in i ft I- j- 10 300,000 PERSONS mi HIS OF POPE BENEDICT Room. Van. t4. Ductal on aa to when tho actual Inurmant of Pop Benedict will take place will be . made br the aacrod oollewu tats todar.' The time set mar be either tonight or 'wedneadajr The choir of Uxe chapel of St Peters at I o'clock today uni.aiiM at the catafalque of the pope. At the cIom of rnass four cardinal put on Mack robea and stood at each corner of the catafalque. The youngest of the cardinal after bUaalhg- the lacenae na ad four tlmaa rauui tH caUtalque. Then each of the other earainars performed the ceremony In firing- absolution. Then came the fifth absolution by the prelate celebrating- the masa. During the ceremonies the other cardinals stood with lighted candles In their hands. Despite rain, 100,000 persons were es- uraaiea to nave viewed the body of the late pope. It is expected a half million may pass It tod a v. - The pope's body win be laid to rest evtween in tomo or the late Queen Christiana of Sweden and that of Pope Flue X. Tba sacred collage la now composed f sight cardinal, created by Pops Leo. S3 created by Plus X when Cardinal Del Val was papal secretary of stale. Thua Merry Del Val and Qaaparrl may have a determining influence In the com ing conclave. Choice of a successor to the late Pope seneaict XT, apparently lay among three .cardinals today. Cardinal Mnffi af Ptae ra4i.i t Fonatlne of Venioe and Cardinal Rattl or amen were me three on whom the moet attention was mnuMrit There were elements of opposition to all three of these candidates, however, and It was regarded as within the bound of probability that the final ihi nM fail to some prelate whose name haa not r wood, prominently mentioned. Cardinal Merry Del Val. himself men tioned a a Doaalhla diet, was believed likely to oppose Car- aianu jnore opposition to Maffl ass balieved Hkely to arrive from Vatican conaareatleaa r-.Mti.i Qaaparrl. papal secretary of state, who mrm oeuevea 10 aisapprovs his cordial retatlona with the titaiian rnv.i rBn.n. . The precedent that the secretary of state cannot be chosen to the papacy - pwni u oe militating against the choice vimrri ma eucceesor to Benedict. 1-RAHCE SCPFOBTS XEBCIER PoDular Denutv rvir.i..fin i. . view, declared Prance was supporting .riMnaj nercier or tteigium for the impacy iniine nope or breaking the cus tom of chooetnv an Italian fn. Mu Tha Corners Italian, however, describes sLBiement as ancluI." The Paeee warna of ih rmaaiKtitt., ,. In the conclave of cardinals to meet ebruary 3 there may be found a small tut determined element which will hold out tor selection of a cardinal not an iiauaa. KS EDICT PATOBED TEHICE rmniit pad ..t,o.. Rome, Jan. 11 Pope Benedict XV on hta death bed em pressed a wish that Cardinal I.airnntain v . - Ven ice, succeed nlm, according to Cava liers Faglanl. the pope's private cham berlain. Fagianl. In an Interview, declared the pope repeaieaiy aesignated Cardinal IjaFontalne. who. with aad Rattl, la now the foremost candi dal to succeed Benedict America Opposes -Economic Meeting; May Be Postponed Washington. Jan. 14 (I. N. R President Harding and his advisers have Informally conveyed to European states men In Washington that the United States does not look with favor at this time on the Genoa economic conference, scheduled for March 8. Invitations for which have already been Issued by the Italian government Thla fact led to predlctlone in Euro pean quartera today that the confer ence will be called off or postponed un til soma later date. 1 i i When you think of Furniture Think of Mish Furniture Co. ' '''''if T 'f' I'll1! litn- 4 4-INCH QUEEN ANNE tabu of lolid walnut or mahogany and chairs with fcnuln i leather tlln iti r( Sr .. S114.00 THIS 3 -PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITEr-PRICED AT . A verv anecial value at ' . , mahogany frame; the durable grade. Pillows . Comfort Steel Ranges Handsomely enamel trimmed with nickel sanitary base, polished top and 18-inch oven. Very specially priced at V.v 1 $67.50 ;4-section Folding Fireplace Screens at $5.50 ; EASY MAIN 5768 Nursery Pals 1 I ( u , ii v v.; V ' ! J if i - i uBWjn and "Bobby, whose welfare depends upon filling Community Chest. Perhaps ifs a atorv of th or It may be an astonishing adventure mat neien a snort wnlle arter the sand man made his rounds, hut mnat 1ib1v of all It. a story of what Santa Claus lorgoi io Dring Christmas eve. , Any how, the little pals of the day nursery find constant Joy In the play hours, which Is their due, Just as it is the due of kiddoa of more fortunate par entage. Billy and Bobby are entertained dally Bt the dav nnrarv nf tha triii a nA Flower Mission, their mothers working an aay ana not being able to employ nurses for their sons. So the