TUESDAY. JANUARY 24, 1222. 18 THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 AMfHtCA- LART,ET HOME SELLER. liOO lnwwravae of HnM for MM. MM We ha f frntnt aawwlmerit nf homo kfnl la to nut Weak IT NECKA Mkl, wall tola yo aaak your dowa 9 Hal M Tour Berrlea, Opva Kvaalag. I'atU 0:00. in nuAnT or rrxnxT-A t:(90 UtT EASY TERMS. Big mowj T ranai bom, oa Urn grounds with fruit, at.; aewly renovated; whllo nam.l throughout; tepee try will paper, built-in ballet, Ihib-h kitchen. Um bath, 4 airy Mnom, (dlmul at. JUST thh place for a max with a BIO FAMILY. alberta $boo down! 83390 4 soft dowel A Bc Hit. B mora I'AUruKMA hoagatow. ehewry flrepiaro In living mora ; ballt-in labnr-eavtng mamlnm; 2 many Mmmm and whit, enamel bath, PRACTICAL. AUTISTIC, HOMEY hunv. K. 18tb at, Woodstock bungalow $2106 -8400 itnwal A neat, eosy room bungalow, with erery modern rrm waienr: whtto enamel plumbing; , electricity, ga: nir. fenced yard with tots ol fruit; ran: ckwa to rar. A very comfortable, bo ma il BlUa place. mA!K 1 McC.TTTRB. To But Tnur Home Realtor. AMagtoa bide, 8d L, Bet Wash. A Stark. B.lwy. 7171. NOTICE THERE 18 AS OPPORTU NITY an nor sale, fnrra for a high clua who ran arn 85O0O year. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404! HOUSES 404 UAIGUT'S ZONING SYSTEM ' gUlmexi arc expert 4n their gone. TELL VB WHAT 00 WANT Wo win fiad it for joa. xmx.kttvrrrw. WEiflTTTB -82750 Biz fiae nnu fin plumbing, fireplace, hot I Mm brat: beaatiful view, foil lot. Owner I toeting city, must aril. Mr. Wile. , HAWTHORN ROOMS $4500 t . k.it tniM thm six tin. rooms ta th large bona. Conveniently arranged Ba la exoeUent condition. Furnace, garage. Aa easy dowa payment and very ranaua terma. Mb Loadea will show you. . itetnm crrr 7 rooms -CORNER. n noma anwiuiiaira and two up: aleeping I faraaee, fireplace, ou lwm, reu m. band at.: bent ditrict Only $5500; IIOOUI will a-."- Easy pay men ta. Mr. Church. I.iFpn WnUT T ROOMS 86500 Thia txontifnl noma baa been redneed ' in I nrira fxm IMOrt - bur.a Kadrooma. 2 acta dumb-1 inc. oak floor, farnaoa. (ircplaca, wbita enamel (iniah, fnll baacmrnt, caraca a real borne, eomplata in every detail. Term. - TIKW IX)T WTLLAMBTTB HEIGHTS South Portland Snap BTOPt tOOKI LISTEN! : Ob, yea, aad think why pay rent when : $ n aaoney will buy yon- a bomef t Bare i a apaendfd aoad 11 noaa honae, "in good, clean condition, TaeanW ready to wiora right tote; nicely arraBsed to cab let part to help yon make roar par- ' mcatta if yott want to -do ao. ' Tbia home baa bath, lisbta and caa f nmaee, fire plaee, good basement, bandy to acbool, atorea, atreet ears and the bis farm tare factories. Only S4750, Small payment Mown, balanea leas than the bonae will rent for. Do not hesitate to coma Tlzht in and look this up. It ia a real snap and we want to abow it to you. Sea E. W. Hughes C07 Journal Bid. Main 2858. " TEEWnXIGEB BLVD. EXT. S2S down. S7.&0 mootbly. tor aUraetrta 0.71 of as acre of food eoil; prioa $325; 1 H aaflea irora oty limits, fine tor eUckena, bemea and rrnjr. we hits otner tract in ttaa aanw plat tine aoma of which contain ever two acre oa proportionately the aame price and tern. 7S2 CHAMBER OF f COMMERCE 5 room down. SOME EAST PAYJiENT ONES 4 room cottace, Fulton. $1500, (150 down. bungalow, Woodstock. $2775, 830U district. refuaad. Owner rnnut aelL Aak Mr. WUaa. No reasonable offer 3. R. HAIGHT. Realtor. 825-827 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. Aa excellent location for a home. ExchniTe.1 Trtv a mom hnnealow. near Reed colleee land afreet, Iiaou. auu aown; luraaueu if desired. Furnished. 5 room bungalow, in Alberta, pared atreet; 83800. $400 down. B room bungalow, Montana atreet; $3100, $600 down. 7 room dandy home, in Albert. Taeaat, $3000, S50O down. 6 room bouse in Snnnjiside. dose in; $3800 $600 down. Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Broadway 5654 Some Buy 8 rnnat hnaa. 2 lota, making 80x100; plenty f f mil and herrlHi, good neighborhood, near ear. arbnol, ateraa and new publio library,; 11350, wuk tanaa, th at, ft. E. We alaa bare 7 mom honae .with H acre pi fraoad. nt outside city limits. (1G00, wus Ala farms and email acreage tracts for aal esehaaae for city property. Robbins Realty Co. 1 4041 Hawthorn Ate, Kant 19S8. BOBB CITT K1STRICT V- $5800 CnlnebU Kangajnw, near Handy. Prtca re dured from $6500; very tmty term. You'll lent he-, to this to appreciate its true Talne. M eg those real claeay bungalows you stop to erfntre. The owner built it for his own home. 7 tie Talus ia hers, etHohitaly. InTestigate. A C'TZEPE CO. i ... XXXLTOES A INSUSAHCK WaT m aVNKagM Star Sales Service $3250' PAVED STREET $3250 6 BOOM BUNGALOW A nt donble rrmstructed bungalow, FLNB ENAMEL. FINISH, garage, full lot. (Arbor Lodge addition.) No Ken. Terms $25 per month, including interest. CL08E IN EAST BIDE A 5 room bungalow, garage, cement drive way, solid buffet, Dutch kitchen, pan try, full basement, Cnirerwl furnace, large rooms, $4250; term $30 per month and 7 per rent. PAVED STREET. NO LIENS HALF BLOCK TO CAR. STAR REAL ESTATE ft INT. CO., Bdwy. 5618. 612-13 Wilcox Bldg. $500 DOWN HAWTHORNE CAR NOW VACANT 7 rooms, with garage. This is an excellent 2 story house, with garage, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen and furnace (4 Hrimonial Urine room acroHS entire width of bouse, corner lot. lerel, with sidewalks, pared St. snd sewer improvements in ana paia ana only 2 blocks to the car. Go took at the loca tion and it you use it men see us at ducts. Corner 38tb andE. Mill sta. Hurry if you want this. Price only $6500, balance like rent. J. Ij. HABTMAN WJMI'A.M 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. LAURELHUHST 85800 A new bungalow built By one of Portland's best builders. A home of downright wotul Hnnirtriii. tha Duality of workmanship and material used, you'll find nothing like it for tne money. Large corner lot. Jual utTesusaie that's all we ak. A.C.TEEPE CO. TULALTOUS A INSURANCE ROSE CITT PARK DISTRICT VHW S ROOM BUNGALOW $4000 You'll be surprised to know what a splendid bungalow you can buy for so little money. Double Ronetrncted. hardwood floors, fireplace. I buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, wash trays, cement porcn, paring ana sewer psju. Nicely located. InTestigate. . A. C. TEEPE CO XEAXT0RS A lNSUWtMCE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 A REAL SNAP One acre, fine location, wonderful view, close in; all city conreniencea. Price $900. $45 down, balance $9 per month. Bdwy. 5317. