The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 30, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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ii on
(Caatlaawd PrMe Faae Out)
a creaking and crackltiK. , Thea ther
u a terrific roar, the beams and
era snapped and masses of concrete
torn apart. - -
The theatre was built la 1917. It was i at
tne pnz house on ine fjranaaji cir
cuit, of which Harry M- crandaii
president. Located as it la In a
ioaabto residential' section, . no axpease
spared in ita construction
Ha decoration. It was on at th show
nlar-M nf Waahincton. The muucraiaat
proud or tM Munner o: oisun-1 .interviewing one 01 .in ruw v
guished. persona who same to view thai, scented n Interviewers was
show I. i . i tihi. cin!i
me reporter, i X4tu eiupia nawa
? Sympathy Little Stupid's Fort
wasti it ' i t ,
H Gets Story From MacFarlane
Officers of the CrandaU company Is-
I sued a statement, in which they said
freely with Pater Clark MacFarlane to
threes et t .lS Saturday slant, trap-1" 7 . I v ...T. . I his sumptuous suit tn lb Benson hotel.
. - -. wmm sJV. sHUUHCU utr uiu vajUblUvuuc I .
eated be Albert BiiehUr Bk drtnr but .. . I 'JeugateO. was macsnrisuea repy
e-clou. ,Ol Sunday rnorulng. told circuit Cosstrncted at no limit .of cast ZZIZZhZZZTZI
reeeners "Im an right sav the others. I Ind engineering braiT secured to! every UtUe publicity is welcomed these
ping in rraaning ine anaieaoe uw i make . this house a ' medal of theatre I uay - 01 . newspaper pa guji$wtuis.
p "Get Rich Quick Walllnfford." larchJtoctur and construction, tba etruc-Thn. too. he felt kindly and sympa
j! ...iii venture was subject toanX passed, every I ineiss to vara Juuue oiupio.
shortly after a. m. It wa stated Unrel , . . (would say. Is the keynote of suceess-
. euM ba no awe corpses In the ruins. I Wm nnA -,. to tba I 'ul Interviewing., man, a bum in the
Half of the balcony still lay twisted 1 4aDtA f snnoatnjr we feel for those I street or a president of the ' United
' snd cromold. slooina down from the beraavad by this appeUlag- disaster.' I States. wiU open his heart to you un-
rmm.m Ik. trHWAM OUL Oil 1 ti9 laiamenL VH HEDW mr IUTI1K1B JW HWW CJmtwuu uu uauw-
h. (jraaaaii. araataeat; a. js. whwi i sianauir ot ni mougnus.
I Tte presMeat. aad Harry Bulkley. sec-1 MacFarlane, once an actor, makes use
ratary. I of an inherent and developed dramatic
Tba interior of the First Church at I to portray hts roles of sympathy.
sbapa by tba weight from above.
tfc HJ-.ftOIftX KS ACTED
Tracedlea of man and wife kilted, of
M k.U .111 atlaail aiil IStlt fi9 ABA
.flahn Tallin, the finest in hte- fJ J.,JPf!t
Ba is a large, well featured man and
tosses the Intonations of his resonant
voice around with the carelessness of
De wolf Hopper.
One of his greatest stage triumphs.
he relates, was in San Francisco the-
which weald have averted the Knicker
bocker crash. --. j- , V -
The reeolntion su nested that the Ur
vestisation be eanducted by the senate
district committee which has charge of
the civic a4muustrauoB or Washington.
Baudinc wspeetora. eeatractora aad
owners of buttdias will be caled'.to
xksy - to TesTxrr . i 1 1
Independent aetkm te fix tbeibtatsa
tor the disaster will be takes at 4jhca by
United States Attorney-Gordon. tAscht-
teeta- alana and coaatrticUoa malfriaU
wiU be minutely examined. , . ' -
Ke arrests are In immediate prospect.
In addition to the senatorial Inquiry,
la. C AV Powers Kami tore company.
tba Baby Home. Samuel Rosenblatt, X,
W, C 1 BlxlB Street
(Ceaheaid Tiam Fan Oaa
and St men are ahoveUac a way throa
ta the ataUed cars. : .
poipta a white blanket fathered, which
ruaaJnad dttrtnt most pt the day.
atre. After the show some of the eal-1 investigations wiB be mlde by the cere- I HIIXS 1U WHITE
lery gods waited tor him in the alley. He I ner. the district commissioners aad the J lont TamaJpala.' the Berkeley hills
waa eaved, however, by the police. Mac- I buildin cootractara. . . ' t -1 .n tk vm sw MaiA eeontr were
rariane saya tne moo Became enraged I Secretary -of Commerce Hoover said I .t,i. --a ri
at him because he pUyed the part of
the vuiain. The element of aueation-
able stage technique, however, might I eitJea.
on a standard, building code or sViaarW
have entered into tC he admits.
