The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 31, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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Lmcbeoa for Mr H. C Wortman at University elub.
- a T nvrt K t- Io 8taU society meeting at Portland Social Turn Vereia.
OALLiN UAlL K. M, W. dub dance at lrvingtou club. -
"..- - Council of Jewish Womn at t p. m, B"fuU BYlth buOdlnr.
s . mm't ti Unitarian Konial Alliance at the church at 1 p. m
G ALhfcN UA-tC esger Womu t cluk at the clubhouse at 11 'clock.
Marion Coffey Is
Honor QuestAt
Home Affairs
Helen Hatchlaea
bcom the bride of Mr. Warren
vvtwarda of fcurene. 8aturdayrwlll ba a
guest f honor at eevsrni affairs this
week and haa already been estenelvely
miuiiimL Todar Mhaa Carol Montague
entertained a few cjoea friends of ths
' bride-elect at an Informal tea at bar
t.M in Karih Thirty eecood street a no
Wednesday Mlaa Myrtle Smith wUl ba
Leetaaa for a almiUr affair for her pleaa
ura at bar horn la Irvtngton. Mies Caro
lina Cannon will entertain ior m
rvffev at a Innchaoti Friday afternoon.
Tha ceremony will take plaoa at the
r ttu hrida'i Barents. Mr. and
Mra. John B. Coffay, In Gladstone street.
at o'clock. Father Fletcher oruciaung,
in tha nrnttiM of tha Immediate rela
ting a mention for more than 100
goeeta will follow tha eervioe.
Tha feast of St. Brtgld. patronesa of
Ireland and of tha lad lea auxiliary to
tha Ancient Order of Hibernian In
America, which falla on Wedneaday, will
ba fittingly observed that evening In
MTbemla hall, H Rueeell street The
- nres-ram Includes a abort talk on tha
life of 8U Brlgld by tha Rev. W. A.
Paly, violin aoloa of Irlab compoaltlon
by Mr. J. Devlin and vocal aoloa by
tha Hey. E. P. Burke of Columbia unl
Teralty. light refreshments wlU ba
served. -Admission will ba free.
Baker. Mlaa Helen Qardlnler, daugh
tar of Frank Qardinler, whoaa engage
mant to Norrts Ouerney waa announced
d urine "home coming week" at the Uni
. Teralty ef Oregon, la being entertained
by her frlenda la this city. Tha moat
recent affair waa given by Mra. J. A.
lloaktna. Thuraday evening. The bonoree
received many beautiful gtfta and the
. gueeta enjoyed a sleigh tide before de-
parture, '
BLACK, Portland high
school student, who has
written Indian operatta to be
presented Friday and Satur
day nights. ', ;
Christmas Seal
Sale Is Nearing
$30,000 Sum
,, ' '' ' ' ' -i
'X , -ft
Y V H E RS i
BAKER Morrison at Ekveath. Baker 8 toe
eoauanr hi "lim't Girii -, Matiaee Weance
, Ur. Batsrday and Buade at 2 JO; eveoiac
: et Soeo. jfT . I
LTBIO- Bieedwey at Uorria. 2rie Uiufal
Comedy company in tTto Two Tbien-"
MstiBee duly at X p. av erenum at ? aad t.
ORPHETTU Bieedway at Taylor. TaaderlOe.
TheFoor Max Brothers hjartinert t M aad
PANTAGES Broadway a Aider. B3cthelaai
TooTiii aaa caotopUy latum Aiternooa
and renin, prsama cbaacee Monday aft
ernoon. - .
LOBW I HtPPODBOKX Broadway at Taae-
, hUL Dinctioa Aekerraaa 4 Harris. Vaada-
vuis ana ptctans. AftsmooaV sad (renin.
. in ee utua-uniatn." 11
LXBEKTT Broadway at SUrk. Btty ComO-
son in ra Law and toe Woman." 11 a. m.
to 11 p. m. j
KIVOLJ WaaUnctoa at Par k Tan Loaa
"Fifhtin MadL" t. 11 . I
BLUE MOCSE lerenth and Waahincton.