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 SUBURBAN HOMES 406 Will Sacrifice For Quick Sale MY SUBURBAN HOME Modern bungalow type borne, consisting of large tiring room 14x28, 3 largo bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, good plumbing, screened in back porch, large front porch, full cement basement. on lot 150x100, 16 assorted bearing fruit trees. an ainoa ot oemes ana grapes, variety o roses and shrubbery, double story garage with cement floor and runs, poultry house to aeeommodata 300 bens, brooder house, plenty of Tuns, every thing in fine shape, good paint: 3 blocks to car, schools and store. I nee $4750, $1500 cash, balance easy terms. OWNER. TABOR 8SOO Dairy or Potato Farm NEAR -LEBANON ; 258-acre farm, highly improved, mostly rtrer bottom: good bnilrljng. modern dairy ban, elec tric light system. 3 aUoe, 2 Boaeea, earns; yom can xoaka good on this pise either bt the rfair kminM or notatoaa and berries, or both; all kind of dairy and potato enaehinery; price for everything. $40.00; trade dear for apart ment or store building, or both, in. amy good town, preferably Portland. COWS IMPLEMENTS CROP asmi farm 40 aerea fall eron. ax to put in. some good timber; 6 room bouse, ether farm buildings; 5 cows, 4 heifers, 65 chickens. fair team, all implements, hay and grain ta run whnol- mi md: 7 miles to Lebanon price only STOOO; take noose e. v o rooms m Portland, actual value of $4000, and give 20 VMra' time AN lamlaR-. We have many other good trades; tell w what you want and give full details m tim jenen, i:iRsns Mr. ai.VLN LEBANON "THE LAND MEN OREGOS REALTORS FOR RENT FARMS 408 10 ACRES, close to the city, with fruit and bemea. Inquire Z4 istn at. HOMESTEADS 410 COPY govt, mapa snowing Western Oregon homestead lands, SI- Our charges are rea- muhU and nr aervicea the best on tocanaaa. References given. W. J. ANPER80N. $02-4 Railway Exchange bldg.. Portland. G ACRES, in cultivation, high and sightly, lots of fruits and hemes, o room bouse, plumbing, electric lights, barn, chicken house, near Wil lamette river, paved road. 20 minutes by auto from city, walking distance to carline; $6000, $2000 down, $1000 per year. This is choice. R. M, GATKWOOD A CO.. 165 4th st. TWO improved homestead relinquish meat, join ing $30,000 fruit ranch. 80 rods to nice little town, near Oranta raas: -uuu spent ou one; running water; au plow lana: ouu ana ivu, all cash. 301 Corbett bldg. BUSINESS OrTOrmJOTTTES STORES. ETC. 5O0 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MEAT ' MARKET Splendid Utile anrat market la eaaaB : taara, about 40 mi lea from PerUand. Coaapletsly equippsd with evmcythiag aaweasary for carrying cat the) bnatnaaa. inetuding 1-toa trork; rent $30 per month, including wMders lrruaf rooms. See Mra. Albaagh. JOHN TEBGVSON. (ierlingeg bldg. WE have pleaty ml naruana aaal aatato. EXCLCSIVB LISTINGS OF TAXATK Our basiaeaa oworianitiea are peraonally ln- spacted and appraised by aa expert. We guard we nan asm ar twta wnyer and acoee wun every preoautkon. It will pay yea to visit r office. Tour time wiB not be wasted. Get your Bam oa ear aervic hat, Be F. O. Mar- aball wuh FRANK t- irarTRFi 205 Abmgtoa Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. TDird atreet between Washington and Stark. GROCERY AND BCn.DTNG WOODSTOCK DISTRICT Establiabed II rears, doine 7S to 11 OA da buainas, on 100x100 tot, two-ory buiMing. oral rooms ana netn. warenous and garage: price on building $3000, futures $350. in voce sxorg, aoout SJUUU, and 85000 cash will handle. Ketpper at I'rvaby, a!4 Railway Exchange bldg. proaawmy wan. FOR BSiA Oa account of poor health. NEW cucktoU 53x100 ft. not unite finished vet. ou Paeiflic highway 1500 POPULATION: beat lo cation ia town: and wood building 28x60 that wiu make a good work in op or store room. O. addr fcD HVGHES. ClATSKANIE. OR FINANCIAL Mortgage Guarantee Co. tl FOCRTH ST. BUY GOOD SeCL'&lTl AND MAES LOAhS ure uavort. ail necnanaa aiag. ME OREGON tsi. A MOmTwAGB CO. Ill 1 W BLOCKS KKOil KOSE CITY CAR Splendid 60100 lot, on 64th st-. non-red dent owner says Brniice wis tor Small amount of bonded assessments to be as sumed by purchaser. You had better look into this. This is just a sample. We have hun dreds of lots in all parts: of the city. Ask our Mr. Dwyer to show you.i 732 Cham.1 of Com. WALKING DISTANCE Only a few minutes' walk to center of city from this CENTRAL EAST SLOE 7 room home. A wonderful location for roomers. 4 nice large bedrooms and good attic Kec hall, living room, dining room, large kitchen and pantry. cement basement, furnace, fireplace, laundry trays, 3 mature cherry trees. Only $5850 and $1500 cash. E- Taylor st. J. A. Wicktraan Co. REALTORS. 262 Stark st Broadway 6794. 1 acres. Mekiram station, Oregon City ca Modern 5 room bungalow, good well and pres sure system, Vt acre of grapes, hi acre of strawberries, also raspberries, loganberries, a number of bearing fruit trees, apples, pears. cherries and filbert nuts. 1 block west, H south I of Melnrnm station. Harry C. Moodenbmgh. SL'BCRBAN HOME 3 acres in cultivation, orchard, creek ; 5 room house, chicken outfit: on the pavement, at railway station, 10 miles to courthouse, $2500,1 half cash, balance 3 years. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 165 4th st. 1 hi ACRES. 6-room house, barn for 30 cows. well, milk bouse ; on Columbia boulevard, just 1 outside city. $3800, cash and terms. Roger I W. fary. 1219 N. W. Bank bide. AT MULTNOMAH New 4 -room modem house with garage, lot I 85x100. 1 block of highway: city light, water I and gat; price 3SS0; terms. rv-S. Journal. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 OH. YES. WE SALT) IT We can trade anything, of value, no matter where it is located or what the price is. We have anything most you want and mm mrm Mulv tn match VOH- We have land everywhere. We also hava City property, and some good business propo sitions. Come in and see tu if you are not aatie- fied. Quack Sales Company 406 Couch bldg. Aut, 511-09. MARKET STORE IIPWIBTI'MTT Owner must sell, stork and fiiturea the beat. big business, $2000 will hand this place ; sell coffee, tea, apices, butter, eggs, chum, canned gooda, etc; is in the center of the ebopping dis trict; long lease and low rent. UNIVERSAL SALES CO.. 602 Railway Eirhanae bMg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 02 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADS OS Automobiles ITR-X'Tl'RK. PIANOS, BOCatHOt.D OOODaV KKAL ESTATE, novia o ANTTHLNO OF VALLR SECURITY TsrAlXX . LEFT IN lOLTs rOSSSSgUOal Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPU ON THEIR NOTTS WITIIOIT SKCURJTY. IF YOUR PATMKNTI TO OTHER LOAN COMF-a.XLCS OB ON mtNITUBR OF aCTOMORILB CONTRACTS ARB TOO LARGK. VI WUA. PAY TUEat CP. ADVANCE TOn MOBB MONEY IF NECESSARY, AND YOf CAN PAT US I SMALL MONTHLY PAYatKNTS TO 8CIT YOUR CONTKMANrav PORTLAND LOAiS CO. fUCENSEW 8 06-87 TJZXrM BLDO.. SD AND WASH. BKiAIVT 57 TOULTRT AND RATSITS TCI Fresh Eggs For Less TOn CAN rY STrTTR' vn.MFTT YAIA-KT rRAAU GRADED IMMM La Grande Creamery Co. FwrUsvaU PMIrng Aa Rtaic Island Red Farm Venftwa4w4 tfsytfttwl". flf OMa7BavKa4ba4B$ fawsakV w)awBal Rbadw Ukwai R4 baby ebarfea and bwarbwg eanaw faa. eawAeeaai tor ask. A a east, est raaraaie. brad far eataa larm. ttewto . e Sal, Pwetlaa