The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 27, 1922, Page 12, Image 12

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UUulftiJ Bride party at th bom TT Mra C
. . ' Tea at horn ot Mlaa Ida May Cook
a EL Grelle. ? '
for Beaux Art society.
initio acmru. ai am ioim onooi ax II a. sa.
PAT FNTl A K Waddlnr ot Miss lienor Blaesina; and Mr. U. R. Mann at West-
rt l T T?XTTk A T Jct: Tho Katloa ' Nw proa-ram apMkw. Horbert
1 ife XSVil FD-- M t Ualveratty of CaJoao.
vi aa-iaw awa. a uvur cnu
Past Presidents
Party At Ciub
This Evening
s, By Befea HaUklaea
ONES ef th Interesting function of
th latter part of th week la the
formal dance for which the Multnomah
Amateur Athletic dub will entertain
thi evwnlr" In honor of the past presi
dent of the elufe and their wlvea The
peat president Include Messrs. A. B.
ktcAlpin. A. R. Msckar. Edward Cook
ins-ham. It R. Jade. Goy WU11. Wil
liam Cake, J. N. Teal. F. A, NItchy.
R. r. Frael. D. J. Meore. W. M. Chaptn,
O. W. Vlmon. J. V. Ewlnc. W. A. Holt.
A. M. Ki la worth. Ralph W. Wilbur, W.
W. Banks and C lUnrt Lahbe.
A forma da nr. wtU be held thla eve-
a in at Portland Height club, for which
the committee In charge of arrangementa
Includes Mrs. George N. West. Mrs. C
B. Baker, Mrs. Robert 1L Ellis and Mrs.
Stuart IL Sheldon.
an Informal da ace will also be held at
trvtnrtoa club for members and their
. University of Oregon, Eugene The
first wedding held on the university
tarn sua took olace at the Woman'
building Tuesday at high noon, when Mlaa
' Naomi Wllaon and Lieutenant Harry
' Harper were married by Rev. Bruce
Utffin. student pastor. Lieutenant Har
per was a member of the forest air
patrol, which waa stationed at Bugene
last summer, when he met Miss Wilson.
The bride was a sophomore In the uni-
vrlty last year and waa active in
tudent affaire.
Thar will be a Community Service
Mae Hundar. The train leaves Tenth
nd Alder atreet at 10 : a m. Tboae
attendlag are asked to buy one way
ticket to Multnomah station. Return
by way of the Taylor Ferry road to the
Ku'tton ear. Each person la expected to
bring food fosjone meal, also a tin cup.
Coffee will be furnished by the club.
Miss Lettla Wood of the Maxamaa will
lead the hike.
WORTH, who was
Miss Florence Cleve
land before her recent' mar
riage. She recently returned
from abroad.
' f Z &
.y -:.--r f
, t ( z ? '
r ' J 1 ,'l ;!
Y. W. Physical
Education Is
Sewing Classes of
Schools Make Many
Garments for Needy
. t borne of Mra d. Ju Jonnson iuenaay, w uio rurauif ana
. i n honor of Mra K. R. Daviea Thone high school sewing claases, under, the
J :ixtrfTy. of Miaa EUzabeth Waples' 8U"
Keagl. B. M. Dallaa. E. Holmgren. O. Juunlor R;d Cross and the Parent-
1C Johneon. E. Hughes and E. R. Davlea eaher "soct'ons. according to Mrs.
. ... . . The work waa purely voluntary on the
'A pretty home wedding took place part of the g1rl aUhough 8ureested by
7 mutij -V V. 1" 7 .r . 1. 1 OT8 wapies. usually pupils in the sew-
Slxty little gingham dresses, no two
of them alike, and 12 or IS little flannel
night lea for distribution among the needy
children of Portland, and 30
flannel pajamas for the soldiers In the
By Telia Wtaaer
THE department of . physical educa
tion of the T. W. C A., under the
supervision of Miss Georgia I Wey and
Miss Clara Gawer, assistant, has com
pleted a auccessful semester's work.