John Gilbert in "Shame." a a a. to 11
COLOMBIA Sixth and Btvk. 'Betty Comsaoa
a. sv to 11
Pantajges Bill
Captures Eye
Of Critic
By TelUt Wtaaer
fTTHE returna from the 1921 sale of
X Christmaa seala by the Oregon Tu
berculoala association are Hearing the
$30,000 mark, a total 01 Z8,30 naving
been received to date, with 12 county
public health associations and many of
the larger cities of the state yet to hear
from. Wallowa county sold a total or
$190.33 woth of reals and Curry has a
total of $177.96.
The Clatsop County Public Health as
sociationthe sixteenth In Oregon has
been organized at Astoria, with the fol
lowing; officers: President, Krederlck C.
Taylor ; vice president. Miss Eva O.
Holmes; secretary. Mrs. Doris Wirk-
hala ; treasurer, J. Clifford Barlow ;
chairman of supply committee, Mrs. Wil
liam P. O'Brien; chairman of publicity.
B rammiuw, r u . p. m. . . v- I The piece la built to be a vehicle for in-
" " "r.VE..F"?,t. ri, R?t?L BT tensive acting.
mitte tlt iv. a Trsni. I 8TA -Wawhincton at Park. JZ Dmi Sal As priest, Keilly presents a most 1m
Dim-Ch nii "wSuUn. P09,1 appearance. He Is tall, handsome
Rouch Diamond." a. ra. t 4 o'clock the ana nls "tage presence is siriKingiy mag-
neuc in receiving a coniesmon oi mur
der" from Mra. Obrien. depicted by
Mary' Hampton, he discovers that she is
his mother. - She had believed her son
killed during an attack by the soldiers in
the little Irish village.
The twin girla fit in the playlet ad
mirably. One of them dances a reel.
Relllya song numbers are especially
Shaw's Sporting Dog Revue is a reve
lation in the way of canine perfection
and lumDlns ability. There are a dozen
re1 1 of the dogs, including tha famous llght-
J isrien; cnainnan oi puoucuy. p. - . . A - "trlt Koth mri
rrtRAGEDY, pathos and humor, dra
X . matlcally portrayed, with high class
vocal selections a predominating feature,
gtve Pantagea patrons many thrilla this
week, with the Irish playlet. "The End
of tha World." as the Tehicle. . Levry
Rellly, the young Irish actor-singer, sup
ported by Mary Hampton, carry taa His
trionic burden of tha piece, and two pret-!
ty Volleena, in ahort dreaa, add torn in
splratlng pep to the offering.'.
Keilly. who assumes the role of priest,
played la stock with the Baker company
in the days of Catherine Coantiss. and
ba was lead ins; man with the Lyric Mus
ical Comedy company aix or seven years
ago. His partner took prominent parts
in a Frohman production appearing In
Portland In the thriving days of tbe
Both are masters of the stage.
rare dramatic ability.
raittee, Mrs. E. A. Larson.
Mrs. Dunbar and Miss Schreyer were
Hpeakers. For the past several years
the American Bed Cross has maintained
a county nurse in Clatsop, but the an
nual roll call this yar by which the
work is financed fell eo far short of the
sum needed that the services of the nurse
had to be dispensed with.
Miss Eileen Walker, who has served
under the Red Cross, was immediately
taken over by the Oregon Tuberculosis
association. The county court has ap
propriated $1500 for this work and the
money that the Tuberculosis association
usually spends in financing a demonstra
tion will be Bpent in maintaining a city
foUowinc morning.
Desmond Beats
As Hero
Pol a Negri Is
Fine in Her
New Part
Washington Fight to .
lind illiteracy JBegun
Olyrnpla, Waatu Jan. 3J Aa addreaa
by Mra. Cora Wllaoa Stewart of the Na
tiooaJ Edooauoej aaaartaUon. adopooa a
beglrmera .text book aad etecBoai f .
By A. S. J. - iwrmra were the) main eveau r tha tru-
LOVE and death and the mad ambltroe tial tDeettng of the Waahlagtom state O-
of a fascinating woman are the rot-1 Uteracy . oommlaalon. bead here Monday.
inc spirits in the tale of "The Last Pay I officers choaea vrere: Mra Josephine
raent.- a screen uraraa oi unuaum iorceiCorli Preston, prcasdent: C IX Cam
shewn this week at the Majestic theatre. rALT ZZZZl): FJZZ
Pola Negri, whose fatalistic beauty t I footer, cretary. and Oeorn Pedroord.
