0 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON TUESDAY. . JANUARY 31. 1222. nor tore show disaster witli their com- mine conscience and aaxden life, blned death list of 2100. The other, through its gentler teach Why not Investigate'' before? trigs and the softening influences of There are officials in Washington, its philosophy bhilds character, and officials ta every large city, strengthens conscience and lifts men whose business it is to know that I up instead of pulling them down, hniidinn are safe, especially build- i There can. be no controversy as to .Via. iZ?rJTnuZ?JTi-1 toss ta which large numbers of peo- which one of these forces the church k 1 r-wtiaad. ta a art raw Re . ae enefldvat, ba ob.aifnl aaa ta eteare e fo weaaj baa. - ' 4 SI UK (Mabrf (x al Pertleed. OMM. tea areva IB pie assemble. Tbey draw ealar.es wun its golden ruie.Detonga. and the people pay them those sal- J f Perhaps.' in their daily life, all aries to do exactly what is to be done I eburenmen do not practice wnat tney church. But in spite of the salaries and the ArJbXl in the Investigation now to take place preach. That Is not the fault of the iion At. AUVLHTi.Hi.su kU fiii-NTA-1 in Washington TIV K. r.t.av kr.lMf Um.. Biaaaeira Viim kaiWttM. "W-aet. I l&T.i tn new them and the officials t'mt- frit II icmftcwr VtiSiTS the disaster, keep on coming. Live- WE MIGHT GET HOOKED imiM bniMiaf, B mm leililiee Xan Seattle nr. OREUOM JOLRAL mm U. rlckt U men anrtfctakj opT whWw fc Ikm MMmmMc It ales wfll not print ear rv1 teal ta ear ai ilaiiila reaaina aaa- hr ev tael ilisfle!!- ... . i VFTWPTHTrR are-will aenii art' Amer. aire wuura vuk. - av , . . . . . whole famines killed in a twinkling, y, pru,. w va.e by a collapsed roof today, by careless to -the Genoa economic conference at ' - ..t aim vAaa . V, 1 Wn-k. 1 UUUCWUCU. sVAgfaf prOVaVwUfua AAiUVI a WW enhaave downs of common prudence the next day. Then come the investigations,;, in- BrURCItlPTJOM KATES Py Cartar, Cttf awl Coonuy. ... s,J.roL?h.....r.e.Ue-tiations that cannot restore life pn.X 1 ' sujiDA .. or bring back the dead or rehabiU- axmtk . . . . 4 i ... I tate the lost limbs. it stall AM. MTU rATABT.n rf AJVAnva - UAH. I A.1U lUHUlI All the Investigations can do is to H :." Of jcourse,! we must be caref uL Doesn't Hiram Johnson warn us that if we. monkey with Europe, Europe might - swallow rust And 'doesn!t Hiram, know? The Genoa confer ence will be the greatest business meeting ever held by the nations. I I . . .... .. . a. . Tana BaottM.. .IS.Sf find out which' official blundered. 1 it sees: to restore international Uaa amu,. is oe ita atoatlM..,, 4.2A rAU.T (WKaavA aaoiTl ar. . ... . Hmlka.... lira awilW . 1.7 jaa annth . . . . ttKEKXT iT.rrry WaitpaxlaTl a r I1.M ii a.Mla .... .AO TWa nut apply aai la Oia Waal lUM to Kaatara paiiila famtahaA aa mplh. taa. Mka najiKaaeai T Uoaay Ofdat. K- w Ortto a I(L. II yanr poatofftBa atanrytaar affkia. 1 at 2 -Mat ataatra vtn ir 1 ' Mk U nmlttaaraa panbta ta IV. Jaunal rasUahias CaawaaA Fartlaad. .1 i:ni)AT lOalxt Oaa aasr. Jf Sn awntha...., 1.7 Tana BMaiha... 1.00 WKTKLT AND UNDAX On yaw...... which official was in collusion with exchange, revitalize Eurqpean credit. the builders, which official drew a get European economic resources In salary for which he gave nothing in motion so-there will be European return. x I markets for American farm products . There lean be no excuse for the and manufactured goods, and incl- Knlckerbocker disaster. Proper en-1 dentally get Europe in position to gineering skill, if applied when the pay us the 110.000.000,000 and in buildins; ! was under construction, I terest that she owes us. could have made it safe: The city of Washington paid for just that thing, but what it got was its dis aster and its dead. ... , Waaa Co4 iiliajiil aaama Wtae Hk Wraiaa, n 4td ao ialaaA to . gaanjnlaa - 1 ' " ' TWO GOATS LET AMERICA PARTICIPATE Senoa Conference the Key to the Situ ation in Which the' World, at Wit's End. Finds Itself JIo Nation Un V affected and No Nation Can With -. , Saf ety Befraln From - Making H -the Most of This-, Attempt to ; ' . Bring Back Peace and Pros- " ' perity the World Over. - But we must take no chances. If we sent an American representative over there, we might get hooked. Might not, those wily diplomats at Genoa decide to set aside the Ameri can constitution and annex the Unit ed. States to Canada? rpHERB was a railroad wreck at J If, instead of an "observer," we L Celilo December 1. The conduc-1 gent a real representative, might he tor and engineer of No. 12 were dis- not pledge us to the payment of the missed, and are now without work. German reparations and to the re The report of the public service com- demption of Soviet paper money? mission phows that they were not Worse still, might he not pledge us alone at fault, if at fault at all. In to "shed rich American blood and view of I that report, should these billions of American treasure" for men not be restored to their posi- the restoration of William Hohen tlons? If the contributing mistakes zollern and Kaiser Carl? of others are to be condoned, why Perish the thought! We must be not also overlook the errors of Con- careful about these conferences In doctor J. A. Allison and Engineer Europe. And, in doing so, we have Thomas Allen? ' ' Frwa tha waaVhutaa BinU The heat of the French