Attendance of various classes has been
especially gratifying. The children's
dancing; classes alone enrolled 120 mem
bers. New classes are forming in both
gymnasium work and esthetic dancing.
. Following is the class schedule for the
spring semester : ..
Esthetic Dancing classes Monday and
Thursday. :30 to 7 -.30 p. m., beginners ;
7 :30 to :30 p. m.. intermediates ; 8 :30
to 9:30 p. m., advanced. Tuesday and
Friday. 4 to 5 p. m., high school class.
Saturday, 18 to 11 a. m., children's ad
vanced ; 11 to 12 a. m., children's be
ginners. Gymnasium ' Classes Tuesday and
Friday. 1:30 to 8:30 p. m.. women'a
class. Tuesday and Friday, 6:30 to
7:J0 p. m., beginners' night class; 7:30
to 8:30 p. m., advanced night class.
Saturday, 12 to 1 p. m., children's class.
At the T. W. C. A. a vesper musicale
will be given in the social hall at 4:30
Sundav afternoon. There will be sacred
selections rendered by students from the
Girls' Polytechnic school, under the lead
ership of Misa Minnetta M&gers, director
of sineine at the school. The program
is to be as follows: Chorus. "Now the
Day Is Over" (Barnby), Girls' Glee club ;
anriDture reading, students of the T. W.
C. A. Bible class : vocal solo. "Hold Thou
My Hand." Laura Hudson ; chorus. "The
lxrd la Ht Shepherd" (Smart). Girls'
Olee club: siano solo. "The Chimes,'
Nellie DeVore : chorus (sacred selection).
an adaptation from The Miserere
(Verdi). Girls' Glee club. Accompanists,
Eva Pittman and Thelma Hays. A "get
aeaualnted" hour will follow, during
which e-irls will serve refreshments.
.- There is no admission charge. Young
pairs oi i .,. Mtv are invited.
n i .1 uwiH'fti-' u . v --rf
ware Mr. Melvtn Johnson ot Woodhurn
beet man. and Mia Else Smith, a maid
f honor. Rev. M. A. ChrUtenaen waa
the effldaUng clergyman.
Mr. Carl L. Wernicke waa hostess for
A card party given by the Progressive
Woman's league at the home of Mrs. J.
Coulsen Hare. Tuesday, was a success
socially and financially. The amount
made will not only pay a donation from
the league to the disabled war veteran's
Christmas party, for which purpose the
affair was given, but will aid them to
pay the sum pledged to the scholarship
loan fund. Cake and coffee were served.
The Progressive Woman's league held
t . - UMIt.. mAAfrimir In tVi AdsAmhlv room.
Mra H.M. Smith, 1241 8laty-eixth treet lnK ciass make garment for themselves. Hotel Portland, Mrs. W. L. Prentiss,
jtheaa wh-a their dabter. Although the gingham waa purchased president, presiding. The -moving pic-
Eva, wasa given In marriage to Mr. rrea Dy lhe bolt atld the dre8Bes are of hut tu -under the Lid." was shown by
a Johno Of ttli city Tne Mmauu three different patterns, so far as ma- Eugene Brookings in connecUon with
teriai is concerned, each girl has used I his talk on the Community Chest. Tne
her individuality to such an extent in I league pledged full support to the chest
maaing me dresses that no two are alike, drive, also promising to patronize, uie
Bit of handwork, piping, cross-stitching, "handy shop" at the Y. W. C. Avon
touches of embroidery and other unique which subject Mrs. G. J. Frankel spoke.
methods of trimmine- Inrath.. with if
a Informal afternoon of bridge Thur- Iferent designs of make-ups, make each Woodstock W. C. T. V. presented Mrs.
