THE ; OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON. TUESDAY. JANUARY 24. . 1522. COOfffY ATTORNEYS TO DISCUSS VAY TO HALT LIQUOR SALES DOVINVW MOVE .Eradication of bootleffcr and moon shlnare will ba ooa of tha principal aub facta tor alscuaalon when tha district attorrtsrt of Oregon mast In tho court booM Thursxlar ana Friday for their annual ceavtntlon. sncldsntally, oa Saturday, while the liatrlct at tor nay a ar atll In Portland, a msatlng of atata law onfordns offl clala will ft called to plan for a atata wtda . laraatlsaUoa of tha ftlcb coat of living-, especially la the matter of food. Prohibition will alao come up at thla " The Saturday con fsreoce haa ben railed by Attorney General L H. Van Winkle t the requeat of United 8U.Ua Attorney General Dauiherty. The tflatrlct attorneya will meet in PUtrlct Attorney M y era' of flea at 10 a.-m. Thursday. A banquet will be held at the Multnomah hotel Thuraday night at which the following will be guaats: Jostles Burnett, Kand. Harrla and Mc Court; Governor Olcott. Mayor Baker, Attorney General Van Winkle and Mult nomah county circuit Judge. During tho araalona the Inaanity de fmee now common. In murder triala will be dlacuaaed by Dr. W. T. .Williamson, alienist.. A law on the subject probably will be drafted. The divorce evil will be argued and District Attorney Myers today aald he expt'ted to frame a atatute preventing ' dtaaruntled ouuylea from going to coun . t Wa other than the oitea In which they live In atarvh of an easy way out of matrimony. The following have said they would .attend: John U Roote. St. Helena; Ed Wright. I -a Orande ; I O. Lewelling. 'Albany; W. 8. Levena, Baker; C. C. Itrawer. Klamath Falls ; W. O. Trill. . omII; William O. lUle, University of Oreaon law school ; R. Justin, Miller. university school; Llvy St I pp. Oregon nty: T. II. Ooyne, Tillamook; J. N. lU-lgeraon, lMaa, and Willard II. Wirts. - Prlnavllle. . a - TWO COM.AITH CHARGING ' M ABCOTIl' VIOLATION FILED ' Two complaints charging violation of th Harrison narcotic law were sworn hi this morning by Assistant United Ifataa Attorney Float! before United ttatea CarnmlMltnrr Kraser. Ole Smith. . tilaa Walter Smith, was charged with 1th having 17 packages of morphine , fa cocaine In hla potwensioii when the fUicm arrested him at I'arkiand ailnan ureeta Sunday evening on a charge of tlgrancy. William F. lleckenberg was lharged with having two packages of I rues concealed In his shirt collar. lie aaa arrested by police detectives at Second and Salmon streets in company with Joae Lauterellc, as an alleged vagrant. Will Btraet Journal Financial Review Xsw Tort. Jaa. Si- Tea -arkat elsssd to nga r. Sugar atoeka aa a faatorad the aaikct today, iMBoodiac to another advance in the pries of the ia lw aw oditv. Cuba wars rd l-H f a eanC The refined narket haa alao bows eonrttorabU taprovsuiaDt of lata. Manila lad thla gronp with a sain of aboat 8 point aod at it baat pries thia stock sbowed aa ad vance of 27 point from the 1921 low. In fact the whole hit cava a better account of Itself