situation vffl be omewht cooled h March, and France will be found In attendance at Genoa with the rest of the powers. The question Is not. whether or not France will be represented bat whether or: not America -will be represented. As .the invitation to attend has been extended to America and as Queationa ot vital importance to America will be discussed and settled, it would seem natural for .Vmerica. to take an active Dart. The burden; of proof is en those advising keeping oat Of course, there is anxiety on tne part of some concerning - the political effect of sanctioning American panicipauon in European alfairs. but the American people have beem learning something about .world, interdependence in the last six month, if the question of participation in the Genoa economic conference were left to the American people, the people would say participate. America look the lead in calling conference on reduction of armament and the Pacific situation. Thia confer ence has certainly concerned itself with world affairs. Can America consistently refuse to take part in a more important conference called by other powers? a a - The necessty of a great economic con ference to straighten the tangles of Europe has become more 'and more ap parent. : The Versailles peace infer ence did really settle a lot of political Questions; it may have done i seme political injustices, but it righted a great taany political wrongs,-' It did notsolve the economic situation. Economic tangles after the war were inevitable. The y er sailles conference, resulting in new political divisions, ' created rather than solved economic problems. Europe hat gone along to a point where it see that the tangle must be unsnarled. Per haps a great economic conference sooner than this would, have been prematura In hardship, in sorrow, the European nations are now ready. a a i Some of the questions to be taken up at the Genoa conference will be: Public finance and national expenditure (in would do. and he did It. How long wiQ it take to make the majority of our vot ers Bolshevists, with Our legislative offi cers ignoring honesty and uprightness TJ To quote from your editorial m Cine Journal of January 11; "The morals of government rarely if ever rise higher than the morals of the people. VI tn kind put up with the silly Institution- of war torougn 10,000 years of written history because in their massed Ignorance they did not realise that war ia a moral crime and an economic tragedy. --. . And yet Debs was sent to prison for 10 years foe his attitude. When we are guaranteed the right of free speech 1 don't think: Newberry would grant the wilful 41 who ; voted against him tree speech. - He would give them eternity in abeol If he was , the trial Judge. - . Cum, Tux. A FOE MOST DREADFUL Here . Pronounced One ' of- Three, . That Should Be FouKht Hardest. Portland. Jan. 29. To 'the Editor of The Journal Your editorial of January 2S suggests aa inquiry as to the cause and prevalence of heart disease. - To the physician or layman who baa read the works of -Alfred Foamier, the cause of locomotor ataxia, softening ot the brain, heart disease, and many other chronic diseases affecting the nervous system. heart and blood vessels and digestive apparatus appears plain.' A. S. Warthln, the greatest pathologist In AmertPs. and who has been a teacher at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) for years, has found and demonstrated the spirochete of syphilis in the heart muscle in a great majority of cases where autopsy was performed. . on those dying of heart disease. Syphilis, tuberculosis and alcohol have been well described as the three greatest plagues of society. Alcohol has been legislated out of the United States, tuber culosis has been legislated out of the city limits, but false modesty prevents an educational campaign from being car ried on against syphilis, notwithstanding the fact that it has been often demon strated that it affects a tenth of the pop ulation in- an active form. It seems that it- would be well to put on some kind of: active campaign to prevent a tenth of the 'future generation, from being hereditary syphilitica. . .A Student of Fournier. A COMMENT AND . NEWS IN BRIEF I '- - u ; . ' " . SMALL CHANCE The end of the artna conference Is near. Where is the end of arms? - - . , . , . a a Lots of tut woald be rich If we didot have to support fuel dealers out ot our meagre earninga Some more ocean liners are "IlmntnsT tnto port. Probably -skidded Into the oaten t the side of some so SIDELIGHTS .- - . The eld-tima neraata tank ha eavlnv iouu wui be served.- to mean that yoatb should be served at the sacood tDie. iloeeburx News-Ke Tie w. One never knows the real qualities of an aatomobile until he has to walk to work because the streetcar power is off. " a at.'' Mrs. Aserulth has mm to America tn learn about the dry law. We know sey. eraj people in . foruano wno couia ten aer a whole lot about It. ' . a a a . If the Amazon army that is riotina In Kansas is anything like the army of Amazons that invades local bargain sales we u be- content to stay away from The -most marvelous- phenomenon of this chilly weather is the way very mod ern young women keep warm with lace hone and nothing but powder around me it necks. a a a California is lashed by snow and rain, but those southern enthusiasts will find some other name for it if they follow the plan adopted, at the time of the San rrancisco "fire. . a -. a a The mltlirating circumstance about the atmoepneric unpleasantness Is that w be suffering the same fate lust now in almost any part of the country even In sunny California. The Oregon Country to Bnaf tm - -OREGON : - Joe rf. Parke of pastdwtso. has yeat completed his thirtieth year aa Jusuco of tho Htace la thai city. - - And now cornea now In artw .that) TetaJ h I omenta of apeiUe to data fr e shall not rrow liml of a lanr aM Hoo4 KSar eoaiaty have raarhi s 14A snelt. -Weather to order might weUleara, and It is eeumated that (tot soere become a saying of Baker resKieaU.