; TUESDAY, JANUARY H. 1922. ! Mil PRODUCTS F DISPLAY SEiOII F Ml INDUSTRIES - Realms ot Oregon's Industrial empire will appear , all-eticompaastng to thorn whe -rtalt the pn room of tho Oregon building titls Nk u4 tow the Oregon homo ertlblt, which hu been irrupd through tho concerted effort of ap proiWnately 10,000 organised wonea of Portland. The modal bungalow room exhibit, sponsored by tho Portland Federation of Woman'a Oraniti AM Wmsa AnabtlaWf Informally at noon Monday and at th iain ei o cinca in tne aner- rmnn Oowmcr Olcott and other ataU official were n attendance. This exhibit, la the flrat on record "f an attempt haa been made to dls- vr m completely . equipped borne, with ovary neeeaaKy and luxury manufac- tared In Oregon, There ar fire rooms In tho display and each la completely imniinw in artistic style. IHSDSTKIES DEPICTED The exhibit seta forth tn fu-t .. Oregon Induatrlea produce 15 per cent of everything that entera Into Interior furnishing and that the average home owner doea not have to buy thing that p are not produced wiuiin the boundaries or the state. Advertising is not being aismayea. in connection with the exhibit. to make the exhibit women's organisations of the city have joinea nana to back the efforts of the , Oregon Industries committee of the fed oration of which Mrs. H. C Uodgkins ' la chairman. In arranging the exhibit. Committees) headed by Mrs. Kathryn Coffleld ' and lira. Anmtim WnA lected the furnishings with the cooper- uon 01 tne exhibit committee of the , Associated Industries of Oregon, of Which R. B. Bain Jr. is chairman. The five model rooms occupy the en tire length of the green room and there la a bedroom, kitchen, parlor, living room and sunroom. PE0DCCT8 DISPLAYED On the aixth flnne nf t k ing another room has been equipped to npiwrai a model uregon products tore, and Jta shelves are crowded with products rqanufactured In thla state. An of the grocery products will be given awaV durinv the Week. Ptlu Ar.miinm , contests will be held each afternoon at 4 o'clock and each evening at o'clock. Invitations have been sent broadcast over ins city ana state by the federation and the AMnrlafaH Iru1ii.tri house will be kept every afternoon and evening-, aacn day a number of worn en's organisations will have charge of .l-' fared by the Associated Induatrlea to ": the Chlb havtn the mitut narr.ni of Its membership present during the week. The clubs assigned to the exhibit to day were all Parent-Teacher aasocla- . aity Women, Big Sisterhood and Catho Uo Woman's league. Tuesday the clubs assigned are: I 'set Matrons' Martha Washington cVub. Monday Musical club Mount cott Mental Culture club. New Century club. Overlook Woman's club and Lavender club branch 1. DI5XEJI AND PXSCB , 'Programs of eof 1X1 functions have been arranged for tosh, evealng, with various clvto clubs In ehargaC. Tonight the com mittee of 100 will have rharre of a din ner and dance. Mualaal and theatrical numbers have been furnished for enter- talumenL and Informal dancing will be held to muslo furnlshsd by the 1X111 Mlll tary academy orchestra. Tueaday nlrM the federation will hold Ita annual Tiome products banquet. Wednesday night the Ad club will hold a dinner t dance. Thursday the Women's Advertising club and the Business and Professional Women's club will have charge of the program, and Friday the Associated Industries will arrange some special features.' Jloosevelt's Widow Arrives in Berlin With Son, Archibald y - (ly TJalrenal gerrlne) Berlin. Ian. 14. Mrs. Theodore Roose velt, widow of the late colonel, accom panied by her son. Captain Archibald, arrived In Berlin Monday and registered at the Adlon hotel. Thla la the first visit of Mrs. Roose velt to Oennany since the spring of 1910. when she came here to meet the colonel , npon hla return from his expedition into Africa, Upon that occasion Emperor WUhelm gave Colonel Roosevelt a grand review of the troops as a special mark of favor. The emperor's plan to entertain Col onel and Mrs. Roosevelt lavishly and put them np at the palace waa Inter- fared with liv the mnAAmn rit iti - - . " " " V . V411 Edward, which forced the kaiser's court to go into mourning ana cancel an en tertainment plana The Mnln to Oerntan Af th fnm... v president's widow, who lost her son. vvenun, on me wast front, causes no UtUa surprise here both In government and puhUa circles, There la .much specu lation as to the purpose of the visit Mrs. Roosevelt today denied herself .to all press representatives and kept In her f apartments. Booty Amery of Boston, third secretary . of the American embassy, and a German army captain and daughter were the only callers today. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND OREGON. FURNISH YOUR BUNGALOW AT HOME C - -s2 - f ( i : . - m nm . T ii" - i iniiiiimMiwiiSiiiiiAI"J," W If 'JW - TL!""'r f 25 v A"i - ;Vtl!x. ' mmmmml4 -';-; ' -, r- -S ! M; -.'"- ; x.