. of course, could count on admin istration support The fear of the ad ministration rents m the fact that If New were defeated by Beve ridge It wouia strengthen the hand of the Middle West progressive agricultural bloc and perhaps play haroo with primaries In other states. TO eliminate the danger of an admin istration oereat In Indiana It has been suggested that New be appointed post- V master general to succeed Will Hays. LJV. "tfils, suggestion, coupled, with the Xiir- I IMAM VARA .- I V J . . . . 711 be glren the cabinet portfolio later. inar served to strengthen the hand of J) his opponents Many, It Is reported to t administration leaders here, argue that so long as New is going to be taken ears of anyway, "we will go along with Iuch a course. It Is fumther argued, might eliminate some of the bitterness ana enhance the chances of Republican victory. 1 New, however, hesitates to be placed is tne position of running away from 1 a fight lie will have to make his de rision within the next few weeks, dur Ing which time Hays' successor In the cabinet must take his place. MAMALL KELCCTA-5T Marshall does not wish the senatorial nomination, lie has told friends that be has had enough of Washington. He would not be averse. It Is understood. to receiving the Democratic gubernator ial nomination. 80 If he runs It will p Dscmus ns is drafted. None of the candidates has formally announced his decision to enter the primaries. Beverdlge, however, to gether with his friends. Is making speeches all over Indiana now. No par- rnw naa aeveiopea. save ter- l haps that of progresstvtsm and peraoo- ajny. wnen tn campaign begins to take aenaite form It will be a hot one. All isaiana campaigns are. Life Imprisonment For Negro Lynching Oklahoma cit ,n. Jl. 11. N - Robert McAIIester. a member of the tarty wnicn lynched Jake Brooks. negro striKeoreaaer, on January If pleaded guilty Monday and was sen tenced to Ufa Imprisonment. MR. JCX.ES BIGGS Baker. Jan. Si. Mrs. Jules Riggs nurM, who had been spsndlng the winter at the Ren Harrison mine with her hus- - band, was brought to the hospital crlt , Rally III Vrtsay. and died Saturday from pneumonia. War Finance Body Sends Testi monia 1 On Thompson's Work i . . W. I Thompson, vice president of the First National bank, Monday received a testimonial which he prises highly. It Is a resolution engraved on parchment, drawn and signed by the directors at the War Finance corporation. In recogni tion of his service in asstlng the direct ors In conducting tha affairs of the corporation.' Thompson was Instrumental in the re organization of the War Finance cor poration so aa to givs financial assist ance to tha livestock and arricnltnral Interests of the conntrv. w M. called to Washington to assist the direct ors in auoung funds to those Industries anoi remained at the capital for three mourns, giving the corporation his nn- aivioea attention. Due to the demand ror nis services In the bank he found tt necessary to resign nis position with the corporation and return to his duties hers. The directors signing the resolution are follows: Eugene flieyer Jr.. Au J?t W. McLean, OeoieMSaoksey and Dwlght P. Davis. THE OREGCfN DAILY J0URNA1V PORTLAND, OREGON THEATRE TRAGEDY URMRS THEIR GRATITUDE By Ctaytos WaltehBl TJakeS Sen Staff Orpuadcnt Washington, 1 Jan- 31. Final reels of AKGLERS ABE FIXED C., A. In galls and J. L. Potter of Mc Mlnnvllle were arrested last week on charges of angling without licenses and, following hearings at McMlnnvlUe. were fined $:s each, according to reports filed at the headquarters of the state game commission Monday, i VA80XIC TEXFLE BTJBlfED Sallna, Kaiu. Jan. 31 (L N. S.) The Masonic. Temple was destroyed by fire of unknown origin today, with an esti mated loss of J150.000. the nation's greatest movie tragedy and