day nurs ery stene In and nlava tha lrlnrtiir ml. f substitute mother. When evening comes uie tots go nappiiy homeward, each dinging- tightly to his mother's hand. csted to see the administration put Rep resentative Anderson in as chairman of the conference. They have been talk ing with the delegates and know that these delegates ar now biding their time to see what administration shows in its hand. The sentiment of the agricultural con ference toward the bloc was evidenced late Mondav whn faniu n k John N. Hagan of North Dakota drew uua nppiause. Hagan was discussing the plight of the farmer. uur best friend In the. present situ ation." he said, "is the agricultural bloc. yv anuuia do graterui to It. There was much discussion among the delegates of the president's siap at the bloc In his address Monday. The farm ers are sensible of the efforts to quiet the bloc's activities, and resent them. There may be, as a consequence, some Indication from the conference that will serve as a warning to the Republican leaders that the farming regions are prepared to support their senators. WALLACE IS DEFIAJTT . The conference, called by Secretary Wallace at the Instance of Harding, was designed to discuss measures desired by the farmers, so that the administration could espouse those measures, instead of leaving them to agricultural bloc ac ton. Wallace. In defiance of Harding's view, had declared the . bloc served a good .purpose in congress. Only one way presented Itself to weaken the bloc That was to bring the farmers here, find out FARMERS HOLD ' P0UTICAL KEY i (Con tinned Prom Pace One) We call your attention to a few of the unusual values we are constantly offering in furniture. ft , I I hl 1 irrT 1 r'"r r r - - m" aaaaaaaaaaaa. r th r" uAvcujuit, upholstering is in attractively and bolster roll included. Clo&e-Out of All Odd DINING CHAIRS Odd Period Dining Chairs in walnut or ma hogany, values up to $15.00, each $5.00. Odd Oak Dining Chairs with leather seats $2.50 to $3.75 SEVERAL ODD DRESSERS at practi- cauy nau price. TERMSNO INTEREST T ; ' i Need You and each looks forthward eagerly to meeting his pal again at the nursery next morning. ' Childhood Is not cheated of its play time hours at this home, for Miss Jehu, superintendent, believes thoroughly in the need of natural development for the child, and nothing is more important than to give him room and hours to Play. A beneficiary of the Community Chest, which begins its drive for funds January 30, the day nursery has long been accepted as one of the most hu man and necessary charities in the city: It tills a distinct place In Portland's needs that none other attempts and that It lightens darkened skies for lit tle children is not the least of its bene fits. what they want and then make it a part of the party program. 1 ne larmers are here and are now waiting to haa that tViA DimjniDtfinn does not present an unsatisfactory pro- eiaui. j.nai action is wnat Mr. Bryan, Mr. Baruch and other are waiting for. - It is an interesting miuauuii wnn memoers or tne iarm bloc feeling that they are sitting on the top of the world. Funeral Service for Anna Claussen Will Be Held Wednesday Funeral services for Anna Claussen, wife of Edward Claussen, Walla Walla furniture dealer, will be held at 2 :30 o clock Wednesday afternoon in the J. P. Pinley Son chaneL Mm nannun who died Saturday, was a resident of Walla Walla, but was born in Portland. A daughter, Mrs. Frank La Plante, lives in Portland, Mrs. Claussen's mother, Mrs. & W. Rethlefsen, also lives here. JULIA ASK V08PER Funeral services for Julia Ann Vosper. 1237 Garfield avenue, who died Friday, were held Monday in the J. P. Finley A Son chapel. Mrs. Vosper was 69 years old. She was born tn Kngland. Six sons and one daughter survive her. FRED G. TJRFER. Funeral services for Fred G. Urfer, 663 Kast Tenth street, who died Sunday, will be held at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in the Portland Crematorium chapel. Mr. Urfer is survived by a widow. Theresa, and two sons. Meivin and Kenneth. Mr. Urfer was a well known Mount Tabor grocer. He was 53 years old. ATTRACTIVE TAPES TRY DAVENPORT and chair with spring filled cushion; the two pieces for the price of one, oTy $98.50 Se-OO tTCKcr ana cnair wiin figured tapestry of a 188 - 190 FIRST ST. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND OREGON 1111 111 FACES Tacoma. Jan. s 24. (U. P.V Unless Bossen A. liDtes, son-in-law of. F. A. Blue, Tenlno farmer, fumlshea $10,000 bond by noon today. 