UM crowning lowcn or tragedy so xm mj.-1 rrtMmarrr. Other mianlaia n mm
fairs of Lou la XV In -Paaeaon.- appearal Mrv Arthor a of Taktma and
In toJtJZHto Minnie Bean of Tacoms. A book
IlsMlU U1V UreaViriesVWV yVW WHrtll BMW lea I
tilM Into ib chaUctertttUon of UaiS-
vrUteo by Mr Slsvart wm cbosc mm
tKan - 1 taav tkawS- A sa
ante-Da Barry la prewent la ne W-sw de-1 -WanainaToo rree FVoaa lulteewey-
Operetta Written by
Portland Student to
Be Heard This Week
i ti s 1 n f a veei t tea tolr an In than vm I vi w
presentation by the Franklin high school! clety of the First M. E. church will meet! when somebody isn't on the rerolvingend I on a locnj stage.
The Lone, loose Coat Is Especially
Smart for Afternoon VV
a i ne tn her iierwonatloa of Lola Its urea.
Present day scenes In Argenlna and
In Paris are developed on an elaborate
scale In Tbe Last Payment A vast
amount of labor and expense waa en
tailed In producing trie perfect setting
of the play and no detail has been over
looked In throwing the lure of high ad
venture about the vamplah machinations
of the charming Lola. Tbe drama
reaches a fine climax in the ban room
scene where tragical defeat In love robs
the heroine of the joy of popular ap
plause. There la no end of action and color
and life in The Last rayment From
the opening . scene to the final tragedy
the play la replete with thrilling situa
tions. The wild abandon of Bohemias
revelry In Paria offers free scope for a
display of Pola NegrTa physical charms
and her talent aa a dancer. As an en
tertainment the production poaeeaeee un
usual merit.
a - e
Very chic IT this loose, blouaing coat.
belted at the correctly placed low waist
line and emphasizing the attractiveness
of that smart feature of the mode, an
opening or k trimming detail at one aide.
nurse for Astoria, Mrs. Florence Patter-1 VV cowboy musketeer In his latest I weight racing whippet, greyhound and
ann I (Vrm., niw dhowinE at the BJvOli. I OaftniMan tinnrlna- Anm Tn lh hlrh 1imn
I "Fightln" Mad" Is a picture mat noiaa I the dogs appear to their beat advantage. I The deep anawi collar ana wiae cuwn mre
Th wnmon. vnroim uicinnra an. 1 1 riA interest from besHnTilng to end. . and I phi miitinr ia ntinnt tn host mr njeri I banded with sQulrrel or summer ermine.
. . . . ... . I .v.J. a tli nmlirinrMll . . . I ..J V. -rka Itaalf maw tva UrtMl Vritb
crepe jersey.
of Bill's fists, some good looking- girlris
Women of the department of Oregon,
auxiliary to the United Spanish War
veterans, will entertain this evening at
t o'clock at a too party at 625 court
house. , The committee In charge of ar
rangementa Includes Mrs.Jane C.
lteaeh. Mra. Allen T. AndSraon. Mrs.
Martin J. Tunney. who wlU be assisted
"by the department officers.
. e : e
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest O. Bwlgert, who
have been occupying the family resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. C, F. Swlgert
since their return from the East where
they wars married a short time ago,
have taken . a house at Twenty-fourth
and Everett atreeta. i .
e e e . ' f
Little Nanette Moors, daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. Cheater Moore, enjoyed a par
ty at her home today In Irvlngton on
1nK In tha nuniti "tVi. Wnninir hi thA SundaT BChonl tp.mnlA n t 2 n
and Death of Minnehaha," next Friday I Wednesday. There will be readings by I catching a few three-minute kisses.
and Saturday nights in the Lincoln high I Mrs. T. M. i'outs and Mrs. John Keed.
achool auditorium. The operetta is the! Mrs. A. M. Fisher will conduct the
work of George William Black, a stu- "mystery box." The hostesses will be
dent of advanced harmony and compoai-1 Mra W. J. Irvine. Mrs. Gorge C Os-
department of the I nurn, airs. u. u. Minion ana jurs. a. i.
