TUESDAY, JANUARY 31. IS 22. 14 TZv OREGON.- DAILY JOURNAL.. PORTLAND, OREGON I rru p r ill uy linn oil' IN 3 TONGUES TO , . ...-.... FEATURE MEET! what, tst within a few minute the eela ntograph acain vu starting- tts record of a gigantic earth disturbance. Community singing in three languages will be a feature of the citizenship meet n to b held Wednesday evening in the Falling athooL Popular and patriotic annua of th Jewish. Italian and Ens- Hub DeouU will be prlltt4 tn too na ttve Ivupux on song sheets and the Hebrew songs will alao be printed in - phonetics to anablo all to join' In the sinclng. The "abir" win bo lad by J. C. Henderson, executive secretary of Conv munitjr Mrrlca. ' A second untqoe feature will bo dumb ban drill by It boys and girls of I ha orbooU who hare boon coached by Mies Bnm Steal, a teacher. Eleven na tin will be represented In this drill TTito -lll be selections by an Italiar onhejtra. a speech by a member of th Italian co'onyl a chorus of girls frorr tr Nelffliborhood House directed b Vmi Ma Lowenberg:; an adores. - "whr.t America lias Meant to Me." by Jacob Weinnteln, address by John Helt- ' semper on "Kouh Portland's place Ir the Propeeed Zoning: Bytem" ; a 'show ing of the Community Chest film : ad dress on "Portland's Amerlcanlsatlon Week. February 11 to XV by Mr. Hen- deranA. 11 Ua rnnU Porter, principal of th -Failing arhoot i' Mlaa Loewenberg. hes'" Worker of the Neighborhood Ho:ise V Negat, .chairman of the American SH'lot ctimmlttee of the Council of Je lh Wmn. and Mrs. Ida H. Beypr preatdrnt of the Falling Parent-Teacher a-ooclailwn. are working with Hender son to' piake the meeting one of In. . et ruction and Interest and a general In vital ton Is extended to. tha public to at tend, - . - XVf YORK SECKITES BIGGEST IHUVa BiatS (Ll'UBUS l-amr. j New. York. Jan. 81.- L N. , a) The moat violent and longest continued earthqriake tremors recorded since the machine was installed in 1912 were re corded on the seismograph at the Ameri can Museum of Natural History here today. The tremors started at 1:28 and at 19 M were sUH being registered. SHOCK THROWS 3TIEDLB Denver. Colo.. Jan. IWL N. & The most severe earthquake tremors ever re corded on the seismograph of St. Regis college were reported today by Father Forestall. In charge of the Instrument. He said the shocks, which occurred be tween :X0 and 7 :4 a. irw shook one of the needles from the drum. He esti mated the quake waa about 1500 miles distant, but could not say in which direction. i lli ls Ys (By Catted Sam) New York. Jan. 3L Mrs. Margot As quith, .sometimes known as the most bltingly sarcastic woman in England, bit off a few for the benefit of reporters upon her arrival here on the steamship begin a lecture tour - of UXITT.RSITT RECORDS SHOCK Santa Clara University. CaL. Jan. 11. (I. N. &) The worst earthquake shock In years waa registered on the seismo graph here thia morning, beginning at 5:4. The main shock was of IVi min utes' duration. Father Ricard estimated that the center of the shock was Sl kilometers southeast of here. CITIES SHAKEN BY SEVERE QUAKE tCoatloaed From Pi I Oar) SOT FELT IX SAN LUIS Kan Luis. Sonora. Mex.. Jan. SI. (U. T) Radio queries sent throughout Northwestern Mexico today revealed the act that this morning's earthquakes re corded at various seimograph stations throughout the United States were not rlt In this area. MOTE RIO AFFECTED Vonte Rio. CaL. Jan. 51. (I. N. S.) alieht earth tremor was felt here rtl after ' o'cioi:' this morning i :.. R'.o Is . "R mil -r north of San 'llli-! -o. RING THrZFT TAXED TO EX ! T us lie vefe whether correctly or oth erwise,, the future will make plain that Baker will lend bis personal support to someone other than Okott, who will not have the indorsement of the Federated societies..'' -.-. ;' MAT IXDORSE FATTERSOX Political prophets also tend to the idea that Senator Patterson, barring the pos sibility of "a dark horse candidate bear ing the gonfalon of the Federated soci eties, will be given the indorsement of that articulated organization, and that there will be, when the primary tourney is ran. four candidates for the Repub lican nomination. Olcott. Bean. J.JT. Lee and Patterson, or the dark horse, whoso ever he might be. CREDIT SYSTEM IN PURCHASE DF FARMS IS URGED graph company placed the time at ' Some reported the tremor so light as to be- hardly " noticeable, while others said It vaa-of sufficient vibration to awaken them from a sound sleep. .The police department had no report other . than that . several men reporting at the station at 7 o'clock reported hav ing felt .it at home. Ne damage of any kind has been re- ported. The Pacific cable reported no Inter ruption Of service., and both naval and private -wireless companies said no re port of 'seismic, disturbances had reached them-Trora the Pacific. Carmania to America. "Don't ask! me about politics. I'm more interested in your prohibition law .7 she said. "I haven't followed the sub ject closely, but it seems to me