The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 24, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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    TUESDAY. JANUARY 24, - 1922.
lata TUtaQ Hardware aad Irll1t Beat
era' lantaUna. Jaanar 44 aa IT.
Epawnaal Umm aaaraBBaa. rerUaa. Jaa
7 8 aad 1.
Ojaartarlr mdrn a OiMoa WaahaB-
M ataariMe at u IUanuia4 Chrch W
w Ckrtat af bit Uf aiav rarUaad.
VIMt. Uta. ranara I a m 1 B
- alnea.BaaerB' aaaliiaaca. CarralBe. start
C.tw4 rrad.rta.laa akaid
AaefcM Ordar Ballad Workaaaa. triad Ma
Hnae faatfTaL Jaaa T. asd ft.
. .OrtW kaatara Star, sraad ehaptar. Jaae
The AaMrtcea laatitale af Bank, Jl 1
at za.
katioaal aoawaatkva af rrotastant Epiaeoeal
eterck af aaaartee. PerUaad. InKiM a t 31.
radfle IntaraeUafial UreaLock Kxpaaiuoa,
to 11.
' Tortlaad aad TVtmltf : Tonirht aad Wednee
Ui miai aaatharl ada.
Oman . and Wau niton: Toolght and
MalTMadat raia wait avrtion. anew aaat portion
m enld toalcht aaat fortlaa; aodmU eouth-
wrM wuMia,
play, The Detour."- Thia eveninz'a per
formance la beinf sponsored by tha Reed
CoTJefe Alumni aaaociatlon and the pro
oeoda will ro toward a 7,000 endow-
in ant fond which they are raunne; lor
Reed college. , ' .'
Yeaa resale ef Ckure to Daaee
Tba young men of St. Davids Episcopal
church will rive a dance to the youm
women of tba pariah on Thursday pitta
In the pariah houee. Several or the or
raniaatlona in the church have held
their annual election recently, resulfc-
trig; as followi : Committee on manage
ment for the Men's club, Fred S. West
Fred Strickland, larry Janaen, wiiirea
8immon& Gordon WUsthtre, George E.
Hammer. Daughters of St. David. Hes
ter Dannenmann, president, and Bertha
Hal lam. secretary-treasurer. The Girls'
Friendly society. Alice Bollman. chair
man: Dorothy Rodle. vice chairman;
Mildred Hallam. secretary, and Gwen
dolyn Stevens, treasurer.
Cetaaela Stares (Toraterty kaowa as
Sheaard's Aate Bas Xlaes) FerUaad-
Maltaoaiah rails dlvlsloa Leave Port
land 10 a. m. and 4:30 p. m. dally and
11:15 p. m. Saturdays. Sundays and hoi V
dava only. Leave Multnomah Falls
7:30 a. m. and 1 n. m. daily and C p. m.
Saturdays. Sundays and holidays. All
cars heated. Leave from and arrive at
the new Auto Stage Terminal Depot. 352
Yamhill street, corner of Par it street.
Law maaaore Bravaila In Alanka aad aorta-
latare ('amtda. while tha eOra United Btataa
aoerd ar Ma h rh tifiwufa ana, ana ar
la MartWK twmutiM haa anrni f Phone Main SS11. AdV.
e'MS aiui anr tha anrth racifio enaat. and in tha
. fH aiaM and Twmw.. Tha bstrirat rmjofii
Mwtd vaa 1.4 larhaa at Maohfkkl. Or.
Miklr vaataar praralU orar atnat at to etmntn.
Um ehanaa aaMunUai to mora lhaa SO daaraai ia
acathant Albaru, ait iept ovar ama.ll inu
ina watparmiura la auu Ma aomai. in (taav
a4 aafkclaaor baing la Um upper atiauauppl ?al-
Maura haaixlltr at rorUaad: Voon
CoIsajBla Stages (Fenaerty kaowa as
Skevard's Aato Bas Lues) Foruaad
Astoria-Seaside dlTktloa Leave Port
land 7 :30 a. m.. 10 a. m.. 1 p. m., 4 :15 p.
m. and 12:30 a. m. Leave Astoria 7:1S
a. m.. 10 a, m.. 1 20 p. m.. 3 :30 p. m. and
1 :1S p. m. Direct connections at Astoria
to and from Seaaide and Clatsop oeacn
wear. 70 v cnt: s p. a rattarday. 79 parlpointa. All cars heated. Leave from
m: S a. m. talar. SS otw aaat. I . t k now lutn Start Term-
robbed tha pay telephone In the Dundee
apartmenta, according to Jacob Hefner.
