TUESDAY, JANUARY. 31, 1922. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON TOWN TOPICS " ' come a imm . mt the aWeaaJatd Chen ef m -a m utter Ui -- eoeaaaaon Orwaa Orm Cattae Jut T.' B nl . I 1. Wmw, him Wortnee, trae kfa, nwU and raid project for the oonjln i year. The conference la similar to that held in Baker recently for Hasten Ore- son supervisor. - Gear Otnetn M iMt-Offloen o( the Oregon National vuard will meet in annual conference at the Armory in this city Friday. February 10, at I o'clock m., th session to cootinoe all day. Orado pay for Urn necessary win be allowed and also transportation. ' Offl- aah. hotel, next Saturday eveninc. AS 1 writers, .dab women and book .lover are included In the invitation. ' Reserva tions can be made at the J. X. GUI coro- pany. ; ' k - The Open Feram of Desaeeracy will bold its regular meeting in room A. Cen tral library, Wednesday, at 8 p. m. The subject for discussion will be, "Should the Present Styles of Dancing Be Taught and Practteced In the Public e Schedules to e February 1 The Cadillac Stage company, operating stages between Portland and Tillamook. ears are expected to appear in service I School?" Dr. J- 8. Hardy will direct I mnouncea a new schedule, effective Feb- unlform and to remain throughout the! itona, ia to is. e aaaariaaa Isstttate ef Baaaia. JU 1 "V" ". rorttaad, anxmW k tatS wm it. WEirnci iADrui mmyf.S WnlW Tmtht aad Wad--J,TZZTma"t a"d Wednesday fair; sws ""oiaatae Tofrish Ulr: Vnfaialu tkr irij vu WEATHER OJIDITIOSH lw vrtmm n prarafla from Alaaka auutheaat- T .t"- . as Miic. aa4 aantware Lr"7 """"I rwi and amrihara Korkj V" ! Norton fuh and ftoatb- " tnmMm. mra prmmn rrmlla la "-V aa el Um lJmtl suttm. tha hifW iwimuui hae arrurrad at Ursa aajshar of 'J"" station Klnhm fair aathr Colawbla Stage Pormerly knewa aa Saepare's AaU Baa LJaea) Portland St, Hatoat dtrUiea Leave Portland 10 a. m. and 4 :15 u. m. daily and 11 :15 p. m. Baturoays, sjiiaays and bouoaya only. Leave St. Helens 7 do a. m. and 1:14 p. m. daily and 1:15 p. m. Satur days, Sundays and holidays only. Ail cars heated. Leave from and arrive at the new Auto Stage Terminal Depot. KZ Yamhin street, corner of Park street Phone Main MIL Adv. Chares Feed Gains Canvassers for the Unity Presbyterian church build ing fund met with greater success Sun day than had been anticipated, said the Rev. a W. See ma a. pastor. Out of the $5000 sought on the small monthly payment basis the canvassers came back lth 14199 pledged, ail to be paid within a year. Trie church contemplates- a new structure at East Seventy-first street. after which open discussion win be in order. CelssiMn Loose Leaf Aeeoent Book, extensively used, rulings 2 to 4S columns, Journal, cash, voucher, classified sales. recap, etc Hundreds in use. fnone Broadway 2971, Pacific Stationery Printing Co., 197 Second street. Adv. Br. G. Lee Hyasea has moved to 815 tlC Selling bldg. Marshall 3712. Adv. Columbia Stages CFeraierly known as 8heard's Ante But Lines) Portland. Heed Biver division Service temporar ily discontinued on account of snow drifts oh the highway. Resumption of service will be announced in this space. Phone Main MIL Adv. Prise 9faBaurade for general public Tuesday night, Jan. 31. W. O. W. hall, 121 11th st. Given by Anchor council No. 74. S. B. A. 20 prizes, costing 1150, will be given away. Come, masque. Help the unemployed. Adv. ForOaad-lTeweerg Bat Leaves Stage the meeting and Introduce the subject, j ruary . On and after that date the stages wffl leave the stage depot. Park ana xamhiu. Portland, at t:15 a. m. 12:30 p. m. and 3 :20 n. m. Stages will leave Tillamook at 7:30 a. m 13 o'clock noon and 3 p. m. . - The noon stage from Portland and Tillamook is an added service which will Permit passengers to arrive at Portland and Tillamook before dinner. The noon stage from Portland will make it possi ble for an afternoon edition of The Jour nal to' be delivered in Tillamook every