. Dunbar and Turner, "eccentric con-
nared to BllL who uses the musketeer's I " J. v" V
tlon In the music
Franklin high.
This will be the fourth operatic work
to be sung by the Franklin high school
glep ,club.
Jack Gilbert's
Star Role
Is Great
J. C Henderson, executive secretary of
Community Service, gave a splendid
Americanization talk at the last meeting
of the Overlook ; Woman's club. He
emphasized the importance of aiding the
newcomers in becoming acquainted with
the laws and high ideals of the nation.
and spoke of the necessity and advan
tages of mutual .interest and cooperation.
methods in capturing a gang of Mexican
outlaws and saving several girla BllV
finds three pale, lust like D'Artagnan
did, and their loyalty Is a feature of the
picture. I
There Is enough shooting and fighting
in the picture to make a shooting gal
lery look like a Sunday achool meeting,
but regardless of the over amount of
blood that is spilled. It Is a great pic
ture. The real kick comes when Bill's
three partners use their motto, "One For
All and All For one.
faces, feet and hands In sade-splittine;
manner. Their grotesque dancing Is
enhanced by the crazy-quilt costume of
the young woman; who is a clown of
three-ring circus caliber. Ludicrous
aongs and convulsing Jokes are featured
EH Cota la a musical windstorm, who
manlaulatea the xylophone. He Is a droll
cornelian, with a sanctimonious face,
and wears a professor's wig in the de
livery of "Wrigeleto," a travesty on
grand opera.
(CopyrizM. 122. by Torat. Sew Tort)
Oregon-Made Films
For Ad Club Party
tnJkiaa Bill's I unexpected tunes.
I A reminaer oi ara .lauisrumy is leuna
The cast is good and the filming and I 'n Mabel Harper, whoae facial-gymnaa-hcrseback
ridine are ditto. William la tics and pedal criss-crosses. In Imitating
Members of the Ad club have been in
vited to attend a private showing of Ore
gon-made motion pictures at the Kiser
Studios. Inc.. Wedneaday evening, at t
His discords break In at I o'clock. Several reels of pictures taken
in the Cascade mountains and through
Central Oregon will be featured.
y TTTT'rr A T traAIHnna rtlnruiorl into the
tbe occasion tf her, third birthday an- II fur of AlMkln Btorms u a fe-
nlverelty. A number of klddlee of the
neighborhood and their mothers were
.present. . '!'!
1 Virgil Isham. pianist, will present II
atudenta In recital In the parlors of the
Portland hotel this evening Mlaa Mar-
agaret Williamson, a dramatic reader,
will assist ."' .
. . 1 . e e a- ,
Mr. and Mrs.' O. L. Markham have
returned from a' trip to California and
Mexico. They made the tour by motor
. 'and have been, absent from the .city
about a month. v
Mls Marie Belknap of Los Angeles,
CaL, will be a guest of honor at lunch
eon of II covers at the Portland hotel
Wedneaday, for which Miss Lola Dicker
son will entertain.
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Shea will
entertain a few guests at dinner at their
home preceding the dance of the Tllll
cunt club at Multnomah hotel.
e e e
Dr. and Mrs, George Patrtah and two
one left the city Sunday night for
' Southern California.' Where they will
spend three months, , , . -, ,
. e e
Mr. and Mrs. Otto TL Ortce, who have
been ruest at the Multnomah hotel for
- some time, have taken an apartment at
Looretla Court, i
' V '
The Iowa State society will hold its
, regular social meeting at the Portland
foetal Turn Verein Wednesday evening.
e e . e :'
. Mrs. W. C Knighton was a vial lor In
Salem the latter part of. the week at the
aeeae of bar mother. Mra. IX E. Waters.
Egg MemhrahefPut
In Skull qf 'Injiired
Man Gaining .Hold
Ht treenal Bervlee)
Snnta Roaa, CaL, Jan. II- The egg
membrane plaeed In the skull of Charles
Laytoa, who was terribly burned when
he same In contact with a heavy voltage
wtrs during the storm on Chrtstmaa
day, eentlnuea to grow and la becoming
firmly attaches: to ue eauu Done, it. jv
n. Hamlin, who performed the opera
tion, stated today. Lay ton Is still para
lysed in the lower parts of his body aad
hae been In this condition for weeks.
