- THE OREGON SUNDAY, JOURNAL, PORTLAND., SUNDAY HORNING. JANUARY S3, 1522. STEAT.'iER TRAFFIC TO THE DALLES TO " ....'... I BE OPEN TOIHI first Run Agalntt lea Mide Fri- T day; Jam at Cape-Horn Is Broken) One Boat Through. "fides at Astoria Beads? High Water Low Water S M A. M...7.8 ft-fS:44 A. M...1-S ft. 134 P. M...IJ ft-9:01 P. M...0.4 ft. SeasideHigh water nine minute earlier. Seaside Low water 21 . minutes earlier. " America aa well aa maintaining a regu lar efn-rlsVt in tU Intarooaatal aerrioe. I Nev j of the Port N'srVgsUon batweea Portland ana The lWlse win be opened fey tonight sad the steamer Madeline win be back on regu lar sehedule the first of this week. The MaiM Ira Ma wUl follow on alternaU days. Tb. flret ran against the tea was made on Friday bat a Jam wui encoun tered at Cape Horn. Thla waa broken Katnrdar and the Madallne succeeded In msklng the Cascade locks. , Waat of The Dalles the rhrer la fuU of slosh Ice. but no jam either at Cratea I 4r rttsvenson. The run out of too has hn easy and ferry system has been re aiimed at aU mid-river points. Aotos are being transported between Hood River aad White Salmon and a transfer ta being made from the Oregon shore to Hievensoo on the Washington side. FrelrM conditions at each end of ihe tlae are still congested and the steam boat company la making every effort to relieve the strain. Autos are still parked al the Dalles awaiting shipment to Port land snd there Is a waiting list at the Tort land sad for delivery at all points. , At Intervals for a period of 10 weeks the toe la the middle Colombia has In lorforad with transportation. The high war Is closed on account of Ice and J ana may not sea It clear. County commissioners acting with Erie Hauser are attempting to clear the way as far aa In itood Hirer county line. AfHsahv Jeeesrf B . " " : MnrVo. BT)eea aSsamer. Iiom Hi"! aaraw aa twj3iiJjjl ye sfsrins, Bexkaa stssaiar. tor Oeatzal Assee loan port; n sua sere sad swaeral. - g tnr. AaMTteaa auaavar, fo Baa Diets SBd a peiUi iwwuigsss and saaeraL H-nrvntts, Asurkaa aefaoaoa. far KeSSs a; tsaser. ... . - .. Tim st a H3)l Water. . JK) a S.....T.8 fast UOn as... .8.S fee Low Wsier. I a. ....: feet I 8:88 P. at... .0.1 test ' AT WORLD'S PORTS Aatork, Jan.. St. Bailed, et 4 sL au. British soar KaraosK (or Carted Kjasdoa: sailed, st a., auaamr Wot Notaa, for Bs a. at. etesaaur Wot Notaa, for Borne Airm twl MMi lflft, al T tiumtim. trr (waa: smiled, at T:40 a sa.. stasiser rmk 1 Dram, for Uarlota. Arrifed. at 8 and Mtmil 10:10 a . eteem-r Taasaipaift. tnr wtfnft man ua rank Beuso. aao a. m.. aa atari Sts Keawoott, tor Mew Talk aad we nnete: esited. at 11:4S a awaeaenaar Ore- roe Pine, fnr Osaka; sailed. St boob, U. w Ma. IB. Baa Fraaeaaea, ha. iS. Arrived, a Ua, staaaeer Jobs G. Kirkjiatrtek, frost Baa rears ft oelsalaa titer; amaao. at 7 Vmna fm Paatlaad las Cba Kw Tork. Jaa. IT. -Arrifa- (Tlaa R. Cnaa fieaa PorUaad. Beothsmpton, Jan. !t- Arrlted Dntck ataaaar Eastdiik. fraa FortlaDd for Botterdaav Aatarla. Jaa. ST. arrived, a 8 and left TO at a. atasteaa stisias Maxioo, tnaa Aber Haa rraaHaas. 2as IT. Arrival at 4 n. bl. Urniak euaarv Khaharey. tnaa Portland for Caitad Klasoaea. Bailed, tils aa,. aaotacahip koobnlla. for Portland: aaued. at ft p. 1 ateamer Harry Iflekenbach. from New Text for Portland: saUed. tt I v. a. Mauser Marry a. Gme. frosa Baltisnra aad 'way ports for Portr haa Praaeiamv Jan. 2. (L N. 8.) Ar- rirad today: Jaarajwk 81 nay. 4:40 a. Rainier. Pnrt Ansriea, S a m.. Smiaasat. Colombia Bin, t :B0 a m., WaUateUe. Colum bia River. 