-- 1 "'a iif carloads remain. . Baker Democrav I The tr rwn.a i. . Ben Sheldon hM L.aL.a Kla ln,.-1 -! .fT- tlon of standlnrfor- reekon ,0 theiUrTlxh a nowTrrVw'1- V" H-gisiatTire. and promisee to threeh out I a,.--. " . - - the Tltal fixh aoesUoo ones aa4 for all. th. ea aT ton. Medford Sua. I .aZZT. - aae oa-Mto4 EriUlnDoints In It death, fm. aiwl Uo" their IXX.OM tamsaa. . holism In New York and says that to. The naaaas of ZS wbm ara Ia-uda4 whax the prohibition law doe. All I the baa. of roe tasnaxora of Oiataoo wrong ! That ta what fereeklng Lh Uw I eownty saiociod by the coawty court aa oe. L. u rand e observer. - leugiwe for Jury 4 sty dims nil. . .It is a tone Uml hefc , . Ir.'.ff eTnh - Me- hare a whack at Orecon'i Newbern I ZLaa3 ZZZL.ZrZ- ?TT? U SO StsnReld and McNarr look I w . ." vTl. a chance on their forfnxtlne. a lot l oonnnsoe tats wute tsivsw vr rrauwm CalL FW weeks Seaside snada a autoMaaital during the year 1KJ, IU oew raIWona oatng conatrwcied and coatracla tot tor civic Improreroanu asaounucx u. Oregon veterans will in a fe receive their ad lusted ramwi and thia Is one expense that the masses demanded and were a-lad tn imiimh Oregon was always first when It was I Kntarpriao has decided to raoanae e: a rawer ot justice, lliiuooro Argus. If for no other reason than from the standpoint of health, one would think that several of Dallas' parents would The Kast Oreroa Lumber ootwpany at decided to raearae m. both la tha anal aa4 Lkv. This tneaas work tor lit MORE OR LESS PERSONAL Random Observations About Town aitona at glng camp, more men. Matthew Thompson Pattoa died at his heme in Piiim . . . prevent their eons and daughters roam-1 Tuesday, lie -rosui tli plataV ta ikTi in around Ute at night. Nobody but and had 1 1 oiUit iir i!TrJ ai Kdlaon or a cross baby can ret along died staee iml on four or five hours' sleep. Polk Coun-1 r n . ty itemuer. I rati. aaxaa . aiannua, nua. on KTlaf PTI" rilS Checks ia irtJand. also U wasted la oaiem the same charge. Miss Florence Coffin of Portland and Miss Margaret Morris of Springfield will leave shortly for San Francisco, whence they will sail on the Maui. Feb ruary S, for Honolulu. They will re turn February 22. a a a Kdward Welnstein. Isobal Gilbaugh and Jacob Winkler of the Lipman & Wolfe firm will leave shortly on their regular buying trip to France and other countries of Europe. a a a Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Osborn of Eu- . LAKE COUNTY INTERESTS Citizen of ' Paisley Predicts Desirable Changes in Road Plans. . Paisley, Jan.- 25. To the Editor of The Journal I have Just read your editorial comment on the new slogan 1 gene will leave shortly for a trip to Europe. While there they will take in adopted by the Lake County Chamber of Commerce. If you will read the list the Passion play at Oberammergau. oc xoaas aesignatea oy tse state roaa oommisslon as the primary and second- the highest precedent: Turkey will eluding the balancing of budgets), cur-1 of regon you may perhaps ;More U Involved than posIUon. for send no representative to Genoa. "9 Tor Lake, county VDaviT and hYr'aauVht Mrs. T. Lv Davis of Corvallis U visit L. and TINOHNQ EARS the men. There Is a principle at Turkey will remain discreetly and stake. It is the great principle of safely aloof. Justice and the square deal. Turkey and the United . States pru- The report of the publlo service dently remained out of ithe , League commission shows that train No. 17, of Nations. Turkey and the United west bound, should -not have been State in their international policy routed against the current of traffic are as sound and safe as the rock on the east track. That routing was I of ages the primary cause of the accident. The ' Eugene Chamber of Com DRAlSiJ and bannv Dh rases are one thing. Aid is another. , The laU The conductor and engineer ot No. 12 tar U far more substantial and help-l had nothing to do with that routing.! merce is preparing to. raise a promo- I cessation of propaganda, recognition ot Danas oi issue, . commercial relations 1 : . ua.,j. j (including tariffs and Import and export v,n. rv. . T.-.iifaT,ia reflations). transirtation, legal guar- Uatweei Bend and - Klamath Falls Is auwes lor reestaousmng commerce, ana lm ,nrimary -road, a road tecuuicai assistance tor imemzuomu re- jv,.. :- v . traveled usually not to , ZZZ,r" . I exceed four months tt . any One year. tenance of peace and the restoration of confidence. This item will be pointed principally at Russia, but, in lesser de gree, at other states. It will include matters mentioned in the invitation to and leads nowhere except into the moun tains and wOl never be used as a high way between Oregon and California. - But Lake county is waking up, and 1 through the reorganized Liaxe county Chamber of Commerce at least this one Mrs. John Chambers and her daugh- Leonard Davis, and her daughter, Mrs. Earl Webster. a a a Mr. and Mrs. George Todd of Portland are . entertaining their old-time friends, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mlllertng and daugh ter of La Grande. a a a Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Clark of Hood River are spending a day or so in Port- - cessa? Helen ofThe Dalle. are visiting at ful to the man who, la attempting to earn his 11 vtn g. 