Today, wheei he ananeged te move one
af tn, toe a. Dr. Hamlin expreaeed the
belief that he will again recover the
ms of bla Urn be. The case has attract
ed widespread attention.
ture In "Shame," a new ana exciting
picture now shjawkig at the Blue Mouse,
It la filled withJeart throbs, adventure
and, best ofyaH, the sinister and kindly
waya or. tn enmese.
"Shame" la the experience of a young
financier who waa born In China. After
many ad ventures aa a child In that land
he cornea to the United States, where he
Inherits a fortune. He marries a beau
tiful American girl and then is led to
believe that he Is halt caste half Chi
nese. His shame Is vividly depicted by
the able young actor. John Gilbert,
when a child Is bom to them. He be
lieves that It has Chinese blood in Its
Shame forces him to leave all that he
loves and he flees, with the child, to bar
ren, snow-bound Alaskan shores. How
the vlllienoue Chinaman is killed and
the young man Is proved to be white
goee to complete the cinema story. Li
Wong, a life long friend of the young
man, proves his loyalty and devotion
by aiding the girl in finding her hus
band and lover.
The supporting cast Is extremely good,
though no stars are In evidence, and
Gilbert's portrayal of two parts is
work of art This young man is bound
to be heard from If he keepa up his
good work. Several eoenee of the Chi
nese feast days in San Francisco add an
Oriental touch to the film produced by
William Fox.
John Gilbert, better known in Port
land aa "Jack." waa formerly a member
of the Baker Stock company, where his
father, Walter B. Gilbert, is director. As
a tribute to father and son the Blue
Mouse management Tuesday afternoon
presented a special matinee and in
vited all the Baker company to enjoy
with Director Gilbert his eon's first ap
pearance In a star role. ; V.
Fox News and several' good fillers
complete John Hamrlck'a program and a
scenic stage setting; is very beautiful.
The Blue Mouse orchestra plays "Ma
dam Butterfly" to perfection. The pres
ent show will continue throughout the
The bridge tea given by the Monday I very good looking and contributes soma
Musical club waa a delightful affair. I good acting, aa well aa flats, to the
Following bridge and 500 Miss Genevieve I cinema. I
Qilbert sang Arditl's "Waltz Song" and a clever juvenile comedy is shown.
"Come to the Garden, Love." by Salter. I The children are so good they make the j
She was encored and responded to an I supporting cast of elders look like am-
a drunken man, are a scream. Frowsy
hair, manipulated for the occasion, is
a part of her farcial scenery. Songs and
jokes alternate.
Syncopated jugglers. Swan and Swan,
open the bill. Alice Joyce is featured in
encore with "Boata of Mine," by Strat- ateurs. Prisma presents a colorful reel, the photoplay. The Inner Voice."
W. D. B. Dodeon. reneral manager of
the Chamber of Commerce, left Sunday
for Southern Oregon, where he will de
liver addreaaea during the next three
days. SpeciaJalopa will be made at
Ashland, Grants Paaa and Med ford.
Dodaon will return Thursday.
' J sT
Annual Sale
Still Continues
many beautiful On-'
ental Rurs already in
stock we have just re
ceived a big shipment of
Chinese Rugs, some in
unusual shades of mul
berry and old rose.
Atiyeh Bros.
OnenUl Rugs
Alder el Ttoth
ten. with Miss Maylne Helen Flynn at showing the delicious California fruits.
the piano. Salvatore Santaella arjd his orchestral
l play several selections that add zest. A
More than 150 women attended a card I concert Is eiven by the orchestra every
party, musicale and tea given Monday! Sunday at 12:30, The present bill will
u me uiureiuui i ciuuuuuas uj uw i continue Lnrouenout tlie weea.
Presidents' club. Handsome prizes were!
awarded the winners in both bridge and!