evening before dinner. Later in the spring, as the beach travel opens up. ad ditionai trips wUl be added to the above schedules. Simplified JFonns :;f. y Tor Filing Income Taxes Received A . Revised and simplifledZorma for filing individual income returns for the year 1521 have been received by Clyde G. Huntley, collector of Internal revenue. These blanks are being mailed to every person in the state outside of Portland who filed a returni last year. Blanks will be mailed taxpayers residing in I Portland as sooA as received from Washington, probably early next week. It is expected thAt blanks for the use of corporations win, be received within a few dava. ""V "Income tax returns must be filed not later than March 15," explained Col lector Huntley this morning. "Taxpay ers may pay their tax in full when they file their returns, or they will be per mitted, as was the case last year, to pay in four equal in at ailments, due March 15, Juno IS, September IS and December IS. In any event, the return must be Cled not later than March IS and. unions the tax ia paid in full, mast be accompanied by the initial payment of 2S per cent. -Failure r a taxpayer to receive blanks from this office upon which 'to make his return does not relieve the tax payer fro his ebUgaOea to tile his re turn, neither win It exempt aim from the payment of heavy penalties provided payer from bis obligation to file bis re turn within the prescribed time. ' : ROT LAKX ABUTTALS . Hot Lake. Jan. 3L Arrivals at Hot Lake sanatorium. Friday, were: Mtl F. 8. Clio. Cakoa: Mrs. J. Martin. i-tJi too; Mrs. Arthur HtMna. Kes . Idaho; P. J. Steffen. La Oande; aira. E. U. Malta x. Union ; Mr. and Mrs. K 1. SturgflL La. Grande; Kthelya HalL Port land; Mr. and Mm. Rucamaa. AUi : Gorre Witaoa, L Orande; liertotrt Goldsmith. Portland. - J wm IWICK OI t Wlll.hu. mmrh atlkbr oa tka atra ilna mi ik. n "--tln aao ta the Imr Ik now. . ilit at Portland Nona yaf .rll.V P, r-Mfda. 4 p.r "5J a. sl today. 53 pat aaoL PTMinltAUna SvHotj; aonaal, tectMa, mnrm January 1 Total. S.21 " 50 nrS": drflcwnrr. l.:t OB-r.ltVATIOf 8 STATIONS near Sandy boulevard. Will Dlaeaas Sain Merger A report on depot. Park and Yamhill, daily. 8. 9 :30 tL nh,a- ' Ran Francisco will be given before the P. m. Saturday and Sunday. 11 .15 p. m. mw .L ZfJEL I Portland Ad club Wednesday noon by I Main 8S1L Adv. il- b. v an Lmser. presiaent or ine i-on-1 Beneol Books, toougnt. sold and ex- land Chamber of Commerce. The Dane- changed. Hyland's Old Book store. 204 mg Wilburs, who have Just finished anlvmirth atrt. Ht,.n t-.i. Orpheum tour, will dance, and Samuel Salmon. Adv C. Lancaster will describe the condition of the snow-blocked Columbia river rortland-SalenwAihanyLeaves stage highway. pt"- rr ana xamnni, every nour Dr. Ear. Parker Ill-Dr. B. Earle M",n k,, " P" m Parker, pastor of the First Methodist I . , , .... church, is confined to his home with a " ' . , JT1 severe attack of la grippe. His fever " lrcK- nigni jsnoe oom- was reported to have retarded this morn- "ear sroauway. auv. Ing, but It U doubtful If he will be al-l -jaenea St. Helens via Columbia lowed by his physician to occupy his river, 2 :30 p. m. daily ; 11 :30 a. m. Sun pulplt next Sunday. He did not preach daT- Alder st dock. Main $321. Adv. last Sunday. The morning service was I Salest-Snia City Btsra Connocta O. tasen ny ut. w. w. zoungson ana tneii& trains ros. evening service by Rev. Ralph McAfee. Li q nor Cbargea Dropped Charges of violating the Volstead act filed in Klamath Falls against Dick Berard and Fd Zehnder were dismissed Monday by Federal Judge Wolverton at the request of Assistant United States Attorney Flegel. Flegel told the court that the evidence was not sufficient to warrant presentation of the cases to the grand Jury. Mors Vet Bodies Come Bodies of eight Northwest soldiers who died overseas. taker. Or-' . -, , PoMne, Mas. Buffalo, M T. talcary. Alt JhlraM, lu. l"t, ' Cola. ! MotiMa, Iowa . . . rnmm, lal flaiMnVan, Tata , . . , Um. ai.mt. Ilmlaln, T. tt llnrne. g. II Jnnaaa, Alaoka , . . , Kanata VUj. Ma knuiTtUa, Tana. . . . , lm An-lr. Cal Manhfi.M. Mxl-r4. O. "atprna Tnn Maw (trbaaa. La. . , , Maw Tar. N. T. ... Moma, Alaaka fnrth Had. Vttrh. . . hnnh Plati. Nrk. . 