OIK A C RatODat laLAND sUO awkw cbanaa aaal batrhlag eszs ar a uaaag ar yoa wasw wa Faa The eaOg dstf breed, fct the rrtoa. Higb tvwohly aad asi wa rtwo raaraaswid. Xm.U talaa Rr4 rarg. RA, a. run lz. mrUaM. or. t A fc V Dtii -aUw'U llU DADI LegtMrwa. R4. Barred aVaraa. rUlV WW lUraa. VI1UV FREE aatakngwa N rEDHAM. SALT.M, atnte tiaaaa OIL EGO N. For Sale, Barred Rocks Owe pea ml 4 awas and I i ml a m-mm asat 1 wr c t VII WI1A. PAY TUEat strain: good laym and ha geod osadnaaa. W.M VV K V WT- Progressive Hatchery L Red and Rarred Rerk tmmkm; a ! bta Legbeea cwaras. Feb. 181 fmea eeterteo. traseated rmeftrm "- . ! ewralar. - a. . - TbA BABY 1U Kb ACTO TOP EQUAL HALF INTEREST I would like to meet reliable, steady msa who has $750 to invest in my well-estahlnbrd auto top and auto seat covering business: bar estabhshrd trade: cannot handle alone: will guarantee $36 week and equal share of profits to tart; a splendid opening for good future; term. rail no fanama bldg., 3d and AMer at. SALARY LOAN AAI.ARY VI LOAN MONEY salaried snd wwrkiugssia aa theer. Rste. I'lwin hW. nay wii.iir -NO SECURITY NO TNtORBKR Call and tavestigato aar taudera ing methods AU bwinei rreiDdratud. CXJLUMBLA PLSCOIXT WMTAM1 $4000 CARD ROOM $4000 The best buy in Portland, income tax report hows $1000 a month profit, west aide, rent $135, lew. L.MVtliSAl, SAI.KK COMPACT. 602 Railway Kirhnge hldg. FARMS 407 2 0TP1CESJ .' HuuC t'6U TlIRT r.f FOLKS $2450 '$150 eaah, $23 monthll buys a Urge well baUt, B-reos bungalow. Dutch kitchen, full be a. wen t, epieiMtid garag with concrete fnun daUea, larg. holly treea. 6 or 7 assorted bear ' lag fruit treea, rhkkm yard, chicken house gad run, t block from Wooulawn Car. Absolutely The best buy in Irrington; new 7 room, strictly modern bungalow, all on 1 floor: all kinds of Kniit-in. .hrlw floor, throughout. French doors. fireplace an furnace; line lot: garage; eiouu. with terms. Shown by appointment only. Robbins Realty Co. 406 Hawthorne Ave. East 1933. EDGE OF IRVINGTON run moa- 32nd and I price $1950. $300 SAVE time and trouble by closing your deals in our ESCROW DEPARTMENT Title & Trust Co. TITLE ii TRUST BLDG. A practically new 3-room cottage, em plumbing, electric lignts. near Siskiyou sta., good garage, ab. f2 montuy 71 Chsm. of Com. $00 tOOO.l - -$6000 -00l IHDOIl ALAMRDA 1HVINOTON Oa Fremoiit near Broadway car is this NEW room thoroughly modern bungalow with air attie. Utna rouea 1424, dining room. 1 Hitch kitntMw eowirKK drain board, breakfast nook, 2 eheerful bedreoau, hardwood Honrs, furnace. ' fireplace, emnt haarment, la on dry trays, okl Ivery frniah, A sure seller. x J. A. VVickman Co. REALTORS. ;1 Stark st Bmadwsy 6704. kOHK CITY BUNGALOW BARGAIN $3000 '7 room bungalow on E. 89th between Tll smook and Tbomsaon vt.. $ blocks to R-C eel ale. beeaes all amand. All Improvements I In and aaM. Htrlrtlr modem. All built-in. ' rireniaea. old Ivory finish, hardwood floors, French daora, full aeenent basement, ntre lawn, parage, pnaesast.a ana week. 81000 eaah, balance $40 ana pr eaat kBtsret. f Johnson-Dodson Co. '$ W. W. Bank BMg. Main 8787. - Hawthorne, Only Dandy $ room bungalow, cemeat base ateat, tray, good tarn ace, cabinet kitchen, fireplace, buffet, sleeping porch; 3 block 11 A car. Will sell tarnished. Marsh & McCabe Co. a ar rimw w ViJl&iriltlMJ eT 7S2 fTiam. of Com. JONESMORE ADDITION 88500, 3700 cash and $30 per month, in cluding 6 per cent interest. 1 block to car. Nice comer lot 50x100. Restricted district; full cement basement Mueller ptpeless furnace. This h a nice little home in a good neighborhood. Poeion 2 weeks. JohnsonDodon Co. r-88 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. BUILT TO ENDURE" 8100 to $3000 INVESTIGATE Bigger, Better Houses for Less Money. BEDIM ADR BLDO. CO.. PORTLAND. OR. Fictory K Ilth snd Msrket. Phone East 5114. $4750 $4750 $4750 $4750 $4750 IRVINGTON PARK A room modern bungalow in this restricted district; X block to ear; 3 blocks to best school; 2 blocks to good (tores. 3 exceptionally nice bedrooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, cement haoemeat, waah trays. Terms. J. A. Wickman Co. REALTORS. 262 Stark t Broadway 6794. Bdwy. 812 3 4 Failing Bldg. 328. ' Ktsnlnga Tabor 436. 100x100 lot, 7-room semi-bungalow, lo cated on one of Piedmont's choicest cor ners; large light rooms, one bedroom down, three up; good assortment of bearing fruit trees; garage; price reduced to .$6000; easy terms. DERR A POWNDER, 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 2245. BRAND NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW $5600 TERMS $5600 1009 CLACKAMAS ST., CLOSE IN Strictly modern & room, large sleeping porch. hardwood floors, furnace, buffet, fireplace, plenty builtins, tapestry decorations, Dutch kitchen, breskfst nook, sewing room, French doors, mas sive cement porch, fine plumbing and electric fixtures, paring, etc, included; 2 blocks to Rose Tity car. Owner on premises. 12 to 5 daily. Take R. C. car to 33d st. then go 2 blocks north. Phone Wood lawn 1550. MAKE OFFER CLOSE IN. LAU- RELHUR3T. LARGE 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, ALSO DEN. BREAK- AST ROOM AND ATTIC: BED ROOMS 14x16; OAK FLOORS I ENTIRE HOUSE: TAPESTRY PAPER, BUILT INS. TILE BATHROOM. PIPED FURNACE; DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED GARAGE; TOU 1 WILL BE SURPRISED HOW CHEAP IT CAN BE BOITflHT. ALVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR- BOARD OF TRADE BLDG.. BDWY. 37, EVE- MMiS CAST 2'JHl. SMALL DAIRY CLOSE IN 16 acres, 8 miles from center of Pert land, 1 hi miles north of Beaverton on rocked road; H mile to school,' 12 acres acres under cultivation, 3 acres pasture, black loam soil, creek with water right; all can be irrigated; 12 young fruit trees; 5 room- house, good barn, modem chicken house. Included with place: Six high grade Jersey cows, 3 heifer calves, 1 horse, 40 chickens, 150 milk bottles, milk cans, wagon, harness and farm implements. In come $170 per month. Price for every thing $6500, $2000 cash, balance easy terms. Over 15 acres, on rocked road, 2 miles from electric station between Portland and Hillsboro; 11 acres under cultivation; no waste land, 4 acres pasture; bp ring and creek; bearing orchard; good 4 room house, barn, chicken house. Included with place: Team, cow, 50 chickens, complete line of farm machinery and feed. Price $4500, large cash payment, balance 4 years 4 per cent. Inspected by Hunter. ONLY $800 DOWN 22 acres, 23 miles from Portland. 1H miles from good town with high school; 2 acres under cultivation, 10 acres can be farmed when cleared; good dark loam soil; creek on place, over 500 cords first growth fir wood; bearing orchard and berries; 4 room house, barn 26x40. chicken house. Included with place: Horse, cow, harrow, harness, plow, buggy, 12 chairs, steel range, heating stove, cooking utensils, etc. Price for everrthing $2100. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Gerlinger bldg. FOR EXCHANGE 3 acre fruit farm, close in, to trade for modem bungalow. Price $6000. To ex change your property see A. B, Christen- so n. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. WILL TRADE We ar prepared to arrange a trade for you. Bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit: lots, houses, acreage, farms, stocks of merchandise, E. R. S-. 712 Conch bldg. WILL trade equity in $6500 ranch for small .modern home on east side. Excellent loca tion for strawberries. Two springs, good house and outbuildings. Some tools. J. P. Shipley. White Salmon. Wash. FOR SALE or trade, modern 5 r. house, value S2200. lot GO by luo. trait ana pan. aty equity $1000, some cash, and will take Ford car. implements and livestock for balance. What I have you. Owner, 263 E. 59th N. EXCHANGE OFFICE City residences to exchange for well improved. small acreage. Also farm listings. ROBNKTT MCtL.Ulti, KI!.L.TUKS Bdwy. 6574. 302 Conch bldg. 80 ACRES in Clarke county. Wash. Will ex change for good auto. 325 Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. IMPROVED Hood River farm for Portland property. Value $30.000. P. O. box 419, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE By owner, 15 acres 12-year-old com mercial orchard near Lyle, Wash. Yon can't lire off a house and lot, but this orchard with industry and business tact means independence. No job hunting. Fine for chickens, also. D. L. McLEOD. 204 Porter St $2300 GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY Close to large acbool. no competition, doing $40 to $50 day buainew: 2 nice bring rooms; ideal comer location. Kemper A CroJir. 514 Railway Kichange bldg. Broadway 6650. Open today. I WANT A GARAGE It you have a good paying garage, on that will stand the acid test of closest investigation at a right price, writ, me at 890 Clay at. Will consider a paying tilling station. H. C. BROWN. Bdwy. 1571 $1150 GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY Doing about $30 a day; 8 nice bring rooms will sell lump or invoice ; don t miss this one. Keipper A Crosby, 614 Railway Exchcang. bMg Broadway eoao. open today. g00 GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY 4 rooms and bath, rent $23. doing nice busi ness. Hurry, this won't last long. Keipper A Crosby. 514 Railway Ex chance bldg. Broad way 650. Open today. $400 YOU want a little cigar and root beer stand, where you can handle it yourself and have cheap rent, don't youf You know they are hard to get, ao when you read this call early. 407 McKay bldg. AN inve-Unent of $350 in a manufacturing business will net you a steady income. I will guarantee the investment by mortgage. Wood lvm 2860. HAULING CONTRACT A good steady job goes with this new truck; small payment down, balance easy terms; this job is good for 2 year. Call 430 Belmont. CAUTION. BUYERS Be tor. closing a deal so-called interest ta established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon bldg. Pbone Broadway 1902. FOR SAI.E A fully equipped creamery plant. including building, in a splendid dairying com m unity in the Willamette valley. Correspond with H. D. Moreland. Philomath, Or. PRINTER Special iobbina shoo want live part i ner. took after shop, learn trade, while other partner gets orders ; good money made ; emau in vestment. 004 Buchanan bldg. Writ, fee I F-!. M-V J a. HATVHIXO f-'- GIVEN AWAY rBKK kiA w awd per4 -. rwlT TWiiswd for raie i-w . c. tr tea aunt iwrwrds, lat rwraeri batrb. $4 eara. aeagty r by ta KM. Inquire trtnraw ft. lUaawa. beg 14. Onai vty. . 118 Failing Building. TlO.Ml To LOAN Money loaned aa hrinawhnid good ar ehaedia placea la storage wtta aa at i bank rate. aECURITT STORAGE TRANSFER OO, 4th tad Pin. at OppeatW Mattnnwih H-. Pnoa. Broadwa 3718. MONET vu LUA Oa home hold gnod at bask raaaa. ALERT TRAN6FER CO.. 108 Oak tA 11 00 TO 82300; quick T.JIH Morrtaoa ft-. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 s BABY t HIS. lurwl n-'iv .a awvy La Tin at ram. Mwaaa - poaitry Farm. K 1. Bwa . Otwgaa 11. Ot. -Phone t2. "ill Llivi White IUra ft. $1 18 earb: 1 1. lam Whit Lavbar yerang hen. 81 earb. J at Wagvir. 7k7 tMwge aV. X hie, aorta t I". 2ih .4 Wawdg lXR AaLK O A . .k. b awftla eaA, $3 each. Dei. Ra Barwaa. taacsaaeec. Wa.lu. R S : VHITE Lfc..UokN ke an. PaiUn. lar-a BVrfc bra. an heavy astsed brua. Aas- i.a kl4 b4tb . s R OR SALE Yesr-e4d A C Wht: Laiara heaa. CASH paid for awngagi. aa aa real estate ka w aamagtoa at a E NobK 316 Laaiu.i uiaaw bag. Par. H at all 4 MrKma PwaJiry McKewn eve and leeahard at. Pw.a. WE BUY fir4 and aerosd aaortgngea and arlt- ers' contract. F. E. Bowaua at Oo.. 3I Chm of rvim. Mdg Bdwy. 6776 PETS; DOCS. BIRDS. ETC 70 WANTED WILL buy mortgage small aeuers contract ar Gordon. $31 Ch. at MONEY WANTED 51 WHEN you Van your money oa real estate demand a Title Insurance Pobcy from Title & Trust Co. TITLE 4 TRUST BLDG. MATTXC" FOR M X BURST Big Deaaa4 far Ha kit. ROSE CITT CATTERY i:4 vi Tabor 7274. IXir-TON trrnrr 8 aaeeitha oka. art brabs fall of r r . . 1 .. . . s . raso, srwa try uueat aaaa. Woaw. b. fctnaed taO. wafl . no F. Iavw PEDIGREED Botoa pup; aiaat aeU. 224 K Sd at. 1 Eaat 440. $TUU WANTED 8' on fine 100100 ner. Rote City Park. Tahor 655b SEE OREGON 1NV. A MORTGAGE CO.. lumber Exchuig. bldg ri'i'i'iEa. HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 AIaAMKDA pake 8 room bungalow, bookcasea, buffet, breakfast nook, fireplsce. Krench doors, old ivory and tapestry finish; oak floors throughout; complete kitchen, choice electric- fixtures, furnace, garage. Built by day labor; well constructed, $6300; 1 Urn JfohnsonDodson Co. 688 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. New Bungalow Woodlawn District 5 modern rooms and bath, hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, electric fixtures, full tot. Will sacrifice for $3700; $700 cash, balance to suit. R1CHANBACH ft CO., 207-8 Couch Bldg. Broadway 4148. A BUNGALOW In the Hawthorne district. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, full base ment, double construction, hardwood floors, full lot. This Is a safe investment If you want a home. Let me abow it, Mr. Sharkey, with FRED S. WILLIAMS CO. Bdwy. 7225. 506 Panama Bldg. $3800 PENINSULA DISTRICT $500 CASH 6 room bungalow, full plumbing ; some built-1 Ins, large attic, furnace, beaualul lawn. and berri. Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. 4 ROOM BUNGALOW 2x100 ground, Powell Valley road, 4 blocks to rar. This Is a fine little home, cannot last: laundry trays; $500 cash, baL like rent. $3250 total price. Broadway 2371. ruKiiiaau uuais tx. 