Washiagtons worst disaster are being run off in the hospitals of the capital. And the actors surviving men. women and children i are playing roles of mingled gratitude, curiosity and Intense suffering. - To visit with many of these, as I did Monday, and to talk with the physicians and nurses of others, was to compre hend the every day American In his composite make up ef ccmrage, hope. patience and humor. The Injured are grateful for their de liverance from a horror far worse than any soldier ever experienced in the for eat of Argonne, as Joseph Younger, a survivor and : veteran of the war. de scribed it They are curious to know what the ruins of the Knickerbocker theatre look like, because they ate affected with an awed attachment to the scene of the catastrophe that almost marked their death. j REMEMBERS DETAILS Both young and old join In expressions of gratitude, but the young are glad to talk of the cave-in because they haven't yet realized the horror of it "Sure I'm glad to talX about it I'm glad I got oat all right, bat I can re- nasmher lota.- said 12-year-old Habere. Kash. as ha lay smiling on his cot after ward. "I got, a sister, Mfldrsd. stairs, ' She was with me and she's com ing oat an right too, ; - i was sittlne in the first cony, and When the roof fell in It urew warn en my Knees and my ballast head butted Into my sister's back and that s the -way we stock for five hours.Tw were both pretty much froxen and! my legs feel pretty cold. now. Outside of that I'm all right " f bay. they tell me It marin iciued today when Out walla eaml What's the place look Uker 1 With reluctance. Josenh TuHnr architect who was pinned six boars he- were in. neath s. shell of ' concrete and wire myself. First, -we were sitting- in the Toacger and I were afraid they would lathing, expressed his gratitude: orchestra, near the aiala and when the mine us. We were afraid because "My wife is-upstairs. In another ward crash came I shoved my wife bate the could tell falrty accurately mat the with injuries lost like mine a broken. aisle and fell next to her. Second, the woman near bv was dead. kx had Mra-esx giraer. collarbone and strained back. I don't think any man who survived can say how grateful he is." . . i When asked if he. as : an architect, cculd shed light on the cause of the dis aster. Younger replied: j WEIGHT OF 83TO W BLAJsTXD ' Td be glad to help all X can. As an architect, I dont think anyone is to blame. It was simply the weight of the snow. My experience with building- in spectors prompts me te say that they would never pass a public building on less it was absolutely safe. . "Two things saved Mrs. Younger and supporting? the balcony, screamed, than moaned and thm mn fell Just in front of as and shielded as still. . Others around as tn that black from the mass -of concrete and plaster mass who were still alive screamed which fell like a giant pancake. Many loader than I could about because 1 was people most have been killed by that pinned Cat a my back, and my wife girder that eared us. . too. - "It was five hours before' my wife " "Yes tt was far worse than the Ar was rescued and six before they got gonne forest. X was wounded there and me oat It was like eternity. It was X saw some terrible trench scene, .bat maddening. A . woman would scream nothing like this. In? wi MSnwTrS VlZtt "Wk1 do Knickerbocker look aha was thought to be lying. And for trw todavT ages Td hear, no sound. 