I w u THURSDAY. JANUARY 23, It THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. OREGON. TOWN TOPICS lala lUtell tirtnii aaa filmirt n mill I J.aaar 94 ta 47 Z?lmJ'","a -a rirtlw. 'Tb mUnr Im called for 10:40 a. m, 4mX (Mlfim at Owaa aaa Waala.- kmiaaaa af taa BaatiaalaaS Caira ai I at... A at. maa IJiHt V'fltell. rf bold on tha resrular SatvTbe tbr 1 ootniBeacmat addles. Tina rai tBtiwA.;Hiaioa, wore wor, nuu Is that Dr.- Herbert K. Wtllett, veften I aeoooa ui tugn school grMinUM j craven,: inaepanaerjce. representative of the Federal Council of I program.: The - High School e Com-1 ; Section of officers will be held, Fri th Cb arches of Christ to America, will I neroe graduated i seniors In the Ldn-1 4ay forenoon aad the conventioo-ni be In the city and be able to address the I coin auditorium weanesaar aigni uuusr i doae with a banqoet at the MUtnonaan body. At this meeting a new. secretary J high schools will hold their exercise li hotel Friday Bight. . A. trip tenths -St. will be elected to succeed Mr. McAiee. I tteir respective awuuwiu I Johns terminal has been arranged lor night. ' (Saturday morning by the committee of SWmMmwW9 ...otmww W 1 , m.. . 1 T n VI. I . a at. maa UiHt PartliK. nu oiruca. who . I matures. S3rdi Captain Gets a, stale. ' . -; I a. HU a. m., 1 iw iM R. in. ana i - : - . -; .1 t'atta ntMu aorta ssNMbfar. IBiMfl Ami i . aiK&ai Uraw Caitad Workswa. ffssd I. aaa 1. I n4 . ..toT. Saaura Star, anas . T a'sMriess taatitat of Baaktaf. M S8 MaUaaal MnniM f rrtinl Www" hank M lawa, rarUaaS. aaaa I U II raatfi. lauvaattaael Uataek XUpaaitiaa. Nataaaka 4 II. r , WliTHEt FORECAST riwtUM and VWrtatt Taetgas and rrtdai flI anUn tMt, - - - VrVte ' raia at pe- Saa, aaaw aaat aartloai aot an eM toalsnt aaat :15 p. m. Direct eonneeuons at Astoria I Zoae Thertpy cuaioProzessor ajooit to and from Seaside and Clatsop beach I Happel win address the Portland zonery i BAliita. ' All eara heated. Leave from I eiub at Ita roeetinr in trte foruana noiei and arrlye at the new Auto Stag Term-1 aasemblx. hall at o'clock: Friday sight. Inal Depot. 151 Tamhill street, corner of I Katherine Tobias Will follow wun a ! Park street Phone Mala MIL Adv. I clinic, demonstrating sooe therapy. Celaaikla Stages (Feraierly kaewa as I perUaad-Tillasieok Cedillas SUge ghtsard's Aete Bas Uui) hu Baleat division Leave 10 a. m. and 4 :1S u. m. dally and 11 :19 1 menu made for fishing parties. p. m. Satordays, SjMdays and holidays I gen. Adv. Alleged Confession From Two Suspects aaewa as i PorUaac-TUiaaiaos tnuai bimwv , - tK. rertlaad. SUge depot.. Park and TarnhiU ta, dally wT.t !Jt . LSSn Portland at ,:15 afml and J p. m. Special arrange- f 2?nd a'oK and 11 :15 menu made for fishing parties. Main r J """HvJS-'.il . MM aartlaai tnaa a Km) saaUMIy viads. only.- Leave St. Helens 7:0 a. m. and 1 1 :1S p. m. daily and l:U p. m. Batur- days. Sundays and holidays only. All cars heated. Leave from and arrive at I the new Auto Stage Terminal Depot. MjMaatna TeaiMhi and kruur fain; fnak 1 151 Tamhill street, corner of Park street mtiwv nit M im m4 iMi ! Phone Main -MIL Adv. V2Xt2trm?i?& Lstaara. Bible Ceeferesee-Professor ! , r Frank a Beistel of Pacific Theological A V siaanrs ra al fb1""2 1 Portland Lutheran- Ministerial associa- Porttaad-Hewberg Bs Leaves SUge depot Park and TamhilL daUy. t. -30 11 a. m. and 1. 240. 