1e will be removed to Detroit Mich-, to face charges of complicity In the robbery of the Half way State bank of 112,000. LAltes was AtmtrA m. writ nf. Iiihu. corpus to prevent bis extradition after uie peouon was near a oy judge Cusn man in federal court here yesterday. Governor Hart had granted extradi tion papers for his return last week. In contesting the extradition order Lutes counsel maintained it a case of mistaken identity. Notice of appeal to the United States circuit court was given by bis. attorney. Liinnur TO AID CHEST DRIVE (Can tinned From Pass One) off meeting at the White Temple was the prediction of Adjutant Dow Walker, this morning. Brigadier General C C Colt's officer organization was an nounced mis morning, it follows: Brigadier general. C. a Colt; adju tant, E. C. Sammons ; colonel, Philip V. W. Fry ; lieutenant colonel, Charles S. Holbrook; captains, A. R. Watzek, J. Logie Richardson, George D. Schalk. garry D. Reed, Thomas E. Hulme. W. H. Barton, Walter M. Daly. ColnnAl WaltAi. A n . . colonel, Joseph P, Mulder ; captains, Joe cruise xvooertson, cnaries A. Hood, B. Lee Paget, O. W. Davidson. W. S. Lawrence, H. V. StahL Colonnl Rrnpltmll .t.. & colonel. Homer D. Angel ; captains, A. Mitsu. i. j. iair, v . m. xounger, M. G. Russia, John H. Mariels, E. C. Grif fin, J. A. Glvens, Walter & Asher. Colonel, E. N. Strong ; lieutenant colo nel, E. M. Welch ; captains. Milton Mar-lewit3- H- J- Blaesing. George Wolfe, W. J. Sheehy, T. J. Webb. A. L. Grutse, H. J. Zilka, Harry Lang. Colonel, James F. Clarkson ; lieuten ant colonel, A. W. Whitmer; captains. J. LeFebevre, M. F. McAtee. V. G. Hind marsh, JG. Paque, J. W. Crossley, J. J. Burke, W. T. Baker. yoionei. j. h. Kan kin ; lieutenant colo n,1,.I?arold c- Jones; captains, Hubert G. Col ton. Hurst P. Harrison, Shelley L. Wiggins. David E. Lofgren. Burton BeckRay Conway, William J. McKen sie, Frank O. Joy, Raymond C. Kerr, Frank Lowry. ' Colonel, Wells Gilbert ; lieutenant colo nel, Coe E. McKenna ; captains, a M. Luders, B. S. Huntington, Ross M. Plummer, Arnold a Rothwell, Percy latt. H. C Huntington, Lloyd Smith, P. B. Gibson. Colonel, Philip V. W. Fry ; lieutenant colonel, Charles S. Holbrook; captains, A. R. Watzek, J. Logie Richardson, George D. Schalk, Harry G. Reed; Thomas E. Hulme, W. H. Barton, Wal- ter M Tlnlv Portland today is being blanketed with v,umraunny Lnesi posters in vivid colors. "Sure We'll Help" is the line on the poster. It is the slogan of the campaign. It is the spirit of the 1922 Community Chest. MEETING OF WOMEIT The colonels rantflina an A nn 1' . . . T ants for the wnman'a HtvioUn r u Community Chest drive wUl meet weuitesaay noon ror a get-together luncheon and rally In the Arcadian grill of the Multnomah hotel. Mrs. C. B. Simmons, general chairman for the woman s division, will preside, and speakers from th mon'a itMA. m . v - auuicoacs. ii is esumaiea Yl-iaf n T . I . - . . uii ciose to zooo women will be In at tendance at the affair. Reservations Should be made thmrnrh iha colonels, or directly to the woman's iiea.uquan.ers. .Main tots or Main 1526. The flyiner sauadron if the wnmsan'e A i . vision started under the direction of M TAT! m 0 wujjun. -i-weniy-two women are taking pan in uus secuon of the work. SPOTLIGHT IS BEING (Cto n tinned From Pan Onal federal reserve svttpm' the farmer. PreKidrn HarHit. ho. to ised to put a farmer on the board, but that will not suffice. The agricultural interests want a definite understanding on fiscal policy hereafter. They want assurance of longer credits. This, the president gave them today Insofar as it was in him - " i uua- ise. Upon congress In the last analysis ucpcuus me Enapmg or plans, but If congress is to direct the federal reserve board then another controversy will arise as to whether the board can oper- tus eiieciuaiiy at ail. AUDIENCE IS ALEBT Farmers of th aiaHAmtn j : xarmers. editom 1 nf u i-iHnit... i nals, members of congress from farming t irowoea uie nail wnere the pres ident SnolM Tf ria K. t,. - .1 . - mi uit must interesUng conference Washington has seen In many a day. For in the faces 01 uie auaience was evident a tenseness and an alertness that indicated mere noras wouia in tne end not avail much Mr. Harding did not hesitate to point out to the farmers that the burden is not altogether the government's and umi a ay must De iound by the farm era themselves tn rainatiMot tt wen in terests and help themselves. But before ui wasmngion conference on agricul ture adjourns a crystallized opinion 01 crovernmnt till tn t . . lilCI 111 finahemg his crop will have developed wui u. noi grantea become thi chief issue of the congressional cam paign. It Is not a question of parties, foi the agricultural Democrats are of th same trend of thnnht aa ik. . r " v uiv iv. tural Renuhllcana. Th ur tn however, usually suffers from a protest vow ana many members of congress from rural districts who nomination will find opposition in the primaries unless they have used