0laln tlty. Ofcla, rhnanii, Arta. . . . . , yiUabars, a. , rWaiaUo. Irfana . . . Partian. Or r-rlnra Alaari, Saak. . Mpeiir Or UnawalL N. M frwrwato, I'at . . at. Iwta. Ma St Paal. Mine. .... Sl lka llij, Ctak Sm Infn. CaL .... Saa rranHarn, Cat BatU, Wat SfcffrMaa. H jn. .... Sitka. Abwka .... rtaaaa, H aoh. . . . Tatmah Inland, Haas Tnnra. Nrr. ValH. Aavka . . . . Vumam. B. C ... Italia Waha, waaa. . WaohlnalM. IV C. . , Wtinaaaa, W. D Yakima. Waah. artoranoa rrpnrt of praradinc day. rv row sWn. 73 rr a t ft 132 I S 39 24 v.hu to 13 32 se -2 h 72 A 34. SB f2 ii 42 42 64 44 40 SO 43 10 34 44 Z 3 40 42 40 ft 2 14 54 44 30 4 34 24 32 2fl 22 82 24 44 - 3 29 h 29 10 24 42 28 1 2S (-SO 80 3d 84 84 14 29 44 40 24 M8 10 80 14 if 14 H4 10 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 .18 0 0 .18 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 .80 0 o 0 0 0 .01 .04 0 0 .02 .78 0 0 0 0 0 0 .18 0 0 0 0 0 S and for Mills Citv. Joseph Hamman, Salem, Prop. Adv. - Practical and Efficient Dentistry Dr. J. R. Marshall. 307 Journal bldg. Adv S. A H. Green Stamps for Cash Hol- man Fuel Co.. Main 353, 560-21. Adv. DAVID COLEMAN Centralla, Wash.. Jan. 3L David Cole man, 84. died Sunday after an illness of six hours. He was a Civil war veteran and crossed the plains by prairie schooner in 1868 to Montana and Utah In DMl.nJ VInH I OCOIt-H ui UIU, M lniraiia Th. win h. h.tv,a tn.i.ht rr tk.i u He is survived by seven chil- W. R. Coleman, Mrs. W. E. Pangburn i final destination at various towns In Oreiron and Waahlneion One additions' body to arrive, besides the list published nd UJ-Shr Hagen of Centralia ; lajit awk. wa that of Omar Alexander Mrs. S. B. Porter. ancouver. Wash., of Mansfield. Wash., who died of wounds nd F- M- Coleman, Paxton, Neb. received In action on August 31, 1918 Apartment Work Begins Construction work was begun Monday on a two-story frame apartment house building, 70 by 90 feet in dimensions, at the southwest corner of Weidler and East Eighth streets, for W. A. Carpenter. The ex terior of the building will be finished In cement stucco and the two stories will be divided into 17 four-room suites. Construction cost is estimated at 335,000. Mail Addretie Wasted Since the new city directory has omitted the names of CITY OFFICIAL QUITS Kelso. Wash., Jan. 31. W. H. Davolt, manager of the Kelso water department, has resigned to enter the chicken busi ness with his brother. C O. Davolt. They are building two Residences on the Da volt place north of town. Mayor Mc- Lane returned from California Saturday, but has not chosen Davolt's successor. "J "em -Bilked- R. K. Kautelberg was arrested Monday eve- V Ming by the nolloa All tttA Munnl.l.i , S-mxr m 11 -- . " vl liiwu-lnl i.1ln.n oanl.. HQ Pl.t Tw.nl. n.L.- v " """"" 'a tt. who LIlTw .t Y -7;f"Z V - -V vi. i7J "blikea- out of $10 by f H 1 em QUAKE AT BROWNSVILLE Brownsville, Or., Jan. 3L A slight many persons residing in Portland, Post-1 earthquake was felt here about 5 o'clock master John M. Jones has requested that I this morning. No damage resulted. ar.yone whose name is not so contained. to leave his name and address at the poetoffice for the use of the mail clerks in supplying addresses on mall that is received without proper, addresses. Motoreycllst Is Hart Ivan Crumbley, ,amp n employment tranaar-tlnn tt. held on a charre of aiwmiIto . Miuymeni agency without a M.r... Trajvaa nariag Charlea D. Gooch who admitted, after his arreat Si.mH.v paaalng bad checks totaling over 30o'. waived a preliminary hearing In muni cipal court Monday and was bound over to the grand Jury with bail fixed at Pertlaad Invited to Fairs Notices of three world fairs to be held during 1322 have been received bv the hnr.... trade and commerce of the Chamber of jwnnwrw, ine nrst will be the British ... ,,r, irom renruary 27 to -..nil m. i tsirmmgham and London ine second will be the Official Sample f-lr at Barcelona. Ppein, from March 15 L? .'