40S. :0 p. m. Saturday and Sunday. 11 :1S p. m. Mala 861L Ad. To Held Biaaar 'Sale A' rummage sale will be given today and Friday at 87 Fourth street Henry building, from 9 a. m. to ( p. m-'by Chi Omega. School Books, bought sold and ex- Curiosity and perseverance this morning on the part of Captain Fred from Marshal. IX who admitted they were the two sol diers chased early Wednesday morning by PatOlman Pfenning and the ""sheriff of the Black HUis." According to West 1 the two men first told him they had been discharged from the service tn Vancouver a short while ago. and later admitted they had broken Into a cigar store - at Broadway and Washington street- The two men were -arrested by Patrolman Miller. L. Wener was ar rested at the same time on a charm of vagrancy. . AKKAPOXIS CADBTSHIP W02T ' - Newberg. Jan. v Harold KotUgt, son of W. J. NotUge. publisher of the Newberg Graphic has received notice that he won first place In a test given at Eugene for entrance Into Annapolis naval academy. -Nottare was graduated by the local high school and U a stu dent at Willamette university. Only Four Shopping Days Remaining I;- --'7 ; of Our Annual : ninimniiiuiiiinmnmnnnmnminml Every Article Reduced In a new process for casting steel tub- fEreenf rVintrnet nrw ins with electricity metal la placed In aH- AJI1LTUCI OOOUS; . mold, 'subjected to current and then centrifugaUy formed. - .- Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiinniiiiitittt aato aad m wbtnetaa. u sUMei ora-1 proposed Lutheran Bible eonierence. me i r IWUM arf mntu ef Ufa Bona rnua nw, mm mm ai.k mmju aa tha WMMftstoO aaaK. iaa - - at tfca aaaatrv tha mania W . mm. a tmm tk hu raaiaiBai fair, axeant lmm S.k X-l.Ml.llna k BMB ot ttX KMltUarB Malaa. MU4at. vvathat pTaUa aar a tata part a. tha aauatr. aad tha tampmaaia coandar- hty saa aaraai la Iha Parthvaat. bet ibnoT-1 atally aaM anas aoaaaaal la lbs SOTtfe atlaaOc awdhvaat alarm vambis eaaUal at t :UO a. ai. at all Oiwa aad Waabtactoa eaaai aa a-mnrani saias mjb np vu iu au was vw w - a Dlan Is to conduct a two-weeks' Bible saimon. aqv. i on fa re nee In one of the local Lutheran I rrtlad8alSB.AIsaay Leaves stage churches for the benefit of all Lutheran I depot Park and Yamhill, every hour churches In Oregon and Southern wash-1 from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m, rare. m-ov. lngtoa.. r (Main 861L Adv. las eOralfe Wlas Peasaat Missl Feet Hart I See our foot specialist Elisabeth M CO rath, a student for two I X-ray service free. Knight Shoe corn- years In the public speaking department J pany. Morrison near Broadway. Adv. of the University of Oregon extension di-1 gtr. Amtrlea St Helens via Columbia I utmiM. aai MarabttaM. hars MaaU craXl I vision, won the pennant Wednesday I river, 2 :30 p. m. daily ; 11 :30 a. m. Sun light at the second of a series of con-1 day. Alder st dock. Main 8383. Adv. ttniMi awm KalaUre haatMtty si Poftlaaer Maes Say. par arati S s. m., laatstday, m: a s. taaar. is aatar- rtartpMaima Jaaaary -. Tatal. 1 84 IhrlMa; aoraal. Hitia.; 4eflcia-. 2.SI aaaa, . KUWilD U WELLS. 0BEKTATI0S STATION Tvaia. 1 I1 I1 Bakat, Onaoa Sawa. Ida be Rcntaa. Maav hffaU. N. T. . (hlraaa. III. , ttaawr. Cola. Ia Molna, Invs Iod(a City. Kat rnaA CaL tlalraiUHl, T'XM ......... Hoaalulo. T. U. Modana, Utah . , '. Jmaaa, Alaaka ......... Kaaaaa CH. Mo La aafolta, Cal itnhftatd, Otajon ........ Htltntd, Oraoa M.ainhm, Tvaa. Mlooata. Moat. Uraana, tub tv T arb. X, T ,iw unaana, L. ......... . naaa, Alaaka cni ad. Wah r riatap, cm. ....... . Oklaaaaaa Okie...... I-Wnti. aria. fittMa. ra. ITrvaiq. uf. . , rMans Reaan. k. 0. t.aanrnrt, Oratoa. ....... . ItMtrall. N. U w lata. Ma.. raaU an IHaas, tal Ian rtaariaea. Cal Pvattla, Waah h.rtdaa. Wya. .......... Kltka, alaaka talft Camcit. nokana, Waah. Taaana. Alaaka Tataoab laland. Waaa Tnannah, Naaads . Valdaa, alaaka . . Taaur. S, C. . alla Walla, Waah ahlatea. D, O. Ullataa. M. D. , VI laaaaaaora. WaT, WWialpas, Man. Taklma. Waah, P. M. rapat af pTarwlins daj. teeU in the public speaking department. given under the auspices of the expres sion club. Four representatives rrom the various classes took part Wartsbarter Protests TJsavaillng In spite of the protests of her friends. Mrs. Alma Louise Wurtsbarger will be taken to the Colorado state prison to serve the 10-year sentence imposed upon her by I Fader! Judfi-a Bean for killlna her hua- I Aa ' band. Federal offlCiaU announced Mral tiOTerameni xesns saow iuuaen WurUbarger will leave Saturday for" I coals exceed In heat Broadway 70. ao. j Canyon City. . I Br. Laldlaw, dentist returned. Offices Tkt Beitlay of Hsnisslty Albert R I 0- Selling bldg. Adv. The Pott System far Feet A scien tific treatment for broken arches. 711 7L2 Broadway bldg. Mar. 1217. Adv. Salem-3f Ills City Stage Connects O. IE. trains Nos. 6 and for Mills City. Joseph Hamman. Salem. Prop. Adv. Praetieal asd Efficient Dentistry. Dr. I J. R. Marshall. 307 Journal building. I Unsworth will speak for the Universal Messianic Center on The Destiny of Humanity," Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. January 26, at the Metaphysical Library. Central building. A musical selection will be rendered by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shaw. These meetings are free to the public. Ball Sets "Our City's BalL" conducted last week in The Auditorium 43 1 to raise funds for carrying on the cam- llnaiam to relieve unemployment has netted about $4100, according to com pilations concluded Wednesday by Mrs. William MacMaster, who had charge of the arrangements. Phose Workers Helen E. Joae returned. Mar. 1007. Ad. Quality, Integrity, Termed Factors for Salesmen's Success Quality of merchandise Is the basis of all successful salesmanship, according to Captain J. W. Gorby of Waukegan, IIL. who addressed a session of the Hosts Employes of Oregon Retail Hardware and; Implement the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph com-1 Dealers' convention at the Imperial pany gave an entertainment ana switcn- ln . mtodav. Interritv and m.m H.mAnstrAtinn IvfAra tha. Kna.ninrt- I American War Veterans, In the court-j Intelligence on the part of the salesman house Tuesday evening. Next Tuesday major factors In the success .liniiiil a iimiiu tinirD iu w J . , n,.th. nnrhv at the T. M. C. Af I - Columbia Suae (Formerly known as stated. The oay oi Bnarp pracwee anu Shepard'i Asto Bas Lines) Portland. 