liquor is something the neb can get and the . poor can't. ! "1 think prohibition was a good thing to try, she ventured, "and I don't know but that it's a good tning to continue. Are the stocks getting pretty low T' iO READ HER 2TOVEE Mrs. Asquith emphatically asserted she was in America not to be entertained. but to read : extracts from her next novel, which promises to be quite as sensational aa her published diary that raised such a storm in Great Britain. "I don't care to meet any social lead ers," she stated. When told that several "social celebrities" were making plans to receive her, she replied: "Are they; who are they? I don't know any .in this countrr. That's Quite nice of them. The only American woman she had heard of much was Mary Pickford. "and 1 never sa-. her even on a film," Mrs. Afxiuith Haiti. As for Jane Addams a ell. Mrs. Asquith lighted another cigarette and asked slowly: "Who is she?" Certainly she knew Lady Astor former American girl, taking part in British politics. "But I don't believe English women are going to make much 1 headway along that nne," she said. "Marearet Bung-field, secretary or tne woman's trade union league, would make a good parliamentarian, but there are not many like her, THIJfK WAR FUTILE Charred with the theft of a $1000 "Tea, British women approve of the diamond ring, J. W. Paisley, until last Irish free state. They think war is Frldav nieht a SDecUl officer attached futile. to the police morals squad, was arrested Mrs. Asquith expressed the belief that ifnnriav aftrnnnn at his rooms, is t labor has lost rrouna in cngiana, aue Park street, by Inspectors Hellyer ana to recent striKe maneuvers, sue us one vc.n... tw Knnn ilnt of Mrs. Hose or tne lew raeusa wuinen uwrraicu t i, m d.v ,.-wt tne laoor movement, sue saiu. runuta IXIVH, AV , t w a v . ....... i , Mrs. Letch alleges that Paisley visited nasn i yet oeeu iiuwen uV 1 '""'''"''' POLICEMAN had The opportunity to own farms ought to be kept open for people of moderate In hta formal statement announcing 1 means and we hi Baker said" ' the man with $3000 can be financed in My name has been mentioned fre-1 buying a $10,000 farm, or how the man candidate, for the Republican nomina-1 a $20,000 farm." declared Dr. El wood SStSE". SVtlty??Z o California at the Western States reports and rumors at rest by advising I Extension conference at the Multnomah my inenas ana tne pubtic tnat i nave hotel this morninv no intention whatever of becoming a I W1B Bor,U1. candidate. I make this statement with I A great many questions enter into full appreciation of the confidence im- I .,: t . . , . . . nnuj in , mDnv .,,i.in. "" uengui or time Jn wiuch to make ances and others who have urged me to I paynrlenta " interest rate which a settler seeK tne nomination. r" anoru to pay; aia ana advice needed MITCH WORK REMATwa I to avoid mistakes and to use the settler' I am nnw at KurinT,inr n... ia iaoor ana capital to the best advantage. term as mayor of Portland, and in this e have to evolve a credit system under capacity I feel that there is a big work which money can be borrowed to com- to be preformed for the people of this plete improvements and to buy needed uJlJ livestock. Here is a fruitful and almost Itt TinXancy7 tisas expoiuor d unPlore1 r the extension many municipal problems requiring at- I service. tenuon. i reel mat it is my duty to re-1 FARMERS DECREASING main as mayor during the balance of my present term. I The entire country is Interested in io become governor of the great and I tne disquieting increase in farm tenancv progressive state of Oregon is an honor and in measures to either lessen its f ,,. T f oaE, growth or change its character. Not among us. It is an honor which no clt-I ltv . j, . wn vhow lift. rtoriiutort in th nnK. I " u.i. uic fci iitrcuwr iu uuuu lie service can regard lightly, and. be-1 lation in this country during the last cause of the assurances I have received I decade. 23,000 less farms are cultivated from people throughout the state, 1 1 by owners than 10 years ago. Unless have considered the proposition fully. I something is done to check this extension Polish Chemist to Wed Heiress Worth ' Some $40,000,000 Philadelphia. Jan. Jl. (U. P.) Anas- atase Voiurianskl of Warsaw.