Hefner said he had been troubled by
prowlers on aeveral occaatona lately.
Sunday night they stole his hotel regis
ter and Saturday night they slow a
quantity of clothing. Numerous tele
phone robberies have been reported to
the police lately.
Tkleves Get Caaiy Cigarettes and
candy valued at $50 were stolen - from
tha confectionary store of J. F. Fleming,
2904 Fiftieth street southeast. Monday
night, according to a . report made this
morning to the police. Detectives in
vestigated and reported the burglary
was done by boys.
Tbe Post System for' Feet A scien
tific treatment for broken arches. 711
712 Broadway bldg. Mar. 1317. Adv.
Salem-HUls City Stage Connects O.
E. trains Nos. 5 and for Mills City.
Joseph Ham man, Salem. Prop. Adv.
Practical aad Efficient Dentistry. Dr.
J. R. Marshall. 307 Journal building.
8. A H. Green Staaias for Cask Hoi
man Fuel Co.. Main 253, 560-SL Adv.
Helea E. Joaes returned. 'Mar. 1007. Ad,
2 Husbands Named
In Suit for Divorce
AkiUna. Tuaa ...
aakar. Or
HfMaa, Irlaho
Hxioa, Maaa.
I'aliarr, Albarta
( Lwaao. IU.
Iar. (Jott
! Mnlnaa, lna
Imdaa L'llr. Hu.
(ialrattnn, Taiaa
Ilrrp. Mont.
Hmotalu. T. U
llama, a. I.
'Janruit, Alaiaa
Kanaa 1t Mo.
KmiiIIW, Tanik
Im AtiawUa. Cal.
Manrtrlfl, Or
MMnr4, Or ,
M.mphK Tann.
UrUana, l. ,
Sw lor. Ji. J Alaaa
Vnh Ha1, Wxh.
V flh I'lattn. .Na ar, Ukla, ...
I Imrnn. ArU
rtttoharg, I'a
l-trilaad. Or
Hwann. or.
St I4MIU, Mn.
St Pant. Minn.
palt laka Ot?. Cua . . . .
a, a Ifto. Cal.
Sn VraiM-lapo, CaX . . . .
SaUia. Koh
Hfnaaaa, WuK.
Taaaata. aa.
T.aipa. ru.
nror. R. C
lia Walla. YVaaa. ...
UaVtlnitan. D. C
WUIUtaa. H. U
Tna. Waiih
1 !. M ftmn n prrinl dar
1 J
h 3
I- 2
Park street- Phone Main 381L Adv.
Cola mala Stages (Perverly kaowa as
Khtaard's Aate Bas I,laes) PortUad
St. Heleas dlrUioa Leave Portland
10 a. m. and 4 :15 u. m. daily and 11:15
p. m. Saturdays, SJWdays and holidays
1 Casual Slock Offsrtd to H. P. Em.
alavee Kmployea of the Southern Pa.
only. Leave 8C Helens 7 :30 a. m. and
1:15 p. m. dally and 0:15 p. m. Satur
days. Sundays and holidays only. All
.14 I cars heated. Leave from and arrive at
o I the new Auto Stage Terminal Depot,
353 Yamhill street, corner of Park street.
Phone Main 8611. Adv.
Will Disease Higkway The first of a
aeriea of highway lecturea by Samuel
Lancaster, highway engineer, will be
.02 1 given Thursday evening In Central 11-
o brarv. The lectures are soonsored ty
the Maxamas. The lecturea are for the
B purpose of interesting civic organizations
o and Individuals in a plait to raise funds
2 I with whlch'to have the highway cleared
, ?. of snow and for increasing general in-
1 S 1 . . . s 1 .
0 I lereax in irregon aueniu roaua.
I Dr. Laadrlth to Speak Dr. Ira Land-
o I rlth of Chicago and Paul C Brown. Pa-
oi I cific Coast Christian Endeavor secre-
02 1 tary. will arrive Wednesday morning
0 from California. Landrith wlU speak
j I In the First Presbyterian church
0 I Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock on "The
3S I Present Opportunity World Peace and
World-Wide Christian Endeavor." Dr.