500, after-which a musical program waal
given and coffee and home made cake I
The State Woman's Press club wUl
hold Its meeting Wednesday evening. In
room F, Central library. Miss Klnora
Thompson of the University of Oregon
work at the court house will speak on
Health Education." Everybody Is in
vited. ;
The Woman's Guild of St. Davids
parish will meet in the parish house
Thursday at 2 o'clock. Hostesses for the
BOdal hour following the business meet
ing are Mra Arthur Vial, Mra S. E.
Josephi, Mrs. S. ;D. Hollister, Mra A
L. Foss and Mrscr Francis West.
! e
The regular meeting of Portland Grade
Teachers' association representatives will
be held as usual at the club rooms, 3S1
Chamber of Commerce building, at 4 :30
clock. Wednesday. Every representa
tive is urged to be present.
The Women's Missionary society of the
First Baptist church will be held on
Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Floyd R.
Smith. 1033 Pacific street. Subject will
be "Burma" The leader will be Mrs. H.
A. Townsend.
; e
The Ladlea Aid society and the Mis
sionary society of the Waverly Heights
Congregational church will meet Wed
nesday, Luncheon will be served at
noon. In the afternoon there will be
program and business meeting.
The Ladies Aid society of Pilgrim
Congregational church will meet Wed
nesday at 2 p. tn. with Mrs. H. Ehlers,
9(0 Montana avenue.
Lutheran Ministers
Add to Protests oil
Dances in Schools
The Luheran Mnlaterial association of
Portland, tn session Monday afternoon
at St. James English Lutheran church.
added Its protest to the use of public
achool buildings for dancing by unani
mously adopting a resolution presented
by the Rev. M. A. Chriatensen. pastor
ef Our Savior's Lutheran church.
By the resolution the association goes
Aonn TO BB OBA.T0B -
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval- I "on record aa expressing our conviction
Its, Jan. IL The oollege will hare aa a
MDHaeaUUM at the state oratorical
contest at Newborn, March 10, .Marvin
R. Good Of CorvelUa. a junior, c w. of Albany won eeoond place.
The Public Welfare
-a branch ef the Pnhlk Welfare
.. i .h.ina te srtve lobe to as
many as poeeioie "
handicapped of rortland iwbo, other-
VIK. would e puDlKZ cunrrai, 07
reouilding clothing, shoes, furniture,
10. donated by the peopls of Port
land and vicinity.
r mi( mrr rVCMTD WORK OF
we must have, the reoperation of the
r-noroue people I uv
HON. , .
7m aad yo wUl have earned the
bleenlngS U we siwrr
xoi reality bat a eheaee)
I7 J skates BU rhese Vata Itll
Molalla The Civic
clety met Thursday
Mrs. E. R. Todd. !
Improvement so-
at the home of
. .. . . . . . .
"n" : uowahip wra-pfevi
T. w. U. A. is scneouieu to mi Ji to menu.
aaj eveumij.
Frank S. Baillle, grand master, has
issued a dispensation for the formation
of Waluga lodge, TJ. D Ancient. Free
and Accepted Masons, at Oswego, Or.
Work will be commenced in the lodge
Wednesday evening and will be opened
by the grand master assisted by W. G.
.Shellenbarger, district deputy- grand
master. The officers-elect of the new
lodge are Fred H. Reese, master; Ray 1
B. Stoelsel, senior warden; Arthur C.I
Goods,. junior warden. Delegations from!
Portland lodge will attend the opening
of the lodge. All members of the fra
ternity are welcome.
Ladles of the Auxiliary. Travelers'
Protective association, will meet Thurs
day noon for luncheon at the Oregon
hotel, Mrs. A. W. Ellis, chairman. Plans
for a membership drive will be dls-1
cussed. '
The Sons of DeMolay, composed most
ly of sons of Masons, are assiduously
practicing under direction of Frank S.
Grant and Rupert Baker at the Sunny
side Masonic lodge each Wedneaday
evening. The degree work will be given
shortly to' a class of 500 at The Audi
torium, j
Alberta lodge Wednesday night will
listen to a lecture by J. S. Roark, super
intendent of the Masonic home, who will
take for his subject "The Masonic Homes
of the United States." A banquet will
follow. E. T. Short, master of the
lodge, will preside. All Masons are wel
come to participate.