8:29 a. m. SailiBca today: Wakkaeaa. Beattle. S:4B a. sa Clatsop Dairymen Plan Extension of Association Scope Astoria, Ian. SI ttairrmcn of Clatasp county ' wlQ take steps -at a meeting Monday to extend '. the scope ot ' : the bower Columbia Dairy association, a local organ isstlon formed Juat prior to the breakup of the Oregon Dairymen's league, to tncluda the haadling of whate milk and. the makta of caeeae. At present the association, which haa taken over the eld teaguefs Astoria creamary. la , only buying cream and y Trie ring butter. " , Tha recent action of the tank distrib- ntlns; companies in Astoria in cutting tae price paid to the producers has resulted in widespread bitterness aad the dairymen are seeking to effect a com bination to control the. sale of whole milk as well as of cream. The ultimate aim of tha members of the association fa to perfect Its work so. that the cheese' factor lea of the former league may be taken over and cheese produced on a cooperative baaia This would be in addition to controlling tha sale of milk to the distributing companies la order to -fight the distributing eompanles, many of the producers are combining into emeu producer ' distributor oom-panlea. WEATSTEA rO&ECASt PwOaaa Sad YMnrty 8oadar. utrt wtnda aweoy aanaarty. , Oreaua Ounday. seneraily fair acoept rata ntuHraa porooat sawierata siasa aarvherly. ' : Waahinaaai BTinilay sensrlBi fair; OBSXKTATtOTTS (TATT05I " H. H. 8C01LAEO TO CPXAK - Dee, lan. tl TL H. Sootlard. aa Ore gon City newspaper mas, has sent word that be will address the Pomona grange at Its quarterly meeting at OdeO, Feb ruary g. , SEX METHODISTS TO AID Dee, Jan. it Methodists of this local ity win assist in entertaining ministers and laymen of The Dalies district the Columbia River conference, which will be held at Odell, February 6-8. Roaa City ...Baa Fran. Jaa. 2S Harry Lackenbaoh. . ..New Tork Jan. 30 BoobyaSa ......... .Ban fraa. Jan. 30 o .Saattla . .Jea. 1 PORIT105S OF TESSELS North Head, Waak.. J ma. 2 J. Steanahipa te- M radio tbair pnattaooa aa louowa, aa re-j buns Skade at 8 p. m. nnlaai otkarwiaa OtltSTAL TEADI THEEATEXED ' AT BTara-C ns rsittit ras-ara r - tr fmm aiv Saaiape.sk SsStlTTSy Vancouver. B. C' Jan. XI 4 L N. B.1-1 daaiaaated: .Wrlke ot CM nae rrewa on various liners I Btariara. Eoba. for Aatorls, til buIsb wat IrZJL S'J?.::1 " Pr nt AvJi for Baa Fraack; rraeae m wages Indicates a general JO Mtaa aaath ef Colombia Klw (aoom.) t'aun er tna trana.Pftz.iriM 11mm tv- I u... t....k.K c . - v.. rw ;mprea of Russia and Monteagle PrTb-bl riar, 118 aulas aoutb. ot Cobunbia river lki m j.i r....rr : . , . I lixht aaaaaL 1:1;-':'.. ..-"L5'L . ruad for Tha-a. ISO aOK. fisht the strike and Intimate that crews win be replaced by Filipinos. Drydock -workers may Join In sympathy, thereby delaying the Kmpress of Russia, which la due for a SB-day overhaul. from OoinaMa river UaM W.- Montana, roruaaa lor uneas. voioaMS tta HRir TAKES BTjrrUEB TO - ait w eni Aww nw ww vrn Nalem, Jan. XI. The steamer Mexico, .a-Mrh sailed from Portland, Prldajr, rarrlad a cfimplete complement of farm animals and farm machinery for the aiem onion r en the Island of Palmlto Verde off the west coast of Mexico. Included was a sawmill and planer, an llectrle Blent and marhlnarw tnr a l , - . . . . . " . ' 1 wan aaraion. aownua ror J hins plant, which the Salem colonists Willi sdlae weak of Hooolula, Jan. 3? opera ie. Baiera people who have pur chssed homes on the Wand, numbering sarae IB. plan a reunion late In February. mat Columbia rirar. Kasmea, Portlaad for Baa rrandaoo. 4S Biles oath ef Aslerla. Keanarott, Aatoria for Beattle. B0 Bribe aorth ef Colombia river nsnt abia. Nortbiaod, Seattle for Baa rreaetae, 3 BilM from t aa caneSnaw Aralna. Gray Harbor, from Baa Praacsne, t"0 mike aorui of Baa Praaciece. Admiral Lewer. 8aa rrancaaoa for ffntlK 103 ailke trass Beattle. Baa iwn. Baa Pedre for Taeosia, 81 BaOai north Cape Blanoe. Newport. Panaata far Baa Pi ua lean, at Pants Arenaa. Jas. IT. Wenatiaea. Bonakone for ghanihai. arrived at 8 s. bl. Jan. 27. Colobia, Baltimora for Baa lYanekeo, 2S41 nilea aoata of Baa Frenriaea, Jan. 27. wen r anion, Honolulu for Tekobaaut. 8SS4 Cohiaa . . WaatHaoaha ......Knreka ....... .Jan. 10 Hewiek Hall Beattle ....... .Jan. 80 H B. Olovs. ........ Baltimore ......Jan. 80 CkiM ..... Ban Fraa.... .Jan. 81 Steal Asa ....New Tork. ... . .Jan. 81 Daisy Mathews ......Baa Fran. . . . . . , Jaa. St Admiral Bedaua . ...8. F. A way. rr. Jaa St Pananua n: T. at way.. ..Jaa. Beaaa Taeniae ...... .Fe. Admiral Kvana ...... B. Dkao ear ... Fea. Cranter HaS ........ Beattle ..Feb. WannlaBi ......... .Baa Fraa. ...... Fee. aty at tteeola HaU ,. ..Fen. Pletadet ...New Orleeas ...Fee. Rtm& Cltv , Kobe .........Feb. Cnater HaS ....... .Beattle : ...Fee. rtahtda Mara He. S...Koae BabiDda Baa Fraa. ..... .Feb. Z. l Lnrbaaaaea. ...... x. a wsy....ra. Raknva Mara Baa Fraa. Feb. Vtnita Shaashsi ......Feb. Baadai Mara Kobe . . . Memnon .Tanoowver NoorderdUk ..BotterBaai Esrpt Mara ....... .Mnroran .... Arizonaa ....New Tork... Cold Harbor Philadelphia . Tjileboat San Frab. ... Kotarias ....Baeaos Aires TsnnuhiaM Hare . . .Kobe Ohioan New Terit . . . Muaaina Oalvastm ... Te .Feb. 4 .. .. .Feb. 10 . t , . .Feb. 10 Feb. 11 Feb. 1 .Feb. 12 .Feb. 13 .Feb. It .Feb. IB .Feb. IS .Feb. IS .Feb. 28 II i! Baker ..... 24 -O .... KB Cloudy . Baste SO 9 .. M rCidy. Beetea .... 8 .01 SB KE Caoady ' Calcary .... 4 O .. : NW dowdy Ckieaew,... 88 O . . KK Clear Deaver . . 1 . 84 O IS B Clear ' - Pea M Qiaos.. 88 0 w E Clear . Eureka .... 42 .04 .. BE Rain Garreesaa .. SO 0 SB NE Cloody Helena .... B .22 i.. 8W Cloudy KassssCtty. 44 0 ,v 8K CWar Urn Aagelea. 64 O 12 W Clear Manhfiakt.. 88 .84 8W Baia - Medford ... 40 0 .. . N Cloudy HinneapoCa . It 6 IS BK Pt Cldy. New Orleans. 53 0 BS Pt Cldy.. New Tork .. 84 ,T0 IB KK Snow .Nona HeaiL. 40 O .. BS Clear Pboeniz ... 60 0 BW Clear PocateUo .. .24 . . W Snow rortland ... SB .10 M Qoody Roaebarc .. 48 .2 .4 K Clody Saaaaenta . 40 IB 8 Clowdy Btlxmia... 40 0 IS B Clear Battlake.. 2B .22 KC Clandy Ban IHero .. 64 0 IB W ft. Cldy. Baa Fraa. .. 48 .64 IB BE dowdy Beattle .... 88 0 ... NB Ciaar Bpakane . ... SO 0 , . KW Cloudy Tseoau. .... 88 K Pi. Cldy. Tatooah lid. . 40 0 . . K Clear Walla WaHa 80 B . , BW Qoady Vsaamstaa. 28 l.4 IS N Snow Wtonipes 84 0 11 BK Cloudy Takima . 86 . . SB Clear LOCAL DATA Portland. Jan. SS.-Hiheat tetrMratore. II uoweac remnwatare, 8t detreaa. Kiver 8 m m a a ft. nh.nM in kit sa bear, ptas 0.3 ft Total raiBfaa (I a a n . m . o.l Inrbea. . Total rainfall star Sept, 1. 1921, 21.B3 inebna. Normal rainfall stnee Bept. 1. 25.21 inohsa. Defieieaey of A nnee Sept. 1. 1021, B.2t iaebaa Ban. T-.SS a. aa. Paiieet. 8:10 p. aa. - Total none. Possible ssnabiae. B hoojra, 82 Moonrise. 7:40 a. at. MooBaet. S p. m. Barometer (reduced aea level), B p. 29.77 inebea. Reburre hnmiditr a a. aa.. OS per eant; boob. 77 per.eena; I a,a, It per eenu COLUMBIA RITES BAR North Head. Jan. 28 Conditkia at tha aaa at 0 p. medarate. Wind. Bone. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 25 T.innrn TAKARA S?0 (s a soothlnt, eUaaatns, haaliac ternueidal and turlautatans dooebe: a rreat1 aid fa female erden; 60a aad $1 per box. rorUaad Hotel Fnarmacy. Hartness Plume Shop 882 WASHESGTOJ BT. Fil m ml I Puk and Tashlll Mow showtne the newaat ia feather baa. mwe festaer, fkrsars sad traits lac hats and dram SPECIAL Prtoaa oa awnaaaent hair murine for two only. Byroa Baeaty Shop. 411 Maslay bidav. aawy. lies, rormeny sun Koyai mat PRACTICALLY new Paise Kelly-Springfield eora nrea au ereano. extra tue ana eoeer: win aaerifiee at 81450. Broadway 2668. Mr. Bbarroro. VVIIX T&Abf iilft Maawell toariGf oar fin or 815 number. ASTORIA It l.TTTTED TO , ' Bxirrnio merger meetko Aalotia, Jan. It IV D. Pinnae, ran. ersl traffia manager of the Port of A maris snd one of the repreaentaUvee ef the city at the recent shipping merger ""nil in nan rrancisco, today re ceived a telegraphlo invitation from Chairmen Leaker of the shipping board 'la attend the conference of the merger la Washington February k. Plnnoo Is not certain that he will attend, but steartlly hsdorsee the merger aa a long In the direct loa which he believes will beneflt Paclfle ports most. Los Ascelas. Baa Pedre for Yokohama. ar red at 2 a. s. Jan. 27. Tale, Ban Franeiaeo far Baa Pedro, T0 mike oath ef Baa FraaelBM. Qulnaalt. Taeoma for Baa Padre. 