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. OWNER IN OHIO AND NEEDS MONEY Ji'WWIiSU( aSttl ' Owed 10-ronat house and 13 city lot: hard I Classy S-room bungalow, fireplace, large liv- apta ahada treea, larg cherry trvea and other I lng room, boil tin, basement, garage, choice fruit trw. Coeamunieat or call Joseph Meyer, I hrub and flowers, on paved atreet and car Una. aasi a.u av a. r rno. ssxuu, nwisui Tabor T47. $ISo0. My wruwy $2700. as property la. A TITLE Insurance Policy is a guarantee by IN WALNUT PARK CU'MB TO GRADH I reeponsibU company that you will not suffer ANfl - HIGH 8CUOOIJI I Ins umnt ml IK. Mil. tn voir Mai mil. Beeaa (mna bongalow. oa paved, atreet. only I wbea you buy real aetata get a Title Insurance .ah frnnt ear. all Improveovmt In and paid. I policy. No abstract required. Title A Trust iiaxiuw lea; aa. nrapiace, eevaen aemnn Bna I eompeny, a. lawa niR9M ai i. nia 6 ROOM HOISE. LARGE LOT HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. MODERN $3200 Owner needs few hundred dollars and I is sacrificing this $4500 home for $1300 les than it a worth. It has furnace and all pave ments paid. This nde of 40th st. It a cheap BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 COUCH BLDG. GOOD AS GOLD 90 acres, 40 acres ta cultivation, balance pasture, timber; 4000 cords of wood, lots of cedar poles; 6-room house, bath, hot and cold water, 2 barns, granary, outbuildings, family orchard, fenced and cross-fenced; creek and-springs; full of farm machinery; 20 miles from Portland; $8500 terms $2000. balance long time. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH 6 miles from Willamina. Or. 70 acres, half creek bottom land, balance pasture; plenty of outrange, fair buildings. With it goes 6 cows, 1 heifer, 3 horses, 1 brood sow, some chickens and household goods; also lease rent on 240 acres, 25 acres cultivation; good bides. Rent paid to Nov., 1922; runs to 1924. Rent $100 a year. Price for all $4000. Terms. See MR. STEWART, 165 4th St. Main C275. DANDY httle restaurant with one sleeping room, lust rignt lor man ana wile; rent in ; $425 will handle. 314 mock Kxcnange ning, FUJJNG station and vulcanizing hop; good location : for sale - or vulcanizing equipment FOR SALE or exchange for smaller place. 160 for Mle. 868 E. 11th. acres; 85 in cultivation; 60 Umber; balance GROCERY and confectionery. 4 living room in open pasture. All fenced, bouse, barn, and out-1 rar; 8 year lease. Bent $20 per month, buildings: crop in; fruit for family use: good I Ant 638-41. I aoil .nrin. v. . r Witji or without mock and I - . . --t. I v. aynnn laa.T las 81000 CIGARS, soft dnnks, light groceries. Summit, Ore. i.M Dungaiow. practically new, near ure- l .. j,t... 7 , i i i r City, about 2 blocksfrom bird surfaceo BARBER SHOP Central Oregon: 3 chair beaU in ideal home; 2 hi acres of best soil. 1 hot water, light, ; rent $20 inonth : lee bnck ,nn. orrbirrt m.u frnit .nri nerries. rood bldgc Pnce $650. 504 Buchanan bldg. FOR SALE Lunch counter. $1200. 1913dst 5 ROOM bungalow, gon road: an I acre young orchard, small fruit and berries, good I well on porch; water piped to house and barn. Will trade for city property, improved or vacant. Aut. 215-20. A CHICKEN RANCH Soldiers bonus to apply or just the place for an old couple. 300 chickens, 5 room house and six lots, best of garden soil; 19 bearing fruit trees; garage; income $6 to $8 per day; might trade. Price $3000. Owner, Main 14.1 a. WANTED REAL ESTATE You have seen poor ones, now look at a good one. 407 McKay oldg. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 U. S STABLES Just arrived, carload Eastern Oregon and mare weight from 1300 to 1600 lb.. 4 ta 7 years old. These are low down btorky boa It with lota of bone and Quality, the kind that al ways give a tut action ; aosn well matched teaa: every borae sold with . guarantee. 365 H sve. 8.. cor. Stevens at G. D Williamson & Glass WILL arriv. January 22 from North Powder. Or., carload 23 brad horara and aaarea, 4 te 8 years old. weight 1200 to 1600 lb.: ta fin shape and ready to work, races very reasonable, trial allowed to rait purer. KEYSTONE STABLES 881 Water St. Comer Montgomery. Rose City District 4 reiaa bungalow, neat as ran b. full . tduaabtng aad built-ia kttrhea: 8 blocks to fceaa C1 rar; fairly w.ll furnished. Total prtoe, $2100: liOrt rash, halanr monthly. PARK POVTNDHA 1319 If. W. Bank Bid. Marshall 2343. $i()0 CA.HH FOR HOME 1 VfvMa him a. w.ll hull!, on nk-m 1 00.1 An f art; very nicely located: Iota of trait treea, her- I rt. ahtrkaa bvoae and all. See this. Your awn I Unni a4 ealy 83350; a real aacrifioe. Cheaper by bair tnaa rent, 0. C. Ulrlch & Co. 408 Stork Kxrhange Bldg. RObR CUT 14650 $300 CASH Brand new 5-room bungalow, elca. to Sandy, lara. Hvtng tonya. ftreolaoe. bookeaaea, oak . f Im, aiea airy bedruuma, large cloaeta, Dutch kitchen with breakfaat nook ; full cement base aaent, furnace, laundry trayi. Emma men apply your bonus on ihia . OMk.HTlIXK. BDWY. S478. 830..U, S. Nat. Bank bllg. t OCDIEHS' BOM'S IAN NO DOWN FAYMKNT Flva-vootn banealow. hardwood floors, fireplace, fnrwaee, fall eewienl basement, garage, paved ireeA aad aswer ia and paid for; rent tor $40 it moath. The priea la $4000. StaU toaa to $3000, b laiv. monthly. See RkVtKMAN iSnCSIMENT CO.. If lwta Bldg. Broadway 2934. For Sale at Sacrifice ACREAGE 4051 l re nrioe for $i7&. 8500 Mr. Ywiwg at Bdwy. 0S. Call BKAI'TIKVL COTTA;K $1140 TOTAL PRICK 184) aaab, balaara $1 per aaonth, bar a lotreiy 4 roora bona ta OoOina View tract; gaa, wats. ehlrk.a boua, fruit, lot 42x100 ft Wky pay reutr 8 Mr. Henry.' 830 CHAM. Or COM. BLDO. YlVE rwaeue below, 8 above, flreplar. til drala- baard aad floor; hardwood ftoara, foil base ant, garag. beautifully tlaisbed ivory aad nanfl: new gad latent ta rytaxac. no. a W. lUlnatrick. ar 23 Prtdaaor at. Owner, T, CL bw. Wood law $30. - WEST s'lDB BAROAIJ CIAISLNO ESTATE ' Taeaat; 1 large toeaaa, etoaa In. ruraaca. fir raara, good beu: apWadiol lariafant, aeay btrwia, for ywnraelf. T. P. bikii, si t namner er tuaanta $1430 tanaa rand bed aottaaw en W. Preerott at: alra yard bad paved atrwfc. My eaaity ta $328 mil the farntcare: will aarrtftea equity aad fnnutura fog $473. halanr $413 easiest terma, mbwr f (eaatir bklg. Bdwy. 4078. NKAR LAURELHURST PARK Only $4900, terms, A wonderful A roam bon galow. practically new. furnace, fireplace, ga rage, full basemant, corner 10th. A desirable home. A entire. Tabor 7547. BUILD NOW I Be a satisfied home-owner. We wv-loene fn gpaction, LIBERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. KOBNETT A McCLURE, BUILDERS Bdwy. 6574. 802 Couch BMg. SMALL PRUNE RANCH 10 acres, 15 miles from center of Portland, on good rocked road, 1 mile from pavement, hi mile to school, 1 mile to electric stattion ; black loam soil, all under cultivation: over 3 acres bearing prune orchard. 100 pear trees, 75 petite prune trees; 3 room house, barn, garage, 3 chicken houses 14x32, storehouse, woodshed, etc Price $3000; $1000 cash. Con sider good security and small amount of cash. 10 acres, 1 H miles from good town, with high 1 school; in Lewis county, Washington; 7 acres under cultivation. 