their influence StlWARfTlH V frtr fh. kAttann.nt Lot conditions on the farm. It Is the tanner who is the kingpin of Republican pontics loaay. uus week, this year. NEW REVENUE FOR ' STATEIS SOUGHT (CoatanaM From Pmc Om) Speaker Bean at the extra session of the legislature was explained by him. Discussion that followed divergence of opinion. This difference n over the question of a basic rate. Discrss IS COSES . . s Chairman Day advocates what ' be cans a proportional or flat rate apply ing to : every Income, i Committeeman CHARGE IN DETROIT WIDOW'S MITE GOES TURNED ON FARMERS Pierce is. thua tar tncUned to a gradu ated -or tamtiaajJ.a. . rata rvn tha mma Iinea aa tha federal iiwmwi tas. law Committeeman McKenna takes the same view as Day. The other members haw not reached fixed opinlona. . IfcITenna also advoralM tia th t. emptloa should bo small, so aa to give nearly every one a chance to ahara In the suDbort of rovernment. Amine against the principle of a progreesiv or graduate rate .uay takes the position that it is not the individual, but the la come that pays the tax. The PTocrea sive rate, he claims, win. if carried to its logical conclusion, lead to sovietism. as ine tenaency wiu do to tlx a certain income as the maximum of which aa individual should, enjoy and above that figure confiscate to the state. In ' the nrriimlnarv dlamutatAm It la veloped that the indebtedness of the state and its subdivisions aa reported to tne state tax commission np to last June was 1107.449.593. Of this tha aat.-a share was $24,980,100 divided aa fol lows: iturai credit bonds. 1450,000; irri gation district bonds, $390,000. and high way bonds. J24J40,(XXX IKDEBTEDXE8S XSCBEASEB the state has been increased hr an ari. dition of $10,000,000 soldiers bonna bonds and $7,560,000 highway bonds. There also has been an increase of $154, 825 in the irrigation item, makina- a grand total of $42,695,125. The county indebtedness up to April 1921. was $11,355,024. Tha ehlaf In. debtedness of the counties is for roads ana. up to date the total of these au thorised issues is $21,297,944. The school indebtedness is $7,542,850. For cities tie amount In April. 1921. was 4S,l3U,6l. For ports it was $S, 640,000. The irrigation district indebted ness is $7,154,500. For dralnare diatriot the amount is $723,700. The grand to tal for state and subdivisions in tiss.. 185.080. On the subject of Irriratlon bond.. ta committee decided to request the attor ney general to give an opinion on the obligation of the state as to Interest and principal. It also was decided to ask the state irrigation commission for details regarding the sale of bonds, prices obtained and wheth.r th being disposed of to the public on the tneory mat tne state was behind them. It developed that there are 60 of these irrigation districts which Yin va vsktawa a total of $19,492,000 in bonds. Of this amount the total certified by the state i .i.oo.ouu ana me total guaranteed $5,752,500. Up to January 6 this year the state has rjaid interest tn k. amount of $545,125. The interest to be paid Is $348,650. makina- a total int.ri guaranteed of $893,775. The bonds bear 6 per cent interest. The total amount of drainage bonds certified to Is $8.- Y9,ZUU. How far the state should support of higher education was an other tentative suggestion thrown out. The opinion was expressed that non resident students should pay an in creased tuition fee corresponding 'with mn,i ui neignDonng states at least. Planting of Flower iJusnes on Hoseway To Begin on Feb. 1 TransDlantine Of mo KliCiVioa TvMM ikav city greenhouse at Mount Tabor to the noaeway win De started about Feb ruary 1, C. P. KeyBer. 8unrintrrii parks, announced this morning. The uurDcry naa grown 40,000 slips of Caro line Testout roses. Keyser called attention to February 22 as the day for setting out and prun ing rose bushes. Thin mat i u MIVWU be done to Insure blossoming by the IDAHO FOB DBtG WAR Salem, Jan. 24. Governor D. W. Davis of Idaho Is the first Western executive to respond to the suggestion of Governor Olcott for a conference nf - O ra a iwi a VII the narcotic evil. Governor Davis sug- seois mat tne conrerence be held in Portland February 11. or, if desired by other executives, at Boise on a date to be decided upon. Divorce Filed Simon Rae against Roy Rimon Fields Ona B. against King Field. r T-oretU against George Lens. Soderkrat-Peter against Emma SoderkrW. Rudy Sarah F. against JoniUian Rodr Vital statistics marriages, Btrtbs. zo1hx MARRIAGE lACVNST r:h,HM u n . i , . . .... i - jii. ibvu, ear. r ?10 Spmcr. 22, Oregon Yjity Or and Lois A. Beeth. 