100 solas Berth of Baa Frasriaro. Wait Notus, PorUsad for BestSe, 80 mSsa I row raruaad. La Ponauna, Baa Pedro for Portland. 841 siilei aontk of Portland. W. F. Herrla. OavioU tor Hoaelala. 863 m&m wort of Garieta. Kosador JUa rraiMdaee for New Tork. 60 aulas smith ef Baa rranelace. Baa Juan. Panama for Baa Prsadaan. 400 buIm aoatb of Baa rraataana Veaeaoem, Baa Fraaeama fee Mew Tork. 650 aiiiaa sooth of Haiti aw ra. BERRT MEETDIGB ARBAH6EO Woodland, Wash., Jan. 28. Landown ers ef this section are taking much in terest In berry growing and marketing. Karl J. Kallgren. expert, has arranged, through T. Y. Blanton, county agent, to hold meetings in Cowlits .county Monday at Kelso at 10 o'clock. Kalama at S :30 o'clock, and at the Finnish Corn- Lewis river Ryder Hanify Baint Joaeph nelne Mara . H. B Grove. Bearaort. ... Roaa City Admiral 1 Hawaiian . . Kaikyn. Mara man aura Cblaaa Panamas City of Victoria.. Weal Hemnaw . . Harry Lodmabaeh vtjam Mara For fatta .New Tork. . . . . .Jan. 29 .Baa Pedre. .... .Jan. 29 .Europe ....... .Jan. 29 .Orient ........ .Jaa. 81 .Baltimore Feb. 1 .Onaut ...Feb. .Saa Fraa.. .... .Feb. . 8. F. aad way. ..Feb. Japaa .. . .Feb. , , wnrai . vsb . . .'WestCoaat ....Feb. . . . fiuroao ...... .Feb. ...Orient ..Feb. . . . Anatralla .Feb. ..New Tork. ... . .Feb. ..Japan Fab. MORTGAGE LOANS oa city property; building loans; eauetr eonRaets sad montages bought. CowltahaW, 212 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 7110. TOU oaa earn part ef the rent oa a four room. .MrCOXOLOOTJR KOff OFFICER " OP XOBTHWEST RTPPTRO CO. ' WUIIara 11 T.vnw mmM e ' ,v. Vorthwset Shipping company, etatss that I0, fUT .ml.le "p K. MoCenologue bad joined I forces Twith Woodland, at 1 o'clock. 'the reorganised eompaay ia the capacity .- ..' ,-1I7- ef vtee-prealdaat and general manager. CHARLES ARTHUR LEMLET "ki U rairbanks will act as trafflo man- Centralis, Wash, Jan. 28. Charles agar and Captaia Walter H. Meyers as Arthur Lemley of Vader died this mora marioe superintendent. The company ing at his home. Bis wife and father will reach ail porta of Mexico aad South survive. Rowick Hall .England Feb. Remna Waat Coast ....Feb. Minolanl .Hoaolnra Feb. Pleiadee New Orieaas ...Feb. Creator HaS .......New Orleans . . . FVb. Haktor .. ;.. Orient ..... Feb. Eastern Bailor Ori Feb. IB Vaswaj in Part Taawbi Berth. CHy of Vajtorta.., OU Deck Orde Mara ............... .Terminal No. 4 IHiay Putnam Knujptoe Eaatern Bailor Praaoott Fuka Mare Irving Hawaiian Terminal No. 1 Jobn W. WaHa.. Aatona Kaikyn Mara ................. Montgomery Oregon Fir Hsrvey Ryder Hanify .................. Tsneonver Baint Joaeph .. ............. . North Bank Seine Mara .......... M . ...Tormina. No. Theodore BiineareW ... Thietle Hektor Aatorla ...... Goals Iasisa-Poubea Aladdin Homes Save '200 to $800 we)r""f - 0 -. r t it m. BB. .m a a . v-.'. .v.-. va .vnv r tsr . . , - . m NAVAL ORDERS By TJnlvwnal Berviee WasUnstaa. Jan. 28. The fellewins aaral ordera were made poblie today: uommarmer ljeo. eanm to recemng amp Ban Franeiaeo. Lieu ta eant Marua Bestooaetreet to TJ.'S- S. Lieutenant Lawrence 8. Tlcheaer te Bporry GyroMsone company. Brooklyn. lieutenant Fraaois G. SpeideL restgaatioa ao- eeoted. ' Lira tenant Henry u. weosr ta strteeata aavai T iiiitaasnt Ebaer A. Jt eeoted. Lieu tenant waosr i. susowss, a u. a s kale 1L Lieutenant Jacob M, Bi in HI-1, - v. i - I . s Btehsrd T. Mkno. s nnee ana eseounie uenuaaax uommaooer Josepo SL te reoalring hip. Mare lataod. . Divorces Filed Fralay Gertrude arainat Marion Pray. Johnaan -Taina ssainst Alma Jehaaoa. Gage Praneea H. against Alva I. Gage. Handy Viola L against Barry O. Mnady. Fiaaey Framrtt against fiadie H. Finaey. payment on roomins houae an to 81200 00. Pay baianee moathly. Give phone T-as Journal Qtuner flat, if son are a hand maav D-590C JonrnaL T90.NO trash Boisteia eowa. 8 Ineoirs Jeraeya for aale at 427 B. Clay. LAST young fraah- for Bea has a nine leraev.Dnrhsm ne 370 E. Tth at ALK Fire Al Bolatein eowa, price 62 lot. Or. Write or phone T. K. Bledaoe. BARGASN. AST sallenf neb muk. Jersey oow gtring 8 1967 K. Stark cor. TSth. young la S rich FRESH V4a -callon Jmnr-Holatein milker: alee 1 voana brindla. tnsk T80 Insley ave.. Bellwood ear. LATHE 16 la. be 8 ft. RorkfoM uompiete tools, enocka. abatm; terms; SsSe. lieeier neym vxv. z suw ataia 1302. 