8 acres pasture, no waste land; good spring, well; 1 acre bearing orchard; bouse, barn, large chicken house, other buildings. Included with place: 270 laying pullets, 1 cow, horse, 2 stands bees, 4 tons hay, kale, potatoes, very complete line of imple ments, feed. 24 cords wood. Price for everything $2800; easy terms. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR. Gerlinger Bldg. SMALL CHICKEN RANCHES ALMOST AN ACRE 8475 S mile east of the city. Base Line and Bar-1 ker roads, electric line to the city, depot on tne I property; splendid berry soil; good place to raise I chickens acrj tracts of an acre or leas .4 to up. I Easy payments, 8 hi years to pay for a tract. I See Mr. Williams, COMTE A KOHLMAN, Bdwy. 6550 - 418 Spalding bldg. ON JOHNSON CREEK $50 CASH Two acres, cleared. 1 block from carline: close in: creek through the place; ideal for chickens. Total price $1600. J. I.. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. ACRES CHOICE LAND Cultivated: buildings, close to S. P. Electric : and Beaverton-Hil'isboro highway: city water and gas; 11 miles from center of Portland. Pnce $3250. $1500 cash. Tntj wUI not keep long. sure anap. Jacob Haas. Mar. 3324. bast 1364. FOR SALE, at Summrt, Or., 1 acres, 5 room bungalow, woodhouse. barn, cnicken bouse. 18 bearing trees, 30 bill of rhnbarb, acre loganberries, also other berries. $1050, $600 dowa. terms. Call on owner, M. D. Swabb. 1442 N. 16th St.. Salem, Or. 40 ACRES of good land at a sacrifice price, $20 per acre; this place lies just 3 hi miles east of Lebanon, on county road; all fenced with good wire fencing, and has about 6 acres of land cleared ready for plow; the balance is timber and estimated at 1500 cords; good all-year spring water, and the land lies almost ideal for farming, being slightly rolling; no improvements except as stated; reason for selling ia sickness and financial distress; there is no use in offering trades, as the price is only hi of what it has been previously offered at and we will eeqrrire at least $500 cash. C. I. Leavengood REALTOR Lebanon, Or. Beaver Springs Farms In tracts to suit. 10 to 150 acrat; all good soil, no rock; some cleared; gome buildings; living streams; close to good school, 2 hi mi lee to good town, railroad. Columbia river and highway: 2 hours' drive to Portland. Come and join our colony ot good people already there. Your own terms within reason. Price $30 to $60 JOHN" A. MEISSNEE. 821 Gasco Bldg. CITY PROPERTY 450 A ROOM hoaa with full plumbing aad base ment, paved atreet, lot 50x100, fruit treea and chicken coop. Frice $2000. $500 down, $25 a month. Sea owner. COD . lUi at. Brook- lyw ear. - ft ROOM bungalow at Meldrum station, with 1 hi C I rncv ijvvv, lau cjiii, swes mKiv i , . . . . - . age ia same beautiful tract; right oa hardsxtrtace l" J,," " " highway. RISLEY. STA Ran EATxll-xt ec BUiA-ix. 7 ROOM hoas. modern, urge fireplace, full ee-1602 Broadway bldg. Main 6199 Owner SickMust Sell 22 acres. 12 acres in fruit and berries; on main highway and Tualatin river; 7-room plastered bungalow and other outbuildings. All stock and equipment goes. Price $9000, $2000 cash, balance 6 years, 7 per cent. Farm and Acreage Department, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. . Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. KALE OR TRADE 35 acres, choice level land, 33 acres in cul tivation, 2 acres pasture, family orchard, 4 1 room house, ham and outbuildings, tools and machlner of all kinds: 3 horses. 6 cows, 4 hogs; 25 chickens. Is miles roruana; gooa roads, $6500. Take House up to a-tauu nm payment. BaL mortgage or very easy terms. K. ML UAifcWOOU at lJ.. xoa m pi. SALE OR TRADB STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 26 seres ia cultivation, 240 fruit trees, grapes, berries, small house, barn and out buildings; 2 horses, 2 cows, 250 chickens, tools and implements; 11 miles Portland; $8500, $2500 cash, bai morL, or will take house $4500, baL mortgage. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 165 4th St. FOR SALE 115-acre farm in Western Benton county. 30 acres in cultivation, balance pas ture and timber, fair house, good bant and other outbuildings; spring water piped to bouse; 1 mile to station and school: nrice only 85000. 82000 i. easy terms ou balance or some xraae. . K. Underhill. Summit, Or. WE HAVE sold all the listings that we had in Sellwood and would Uke to have a few to take care of the clients that want homes in that district. Call Mr. Sharkey, Broadway 7225. FRED 8. WILLIAMS CO., ' 506 Panama bldg. WE HAVE BUYERS For reasonable priced hornet on easy terma. For I quick action phone now. A. JV.U3UVAU 410 Gerlinger bldg. Marshall 3401, HAVE customers for houses and amall acre I tracts; list with me. CHARLES E. BRAND Bdwy. 5549. 420 Henry Bldg. WEST SIDE HOME Have several clients who are ready to buy If they can find the right place. It your place is worth what you ask, we can sell it for you. J. K, HAIGHT. KfcAi.TO K. 325-827 Board of Trade. Broadway 2045. WHY WORRY We can sell or trade anything anywhere. MILLERS HIP A STEWART. 165 hi 4th St. Main 5275. WANTED 2 level lot, good neighborhood, south or west front Improvement in and paid. Name lowest rash price and exact location. H- 848. Journal. COTTAGE or bungalow, close to school and car. for home, from owner: good payment. No agents. J-7, JouraaL WILL buy from owner, amall bouse, fair coin cation, oentral Lut roruana, HoUaday or Albina; roust be cheap. X-S74, JouraaL TO SELL your real estate, see Shenmaa Nelson 706 Gasco. Main 2072, I GOOD building lot as first payment ou 5 or 6- room house. Can at Z3 Ueecb st. Pi. WANTED Mont villa houses and lota. CH cuts waiting. list with Hughes. Tabor 7469. IF your house is for sale pbone Ralph Harri Co.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. See This Big Bargain 2 7-room apartment. VERY CL08E IN. good furniture, FOUR-YEAR LEASE, absolutely clears 3225, being 'sacrificed account death ; $3250. 81800 cash; will take mortgage in on first payment. AUSTIN-OXEARY REALTY CO.. 835 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Bdwy. 1571. A ROOMING house one that ia making money now. Let me abow you what it is doing now rather than what it will do. 8 rooms; make 892 a month now; can b. rearranged to do better than that. Let me abow M before the price is put oa it MR. SHARKEY With FRED S. WILLIAMS CO. 606 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 7225 BARGAIN 24 room. BL K.. close in location : good fur- per monu; aiovu caw Railway Exchange bklg. JUST arrived at my ranch at Wallowa, cericad of draft hones and mare. ecmmtfUng of aocn closely matched teams from 2HO0 to 3a00: also a few chunks round 1200 lb. The, bona ar all young and wHI broken to work. Price right, aa they must be sold at ooea. Caa. be seen at East Side Transfer stables. 