22, 1783 E. 18 th. W n surra a. UurMa Ill Morgan Blda . BIRTHS ' EDIVflrmvi- t Vir ' : - ETe"rett. Jan. 12. a dabter 8 LACER--To Mr and Mrs. H J. Laae, Rhone. Jan. SO, a daughter - irTo Jr and Mrs. Z. a Thomp- . , ' rwrr, fuu IB ft son ASDEB80N To Mr. and Mrs. T"m 681 and 68th ae., Jan. 17. a BGGIMAX To Mr. and Mrs. A. K Enlman 5214 S2d Jn u . ' Kgxunaa. BEWARD To Mr. and Mrs.' n M R.nni 599 Union ae. N., Jan. 17. a aoT" H,WMd ft "5 CUrs. 25 PorV ..u. i u, si UsuXIlLer K1RKWOOD To Mr. and Mrs.' G W Kirk wood. 4729 75th. J.n IT . ' MORROW To Mr. aad Ma A Tt u. e,h v t. . . . . " M- Morrow, - - ... ... ... ... aii. ii. i aiQfhu'r DEATHS irinvWi . , pneumonia. " Angrhne Vtagner. 108 Dickens. Jan. 22. 61 year: uresuc ooasa. RICH Saner Bich, SeUwood hospiUl, Jan. 22. 3ffCifI' "ina. 829 B. Ill Jan. 22, 80 in; pyelitis. DRA,K.E C. M. Drake. Bobm for Aged. Jan. 22, 90 years; apoplexy. P"'1, J". 29. 71 Tears; conrnaaona. JENSMA Martha Jea.-ana, Emanoei si-ni. Jn- 22, 80 years; earmiaoaia. ' IK-eH.K.enrU J"L. Good Samart- of BrnT1- "P 8EAyETIi f"P - P"to noma. Jan. rvh-J f: organte heart diaauw. GK,A-NT J"h Grant, -North Paeifle TaranaaL 20. 2 rears: tractor, of saoU. REE Alexander Bard. Goad SamariUa boa- PrtaL Jan. 21. 9 rears; aback following sata mobile accident. "" SSroBBGladx. Snider. 349 Cook, Jan. SI. 29 rrars; arut. eardiae dilatation WETOLKR Coioael Mil ton w.sdler. CasufteD Hill botrl.,Jaa. 19. 91 ran; diabrtav BEEUK Manr Eue-! BdeT 1 i B 27tk. Jan. 18. SO years: lobar pneumonia. ' COOK NIB. K. Cook. 1199 Kirb,. Jsa. 21, 4 yeans; sniual lenoa. . NEW TODAY OAK FLOORING NEW ELECTsnO SAHBBRa. OAK LEAF t HARDWOOD FLCOB CO. 30 K OJT BAST 70X2. v. - MES. TABOR S&aa. I: KCW TODAY Jv BO I vr!ZZmi7 fr,n'VinniJ i rrrrr I .auxa or tixurn stocc 'ItaHtllLa fk. ini ml u tZ, -ft V EUJFFHUGS kXhtnc aXS Ran si-sa 1M Cast DdA AUCTION SALES TOMORROW ATWTL80N 8 AICTIOX HOCBaV 169-1 7 orvvvn u g I tt r. MLS AT IS a. M. SPECIAL NOTICES 101 MAPLE WOOD WATKB DbTRICT 91. lSSl: RECEIPTS iMati .1 V.. A - W.1 haad. Fin Katioaal bank $ J, January 10 tolVbraary S, 121. ia- 919.19 419.M S3S.09 600.90 U9 90 '' iraa winua av sud. btii Koa. 4 to 46. io- hifia ai Uana It. lXlVr'U'rVa6oa .P" Md" April 1. 1921. raeaiTed fiM. Umb. iw vx, i or aonaa na u ta 60, laBhadra. (40.000.00 Ma A ml .AAA M AptUl. 1921, : neairaa froBt'Lbra - Tin vn, aceruaa uuanst .' Drorabat SI. 1921. mmi fnaa ruaux Baak BaTiaca f-T--t. Job. 10 to'DFBb.'r'ii.' YsYl.'to. 32.50 .14.69 .6T7.55 .903.53 ciuiira, noaTH rram Jobs M. li. eonnty traaaarar. aoeonnt y 91tx.1T: r-ar 1920. tl019.43 and yaar 1921. Ill in a Jaanarr 11 to bioraW ill " 1021. ncatna irom f. A. Boa aa. aaroant waUr rant I Account rnc ajatarlal aad la- 4 Total raeeipts . . . : 157 614 TT Aeeonntina Biam Suadriea. inchxling engineer (,378.88 Gaam C. Johnaon, lag. aerrieas 600.00 Estata 0 J. H f!teaninK.a. ( mm m m fSiil1 V81- vfcarTle- tm. :69 J. ilobert Canninghsja, sngineer. ... 73 Zl Journal Pub. On., ptg.. yaarly report. Ti56 Total Work and RanKna t 93.33 I 8.087.05 11.66 8 15 46.06 34.32 8 8.162.33 9 93.23 107 1.9 94.50 27.69 . 1.148.69 J. D. Hanley Lity oc roruaaa. labor and hanling. iDman-Ponlsea Lbr. Co.. t..niit . . A -On. Transfer Co., banling .... CoaA Motor Trucking Co., baollngC Total Material - ' - T k. Xs. a I. """" mm-Wmm -4Jk. ITlSl ISTIII Coot Ptp. Mfg. Co.. material V. A. Hoffman, materiai H- Mailer Mfg. Co., Baaterial uua tft, material Total a 1 mm Account operating axpanaaa "I.!" '.$ 2.42 75 wm. A asms, aty tress., water rent. 1,037.09 A. Hoffmaa, aerrioas aad repairs. 1.043.6S r. A. Hoctman. P. O. hn rant - iv.g Southern Pacific Co., ground rent . . 5.00 tliim, mrif. . . . sxwiy at jo.. pram, bonds, traaa. and and annt . m Georga C Johnson, lee. serricea.... 113.00 Tha Irwin-Hodson Co.. printing, etc. 123 33 Lincoln Allen, prmtlng, etc 41 40 n.crraai ng. xjo.. pnaong, ate.... 43 70 Election faea. lawaw a a tim Julia Schmidt, cleaning aenoolhouae! 2.30 Aeeoont serrice, saaterUl and tnstalla- Uoo 3 Art eooerete works .............. 3.861.21 492.85 570.40 1.686.16 I.08S.06 29.33 r. A. Hoffmaa Crane Co. Neptune Meter Co. AOne Transfer Co. Aeeonnt interest on warrant, iaaued.9 919.47 sociwst warrant, itos. 1 to 48, ia- cloaw. in full SS.721.I1 Aocount C Gertaeb et al readjustment of contract 790 00 Account Sundatnad Adding Maca.. 1 adding machine 122 SO Account Cndsrwood Typewriter Co.. 1 trpewTiter 102 30 Aooount Interest coupon N a, 3 and 4, boada 1 tn SO IwhdM m ca a. Account First Nsfl. Bank. saVings'- " count, oepoaiu ana interest . . . 3.032.30 Total disbursements tut 111 it December 81, 1921. to balance oa band. First Nat L Bank, checking account 3. 443.35 rtaaemhar XI tail V. . . First XU'L Bank, checking account. .3 443.63 aati. oana, sarlnga account.. S.O32.50 Total . .. 3.476.13 Keapeeturiy anbmitted. ALSRECHT 8TREIFP. Treasurer Maplevood Water District. ADVERTISEMENT Madras, Or., January 16. 