lHURSDAV,. JANUARY 28. . 1822. THE OREGON. J3AILY- JOURNAL. -PORTLAHP. OREGDW. US IS CiSEII Legion Commander,; . A ' - , 4 , ' For; ; Fort Steyens 1 As Veteran: Center Astoria, Jan.' 26. The support of the ' ' " ' ; : . Bel!ln(hara, Wash., Jen. . U. P.) Talk at the sheriffs convention here todsr centered largely around the I2S.i school of applied criminology to b established In Seattle for Instruction of peaes officer In modern method of criminal detection. More then 49 deputy sheriffs have al pledged to enter the school and tke Intensive courses In handwriting, """try. analytical psychology, micro scopic work, photography, electricity, phenology and kindred subjects. "T school Is to be conducted by Luke a- May. chief of the R velar Interna tKmal Secret Benrlce of Seattle, who was elected president of the Northwest Asso ciation of Hhrtffs and Police. ne sheriffs' convention moved to Vancouver, B. C. Tonight the officers will close Ihelr annual session, which raged for two days here, witb a "blow out" la Vancouver as the guests of the constabulary and the city and provin cial police.' Went. Chief of Police L. V. Jenkins of toruana, and secretary. Sheriff Clar ence K. Lens of SDOkana. The board of governors are : Chief of twee parses Anderson and Sheriff Charlea McDonald of Vancouver, rep resenting British Columbia; Sheriff B. Rennl of Lincoln county, who with Sheriff Matt Htarwlch Of Seattle, repre- TTMiunnion j uaptatn or Police L. A. - Harms of Portland and Jmmm n.. don. chief soeelal nni .k a t . 'V1? Oregon ; Sher iffs 1. L Woody and T. L. Queries, rep resenting Idaho, and Constable David micnie ana commissioner Alfred Cuddy representing Alberta. School Housing Big Problem at Capital AtaleMtV Jain. 2fttClfrt the tilsh 1 and Junior high school here already iiiiva oeyona intended rapacity and new Classen In DrfWTMrt with th. ,h" Balem erhool board Is confronted with a serious housing problem. En trance) or trie new freshman class In Kebsuary will Increase the high school enrollment . to innrntimit.). i - building planned to accommodate but Too. At tha Washington Junior high sr-hool 0 pupils are studying In a srhool Planned to ftrrnmmnH.I. Ann m.. school board has under consideration the aaTMomiy or providing two portable mow ouuaings to care for the Increased fnrwimvni. S. Benson Helps Out Loan Fund atO. A.C. Orecon Agricultural r1l. m- Jan, If. Himon Benson of Portland has nepomiea ixwio ror tne student loan fund as a help through the present crista The loans have amounted to SCS14 so this year an Increase of 17 per cent ""r same time last year, and the funds are virtually depleted. Computing the needs of students ror t yesr at the present rate of Increase, the committee anticipates requests will amount to J30.1M.S0. Salem alumni sent In a check for $50 and 1130 was raised by the College Women's club at a bene- American Legion in its effort to estab lish a vocational training and rehabilita tion center for disabled veterans of the World war at Fort Stevens was pledged Wednesday in a telegram received by v.wuop post irom tianiord MacNider, iimiiuuai cwnoianaer. I he oliicial prom ised tO rush th ma proper channels, in an attempt to have uie new training center due the North west established at Fort Stevens The efforts of Clatsop post -to have Fort Stevens designated as the center followed the recent viait at Hwr.. M Hyland, representing the veterans' bureau, and a number of other officials. woo aeciarea tne coast defense post a few miles west of Astoria admiinhtv suited for a rehabilitation station. The oaxracKa ana cantonments at the tort can accommodate 2000 men. It is pro vided with a large hospital, with recre ation facilities, and Hyland declared the climate at Fort Stevens to be ideal for tne purpose proposed. e i Three in Rowboat Reach Land Safely Aberdeen, Wash.,' Jan. 2. After be ing 20 hours adrift in a rowboat in which they left Taholah for Raft river Saturday night, Harold Anunerman of Seattle. William French, said to be ,ot Portland, and a third man, who were thought to have been lost, landed safely on Destruction Island. Last Stage Coach Barn Is Destroyed Salem. Jan. 2. With the destruction of the old barn on the Sam Brown dona tion land claim, 10 miles north of Salem, the last reminder of the old stage coach days has disappeared.' The barn, raxed to make way. for a more modern struc ture, was one of a string of . similar barns along the route of the old Oregon California stage line, which flourished in the days of the gold rush to Call fornia. Woman Breaks Neck Combing Her Hair , (Ceittd New) Svramia V V Jan 5 Iff.