X Landrith will go from here to Seattle
ana men to spoitane.
"WaaBlBgUta, tbe Ckristlaa," to Be
Toale The Men's club of the First Pres
byterian church will be addressed to-
niaht at 8 o'clock by Dr. William J.
Johnson, associate secretary of the board
of temperance and moral welfare of the
Presbyterian church, at its regular meet
ing in the church house. The theme of
the evening will be "Washington, the
Aato Kaorks Down Man at 43 Run
ning from behind one streetcar to catch
another at Broadway and Glisan streets
Sunday nirht. Eric Fredeen. C3. 169
Corvallis, Jan. 24. Mrs. Maud Jones'
suit for divorce Involves two husbands.
She alleges she married Harry Jones,
September 15, 1912, and In December he
left her. News of his death reached
her in 1915 and in 1919 she married Wil
liam A. Bottorff, who, she asserts, left
shortly after the ceremony. Later she
discovered her first husband ia alive.
Che has no children. The suit for di
vorce involves both men. Other suits
for divorce filed here are: Effie G.
Haines against Fred G. Haines, deser
tion : Bertha V. Anthony against Hor
First Annual Ball
Of Local Press Club
On Thursday Night
The first annual informal ball and Hi-
jinx given by the Portland Press dub
will be held Thursday night in both ball
rooms of the Multnomah hotel. James
H. CaaselL president of the organisation.
has been engaged with his committee ar
ranging for the affair, and he promises
something "different.'
The committee in charge is made up
of Fred J. Brady, general chairman;;
James H. Cassell. Earl R- Goodwin.
Thomas W. Gerber. O. C Letter, C C.
Chapman. Robert E. Smith. James H.
McCool, Clark H. Williams. A. E. Foss,
W. H. Galvanl. William F. Hessian,
Stanhope S. Pier, Harry Marcus. W.
E Goodwin. A. E. Campbell. Flnlay D.
McNaughton, James B. Devitt, A. E.
Wellington. Charles N. Ryan. J. C
Toohey and Manuel TJrquides.
Thieves, Again Busy,
Enter Many Places;
Boys Join in Banks
Thieves entered the Chanslor & Lyon
Auto Supply company, at Eighth and
Flanders streets. Sunday night or Mon
day morning, and stole two electric
bench erinders valued at 322a. A rear
window was broken.
Ray Haddox, proprietor of a woman
barber shop at 43 North Sixth street.
reported to the police that a purse
hidden in a phonograph at her establish
ment had been opened and 365 taken.
Tbe thief left $10 in the puree.
Between $30 and $40 worth of cigar
System of . Power . , -Company
By Some Mishap
The entire light and power system of
the Portland Baa way Light - Power
company waa disturbed about 11 o'clock
this morning when aOme trouble of un
determined nature developed oa tha
hlrh tension 60,000 volt line running
from Cakadero to Portland.
Elevators, street cars and the lighting
system supplied with power-by the P. R.
L. A P. were out for about 15 minutes.
while some of the east aide districts
were narataraed for a longer period.
Officials of the company expreaaea
the opinion that either- a limb from a
tree fell over the line or an Insulator
on one of the towers broke down, , Line
men were hunting for the trouble.
Spurns Wood-Pile; '
Jaued for Montn
Nell Maxwen. - high-toned Tax who
spurns the low Ufa of tha city woodyar.
wELl be entertained with ail hia pampered
taatea at the city Jail for tba next 3t
days. Maxwell waa arrested Saturday
night by Patrolmen Fair and j season.
erta nnri pandv was atfllen bv bovS Who
ace G. Anthony. Georgia Correll against entered the store of J. F. Fleming, 2904
cnaries l. uorreii ana may LUiard I Fiftieth street southeast. Entrance was
, 0
gained by breaking a window.