-ic "- ' -v - - 't-. U.S. CHAMBER TO ; 3 oiiBSn '3- ,"BBBBBBBB"BB"""aMMVMaBBBBSBBBaaaBaaSBBBBSBaSSBBBBBBBBBBSEHBBSVBBV Exhibit ahowlns Oregon-made furnishings In sample bungalow at Chamber of Commerce, every article of furnl tore and eqnipment being obtainable from factories of city and state. My Word, Earl of Essex Heads Comedy To Get Amusement (By Cnitnd Neva.) London Jan. 24. The titled friends and relatives of Algernon George Devere Capel, eighth earl of Essex, are drop ping their monocles In amazement at what his grace has been a-doln' of these last few daya. His grace haa been touring villages ZTn BtUy near Bodenham. at the hA 5 XtSS m.en. .f th.e. forest service. troupe of musical comedy performers, recruited from the common people of Bodenham. With a laborer as the senti mental tenor, and a gardener as the villain, and the sons and daughters of farmers completing the cast, the earl has been the star, featuring his favorite songl "Every Little Girl Can Teach Me Something New." "I need amusement,' said the earL The police can do nothing about It Old-Time Woodsman Of Northwest Dies In St. Jtad, Minn. K. C Erlckson, one of the most pic turesque and best known man In lumber circles of the Pacific Northwest, . and Lake states, where he scaled logs for the Indian arv(. . entered the forest service In 1909. died Saturday at the home of his daughter in St. Paul, Minn. Erlckson was a woodsman of the type now fast disappearing. He spent the greater part of bis life In the forest- He joined the district office of the forest service in Portland In 1909, and as check scaler and inspector of the govern ment timber sales throughout Oregon, Washington and Alaska, he came to be known by lumbermen over the entire Northwest. Until a year and a half ago, when he suffered a fall while working on a tim ber scale. Erirksnn In .nit. n t. t --. - j j . j cai d, was one of the most sturdy and active men oi me lorest service. The fall, which kept him In the hospital several weeka. was tha lwHiminv f hi. m . i.l a uij aix UCIUUl which became serious about six months ago, and which forced his retirement from the forest service slightly more than a month ago. On December 19 he left Portland with his daughter for St Paul, where his illness became worse. Hardening of the arteries was the cause of his death. He was about 64 years old. Rural Route From Corbett Extended Washington, Jan. 24. (WASHING TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL,) Representative McArthur has been noti fied by the postoffice department of ex tension of service on rural route No. 1 ?rI;LofT?orbett for J mlle8- to include vista House. Route No. 5; out of Port land, will also be extended three miles iv nwommaaaie additional patrons. Arbuckle May Not Take Stand During His Second Trial stoE1 San Francisco, Jan. 24. Courtroom spectators may be robbed of the thrills of hearing Roscoe (Fatty) Arbuckle give his personal version for a second time of his Labor day party and the events which led up to the death of Vir ginia Rappe, with responsibility for which he Is charged. The defense admitted today that the action of the state in starting to read the entire transcript of Artmckle's tes timony at the first trial into the record of the second trial may result in a deci sion not to call Arbuckle as hla own star witness. The 'state started reading the tran script late yesterday after taking testi mony of a newspaper reporter who had talked to Arbuckle before the comedian first came to San Francisco on the day following Miss Rappe's death. The state desired to show alleged discrepancies be tween the story the reporter said Ar buckle told him and Arbuckle's story told from the witness stand. Washington, Jan. 21 SWASHING- TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL)- barry in February the national oomv-fl of the United States Chamber of Com merce will meet in Washington to" for mulate a program for "dealing with the railroad situation,- with the Idea, it is atated. of leaving the Eoch-Cummlna transportation act untouched, but sur Kesting that further legislation may be needed. - - According to the announcement Issued by the chamber. "Vomo hn,in.i drift towards government ownership m.ua operation unless there can be worked out some plan by which the roads can be put on a self-supporting; basis. They feel that the tranmrnrtatinn act should be given a longer trial, and mat attempts which are toeing made In congress to amend the act. if successful, will nrecinitate a. crixia vho - It Impossible for the roads to continue unaer private management" HAT BE DECEPTIVE Doubt Is expressed that mint i v.n road earnings shown thus far may not nave Deen gained at the expense of proper maintenance, nn h-f k....