't Many were the . words of praise from the president and others at the farmers national conference. Sweet It the work of higher-ups. The tlon fund of $12,000 or more to carry Property rights of aliens, recognition of uauonai ueDis, luuuimcui ui asreo- comratsmon says but for that routing on contemplated work during 1922 The amount is a -tidy sum to put Calif ornia n. atj.ew and progressive center of all that The Genoa conference holds mighty city's community activities. The Possibilities which the world cannot af- kii , kk ford to forego; Nor can the United public spirit in the proposal has been staUa afford to ntuBe to participate in a factor In the rapid and substantial converting the possibilities into realities. growth of Eugene. changed and The Dalles-California high-Jthe ftome 0f Mrs. 1L K. Ehrsam. ;way win follow a line or least resist ance : that is, througn laks county. BOT STUFF Letters From the People there would have been no accident. As a contributory cause, the com mission points out the failure of the phrases were cast forth to beat into company to have a telegraph opera- the eare of the walling workers tor at Oregon Trunk Junction. Fail- aboat their sacrifices during the ure to have an operator there was war,- their aid to the nation and not the j fault of the engineer and br1d during that conflict, and of conductor. That was probably due 'rmers In general. And II must be to the demands of the Wall street said In fairness that real aid was owners ror cheap operation with in-fc TVTrt tt A TTTTr T? wanta Vila nn a nnnl t Connmniiait3on test to The Jotimsl - o pledged and helpful advice off .red. creased dividends. . But the conduc-1 1 Bp VburgUw ,7h hJhwayman. hSsTZJ?! TJTiS aS? Bat there Is a very good reason why the farmer's lot is hard at the an nT no 3obfc present time. And II la entirely with- The commission points out that tn the power of some of the speakers had been laxity in applying who emitted pretty phrases to sweep safety rules, that the company knew ism and criminality from gang inl that reason away. " trainmen s organizations tiatlon Farmers can produce and produce had protested against it. This was Richard Walker of Turner Is looking up the peach and pippin market in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Breske will leave February 8 for a trip to the Hawaiian to ward, becoming the world citizen he so preeminently made himself, He was a professok a historian, a cabinet - mlrv iater, -aniambassador. He wrote books A 4 1 . 1 - .V. . 9 .aa i - a i i. as . xrani neraunai DimmuuuB in iwu i exploiter, pestroyer or womanhood i b Ui wrtt, yboa mji addraa is full sunt I rica and South America, the 'United -SHAKING" WITH VISCOUNT BRYCE A From ths Chieasx Fast Viscount Bryce, who died in London I islands. on Sunday, was a liylna- embodiment of Great Britain as a world power. He I M. L. Case and sons, Lawrence and was an Englishman born in Ireland of Lonnie, are here from Heppner and are Scotch, parents ; which was his first step I visiting Portland mends. Mrs. Agnes Folsom of this city left Saturday from New York city for a trip to the Holy Land. or bunko steerer. Yet, if left to his own devices. many a boy of today learns rowdy- aocoapanj tbs ooctribatioa. ) UPBRAIDS McNABY Portland Citizen Denounces All New berry Support; the Senator's Reply! Herewith is . published the text of letter addressed to Senator McNary by There, are several Influences good IE. W. Eastman of Portland concerning; Yet for him. The first is a home where McNary's vote to support of seating States, the countries which had. com posed the Holy-: Roman Empire; and he finally rounded' out his career by a close-up study of all democracies. He war thus of the class which is now, we fear, wearing thin that class of the broad-viaioned, comprehending British intellectuals who have for so R.'R. Adams Seward. of Salem is at the ..a i ii,.. anaaVaa la nrincloal contributory canse an fiwiavv i w - . i lur uxiii. xuc xubi 13 a uuuio wucrc i - ; r' " .