- ay at her home In Klngatoo avenue. 1 dree different. They are for girls of Iks Rmith with a life membership cer-
V ,t J''. ?ri-7i!?,J255rL YH and older- Uficate. she 4 having been a member of
k Ktmkaaa, VTaalv, who U the gueat of Mra. The distribution will be so effected the Women's Christian Temperance
SiT.1 , McfhrTn"o C'?V?? tht the Presses will go to a different union sine 1874. Her grandson,
Orella wlU enUrtaln Saturday lot Mra part of the city than that In which they Stephenson Smith, was a member of the
n Roger. were made. -. mAmHm dm at Reed college.
m. w n ti.. and danrhtar Mlaa High school sewing classes of Jeffer- he having won the Cecil Rhodes scholar-
b --7v ... iZtt ,Z.w r ,i . ' ' amngun. j-Tankiin and James ship, and is now attending uxiora uni
uaannah FUtt, left today for the East John together with ..wnh nt tv.. r -i- ii
The Separate Sports Coat
Black velvet worked In white worsted
and a white tub flannel skirt are a chic
combination for sports and country
wear. The extreme simplicity of the
coat particularly recommends it for
out-of-door activities, and the sensible
and service-giving qualities of flannel
need no sponsor. The model Illustrated
has a youthful, flat collar-line, In the
Chinese manner, and a correspondingly
Oriental sleeve, ending a trifle above the
wrist. The pockets, collar, and sleeves
may be outlined and enhanced with
white worsted threads worked in
simple, darning-stitch motif. Linked but
tons hold the coat together at the upper
A?? "a .1. as have sewing, assisted in
w- . "" I maaing me garments,
go on 9 new ion wvn w
the elty They will be absent about three
week. - -
Officers ef Vancouver barrack and
their ladle wQl give a dance thi eve
.!f at the Service dub, tor which host
will be Captain and Mrs. Oarer oe H.
Bragg. Major and Mrs. Oeorge H. C.
, rraaklla and Lieutenant William D.
l"Onf .
(Copjrifiht, 1922, hj Vome Maeazine. New York)
"Quo VaHis Is
A Spectacle
NOTHING more realistic has been pro
duced In the motion picture art
than "Quo Vadis," which opened a brief
engagement at the Heilig theatre Thurs
day. In the arena scene, - where .the
Christian are fed to the lion and that
great scene in which Rome I burned.
on feels the terror and the nanle of the
neeuur populace as, bearing their house-
held goods, their children and their aged
relatives, . they nee before the all-de
vouring flames.
One contrasts, too, this scene when
the Roman empire waa crumbling with
tne scenes of today, when the inhabit
ants of many villages in Belgium and
Northern France have likewise fled from
their homes but before the invading
hordes,, not to make a Roman emperor's
holiday. .
The scene is Rome In the time ot
Nero, most corrupt of the Caesars, when
the Eternal City was the melting pot
of the world. The contrast be twee u
Nero and the Apostle Peter, the Empress
roppaea Augusta and Lygia. the Chris
tian maiden, with the transformation
of Vinitlus' life and character through
his love for Lygia are as vivid as any
thing in the drama or in literature. The
scenes are real and spectacular. Nothing
more realistic ha been accomplished in
photographic art than the portrayal of
the great royal banquets, the burning of
Rome and the scenes in the arena the
gladiatorial contest and the feeding
of the Christians to the lions.
After the games are over, when the
Roman populace has imposed its will
upon the selfish . and degenerate Nero,
Venitius escapes with Lygia and later
marries her.
15 Women on Baker
County Jury List
Baker, Jan. 27. The jury list for the
February term of the circuit court has
been drawn and contains the names of
15 men and 15 women. Court is called
for February 13. The woman on the
list in Baker county are: Mrs. Annie
Blacker, Pine; Mrs. J. Goodwin, Baker:
Mrs. Al Grant. Baker; Mrs. Martha V.