But to get back to his sympathy meth
ods. Uttle Stupid learned that it ever
be should interview a convict he must
make the convict think that he (Little
to elav would he that of an tntrvlw ICOde is Worthless.
of German generals aad nrohibitleaista. ' thea epenly
MacFarlane, with the exception of
few stories, wrote nothing until he waa
to years old.
This was encouraging to Little Stupid,
A party ef EO members of the Perra
club, which bad hiked up lit, Tamal pals
Hoover aald If each a code ha4 bee I Saturday afternoon, waa snowbound at
in effect when the Knickerbocker -was I the summit most of yesterday.
bunt, the disaster might not have hap-1 The .lit.: Tamaipaia railway waa un-
rjened. Ha believes either the district I able to operate, its tracks being covered
eode waa groaaiy touted W that the with snow. Thepearest saawplow was
at ionsmuir, tu
expressed the . aUuukouo parwea ,dt ui uwmano.
eplajoa that faalty . ce,traeaoa-1 . ,. JT I " VrJ.
Many charges that "flimsy construe- I ' L..17."l
tlon waa reapon&lbla tor the disaeter
Stockton. CaL. Jan. . (C P.V A
heavy coating of ice aad anew remained
i4ay rrom yesterdays steevn. About
three inches at snow fell. Itala. alter,
nated wtth the snow, the -precipitatloa
pemc izi inches. Several traffic acci
dent eeeurred. bat m fatalities were
reported. A bier aata stare turned over
on Dublin hlu near Canyoa Inn. Several
passengers a era slightly hurt.
Oakland. CaL. Jan. SO. (U. P. Croee
worth thoasanda of dolUra. which were
threatened by the cold wave, were saved
yesterday by the anew - which fell
threugheut Alameda county, according
w larmera. ne crops, blanketed In
now, .have been saved tram the ele
ments, uey say.
San Diero. Cal, Jan. 10. (U. P.
Rain and hail and a wind that whineed
the ocean to fury marked the winter's
went stem here today. Snow fell la
the foothills within a few miles of the
city, the first time la years. Streetcar
service on some lines waa demoralised.
gruesome sight this morning after
last mutilated body had been removed
to the city morgue or undertaking
tabllshmente. Throughout a ghastly
Saturday night and all of a terrible
Sunday the church was literally a cham
ber of horrors. The dead, row on row,
filled one side of the church. On the
other side shirt-sleeved and perspiring
physicians worked unceasingly over the
tory. were enacted In the ineau-e u
al the Scientist ehurch morgue.
The tory of Moniromery was dupll
Lairr he died on the first sld table.
There was Second Assistant Postmas
ter General . Hhaaghnessy. critically
wounded, who told the workers to look
after bis wife aad two children, all
badly hart, before they should relesse
i . a . i-t abk a paam-
tne gireer jnmn ki. rrotesqoe blanket-covered lumps held
n.etn o.oca vi co.r- I by blood-stained stretchera One look
siMiooen I usually sufficed aa to whether-the
tf. Alt Wir OS Bla SHOOLDEB stretchers held dead or living things.
jr. Clyde IL Oesrhart was pinned In If dead, the stretchers were gently do
th rath for four hours with the heed posited wtth the others In "dead row";
r his dead wife pillowed on his snout- if alive, they were even more gently
sera All durinf the. terrible vigil. In borne out of the church to where am-
pain from the weight of a huge girder I bulancea, city and army automobiles
cruiihlne- his leas. Dr. Oearhart tried purred In the anow-ftlled street, their
le reviv j his wife. At the same tlrae he 1 motors running, ready to dash for bos-
called oat directions to his reecuera I pltahv
When basband and wife were finally BATTLEriELD SCEHE
r e. la teei tan We ek esii I
11'- v This afternoon, with all the bodies
-rh ... ... t uni wi:iim nai I sne, the church resembled nothing
avUlor. who dashed Into the theatre I S "ttkB
mhm be heard the collapse, brought behind the lines In some ' rrarxkaaeter.
.... 1-. iui.. ant me r.r,4 ir rive I Loc hospltaU were besieged today
ki. M. .k. MM n u I with scores of friends and relatives of
snd Mr Oeesr O. Kansten and their "e Injured. Many washlngtoniana who
daeehters. Helen and Derethy, who per- e"ymg suoutds or ataryiana
taiMt. u.rln hehind ontv a 10-vear-oM I d Virginia, were forced to spend, the
Mil. and the rase of Mr. and Mrs. J. week-end tn Washington hotels because
I- Walker, lha ere survived bv three I could not get home through the
fMMrvn. Joseph Beall. musician, bride-1 nw. Traffic was suspended In all di-
enlv three davs before, waa I rectiona, telephone service waa uncer
tun ane ineeeracis aaaeo 10 uie gen
eral confusion over missing persona
Sunday morning at Umatilla on board
an O-W. R, A N. train, as, accompanied
by hla parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Minn Is. be waa being brought home from
Portland, where he has been under treat- I structural inspection.