1917 DODGE; will trade for fiat class ttarley. uaa i soor zovs. BARdAlN lilo" Buick 4. Marshall 8954. mud tires. ' 848 tl, BCTT8 cleaned aad premed We call ana oeiiver. saat uss. 4 OR 6 rooms. X3.100. medera. Weodlawn nose; moat be modern. In good district. 1919 Podge touring. 6450. CaJ Mala TftSC TOO KATE TO CLASSIFY tS NEW TOD AT SO Sale of Railroad Freight and bample Goods MONDAT. TUESDAY ART WKDNEBV . ihAV eh a Rat rrvrk si wa vr - $45.Cb Ladies' Sample Coats $12wS0 ;v; We have efferad bsrislns la asals IS the past bnt this la sorely some be i use. tUreeteswe, feB. akMeV wa -.-te-date. sbna 86 to 44. : Coase early : if yoa waat ens ef these eoala. They . i't awt toes. SIS sarsa asaea. . . . . SS.S0 . llngmeiight aU wool . ben ..., ,...: x.ee ; f Be esslBBsre boss. ila. B for LOS Adiea' S5e sad 60s vests 15a. extra alamT...... ....... SOe Men's and Ladies $12.50 Raincoats $4.c35 Ilea's " SSS.00 . EnsQsb sUpea essta S1S.00. . " There aoata are really aa aate eoas, a daady eoat (or raia aad wind. Re 1 the bast raks or wiadproof eeas ever v stade. All sisss. botb' s 10.00 srrrs ts.oo - Beya aampls 818.60 saMa. wKh S pairs pants. 87.50. Tha beat say v" ' boya asks la the eity. ME.N 8 S2.60 BWEAIERB ILSS Bays wool sweaters, sisst 4 Is T years. 81.60. ' ; A 6 PEC I AX. 8TATTONXRT OFFER -60s boxes ef Istlssary lee, ca acta perfest, boxes dsmated, f6e fine boxes stationery, SBe. 600 I INSM TABLETS AT 6a. tse baea tsbkds aa leaf as they last re st 6a S&e and 60s abort atesatoss tar ehUdrea will to at SOe, 8 for 60s. . ladies' fibre silk hoas, SBe, 76s sUver plated sugar spoons, IBs, By the dosea. 81.00. A. gallon tia eatsna, 46s Gnarsa tsed by the feed law. 46s alee pear Jus, 2 So. These esas eontaia 21. aa bet ef flaest suality pear Jssa. Every ssa sear sateed.' . 86.00 wool meal erdee salts. .82.85 Mixed wool ttcioa sulta 1.28 8.00 women throw ...... 8.00 Man's aUk ahlrta 81.75. S tor 6.00 Maaoa iar esps. S dos. . i Sbe SOe picture of stu Hood 10s, S tor .................. Ida . S3.60 boxes stationery ...... 1.90 SOe eaa maple aad esas syrup, S for 80s . SSe oaa maple sad ssae syrap, S for r?. l.BO 1 lot of ladim' waists SOe S1T.60 huUaa' iBmlsra, 64.09. Sises 86 snd 88 to. $1.00 Boy BcoBt books, SSe, t for S1.00. Reoord boots for 10-ta. rseotd TOs or 8 for $2.00. Pathe Records 25c Hot esks griddles. ........... 16s Hsary restaarant plates ........ lee 60o ties, odd lots, S for 2Se T5e tma, beaotiaa, SBe, B for. .$1.00 810.00 vehmr hsta 64.00 $5.00 Relianoe hats $3.60. 810.00 AND 812.00 LADIES' LOW SHOES $4.00 They are real shoes. Cuban beet, in dark brown sad chomisla. AH . T'-i' ;iel?.:'r. ..--T !!, Feflflor Colonial liomoTof 1691s TP TOQ wxaect to band a home yea win JLdo year self a reel faver by retting Pennera propoeitkm. Fcnaer bosses include plana sad spco cations, lumber cat te fit. lata, stunt tee, oeora aae windowm, nin work, building- paper, maila. Mint, hard- wars end tie work. Mors thsa 100 desires te choose from, or we wui boild from poor Pee Snare thaw 11 ween Femee baa kn isciory-cut homea ta sQ pens ef the coun try, wo can shew yes tasay beaabiul E saner sestes n Pertlsad, If vea aeed asslstseea la the elaanlav ne aasadBC ef year boms. Peaeer can help yaw. We caa buBd a limited asmbm of soadier-beaas botsee mrmedigteir. I eSVat ttS Aartaaae StnLOrno re r fl fKJaw B $1450 and Up BANDAGES Be A ROLL When cotton was high the Sov crnment nasd erepe paper handagea. Tbey are a dandy item for everybody, doctors sad hospitals aaa them. They come in 1. 