1 . ' wnnss thiv cv I The same Question was asked by WORSK THAIT BATTUE SCEKES j James U. Davidson of Portland. Me That was the worst part of It .Mrs. s Georgetown university student Hs suffered only a ereeched bark and c' aged to crawl out f the balcoty mir and to save two of his eatepexiloaa, Luther Boddy Found Guilty- of; Murder C7 TJaaad Xesa) New York, Jan. XL Luther Boddy., negro, charged with kdlng two Kew York detective, was found roQty by a Jury late Monday of murder In the first degree. He wta be sentenced next Friday. (BLACK) IHE ONE HIGH GRADE PACKAGE TEA THAT SEilS FOR SO LITTLE! Is One East wind blowing a hole in your woodpile? I I III I I I II II i I I II I I I I III VA ( BROADWAY ) Q(ch(cK(r! you will the best wood ob tainableany kind with Now every load of DRY CUT SLABWOOD you will receive FREE one sack of i - ROYAL COAL (egg size) remember Wood delivered tt y uu uru&r nay y BROADWAY 3000 3 I I TRADING STAMPS GIVEN ON CHARGE ACCOUNTS JF PAID IN FULL BY .THE 10TH OF EACH MONTH Butter 87c No deliveries except with other purchases made in the Grocery Dept. Glenwood Cream- QH n try Butter, 2 lbs. foir O I C Olds , WoTtmM&iMm RELIABLE MERCHANDISE RELIABLE METHODS. i Help ra tu Community Chest and know . thit yoar dollars wUl to stralcat to ft worthy ctmct DONT WAIT CO IT NOW- BASEMENT UNDERPRIGE STORE Wednesday ( I BASEMENT UNDERPRIGE STORE I L 1 1 1 i i Women's Coats Saving Sales of our Misses' In a Great Special Sale $18.9 Disposing of the remainder winter . stock of Women's and high-cliss Coats at a big sacrifice to make room for incoming lines. Here is a splen did opportunity to secure a desirable coat at a big saving thais worth while. Hie Season's Best Styles are shown styles that can be worn now and later. Smart belted models with large collars, also, the more dressy loose effects. Some with fur collars. ' Made up in de pendable materials, principally mixtures, although there are a number in the sale -made up in plain fabrics. Excellent range of the most wanted colors to choose from. i Values Up to $35 $18.95 Fourth Floor Wednesday's j Special Lunch 69c Service 11 :30 a, tn. to 2 -.30 p. m. Tea Room. Fourth Floor i CHOICE OF English Beef Broth with Barley Cream of Celery aux Croutons . Clubhouse Sausage with Browned Sweet Potatoes Veal Pot Pie with Dumplings Fried Black Cod, Tartar Sauce Crab Louie with Thousand Island Dressing OWK Baked Beans and Boston , Brown Bread Cold Baked Ham. Potato Salad WITH Battered Beets CHOICE OF Ice Cream Baked Apple Pie Tea Coffee M)iir Main Floor HigH-Grade Chocolates 40c Lb. Wednesday Special 40c Pure cream, hand diooed. Made in Portland by one of Portland's best candy makers. Special, lb. Peanut Brittle 25c Lb. Not the ordinary peanut brittle, but the extra good kind. Made from real OfT Spanish peanuts, lb. 9C Candy Department, Main Floor " Genter Circle; Main Floor Women's Crepe Blouses $3-98 Main Floor You have but to see these lovely Blouses! to appreciate what remarkable values they are. Tailored and fancy models, made up in Georgette Crepe, Xrepe de Chine and Tricolette. Great variety of charming styles in beaded, embroidered and lace trimmed effects. Flesh, copen, tan and many other desirable shades also black and flQ AO white.. Sixes 36 to 52. Special at 50.e7O. 0 Notion Department, Main Floor Save on Sewing Needs ' Read ever this last of specials I ill Wednesday in the Notioa Department, , Main Flor. Hair Nets Leading Udyi in Black, brown and blonde, Priced special tomorrow Hose Supporters "Sew-On" make. For women. 10c - values. Special Stocking Darners "Queen,1 on sale Wednesday t "IQ the special rke'of only AeC Regent Bias Folds Nos. 3 and 4. Special at only Snap Fasteners, t dozen, 2c Tape, pink, fclut lQe BarbosorV Lken Threed, in brown only. asst. sizes,spL 15c t'li 13c i "Queen. 