THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY L 1- t HOWOR OMR CHANGE IFlood of Silver Coins U Wanted h B'i ' Wilson Foundation Makes Appeal Hew MaitWBiiig .!l PARKING LAW Another change in ta city traffic w slaanc ha b suggested by Corerpls-1 UonjL ioner John li. Mann ana win o pro nt4 to th council Wednesday. The tmn4mMt prohibit parking on th south half of Jefterson street, between Tlitrd and Fourth streets, and on Park and TamhtU streets, -near tho runway of th Oregon Acta Stage terminal. ' Tho prohibition or parking on Jener on waa aaked by tho Souiaora Pacific company on tho ground that machine parked on that aid of tho street aro In danger ot being damaged ty tho over hang of tho big lnterurban ears. Tho Tamhlll and Park street claus pro - nnti parking betwn Tamhlll and Taylor on Park tret and between Park and Broadway on Tamnui street in lo to bo don to facilitate operation of tho auto atageo leaving tho terminal Th ordinance aloo prohibit parking on tho bridge acroaa tho WtllametU river and their approach. It prohib Ua parking In Ankeny street, between Park and Broadway, and between Sixth treat and th WHlamett river. IDA POB WISE WCKTClPAt f EOJKCTH AHKCD BY AUDITOR Bid for nine projects, on wer and aivtit itNt imDrovements. were asked fnr thla morning by Oeorg R. Funk, city aodltor. Tho bids wilt b opened by tho auditor at It o'clock on tho morn ing of Kebrnar I. -;v i1 . ' The street Improvements -for whlen bid ar requested are: Fenwlck street from Bryant to Bnffato treet, Wrgant street from Delawsr to Oay street. Kast Thirty-fifth street from Hawtnorn ave noo to Belmont street, llalaey street rrotn Kast Third street to Union ave nue. East Twenty-eeoond street from Bumsldo to Couch Ueet, East Eighty seventh street from Ollsan treet til feet north, and Kast Thirty-ninth street from Woodward aveno - to Division street Th ' sewer construction project la for th sewer In Junior atrott from ast Thirteenth to Twenty-second street. Dimes, quarters, fifty-cent pieces and dollar. ' -' Tho "Wood row WUson Foundation committee wants a whole flood of them. Tho flying squadron of th Oregon committee, headed by Dr. C. J. Emttk, also wants a, fJoclc of larger subacrlp- All th committees of. the. "Woodrow Wilson Foundation united today In asking that offering to the Foundation be mad at once, so that there shall bo no interference with th Community Cheat campaign, next week. ; "We hare an opportunity to mak a proud record for Oregon In th Wood- row Wilson Foundation, and to e trlbut la a privilege,", said Dr. Edward It Pence, pastor of Westminster Pres byterian church. Dr. Pence Is going to giv all th ministers of Oregon oppor tunity to b represented In th fund. "To have a part In awards that recog nlse distinctive achievement in democ racy, peace through Just to and human welfare that I a part of our-mission." -J aid he. Not th coupon published below.' Take pencil or pen, fill ltut with name and address and amount' of contribu tion. Fnclose coin, but or check. Send It to the Wood row wuaon foundation. ear Lumbermen' Trust company bank, or lv it at the bank, Broadway and Oak streets. It will answer roll call tor you as one : present -. among th friend of Woodrow Wilson, a believer in the Wilson ideals. Subscription to the Woodrow Wilson Foundation , acknowledged today , . in clude: -I. . ' , Louis I. Hers, the Rev. E. H. Pence, O. S. Smith, Frederick V. Holman. Mr. Mary Teal. C. O. Bloomqulst. May Bloomqulst. Mrs. ttoselU Bloomqulst. W. ' H. Games, Andrew and Jennie L. Sherwood. John W. Boyd. O. W.' Allen, E. B. Gambee, Mrs. E. B. Gambee. N.A. Poery. Mr and Mrs." C. ,W. Tahner, Francis F. Jaench,. A." G.: MeGuffey, Portland . W. O. Benthln.1; Camas, Wash.; W. J. McCredle, Forest Grove; Minnie K. Alen, Amboy. Wash. ; A. J. Hobble; Oregon City; T. J. Wodekind. Monmouth; Mrs. C Wallace Mercer, North Powder: F. I Hart, Glendale; O. W. Train. Rogue River; Lofty I Bllyeu. Albany; .Chris Holler and N. P. Peterson. Myrtle Point; JV M. Cole Halfway. WOODROW WILSON FOUNDATION, Lumbermen Tnut Company Bank Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen? inclosed