Four men who pleaded guilty
municipal court Monday afternoon
charges of vagrancy were discharged by
Judge Rossman when it was learned that
they came to Portland to eiilst in the
army. In addition they were given meal
City of Seattle Is
Bobbed of $200,000
Seattle. Jan. 24. (XT. P.) Sweeping
investigation of the $3,200,000 Skagit
bond sale in which the city is alleged to
have been robbed of nearly $200,000. waa
ordered by the city council yeaterday
afternoon. February 17 was fixed aa the
date for the hearing.
ciflo Railway company and affiliated
organisations will be aivan nnnnrtunllr
to buy shares of the capital stock of Humboldt street, waa knocked down by
-the company, beginning February L ac- an automobile driven by Harold E.
cording to announcement made Monday Crass. 12J1 Delaware avenue. Fredeen
afternoon by John M. Scott, general waa badly lacerated about the face. He
paaaengcr agrnt of the lines In Oregon, waa treated at the emergency hospital.
following receipt of advice from Wll-1 Drlrlag While Drank Charged '
Ham Sproule, president of the company. I mama of driving while intoxicated and
Tha company plans to permit the em- I carrying concealed weapons were placed
ployra to pay for the stock by easy In- I against Paul E. McDonald. 29. who was
eiaiimema. arrested Monday by Patrolmen nununs-
Beji Rtteru to ftckoot After spending ton and Hatch , at Third and Burnside
the raid-year holidays at home, five streeta Archer McMuran. who was rid-
Portland boys have return l to the lng with McDonald, was charged with
Moran School on Balnbrldge k.lano, being drunk.
tuget Sound. The boys are Hmi.Lj.. Ctaema Day Before Ad Clab Sandy
Hates, Paul Dermoid. Malcolm Holme. a screenland News will do the filming.
KiiMiell Roberts and William Scott. The Frank McCrillis will preside and others
Moran school, although only In their representing the cinema industry of the
righth yrar. have trained boys from all I Northwest will relate its accomplish-
it the coaat states, a number from the nients and prospects at the luncheon of
middle wrat'and aeveral from the At- the Ad club in the Benson hotel, Wednes
tantic states. day noon. Monte Austin will sing with
Rkt Rales Red se1 Rates on rice and Bob Werachkul as accompanist,
rice products moving over tranacontl- To Address Oregon Social Workers
nenlal railroads will be reduced 10 per At the weekly luncheon of the Oregon
-ent to ronform to the reductions made Social Workers' association, which will
rect-iiiiy on trin products, according to be held at the Seward hotel, on Wed
advlce received Monday by J. IL Mul- nesday, January 25, at noon, Francis H.
rhav. general freight arent of the McClean. field director of American
Southern Pacific company. Authority Aaaoclatlon for Organising Family
ww til be asked the Interstate commerce Social Work, will apeak.
commission to publish the lower rates on waw president Elected F. O. Brock
short nolle. The reduced rates will ma waa elected president of the perma
eiplre June 30. nently organised University Park Corn
rear Ceagar Hides for Boaaty A munity club at a meeting Monday night
shipment of four cougar hides was re- attended by 150 residents of the district,
celved at the headquarters of the state Other Officers elected : A. H. Brown.
" game commission Monday from the vice president; George F. Mahoney, sec
coast country. This Is the largest ship- rotary, and E. J. Fully, treasurer,
ment received by the commtsaion for Fred Awes Betaras Fred Ames, as
more than a year. Three hides were giatant district forester In charge of for
sent In by Reed Haldlng of Mist and management, has returned from a
one by Wallace Edaon of Blaine for VMka visit at hia old home at
the state bounty. I gperiCer Maaa. Ames stopped at Boul-
laatlgraats Barred Immigrants until I der Springs. Mont, on his return trip to
neit July are excluded from Greece, I attend a meeting of the supervisors of
... . .... . . . . I - , . . 1
j ugo-siavia. roiana, rortugai. spain, the Northern itocay awunuuo uiolt.u
Andora, Gibraltar. Lichensteln. Malta,
Memel. Monaco, San Marino, Iceland,
Palestine. .Syria. Turkey, Persia.
Rhodes. Cyprus. Africa, Australia and
New Zealand, according to Immigration
Inspector R.-P. Bonbam. who haa Just
received quota.
Cerretseadeare Coarse for Officers
The Nlncty-aUth division la offering a
correspondence course to its reserve
corps efftceca. according to Colonel P.
Whit worth, to be conducted from the
against Charlie Lillard. cruelty.