108 East 8th st. H. C. Hsnicn. power FOR SALE CHEAP Two good block y wtlght 2600 and 3500, 6 and 8 yean a also wagon and harriwa. Have moved fr farm in Washington county, will aeU at a bar gain. Take South Portland car to Graver 780 Front st TEAM bays, well matched, wen broke. 8000, age 6 and 7. also on big young rangy team. wU broke. 3300. Crestoa Feed and Fuel., ooc. 50tU and Powell Valley. Mr. SteeL FOR SALE 12 head of bones with or withoai heme, from 3 to 8 yean aid. good farm chunks from 1800 to 1500 lb : thia stork at all guaranteed a represented; can be eeea at Hmith livery barn. Foreat Grove, or. 10 HEAD of valley bora. 4 to 6 rear old. 1200 to 1800 lb ; son well matched teams; ranging in price $73 up. Inquire Uea. Brown. 364 Northrop at. FOR SALE Pair dapple gray geiduiga. 5 yean old. about 1400 lb. Saulh Livery barn. I Forest Grove. Or. r oM, and br aaaall brwrd, caaap. ltJ hla- AUTO MOBILES FOR SALE VOO CO TXT MOTOR CAR BARGAIN BASEMENT W dkeplay here wary what ww are ewrtaxa are very cxerUrat bey. Aasoeg sua aaek we have erveral Dodge Broth madster and taartag. good ran. with nan of service yet In them. W be I a larg. can suit hi tat camping trm ar tag work. EXAMINE OCR BTOCTS NOT OCR PRICES The Can Are Not BiR 1818 Ruirk Big 4 tcarrtag. wry ftn $7'8 1816 Hudvon Super Big. very fin.. 418 1814 Overland touring 138 1IS MaswetL being palrrtod 1 1I7 Maxwell 114) 1820 Maxwell. 1922 bnraa. eery gaad 328 116 Hodgv froaa 850 ta 1919 Dodge froaa 8428 ta 328 120 Imdee 2 113 Caduinr A4) 1917 t adiUara 1920 Ford Sedan, bring petatod... 120 Ford roadatrr. wry flaw 8a 118 ("beadier 48 117 Bnsrk LttU Six. very gawd 478 1928 Iwt towiag. 1922 Ucraas... 476 1918 Chevrolrt toorrng 176 1917 Harnea 7 naitigar. new ias 83 1911 Pkrrrw tearing 44 1318 Bwek coup . . . .' 783 DELIVERIES 1916 Rcdrk ..218 FOR SALE Gny gelding 7 rean old: fa Livery bam. Forest Grove, will handle. Bdwy. 6808 218 11 E. L ROOMS. White Tempi, district. in, good furniture; will dear 390 month. Some buy at 81250: good term. 223 West Park street MsrshaH 8388. BUY from owner, save commision: httle rooming houae, 8 rooms, all rented.' Price 8550. it add at once. Some term. Marshall 8938. 24 H. K. ROOMS, do, in. oa west aide: water in most all aDartmenta: good furniture; will clear over $160 mo. Some buy at $2373; good terms 223 West Park street Marshall 3388 HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES AND APT. HOUSES OF ALL SIZES We have them in all parts of the city. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 601-2 Couch bldg. $1500 15 IL K. rooau; rent only $30; net $100. Neat Utile place with Lobby. Be Morris. 407 McKay bldg. APARTMENT house, one beat in city, ail laT A year ra chunk. haaith's Or. 8U00-LR. team, good haras, and henry Una cheap. Woodyard, cog. aotb Hawthorne. 10 TEAMS for sale cheap; have bea working every day; every bona gnaraotrad. 10.8 E. Yamhill t BAY tram 2400 lb, fat. btorky built: and farm wagon: 3130. 4010 67th L ML Scott ear. 2400 POUND team anulea, 3 and 6 year otd. gentle and well broken. 24 0 fcat gta. UORSLVS. haraee and wagon for mnst be sold. 240 Eaat 8th street TEAM, hanuw. dump wagm. Tabor 1434. LIVESTOCK 701 1918 Dodge Bra. peaL 1922 bca-nat 304 ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES " Opea Bandar - COVET MOTOR CAS COMPANY 2 1st st Washington St 28-89 X. R-wag. Broadwa- 6344. Used Fords Exclusively Guaranteed to Be as Represented EASY TERMS Wa k r4aon4 aar atock of Uwd FVroA. 0 Car to Chaaa Tram 68 Univesal Car Exchange Grand Ave. at E. YaauhiS St. Eaat 471. with FOUR. Sonne, ioa-h ciaaa. J ealvea. Just fresh, giving from la to I The cow an priced right ad gnaraataad at I represent eg. tan be seen ll lit E. I lr. FOR BALE 1 freaB a-gailoa Jrnry ae i i . ii . aaiK ern. tong lease brick bldg.. place lull, uwkm i GUn. Take MooUiHs -Depot car to end of CSED FORD BARGAINS AT THE fFETJ CAR MARKET RUTH AND MAIN ITS $750 maotb. 504 Buchanan bldg. SALE 60 room notel. erntnlly loratad doing excellent bonne, good ter Astoria, Oregon. FOR an Write Sam H. Webb lin ACREAGE 455 WANT SMALL PLACES. CLOSE IN Improved placea with buildings, on good road close to electric trn.vporttion and Portland- Small payment down and owner to accept aoUier's loan. John Ferguson. Gerimger bldg. 6 OR 10 ACRES stnmp or cleared land; must be reasonable. 10 ROOMS AND BATH. SAME FIXKiR, BRICK BUILDING; CLOSE IN; BY OWNER. CALL EAST 4893. BUSINESS OPTORTUNITIES WANTED 550 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 2 blocks ii 8HEEI'. Bbnavhire gad, brad to regis tered ram. Prv $3 per head. H. J. FEATHERS. I 'larva. Or, CA&H TERMA 1 RADA4 PIT FROM AW AUTHORIZED FOn DFALER ROBIN BON Aat ITU CO. AM looking for poauion that will pay Oaa tavest amall FRESH cow. 3 to 4 gaUuoa. aaO or for beef. 1650 lotontata ave. Take ton ear. go 2 Works north. FOR SALE OR TRADE Milrh eow fog Ford j stor roadster. R. 1. Box 421, taater roao, rarv Und. LARGE roan Durham cow, fraah ia March: bow giving 3 gaL; also good tamuy caw. cheap. 1394 Hawthorn ave.. cor. 30th. irad. THE FENDER MAN I J. B DURHAM takes th ktna awt wwOa Liberty . . mrtA rliw L amount if accessary. Am experienced oooa- I y-." , ,"7:'Tr-- ,"T I id offto man. -1. I "'"J' 1 keeper, stenographer Jrexmal. CheMelia. Graahsm. Or. gadUtovs aad bndiay rmt tor all types at cage aa 3Z14. M. lit at.. TWO LOCATIONS BROADWAY AT B044 X biork aaat mi Vnaaw RAWTBORNE AT CNkOSI Expart radJetor. fewoav aaa parrlag I-hoa Lw 94 98. RADIATOR HITI'T CO WANTED 1 5 -room apartment and on. 30- room anartment Fhon Auto B10-O4. C c Duvall. 642 hi Wflliama ave WANTED Buaineas property oa bnaneaa ot the northeast aid a. Fboa B10-O4. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 ruvii 542Morna. tract c c. 1 10 LARGE frh ymng lloUutaa. Lnrhaaa ana I "Hr-,0.BUJl- ,eaaawtretor. 81144; fal Jersey: heavy xekea; arverai a aaa gxuUB I .TT- ".T1!: a'" .T- 71 a: a.K I - . ui., rmm . iaw;a . - - j . . ' " I ngvf. ill gooa suau, ricn nuia. wood car. 780 lnaley ava. tmii- 414 t bambr J i.V,"kf TJOriEL 1223 "de-w. 1 10 4100. earaer; Ii Tight "led tk: tot rait tree, ehirkwa run; amva I abstract xeethod. Inca $10. 404 meat basement, 75x100. fruit and shad trees; all kinds of cboac annua, a large porcnea, a light and airy bedroom: Beanraont ; $5600, torma, Phone Tabor 7388. K'EW MODERN IRYTNGTON BUNGALOW Biz roora. hardwood floors, fireplace, brrllt- tna, fall baaemeat, well built Price reduced to 84180. 334H cash. Wdln. 6321. Owner. BEHIND every policy at TiU I nan n nee ia a dapoait with th stats of Oregon to protect yet it la Title 4k Trust company. ACRES, ACRES, hi ACRES' NICE LITTLE HOME 10 acres, nearer all in cultivation. 20 bearing fruit trees, 4-room, nearly ' new house, high land. . . , i L , i n mm on pavement uh nui.ij .mjics, .1 Y J,r. I church and school. 22 mfles Portland. 3 miles mi; rut is vnn mvr tun bing. I .... w i w.. i an ( ROOM HOUHK. A, 89th at. MoatarUla dig I IH. 81259, ay torma, Duboia, 804 Spald- 8338 dnwa. 820 804 Bwrhanaa bsig. ta, . Price 810U9. 