find ..... . for Woodrow Wilson Foundation fund. Pleis tend certificate of membership to tag under signed at the following, address: Wrecking operation were begun Mon day on the old frame atrncture occupy tog the site-of the propose fireproof wbolesal . market .'; Jbuildin; t the Gardners', and Ranchers association on the block bounded by East Third. Main and Madison street and Union avenue, The buildins being wrecked were erect ed bv the association 16 years ago at a cost of approximately 130.000 and the 2M by JOt foot block purchased by the association in 1906 for 110,000 is valued at $80,000. Th first shovel of earth for the new market was turned Saturday. Th build ing will be of reinforced concret con struction, two stories In height with basement. Retail "tores will occupy the Union avenue front and the balance of the space will be ilsed for storage and for wholesale marketing purpose, von ot the bulldmr U estimated at $225,000. Plans were nrenared by W. W. Lucius and construction work is in charge of Robert Paysee. . Ex-service . men and head of famUIes will be given preference in employment, for wrecking and con struction work, according to Joe Flgiidv manager ot th Gardener and Ranchers' association. Suicide Daughter of Pioneer Lumberman; Estate Share Lost Name ;.. .;. h, . ... ..... . . . ..... ftTREET AHD aCWKB . FOR TEAK COST $5.71t,144 fttreet and ewer construction for th Mural year ending November at coot $1,710,744. according to th annual re port Tied thla morning by R. E. Kream er. chief of the bureau of construction. The number of mil of work don was -Th amount Of work don during th aiMad ta thut already expended. makes th cumulative cost of street snd ewer work don In the city since m totsl $44.71.&03. Th toUl mileage Is 444.19. Street extension proeeedlnrs were car . ried out that added t-99 miles of atreet to th city during the year. Thla was don at a cost of $141,280.12. Aberdeen. Wash.. Jan. 24. Mrs. Fern L. Sherwood, who- committed suicide In New York, was rthe only daughter ot the late Captain" J. M. Weatherwax, nioneer lumberman here, who left a large fortune in which she shared. Cliff . .. 1 1 M. Weatherwax. lumberman of this city Address l gan Francisco, whose wife figured recently in a sensational arrest In Port land, is a brother. Mrs. Sherwood's marriage here years ago was a brilliant social affair -but was followed 11 years ago by a divorce. After her divorce she became a I a Christian Science healer. Much Of the fortune left her, It is understood here, was dissipated by bad investments. Mark Sherwood, her divorced husband. was prominent here In lumber circles and In city affairs. He now lives in San Francisco. . , , lmpmi ...... Ul. Oty. State Make checks to Woodrow Wilson Foundation, Lumbermen Trust Company bank, Broadway and Oak streets. Portland, Oregon, Wednesday afternoon at-1 o'clock. Rev. F. E. Reddlck of Fellda officiating. . Knrs lit whos who University of Oregon, Eugene, Jan. 24. Nine university faculty members ap pear in "Who's Who In America.' They are President P. L. Campbell. Dr. James D. Bamett. Ir. Timothy Cloran, th. K. G. Schmidt, Dr. H. D. Sheldon, Dr. W, D. Smith, rrofessor P. G. Young. Dr. George Rebec and Dr. H. B. Torrey. mum WM WEDNESDAY- Boardman Merchant Wins, 'Insurance on. Store After Fight - i V- Thouch William Raskin once eoh- V fessed to burning his store at Board m.n. Or- March 20. 1920. he waa freed h ha stood trial on th charg t arson, and ha capped the climax this week by securing a verdict In Circuit Jd fUapleton' court Monday for $3i00 Insurance money from th Liver pool. London a Globe Insurance corn ea nr. Haakln had amlrned hi right to the insurance to th adjustment bureau of th Portland Association of Credit Men. ahlch AToaecuted th case for him. Be side th $2500, th verdict included $175 for attorney' feea According to Haaklns' testimony, he I waa badgered Into making th original confession that he set fir to the Board man store. Tom Garland, who repr entsd him in th anon trial and so- ured th verdict of not guilty, also rep resented htm m th present civil case. John Collier