1922. Sealed proposals will be receirad at the of fire of the swretarr. board of directors. Jeffersoa Water Ooaaerraorr District. Madras, Oregon, until 2:00 o'clock p. m,, January 31, 1922 at which plaoe and hour they will be opened in pub he for the eonstnetion of dams, eanaia and apportenancea, of which the following table is . summary at tne approximate quantities of the rsrious kinds of work aad material in rot red: BCMMART OF QUANTITIES Item Work or Material I Tnrt Approaanat trosntitr No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 10 11 18 14 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 27 28 29 IClearing and grubbing. Acres iSkzcBTation : juana in foundatioa Earth, commoa . . Loose rock ...... RoUd rock Tunnel ......... Wat IC T. 82.600 2.829,600 244.078 164.020 69.780 3.700 248.600 Rmbsnkmeut: Slaieed Rip Kap Pavina: (IrwwiimA 91.83 92.762 6.780 Concrete: Tunnel lining canal oning . . . Plain Remforerd .... Reinf arced . . . 29,06 8.025 373 210 3.616 2.798 212.800 Rabble maaonrv . (Steel: Reinforcing. 'I Lba ntrueraral .... Metal: In gates . 97.500 43.600 In mtlM mmmm Tons No. Siphons: 8tel pipe Wood nina 100 3 4 1.059.700 402.200 Lumber: Kir, plal.".FBM t.reoaoteu . . . . Sariwnnri iFlume: CnosoUd wood 924,100 11.800 state L. ft Coffer dams: care of Lump! i stream Lateral (ystem. qusn Sum nues not deter mined, to be built on easa of soot el unit prices. Proposala mast be on tne blank forms rnr nished br the board and must be accompanied br a certified cheek for 950.000; such check to be drawn to tbe order of the secretary of Jefferson Water Ceeaerrancy District, aa a guarantee that the bidder, tf awsrdea the con tract. wlIL within 10 days after the contract is deltoofed to bim for that purpose, execute theiame and furnish a surety bond, to be ap brored by the board and payable to said district -- .. i iiiiu iu i t r t as tne contract, in the sum of 25 per cent af the eoatraet price; laid contract and bond to be on the standard forms which bare beea adopted by the board. It the anew ful Udder shall fsD to execute the contract or to fa rajah istaT.miay bond withht the time aereinbefor. apecifiad. er aa eatended by the board, the award shall there upon become void, la which eaat the proceeds of tba certified check shall become the property the district, and the contract may be awarded to the nest kuweet iaponaibie bidder. Each bidder mnat, ta bis proposal, present astiafaotory evidence that he haa beea eagaewd m oocatrnotlng works af the general character eoeered by hav proposal, and that he kt fully Prepared aad has the s j eapital. ta basis the ork PtompU. aad to conduct tt as raqmrad by the eoataaet and apecificatkam, Propoaaa a containing gach arid sac, wia aot be racog auaaf. aa bsda. . . wln "aad. to the seaaA reveaaibie bidder. The right m iwsrnad to re5 aay eg ail Wds. aad to waise any -. aa the toterasta af Che dastnet may ra urre. . . . f'-x apeeaVatioas and' other data eaa be r. 1E,lcto " the board of diraetari. Madras, Oiwjoa. v -' A. a ANDEKHON. Secretary JefTmon Water reaamsnij Dsatrict. TO WHOM IT MA T CONCERN : I win aet Tracy, eaatracta. t She haa left aty Y l Chaa - Tiacy.. , ONAND AFTEB Jaaaary 23. I wUl not fc. aC?!?'' uu csatraetad by my K Mary DUlery. , (&iced . K. ZMUery. ' : ' " -TTTPCTiAV MtfAT5V f it putlmm! l!"S Bans will ka aa Taaraaar. JJaa. la. 1933. WUl k taw rna at TttW a. aVk. aw-s w mUamd aasanauaV to IiWm "aaa sanaraas riaa mm J?TrSSa n ALKXAXDE IOCXO, MEEITNC NOTICES 103 "Sons oj" C&1V. tOf IL BLACK rmjECKPToax ko. 1. Btaun Uus svaasaaary WW sy. Jaaaarr 19 a a. itlH Third k . O-aar W. ! "Z. iey, Regwtrsr - COMOPOUTaJI LODGE K 199. Xaigata PyUnaa, " tnaihi aiaaas 989 TsjaaJl gs. TaUao) ai- r&sU a. rvj re . jLllTVhi- - ixusosi iCAMPMiaiiKa .1. L O. O. r.. will aaset uua (Twasday) waiag at Oriaat ball. Kaat StxuTUd lallZ a, Odaa Rate ascraa. VkattBC patTianAa ar. mimm w. a xattbes. c r CBAS. amisTLUi8E.V; Beraw. ALBERT A LODGB NO. 173. A. lwaairatsoa Tf iitn Isj . Janaary 29, at TJO .'elert ly eider of W nxo w. mcrTOm. gafy. CAKP a, 53S llta ab attend. V hat 11 1 BKll Mill acHsIiCsara. GUI, KBAZEX fTBOTTO X(l 63 Welamiay taacheoa. waauiagtca tiaaeiwana, J. A. Buuwuus. 9aaaec HARHT A. McRAE. 8ec. uaverlt chapk. rn 0 F X AprntrntA . : tloa Wednesday ereaing, 9 'deck. Waterly balV Eaat 36U aad Can ton. Take Bwhmond ee Wood stock car. V so tors wslrnwu. By JEAN ht. Q8BOBJTE. -Bee-y. HAWTHORNE LODGE KO. 11 U Bpacavi Tuesday. Jan. 34. 6 30 p.. as. M. M. aagrM. Tav awi tiMat. C E. VTLI.ES ae PORTLAXD Chapter So. 3. B. A. nf. boeeial aamiiia wln.. t.. nary 25. PyUnaa bid.. West Park aad liT Ji P- m Mara Master. TtAAtii.UTON Cbaptsr No. 18. B , . - Uaned eoBToeatioa this i iiauii eeansng, aaet 81a 1 Buruud. sta.. at 7:30 .'dock. R. ROT QCACETRBCSH. Beg-y. HAWTHORNE LODGE NO. Ill A. P. AND A M. SaacUl meal ing toaight (Tnaadsrl at J - wa. vora ta M. ss Viators wvlrome. ITT TiHTta tATir Mm V 1VI1 1 w a 1-7 - . . . opwnat ovar Bunicatioa Wadneackr at 6 a. am. ALBERTA Lodg. No. 23. 