Hanby, Whitney; Mrs. Sam Hornbeck,
Haines; Mra Charles Hill, Baker; Mrs.
Leo Kldwell. Huntington; Mrs. C L.
Larson, Pleasant Valley; Mrs. Rose
Moore, Durkee; Mrs. H. Mack. Hunt
ington ; Mrs. Pearl Rogers; Homestead ;
Mra Ed Rea, Baker; Mrs. Maude Rouse,
Unity; Mrs. B. C. Riior, Baker; Miss
Nora Taylor, Haines.
Popular Musicians
Appearing,at Show
Miss vvao Kimble, talented young
Portland musician, will play a trombone
solo at the concert which are to feature
the Automobile show this afternoon and
evening. She will be accompanied by
the Ladies Columbia concert orchestra.
an organization 7- ot r oruand women,
which will give an extensive program.
Other soloists are Miss Genevieve Gil
bert. vocal artist, and Miss Aileen Mc
Alpin, harpist. Mrs. Frances Knight
is director of the orchestra.
Managers. Interested
In Home Made Films
Managers of local industries have
taken a keen interest in the two ree
motion picture. "The Romance of
Kamarop," which bas been showing at
the Columbia theatre this week. Em
ployee of the Oregon Brass works and
the Montag Stove works were give
tickets Thursday so that they could at
tend the show. The picture was pro
duced locally.
who left the city r
, cently to enter Johns
Hopkins training school .at
are: Presldeat. Delmar M- Good : vice
president. V. M. Pattanom: secretary.
Mis Agnea Brightman; treasurer. Mis
Marie Klttredge. .
Lew Hawkins and
Playmates' Features
Of Hippodrome Show
There ia lot of originality in the bill
which opened Thursday at the Hippo
drome, this originality not being con
fined to novelties ia the character act
alone, but also In the way they are presented.
There are two big numbers on the bill.
One Is Lew Hawkins, the "Chesterfield
ot Minstrelsy." and the other la a fine
bit of humor written by Will Creasy
entitled "Playmates." In this latter there
are featured Nat Alberta. Ed White,
Florita Wallace, and Billy Zittee.
BeaUey, Banks and Gay have a very
nice singing- number and Harry and
Kitty Sutton have a novelty superbly
staged and costumed, which embrace a
little of several kinds of vaudeville. The
three Raymonds, with a slack rope
walking exhibition by one of the three
while the other two hold the wire with
their teeth.
Constance Talmage in "Up the Road
With Sallie," Is happily constructed
comedy. Is the picture play feature.
14 fHo r
I 1 HBRE i
BAKER Morrison at KtowntK Baker Stork
eomnnr la Th Detour." Ifatlnaa Wcda
dir. Saturday aad Sunday at 2:S0; vttmagt
at 8 20.
LYRIC Broadwar at Morrben. Lyric Voafcal
Oomedj eompaDy in "Oh. Doctor!" Mitin
daily at 2 P. m.-. mninc at 7 aad S.
PANT40KS Broadway at alder. Hicb-elaie
vauderulc and vbotoDlar featarea. Aft
and Tcnio. Froaraja chance atoadty afV
LOTV8 HTPPODROME Broadway at Tim
lniL IHrertioa Aekrraun A Ilarria Vaoda-
tum and pic tu rea. Aiternoon and eTcnin.
COI.CMRIA Sixth and Stark. "Just Arouad
the lorner." 11am. In 11 p. n.
LIBERTY Broadway at SUrk. Tarkw Oootaa
in "My Boy." 11 a. am. to 11 p. b.
BIVOLI Waahincton at Park. Mad BaTlaaiy
la "Lore ewt Lie. Ilia, to lip b
HEILIU Broadway at Taylor. Oortt Klin
"Ouo Vadio." 1 t. m. to 11 o. m.
BLTK MOUSE Elewnth and WaaMnctoa
"No Vt'oman Knowa" 11 a a to 11 a a
MAJESTIC Waahinctoa at Park. Lionol Bar
rymon m "Booumouic BilL II a.