- IT-In VlfTkerv. 9 1 nnt-M Upkail V - while combing her hair and broke her necs. are is now comined to her bed, and has not moved since Sunday. Michigan engineers have designed a snow plow to be pushed ahead of an endless tread tractor to onn drifted roads to a width of 12 feet, yet which can be handled by two men. Endeavorers Hear Appeal for Peace A strong appeal for peace and a sug gestion that the Christian Endeavor forces of the nation Join In the demand for a warleaa world, was made at the First Presbytertsn church Wednesday night by Dr. Ira Landrlth of Chicago, before a gathering of several hundred Portland Endeavorers. "Our boys ars the cannon fodder of tomorrow and oor girls the war nurses," he said, "and therefore peace is a young people's affair. K1RBT APPEAL ARGUED Salem. Jan. H. Argument of the ap peal or Klvle D. Klrby. attacking the constitutionality of the state capital punishment law." was presented before the supreme court Wednesday after noon. The executions of Klrby, John Kathle-sad Dan Casey have all been stayed by reprieve from Governor OJ eott. pending action by the supreme court. POSTMASTER CONFIRMED wasnington, Jan. 21. u. P.) The senate today confirmed the nomination .of Frank Hamlin for postmaster at spnngiieia. jt. ELLIOTT SEEKS HEALTH Salem. Jan. Ii S A mnn,. ..... forester, left today for California points, where he will spend a month or six weeks tor ins. oeneni oi nil Health. . a m V van Loans Great American Version of "Too Three Musketeers" D'Artagnan becomes Bud McGraw, Athos becomes Amos, Porthos becomes Obadiah and Aremis be comes Micah. And if you don't get a real thrill out of these Yankee fight in' men then there's- no Yankee fightin blood in you. RIVOLI SATURDAY ao gods Stixsm .: AUDITORIUM BUILDING . ' Booth t IS, 16. 17, 18 Lower Floor A a Q A T 1R1 t0 satisfy yK' t":Nn p A UXlJlJJlJ the creditors GT'mf, r J tx mm m i si Mr im hi i : ttikQ :3flEr.2Ssr Step. When' a ! sua' sees himself bcin crowded into a corner he naturally makes a desperate effort to fisht his way at. i There probably is not a business man Qr individual in Portland who will condemn us for stepping out into the open to fight for the defense of our business no mat ter how shameful it may make us feel. It s curtains" for us if we fail to raise the $25,000 cash needed soon to satisfy our creditors. Our only hope to prevent this distasteful catastrophe is to turn our entire stock over to the public at prices that will COMPEL BUYING and convert at least a part of it into cash. We are hardened to the sting of the readjust ment period since the war and we don't care how much merchandise we are obliged to sacrifice nor at what mice iust converting enough stock into cash to keep from being devoured by the hungry creditor wolves. Friday and Saturday ffl . business! Motorists never have had a irfmilAr nnnnr4rm?fw . walk m and take any accessory or tool in sight at practically their own price and they may never again come so near to getting "something for nothing." , Our advice is that you consider well your needs for the future as well as the present. If you heed this sale you will motor farther for every dollar in 1922 than you ever did before. ir Unrestricted ffiifce ' - -s , ... A Bumper Prcoents 90 of All Serious Collisions Are Yon Protected j&jtSr Attached to ear. &mlw AT SLAUGHTER PRICE W VI mur -mr Tire Covers 30x3 Sale price None Reserved. Black drill tire covers $1.49 Other sizes from 32x1 to 34x4 -I QQ Sale price .. 