'seA eenine at a 72Z? F. H, BRIG8. N O. R A RDnvruvv m bUTER Ltxr BE BE tall Lodg Na 203. will nart at aua. Tad.y.TMra241::t. pT" aOClAi, cruk of Boanyuide chapter. O. K. B. at E. S9tb and H.xlur.. v IJa aomaaeii z cam. EMBLBM JEWEL 7 . apa. b.uMa.7fa7 eaermn Jaeawr Brvm. 161-198 atat at HALLB FOB KENT. Monday and Taatday rmivt. Woodman Temple 128 1 1th at. CARDS HP THAVtrv WE wish y Uiank oar am IrLmnA fniinr. auw and eounaona treatment during our aad hours of the beiwaTement of our bahread aMtbcr. Also for the eipraaiiun of sympathy by the - beautiful floral offerings. MR. AND MRS. WM. BALBE. MR. AND MRM. PERBT ROBIN' SON, aim w. f. BHOCa KT WE wish to rapress oar thanks to ear man trimmAm im . i i.. i TT" extended to at in our bereanmant. aadoTTii those who sent the beaatiful floral tribute. Mrs. Margaret ilks. C. H Wifks. hV K. WUka. DEATH NOTICES 103 BURLEIGH Jan. 22. at Walla' W.1W u... ' Hariey Burteigb. aged 69 yean. The re naua ar. at Flnley's mortuary. Mnnttnaasrj at 8th. Notir. of foneral hereatee - FUNERAL NOTlCq 104 CHETBON At the raadeaoa. 4j7 Magaaoa aC Jul 22. Loum CaVronTageA 737-an! W teral kuabaad of Fnaeai Cbe.ron. tlTaluZ Mary Delasbmutt of Bpoaane. Wash.; MnT Joal. ole of WashougaJ. Wash.: Mrs. LeaZe Caldwen of Dae, laiand; Mm. tUtnerrae PrwUe of Cathlamet. Waah.; Mrs. pCaT Portland. Henry Caerro. of HBiS-T-ori. of y ancofiTer. Wash.: Loam of rng and Lewrrnee of Ponland. runeral eertae-a will lea-e the raadenr. Wadneaday. Jsa. 28. Tt t a. m - til"!r to Holy lUdeemer church, Portland bird, aad Vanceue.r aea.. wber asaas wfU be af. fered at 9:30. Iatrrmsnt Baa. Csta- i " T The remains will be at the randenc. after at p m. Tneadsj. ArraagamesU ta can of Molar A Tracer . URreR IB thia city. Jaa. 22. Piad O, seal .53 years, brlored hasbaad of Tharaaa Vrtrnt of 668 E. 10th St, (atneTof MelnTTSd XmZ peth trier and brother of Mrs. Harry A WU Uansoo. Mrs. George R. Clark. CbarVm U. Joha A. H. B. and O. R. L'rfer af PorUaaa. Rmd C. and Edward Urfer of Be. rraarW 9L Tss funeral serrtee wUl be bald Wadnea day. Jan. 25. at 2 p. m.. at the Panlaad Crematorium, 1 4th and Bybee as. Friends -nted. J. P. F ahty tt Bon. directors. Tbe de oeased was a member of Prospect camp. By. o WUMt. Tabor Lodge A F. sad A. M.. aad Oregon Const-torr. WEST Jaa. 23. 1922. at fbe family ram 830 Oaatenbera it. Him A Tmm ywsrs, nusband of Rate West, lather of Mm. Moaa Brown, Mabel. Harriett. Daria aad Harry Wan Jr.. half brother of Myte Mee. Portland. Or.; Chester Mee. Balrm. Or.; Emory Mae. min. A B. Moore. Tetaat, oT Mra. O. R. Harper. Uus aty. Funeral arrrieaa .ill be conducted Wednesday. Jaa 25. at II a. m.. from Pearson's unaenakina "pariors. Bus n at. at Tnton are. Friends larited. later aunt Boat City oenetery. KENWOTHT In thi. dty. Janaary 22, 1922. Beulah BL Keaworthy. aged 92 years, Itrleved wtf. wt Waiter C. KenworUiy. mother mi EUa, B. Paul me and Walter Kenwonhy, Jr.; daachtar of Mrs. LoeOa Koeda, aU ml tha dty: staler af Clyde Road, of Bakerafieid. UL. if JaT M Uoads of Portssnd. Faneral esiihes wiB be bakt Friday. Jaanary 27. at 3 a. as,, fraas the eaaeal of th. Portland Crematariaaa. East Pwarteaath and Bybee streets, wber. n 1 a 1 a ss t wiU b. made la the crem.toriam raceieiag aaurm. 8CNDT -la Preaeott. Arhu. Grwear C, aa. 98 yasra. bet. sad brother mi Mi Flaanlaaa. Maaas HeLn aaat TU - Walter Saadt of Porvland. Chariea Buadt af BeatUe. Wadi and Heroid Saaat af lasaarr. Cola. Fiwad. aa serried ta attend the ra aeral arrwice ta be held at the ehsi il af Baook A Whealdoa. Wadaseday. JaaTlA. at i v p. sa. uro i laent m Kieerrspw eeaseteeT COCHLEB la this dry Twaaasy. Jaa. 24 Mary oeharr. seed 63 ywsn. baSoead wtie af hasi.s Viola. aB mi Port lead. Fuawral arrrieaa wffl fe. enapes at vaaasaora ta.. za-gaa Ka sve.. eoacraojog armcea wUl b ' bead at rorraaa H LLA DA Funeral armcea af the late A bee Dnauf. age .. years, WUl h ted St looTwaar, jssauy za. SI 1 1 a. as., at t Aathoay etasari. 