Fine Breaks Man;
Taken as Vagrant
M. C. Sherwood, arrested by Patrol
man Short Saturday on a charge of checks to last them until Headquarters
vagrancy, after he had been discharged I open today. The men gave their names
two days before from the city Jail, where as Kern Jones, Walter Withnch. Sam
he had been serving out part of a fine I Gunk and Emil Moog. They said they
for violating the prohibition ordinance, I were from Montana.
was discharged by Judge Rossman
Monday afternoon. Sherwood, it was I "WASTED AT EUGENE
brought out, had paid out nis enure pnlininh riftn in Rixren on a
wealth of $29 on his fine, and thereby 1 cnarge of burglary, was arrested at
gained his liberty from the JaiL "I Fifth and Glisan streets Monday by
believe the court waa a contributing TE,tnr t and Mailett of the nolice
factor in thla case," said the judge aa department. He is being held for Eugene
uie prisoner wan msciuirscu. i authorities.
Party Guests Pay
$10 Each in Court
After other residents of the building
had patiently remained awake until 2
o'clock Sunday morning while four
noisy persons staged a party in one of
the apartments, someone turned in a
complaint to police, who arrested Ray
Bums. Larry Hyland, Etta Owens and
Frank Miller at 354 Hawthorne ave
nue, on charaes of disorderly conduct.
Miss Owens, police declare, bore a black
eye as witness of the hilarity. Municipal
Judge Rossman assessed a fine of $10
each against the offenders.
on the way pick up
a mess of them. No
one was ever sorry
they ate these rich lit
tle dainties. Richest
nerve and brain food
known t Voltage!
after they bad seen him bee from aev
eral persona, according to testimony ia
court Monday afternoon. PoUea aay
that ha haa . bee tn vast Iga, ted lor
vagrancy before. . A ejutaalns- by Jade
p raveaUed that be preferred to
remala away from tba municipal yard
.na take a cbaaea calal&c hia livelihood
v. nia nara iuck awry, n
waa glvaa aaya. .
rvmav Jan. St. Th levee robbed tbe
Harrta Barber aho of (SO aad took $34
mA m. hint book from tba home of
John, tba tailor.
Free Slides
You furnish the name
and .
we furnish the shoes
Send us a good name for a shoe store and
be one of the three people who will win
their choice of any pair of O'Donntll
Bench'Mad SAoes.
If only one person sends the name
chosen, a pair will be given each of sec
ond choice.
some -names
Flick Shoe Co.
112 Fourth Street
Jan. 31st
At All Dealers
Where Cigars
Are Sold
Milton, Jan. 23. Mrs. Henry Hop
kins, elderly resident of the district
south of Milton, in a fall from a bed
suffered a fracture of a leg above and
below the knee.
F. L Stredy painter. 260 Nartilla
::-.-., fell 12 feet from a ladder on
tthih' h, v. as working at Eaat Eight
eenth and Thompson streets Monday
evening, and suffered fractures in both
legs. He was taken to St. vincenuj ik-
pitaL Stredy is si years oiu.
-oii!s Jan. 24. Fire destroyed the
residence and household furniahlnfrs of
Me. and Mrs. H. C. Halt OI tfioageii.
wtiile thv were here on business trip,
Thru children, ran cine from 8 to 14
years, had been left at home but es
caped uninjured.
Husband Wants Dress
He saw her eyes slowly filling
with tears. "Don't," he gently
pleaded, "you've got nothing to
cry for. Even if you did overhear
Mrs. Cox saying how awful you
looked in that dress you mustn't
feel badly. You said yourself you
hated it. I've been trying to get
you to buy some new clothes in
stead of spending all the money on
the children. Why don't you get
one of those new taffetas or satins
that we saw in Cherry's windows?
They are having a big Pre-lnven-tory
sale and just think, tomorrow
they are going to sell 32.50 val
ues in dresses for 19.75. So by
ail means go to Cherry's tomor
row. Cherry's now have the en
tire Second Floor at Park and
Morrison entrance. 349 Morrison,
center of block. Take elevator.-Adv.
Talk It Over
at the '
Sntpmat lintel
Colaatbla Stages (Formerly kaowa as
Sbepard Aate Bas Llaes) Fortlaad
Hood Elver dlvlalea Service temporar
ily discontinued on account of snow
drifts on the highway. Resumption of
service will be announced in this space.