1 vaudevine entertainment In saleBman Heod BJvsr dlvlsloa Service temnorar- I ship had passed, he said. Ily discontinued on account of snow I Various efficiency methods were dis drifts on the highway. Resumption of I cussed at the afternoon session of the service wilt be announced in this space, I convention under leadership of Dr. W. .4 I Phone Main 861L Adv. IJ. Hindley. educational director of the 0 I Knaataa Staatlua will I WaVilnrtnn StatM Ttatailara' association. awarded for the best methods of .boost- I Committees were announced as follows Ina- Portland and Oregon offered at a I bv A. L. Jameson of McMinnville, pres- . a a I mMttlnr nf tha Llona Iuh to ha nald' kl I u. if tha aaanniarion ; RKnliltinnll . 54the Benson hotel at 1:1S p. m. Friday. 1 54. c Bresler, Springfield; E. P. Lewis, Lloyd Bates will be the principal speak- I Marshf ield ; O. O. Sapper, Hermiston. ir on the program. I Membership F. M. Saxtori, The Dalles I V. m ... rw 1 III. - . 9 1 laa waiausa larar-ing wuin ui uia tax supervision and conservation com mission In reducing taxes in Multnomah To Celebrate A salTsrsary Veterans county will be discussed by Robert O. j of Battery A. Field Artillery, Oregon Dleck at a meeting of the Portland National guard, will oslebrato its fifty- Realty , board In the assembly room of sixth anniversary on Saturday, Febru- the Multnomah hotel at noon Friday, ary t, with a dinner at the Imperial ho- TnU willett at White Temple Tonight tat Many prominent numbers of the Professor Herbert L. Wlllett of Chica- , aaUonal guard and publlo officials have f0 western representative of the Federal seen Invited. The veterans of Battery council of the Churches of Christ In A Include those of Battsry B, the two I America, will speak on "Christian Fel maWng up tM famous "Oregon Batter-1 lowship" at the White Temple tonieht lee" that fought on the fields Of France In more than (I battles and distinguished lhamealvea and the state. Columbia Stages (Formerly. katwa at faeaatra Aete Bit Lines) Peruana. Maltaemah Fells dlrlaleaLeave Port land 18 a. m. and 4:30 p. m. dally and 11:18 p. m. Saturdays, Sundays and holi days only. Las re Multnomah Falls T :1 a. ra. and 1 p. m. dally and p. m To AtUad Cask RegUUr MeeUag J. R Mumma. sales agent,' and L. E. Oarrard. salesman for the National Cash Register company, Portland ' of f ice. will leave this week for New York to attend the company's annual convention. Forest Baservtsor Here W. G. Weiglo, supervisor of the Snoqualmle national forest is here from Seattle, conferring I - m. . . . - . , . A . Saturdays. Sundays and boll day a All w,u me oi.irici loresier m regaru w eara heated. Leave from and arrive at prospective umoer ami in nia loreou the new Auto Sure Terminal Depot S8 1 Smallpox Mast MaeUag A mass meet TasnhUl street oortter of Park street I ing has been called to be held In Wood- Phoao Mala MIL Adv. I mere ban. Wood me re station, at 8 o'clock M relators to Heel Meaday The month-1 tonight to consider the regulations of ly meeting of the Portland Ministerial school authorities to prevent spread aasocleUoa has been called for next of smallpox. , Monday morning Instead of February 8. Girls Polyteehale Exercises Girls' the regular date, for two reasons. One Polytechnic school commencement exer ts that the Rev. Ralph C McAfee, seers. CUM WIU be held tonight in the audi tory, to leaving the city February 1, and tori urn of Lincoln . high - school. Judge will not bo able to attend the meeting John P. Kavanaugh will deliver the UNION Dentists. Inc. $12 Plate Now $8 Written Guarantee With AH Work .ss.oo .94.00 88.M tSK Gold Crowas now.. 8tM zik Gold Bridge now.. . Extracting Free wkea other work la ordered Tou can have an examination of your teeth free of any charge or obligation by calling at our office. 