2 and 8in. widths, COCOA MATTING $1.00 A YARD This matting is 116 yards wide, suitable for halls, porches, ehoruhas. etc. eta. Dressmakers snaps. B doa for Be. Hooka aad eyes. 10 dosea for 6c A bottle ot 1000 pais 60a, regu lar 83.50. 17 roils toilet paper 60c , White Wonder soap, S for 26a. Boys' ese pocket knme 25e. 83.50 Ebkelstine raaors 90c Taps bluing, 8 boxes for 10c Root beer containers, $10.00 kind, 63.00. Root beer atinas, heavy Sbata, $3.60 dosea. Goblet for fas eream sodas or mOk shakes. 75c for S. Soft drink glasses SOe a doaen. Lets of ether its ma on sals. We get new things every day. It'a pretty hard to describe everything. Get tne baML Bead our weekly ada and twin over and look arewnd. MALLi OBDEBS CAREFULLY FILLED Consolidated Sales Co. Dealer in Salvage Goods and 226-228 Clay Bet, 1st sad 24. Half Block East of Auditorium. WILL consider equity in small bungalow for say 1918 Btadeaakev. Broadway 41SS Monday. Bunxevlows, Dwellings, Srxmmer ' ., Gittmget AhMldta aaenem k ameflv ewe te the stone? saved for Aladdia bnsss ssssie. Tom will ssre nsasmatial asseont through H ettssirarmg Sialim ' atwni e-e aad tswertne WW eme as yea dirsrt from ear mile looaatd ta thpfefty ranWeiee rretrht ebargea. They are built Tine ever It waste la la anildlns. Aladdin Hi Portland, are baits sssansfdisd atatertala. string waste and are ent ta fa. stg bsaSisds ef basue wt mrp seise ktbor. Oier S bxat-t-saulsl aad miidera besaea are pictared and prkeed ta tke A la. kdia eatalucoa. Send rtampa for this aaaUegae Ma lite at n 1 1 r. . u i weitieirTviitvi V all I itisviw $ i rM I . 3 , jawseeY jjft V TJ" b Ulata.. I M sra-e r " ' i m, . -r . I it Aaiiijnr a li mil jtrtT 1 I .1-1 I. TLLLU) i ly -nv! .a.i.i. 3-Piece Bath Outfit $69.50 This set consists of S-foot Knameled Tub and Lavatory with plckel-plated faaoeta, supply pipes aad traps and a closet with low tank. AH rood quality fixtures aad a biff value, Red ace Labor Cost and Lumber Wast SVa St" ZimJ' ajeaew II saw aw a TV ssaea - The lai I t thasa wesssd emSa aa as mwah aa the rambes tfcet'a awl Alsddla eaa reee to yaw a saetias of ptae eslif every fUta Sonar spewt foe Inmate. Tbara awrely swrta wktie. Aladdia eaa proee a sanae ef rnetoaUy ey feewta doiler ta lahee. That's worth serbas, was, V m yee he saaatied ss baild wiiheot sattiac the AJsddia satsiagas sad yeeetaS then sutsmsats. Sold Direct No In-Between Profits TVe Aaubtln Cseaeasy la the greataat heme enBdtas tBstHatma ta the world, sad tt"aeas aot e,S aaa S'sisrs, It asaaaiaetarea the tassber at too edge ef the fewr sreatast lasaber. sfMMsg esaa is sweatee isw aeeaw eusaiisste seaay aa, s saspped dimes te the has sues. 1mm sese the Ssalse's peerMa. Tour earpeatar saSa &a lead! tat hmabet Juat like his ho The ealaiogwo espmiss tse BsavUs taOy There's an Aladdin Home Near Yoa Ask as ter the as we ef sa Aladdia beats sweet near yaw. Talk with him. me aa tee eeawurm ewer ana a ante aj SKiing. ate ta en mt. . What Yoa Get When You Bay an Aladdin s'KtV wtadeee, Sses lassctor w,es aiamps today ' fiamnausk isiil work, the sviing. eutatle flnkh. porch. u"'H'lK sWm. eeuis, hardware, leek sets, paints, stains tor Afcdmn estelogwe fca 114A .,- . " r mil Tl- A 1 1 J? sf1 1 1 E i iiBAHiaaoin i.oTTiTinriT? 1 Portland Orsenn Otissm aad hue: Teawakn, taaeouvsr. Uiaupsc. BUi. ALL we're fot to ssy.ts this little esssy on : plumbinc 1 that the sort of plnmbinf we do makes a sanitary home possible and causes ill health to vamoose front the preinises. And we voald Eke to impress yoa with the fsct that we aoderstand the plombinf trasioesB wen enoech to be able to render a rooder&te sized bill. ALASKA PLUMBING k HEATING CO. 363 East &larrateei Ooynton Fiinlciceo ef poverrosi FURMUI la A SUCCESS LET US IN STALL TOURS . J. C. EAYE3 FL71ACE CD. Come in and see onr complete display of fixtnres for the bsth and kitchen. Our experienced men will rladty sssist you In plsnntaf your plumbing arrsnjements. Out-of-town customers msy have our catalog- on request Mail orders shipped promptly. "Everyone Knows" STARK-DAVIS CO. II Pfsnnbise. Heauns aneT K 188 FOURTH STREET Stain 7B7, Aot, B4S-7S TssnhlB Tsyter ARLINGTON HEIGHTS Menef ee Residence 958 Fairview Blvd. 4 -v paea for taspeeUoa today (Straday) be twees S aad 4 T. v. Cost S18.SBB te anus two years aew, ecu at sacrifice on ssy terms, 6 tateresU Get tavrw tanj u yoa wataa m aajsaiB, ' t FXAJTK HAHOXET, "WITH COE A, McKENNA & CO. BJ FOCBTH BTBZET .