- Poland.! a chemist employed at the Baldwin Loco motive Works, here, win be married Sat urday to Mrs. Marion B. Stephens, re ported to be a $40,000,000 heiress, be in formed the United Press today. Vonslaski. who is a "dean-cat, clear- complexiOOed, wcU-dressed young man of 23, speaks English with a decided for eign accent, and had considerable diffi culty with, the Interviewer's questions. He spoke frankly of himself and of the marriage, aaying that he and Mrs. Ste- SLAYER : SUSPECT Me BURNS ADMITS H E FRAMED UP file viorron t Mt. 4 gt. rXrwTT T Mr. sa4 Mn. V. XX XM, Rnkb4. Jam. 93. a m. trxTS Te kU: u4 Mr. J. hum. iu. se. .., CLAKK T Mr. aM Utk i. W. Cinm. IU XL t'. S tmm. :a. a OOrtPKri T Mr. mm Mm. J. Cm. Or.. Ju 51 - - t. PKfiRSTLS Te Mr mmd Mn, H. E. 34th X Jaa. ST. a M IUTTT T Ma Mav U. a. B-s. II" Tniiin. Ja. a m. PABK TeMr -4 Urn. Vmmm R, lwa. tT John L. Burns, charged with being one of the murderers of James Harry (Buck) Phillips, admitted on the stand today that he was the author of the let ter, taken from Dan Casey's pocavt in t V Mttntv 4 tl Im mtt;H . K. .Ilhl tn en." '!Tlenda nln' T,nUV-1 by Bum. and Cay in their tr . I trials was framed. t mtin7,K.t . rum.n n B Mulkey then went over the 11- !iwa aema BOd0 ter in detail wlrh Burns and Burns L.ZZ- ZZJrZl Jlw " ""T nitalned that aD the things he told a asaa4BvucintMrh. UkCf VA1 VUOHJU jr Vonsiaaki at present live In the T. M. C. A- but bu a pleasant home ready " " ava viiv ui iuc iu ure iHUivuuin; ruila' delphla suburb. EDUCATORS TO BAR PROFESSIONALS IN C Ts- I : DEATHS MNaHkrMKl tiif III Jaa 2S. MM. fcONKTT lmmml Urn. ST. TS BrBNKTT l.raa K. Har ul Ja ST. 1MKIMIN live Ai itat. J ST. It rmtr.i ortilialat m-ol. sl TSii iaw mm' n: kSar mm mm have placed me. TREMOR RATTLES WINDOWS IN OREGON (CanthmeA From Pas One) half the farms of this country will be cultivated by renters 10 years from now. The last census showed that four out of every 10 farms were cultivated by tenants. The disastrous slump in farm prices is leading to a great increase in foreclosures and consequent Increase in tenants. In many of the states from 20 to 25 per cent of the farms will be sold under mortgage foreclosure in 1922. In some counties 70 per cent -of the farms are now held by non-residents. "In the absence of either laws or cus- The quake l&ted for about 30 seconds fcf ?T 4 icnui j vii a-ai aca-i iu, w jSv'ev.v aaaias ua and caused windows to rattle in a very ... , I payment of Improvement made, to give reported, however. The , newly con structed Savage Rapids irrigation dam was not damaged .by the shock. hen she went to put on her ring, short- ' 7A "".,Tr " " y after Paisley's departure, she found I , EnVlanT hat It had disappeared from the dresser .,,, w, , the .vhere she had left it. I ,' ,- i Hhnuld have left Paisley siouuy maintainea ni iiuiu- . ... . cQ wanted to cense when questioned by detectives and the love out of u and jeave only declared that . ne Knew noinms oi the punctuation. ring, except ne naa nunvru umv had it on at a party, which they both ttended previously Sunday evening. Mrs. Lelch told police that while Pais ley was in her apartments she was called to the telephone, and when so oc cupied. Paisley had wandered around the room. She said she thought nothing QUAKE THROWS RECORDER ' Or AT , CAMBRIDGE, MASH.Iof lt at tiiri((i bUt when she missed MOVIE DEAD TOTALS 95; El tility due to good cultivation or apply ing fartilizers, tenancy in this country is synonomous with neglected buildings. nwftvvii T p rTic it l oepieiea lertuity ana a iacK 01 interest Canyonville. Jan. 31. Residents were ln education, roads and the things which awakened at 5 :20 o'clock this morning make country life attractive. Bten were arrested, when one was held in one corridor of the Jail and the In another. lt was evidently given by Burns to a trusty to carry to his friend. Chief Jailor Jackson caught Casey with It. Burns denied that he naa one of th two men who were robbing a boxcar in Mocks bottom the r.ighi of Jane 14 and who killed Phillips, an O-W. RAN special a rent, when be interfered with them. He admitted ownership cf the gun found ln the storeroom at Russell street, when he and Casey were arrested there three days after the kill ing, but ddared that the gun found un dr the pillow In his room belonged to him. The second gun Is the one the state 'almii fired at lent one of (he bullet .. ken from Philips" i-oA; . ("omparteoi' cf the bullet with the bore of th. gun l ' gun experts substantiates the Mate" c aim. I KRKT tMls t rVfvr. US Hmt tmm. 2. : mn: mum mmut mtmmr. 8. imm. IS. t rmmn: mnmrn x ! ASM immrvm m. Aik. 14 Hwa. imm, IS, TS WIuSO4 HnM K ltas. Vmt imm. t. t rmmr: are XfXSO! OA ! tai. tmm. Is. w; miiii KirUBT Rasrr a. WSr. C Ju IT. 4 mn: Ml iimIi ml KLaXET lar tC KrUey. SU J SS. li mrmn: mrtm-Bm. Mrf, imm. ST. TS pan; i im mmm. IM SumHW mm DIVORCES FTJLO tUmm W. Km. Now J aba U. iaua tmm, M MM Many C g. fmM MM Mu. tAhmm TM HUMl Hera ALLEGED ATTTO THIEF CAST GITE BAILj 8ET5T TO JAIL In default of $150 bond. H. H. Ed- by a distinct earthquake shock, a wave apparently running from southwest to northwest. The quake lasted about a half minute, rocking beds and rattling windows. Cambridge, Mass.. Jan. IL (U. P. An earthquake so violent that It threw the recording needle off its tracing arm , waa recorded at Harvard university sta ' tlon today. The seismograph Indicated that the -disturbance waa several thou and miles away. RIGID INQUIRY IS 6 UN (Cam tinned From Paee One) the ring the incident occurred to her. Patrolmen Smith and Green answered riot call at Sixteenth and Taylor streets Sunday evening, and when they arrived ouirv bv the senate district committee at the place they round t-aisiey, witn particularly Into reports