-J ( i . ,v I If they have marUU they can -11 It waaAhe company, not Engineer reverence for sacred things is taught fe ineir products m a juvuv. a i . "" i ajia tne nana ot aiiecuon noias tne Mr. and MrS- A. C. Wilson of Leb anon are sojourning at the Seward. K a a . a D. F. Casey of Astoria is registered at the ' Seward. , a a a Mrs. Roy Graves is here from Sheri- good feeling between his own- country and the United States, and his work will continue to be so now that he Is gone. His book on the American Common wealth is the best existing estimate of I our Institutions from the viewpoint of an have markets theLean stay on the orougnt on tnis general laxity. But rod of discipline. Dear Senator: I dont see how the farm and thiTcanwn their own they were made the goats. The Boy Scout movement. may al-??lL ?n hemea But If they are without mar-1 The commission points out that it I most be named second. Boy stuff m his nefarious methods ta gaining a ksts they produce at a loss, they I was the custom to move trains out is the only stuff in the world from seat in the United States senate. - It caanot afford to stay on the farms I verbal orders. The "fired" engineer which men can be made." reads a wa another Stephenson and- Lorimer I outsider; and m. his service as amhae- and the, cannot own l.btr - and conductor had no authority line of Boy Scout literature fXwslahTi much chlnery, employ men and do the to cause the moving of trains on One finds polite and chivalrous footing, but it is another way of doing in common with Britain other thlnga that farmers are ex- verbal orders. Only higher-ups could Boy Scouts. He encounters studious the same thing. James Bryce used o tell with great Pectea to CO. I ao tnat. But tne comoanv declared and fun-lovine Boy Scouts. He dis- Jones, coran, larwueue et at were i r-.iish n inrli-!i,Titfrt.nivi ,ih v Boy ngnt. i tnougnt you were a progressive uiustrated the deep intelligence of R. 8. Hamilton of Bend Is In Portland on business. a a a S. H. Arbuthnot of More Is transacting business in Portland. WASHINGTON .1M..thoud rabWu were hilled Sew oay in a drive along the WaUula-Ato talla sector near Walla Walla. ataOCOrtHS5 10 rport of G W. Gaston, r,,--: toe grade Clyde M. McKay of Bend la registered at the Multnomah. Recent advances la the prices Of wool and aheen and tha loans mada lh. vnam., uk - - - awva- ... . . . ... . . ' ,imi ad men nave created a more optimistic ,,'J2 n, " hl chooi feeling in Eastern Oregon. Mr. McKay ' Pia- lys. ana tne outlook for HZi is brighter. I " ana uounty Fair a a a i was roonranised at a meeting Henry Thlele. manaeer of the Cnlom- I surr nd decision reached ta hold hla Gorge hotel, is registered at the rcler 'ir Dext f" than ever before. Multnomah hotel. Mr. Thlele reports the . WalU county has been divided Ice on the Columbia highway U being Ullt.i4 nmunjtiea for the purpose et blasted out by workmen, but that it f??-! ,tvTtocit to wui take a long time to clear It unless tam bur move- warmer weather comes soon. 1 a a a I " -rowus aro VWieTltly Mht Mr. and Mra L. Snodrrass are rerte- by Tmoom burglars. Henry Ochls- tered at the Multnomah from La Grande I V.J ZL.rrv?rvln .I- 5"- alaep he Mr. Snod grass manager the Sotnmers 0f 7L oa UJea robbed hotel and has forgotten the cares of c ar wm - -- hotel life to visit his friends ta the city. WsJlaWtoiSSf.i?f.t? Clarence K ester ot Springfield is here i nil of wh CXTZ ZT x on business. I nMKm. '-"www Mr. and Mra F. M. Johnson of La I .v. rz.fn'1 1 taxpayere te en lot a Grande are visiting Portland frienda. STfmarail ?S iT-tV?" ?amr r a a a i -77 , awet railway Mr. and Mra Orin Anderson of Albany JTf,! , ."Jfl JDaid has decided la are business visitors in Portland. I ' TT " ' I - i-auihamua, the cannery man R. S. Hamilton of Bend Is meeting ?r S""1, "d Puyallon, tnUmatea that old-time friends in Portland. DrLcftl4.1u. next leo. a a a I aVTi i. J""" -utoo btates aenator ii. S. Wright of Toledo is a guest I Poindexter, of the Portiand. I ..r. button narrowly escaped death .. " . ?1 ErZJX ? overcome l . unappeu oi u. a. is at tne i - -v, uinunc un in the I Portland. um" wmcn aid izooe a a a i ea v turn rwaiaence. Mrs. P. C King of Bend la at the Portland. I IDAHO Wesley Hill of" Bend is a guest of the waTd VRur.0 .V, SH .1 Oregon. , I and not a single death, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hughes ot Astoria Li A.ttf?T- J-Aul"'. as been are Portland visitors. Srannr R," Vfi"4 R. H. Cody of Wheeler Is et the Ore- pI3 w- Buppiger. transferred ton- - - I Th KnrtH RMa r-afu t www a T w.aa VOU4 eVaTaeTiO OOlllfMaliy B. A. Berry of Clatskanle is trans- J ifTff-Ti ocel1, two more ears acting business lh Portland. ir. ieS "" HoUteia. -tn thV hxL ioor of claim for Howard Bend. Cotton is here from North Paul Lang of Hood River is a Port land business visitor. a a a H. S. Mee of Dayton is domiciled at the Cornell ua a T aaiasj WUlity UK I Ii hiaas OJ T against the dunct Ovar- . nana ox Uolse by the county commissioners. The city of Kellogg has made a eona Platnt against the Keilci Powora Water oomnanv. aaki7TTL ZZll F. W. Fluhur of Merger is in Portland ,5, f"" charged for water, for . . iui cieaaer water. .irJa AdAm. l-rear-old son of Mr. and Mra Lester C Adams of Nes Peres. J,",f Tll of blood pot.oin contracted from haying Injured his kaea while playing baakathaa. on business. a a a Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lester of the Capital City are visiting In Portland. a a a Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Uutson of Park dale are at the Cornellua. OBSERVATIONS AND IMPRESSIONS OF THE JOURNAL MAN By Fred Lockley when you were elected, but you have .... ,ih. .. w-wm. to laiuv a "i traveling out West, he fell into conver- my opinion on una wui maw uo uu- -aUon with the brakeman of hi. train Over In Europe people are starv-1 Allison and Allen guilty and made covers wholesome, vigorous Ing, They cannot buy products from I them stand up for the reckoning. Scouts of outdoor types. : American farm era. Before the war I "When the operating officials of But Boy Scoutdom has yet to grad they had food and