Judge Robert Tucker will speak
speak Wednesday at the noon lunch of
the Grottb at the Haselwood. Arthur
Berridee Will preside. The usual good
3 anaddition
Oood-to) disKpari--pat
braper and. insanrtary
sar . m
(Thm 5-Minute DUhwasher elunmateg the dishpan, pot scraper,
dlahrafc cUaninf cumpound and many other accessories 'that
clutter up the fcitcbeo. It does the work of all better, cheaper,
quicker. It washes, sterilizes and dries dishes, pots and paas
without roar putting bands into water.
Price, $7.75 complete
Write' or telephone for free borne dernonstratxm. or call at
oar falesroom. Free, illustrated, descriptive literature.
Northwest Distributing
Broadway 3125 -607 Henry Bid.
KOIUIVArTuilC(KMmrmmC,WU. (Ill)
Flexible Arch Fits
If you wear the ordinary shoes with
a rigid shank (made rigid by a con
cealed strip of steel, called "shank-
piece") you will certiinly ipprectite
the wonderful fit of Cantilever Shoes
under the arch. For the Cantilever
shank. is flexible. It draws up 'when
you lace the shoe and fits itself rest-
fully to the undercurve of your foot
Here is the way a writer In a fash
ion magazine described this feature of
Cantilever Shoes.
"Each shoe is excellently made with
an arch which keeps the position of
the foot in Its proper place. Instead of
leaving it suspended above or flat
tened against the sole of tbe shoe, a
condition which in either case holds
a pernicious effect."
Tbe flexible Cantilever shank, with
snug-fitting instep, helps the arch
muscles and ligiments to maintain
the normal position of the bones
which form the foot arch. At the
same time, the shoe support Is health
ful, for the flexibility permits the
foot to function as nature intended
(the arch of the foot should flex
with every step). Thus the muscles
exercise and strengthen, circulation is
stimulated and weak or fallen arches
are corrected or prevented.
Cantilever comfort is tbe kind of
shoe comfort you will enjoy- espe
cially when you see how food look
ing Cantilever Shoes tre. Sold only
by Us in this city.
Cantilever Shoe Store
.350 Alder St., Medical Bldg.
(Alee Oat-ol-Iewa)
Monday "Mas. Battee-fly."
Taraaday "CevalUrie Rmsba
and Tegtiacci."
Wednesday Mat 'TsoaU"
Wednesday Eva. "RaoWtteJ
Thursday "Jewels ed
Friday La
Sat. Mat
Set. Evev
"Madam Bntterfly.
Tl Trove tore.
PPIPF? Kt ese. SI
rniUtO Mrea. Xatmee, tee. tLM
City and out-of-town mall erdera
may be sect In at any time. Addreei
all orders to Public Auditorium. Port'
land, and make all imlttanoee pay-
anie to -Treasurer, fuouc Anditonum.
1 Dcloee eeli-aodreased aa4 acaanD
envelope to help Insure safe retara
or tickets.
Leeal PlreetUa W. T. Paarle
London. From the days of the Cru
sades the turban of the Turks and other
Oriental potentates has had a recurring
Influence on English fashions in neaa-
The demand tor relief Is preeslTii
Our truck wur call tor anything y
w'rt to donate. Jaet phone 'Mai
that such practice should be diacontln
ued." , . .
The meeting was the best attended one
the association haa had. The members
also decided to hold a Pan-Lutheran
Bible conference In ' the city beginning
Apru s. -
Following an address by W. F. Wood
ward of the school board, the association
appointed Rev. W. XI Brtnkman and
Rev. M. A. Chrutansen a committee to
cooperate with the Portland council of
churches In securing week-day education
for public school children. If the plan
la ' agreeable "to , the school board the
Lutheran people of the city propose to
give their children rejlgioua instruction
one hour each week. -; y.
The annual election 6Y officers resulted
in the election of Rev. A. Kraua. chair
man ; Rev. M.'A. Chjrterisen. vic-chatr-
man: Rev. H. J. 'Thorpe, eecretary
treasurer. The next meeting wlU be helo
February IS at Our Saviora Latneraa
ChUrCA. ' - .
Announcement was made that tha Rev.
a N. SkUbred of -BUUngs. Moat., had
accepted a oaU to the pastorate of the
canny , XAitheran church.