that a ring of H. H, Hogeli. also an ex-special officer, profiteering constructors in league with b wiimi.im iiMv.tn, Af In a room where a number of empty local building inspectors has been put th HloMntDk station, stated that "an I liquor Dottles were aiao iuuhu, mcu- i ung up cueap aim uaiisenjus u"'"B unusually heavy earthquake shock was In to their report to the commanding here. recorded shortly after o'clock this officer. CITY 18 sTTJUKED tnornin- Ar.abotit i :o it became so in jau uoiwit evening r-tuaicjr au- , . , .vw insii violent that the needle went off the drum mltted to newspaper men that he had . , insi8tnt over jhe stunned on which. the record is made, putting been diinking-'at the above place with OTTi caAAone.A -ltv ,hir.h imiv is hurv- the selstno graph .temporarily out of I a number of other people, including Mrs. in 10 of o,. dead. Meanwhile the work commission.? - ' I Lich. He said they were both some- f ra-inff the remaininir walls of the Professor Woodward estimated the I u hat affected bv their drinklns. At the tV&q mm kas ot o rtaH Tha wnrtr ia nrV. eartnquaae waa aooui mm miies irum i party he noticed a diamond ring on greasing slowly because of the danger Cambridge. WORLD RACKED 1-fi OF v 15CH, FR0FES90R REPORTS Berts ley. CaL. Jan, IL (L N. &V The earthquake early today was record- Mrs. Lelch's finger, he said, but that 0f a collapse which would bury work- when he visited her apartments ne saw nothing of It. CALLS CASE FRAMECP South American diplomats today at tended services for Mme. Virginia Fe- Paisley, in maintaining his innocence, , ' h, lni forRnoon from the ed here at . the University of California I declared that the whole thing was ' Guatemalan legation and St. Pauls I Catholic church, after which the body will be sent to Ventura, CaL The tragic roll was expected to be augmented during the day by the deaths on a selamocraDh so adjusted as to res-1 trameup. -He said that since his activ istsr only very heavy shocks. It began I ty as an attache on tne morals squaa, most abruptly and was so violent the I bootleggers and lawyers had openly de- record Ing pens were thrown from their I cared they were going to get him. course. It started at 1:11 and lasted I paisley and his working partner, Ho- I nt t least three more of the iniured per until I a. m. Professor A. O. Lawson I gelL were discharged FYiday by Cap-1 sons They are Dr. Clyde Gearhart, Mlimatea uie center w umwm vmw wiui- lain jonn a. jnooro, acuus tuiei oi ui-i Mtsa tarlln UDSflaw ana tiQwara win In (00 miles., but the nature of the roc-1 ore tors, after testimony by witnesses I lams. E. H. Shauchnessv. second assist erd precluded determining the direction. I jn municipal court had rattled seemingly I ant postmaster general, who was tn a Th earth movementi pere was one anu a few skeletons in Falsleys closet. serious condition yesterday, was report- one half millimeters, , I At that time Paislev denied charres l thia mornine- aa ereatlv improved. The entire World Was rocked one I from tha vltneaa atand that he had been TTnanttala were at ill crowded With the 'twenty-nrtn or an incn, rroieeeoT u- arrested on a llauor charsre. but later iniured. manv of the victims being per on said in a statement issuea toasy i admitted he had. when court records manently maimed. aner be baa cnecaea reaoiogs u me i introduced ahowine that he had selmnoaTapn. -.-''. I k- t fiat! r4 A tmmt fmTmmA fAtlnwtniy m INSPECT ALL AMUSEMENT llauor raid In the Chamber of Commerce "A'1'3 "" SERVICE IS AVAILABLE "Because the extension service conies in direct contact with the life of the people and knows what farms are culti vated by the tenants and the percent age of farms cultivated by their owners, it is the best situated of all educational agencies to help work out plans for re stricting tenancy or giving it a more de- SCHOOL ATHLETICS Educators representing the state-supported institutions of the Northwest went strongly on record for clean ath letics at the closing session of their con ference today when they passed a reso lution condemning- profeeraronalisrn and Pieglng cooperation in weeding pro- neTTT coTnty "jaTl fesslonals from their schools. vl Mnnla tn Tteteral 'iwln Woiverton Represented at the conference, which pending his trial. Edwards waa brought was called at the Multnomah hotel to to Portland Saturday by Deputy United discuss the problems of higher educa- states Marshal A. M. Smith of Seattle, tion. were, the Universities of Oreron. u ia etrmi with Prank E. Martin. Washington and Idaho. Oregon Agricul- alias Douglas Whorton. with transport- tural college and Washington State col- nK the' auto of Ralph Moody of Seattle lege. The stand on athletics came to Portland. Martin was arrested here about as a result of Informal discussion December 27. Federal officials say the of charges of professionalism made arrest has cleaned up eight stolen auto- againsi some taetem colleges and it mobile cases. The complaint ussued by was decided, as a means of