-. - deferred maintenance the roads may not w iar oui or tne woods as the in creases m tne naiance sheets might iln dicate. There Is considerable -ferment In con gress over the railroad question, mani fest in speeches calling for reductions in freight rates and for changes In the la Follette Is lead- thttt tVl Mt. M.trU. rule of the act hA rtrws14 an v. - - - - - we inter state commission will not be required to fix rates that will yield a reasonable re- .urn on a valuation found by tho com mission. LA FOLLKTTE DISPUTES VALUE Although such a value has been found bv the commiminn vhlxh lM a bers is 19,000.000,H0. La Follette'a con tention is mat no true valuation can be had on oreaent data a rH v.o . VUC VIU- miSSlOn hajl hwn fnmul n f. rr . or in large measure, the book values of uie rauroaas. wnicn he asserts are six or seven DUiion dollars too much. Commissioner Henry C. Hall recently denied that the commission had tajen u raiiruau a iigure8. in a hearing be tore me senate interstate commerce committee, ne said that while the val uation work of the commission is far from - complete, it has working data of enormous volume which it was able to one, so Its Tarnation la an mdependent work. i ji J J .-?. "-" rwnrr btllio vs as taxue '. i - The aggregate value of all the rail roads, as shown by their property tn- Testment acqponts, . la In round figures 120,000.000.00 and there la a difference of a little more than S per cent between the railroad and the commission Tarna tions. - Mr.- tlall said that the results reached bytbe commission were a com posite of maty minds, and the best judg ment that could be formed from all the evidence. Any statement that It was based on carrier property Investment accounts, ha said.. is "not defensible In AUTO THEFT CHAXGXO Kalama, Wash-, Jan. 24. Arthur Levy was returned from Heppner, Or.. Sun day, by Sheriff Hoggatt and lodged In the county Jail on a grand larceny charge. Involving an automobile. Canal Soon 5 to' BeVv 1 'Self-Sustaining,. JSaGo fny UaSad Km) . New Torlt, Jan. 14. Within a few years the Panama canal wtu be a pay ing proposition for the United States aoveramenr ' daw!MA mitm t v Morrow of the canal soae, on his ar rival nere aboard the steamship Sanu Morrow Is sjoinc to Waahrngton to confer with, the rwigTeenlonsI .appro priations committee and tne secretary Of . War. . Km tafuml tn . charges of former Canal sons employee um oe waa oommeermg in Hla attitude toward them, and that he threatened to fill their nlaoea with inmn 1 will ask eons-rasa trm it Ana ana i thU year than Ue none haa cot here tofore. Our appropriation wlB cot to 4.00o,00, neceawitatlag a big redaction la the working force.; ? - " , "WMh this appro pt aUiea . the canal wfll more than pay for ttaetf. In xe rember the tolls ware more than tLOOC 000. The canal win be mora Than self -snstamtng wtihln a few years." i i , . Says India Prepares For Gigantic? Revolt Washington, Jan. 24. U. P. A foree of L400.0M men 4s now drtlUag ta India for revolt ajrainst Brttlah rnlo. 9aiteadre N. Chose, director of the Amerlrei eora mlsaloa to promote self -roveram eat la India, aaaerted here today. OBJEcnowa TrmxEB povy Chehalis. Waatv Jan. rX. The city nornmlsstonera Monday rejected bjee tlona to reasaesalng National arcane improvement costs. AUTO THIEF JAILED Chehalis, Wash., Jan. 24. Frank Johnson was arrested on the Pacific highway south of Chehalis, charged with stealing an automobile from W. T. Hanson, who lives about two miles south of Chehalis. Hanson's son rec ognized the car Johnson was driving as his father's. Johnson was sentenced to 15 days in the county jail - ia m a tu uuo cuuuty Ja.il. 0 qP3 The Proper Topper For Any Lunch In Bottle On Draught STXSTWHZKX Portland Co. A big thing for the men of Portland Hart Schaffner & Marx Stylish all-wool Suits and Overcoats To get every man in this com munity acquainted with Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes; to get everyone acquainted with our new store; that's the reason for this unusual value -giving event. v Advance Spring Styles in Trimble and Stetson Hats Manhattan and Arrow Shirts Hart Schaffner&Marx Clothes Shoo BSL Washington at West Park Stevens Bldg. b or over 30 years Powdeir II w 11 it ill ITPP T Pff .1 1 e i e . 11 i f ur. L.r rnan or Mirrnoi- Tnfa i i II ' wa. u5uvt uaawvwa M1CU1UO II, I 1 1 ttrr T TAMO An WAWanrt 1 ' " T I I 11 XVXXiwIrltMllO Uf XrVJUlxUa ISUULrtir HYTHK riQVRRrJMPNT 11 II II f ii t 1 "aeaaaaaaammasaaw . Learn how really Golden West Cc Mrs. Housewife: Is your husband employed by an Oregon Industry? Very likely. Does your neighbor's livelihood de pend directly or indirectly on some Oregon Industry? Most likely.. Do you want your children, when the time comes, to find employment, to live and prosper in Oregon? Sure ly you do! Then do your utmost to promote Oregon's industrial advancement. The entire situation is in your hands. Is Oregon to be or not to be a prosperous state to live in? This is Oregon Industry Week. Ac quaint yourself with Oregon Prod ucts and use them demand them always. Golden West Coffee is an Oregon brand hut we solicit ' your patronage on the basis of quality for: on (Mk tfehM tut ajuML " - - . -. Qosset ' & Devers, Portland, . Oregon '.