9c Office Pins special at 14c Cotton Tape 24 yd. rolls 25c vafwwr exerf roi at 4c Kibbo Wire special 4c 90c DAY" 24 Extra Special Offerings for Wednesday in the Basement Underprice Store No Telephone or C O. D. Orders Accepted. Women'sSli ronAprons Specially Priced 90c Easement These are made up in excellent quality material and nicely finished. Several patterns. On sale at only 90c Dainty Satin Camisoles in the Sale at 90c Basement Choice of manv at tractive styles. Wash satin trim med with ribbons, laces. Flesh color. Extra values 90c Girls Wash Dresses Ages 2 to 6 Years 90c Basement Of excellent quality ginghams in plaids and checks. Several attractive styles. QA Wonderful values at, each UC Child's Outing Sleepers Specially Priced 90c Basement High neck, long sleeve styles with feet. Made up in heavy grade outing Qffce flannel; Good full styles. aUC Women's Union Suits """'''"aaenessnsesBBeaaBBeSBe Sizes 36 to 44 90c' Basement High and low neck, long and short sleeves, knee and ankle length. White rib bed cotton. Wednesday 90c Children's Stockings 4 Pairs for 90c Basement Black cotton Hose of good sturdy quality with double ana io. ah sues f if 1 heel 7J4 to 10tf. 4 pairs for Women's Lisle Hose Special, 3 Pairs 90c Basement Excellent quality mer cerized nsie in changeable navy ana green, bugntiy im perfect. 9 and 9 J4, 3 prs. 90c Back-Laced Corsets - Priced Special at 90c plain white contil in medium weight. Popular mod el for average figure. Sizes 19 to 30. Special Ik- - I Jns;ene i ' ' ,! y - :. , . . , . .. .. r . 90c Crepe Toilet Paper Special, 18 Rolls 90c eat Limit is rolls to a customer. No telephone or C O. D. orders. Good quality paper. 6 or. rolls. 18 rolls 90c Women's Hair Nets Special, 12 for 90c Basement Cap Shape Nets made from real human hair. Black, browns and blonde. 12 to (jn. a customer. 12 Nets for e7uC Women's Cotton Hose Special, 7 Pairs 90c Basement We reserve the right to limit quantity. Splendid serv iceable hose. Sizes 8H Qfi and 9 only. 7 pairs for UC Women's Lisle Hose Special, 2 Pairs 90c Basement Black, gray and cor dovan. Merceriftd lisle, with double heel, sole and toe. QfB Sizes 8K) to 10. 2 pairs tUC Men's Fleeced Under- shirts, Special, 2 for :90c Basement Heavy warm garments for winter wear. Shown in gray or white. Mostly in small Qfl sizes. Special, 2 shirts for aUC Men's Cashmerette Sox Special, 4 Pairs 90c t Just the thing for the man who works out -of doors. Black with gray heel and toe. Sizes 9-it. 4 prs. 90c Boys' Union Suits Specially Priced 90c Bei w sat Cotton ribbed Union Suits in sizes 4 to 10. Gray and ecru, winter weight. On sale Wednesday at only 90c Boys' School Blouses Special, 4 for 9.0c This lot is composed or odd lines from our regular stock. Sues 6 and 7 only. Qflre Striped - patterns, 4 for a? U C 36 Inch Curtain Scrim Special, 5 Yards 90c B leasee I Good quality for suk and full length curtains. Double border effects. 36 inches Qfl wide. Special, 5 yards eVUC 36 In. Figured Challies Special, 5 Yards 90c Beseeaent Flails, stripes and plain colors. Very suitable for comforters. Supply your needs. Special, 5 yards 90c Heavy Outing Flannel Special,- 5 Yards 90c Basement Plain white, and large selection of fancy patterns. lor gowns, pajamas, etc. Priced special, ,5 yards 90c Mercerized Damask Special, a Yard 90c Basement Splendid , heavy qual ity. Choice of " several beautiful patterns. 70 Inches wide. Qft On sale Wednesday, yard e7UC 72x90 Inch -Bed Sheets Priced Special at 90c Basemen V Limit 6 to a custom er. Full bleached sheets of ex cellent quality. Size 72x 90 In. Wednesday, each 90c 36 In. Bleached Muslin Special; 6 Yards 90c Beeeeeeat We reserve the right to limit quantity to each cat- 90c tomer. Cambric finish, fine quality." Special, 6 yards Hemmed Pillow Cases Special, 3 for' 90c l Sire 42xJ6 laches and full bleached. Limit 3 dozes to a customer. Get your QOe share of these. 3 cases for JUC t : '- ' - H-r Sale of Huck Toweling Special, 6 Yards 90c -This Is a splendid quality and very desirable for kitchen use. Supply your needs. Special, 6 yds. for 90c ! nm.aaBm.-ni mm mb'mm.mfceTi Wi ImV na Mm. ,mm.V-w Vm, VnV mk e Wlft W a. ssn. earn, m ea