231V2 Morrison. Cor. 2d EaUre Corner Look for the Big TJaloa Sign DR. WHETSTONE, Mgr. PORTLAND, OB. XUGXJTB, OB. New Velie Light Six Model 58 Scores Biggest Hit at the Auto Show Thousands of motor car owners have acclaimed the new Velie Light Six Model 58 to be the most handsome and moitlmprovedmotorcarexhibitedattheAutomobileShow. . Come today and see how Velie's engineers have developed this newest and finest car to the point of perfection. w. R. DeLay Motor Company. Inc. ' ' t VHJE D15TWSUTORS FOR OREGON 58-60 North Twenty-tliird Street PWT Musi 780 " : . (Dealrs--Wir or Write if Your Territory Is StiU Open) , The Most in Value j a araw The Best in Quality tmmmimutrmmunmtnmini:::::;;.. Every Article Reduced (Except Contract Goods) Bitmniiimm!iinn!nrainmnnT:n::: . .dm I Ourll07MBaf gain Friday Pay i w - -, i. " Just one little fact, if realized and used by most people, would save them considerable money on their coal bill. It U this For your furnace; range or heater there is a nut coal or combination of nut coals which will fit your requirements fully as well as lump in some cases better than lump. By purchasing nut coal, instead of lump from us. you save the price of one ton of coal every ten to twelve tons you buy. Nut and lump from the same mine are exactly the same quality the difference in size makes NO dif ' ference in quality. Nut costs less to handle we pass Ihe saving on to you. ; X obtain the kind of nut coal best suited for your purpose, tell the coal expert who answers the phone just where and how you intend burning it his recommendation will prove satisfactory and economical. 1 Throughout All Departments of the Store And the Most Extraordinary Values Have Been Arranted for This Sale Regular "Dollar Day" values cut in twoi affording the thrifty shopper dou W ble savings on all sorts of Desirable Merchandise Oxving to the extraordi- S mSlm. a m.LiIm L ... Ss - - - I f it . .JJ'J.. -a Lf.L ituwny tuuv prtc u wmi.it incsc item arc ujferca anu mc raptuuy at wmcn they are sure to sell, we suggest an early attendance. .No phone or mail orders s tmea. None sent C U, JJ. or exchanged. We reserve the right to Itmtt qrtan- B s ttttes to any one purchaser. - H tProf it While You May! I I At Half Price and Less We Offer You Choice 1 From Any of the Following 1 Items in Our Popular Under-1 muslin Section I Women's Heavy Outing Flannel Petticoats Women's Crete and Nainsook s S Knickers Women's Muslin Vests and Envelopes Cluny Lace and Satin Brassieres Fancv Mesh and Brocade Bandeaux. "Scott "VafttiP itnA S Formfit Bandeaus Women's New Corsetlette with Supporters Attached to Fitted Waist a wonderful garment combining corset, supporters and bras- T t-m-J n.m T-mlmmm. - J T - m. D ' fU-.a Pt.-J' . TTT ? o& v m. vp uih Ajuttuiit a innmcu awov urouwrcj uupc oneriinr tr HUTCH SS .-aj'WW UfLTUtUD AJITU KIT If MIC I V lUUiUT , U V 1 O AUlT CJ Infants' "Omo" Waterproof Diapers 2 Brocade Bandeaus of Good Style J r T it ec Xr . nr j? e r i uw jwutty uua uj X6. mt cm n opsins, mcatum or axira iMrgc. . I: al 5te s-EXTRAt- 5 Floor and Polish , Mops at 50c Choice of the Boss and Feral Polish Mops and 1J4 -pound Slasher Floor Mops at fifty cents. -EXTRA!