4Xe70 Fabric leather, extra qual ity tire covers. Reg. $3.50 to $6 quality. Sizes from 32x4 to 35-5, dQ A Q priced at... 4eCetO Same with white bead- Sale price . . tPSeO7 Boyce Motormeters At prices you will not pass by. Midget size 82.23 Junior size ..v S4.48 Unirersal size S6.73 Standard size $8.86 Hydrometers Every motorist should test his batteries. AQ Reg-. 90c value.. HJ.C Other srsdea similarly reduced. 99 A "Knockout on Bumpers! Any: collision would cost you more than a bumper at these slaughtered prices-and probably lay up your car or send you to the hospital. The cheapest protection is a good bumper, front and rear. Regular- $13.50 nuine ckeve'' - type pressed steel, channel bar nickel plated bumper fox all cars, f complete with fittings, wffl fit Ford, J Maxwell, Dodge, Buick, Essex and jail sUadard caxa. Slaughter price, : complete, attached to your car 21 w Hlf!?!etL1,t? 1919' BeKBlir 10.00 s ,"s -tH "sasja w car .... $539 Bular J16 Badger, Diamond Bar Bumper with mckel fittmgs for aD standard caraTspe ,al attached to your car...... $898. Champion X vfQ SparkPlug.. Porcelains for Cham- Q pion X Spark Plugs ea. IOC t 3 Standard, WUliams Ford Accelerator An n Sale price ........ Pfe7 Bar and Ball type d jq Radiator Caps .... J 1 e4 JJ , Ford type- Caps on Qft sale at 684 to i70C Windshifeld Qeaners All OAs and Greases HeaTily Reduced 25c Regular 1-Ib Cup Grease ..... can 14c 39c TTn $10 Regular Folberth Automatic nuivuuicm uuner. . a. real automatic cleaner that works by suction from automobile engine. It works while you drive through the worst QQ rain, snow or sleet O0t0 Reg. 75c Windshield Oft ' Cleaners ..... .... 37C Reg. $15 Windshield QQ L Cleaners OSC Rido Skid Tire Chains 80x3-inch . o A t Special ......... Z.4y All other sizes accordingly re duced. ' ,f Weed Chains, all Jyf j size on sale up from V40 Ford Top Recovering and Side Curtains .'.. - . - - Ford touring; top cover, in-ciudina- back Ger no cover. curtain Ford roadster Including- back curtain too . $4.48 Ford back tsJn. only . l-ln-1 Ford rear cur-CQJt tain Urhts Vp Small single Ford IQi curtain llgbt Ar Ford apron coil protectors ...... Ford radiator covers . . . Ford foot pedal draft protectors. Ford owners will find or Ford supply department to be a paradise of bargains. cur- eo X1 79 $2.39 .39 All Robes Reduced 25 to 40 This is the opportunity of a life-time to get a fine Auto Robe at a real spe-- cxai price. Reg. $6.00 Han o r e r AH. Wool Robe at. fl.OO Reg. LJncolnshire all wool Robe, else &tr on Z71 Inches ... ?t' . It.OO Reg. Maxwtltoa extra thick, warm and heavy wool Robe ?n OQ Priced special at V0,0 $1J Reg. Peasley an all wool steamer Robe of care fully selected LJncolnshire fleece, made in various patterns, stse - f7 fQ 61x10 inches p4XV .39 A.C. Ceo " and Betalekea. Spark Plugs, 39c Broadway at Couch Street These Items Show Trend of Sale Prices TUT Fi. 1 . ' '.-,' The Home of Auto Supplies9 Ford Repair Parts Half Price Ford Timer 795 Ford Windshield Glass, upper or 82.98 Ford Hand Starters... .53.98 Ford Coil Pointa, set. ..... 14 Ford Rear Wheel, S0x3H,-on sale at .$3.95 Schroeder Hre Qf Air Gauge...... Schroeder ValVe' Inside Core, Per box ...........344 Bit: Stock Touring and Trade BXirrors, interior and exterior types, heavily re duced. . High-grade roarantced Inner t2JMRt Tiri Ptopi' S 12 $1C Beg. Stewart Gaa Vacuum Tank, priced at S8.98 Free . With $70 Purchase We have secured an addi , tional snpplj of the u Official Automobile Blue Book Standard Road Guide of America Standard prk $4. On vnlnme will be presented to each custom er, making a t7I0 par. chaae at thig aal while the RJpply lasta. A Book Every Motorist Wants Gives detailed ronsing di- -recti om for every mfl id any place that can be reached by auto and every bit cf information both be fore starting and en route to make the trip a soeeeaa. A Present for You Motorists' Tools, Auto Paints and Dressings SLAUGHTERED Every Accessory in House Slaughtered ' " AiCTitu Spark Plug tr tl RelUr. 73e Broadway at Couch Street