St. Helena, Jan. L At a meetlnr of
tne recently elected -dXrectora of the St..
Helena Chamber of Comnreroa. John L.
Storla waa reappointed executive secre
tary, a position a baa filled for three
ream, .
Scottish Rite Masons will vather iri
force Tuesday evening at the S. Rj
temple to witness the conferring of the
amplified form of the twenty-eighth de-j
gree under the direction of Hopkins
Jenkins and Dr. L. M. Snow.
Brothers entertained the sisters at th
meeting of the Degree of Honor Protec
tion association Monday evening 'at the
hall of the East Side Business Men's
gear, and this influence Is especially no- I dub. A large attendance resulted and
uceaoie a preaeuv www . . uw yi w
prince of Wales, is the guest of the In- .....
dlan rajaha The most popular head With beautiful tableaux and aided bj
dress for evening wear here la the Ort- cadets under Captain P. P. Fisher, Eu-
ental turban but, aa It haa to withstand reka council, Security Benefit associa-
nothlng more severe than the rays of tlon, Monday evening received a large
electric lirhta. it Is made of tulle rather class of candidates and gave a aocia)
than the heavier materials. With Its I program that attracted a large attend-
wide roll of gold or silver tulle ana a
long- ostrich plume sweeping down over
the bare shoulders. It completely covers
the hair of the wearer except for a mere
e-limoee of the treaaes over the ears.
Blue shot with silver la a favorite color I
combination and . the fronds of the
plumes are tipped with silver or gold.
New York. Fetal points Instead of
petticoats. That is the latest transition
tn nnderthings developed In the snow-
taga here. Paria la credited with, hav
ing originated the idea which earned
out by - means of a crepe e
bloomer." This iraxment Is outre short
and without elastio at the krfee. Stitched
on at a point a little belew the waist
line are petal points of Georgette, tn
snatching' or contrasting colotarN These
points tail gracefully below the hem of
the bloomer and serve in reality aa a
petUcoat. Tey are - especially adapa-
able ' for wear With chiffon evenlna;
froeks. Another whimsy m nnderthinga
la found tn colored crepe de chine gar
ments with cretonne appliques tn the
shape ef Cowers iia the natural Cower
colorinrs, r, L -1. , i
Wednesday evening the feast ofSti
Bridget will be celebrated at the hall
of tbe Ancient Order of Hibernians. Rus
sell near Rodney - street by Portland
lodge of the order. A fitting program
has been announced. - .
Investment to the amount of X5S.0OO
of its Interest bearing funds have Just
been made for the United Artisans ITy
the Supreme assembly. Newberg bonds
were purchased to the extent of S20.0O0
and Dallas bonds to the same amount.
Klamath Falls . bonds to the sum ef
J 15.000 were taken. - Besides publio sen
curities the United Artisans la alee
owner, of the Artisan building- at Broad
way and Oak; a general office building
In which are located the offices of the
Supreme assembly on the sixth floor.
Members of the Al-Asar are requested
to- wear their fez at a reception and
display ceremonial given before Fram
assembly, Tuesday evening at Mecca-
bee hall, 8S61 Washington street
aaoaioav. tvksosv e wtnajcaoar.
n. ae. si, ane raa. t.
ooeinawoua, i to ii p. ex.
TMg CMioetta ih tmb ease
eNanLKS siaeex,
Irish oostaux. baaca. soma.
araaesna. OMMfbb 10a. aeMM
Beentnea, Ciaea 17a, aawSe SSe,
: sen amrt xomn
new rvaviae)
pi higher priced brands. Satisfaction
or your money refunded.
Edr over 30 years
rpiA unriT aa
Cewedy. Tbe Lave Frgt Fatae TTews
daVCoaUaraoCaS I P. SL le 11 F. H. aassaS
TW tt AaarevTsr
us say aiHAV e oeseawy.
tai' wiae av aiav aaaeroa -a
-rm aw oe twi aota'
nwa aaa ae Twaa t a
MilUons X)f Pounds bemght by the Government
astL HaSPf a
ALica1 iovci
mi mii CMaasta.'
- There la ba pvonteeeinc at the
Anemeeea as 8 areata? f aa