waa counsel (or th insur ance, company. All Articles We Are Offering Are Certainly Great Bargains $ .00 11 DAY FIRST, SECOND AND ALDER STREETS DAY WOMEN'S SLIPPERS Felt slippers with leather or J I 1111 Uucvi vmo ovics. muici a. ua trimmed Juliets or low cut with pom poma Broken Rises. Values to $149. Wednesday special $1.00. No refunds. No exchanges. li WOMEN'S SP&TS Q0 Wool felt, kersey cloth and moleskin spats. Many dif ferent colors to select f torn. Values to $3.29 Wednesday special $1.00. - v- m Kailroads Improved ' Under U. S. Control, Says W D. Hines Washington. Jan. 14. (L N. 8.) Walker D. Ulne. former dlrector-gn- ral of raUroada, unequivocally denied today that th nation' railroads were I "brokaa down' whan th government turned thorn back to private ownership la ms. lllneg declared befor th senat In terstate eommsro eommltt that, on th contrary, government control had resulted In tre proved equipment, better torsi and nor all round efficiency. "They were in much better shape when returned than when th govern ment took them over,1 I lines said. 27 Inch 49x39 Turkish Bath Percales Towels ZmT 42x39 Inch . Bleached Pillow Cases . 51.00 p' 1 "36 Inch Unbleached MUSLIN 7Yds- 51 .00 CAPTA1 CIBClkt MOTHER DIES Vanoavr. Wash- Jan. 14. Ura Ra- ehel Circl of Fellda, died at St. Joseph hoepltal Monday. Sh ha resided near reiMa for 4 years, and waa th widow ef Daniel ft Circle. Fho I survived by two sons, Oeorg P. Orel of Vancouver and Captain 1L A. Circle of th Port lend pnlto fore, and two daughter. Mr. John Seott of Pelida and Mrs. lioyt of Vnouvr. Th funeral will be held at th Knapp'a funeral parlors Dr. Risk Health Underwear MEN'S FLEECED LINED UNION SUITS .00 Jl Sold regularly for 32.45 CHILDREN'S PLAY SUITS 2 T Blue denim or khaki colors, trimmed in red galatea. Sires 1 to 10. BOYS GOLF SHIRTS 2for 31 .i)0 White Madras or Striped Percales. French cutis. Sizes -12 to 14. 2 QUART ALUMINUM Doners syiooo Hogular SL43 values, j Ko deliver ies or C O. D.'s oa 'these dollar specials. . . . 'i TREE PRUNING SHEARS 11 .CO Excellent bargain. No C O. orders on these specials. ; WHITE . v. ENAMEL 51 .00 Quart Regular JLS0.- Special Wednesday only.- No CX- O, D.'a. or deliveries on mess specials. , Vhea this store finished with inventory after the first of the year we fouod ourselves with at least $60,000 more stock than we should have. That's SHOES enough for a-lot of people!. We'll NEVER get that sixty thousand back, either. . I'm "ordered to SELL that many shbes out of the stock, but the store will lose a couple of years' profit vhile I'm doing it, because thei;e are;THOUSANDS OF PAIRS marked to g6 for only a fractibn of theii" original cost. Women's $4.00 to $10.00 . Pumps and Oxfords n .60 Women's $5.00 to $10.00 Shoes1 Women' Strap Rubbers 30 c Men's' Storm Rubbers 75c Women's SJlk' Hose 90c Men's $5.00 Shoes $.30 $11 .90 Women's $5.00 to $10.00 Pumps and Oxford $n,60 Women's $5 to $10 Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps $.60 Boys' $4.00 School Shoes $2.80 Misses' $3.50 School - Shoes $2.60 Child's Shoes 4 to 8 75c Children's Scuff ers 4 to 10J $1.00 Men's $6 to $7.50 Shoes .60 $4. Men's $850 to $12 Shoes $.30 Men' $7.50 to $9 Shoe m $&.30 1 1 Yomea's to $10 Values Women's $7 to $12 Yalnes . J5 Women's ' 8to $12 Yalnes '6 Hen's to 5 York Shoes J3 Hen's '3 Scont Shoes . . . TUMttiA 19 Qh illCU d U IU 1 UUUVO In referring to regular prices, I mean the regular price NOW, not war time price. This store has kept in step with the downward trend. . ta me KaoekMt, "F.EKT FEEE' ALASKA PINK SALMON Wb. Tan Can CAHS: DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE No. 2Va Can r ZJ CAHS STANDARD CORN' : : Limit 10 Can Corner 4th . andr Alder fro C. W. SHTVELY, for n 5: ft nf ilEI5)VllClL The Bargain Spot of: Portland" A- Corner 4th and Alder TUESDAY. JANUARY! 24, 1U22. "PEACE IS III SIGHT THE OREGON , DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. OREGON. New Cars Dazzle at 1922 Auto Show 1 ESm mm Walsli;Deiiiand for' . Faction Shantung King Constantine. ; rEectedtoQiiit Girl Wanted for f Death; of: Mlnde 4. i nrniippn niAiMii-n a