crnehed' le death la the muste pit.
writ oo?r to win
. Archie Bell snd Miss Nannie Lee
laiubert planned to be msrrled In a few
Washington. Jan, 30. (I. N. S.) If
enough senators are able to dig them
selves out of their snow-bound resi
dences. Republican leaders hope to se
cure the passage by the senate today
of the foreign debt refunding bin. By
unanimous consent, each senator la to be
restricted after 3 o'clock to SO minutes
debate on the bin. and to 10 minutes'
debate on any proposed amendment
Despite the latitude for discussion al
lowed by thin agreement, both sides
share the expectation that the bill win
be passed not later than tomorrow and
agreed to In a conference of ranking
members of the senate finance commit
tee and house ways and means commit
tee, and the conference report approved
by both senate and house before the
week end.
Although conceding that the bill will
soon become a law. Democratic . leaders
are continuing their preparations to at
tack its constitutionality on the grounds
that It fails to provide that whatever
agreements are made by the commis
sion created by It for the conversion or
refunding of the foreign debt shall be
mitimltteri to the nnt frr It. .n.
r wiuia niin( menioers staying over i provaL
ment for heart trouble El nee January 10.
AguinaJdo Out to
Obtain Presidency
Of Filipino Faction
side.' and Mies Lambert was Identified tr
In town, besieged hospitals to learn if
their missing ones had been In the the-
by her engagement ring.
Mlns Bikle, to, severely Injured, csme
through the hospital-morgue about
oYlork last night. She peered beneath
eee blanket and recognised the crushed
Funerals of some of the vie time were
The contention of the Democrats that
such agreements would be binding con
tracts between the American and for
eign governments, and therefore treaties
held today; although the majority of I subject to ratification by the senate is
them will be tomorrow.
The ghastly walls of the wrecked the- 1
atre are still standing, although rumors
eorpie of her father. Oealng at another I spread over Washington that they had
1 bed:', she saw It was her slate Prance I collapsed, killing several soldier Build
She waa a lope orphan, the last of the I In Inspector Healy, however, at noon
Bikle family. I ordered the walls demolished. A hleh
Ulllaa Masse, occupying a seat In wind would cause them to collapse, he
tne aaicony, was nuriea to a spot near I leered.
en entrance. - wnere see could crawl I a .... .
rhe'urc fr - o'- --th crater of
llll'?: tht. iX U definitely eetab-
7, 1 ZZr". ". " - CV,J I unea mat an the bodies had been re
"yj- .T'.rTe.VVv. . lmo The .an waa shining brightly
w " . IT .v". I" I on Hl-tenlng ew and there was
: - . u i virtually no wind,
had aa arm outstretched in a cramoed f,rlu41' " w,na
foi.h lntsen hid 1, PMHI3tO ACTIVE
rorj death, the person hsd sought to iv i)iRvrT,sa mcarr-n x
wara etr tne erasning weight tnlv
'few persona omild crawl out to the street
inrongn erevtoee wnere (he masonry
disputed ' by Republican leaders who
maintain that the executive branch of
the government has ample constitutional
authority to enter into arrangements
or pacts with other governments with
out the advice and consent of congress.
First of the Last
Three Services for
Pope Held in Rome
Rome, Jan. 80. (U. P.) The first of
the final three funeral services for-the
late Pope Benedict XV began today in
.the Sistine chapel. A monumental cata
falque has been erected and members of
the sacred college, diplomats to the Vat-
N (Bj CniTcrml Service)
Washington. Jan. SO. High govern
Jial neatly formed aa arch tastead of I " ?, . . v . Vv. 7 ' . . V,T I lean and the nobility will attend the
pinioning tnem down. V- ,-v V "rT".'- ceremony.
ZSZT charg; 'in dlrSSSr "tnTactlvit, . ?. f- ? aeveral, cardinals today
Reeeuee t t . .-a I f ik. .,w. 1 ' assurea a low oi ai I oast so ror tne
eonfueion growing out of a eomnlete tie- I It was In this theatre that nnr of
P re trafflo, atter collapse of newspaper I America's leading statesmen found oc-4
carrier senrtee- eutaiae the heart of the caslonal recreation from their cares of
election of Benedict's successor, with
discussion and debate still rife as to
whether an Italian or a foreigner should
were heard in congress. In official cfaan.