our farmers had I such railroad allow regulations, uate a gangster, a procurer or a yegg. J ference to you ; I do not expect it to, but I a agreeable to both that they ..v.a ..ii Aeeaalneal nroflta.. ; aliioh Vow. v... i.cr... .unu ti t,o .u.v nanr.nM n. I certainly wish to register my disap-1 lUBaaVMi amm a w laiia - ar - - I wis.vm aa V W aV.U aOOUUU s,w OVUl O 1 A V 1 1 CfcaS a'' fcv V1VOA aa Tjaoavu WA I . . - . . m I mjj la fcWAiW vwui uicu UAIIirx). But a great change ha. come over safety, to be violated continuously, generacy under the Boy Scout uni- m a m W conpanton wssjanfe. "SSL the world. A few senator dlecov- they cannot reasonably expect to es- form. money alone can buy his way Into the cUUmed -Bry ? What. HoTv Rrhan red It. They found that America cape the ooneouuences "of such viola- A busy father can place his de- senate, this country has certainly come M oHt. kv . le isolated from the reel; ; ot the I Uon," says the commission most pendence that his boy is going right to Pretty state of affairs. And the viscount Bryce represented. Drobablv I thor: P0.1 and Plarwrigbt. He died re- world, that ah. didn't need xnarkete pointedly, and tt Is clearly language If he Qualifies for Boy Scout mem-1 '.T 1 111 I Enhm of the I orranisatloBwas behind it. tooth and I . JZ. I of Portland. Mr. Wright was a fre- .. .y mA Thnaa BMUtara ara an-1 V, anMana ma nnnn tim. Ttwlno. IV. .tv tr.K I tr. a II a tt th Matilir hnva -vnt1 fop I . . . . "..tumpiaiin I nnmt visitor to Portland. -Ha was born parently very powerful in their and conductor but upon the com- ruary 6, the eleventh anniversary of Newberry. That shows to me that the thlng, of inegtimabi, to dym. ..... a I ... 1 I oaariiloiisi enM mnftOV At i n A mr wteja Party.. Their party. U a power ana pan,. the founding of Boycouts in Amer- "Vh. ; N. BUOn MU,ewwl1- the party has apparently concluded J Can the company on conscience! ica will be observed throughout the berry. It is clear to me that we need that they are right. I and In Justice do -other than restore United States by the million and a la new party. How in the name of God Id America does nothing to aid I Allison and Allen tothelr positions? quarter Boy Scouts, their parents. nL humanity you can nack up ana "Soma ton need ui n thrones Thia place tbcj call the nUa of taus; For abat's the oaa of beinc bluet InaVaad of sob, let'i hara the ehaanv T bra and know that now and then We eomrtimt eanaa a cheerful soule, aUkes life worth Urine e'er acmin. Tboush wa loar not tha altawhaa That was the kindly philosophy of Frank L. Wright, newspaper man. ao- relatives and friends and the friends I tLh ZTS than 45.000 persons visited J of the movement Each one of these I Oregon, Is beyond the confines of logic. Kurope back to Us feet, does nothing to halo Europe produce. . America I More rives Europe' no more. credit, allows I Utah in automobiles during 121, ac- Boy Scouts,' besides his solemnly aa- the exchange rate to remain prohlbl- cording to official report published sumed obligation to keep the Scout tlve and allows our markets abroad in the Salt Lake: Telegram. They oath and law. is pledged to a good to dwindle tnto Insignificance. spent a total of nearly 400.000 days turn daily. Think of the Influence Of course, America has most of in the state, and paid out $2,000,000 of 1,250,000 . daily good turns the world's money. . But American 1 with the business men of Utah. It farmers are passing through one of wasn't a bad; crop. the worst periods In history, so are American workers, and so are Amer ican Industries. They; cant get at the money, and Europe can't get at the food. Tours truly. EL W. Eastman. tn Indiana 43 years ago. He' early felt the lure of the winding road that, runs toward the far h orison, and he has traveled all over the Union, visiting every state, many of them time after time. He was a newspaper man first, last and all the time, and conducted column on . the Denver Post and other xen xi Helen, a Celestial visiting this naoera, He was a member ot the edl country. recently said that the word 1 to rial staff of the Dally 8tates of New Curious Bits of Information L" Gleaned From Curious Places Washington. Jan. 24. Mr. K. W. East man, Portland, Or. My dear Mr. East man: I am in receipt of your letter expressing disappointment that I have voted to seat Senator Kewoerry. x "Yankee" is derived from the Chinese words "Tang gee." which mean. "You are a young foreigner." Numerous the ories nave been advanced as to the origin of the name. According to Thierny, it Is a corruption of J an kin. , CLEAR , THE HIGHWAY v"" " r. hich was a nickname given by the " T.u,.r. Dutch colonies of New . York 4to their this capacity he traveled widely. Each Orleans at the time of his death. His column, entitled "Jest and Jingle, won him wide fame as a writer of clever verse. Wrigrht's desire to see the world caused him to become publicity man for the Hagenback-Wallace circus, and in Waat't the an Bat wbkfa tha aaa ot talkia't of takia eal aUcbt at weD )at brace aifaaU Jaaaai Wbitaaaab Rilr anna I I aoakrbow can't behave it- If H'a aa Wt foand a en Wbera ha old boearly eartan Better. Use aa eat. The folk on there wUl Uke aha. 