- Imitation-Ivory Articles at 50c Choice from Mail Buffers, Perfame - Bottles, poff Boxes, Picture Fnmes. Hilr Recdr ers, etc, at fifty cents. r-EXTRA!- Plain and Mixed Candy 3 Pounds at 50c Choice of RecepUoa Sflcts plain and fcrokes raized csolies at J pounds for fifty cents. 1 3 Large Size Cans Mennen's Talcum Powder 50c 1 ,-EXTRAL Wool Mixed Socks 2 Pairs for 50c Winsted' Wool-mixed Socks In black and natural trey made seamless. An exceptionally dur able sock -ill sizes. EXTRA U Cambric Handker chiefs. 4 for 50c Men's linen-finish Cambric Handkerchiefs with Initial era. broldered ta corner. This sale tt four for fifty cents. -EXTRA t Japanette Handker chiefs, 6 for 50c fine soft flnUa Japanette Handkerchiefs - vita silk Initial embroidered la corner six lor fifty cents. . y 1 s-EXTRAL English Longcloth 3 Yards tor 50c Fine Nainsook-finish Loop cloth In this sale at three yards for fifty cents. f-EXTRAl- Curtain Materials 50c Yard Scrims, Marquisettes sad Bunrilow Nets; aho Madras la white, cream and ecru. -EXTRA!. Crepe Toilet Paper 13 Rolls for 50c Medium size rolls of Crept Tissue Toikt paper this sale at 13 roils for fifty teats. r-EXTRAU Stamped Art Cloth Runners and Pillow Tops 6 for 50c Here's a truly important offer int st S ridiculously low price. Choice of. Lincoln treen and tobacco brown tSxSO-lnca stamped Art Cloth Runners and Pillow Tops 6 FOR SOc. Shantung Pongee Silks In 24-Ixich Width I A silk sai table for a kaalrl pur . raal haasTUaat Skaatstac ft Sklka la Mtoral eoUr aai 24-Wh vUth at City camta yard Nearly 30 Years in Portland King Utah Screened Lumr Xing Utah Screened Nut Rock Springs Screened Lump Rode Springs Screened Nut Newcastle Domestic Lump -Australian Lump Diamond Coal Briquets Apartment and Hotel owner Let as quote yotx on best if earn! ONLY 50 c YARD Final Qearance Lace and Nets , at 50o Yard Every Piece' an Exceptional Offering Broken Ones Including SOk Nets. Chiffons. Cotton Silk snd Metal Lace Flouncing snd Binds ta as sortment too extensive and too YarleA for descrip tionbut every piece aa exceptional bargain. Your Choice at Only 50c I Fr-a Amy f sjU FiHiaLa Syadal OffrWra. WOMEN'S DOT SKATS TIsm, fHct fictkig Ca-tt-w SUtU la frvy WOMETS WOOL-MIXED PANTS TUm rarm-aata fca Was l-aftlk. H Staa S4. If. 35. WOMEN'S WOOL CLOYI3 Oniittts ami atra vrWt styUa U khaki ana! array. ' WOMZ2TS SUEDE LISLE CUOVLS Brkm tuaaa U Uck gray a-i H Ca-Vts-MOis) CafT XT DOT TAMS AND TOQUTS Cinrlraa'e Kiot Tata aj Tavaaa la al tylaM Is-mSSsI tl4. ' j S PAIRS BOYS HOSE FOR 50c 7 Sc-mt aaal tlW saakaa Eat. iz Canam SUckiatt. 1 - AH aiaaa S to 10, mmmpt akaa H il ONLY n 50c I YiJlD 1 Final aearance Women's Neckwear li . at 50o Choice from Collars. Sets and Vestees i Dlsreftrdlnf cost and worth we offer si this H ridiculously low price choice from may pleasing E and popular styles in Collars. Sets snd Vettees ta fine laces, sets, organdies, batistes, etc Every piece s great bargain. 5 EXTRAL 42x36 Inch Pillow Cases' : 2 for 50c 1 Both bleached snd vnbletched pillow Ctses of standard quality. -EXTRA !- . Bordered Turkish Towels 50c Each . 20x40 Tsrkish Towels with blue or fink border and' of good weight. , s-EXTRA! 23x46 Inch Bath Towels 50c Each All white, hesry Bslh Towels of extra size, 23x46 tacho best quality. ii:::in:n:i::innnin:!nniii:n: aASBSisSSSilAlltSitSSSSlSSSSklSSStASS tttt Hatll M a iitta w