nela and on all aidea,
all movies closed
Every motion picture theatre tn
carried snow men on their running
boards, attraekbtg wide attention aa they
drove down Market street
Near the Hotel daremont. in Berkeley
a traffic Jam was occasioned by the ban-
.f,101 for minatj; I dreda of automobiles cutting up the road-
Indignation waa expressed in local
government quarters over the aetlen of
bed. Many autotsts were stranded there
as a result for several hours.
weather bureau - reports anew the
some motion picture theatres In opening I snowfall was general throughout Call-
tneir piaces conaay nignt. waa stated i fornla. running as far south as San Luis
by the district commissioners today that j Obispo en the coast and into Southern
every tneaire opening witnoui permis- California, excepUng in the regions lm
slon of the building inspectors would be I mediately touching the water.
summarily punished. I The snowfall at the summit of the
The house of representatives will oo-1 Sierras was ft inches during the St hours
operate with other agencies probing the I ending last night making a total of 73
aisasier, u waa announoea toaay by I inches for the year.
(-xmgressman wonaeu, uepuDiican noor
Manila, P. L, Jan. 30. (L N. S-
General Emilio Agulnaldo is reentering I leader.
tnsuiar politics aner mere man so
years retirement
The former rebel leader la reentering
politics to assume the presidency et the
new liberal party, uniting with Manuel
Quezon to spilt the old Nacionalista
J"!" ,Um! " DEMAHDS SPECIAL nrOUIBT the storm. up to trclock this morning
Insular patronage.
"The district commission wW keen 1 31 I3T RIVERSIDE. CAL.
closely In touch -with the Investigations I Riverside, Cat.' Jan. 30 (U. P.) -
that are being made." he said, "and if 1 Sunday waea one of the coldest days ever
at any time it seems proper and wise for I experienced in this city. The maximum
that committee to make a separate In- I temperature was 43 and the minimum 37,
veatigaUon, it will do so." Rain fall all day and the record for
nr.. 1 71 InV... X n M h .1, w - , I.
Alleging that the theatre disaster was T.Il- ,' "7.77 " 1. ""ZJ. r.u
It Is the rurncee of the new nartv to due to faulty cone t ruction, Representa- o . .v... .
attempt to oust from leadership Sergio J Ryan, Republican, of New Tork. that from 10 to 11 inches of snow has
Osmena, political dean of the Islands, this afternoon asked the house to adopt already fallen and eight Inches In Ban
and to carry on an active campaign of resolution demanding a special lnvea- ninK. Shade trees are breaking down
appeal 10 wasningron lor inaepenaence. I "l v.uuu ucuvu x I under the Weight Of the Snow,
Aguinaiao. wno nas neen suceeasrui I wa&nington.
i.t m uueuiBaB wjr uurinsy ue iu years I me iLnicaerBocKer disaster came
that have elapsed since7 his dramatic I home with stunning force to members of
capture by American troops under the j congress, frae former member of the
iaie irenerai x- rea r unston, nas been re- 1 house,
The mountains across the lake from
Elslnor are covered with a foot of snow.
MervavUle. T!al. Jan. Sft ll t
i. A. J. Barchfeld of Pcnnnlnnla I 11 , . .
ported by travelers returning from the was aniong the dead : a senate Me. teT -.7t "IT D7.
PilillnninAH no Koine In 111 K..UV. I i. 1.. .. - . 11 O"- - - ' v-c .wvuuia uci
. . : . i w avsiimwr Dioun ok uiao was
iiepresentauve sprouie of I Marraville todav. Two Inchea of mn
fen in the town while Brownsville, Col
AsTiinaldo'a nler In ?on nv. . . , ' vv-u " a ana ouier nearay points nan snow-
t&TASZ awilhidni?onSate S bVVr -s. -
rJ1 bo but ho ome Wend or a?- imountinV to tachea It was SVrSft
SS0.?16. "ateAher.u.n,? e had ab4n- auaintance In the calamity. ZrZf SnL Janntrv , Sa
doncd his plana tor a trip to the main
land for the present because "of import
ant business in the islands."
Washington, Jan. 30. (L N. S.) Be
cause a state court had not rendered
final decision in the case of the Hewitt
T .e9. Tjimha WMn rtan-t a era 1 mat- Tln.
miintv wn,h 7- ,.T I vestigation of the roofs of Chicago play-
lowering of water levels of Lake Wash- He 841(1 thia waa done as a pre-
snow here since January, 1116.
OP ALL THEATRE ROOFS Modesto. Cat. Jan. 30. U. P.) Snow
Chicago, Jan. 30. (L N. S.) Spurred I that feU here yesterday for the first
to action by the Washington, D. C. I t,n "ice ins had disappeared today.
theatre tragedy. Alderman William R I It was followed by a drenchlnr rain
O'Toole, chairman of the city council j Tb8 anow remained only long enough to
building committee, today ordered an in- I ww men lo appear tn, tne front
ington, the supreme court of the United
States today dismissed the appeal of
tung county.
cautionary measure.