than ea Monday. E n steel stock fii nd up with (teal common recovering about a point. inu Btataa Steal. REACTIONARY TONE IN SECURITIES AT NEW YORK OPENING STEEL SHARES IN WALL STREET QUOTATIONS Furnished by Overbeds Cooke Co, Board of Trade Building Bales, t ' STOCKS- hich haa been the tar ptrfo aer aauns use todependent steals for the last two weak, bat bad a recovery and at its beat price waa up IS points from the low of afondaj. The best prices of the day in the Industrial Hit ware nude during the last boar. Call money, after renewiac at 8, tot down to 4 lata In the season. 4tMAau aUpre at . . . .advance Boat ... . . ' do pfd. . . 500 Afr. Cheat. ... ti'OO Ajax Knbber ... . 4liUilub Gold ... 2T00 Alaska J a Dean . 5800Ailied -Cbem. .. 2100 ait42lmen ..... do old. . . . . 4 00 ! Am. Beet Bogar .. 8 00 i Am. Beach ...... 14400 Ana. Can Co, .... do pfd., 200 Am. Car A Fdj. ..... do pfd. ....... ..... Am. . Cot. Oil .... . . . . . do pfd. ....... 800 Am. Dros Synd. . . 800 Ant. Hide A L. 700 do pfd. 200 Am. lee. 2000iAm. Intl. Corp. . . J High. I Low. I BkL Wall Street Journal Financial Review. Hew Tort, Jan. 24. (C. P.) Steel, with the exeeptioa of Gulf Btates. were somewhat heavy at the openinc of Uia New York Stock Kx chance today. Steel common opened at 85 H, vtatch was the low of Monday and 2 pointa be low laat week's bast. Gnlf BUtex opened at 71, and within a few minutes sold at 72. The robber ah arm wan fins, lost ss they had been at the pre vkrai session, with C. S. Rubber np it it. Equipments were hiaher, with all early sales of Baldwin above 07. Stndebaker wai np H at 88 oa the first sale, bat quickly lost sll this gain. Chandler made aa early low at 59 i . Cop pr.ra wera fractionally hither. Rails showed a m mewhet imnroved tone. After early beariBeai. the list nrmed np. witn mv end bobi enecialtiea leedmc the UDtnrn l rw fttiram batlerv maae a new man on uie move at 142. bp 6 to net. Philadelphia advices n ttaai a eneeial committee of directors has been appointed to report on a plan of capital readjust ment of the Electric Storage Battery company. Steels became active at advancing prices and Steel comm. at 88 H was up a fall point from the onenina. Gall States Steel toKJ U TI m 4 U net. The advance in thia stood was in reepoojw to the Dow Jones story showing order and inanities mnninc np to one or two carload luta are mora pientilful in the steel market. 800 Am. Linseed 1400)Am. Loco. ... .... I do pfd. .... TOOIAm. Saf. Rasor li00 ! Am. Ship A Com. 0OOAm. Smelter . 800 do pfd. . . . 1100 Am. Steel FUy bOOOIAm. Sugar .. . . '. . I . do pfd. . . . ClOOiAm. Sumatra i . 200Am. Tei. TeL...117H 82 Vi 14 ! . H 58 V ii 87 84 H 148 evi 13 ei 85 41 81 107 is 4 0 47 00 82 Vs 68 83 H 1001 Am. Tobacco 4 OO i Am. Tobacco "B" S500Am- Wool 1 do pfd. 2100lAm. W. P. pfd. . . . . . . (Am. Zinc ...... 4100Anaconda l iAasd. OU 1400Atcbiaon 900 do pfd. lOOiAU. Coant Line .. 700Ad. Golf A W. L 3200jBaldwia Loco. .. I do pfd. .. 1500i Blt. Ohio .. . 300 do pfd. SOOOiBeth. iteel "B". Hooth Fih. .. . . eoOiB. R. T 6O0 Butte C. A Z. . . 