-". '- B BO AS WAT 7afS M( i it 1-2;.. 1 1 LLM I NEW TOO AT KT.V T03AT 10 $25,000 Cacii AS TLUST r ATM EXT , , FOR INCOME PROPERTY E1TBEB IXTOLTZD Oat CLEAst : Vsilaaa (o $&5JW0 ' Considered In exchange for Income property under good lease, our client will pay laS.000 CASH, will swume to aS, 000 and ia sddltion has income propetles that NET 9 which will to in at IJS.000. If yoa eleeire READY CASH get ia fatmediaU toach witk -at, InaleU Property Deelers Yaoa EUg. f No Ditappointmenttt If yoa have KATOT band year besse. Too eaa save tfoa to SSBB by the XATOT AtETHOD, owing to our fa- mttiee ana tremendous amount of buildins; and by crowding the great est per cent ot value and the smallest oer cent of profit into your home. There Is no need of you paying mormous protita ror a "Bam for Sale" home when XATOT can build ou one tn eignt weeks at so great a a ring. Call and see our plans. Or et ua figure your own plana. 3TJB BUILD rXGS ABE TrfRXA WEST If OT BEADT-CUT (ATOT tONSTROCTION fe. - - - T - Jl (jCNESAL COTllKTOaS ?27 Heary Bldg. Bdwy. 3886 I J Palatine HiU Acreage H0X-BESnE5T 01TJEB OFEEBS Lots 32, 33, 47 and 48 COHTAUmrO APrBOXIXATELY 9 Acres of Land BITTjATB m TBB MOST BESfB, ABLE F0BTI0X OF FALAT15B HILL . FBICE tF BOLD AS OJTB PABCEX. $1000 Per Acre WAHHELD, FRIES f4 CO. REALTORS 85 Fourth Street Irvington Lots For Sale Direct by Owner In city for few .days. Will sacrifice FOR QUICK SALE Call Oregon Hotel, Bdwy. 660 L. T. HOLTE Albina Industrial Sites Bight la the Heart of the City. oa Juarraeee street. Bear the Broadway Bridge. Trackage. Sidewalks Sewers. Water Paved Streets Ve7t.?.V.,.,$2775 pErTAV.V.$2900' Acreage tee te 46e rr B tsars Toot serais te nsit , BUILDING ASSISTANCE XnastrateB Polder Tfea AffUcatioa Portland Realty & Trust Co. OWBXBB S14 Ball way Exshaage BaUdlag PBOBB BDWT. BUS I II I I J Indngton Home Price $12,000 Lot 75x100 and beautiful 8-room modern home; hard wood floors, fireplace, all built-in conveniences. Situ ate 535 E. 19th St N. Terms. Mall & Yon Borstel 104 SECOND ST. Established 1172 ON TUESDAY NEXT AT TBB BABEB ACCTT0S, BOCSE WK 8BA1L tVlX TBB TTBT COSTLY HlUR-GItDF. rctnuit. IXGs FAM A PBJTATE DOS! 1 1KT1VGTOX, StTLBAL PI1CA4 Of SaitiriS wvaa i broaaan vanu THE HIGH-CLAf.4 S.MTABL1SB1I BJIT OF BABCOCK A Ff! AT. rOl.l.Ol0 IB A FAKTIAL UST OP tJOODB POB THIS AtCllOXl Overstuff eg ravanryrt and Rasy Chair, down filled: Uavetiport TaWe, Parlor HockSra, aiahogaay eofa. Me hosraay Console Table aith polrcbroroe Frame cntrror, tha highewt grmaW angto Feraian WHtoa Knga. lx.ll ataa, sjao At minster aad Brussels Ruga. Colonial t llshneiit rtstaJr afti CKeir S OaA Bookoaaa with rUate gtaae eoora. . very erastly genuine M shoe any CHalng Room Suite, wist Tabes, Chairs aad x bestoa Psds (this suite must be seen to be appreciated) : fclectrto Varvara Oeacsrr. vary highest grade .Ivory Bed room ttulte ae followat How-foot beS stead, biases. re Iirsastr with very largo French plate mirror. Rocker, Chair aad Box Fpriitga, aU equal te new. walnut Suits as follows: Rnuaecis - Tif ,1 Hi ill I rnA - - SVkl. Also another Ivory Suite ae follows : Bed, Drtwatf, Rockers, etc AU Beds sre complete wtth beet Sprtnge. EJX KIom aad KeJt bfattresawe aad itlloera. Mahoe-ariv Bed with Prasatr to match, Electric Rang and many other lota. Also the follow ing from ejtother borne t Quarter-Sawed Oak Dining Room Kur riltore, Yer la Mania Bode. Brjrtnrs aad Usuries lv thteje-cSeoa