11 p. a
PBOPLE3 Wort Park at Aider. "Caiaria."
lia.m. n II d a
8IAR Waahinctoa at Park. rharlca Bay
two MiiratM to Utt, lla.rn.tollp.aL
CIRJl.K Fourth nar Waihinctoa. "A Hoart
to Let." I 1 a to 1 o'clock the foOowiae
Corvallia, Jan. 27. The Christian En
leaver society of the Congregatlona
:hurch celebrated the thirty-fifth annl
versaxy of its organisation and Install
officers. It was the first C. E. soclet
ro onranise In the state. New officer
Van Loan's
Version of
The Three
See D'Artagnan card hit
"Three Musketeerf in
the Texas cow country.
The card narty. musicale and tea to be
given by the President's club at , the
Laurelhurst clubhouse, will take place
next Monday instead of today, as an
nounced Thursday. Reservations for ta
ble for thi affair may be made by call
ing Mrs. E. J. Steele. 633-24, or Mra E.
P. Preble. Tabor 2123.
The PI Beta Phi Alumna club will I
Pari Th At -urn . U..I.
aUn evening slippers were appropriate Freewater. Miss Alma Wehr of Free-
wua nearly any evening frock have waier anu v
passed In Paris. The black frocks so were married Tuesday in Walla Walla.
. . . ... . . . . i winmnn taax Tear na ,iv.n wa w . i - - -
Mmaham aA Bghi M r brtm" Snrng shoe Fred Mauch and Margaret Ganx both
t'bl wm beldtrl"" th 'rock. If they are U Freewater. were married in Walla
Kim oi Korea will dtacus. the edu-1 ZJT?? J? ot I wau
atlon and school life ot her land. , -"7 - r' riZ.
- r nom wfc liici u jr
The Women's gymnasium class of the
I tn aoi. mA . . - . 1 n lan mm school will meet this evening.
. . our I no IOOL lr
I. ..I
Saturday afternoon for the Beaux Arts black It usually la elaborately trimmed T-Ta A mi-rTVT A T
tea at her home In Kut Everett street with button, or of rhtaS FRATERNA L
-A laformal program will be given. I or macaastte or is elaborately embroid-1 . ,
rnru I 1 .
ar. .. vrr. r m. nb f Portland " "'. "n" sucn pair ia cov-
' .... .T. . . . I tTa with a floral snrav in Point d
The social of Portland lodge of Moose
Wednesda-r nlsht. under direction of
.! A. I I.4. Wll. "'"1
reU to ChielgT wher; they wUl apond I zTi broidery in I Roe P. HurVt and A. W. Jones, was
teal aaMnlka I wu VUVW M1U
Mrs. Heaberg WiU
Sing Saturday Night
la most successful anair. xne soiouns
New York Manw wm,.. ... 11 were wonderful artists and the entire au-
their hands into -.k- vuf .7T. dience which filled the great Moose tern-
I - I - .llHlitul avaw vtnwn
now in oruer tnat they may be able to y wcrB uc"6'u "-" '
thrust their hand Into attractive muff Br ot the program. Among the par
later thi ap ring. The vogue for muffs Uclpanta were the Telephone company
1 Increasing dally and there is every in- auartet ; Hal Toung, Lavelle Walton. Dr.
dioatlon that thev win h .tn.T..t- EUa Welch and Miss Gertrude Hover,
Aa tmaauallv Interestlnir urogram waa carried In conjunction with suit rhi.. I soloists. Dancing followed the program.