43oO,BuUe A Sap. 131 128 eS' 'eo" '97 8 87 80 07 '34 54 Vk 60 k 100 Bums Bras. Crisis in Sugar Industry Calls for Government Aid WuMnrtAn Jan. 24 (V. P.) The cabinet today gaa eriou consideration to the crisi" m tho sngar Indujtry. It wa learned at the White ilrnae. Sugar uperta have ben called into cim lultstion wiJi government official in an effort to deride upon a program of Joint action by the United .Stat ajid Cuba which woald save the sugar tndiwtry in both countries from a threatened disaster. It wa learned that General Crowder, who r turned from nba lt week, laid tht situa tion before Prewleot Harding with an anient at.neal for prompt action. Awurences have been n-ceired bv the admmwtration that the Cuban government will cooperate with the United State is a Joint program. Althonah the exact Doltcy has not been fixed ll will involve a limitation of Cuba sugar export 1 1 the United State probably umler an export lieenx nytem a!nlHi., by tuba. The question ot d'ontins the a eriran tariff to meet the sit uation from thia end still under consideration. .ICaddo Oil 900jl'si. Packing .. lOOlCsJL Pet. 200 do pfd. K00 Canadian Pac . 2300Cen. leather .. trro de. Pasco 3400t'hanaler Motor 1300;Clii. A N-W. 1001 100 7300 800 700 1100) Cbgo. GU W. do pfd Chili Cop.... Chino C. M. St. P.. do pfd . . . . 3400Coro Cola. . 20010. A O Oolo. F. A I.. 100'Cota. Southern 600 2A00 1600 '00 1300 14400 10 28 H 1174 70 47 86 124 32 52 Jl 34 82 13 57 43 0 35 8 86 6 146 115 20 42 13 60 84 Va 41 31 106 113 4 47 00 31 66 3 82 117 131 128 83 104 28 H 131 49 100 07 80 87 20 06 10S 34 I 34 54 I 54 68 I 5 7 9 0 I 26 28 115;110 ll 52 32 13 7 48 35 35 35 145 6 13 50 84 30 31 106 4 8 47 00 31 66 32" 117 131 128 83 25 49 97 86 87 2'9 96 Sales. STOCKS I Hith. Low. 2000, Int. Nickel . . ZSOOiInt. Paper . . i do pfd. . . ... 3700'lnviDoble Oil . . lOOiJeweU Tea 800 K. C Soothera . 1 0O do pfd. OOOIEdlv-SpcTid. . . . 6800Kenneeoa ..... OOOKsystono Tire .. 1100 Lack Steel .... 500 Lae Tire ...... 1100 Lehigh TaOsr . . 100 LoriUard 100 Lowe Theatres 800 L. A N.. ...... lOOOiMariaad Oil ... 4000Martia A Parry S00 May Stores ... . 6200iMex. Pet. OOOiMiami 170 6300 400 100 600 400 500 400 1 4300 500 Xiddls States O0 , Si-vale Steel .. St. K. A T. VTi. . do Wi . Mont. Power ... Mont. Ward ... Mo. Pac do pfd. . . M. SL P. A S. S. Nor. Am. . . iXat. Biscuit . . . Nat. Enamel . . (1- Gas A Klec. Columbia Graph Con. Gas Cons. (linn. . . do pfd ConU. Can .... Cities Svc. Bakerk.l TbaClMA ON TRIAL FOR HrXOSD TIM K FOR Ml RDF. B Tor Choncr, charted with the murder f Wong? Uew. went on trial Monday afternoon before a Jury In Circuit Judge Rtspleton's court The Jury disagreed In tho first trial. Henry K MrOlnn. former circuit judae. will be special pronecutor and court followers look for legal pyrote-lt-wlca when hm and John Collier, for the defensa, clash In final argument. Iep aty Ptatrlct Attorney Mowry la direct lrt the proaecutlon for the state. Toy Choti( la Alleged to bo a Suey Fing gunman. Reduction Is Shown In Reserve Notes 'Corn Prod . , do pfd j lOOOjCosden Oil lOOOjC. K. I. A P.. . . 