'auaw 1 eeeldat bate bat am&a With ana and hat plrikanpbr. aad soexaj all weua This world faQ of of Saw - I A CHURCH IN ALAMEDA winter when the big top came down for the season and the snowflakes be- Cherokee word I gan to fly he would resume his desk vnn an ai frankiv anven your mental i .... - - r .tt .v.. i neignoors in tne Connecticut settlements. THE clearing of the Columbia river In , Va7t aa i believe I know them. Aubury. an English writer, says the A hia-hw-av ta nrlmarilv tha rlntw of TV i f , wonld lworo 13 uenvea irom a Cherokee word gan to ny ne wouia resume nis oesa . mghway is prtaiaruy tie duty of yoa Would not msapprove slrnifles coward and Job on some big paper and turn out tne county commission. I commend, my course.- ia mi i, i . ti. auavo. iiua cpiuici-wai oesiowaai on tne I vvwua, miu wm i. , . . i . eu as v t itrv,i 'nr.! foy endinr to the nelrhborhood con. I noon aer-r,td ita TnnEir.nirw anri consequently, ieei tnat x nave no ueieuso jjja-- ror not assistlne them Ik a war the Homer to describe daring feats. He It c.nb..taud without iea odn- trovers oyer the Mission church announced that It would take the 5" Hi?r? 'willEm Jti?E CaerbigowfaTwetipdo tradlcUon that. houghAl.nllT1,, lu"dln on Alameda Heights. steps necessary Immediately to clear KEWBERRTS CASE Ushed InWJ. Dr. Gordon advances he ormg stunts to satisfy his craving for ears tingled after the polished ad- .--Mee non-eommnhlcants want the away ice and snow. He and Those Who Voted to Keep Him theory that it was a cant word in Cam- ILkJZL? SLTj X re-see, their pocketbookg were church influenee In their eommunl- Sixty days have passed since the in Condemned Together. bridge. Mass.. as early as 171. used to whlm7, eZ? Hoo P. mighty empty, and their credit not ee. maxes men anuaaer to tnink highway waa blocked by- the snow suverton, j an. m tne nuur w ' TltT' CZTLT. 'a ; "t hu so brisht now. the sky overly good. In the long run they now about what the world was be- and Ice ot unprecedented etornv The orny SSL Ztt tor-j v-uriBi.uum.jf came. v ery rew commission yields to tne pressure.OI hn ,t win take na to eet back to a by-word In the coUere. and bets I bar aort of aixh there be who would ask that all the j public sentiment in its promise to I the beginning of .our present so-called J taken by the studenU into- different I Coae bom the ta aid Maplaa. and It brinsi church buildings be torn down and I lose no further time. That ' public tivUisafion. Here is a case tnat is sot parts or the country, gradually obtained 1 rAJ A LITTLE DEAD COYOTE rraei the Baa riaai lam CaX Tamil Ur Letters of Wuiiam James." first published in the Atlanta ac.ki. shows the rreet nhiloaonhee na i- v." llnaas and humor aad eagerly Interarted la every phase of Ufa lis must have been amaxlngty successful in hie rela tions with outer human bstnrn Here la one that throws a light oe James aa a father. It is written from Berkeley CaL. August tt, ltM. to his sob, AJka- emier. afaa i. I saw a mevteg slcht the ether morning before breakfast, ta a little botaJ when, I siept la the daaty Oelda. The young man of the ha use had abet a little wolf called a coyote fafl I earty raof-ning. The haroto mue I animal lay on the KTotmd with a la ai . ' he aald aa, whaa he wrata far rfurry ears, aad his else a white teeth. Wa . TT j..- . sac nis jony. cheerrni UtUe body, bat Id. """'"I x his brave little UXe was pea u made Or etata ao rmal wr aeaaardy dew. with sear " bow brave ail Uveas living Jha Kiiay dead. things are. Here Utile eeyeta waa. with stay be ea the pasinUa. bet yoaTl Bad. out any clothes or hooae or books or Tha tW, aria. Ua. wai Vrhw a waa, J'wa Jrrl vaU ef testa. naaea sen to pay hla way with, and Hew ad 'twin be te read a rene that always risking bis Ufa so cheerfully and losing . . . 'W't a rne. It just to soe If be eould pick up a And Batf it drop .tear! Tet. Cos meal near the hotel. He was doiag his Goedbva JwSLSab nn: -a-ra .aa. - huatness like a hero, aad yw ha t drop. I must ao your ooy nnsinsss and I my vara pea, boa a ie great, as oat fkad man bnalneei bravely, toe, or else r niece ta erne. I 't MM,w . . w . . Tt aaaaabow Uu. daa't mmm la r-W. W. 7" ' a-"-IT ""t JaTl.l1'" Aad mxf -The wwld to duTraat aew; Jasaat or him la those green books of aahwala. waueeeab Kliaj'i dead.? I and I west yon to copy It. Tew krtiag dad, "WUliam Jaaee." And this Dararranh ta hla danrhtae. A year or so ago I spent aa evening I ad with Sir Harry Lauder. He told ma.1 -There U aa Immense mastiff In tny with tears in his eyes, of the death of hou.. ber x think Lhat even you would I1' oniL,on' PB, Joim?deI like him. he U se lender aad gwaOe aad Zv- M.iT!jf Z . . - mild, although fully, aa, big as a eaJf. WbAW" 'f ta "Hn. l .Frn?e' P?T I Hla ears and face are black, hi. eye. W. are apt to think of Harry Loder SB a aroll and nnmorana fh a n w Km. mi ra I . -. - m feel that a few European mar kets would be of far more use to tim than the pretty speeches. bare turned w yeOew. aad a i That ' public tivHisaaop. Here is a case that Is sol parts of the country, gradually obtained j tha eonerewatlnna Ka kV nr. T- I Mntmar - k.k -a . plain tnat oncy a xooi wouia err inerem. general currency in ew jngmna. aaa beak where I bare of tea . w ' I TT, a ?C . i -wwa.,- wnuLuvug irf if the DfcmocraU had had thia un- at length came to be taken np la-othetf-A aeadtn, dt a Bttle beok which I had "Su r, weH help" la the Common, j If. for the sake of argument. Ittcllned to irritation at ;.kny rtherUpejtable Newberry on their hajwis mlparts of the country and applied i tot karaed te love j Chest Slogan. ; xnere-wont oe i w iiuira iu ura vnrisuari i ueiay must nave oeea Tjaeni iromiaweno, wouia uie on um utoi mi(w t;njiHQen ,U!i wrm ot eilgnl Hiy doubt about tt on the part of religion ta my philosophy. ; the the mere presence of the crowd " eOas-Js; I " i,--,!? 