Phone Main 1L Adv.
Jawatt Goes to BeadStanley G.
Jewett. in charge of predatory animal
work of the United States biological sur
vey, left Monday night for Bend and
Redmond, where he win inspect me
training center of the Ninth corps area. I coyote poison- lines being run through
Whltwortn has already received numtr- i the ieschutea rational iotou
oua applications tor enrollment in the
course, which win require ti nourr
work to complete.
Reed Taleat at Baker Toolfkt The
Reed college quartet will render several
aelectlona aad Miss Anna Nllson of the
physical education department will ap
pear in aeveral dance features at the
Baker tonight In conjunction with the
I Mad of the finest cream
1 ery butter crisp and flaky
1 Palm Leaves 80c dozen
1 Patty Shells 70c dozen
j Cheese Straws. . .30c dozen f
1 Banana Cream Loaf I
I 2 for 25c j
Napoleon Slice 1
2 for 25c
Dutch Cream Slice
2 for 25c
Eccles Cakes
3 for 25c
126 Tenth St
i 127 Broadway
Only $1 Down
to have a Radiantfire delivered, installed, piped and
connected ?
It does seem impossible, but is a fact, nevertheless,
just for a day or so.
Get yours at the Gas Co.
Don't Delay.
! gl!Sire
I! '4
"This Weather Suits
Me Fine".
A i
, My Pkeaes Aral . y
V Mala JM y
I w Altesi. Hl-H
lliiiHilh :! ti1-
M -.?(M1- '
"!; r I - i- J
MeElveea to Talk aa Oeaoa HeeUag
A review of the economic conference to
he held in Genoa. Italy. In March will
he the tonie of Dr. W. T. McElveena
lecture Thursday evening in the parlors
of the First Congregational enure n.
Xeek Trial for -Treasoa" The Uni
versity of Oregon Expression club, port
land Center, will hold a mock trial of
Robert Simmav accused of "treason" to
tbe club, at room A Public library, at S
p. m. Saturday.
School Books, bought, sold and ex
changed. Hymnd'a Old Book store. 204
Fourth street, between Taylor and
Salmon. Adv,
rertlaadoSalem-Albaay Leaves stage
depo'u Park and Tamhiu, every hour
from 7 a. m. to 1 p. m. Fare, IL50.
Main HI L Adv.
PartlaadKewberg Bas Leaves Stage
depot. Park and Tarn hill, daily, , SO
11 a. m. and 1. XJ0. 4J5. 6:0. :30
p. m. Saturday and Sunday, 11 :15 p, jo.
Main Mil. Adv.
' rertlaad-Tiriaaieok CadOuva Stage
Staa-a depot. Park and Yamhill ata, dally
at US a. m. and 1p.m. Special arrange
ments mad for fishing parties. Main
Mil. Adv. .
Feet Hart! See our foot specialist.
X-ray service free. ' Knight Shoe com
pany, Morrison near Broadway. Adv.
' fttr. America St. Helena via Columbia
river, J:J p. m. dally; 11 a. m. Sun
day. Alder sL dock. Main Wli. Adv.
,' Thieved Tap Fbaae Bex Telephone
cash box thieves added another -victim
to their list Monday - sight when they
still being sold during
Atiyeh Bros.' annual
sale at price reductions that
will astonish you.
Chinese ruts, Saruks, Dozars,
Hamadans, etc, in all sizes, as
well as room-size carpets, in
cluded. A wonderful oppor
tunity to furnish your home.
Atiyeh Bros.
; Oriental Rugs
Alder at Tenth
THE particular,
tlie fastidious,
the "hard to please"
will find the sort of
service they seek in
the Prescription De
partment of Naus.
A Complete
ri.. 1
' r
Tomorrow that eternal promise and warning
stands veiled and hidden in the shroud of today's
worry and toil. A promise of opportunity and ,
success, or the unnoticed warning of disappoint
ment and failure. What does it hold for you? It
must be the one or the other!
Are you prepared to make the most of Tomor
row's promise? Have you the essential financial
backing with which to act when called upon ?
Open a Savings Account here TODAY and pre
pare to answer Tomorrow's call of opportunity!
(Open Saturday evenings 6 to 8)