2001 do "A" pfd 200 do B" pfd 3100Crucible . . 2001 do pfd BS00 Cuba Cane 7300 do pfd 600 Cuban Amn. Sueur TOO lieL A Hudso. . n. . 800 Home Mk 100 lieL A lack 700 lhtvison Chem 2000 Kndicott Johnson. . . 100 Krie I do pfd OOOiElectric Ft try. 60 64 6 16 18 28 18 31 44 66 39 65 1 91 '2- ' 52 101 69 47 86 124 32 . I. 69 63 6 15 17 28 18 31 43 55 39 68 1 91 'ss' ' 51 9ff 69 47 86 124 33 34 59 63 6 15 17 27-i 18 31 43S 66 . 26 30 68 1 91 28 5S 51 19 100 112 34 I 34 34 31 I 31 i 31 : 86 I 86 73 I TJ ISOOINat. Lead zuOi.Kevada Con. 2700;New Haven 200!Norfolk A W 2c00INor. Pac. 300 (Neva Scotia Steel 1300 X. T. Air Brake . 300N. T. Central ... eoOlOkla. Prod, ref . . . Ontario Silver 400, Ontario W 500 Otis Steel Pacific Dev 100, Pac. Gu A Else. 4800iPunta AUegre 2700jPacific Oil 1300jPan Am. Pet. . . 700i do 'B" oOOPenna. 1700People's Gas 400Pere Marquette . . 1100 Pure OU 200 Phillips Pet 1600 Pierce Arrow . . . 200 Pierce Oil 200 Pitta. Coal .... Pitts. A W. Va. . P. Steel Car 1400PnUman 800Ray Cons 32001Keading 1500;Kemington 4000Replogle Steel . . . ISOOIRepublic LAS.. 12 50; 15 12 22 54 37 29 17 48 28 59 148 13 113 25 32 106 113 27 12 82 8 25 69 14 16 45 58 86 00 13 15 99 77 26 58 74 2 -2l"" 12 65 38 46 52 47 34 70 20 33 30 16 10 60 do pfd. Rep. Motors Royal Dutch Oil. . Ry. Steel Spg Stand. Oil N. J . . l00Sears Roebock .. . 200Shattuck. Aria. . , .... iSlieU T. A T 6S00iSinclair Mand. Oil Ind . . Sloss Shef Sou. Pacitic ISou. Ry. 100 500 400 600 200 1:900 80ft ITS' 49 ii 12 22 64 7 29 16 47 88 88 148 13 111 24 30 106 1 111 27 12 31 8 23 68 14 16 43 62 69 13; 13; 99 77 26 58 73 2 '26 11 65 36 46 01 46 34 69 20 35 29 13 9 60 SOU I E 13O0 Stand. 400 St, L. 8000 ' 166 JAR MARTY ftl'FK. TO RF.COTKR ! OK Fl"RCH ASK OF OLD ACTO Jo llarty. legless man who sells pa prs at Broadway and Washington street, filed suit in circuit court Mon tT afternoon against the Appenton fVtor" Car company for $1330, charging Utat tho company sold him an old and rrtted car. telling faint It waa new. The purchase, price waa 11813 and he elalrna tho car waa not worth more tlmn !00. rftfCLAR RrftTACRAHT FU.F.S . rr.TlTIO" 1 BAJHRCPTCT Tho Topular, a restaurant at 125 First street, filed a petition In tho federal bankruptcy court thla morning asking t ba relieved from pay merit of $13, 4JJ.ll liabllltlea. Tho petlUonera are Ivar Akerstrom, John Krlckson and Os car Ttilm. The assets are $1039.17. The unsecured creditors are Ashley A Hume- lie, bankers, and tho State Bank of 1-ortland. loo 300 5100 4 on 07OO HOOlGoodrich Aggregate reduction -ot f 64,100,000 of fed eral reserve notes in circulation, in conjunc tion with a decline of 865.500.0OO in the hntrtincs of disc ounted snd purchssrd billH and an WM-rraM ot SR.nnii.ouo in total aenosu. sre indinsled in tli federal re rve ooara s weesiy h..b . t.n.nt iaauH St th elose of bllAinett January 18. 