keepin? United states Commissioner Fraser al siich practices out of the Northwest, to )fes that Edwarda brought the stolen rcdiunn-uie policies wnicn inaiviauai I Moody car from Seattle to Vancouver. niBuiuuoiiH nave always attemptea to wash., where he exchanged it for a ma chine said to have been stolen in Port- KTW TOP AT W r - ' " SHOCK LASTS TEX SECONDS LS MEDFOED, REPORT SATS Med ford. Jan. 31. An earthquake Khrwtr laottnv annorantlv o Vwm i t 1(1 nfV1- onds was distinctlv felt here about 5 :20 sirable character than it has today. o'clock this morning. The movement Pei"-ers were. ,Lean j. i. jar- waa severe enontrh that furniture was d Of Oregon Agricultural college, F. moved in the rooms and plaster cracked a- "-""ley or moniana, a. tu. Bowman oi on walls. A continuous rumbling for Wyoming, C. W. Creel of Nevada, S. B. a minute afterward was heard. This be- Nelson of Washington, D. C.,. and H. G. ing the most severe shock in this part I Eddy of California. Of the country, it is the chief topic of I Among the visitors at the conference land by Martin. M RS. WTRTZBARGER GRISTED STAT OF EXECrTIOS BT JUDGE I HORTHY conversation here today. Is G. L. Noble, secretary of the national committee on Boys' and Girls' club work.. This committee is headed by E. T. Meredith, former secretary of agri culture, and is composed of business nuv . atti Airn TicmTT I ul,aln'- A defendant, who Paisley was . IK BEATTLK A1TD THiaiTI H .i... .1M ttifi. that h. IB, rjnitMl Ncnl New York. Jan. 31. Recent collapse appearing afjauist. aiso wwunea mat ne . ... r.,.,(w1 Amerk-Jin then- Van 11 W S VJtr I . . .. 7 violent wei4 the earth shocU recorded . al . U , lvory ter. Brookl-n. with a loss of the lives of It Uhe tslty of WaSgtoThe ""h. yJnt " W9 olf" proT seven workmen, and of the Knlcker- ?har.s TrmSSu . o tott di of the nth" h w" ,rald V1 would bocker theater. Washington, with an !hrl-Jl" JS S-i. -I- be found In hia possession. estimated death toll of more than 100. fr -hort oerlod about I II e'clock this Detectives made a thorough search in should result in an immediate nation ntornln. jU needles readjusted them- P"-iIT effects for the missing dla- wide Inspection of amusement buildings, Vtint and enntinuad tn trace I tnond ring, but it could not be located, declared District Attorney John Ruston rfiaturhancea. until IM a. m. Shocks I ' of Brooklyn at a probe into the former v ..at . CALLS OEFETfUAST -ROAD HOC" disaster. - i-K aartiiauaka vu either north or I Vancouver. Wash.. Jan. 31. H. E. I "Such appalling catastrophes naturally south of here, but because of the dlslo- J Eddy filed ' motion for a new trial ln I raise a question as to the safety of simi . .- it wa. tmnoawlhla I hia a-utt acalnat S. A. Heater, for dam-I lar buildings which are nightly crowded to gauge the distance: Up to a. m. I ago he alleges was caused by Heater I with countless thousands of people," he no word baa been receivea ot any uia- turbanceg In Alaska. SawJaSSBBBBBaSwamawaawa CL-TELAKD OIVEX VIOLE5T SHAKECr BT GE5ERAL QUAKE ' Cleveland. Ohio. Jan. IL (U. P.) A ' violent earthquake, one ot the most pro nounced in recent years, waa reported today on the seismograph at St. Ig - nattua roller. According to Father Odenhech. the earthquake is approxi mately 10 ' miles from Cleveland, in Southern Mexico or farther south in Cen- tral America. The first shock was registered at I 54 a. nv It continued on a large scale tAPtH 1:21. Then it diminished sorae- "'I' " 1 i aaaanaaaawaamw HOMES ARE SHAKEN Ashland, Jan. 31. Louis Dodge, local weatherman, reports that a slight earth quake shook Ashland and the district I men throughout the country and is as- rrom here to xreKa, caL. this morning sociated with the American Bankers' for 6 or 6 seconds Between & ana b I association and the United States o'clock. Ashland residents said the I Chamber of Commerce. tremor made their homes shake as J At a dinner given by O. M. Plummer, though a train were passing. 1 manager of the Pacific International Livestock exposition, tn the rluh icjut- DISHES DA3TCE I ers of 11 Western states niana ir. Roedsport, Jan. 31. Dishes danced made for a bovs' and tdrin- ni,.h and windows rattled about 5 o'clock this building at the 1925 exposition. The morning when this section was snanen building and its exhibits from the coun by an earthquake. , The most severe I try over will be in charge of Noble, who snoca was expenencea sdoui a unie is not the least daunted hv tha unfa- west of Reedsport. No damage has been vorable turn the legislature gave the reportea. tair. WO SHOCK AT TAWCOTJVER CLUB WORK GALSISG Vancouver. Wash.. Jan. 3L Incruiry "All the states are for it but Oregon." about Vancouver failed to bring to light declared Noble, "and we are going right any reports of the visitation of an earth- aneaa. mere are 11,000,000 boys and ouake this moraine. girls on the farms ln America. There are auu.uuu engagea in ciud work. Busi- 50RTHER7? CALIFORNIA GETS ness men feel that the boys' and girls TASTE OF EARTH