L. C. Gilman, vice president in chanre
of western operation of the Great North
ern railway system, was a Portland vis
itor today. Gilman, who waa former
president of the S. P. S., la review
ing operating affairs of the G. N. In the
Oregon district
. Washington. Jan. 30. L N. S.) The
supreme court of the United States re
cessed until Monday, February 27.
shall be a man who favors further rec
onciliation with the Italian government
Cardinal Mar fi s stock has taken a de-
clty and the,fart that dead and Injured state. Senators Smoot and Curtis at-1 and wthr tb" "vpontiff
were atarriDviieo tnrouga many hospital tended the Knickerbocker frequently. It
thousands ap till noon Sunday bad heard waa here that prominent members of the
nothing e H rumors of the riliutar I tn,. , v i
ahlch had come ta friends or relieve i Va ZpZZZZZ oldad rise within the past 24 hour
As the death toll of the trareCy grew by Pickford.
HtJl" -ZZ. V1 WI1! n was in this theatre that some of
tihi hVt!el .T.T1 ,t0t' T Washington's most fashionable repre-
bii-, h.Sl.UiKPar!lt..a,Vl "tatlves gathered. Of the known
rTiLuilS ? . J: e.W't th . J .' i ed "W personages are Leroy Leh-
1 ,!f,v X orTor that h mer and his wife. Mr Eliaabeth Mueh-
. Chauncy C Bralnerd, Washington cor-
ler Lehmer. both of Mount Vernon, N.
respondent ef the Brooklyn Kagle. per- " ""' lne,r Doa,f were
i-yZjt m uw vi. ' removed from the wreckage early Sun-
? . HL - iJr - . day morning. Mr. and Mr Lehmer
in all there were Is Instances ef hue- - ,,?l,,, m
band and wife, or father and daughter. St , Washington two years ago.
er father and son. whose lives had been ey ,eave a Rh. Taara
eruahed out together. ol . . J ...
Another prominent man injured waa ,nev b1ytal1??r mJS, w"1?
Repreeentaave Booth wick of riorlda. "Hr101?, toI. flve nd J
Among the other Injured were: lth'r direction from the' esUbllshed
N. T. aaaerW DiiM -t. so few children were tn the theatre."
Italian embassy; Leverne ' SpreuLl "rrat " hl" observation ran tn regard
eeobew nf rmrrMBnin nmd f nnZlto the number of children there, it de
note ;; Miss Inea Woodruff, whose home I ,0Pa that nearly 50 orphans were
created wnen lam nanoaomeiy Qfcumiea
celling of -the auditorium crashed on the
Aged Pioneer Dies
Alone in Home; Had
Successful Career
Is In lows.
The fun extent et the disaster did not
. become apparent until Sunday, after a
eight ef eeafeetoa aad terror. The death
. liat Inereeeed nearly as mangled forms
were earned out Some of them could
be Identified only by the papers they
Throughout Saturday night the
ar reams and groan of the victims
guided the rescue partle Many per
lahed before they could be helped.
Toward dawn Sunday these cries were
Many ef those who 'missed death or
unsuspecting audience.
President Townley,
Non-partisan League,
Is Released From Jail
Jackson. Minn., Jan.; SO. (U. P.
Arthur C Townley, president of the
Non-partisan league, completed a 90-
Jl-w J.. ........ .nla.U .K K, n ,A
Z.7. ,.r. .7 Jtl . leeplonaife laws and was released from
eut waiting tor flret aid. Their relatives
and friend meantime, learning of the
disaster, lushed there, only to be turned
the county Jail today. Townley left
Immediately for the Twin Cities wtth
Capital in Grief,
President Harding
Halts All Pleasure
ek hv ik. mrdi rtataia. t. u- I a party of friend
Mere waa a erreamtne. reaatle iMtk. -N,1 Townley thanked Sheriff Lee and his
aerwrete check itet et dead or Injured wife for their courtesy to him during
eenld be kept and even now la not bis stay. -
wholly available. Some ef those who Next Monday Townley must give him-
inme from the rulaa were stoical. . One self up at Fargo, on a charge of com-
tirl blew kisses ta flreaiea who baa plicity tn a'n alleged embesalement from
liberated her. Other were h rater teat I the Scandinavian-American bank there.
saving left relatives and friends behind.