OveeatufTed Lrv ln Roorn fulta equal to sew, Ubrary 7bl and Rocaera. Morris Chair, true fold raTenaor Ruaa. Caa Range aad Auctioneer's Note We will be nleaaed to kiss m. n tranorrow aad gtve the goods for Uua Auction your raoet critical tnsaaerOoa, Ton wiO find them as we say ; is feet, better. Ttae Ivory Suite tnsntlensd is superb. ArCTTO TXT SB AT JTFTT AT hocsbT t I OnTHURSDAY NEXT W KSI.T. asris triTTIwrrei ETC. FOB TABIOCB COhbifiBOAA. BALE AT IS O'CLOCK. RETAIL DEPT. Come tn aad ae mi swtiiaias Wan Dept. We carry Uvrog Ratam. Bedretwe and Dining Roars Fumltarw, Ror - n e aeji rasas lor tmatt all the time, bat for thla week we have aa extra, epswiel la Waiaut Drssssra aad 1 'raising Tabaee. WELCOBE TO TBB BOCSE OP BABGALSft WTlTsT Tf mw wbr I a.n n - and we will riy yea cash for your roda I vr irotiTs 7wur iwrniinrw oa w- stgwaaesit for AacUoa. rtsnt Mats BUS. W. C BAXT.E aad W. K. BEAB Pvnlture LVaJere aad Auctioassis FTTK1AW BUILBIBO TasahiU aad West Park Streets BBTABUBMBP UBS AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 1SB.171 Seeesd StreeS CBeag XarrUee) BEGCLAB AXESBAT Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 A hi. Por ALL ITTDI of smrv CBADB Horsr rrawTBHrjoa. inejaeuag rrxilTCRR, CABFFTft, BUOB, BI? DDLS. TJLSKEB, ltax B1LB, S TO TLB aad ether eXUata, WE SELL AT PRIVATE SALE TBB LATTBT AVD BEIT IB ALL KISDB OP FCBHlTrBF.. IEB RCCB. BTar.L and OAS BAXCEB, OAS WATEB HEATZBA. StO. Also a good sssvjrtsaact ef OFFICE FURNITURE Oct ear ' prior before yws btjy, Tsrsas U desired. - 2. T. WTXeVOB PToprletae. Ts TPSABV ssitmj tra-SS sjajMdl lwsaeaaa. gf"aa Tl Main itSB. RUG CO. J 41 VI , i. '. . a raa sf ws FLUFF J1DGS Made out ef your old wom-ent carpets snd rugs. Bare half the price of s new rug. Use woolen clothing. 9x12 Rags Steam-cUenexL SlO East 3S&0 188 East Eixktk SAVE MONEY V Saraae vea Rare MR SOT M TOftF. B it is I low we saaka it POWTXjtae eviosa rv arrvns sutauratv TVBiaa oa. ; tor SO ST, SJKAB TAvTOf. Bun aosi. 8ACBIFICE PBICE Best Besidesee or Avartmeat Hesse Stte - ' is rtrusii Class ta. sa Orsad svesae boalevard. eaa street, eeertooklng WUiasaecte riser earth end soatS view cam oeeer he shot art. 110 feet frontage aa socdevara. Bard surface street, hi. water, eaa, tsBOfoseaaaata Price tor vaidk aaai re daesd ta SStOO. Tenaa te salt tf Areired. City inpnneiieiB ea ua) prtuwilf Base s SS80O. TO LEASE 6000 Sq. Feet rVarAotu Space Terrjirnail Trackage Ideal unloading facilities. SEVERAL ROOMS Blue Mouse Theatre Building '0 fJ BUWf. AASe WILCOX BLDQ. Sacrifice I own 50x100 comer, 15th and Madisoiie AH street improvements in and paid for. Cost $4750, Need money badly. Will take $2250. J-554, Journal 82000. Total price Bow Apel te at. O. OBlTPnr, Its Biebssss Bldg. IRVINGTON FLATS $20,000 VLm Htff ill hiiwIm A famH. Vnrttn Extra well located. Inoome SI 10 per monia. i nis ia aa eieganr. cugn-ciaas lnveartmenC Owner te very aaxkrso to seU and has reduced the price 2sd icr quica sate. Ritter, Lowe & Co. . Rr.AI.TQR3 SS1-S-B-&.) Beard et Trade Bldg. WNT TENANT . pob - KEW APARTT-EHT HOUSE - Ws win bund a thoroughly roeder-a alrh ciass sperrraeat aeoaa ot rroen huh apartacats est aa ideal eee-oar aad wtii gtve a long time las so ta responsible tenant ea terms as reasonable ae daaa of building will permit. Tenant tnay co-operate wua our architect est tae OTTS C BECB SSS Bsery BsUdisg OAK F L O OR I N G 1 1 ! Q AR.?.?X.cJsfi A.KJfJ 6 WMIesal. aad Ttetafl -FLOORS LSIO AVQ riHUKlB. 1)1 Al nUUKS MAX K f gf KLKcntio saaogpia. . OAK LEAF KirWOOD FLOOB CO. 30 B. CLAT. 11 IB 11 ,ta sual STsaia r inns as ss tLL klNDS WCW TTK888t8erSAt.s w v r r mn wtm vsrswssj Sarnaaie anSeMwi snS l wsa 4 rioatta a ttb i ss a caaFCT etiiiiaa watit Mortgage Loans Business and Residence Property t Interest Veataty Brsersseet ea BeeMeaeee YHIUAM UAC LIASTEH ttt C 8. BATIOXAX. lilt BLtiG. FHOIIg SUta BBS t -- - t04 BURXET tT. BAST 7SZB. - - . BBS. TABOB 8240. IB ISTt C. Lhnis SV Set. fTT-ST m i vr-