SHAKE-UP club work is a most effective method of Redding, CaL. Jan. 31. (I. N. S.) A increasing the agricultural efficiency distinct earthquake lasting 30 seconds and buying power in the country, which was felt ln Redding and all over Shasta I in turn creates prosperity for everybody, county at 5 :2J this morning. Sound O. M. Plummer is a member of this na- sleepers were awakened but no damage tional committee, was done. This afternoon was devoted to round- It was described by those feeling It as table sessions, and tonight will be a so- being of peculiar nature. clal evening featured by a dinner at "For 30 seconds there was a wave-like 6 :30 and a stunt from each of the states motion, a Quivering and about the mid- represented. die of the quivering there was a sharp I A gout meaai, some time during the twisting Jerk." said one observer. convention, win De presented to C. H. Lodgers in hotels were aroused, but uaviason or bneaa, or., by the Pacific there was no alarm. Windows rattled. I International Livestock association for The earth auake is reported here as I devotion to club work. Davidson is the having been much sharper at Yreka, ocal leader of the club that won the : Tt- i -..I , v"t I VnrthTMt rhftmninnflhln At tha Tntamo. lUUSJUUU, VICCU, ViU., (U1U OidUJaUl I - . - . .. . . .. Falls, Or., but no damage was reported tional Livestock show. from any of those places. follow. TEXT OF RESOLUTION The resolution is as follows : "In view of the considerable publicity given in the last few weeks to alleged attempts by Eastern colleges to attract I in response to the request of friends athletes by financial consideration, the I of Mrs. Alma Louise Wurtibarger, Fed- executives of the state-supported col-1 ral Judere Woiverton has granted leges and universities of the Northwest I ptav of execution in her sentence until desire to reaffirm the following prin- I Wednesday. An effort is being made flP'es : to have her confined in the Oregon I "1. That no athlete shall remain in I prison at Salem, rather than the Colo good standing in any institution who is I rado prison, which has been designated Known to receive money for playing or by the attorney gene-al. Mrs. v uns unreasonable compensation for any em-1 barger was sentenced to 10 years in ployment given him during any part of prison for killing her husband, the year in consideration of his athletic ability. COMMITTED TO JAIL 2. That each executive shall assume I J. O. Dewell. former Southern Pacific responsibility for the application of this atrent at Dayton. Or, was formally or- principle ln his own institution and shall I dered committed to the Multnomah cooperate with each other executive in I county Jail Monday by Federal Judge Informing him regarding any reports or Woiverton after the court was inrortneo suspicions reflecting on his institution, he could not furnish $5000 bond. Dewell SUBJECT TO REVIEW "3. That final authority on all ques tions of larger policy in regard to ath letic relations rests with the adminis trative authorities of the several insti tutions. In view of this fact action on questions of policy , by the Northwest and Pacific Coast conferences is sub ject inst ences. The executives favored the standardl- You'll Find Your Ideal Ho me site in EASTMORELAHD WESTMORELAND or LAWS ADDITION Wait ever your tastes, the hone site yon hive plctnrtd ts ia oae of these three ideal locations. Ex-Service Men Invest file Oof Second Mortfige Plan LADD ESTATE COMPANY Owners 246 Stark Street RUG COt & In attempting to- pass a car driven by I said. Eddy, on the around that he has new I Ruston produced depositions in court. evidence and can produce several wit- I said to have been made by David Gay- nessea to : prove . that Heater has the I dica, whose construction plans were! usea limitation of beiiur a "road hoe. Eddy in the American theater building. Gay- alleges hat , Heater struck the front dica was quoted as navmg aamutea mat wneei oi nis car ana lorcea mm mio un u"" .wto.., . -wo a deep ditch. ATTEND LEGION MEETING Rldgefield. Wash,, Jan. 31. Wells Armstrong post. American Legion, is represented at the American Legion Centralla Memorial -conference in.Cen traiia today by George R. Thomas, com mander, and Edward L. Sachtler. adju tant. Special! Xi1! and that the Job was also "cheap. "It seems to me the builders did not use enough cement,' Gaydica was rep resented as ; saying. "A week after the walls were erected workmen told me 'if you touch them they will all go down.' The district attorney seised the occa sion to warn against similar occurrences. "There should be an immediate and Jio rough examination, by competent en gineers, of all such buildings now in ise, with a view to preventing a similar . nd more serious disaster." said Ruston. Welsbach Tlirift Heaters formerly. $1925,. . Uai week,; while ihey last, t '13 At the a Office, AMer near FlfU CANDIDATE IT A SAYS MAYOR BAKER (OiUansa Froei TPmse Oas) f erred with the representatives of the Federated Patriotic