.11 tn th'rd l Bandoeng, Dutch Iast Indies, from September IS to Octo- bt a. czniDiin and, Relegates are in vited from Portland" fbr. each fair. Cetasibln Stagei (Vennarty known at aDr' Aato B.. Lines) Partial' Maltaesiak Falls dlvlaloa Leave Port- iVf. 10 ? and 4 :S0 D- ny and 11 :1 p. m. Saturdays. Sundays and holl jays only. Leave MuKnomah FsJls , rH 1 P- Oally and p. m. auaumju ana Holidays. All rart boated. Iave from and arrive at V w Auto Stage Terminal Depot. Sal .uwl. comer or park street Thowe Main MIL Adv. ..a moimrr charged with at- uo aicamg nis widowed mother, wtto ivrohn. 1093 East -.ninnm street north, was ar rested by police on the mmw. Il In t Monday evening and held In the Juvenile quarters at th M..nf. ...i Mrs. Krohn told police that her son had beaten her on several occaalona. and hi utter disregard of her authority had led er to appeal for help. a k.. j: "'-'"r ssewa aa - aa a.iaetl Fapla seventh street, suffered a fracture of his right shoulder Monday afternoon at 197 North Twenty-fifth street when his mo torcycle skidded from under him on a turn. He was taken to St. Vincents hospital. Relief Worker Belarus Miss Nellie Cole of Forest Grove has arrived in New York on her way home from Near East relief work in the Black sea districts of Aria Minor, according to news received today. Illness in Miss Cole's family, caused her return. Lack of American funds curtail much relief activity. Miss Cole said. PorUasd-TDlamook Cadillac Stage- Stage depot. Park and Yamhill sts., daily at 3 -.15 a. m. and 3 p. m. Special arrange ments made for fishing parties. Main 861L Adv. Will Honor Poet The Oregon Writers' league will give a banquet in honor of the distinguished visiting poet and lec turer, Vachel Lindsay, at the Multno- 7 mm - Walai - Leave Port Lt! " -,m- 1 v4: p. V" m- Lve AatoHa 7:15 :15 p. m. Direct connections at Atrf "Tn S""l C beach po,t' All cars heated. Leave from and arrive at the naw a..i c. '"J"! turner 7f - - rnni snain ItlL Adv Fereeurs to Confer Supervisors II. L Plumb of the Deschutes nations! for , . ."' rremont na iwramv win neaoquartera at Lak view, arrived in Portland unnH. , 'af,.Cltrnc w,lh members frorr ...-fin lorestera ofneo over allot p:55iS::::;gil CrtMasieSsl No waste steps for those who stop at centrally located Broadway, Wasbington and Stark Great Future Ahead Buoyed up by high ambitions. Lewis moved his family to their new home and began work. It did, indeed, appear just the opening he had al ways wanted. "What a fool I was," he said to himself as he thought over the past "I was content to hang on to that little job all those years when a little pep and Initiative on ray part would have got me here years before. Big affairs hinge on small events. Just by getting that new suit and overcoat at Cherry's I mustered up confidence Just at the right moment and got this job. Cherry's, at 349 Morrison, have done a lot for me. Cherry's have the entire second floor at Park and Morrison, entrance 349 Morrison, center of block. Take elevator. Manager. Brigand Patrol D. 0. K. K. DANCE THURSDAY EVE. FEBRUaARY 2 PYTHIAN TEMPLE WEST FAEK AKD TAX HILL STS. ALL PTTBIAlfa, 1. O. st. K. AM THELR FRLEHDS IKV1TED CARLSOZTS ORCHESTRA DA5CIXG Si 31 The Best Fuel Gasco Briquets laea Order se Gas Co Mala CM er Aato Hazelwood Coffee Cake Rich, buttery cakes, topped with a film of delicious va nilla icing and sprinkled with chopped nuts. Poppyseed Coffee Cake, . each 20c Almond Ring, each 50c Race Track, each. . 