1 lng hMg. tuiah. aariiwaad kkTwT" lun. tail iii i ii l kmaiei With fa garaeby ' ..ner. 48 Waaen, era. 38t , Dit-lvt TKXT FROM SANDY BLVD. tin 73tl0Ai aiannta pant Tab. 6338, ROOM bmagu, furaiahed, $3800; liberal terms. A bargain: acaoot, chare ne. atoraa, aty set aara li , 14 m inn lea to tow. 6443. on tract with shack, 350 down, $15 month. Roger W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. 4 ACRES, right at Courtney Station; orchard eat aut; fine garden soil; running water: good location to taxua anpornaa. name. nan, is road way 3363. 2 ACRES ON COLUMBIA BOULEVARD Fine land, last outaide city near 4 2d: bar gain, tor caau or nau cam xugar vr. ury, 1219 N. W. Bang PMg. 7 ACRES only $1450. Near Oregon City. 4 room house- cleared aad fenced, trrut treea and bemea, A. H. AKERSON, 420 Henry Bldg. Newhera: 82650. good terms. R. M. GATEWOOD ax CO.. 165 14 4th St 31500 ; TERMS $1500 4U mrmm. avmd aoiL Bear Pavi&v. aaa. elee- I'abor I tricitr. street hghts; beat bay on Oregon City hue; terms, gtrattoa. ill, simmw piqg. iti H, 34TI r i rw - " ' t a r-r wa. 8 J ISO 4 roaea b.aia, Boaayau. a, w. iy, 1038 Bliwovt Tabor 9341. C A r-Tlira .tn.kul .nl mwmuiI X miW ftMn town. SO aerea in cult. 65 tillable, creek and I J snriBc: good a room, bungalow: good Darn, iuui assorted fruit trees, hi acre gtrs wherries. Hayl and crop. $5000; 14 cash. 325 Exchange I bldg., 2d and Stark. 34 ACRES near town, Waahingtoa county, part eorUvated. buildings, water piped to them: trout stream: timber, horse; gasoline saw; fur niture; $3.50 day steady job; $1900. Dubois, 804 Spalding bldg. 160 ACRES, implements and stock; 64 bottom land: 25 ta cultivation, balance pasture, zi mile from Taeozaa, on paved highway; atorea and acbool close: 310.O0O: excellent terms. George Jensen, Route 1. Eatamville. Wash. 10 Ib-ACRB ranch. Bear Stayton. Or., bottom ;-- land, part ia eultivaXion. fenced, 4 room houa eostisg 8800. gala or trad foe Portimd prop erty. WiR ajauma HUOO mortgage . N-7. WANTED TO RENT SMALL. PLACES Hava several people wanting to rent acre age or amall farms, dose to Portland pre ferred; aoma people will buy the place after leasing- for year or more; wa make lots of sale, this way; will buy equipment if priced right JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. Largest Farm Dealer oa Pacific Coast WANTED FOR CLIENT, 30 to 50 acre of good fruit land, not more than t miles from Sherwood. New berg, Dundee. Lf yoa, want to wUI keep WANT lath null to run by thousand; up. P-496. JoomaL FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 Vlll V,l trmmk Moiatnn. S voama fraah 853 and 865: genu, aaa eng ie asua. Pown allv. 2 YOUNG cow, iurf trwah. 1 Darbasa. 1 7 4eewr, 44 I er. with ealve. S3 for oa. $79 lor the eth-l SU2 Frost at cm LOANS Oa xaxprovd property HO COMMISSION ot tot R. M. GATEWOOD A CO., 163 4th at BUSINESS OPPORTUMTLES STORES, ETC. 500 aad ILarraMi, 3 ham tiiiima. Bkod- . av.ry way, 34OO0; will take tot jT.on -riA-Uf w4fOi bwnamaow and garage, auwat bwaeevaa.am U. Tabor 928. CLOSB your real aetata daai without anaojing I Ari, ar any nart of 3 acre, dot in. paved awtail by askng a Tida lnMrane Policy. N roads, also good 7 room house, sear high ahstrart reqwired. Title A Tmat cowrpaay. I arhooL Woodlawn 6607. w-ROOM bavaratow la Albena; pavament block I A, " 20-lCRE tract of good, rich land tor sale; i JornaL I - b ear. Prsaa 8S300. 8608 dowa. 812 AVI nriea rlsht : term reaaonahkt. . Owner. .A. 1 a ctt-!i" rrii1.1 W ctrr-r . 1 ErTS . - . s v auuuj ' , rm i. ,..,,iv.i,. i.n wrm.. ' ' IWeawtmack. KeedVlim, Ot i eW-A ham Iwi vanaaa. fevtito anO mmmr X uw.h.av K.eatoa Printing for Less Ryder Printing Co. Mafa 6590. 147 8d at FINE BUSINESS Apt, at beach reaort $ 1 300 will awing it, 15 cat investment Phone 614-LO. . ' VULVAN1ZING OUTFIT FOR SALE. SEX CHARLES TROWBRIDGE FOR IN FORM A TTON. QTJTMBT HOTEL. 29 4TH BT. N. GROCERY and eoofecOooery ia a gnod tocsaoa " and opposito aehooi. Wdln. 808. - - SOFT drink parlor aad pool nail tog rwat ataiav BS2- Taw beat and natiat aaerhod at payiag loan at ear aaontnly aayariiit 882.28 Dtc asonU tor 36 1 82L84 aar aaonth tog 60 xaontha. ar 81. 17 per monta lor wm baa ot 81000 and knwa, Laaaa ml athar aaaoant hi Bnnajawat Pvtrflawea. XQTJTTABLJI SAVINGS A 1 OAN Aaal 843 Btaxh St. Portlaad. or. $300. 8400. $500, $740. $1004) AND UP. I naial rat- ouidl antina: Day 100 ar aaor any tntrrast aak. Gordoa Mortgaga Caw 431 Cham, of Comnaere bldg. Main 1170. BUILDING toane aa easy aaa auemrbaa prop- VETERINARIAN DR. Q M. ANDERSON. WDLN. 4324. : CALVK.S WANTED MARSHALL 2176. GENTLE family eow. very reviewable, widow. lady moat aril. 368 E. Madlaoa. TWO GOOD Jancy eow. with belief caivea;' tubercular toned. 244 B. 8th. fI?TfEt-lW. veal aaa bog, tabor TiiL POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 WlOTfi LEGHORN1 ken. and paHeta, fiarred Rork ben, soaa haary BkcaA Ben. A at 621-34. 6848 84th at ft Elf WXATTw TTRR CObTPAjrT FKDERAL TTREA OREGON VtXCANI7.l0 CO. TLBS REPAULlNO 888-436 atarai Ii at Biiwawag. 1917 IXLRD TOCKING Thai car x ra aacauieat eraadioria. ree4 aa bot'lai-iia and faa top, with ggavadoaartar aad ether extra, only 8171. ea term. 191 Graa4 ara. Phanw Awtoeaabe 214-14. a. tA i I ELECTA IP nil, airh gaaaa eaadirliav, aww I batxwriea, bwastital car; big snap, eaawt awU; r J ak. affer. Owner, til . W. Bank bdg. eaive; Man. XOT5 8073 1921 BUICK. otrodiaoa: a. good . lor mm by 1233. la aarfaat . WB TEAR 'era aa aad rfi taw i FartiaaA awl. wrerkxac Va., 431 Aktor. Bear nth. Broadway 3334. Mafl arden tU-w. 1916 BUICK - wrh.ak4 and If eoM that nil tea J Cad Braadway 14T8. R. L RED aad Eaglieh W Ant 643-89. 6537 62d at la., !ogia raaeh. I " jr WTT ,.l rTTril wiLaTl'iil". 4 FOR 'SALE 4 thocavvbrad Nww baand Bad I wtll trad, tor Fee. ' EaM 4978. 1923 A REAL, oppxartunitr for a or noa-UBSoa. Adrrea P-498. heme. 7 rooaaa, asodarn, 1 10 ACRES, dosa to city, with trait and buiid-1 acbool. 9104) per acre: wall exchange for Port Kaat 8747. ' ' -inc. 24 lSlh. 1 1- proparty. Am owner, Woodlawn 3899. O.zirHn; . -,401: w Ti. - T-l40 town-g. iM jU . .AA llftA . . ,u. .Vim. llaU 1VH TTW I -. ... ..- . . . I a.ai - . W .ww T" m-mrw. . - IIHO VI bite Hoc aaa tana aua iwi I ow-a aaw ; awry away aanaa. Taber 8918. Hotel Co782 Chsmber U Coenreeree. M.bl 444A VrTT. Vm i , ... I WHaaUaiy fto. 1817 Itedga r ear ITi 1 Ja'-nori.v,r.g gnoa.l WIIX trad. 2 liver eampvno ewrk-k lor row I bag eaertboe; aaaaa a, a. mlim. Call a , I ' . '. . - . . ; . .7T . 7 mZAULilki'l eoeab at L Ben aena. Taaor .tfvwu. ii,,.. tuvv ran. wvww. wv.vw. m mm . . . joamai. Eptoa. anvT OR.INK ami card men mtuiul ftaraaw I 49IMMI TO tlnaa. mm UTT PROPERTY. toaring oty. 48 ii. 3d at Bdwy. 4005. 1 . FRED ft. WIUJiMS. 848 FANAMA xVLAHAj Z4 Hall taiawa FOR BALE 100 W. U BU&rta Oayang), 31 Agtomaoc e4Q-gb. rag oerevw a a. aa. i $20. 278 E. 8Lt elN. j Biiaadway and Arkjuy at Ww at. rORD BUG, a f. noa a Aawady : wul anil 4)1