societies, preliminary to the indorsement by that organization of a candidate for governor. : That in' dcrsenaent is expected to be forthcoming on Saturday next, or within the imme diate future thereafter. His withdrawal from the race makes it certain, obvious ly; that this indorsement will go to some one ' else to Senator L L. Patterson, Speaker Louis E. Bean, Senator Charles EL HalL Mayor C EL Gates of Medford. cr to some dark horse not yet sprang upon the public gase. . - , , Baker this morning stated that the , :iayors office would take no part in the jming campaign, a statement of signlfi- I . ance, in view of the fact that there is isome little difference between the offJ Iciat activity of the office, of the mayor and that of the mayor himself. PoUti- FU1FFOT6S Made out of yorxt old woc-w-out carpets and rugs. 8ave half the price of a new rug. Use woolen clothing. 9x12 Rng, iImbkImsscI $1.S0 East 3SS0 ISS East Eight!. waa arrested Saturday night on a grand Jury indictment bench warrant in which he is charged with emDesxiing rsjiroaa funds while the lines were under lea- eral control. BUILDING PERMITS Boiklias permit hatted, valued at SlSSO and niirkmii i -a. r. wan ream aaS aa. a e mm aaaalraa. T1IM at OARPTl iX na ruos mti ocaasms. s LL HIMDS nmw Psrajitwaa Wllllllnl MAaffta aiawataaa i i a a " " mtm . naaa ai vann a .v tmirn a. Liaoata aa. aM, WM1-M to review by the executives of the I "er: . i ,,u iiniiMuli I itution represented ln these confer- L iJTilm?ZZ; LTmTm t tmikVer. owner: S1S00. E. 8. Brabtxer, erect r-iidrBce. 1607 CSaaa. bet. 61st and SZd itreetm; taukler, enmrr: S2800. EL M. IHIlen. erect reatdeaoB. 1000 E. THrU. bet. Floral and E. S2d nrwto; bfukkr. Matst OAK FLOORING Wbolaatia ud Betsfl rLOOES LSIS AJfO CINISMID. OLD PTjOORS MADS 'ew a gLientio sandirs. OAK LEAF HARDWOOD FLOOH CO. St B. CLAT tT 7012. Rift. TABOR AUCTION SALES TOMORROW AT V TT as IV a Aiv-rirtM um-it i a a t . a 1 ; eaw.nu aTHtgT. BAU AT 10 A. M SPECIAL NOTICES t WILL NOT ba raaponaibte far tnrtad by Mra. Nina W. aff. P. OeafL MEETING NOTICES EUREKA, CAL, SHAKEN Eureka, CaL, Jan. 31. (L N. S.) A heavy earthquake was felt in this sec- I tion early today. The tremor was of considerable dura tion, lasting from 15 to 20 seconds. Clocks stopped at 5 :20 as a result of it Dishes were-shaken from shelves and plate-glass windows cracaed, but no i other serious damage has been so far reported. The quake seems to have been felt generally throughout this section of the state. Eureka is located on the Pacific coast and is about 280 miles north of San ! Francisco. DISHES RATTLE WHEN EAHXT TREMOR HITS KLAMATH FALLS Klamath Falls, Jan. 31. A slight earth quake tremor was felt here at S -.30 o'clock this morning, awakening many residents when dishes and pots and pans started to rattle. No damage was reported. Old residents say this is the first tremor felt here since the early eighties. Berry Growers at Institute; Experts Discuss Marketing Vancouver, WasK, Jan. 3L The first day of the berry institute, which opened Monday in the rooms of the Washing ton Growers-Packers'' association, was attended by 150 growers who listened to addresses by Professor J. X. StahL horticulturist of the Western Washing ton experiment station at PuyaDup; Wilbur H. Weeks,: commercial grower. Salem; Cart Aspic wall, grower. Ger vais. Or, and J. P. AspinwaJL grower of Brooks. " Or. - T s Tne program waa on the general topic of marketing and waa. handled by Carl J. Kallgren, manager of the North Pa cific Berry Growers. nd R.' C Paulua, general manager, of the, Oregon Grow ers' Cooperative association. Members of the berry growers branch of the Washington growers' association held a business session in the afternoo. txnnn Phil UMa-hiiL rarmir stora and room. SI1 zation of college entrance credits, so j j. $i250 ' that a student equipped to enter one " v. A. CarpBtr. anet anartamta, 4 SO may be eligible to enter any other. It Weidier, bH. 7th and 6ta atrara; bnOdrr. was decided to interchange enrollment " ' ?,'Tri; ""'"' ,. tl(u. w i...- j I U. 8. Hartaon, erect raatdanr. 113 Uetw. means or reaucing tne educational "overhead" to make it easier for the student to. attain an education and for the school to take full advantage of the limited funds suDDlied by the state. ti .... i: i I ConaEractioii eomrauiT: 15500. t, t v..,, John II. Eepp. erart rasdenoa. 6804 T2d. rresiueiii ir. i. uuiijjwu ui uie hi 3d and 64ta amuea; boiidar, Hoaw i. sity of Oregon. President W. J. Kerr of Brno: 12000. the Oregon Agricultural college. Presl-1 H. C. Komecar. erect radeo. 1001 Win, dent A. H. Upham of University of 0:?5.,!S5 8aodjr Idaho. E. O. Holland, president Wash- h. W. Copp. erect raudenr. 510 Isparial ington State college, and E. B. Stevens, mm., bet rUxelfers Plane sad Laarelbam; executive secretary. University of Wash- MJd5r. rJ,f)?i, tsooo. i , t.,. ir.. Tba W, B. Allea Co.. rarair mtorm, 148 icyicKuuus icdiv.c. i. , . j 5Q, Mornaoa and Aider; pmnar. Suzzalo. who is ill. The University of I owner: SI 600. Montana was invited to the conference. I Gaorsa a. Boaa erect rendest. 