40c French Coffee Cake, ea. 10c Brunswick Coffee Cake, each ,85c Butterhorns, each . . . . .15c Buttercups, 3 for...... 25c HAZELWOOD DAIRY STORE It Temtax Street BROADWAY HAZELWOOD PASTRY DEPT. 1ST Broadway Expe Nationally Known Publicity rt Returns to Portland for Big 1 " -?k I I , H. T. LALlLLE, BIO ADVERTISIO MA5, WHOSE EXPERIENCE HAS COVERED EVERT PART OF THE USITED STATES, TO COKDUCT BIO CAMPAIGN H. T. Lacelle. known from coast! to coast as one of the most successful advertising men in the United States, arrived in Portland Sundav nia-ht and rteisiereu si me oenson noieu nen inierviewea regarainK conaitlons in other ports of the country. Mr. Lacelle stated that business Is rapidly eettinar back to normal. There seems to be a great deal of money In circulation in the East ana soutn. I There is a great deal of talk about the World's Fair to be held In Portland in 1925. The entire country seems to be planning to attend. Wherever one goes they hear of Portland, and the Fair will do more for the Northwest than any otner uung ever attempted, it wui onng new capital ana many new resi dents to the city and state. I Mr. L&eeUe. is well known here, having conducted several of his campaigns in Portland, and Is very popular with the buying public. He is a man of wonderful personality and has made a great many friends among the people vl ruruano.. i Mr. Lacelle states that he came here upon orders from Mr. M. fill rim an proprietor of GLICKMAN'S store, at Second and Alder, to conduct one of the greatest sales ever neia in ine riormwest. urtner particulars will be an- nouncea in tomorrow s papers. aqv. YOU CAN GET SIOOO si JOIN THE THOUSAND DOLLAR CLUB npHE THOUSAND DOLLAR A CLUB is an organization of savers, each systematically saving with one object in view to accumulate J 1,000 quickly. . The plan by which this is being accomplished is entirely cew and unique. It will interest you. . For information concerning the THOUSAND DOLLAR CLUB call in person or Phone Broadway 232 StateiBank Of Portland, witk Which b Consolidated the Peoples Bank Friendly Service Where Fifth Crosses Stark &"51i f llMlr .'im r i 'e OPPORTUNITY OPPORTUNITIES may ' sometimes "j u s t hap-. pen," but the ability to grasp ; them is never accident. It is Commercial, Sev ingt and Trust Departtao nta. Safe Deposit VanlU the end of a chain of predetermined c i r cumstances which began with the will- ', ingness to work. study, or save a little bit more-: than the other fellow. i Never a day passes but some pa- tron of the United States Na-;. tional Bank is finding both the opportunity and the means of ac cepting it. ( . "One of the Northwests Great Banks" '. LfnitedStales NaUonal Banlu flytaal 'En SME! Every Article at a Great Reduction Spring Merchandise is arriving fast, and wo samat make room and Close Out all Winter Merchandise at a Sacrifice. IT PAYS TO SHOP MERE HERE Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled FIRST, SECOND AND ALDER STREETS Agents for ' Standard Patterns and Deatgner 1. Women's Three Strap Pumps Extra Good Values One or Three-Strap Pumps, in Black or Brown Leather. Here you will find an Exceptional Bargain, and you cannot afford to overiook thu great offering. Only $3.85. . 36-Inch Bungalow CRETONNE Sale Price, a Yard Very noat Patterns to select from. ( Suitable for Dra. periee, Comfort Coverings, etc. Be 19x3 9-Inch Turkish Towels SALE PRICE Heavy doable tkreeai. A Towel that vriQ give entire satisf action. Use 27-Inch Dress Percales Sale Price, a Yard Beet Standard Dress Per- cales offered here at this' low price. 12 81z90-Inch Pequot Sheets $.80 SALE PRICE Aa exceptional bargain for those who can appreciate Quality Merchandise.' ELECTRICAL GOODS Twisted Drop Cords A foot 3c No. 14 Wire H A foot l c Evergrip Tape ' y2-ib.pkg.30c I lllLXlfyCTL. M M m I - - Flush Switches with UratL froited ODC I Sinkle Droo Chain Plates N;Meai i rwl art g, I Fixtures: leas Shade Each dear..-;UC St Each FUSEF'LUGS Sc Each KEY SOCKETS 25c Each SNAP SWITCHES Each Lamp Globes Tunssten,10to50 (J- VvTlIU, 3 f or . . . . . tD X Nitrogen, 7i ; OA vratt, dear...., OvC 4 Va I a i f ! r r 4