One maa waa literally mad and aad ta
be restrained by force. . He had tern hie
rlothee from hie body.-. Another, pre
reesing t be unhurt, dropped dead not
far from the theatre. Some ran from
the seeea,
Tb Injured arrted t emergency aid
, aiailaae wee riven such treatment as
M - kmm died en tmnrevteed I Washington. Jan. 10. (U. P.V-Preel
i. ww. . . nortara. nuraea and I dent Harding today requested that all
plain eltlseea worked all sight long and capital social fuacUons be postponed- un
were exhausted wbe imabf fieally U the "city recovers from its grief over
I p an V M IvWakewKj-triBr Avsw ff-Kansk tm at t aiei eran , Taa
'The cases et lha djaaater1 seems dear. Jf to MUton AQe president of the
n. t a. ikM feet at I Ohio society, which scheduled a recep-
riw. ooVlap it descended In the en- of McKtaley birthday to
ri oMn a waiM. line a plunger in a tub I " -"' '
e-rrymg all intervening sirpporte with it "J" trTnZJ?, .
.Ku.,h. .k.i I ton ovmr the theatre dlaaster that wi
;:Zl la The" theatre' heard ".J'
A receptien for Via President and
I Mr Ceolidge was postponed and many
other social functions scheduled Cor thia
ween nave been abandoned.
Placer, Jan. 30. S. B. Pettengtlle.
aged 90 year one of the most widely
known miners and merchants of the
Grove Creek district was found dead
at his home Friday. Pettengllle, who had
lived in the vicinity 40 years, resided
alone and had no relatives in the dis
trict It la understood there are nieces
and nephews residing in the Bast and
considerable property left is to be
turned over to them in accordance with
the terms ot his wUL
Pettengllle was married years ago and
during his business career in the Grove
Creek region is said to have accumu
lated considerable wealth. He was born
in Maine.
High Court Denies
Owners Eight to
Withdraw Whiskey
Washington, Jan. 30. (L N. R) The
United States supreme court today de
nied to owners of whiskey held in gov
ernment bonded warehouses their
claimed right to withdraw their- whis
key on payment ot taxes and remove it
to their home ; '
The decision ot the court was read
by Associate Justice McKenna, A dis
senting opinion was read by Justice
McReynolda. Teat cases were brought
by Charles Cornelll and George J. Ghm
ef St Louis and William H. Bryan of
Baltimore. Decisions of lower courts
refusing to permit these Individual own
ers to get control of their whiskey were
affirmed by the supreme court of the
United States.
Kills 60rPouiid Wolf
With His Bare Hands
Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. JO. (L N. a)
Arthur Lener, 17, appeared at the city
ball today with a CO-pound gray wolf
which he had killed with hla bare hands
within the city 1 Unite of Minneapolis.
Tkat vuicrfel Prt -Ucm
Cfetf. Dcr bmt tllLD.
. Parte. Jan. 30. L N. S.) arth trem
or which lasted several seconds, were
-aoc is QGa3irrocr .
President Harding
- Names Postmasters
Washington, Jan. 30. (WASHINGTON
dent Harding- has nominated Leon W.
Landell postmaster at Weston, Or.; Eu
gene If. Sptawa at Lyle, Wash, and
Leenidas L Wakefield at Suna, Waaa.
- Col fa. Wash-. Jan. J. Clarence Min
nie, aged 2d years, died at an early, hour
(CantinnnI Prom Pare One)
(Conttmied Ftob Pace One)
Carrie M. Pessou.
Lois Pitcher.
Miss Hael Price.
Mr Marie Russell.
W. B. Summon, Kemmerer, Wyo.
W. L. 8choolfield.
Dr. James S. Shea.
Mrs. Cora C. Sigourney.
Miss Marie H. Smith.
Laverne Sproul. nephew of Co ust ess-
man Sproul of Illinois.
K. C. Stephen.
It. W. Stray er, Washington corre
spondent of Pittsburg Dispatch.
. victor N. Sturgi
Mr Gertrude Taylor.
Chris tene Thompson.
Miss Gladys Thorn
William Traoey.
Mr William Tracy.
Colonel Charles C Tucker.
Mr Charles C. Tucker.
Jacob Urdong.
Mrs. Jacob Urdong.
Louis F. Valentine.
. Mr Louis F. Valentine.
R. H. C. Vance.
Mr R. H. C. Vance.
Mis Mildrd Waltord.
JohmL. Walker.
William Walter.
Captain William EL R. Warner.
Mrs. William E. R. Warner.
Mr Charles Wesson.
Ivan I. White.
Elizabeth Wise.
D. N, Walsh.
Miss M. E. Walsh.
H. N. WortelL
Mr Arnold Hague.
Mr .i Davi
William II. Scott
Daisy Garvev.
Reported missing and believed dead :
Preston Bradley.
William W. Brodie.
Edward Cisson.
Mr Anna Coe.
W. M. Crawford.
(Continued Fteav Face Oaa)
"get by" with many unsafe buildings
of war thne construction. .
"It ha been persistently rumored that
contractors and builders, determined to
save money on the erection of residences
and building structure have acted In
collusion with Inspectors employed tn the
District of Columbia, Capper's resolu
tion stated.