land dances In its series for the season
dnTur hV7 interring 'ngZ which .u.U will conUnu: 2 'rS
mld4 sentimental old folk songs a with caracul and broadtail In light 'tTU Th?"dy, evening Every table
.. -7 w r. mmt ta txtoular shades. Fox. marten, aaru. wa occupied before 9 o clock and extra
Mtodlee. 8h was persuaded to make a ar,ln pelU moat frequently choeen for
arond appearance which wUI be at the chokera
Court Bcandla anniversary to be neia
M Umm halt' Irving atreet. Satur
day evening at I o'clock.
xxw nn LK LAID
; BrewnaviH. Or, Jan. 17. City Water
BwperlateadeBt Moree eompleted the
work ef laying 4000 feet ot new pipe j
It la Cast BrewnavUl Wednesday.
music and a comfortable hall kept the
dancer on their feet until the tights be
gan to "wink" at midnight.
Oregon assembly, United ArtlsansJna
a new and - magnificent set of regalia.
With Its faithful and capable team of
young ladle making up it cadets
nrmutli an beinar madfr ta receawe
A chorus of several hundred boy will I a large number of new members. Thurs-
Whitney Boys to
Give Concert Tonight
The Public Welfare
a braaeh ef the Publio Welfare
ureair s aiming to give Jobs to aa
many a possible of the disabled and
handicapped of Portland t wba, other
wkM, would be publio chargeo). by
robuiMlnc clothing, ahooa, furniture,
to. donated by the people of Port
land ana vicinity.
To carry out our OOOT WORK OF
w sauat have the cooperation of the
rmrou people TOUR COOPKRA
I ION. ,
The demand for retlof Is nrossmc. 1
Ovr truck will eavll for anything you
wh to dopate. Jost phono "Main
TJal and yon wtll hat earned the
ito an interesting program at the
Labor Temple, Fourth and Jefferson
atreet. tonight under the auspices of
the Central Labor Council. The concert
begins at S. The program will be :
Solo. Nathan Weston of Hillaboro ; read
in;. Carrol Hansen; chorus; violin solo.
day evening- a business session was fol
lowed by a banquet. It is the third
largest local assembly in the order and
meet every Thursday evening at W. O.
W. temple, 12S Eleventh street.
Alberta lodge. A. F. and A. M.. had a
Jame Eoff ; chorus ; reading. Maurice I large attendance of visitors and members
Cannon; trio, Guthrie Brothers; chorus ; I Wednesday evening at its conferring ot
chorus ; soVo, Darrel Robinson : duet. I the degree of Master Mason. The North'
Robert Maodonald and Qulnton Guthrie : I western Bank team, under direction of L
sow. Carrol Hansen ; Scotch dance, Andy I R. King, conferred the degree upon one
Ealey, .accompanied by bagpipea ; read-1 candidate and the postoffice team, under
Ing, David Richards; chrous. I direction of J. H. Butler, conferred the
Frank Alexander, the accompanist. Is I work upon another candidate. A ban-
the boy taken on the California trio last I ouet was spread following the lodge
fall, who starred on the pipe organs in I work and much fraternal feeling was
tne vartoua .cities. Dan-ell Robinson, I engendered by tne short and - snappy
the 13-year-old baritone soloist, will ap- I speeches made.
pear tor the first time with the chorus
hungry aad the
CHel hrlty .! a e ;
171 Jekaaoa St.. Phone Mala TM1
Dance Act Scores
On Pantages M
An act ot headline calibre ta oVot com
paay Is the Renno Family" "Chle So-
ta teatoro attraction. at the
bah raaaa taao. awak, ara a kaaaa. We
alaalrtaao aswawaaai aja eke Sale ika
o orrwuiToerro) urraiiiiiu
rTMf . cvrrri w rmtk
United Artisans of the Peninsula
turned out In goodly numbers Wednes
day evening to receive Fram assembly
and its cadet team aa guests of Uni
versity Park assembly. A class of can
didates were received and re freshmen ta
served. Supreme Secretary C 1 Uc-
Kenna and others made short rlrtrmf m
Pies made by "mother" win be for
Pantages theatre this week. Thee (bar U Prm uumhrr TTniti a
clover girl are making their tenth tour J at Thi el's hall, opposite the car bars on
wtwt in ureuii. out nave a orand new 1 Kiliingsworth avenue. There will be
act. grxreou In it apecial drop and I dancing, good music and other features.
dVxl,5 .tts costume. The girl are The proceeds from the pie will go to
"r7" m surynsmg versa-1 the flower fund.