1124 E. but sent no representative. .. 1 T " Gom A. Boav r-w readeaca. 102 K. 4Tth. I A pneumatic hoist 'that has been in- I nanorn and KTarra streeu; unwr, . . i . ,, . i am awnar: ventea is ciaunea u oe more eaauy op- Caorr. A. iumm. aract rrmOrnm. 18 E. 4Tta JaanmrTTi. W. O era ted by inexperienced persons than I at. M.. feeC FUndon and Ema sua; bond- I bj Amebar Omars Ka T4. Chain hoists. I t. saaM ovner; 82&IWJ. j Aawtttua Tan k tn ba tha haaaar ueorc a. tuaa, eraci iia-jauia. inm a. i aoa a ua ian. Eaarrkaey in aj Plandara. bet. E. 4Tth and K. 4ttb aVraatB. I prtua mrm vorLb ablia. Tti1j I iaa 1 baialer, mmmm mm ownrr; 12500. I bat tor all Coma, help Lba naaaaaioaa Gaorcc A. Koaa. aract mdenrc. 1182 rUa- naadr. Krarrbodr irtu ha tkn anaa den. bat. 47th and 4tb atraata; boiklar. basm I tnanda AdHartoa 81 nawu. tarafta mmr u aft owner; av. Georce A. Hoax, mnr. raa-nVaw. 1128 riS. KB- KtTj:i CAMP Geom A Boat, tract rwdrrma. 1314 tmm Plaadera, bet. 47th and 4U atrMts; boiidrr. ami aa ewner; 12500. Gaorxa A Boam. arert rrsidenro. ltlt TCaat riaadarm. bet. 47 and 4ti ftracta; boUdft. aaaia aa owoer; 82500. W. r. liuaVa. vrart rmmintt. 114 McClay bred., bat. Miidrad litw and kbona: baiidr. J. A, BoDatrom: 87000. Ir. H. H. tiawrl. erart raaVWnaa. 5 B. Both atrwt, bu. AUmada and Braaat; baudtr, Banaoad J. Umxn: 18000 H. B. Uorna. impair reaidaane. tilt 4. Its nu, bet. VSd and 4ta atraats; buiioar. Mr BoUor; 11800. T. H. Banfkrkl arart raavWocr. 311 Viata aaraaa bet. Martcpt aowat enac aad mOts: baiidaT. aaaaa aa owner: 810.000. It. Haniitoa Mrada. erart rialiVrw, 2812 70 th street, bri 25 th and 20th a man: bsUd ar. & P. Harrta; 82800. Masquerade' Ball $150 Prizes Par all faatrraa aOT4sh m Wiril tajtoBe: a aa pnaai: Tvawdar aarnt Bail. 1ZS lit PROGRESSIVISM the keynote of Broadway Service Should banking keep pace with modern business demands? Have you the right to expect your banker to offer modern service such as you ask from manufacturers and merchants? Upon the quality of its service should depend ther growth of any institution. That the Broadway Bank has broken all Northwest records for trowth is evidence that progressive banking is appreciated. 4 interest on regular savings accounts , and time) deposits. 3 interest oa special aavinga accounts subject to check. i No charge)' for collectiou of out-of-town ckocka. No charge for cbecking accounts. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS TILL 8 o'clock DIBXCTOBJ . Otis F. Akin - J. D. Brown H. H. Baynes Will B. Haines R. R. Knox Jas. M. MacXanghton Max Skibbe H. C Thompson f vAMr 41 awstF T " -'-Uena, Vas lit ...y crx sea tee cBorro tH tCSSS W in. uSas bliil 7 I V 1 WWama lliawaaA JmaA V UVC J kabert T. Tacfcar. apaaber. HAKRI. A, MeBAaV Xlitsl Statistics r JUMrrUgts. Btrtbs. Dzethx W OOSMUrXLTTaa IMlA.W IM. KaicMa mt Tram tatra flaw?. rrUuaa MoSW a. S88 Taabil at. TSMass pi j wmjm ailnai JS f rSD a KESTXa. f g mi B. mm S. 4 E-t TwrtrUXb .ttaet. MARJUACE LICENSES C McCracaaa Jr.. lacaL 844 TnirfJ ainalb atraat. aad PWii i ia L. Bradarr. I lacaL 42 Ea rWia-taartb atrwrt aorta. Uanla WiUwai r-rarra. lasat, leve aaat lr teie cuaat. and Adelbv Uawkiaa. lawaL 817 Wand- 'S2 I ward arena. Theodore VaaJMUa. lasml. Eaat EictrtS SUwat, and AKa C. fc ikyaatna. bajal. 44S kaat Anaeaj MUA T EM rUt. tiaa iie. win ii laimi WaJaa lai. rvta. lot, ii P MaVU&S WIS aaUl all pi i rtaai bwaaaaa k Sa tobed Ormrr mt Qaiia. AIIA HXJla Sea B AU A M. Slated mmmit 'aStoe ' Witriaw. rab. ryUuaa bat. Craeber. lacaL Haiwbi. Or., and Eaaia Joaaw, beml. 4 Eaat ajakany atnet. Gward J. Walker. Wai. 17S East Thlrtr- I eighth tft, aad Boa M. CtBaapte. lataL UI baal Tartor anwrL Eaaa J. Tanuaoa. aanu. Til H nrck atraet. d Cawa PiwWniiaa. aaoO. ITS AVaat FUu- eicBtS WEDDINQ W. L SMITH 4k CO. ako nsmo CAMD KSUSAVXaS Sll KIRTH5 DRUAliVVAY DANK BRCfc-VTJvVAY STeXttK. BtAIlXX To Mr. and Mra. M. C Maedoa. 248 Bobaaa. Jan. 17. a aam. IrrOrTKB Te Mr. sad Ha Lv G. tapper. 8 K. 12ta. Jaa. 20. a daaahter. MACEET To Mr. and an. J. t. Maaacy. 141 c eca. Jaa. is, a eaasDtrr. LISTEH To Mr. and Mra. F. C Lain. tl K. ISta. a aoa. riUETAG To Mx. and Ma. - TL C ftteaa. Ts E lth N.. Jaa. IS. a 8TOEEB Te Ma aad Mrs, Cavb) K. Scaker. eS4 S4tb a.. Jaa, 21 HAT El Jaa. 81. at U let 22d at. X.. Tbcaaai L. mat 48 . . . . -T7 1 T aw. wa aua. jaaaai . niDaaea. eaortaary. M14UBH11 at Sta. aOaa at t AKHrv;Tos ixdgk xa iJ u u mfxrrr. av aaani.ii.- m. u, a o n y A r A L A. M. tao4 war U waairaUaa liaaial iai w adaaaa. TjTfiV 7 rruimt. T 80 o clock. Eaat SlA mr- J. H. EJCHS05D. ALBEktA LOIiOE NO. 17i. A. AX U a. M. StaAod analli rsb. a. 1 A f V SS walooam e v- -Un bratbr Uraer w. al. ntru w MCHotA. ary BAWTBOB-Vg LODGX t srvcara JLS. waa j e. llaTi ar St. 4SS m. aa. W. t Taavacs eili lat ' - I C. K. MIUXE gaa AM SLAM JEW ELS T a DANCUO eeerf Setartai mmt at W Hall IIS I Ilk at Com - ' 8l-tt mo, at 1 Ta' iTJNERAL PIOTlCtS 1C atti m-o. earn, zavaean.