It waa broadly hinted that the trail ef
the war profiteer might be uncovered by
the lavestlgatloe.
Capper, in his resolution, gave cre
dence to current report that "contrac
tors and bufldera. especially since the
World war, have ignored or evaded er
treated lightly rules and regulations pro
viced in the bulling eoae. .
- He said report had reached him that
these men were particularly evasive in
carrying . out regulation of tb sort
might deter some, but as Executive Sec
retary Bugh Herdman observed. "The
cold made workers realize how hard
cold weather is on folks who lack fuel.
shelter, clothes and food."
The advantage of thorough organisa
tion waa at once manifest as prelimi
nary returns poured In. Thirty volun
teers at the courthouse headed by
County Clerk J. W. Beveridge have been
classifying thousands of cards used as
information by members of the subscrip
tion division. Their modestly rendered
service is expected to add greatly to the
speed and efficiency of the campaign
as a whole.
At the headquarters of Brigadier Gen
erals Colt Sensenich, Eddy and Mun-!
sell preliminary reports were optimistic
and a similar quality of hopeful cour
age waa reflected from the headquar
ters ot the women's division headed by
Mrs. C. B. Simmons.
Speakers at tonight's heart warming
bonfires lit by Boy Scout win be Wil
liam A. Carter at Broadway aad Wash
ington, John B. Easter at Broadway and
Morrison. Phil Jennings at Third and
Washington, Frank Hilton at Fifth and
Washington, B. Lee Paget at Tenth and
Washington, and E. M. Welch at Broad
way and Oak streets.
Talks at noon today were mad at a
number of industrial plants Including an
audience of 400 workers addressed by E.
M. Welch at the Peninsula Lumber com
pany and addresses by E. G. 8 wink at
the Multnomah Box A Lumber company,
the Jones Lumber company by Rev.
George L Tufts, the Oregon Box Manu
facturing company by Joseph K. Carson
Jr., Carman Manufacturing company by
George W. Caldwell, and Gray. Percy A
McLean by Colonel Percy Willi
George W. Caldwell will define the
purpose 4t service of the chest for the
staff of Blumauer, Frank A Co. at 6:15
thia evening and Mr E. J. Steele win
address the meeting of the Presidents'
club, composed of the heads of the
women's organisation of the city, at
the Laurelhurst club.
"Under the Lid." official film of the
campaign, will be shown before the
Knights of Columbus this evening. W.
F. Woodward spoke on the Community
Chest at the Arleta Congregational
church Sunday morning and the cam
paign film was shown at the Sunnyslde
Congregational church at the regular
Sunday evening service.
Meetings today Included brigadier
generals and adjutants and the flying
squadron at the Multnomah.
Some of he window exhibits, showing
the actual operation of Community
Chest beneficiaries which have been ar
ranged by El M. Welch a ebartmaa ot
window display, aided by Mr Otto
Grice, include::.
Jennlng Furniture company, Alber-tina-Kerr
Nursery, Sherman, Clay A
Co., the Baby Horne, Woodard, Clarke ft
Co.. Peoples' Institute, Sweet 8ixteen
company Visiting Nurse association aad
Salvation Army, Old Wortman ft King.
Red Cross, Cartoslan Breew Near East
Relief, Johnson -Piano company, port-
land Day Nursery ; Wiley B. Alien, com
pany. Boy Scouts, Meier & Frank com
pany. Camp Fir Girls, Emporium. Boy
Boect Edwards yarnitar company.
Salvation Army. Owl Drug, company.
Pisgah Home Colony. - Bush. Av .Lane
Piano company. Public Welfare bureao.
Northwesters Electric company, prison
ers Aid society, A, G. Spalding, Com
munity Service, Lipmaa, Wolfe ft Co, T,
Pasadena, CaL, Jan. 30. U. P.)
witn a rainfall of Z.I1 Inches for the
storm and 19.S9 for the season thus far,
a gainst IS! for -the same period last
year, rasaaena was treated to a mln
latare blizsard yesterday, aa wind and
wQodk Ewept down- from the mountain
aad blanketed the northern section of
the city with several Inches of white
The Pacific Electric line from the top
or jnount Lowe incline to Alpine Tav
ern la completely out of commission and
over a hundred people are 1 snowed
at the top of the mountain. There are
13 Inches of dsmp snow on the tracks
Sacramento, CaL, Jan. 30. U. P.l
Several Inches ef anow tell here last
night and remained on the ground. Hun
dreds game red m Capitol park for
snow carnival.