Ullty. dolag four different character I -; h . . :
number la tampeatuoua fashion, while I D.W. Wendlich. district grand chaa-
imam aaexnoer or. uie Quartet stag the I eellor; will preside at the district meet
utaooucoea roe- each of the various I lug of the Knights of Pythias at St.
Th Set I OHO Of the beat ban. I Johrut tXaiv niartit Tlipr will
Bur oeta oeeei at the Paotaxea theatre I many Brominent member of the frater-
miu - oitv In attendance.
apr tv-
-r- - -T m -jw " Jkjt wv m-ar-m
t S;:kS 5" V neix? package i
, J
r t vwyli2.- V n.T,UT"
YOU will not have to experiment with
Fab the new Colgate wash-bowl
flake. Colgate & Co. have done all the
experimental work for you! They have
spent five years in improving and testing
out Fab.
Fab makes soft, gentle suds which soak
into the fine meshes of silk or woolen
fabrics and loosen and dissolve the dirt.
But Fab does not injure the tiny
threads in the filmiest fabric neither
does it fade colors (Colors which do not
run in plain water will not run in Fab
suds.) Fab is safe for the color and the tex- -ture
of your daintiest garments.
j . '
Keep a box of Fab at hand for all incidental
; washing; stove, stocJungSiUnderwear, dainty .,
' blouses and frocks and all woolen fabrics,
- " :- ..-.'. ...
(Follow' ouTwctiaM m package.) .
- I
Continuous 1 to 1 1
P. M.
Tegelher With Ike remedy
aa tk Oellag iitm
ADULTS 55cfffK,30c
Fifth Number
Lyceum Courts
February 1st
Meier A Frank's. J AX. tLFEB. I
rrlrea free, 7Ar, lljM
Direction Elliton-White
Lyceum Bureau
LAM 3 Vt yvoi
LA Piua.jca 'TB.-5
HUa iO Aq ayt awwt f,
rat am asovt Tcarn
ILCooUnuou 1 P. ki. to 11 P. at. Iwr
The Daaela MiMlki
VI IV kclTOT la -MOfeXtb"
TIct ye eaa hv a wkaia f a good
CHORUS CIRLS, CONTEST t ETvalar al t aad t
Ceaewy, SUf Glory." a4 Fez 5 ewe
00)TC TalHaMl
AiMru anil arva. l. art. .
n.Clnaar-i lOe. Adalu 2c K.
uutaaaa i?a. AatBoa c.
A Htuno twiomsvi that make
wUI alas at Court 8caa4U' aajkl
vrrsary. which will b b.14 au
LIKltEA HALU M lrrtar atrort.
OTLOC Km Eatybooy wokMoaT
In S Lettont
Ladies $2J0 '
Gentlemen $5.00
BcaUuM.' rtasa re Mart at CeUlttoo
HalL Htk at Waatirnarton. WaaaeMar
and Frttay eweninra. 1 fitara. BIO
ADvAHCaD CLAaatS start at Martara
Hall Teaadar eveaina- aa at Uotiutoa
Hail PrMay malar, Je to II M. Ad
anlaoina u aiancail da ro : t,oiai
tic. reallmaa tic Vow eaa arw toara
eancinc wttitoot rsetlee. iota ta ara-
mc acttoot. ritotto ttroaatway zeex tri
vet reason all boors at CoOlUea Halt.
Friday, Jan. 27, 8 P. M.
Ctveo fJMer AevyWw
Aneery Aaialear Alklelkr AaaortaOe