71at st. aad 43th aoa. Intends fasened. lsaaemeat Mt, Aeect Park -'- Q- aeewormy is, Cj fetes a. CLAChhEN Thaf faaerai errrsn. pr the HZ to bald Wedmssday. Jaa. 33. at 20 m iBTtted. at wase A Werk au m. oacrae. eaaferraa by the VOatsstsXf . kaBeaal baak aad rtslmll I 11 nm t wasaassaaa s-1 - . . M. W. Teaapl JFK&m Jfmm C-mZZmZ PwAm-d 'C1J7 msn.a..m. . t4aj-Ummd a Fatlauoaa ' wMv-aaa juiwrwtva X. Or. Or ka ear. ml kuet A Tiw, UlTTCtt Ta. laaaraT 9 ar t s BTittcka Will ha hmmmX IS. ary za. at 3 . FUNTRAL DIRECTORS 1 0 5 EDYARD E0U1AU - &S0N aTTj .iTarnar asis HI. East Sitae " Funeral Directors r. ti. lauNHiwa. dc. 16 i BB. SNOOK & WHEALDON mXXTKlh TTRECTOEJ i t-vsaeua ru IUUI At tauot gTaXIftTNT AT 65TH T ABOB it Lercb. Undertaker KABT 1X1' EtT 9 AND PtWTBOejrB. rhXtf BAST t6L Dunning a McEntee 1 .va--r 1 e- at Ella at finis Ian 9al4l A ae At aa mamwam amass na ay uaaaaw, a-. any BBwaamBBatT R. T.BYRNES ffiAjaffiS A. R. Zeiier Co. LZ. UONVtXBiTS 10C aaaa?,9ASI jStajnasaB. t I OTTO SCHUMANN MAABXJl mOXaTS L ., QPlJTT KTJaBlAU IllrlWlrW rTS, asjaas t.'BCl FLORISTS FLOWEJL8 JTOB ALL OCTSsAlONfc "We WTB FVaea Tea - TAMHILL at TENTH. Aad Fterai Daaaraa, ,16 Laiae iiiOinans. s Braaeh A tores, 36 Team aa atorrmaa et bn.ssa 4th and Aim. TeL Mam T79T . Smith's Flower Shop Tartkta Plot 1 wale. Fsrkd" Mrta Til 6. T. O. Lake. Mgr. th ami AMaa. -LUTW A FOE. Sta OCX, rmrkwa. 1 tTaaV. swum, nam a-izea. aanaakaa. artsatsra&y arraaaad. i tue Imw danrlit. Jas aa aa an aaaaat at Utisar FINLEY'S MORTUARY BKBTTOOrtaT AT FTTTH. MAIN 9 hUESTXE m EOXB.A raaaral arWwwAiB the rnncf mt a Heeaa, lto aad Eswaam aaT FVaa. Btwaage IlIAAwt. 81 1-6. IrnTrr. ' " a-7w . . . 1 I LOST AND FOUND ICS THB folkretag anirla. were foaad aa the eam of the Portland Beltway. Las at A Powee lw Jam. 21, 122: 1 basket tanned eanda. T am- ' brelhw, 1 htnch hog. 1 purse. 1 pta. 2 aarlraaay sooposg. (loeea, I anog. 1 Tsaity eaaa. 3 1 pair glaaav 1 batr 1 saoalta bonk. 1 1 eneat arasin. 1 saoksg. tha a!. Oeaaa aaaa aaaia tdrntlfVatioa at Kir end Alder eteaet Kataoa. btwach. 1 rabber. 1 hawa. araagaa, 3 theatre THE foOowing srurias .rare foaad ea the etn af the Portland Baaaay. Light A Powor Co.. 'aa. 22. 1922: 6 ambtaUaa. 1 auagto raobor. 1 parse, etrasette haidor. I auitosae. naretse. t pair 1 atngie flooea, 3 boohs, cane. leothalL S rwtAagaa. Owaen amy obtaia eaaa. wpoa aeopae MrrrufHation at First end AMer otreet atatsna. . LOST At atatoli theatre feetasuey oeats. oma ' r. v mvrrm mmmm ain aiiiir. riaarr Ammm ehsnge aad return keys and pocay for tmnhar aet mpmmwA . - aa LOAT -.Tbamdsy niaht. a e-4d M waarh,. aioaa at. .. aa bar. Vmdee. psaaaa call "aass ar ratara s. 16 hVarrm as. LOST Waltham sUdse-laght wnat waum, ami back, aa E. 24th at, V. bit si. a Braaee and Enott eta. Beward fvr return ta Dr. PixaU. 826 Moreaa hide Mam 42l. Kif'ND Jan. 13. on at. lady's fauna. Item tm etsorping 1st -lace for Uriea s dram, Phon. Tabor 7574. LOUT (ieid watch. Katarday m. as,. Mthor mm BO or MT ear, betweea Impenal hotel aad E 2 2d at. Fast 2412. LOST Caasea nsn. Banday. Ftoder naaae ratara to BL Paul hotel. Beward. Valued, as aara sake. -f',T -" r Ti Trr sad I liaaim.a. humj J. Fiadar plsam notify Etta leas, r''l-iatai rout 2. Oregon. RewaM. LOT Black leather trasetmg bag. uiiuased K. aC. by daatbted ex-eernra asaa. labaral to vurd. Call B. h- Nam. Fierce Sanatoria. Alaia LOjgT Brown fax far. Bender eeaausia. near 1' Ptae aad 48d at or 22d aad fSinton. finder pieaa. phone BelL 1236. Rewa-d LOUT Reward aad ae aaratajM aated fur re. tor. af aaal muff Hst last Thursday. Call Mm Gregory. Broadway 2071. UW Oa ilk saf Oak a., s Itsi s( I keya, Finder rail Bdwy, mm, A. . LOST Bund. y. 2 Id. werwoea t aad 19 ft st, .",.. tit am 91st ar 2d aU a n2 wool kaHart acarf . PWaoo eall Tier 914S. tOfJT Lady's wriat watch, down town, Bamda CsaB a9 KjwsanbMt LOST la the hUar 1 ,'rank atora,"" ar. ruewarq. aet 11 u bLACK pfkaUwxa in aleaer a frank . djapary mwm H U . , ' ' FOCM Bkepherd pup. 4 saoauha aad, UOBT Waddint ring, aa 6 2d at. A at- 686T767 LOfe eoaia mrm- lna sll I 4133 66th B. E. Pjeaar call Aut 61 86 9. EDUCATIONAL 200 rocB wExxr train ino rui , We baa. bnadreds af sradnaSaa new fany engaged ht tbe Ante. Tractor, Beta, the Ante ila nasi a. good pontoon, too. W. area aa a am bjar eaaa lautr- ae money la adi The trial abhgataa you to a. way. It af eaosUeat opportunity ta sta aa eaa test yoar os hi irattoas to learn Full num.n 11a catalog. tall or write hoak K, a t. tor kt todaa. Ask tor ADCOX ACTO AND A AT7AT70" SHOOl, m-f, AJflTwABOO AtTVT t Cat. 84 aad AhtatV LR1US A m. 1 or Alberta MEN WANTED l "d ton. Theuasod of siipmlaniiim lor the ansa. The HEMP HTUTAatearaaaks, dtradesto asatauoa. mea:... and Traa. isrhealca. tins eelrsaiasag aad tevairma. ergun mm eirtouiaAet r. wejidina. Lewast tottio. toss. Tlfs mimtoc. r-LdUr parmeat affme helps yoa to S?? lea eaw a to ywarwlf te sn- iViZ2" TILaTTbmOirtJi TWUAI swa atat Uia - - - ... "J-ly trtiaad ? J THWEBTEBJf isaarnaa tWOeaa Imy and NhrM Beho n,, Tomh-a FOAmOM FOE EaCai CILs.DC A ra AUAKT BJASU. AD ABU MOevatBOB JaOLEM BAhBaJt tAJaXsWB wul saaaTpwa -17,!,., 7. CTiL" .'.-. ' Wrrm or oad VVaalat BTwa T94 Buraayie at MEX. whtay 1AJJ - . 1-tAsy TClJcdBAPHT .yJZZL i ' t 434 BaAway Ba- C wlVI eVoorsuas. miU. mmx eotoeT. "The i Ht 'd. A .