The defenee ta th trial ef John U
Burns, charged with beiar one at the
murderers ef Jam I Larry Buck) Phil
Una. roe lee ted itself this morning with
attacking th evident of lUrry Pat
terson, itinerant laborer, wh testified
earlier in the trial that he saw Barn
and Dan Casey pass th flatoar ea
which he 'waa Bitting a few minute be
fore Phillip era shot
Phi nip, an O-W. It A N. special
agent was heating fer TMxear robbers
tn a train In slocks Bottom at 10 o'clock
th plghl of June 14 when he met th
robber aad was allied by them,
Jain B. Hatrber. a vttchntaa, tee-
titled that he did a t think serene could
be seen In the bottom wbe the sky
waa ore mast at Bight
Mrs. Margaret Furtney. wife of a
switchman, said aha want to the ter
minal the eight of June 14 with her
husband te get scene wheat and that it
was so dark a be spoke to another ansa,
thinking he was her husband. 11a was
about sis feet away. - .
P. B. Paehak. member of the outlaw
awttchman'a union, testified that It waa
toe dark te recognise person eve a
few feet away In Mock Bottom where
the tragedy took place.
Lee Roy E3. Keeley, attorney, whose
long continued fight for admission to
practice In th court of Oregon eemed
about to be concluded successfully, died
Sunday at his Portland home after
suffering for some' time from diabetes.
Keeley' turbulent career In Oregon
was marked by a stiff fight against the
Industrial accident commission tn en
forcing the workmen's compensation
law and by his futile libel suits against
two Portland newspapers.
The body 1 at th chapel of the East
Sid .Funeral Director and will be
shipped te Gleariche, Pa.. late thia after
noon. No . services will be held her.
Keeley was 35 year old and came here
from California several years ago. R.
C. Keeley, a brother, took charge of
the body here.
Belated action on Keeley's requests
tor a legal license was tiled tn the su
preme court this morning, when recom
mendation was made by th board of
examiners of th State Bar association
that Keeley be admitted ta practice. He
was refused the right' to practice fol
lowing charges brought by the associa
tion because ef his tactics in handling
the case of Mr Blanche Dfbbern. When
his temporary license expired the high
court refused either to renew It or to
formally admit him.
Keeley filed a mandamus action 1r
the federal court to compel the state
Justices to Issue him a certificate and
this was carried to the supreme court of
the United States, which decided ad
versely two weeks ago.
In his last application for admission
to the bar, filed last November, Keeley
admitted the errors of the experiences
upon which he waa debarred from prac
tice and asked for a reconsideration- of
his case. The committee which today
recommended his admission consisted
of Oscar Hayter. Roeeoe IV Nelson,
George A. Pipes and Thomas B. Green.
Handsaker Asked to :
Find Oregon Girl in
Turkish Terror Zone
I the hop of tracing hi daurhter.
from whom he has not heard for more
than seven years. John Sohrakost ot
OJene, Klamath county, has appealed la
the ttev. J. J. Handsaker, state director
of the Near East Relief, urging that ha
ask Mrs, Ethel Newman, formerly et
Corvalll and now on the staff ef a
relief orphanage near AJexandropoL
Southern Russia, to try te find th sals
lng woman. Bohrakest enclosed U In,
currency with hla letter asking that th
money be given bis daughter It she emild
be fosmd. with the message that anere
would be eat -"When
Sohrakoef last heard from his
daughter." said Mr. Handsaker yester
day, "she and her family war suf ferine
great hardship and In danger from the
frequent Turkish massacres, but her
husband and seven children were at that
time all alive, He has sine beard Indi
rectly that tb husband was killed by th
Turks and that soma of th children had
perished. Through our Near East Re
lief organisation, which Is caring for up
ward of 100,00 orphan In that paction,
we hope to find Mr. Sohrakosra daugh
ter for him, if she ts stm alive. We sr
sending the money and the letter direct .
ly te Mr Newman, wbe te at Djela
lloghu. very near to the point the an lea
lng woman was beard from last She is
aa Oregon girt and will take a personal
Interest la the search for the daughter
of thia Oregon farmer."
Hosf ord Joins Eace
For Seat in House
Oregon City. Jan. 30. W. M. Ladd of
Iron Mine farm at Oswego has an
nounced that the herd of Jersey cattle
being produced there will henceforth
bear the name of "Oreglow." Th farm
Is leased.
Salem. Jan. 30. Teas law aad xpor
economy ta ' fb administration of our
state affair'" is th slogan upon wtirh,
O. W. Heat ord ef PerUaad will seek the
Republican nomination a a candidate
tor state representative from Multno
mah county. Hosf ord, whoa declara
tion as a candidate was Clad with sec
retary ef State Koser today, baa been a
member of the past two legtstatare
IT w il
ihm Paramount version of
stage success and is not to
an old, inferior film of
dragged out by a com-
J0M91Xl &aW
flrQ -J i petitwa company,
-wT Sir. JatttcsMiEoica'
sa i lA
mm n iw.
We had so rnany requests for a return
engagement of "The Little Minister''
that we are going to show it for