'lawa 't.twl!a I , v"0' ' v . I . . , .. .... . ... I . . . . .11 may eall him a man., is ajryUuna? but l koaanr. la - that the Indians. In un. U, .lionaa man In T"t a -aheen thief I jt u. . i.. , wtjw. oeophy.; that Its morals teachings If jammed another at the courthouse 1 would compare favorabry to hinx and ourji!" or -juiglais.- made It nrengees- rouowea would redeem the - world I Monday afternoon. 1 senators from wegon wno votea roriOP -Yangees." and thus originated - the from vice, from what w know-- as r Fiddling and fussing, however, will nsm "f,1 h .vl iVZi word "Tankee.- 1 Immorality, ,from , ware and from not clear the highway. : LVlay will J . -noa they are. and the voters ft braatbad the mat Valow. ttw) fleacf Beeaaai aoaos abeaa f kriad I read that beok tsdar: 'aoaaaVew asslda't set: a 1 Asdat araae aad saeawd to star sitsias tha vwAaVat Btawl wSba. I'gedUr hud the book adda, aad olevdy walked Uncle Jeff Snow. Says k i i f lii . , i .) at the darliaat. raraea e aaaea sras. I triad ta Onak twas ell a . liaes I bad rrad.' A aMmriny paper briaisht the . 4. WaitoawA Bilay'a dead. . which had WASHINGTON Is going to investi- most ot the evils to which flesh is J not clear it. The best thing-the 1 would take a -.hunch: and, also think so, gate the Knickerbocker theatre 1 heir.' On that hypothesis alone I county commission can do is to turnl nd t they get a chance to stay ';Kaster. : " ' ' ' r They always "in veaugai e arter-1 mission Into every community and I Hauser. who offers to do. it without I jiewberrv assumed as to the amount of I ti. it's a owt old nr of ettin the I How pftea aaath aoaae old shade trae 1 ward. Everybody hurries to "levee- j should be an appeal for the approval profit, and let him get to work 1m- money spent in the election Is the most down and ouu through a hard winter,) J,llmr . . tirnte" sfter the blow has fallen. I and patronage of men. - mediately. aodacioua thmg that has been They ru,hed to -Investigate" after Two great force, are -it1 work in If not that, then create a body lJteT- He IrtKiuoU theatre disaster, ' the I the World. One. thronrh its temnta-1 with' nnwer to aft. renreaentlne- thel if Ilia mar and nafAPtimta T i.oi. rm f 11 . . ,1.1- . ,v -. . . , 1 T rv. 4v. . !i 1 V M I., . ' I 7 a- - - - - . j - iv. - 1 wrro aaoa rt uicir (ruv mo more iei-1 -- :'r " 1 a mwrnm vwa ntngwooa scnooi a master, iu uen-1 uon na appeal to the greed of men. I county and the state highway com- think they -.are w luck: if y have no) fersil be pot outer work that saws wood I . - T"""f "y- : . . . . . . ... ...... .... . 1 naDnm or iua lnouneim. : we - ev. 1 viatr a inner tt- m nna.. . it m mgmt 1 - . - - a i.-vuiiiaiiii exorcisms: uuiuences mission. ' miDiie - EDiniea enstneerai . . - . . .. . - r !-"- - a-. -. va mj 'a 1 PWum dlsaeter. the Asch build-I la constantly exercising Influences I mission, public - spirited g disaster wad the Boyartowa pio- j that tear down character," under-land business men. pected something better from McNary; cue fer a eat to chase tU tail to keepl nd btwtu. v. fa&. s l but Stanfleld. everybody knew what be I warm, bat vou'd think the cafd git tired. T.. wberaiLe teJbeJ . thought is waggery and quaint, humor ous sayings. This ' poem be wrote In memory of his son shows him la a dif ferent light: ' Oh, tanra's iiiflibsai t aai loaaly Aad I'ai weuy a' the say Te eaa the taea and eieaa the head Of him waa to away. The ealy eae Gad saaa aaa, - Mr eae aad eel bar. My hi. aad krae were 01 aty eae aad ealy bos. I saw aha Is ato fafaat days Grew ap fn t ae wwaie aoeaa ear ke a saaa I f-rr had a tear. - Eto awher witebad ato every atow; Twe ear aauad ley - Te tank that he stbda be eaa ear ' . at f eae aad eah- sea. Whae war broke wot he swale! ea Ha award aad sua. "Uoorfbra, . For I anat de mr eaty. aad; TaU sMther net as err. Ten bar taea m eaaaa beet - What baanlii aad lev. Bat ae. he dad tw liberty. ... m I he makes on me the Impreaeion of aa angel hid ta a clood. He longs te Tas say. sa leas, the Bcsta ara asavf. The ennueh beaaka aty heart, aeu oai 1 at im aif eae aa rar fiat knew. boa. Hm wtn be iamK Hi tirao. doat bm swnWat. I ee babsae III s,- Mr a Factt About thm Income. Tax nerewtth Is the first of a e-rWe ef miormlcg artidea baaed oa the rev eaoe act of 1IZ1 aad ocUlng forth tea ealbsat features of the Income las: Who? Kngle per eons wbe bad aw In come ef fiooe or. more, or gross in come et la. or more. Married epopees who bad net Income of tiooe or snore, or grows lscerne of tbooe or- mora. - When? March IS. 1IL is final date for filing retarns aad snaking first payments. . Where T Coltecter of mtoraal rweaue for the district tn which the person Uvea, or has his praecipe! plaos of bwrloeea. How : . Fail direction ea Form IMC A aad Perm lt; also the Uw and fyarolataooa. WhalT Four per cent normal tax set taxable Income up te Itooo ta et . eeaa of exemption. Eight per coat normal tax on balance of taxable Income. Hurter. from I pr cent te a per cent oe -net income ea . tSOoe for the year ItSV .