1922. Gold re-rve snow a gain -.r toe the week ot S3.1UU.OOU. wmie oiner rve rwah. romprased largely of silver eertifiratee and Cnitcd Suta notaa. Increased by Sl.iuu.uuu. Government denosiU show an tnrrease tor me week of 862.400,600. Member reserve de- show a nrarticallv col responding reduc tion of 361.700,000. while other drpoxits. com posed largely of non-members' clearing accounts and cashier' check, show a gain of $7,300,000. Famous Players . . . Fed. Min. A Smelt. Fisk Tire (ia-tton VVms. Gen. tigara . . Gen. Kler. ...... Jen. Motor Ucri A kirn lien. Asphalt 61 81 10 24 20 108 U3 65 80 8 144 80 58 81 104 23 19 107 113 3 79 8 137 78 Vi ?F.W TORI BOND (Furnished by Overbeck A MARKET Cooke Co.) TILL BRItGH lit FINE flam Oalluccl. lir Meade atreet, waa fmed $500 by District Judge Bell Mon day for baying a atlll and 75 gallona of moonshine In hi houno when deputy rrtwrlffa raided It. Mlllnl Tapulind. who Fad moonnhina but no eull at 567 Front btraot, waa fined $175. , Atrhumn Gen. 4 , Ral. A Ohio i'-old 4 Beth. Steel Kef. 6a. Cent. Pacific 1st 4 St. Paul On. 4 Chicago N. W. Gen. 4. . . I j. A N. Cot 4 New lork Ry. 6s Northern Pac. P. L. 4. . . fnion Pac 1st 4s C. S. Steel 5s fnion Pac- 1st Ref. 4. . . Hou'-aern Ie. Conv. 5s. . . Southern Pac. Conv. 4. . . Penna Conv. 4 s Penna. t 4s Chea. A Ohio Conv. 5. . . Ore. 8hort line 4s Allied Packers 6 Am. Can 7 Aa. Cotton Oil 6 1924.. Am. Tobacco 7s 1922. . . AnslAm. Oil 7 1925. Armour 7s 1930 Cnrishv Pack. 7s 1923... Can. P.lec. Deb. 6 1952. Goodrich 7s 192n Kennecott Cop. 7s 1930. Pac. Fntit Bxpr. 7s Stan. Oil Cal T 1931. Westinghouse 7a 1931.. Waat kUec. 7 1926... Rid. Auk. 88 8S 78 79 02 93 83 84 61 61 84 85 89 90 26 -T 85 86 t 1 100 Ti 101 86 86 96 97 8K 88 03 ' 16 86 88 86 86 89 90 80 69 94 97 04 94 102 102 103 104 102 103 )O0 101 97 98 97 97 103 103 103 108 98 98 106 107 107 107 105 105 . Granby 400'tireat Nor. Ore. 1500;reat Nor. pfd. Greene Cananea 2400!Gulf 8. Steel. . 400!Hask Barker . . 8 00 1 Houston Oil . . ll'OOHupp Motor .. 1(0 IlLi. Cent. 5 00 j Inspiration .... 100 InU Axr. Corp. I do pfd. S400;lnterboro 1100 do pfd 200Intcrstate Callahan "OOiInt Harv 1 do pfd. .r00;int- Merc. Marine. 4TUV do pfd. c. 12 76' ' 143 8 45 58 37 32 73 77 84 75 13 101 40 8 2 7 8 83 14 66 12 7fl' ' 143 8 45 57 37 81 73 70 83 75 13 100 40 8 ' '2 7 6 83 'l4 I 64 86 73 61 81 10 23 19 108 21 113 54 79 8 13 143 78 9 12 69 143 8 45 58 37 11 30 31 73 27 T5 84 75 13 101 40 8 34 2 7 5 83 100 14 65 Oil Cal. S. 600 Strombert Carb. . . I 9300 Stndeoaker ISwift A Co 1 OO Twin. Cop. & Chem 4900ITexaa Oil 3500 Texaa Pac 20WTex. Pacific C. A . 800iTob. Products 23O0Tran. ContL Oil. . . 400Cnion Oil Del 900jl'nion Pac 300 United ADoj ll'nited Krug 200(rnited Food Prod. 700,1 mted Fruit United Rds. of N. J. Union B. A P I ni. Retail Stores. U. S. Ind. Alcohol. U. S. Rub ... do pfd. 8. Smelting . U. S. Steel do nfd. 1200Utah Copper a. Chem. do pfd. ........ 11400Vaa. Steel lrandou .. . ... .. Wabarh A pfd. B pfd. Wells Fargo ..4.. Western Pac .. . . . do pf d. ........ Western Union .. . . Weat'ghse K. A M west Md. White Motors .. . Willys-Overland . . do pfd. lOOIWilson Packing .. V uconsui CenL . . Woolworth Worth'gton Pomp. W. A L. B. White Oil Money 113 15 74 31 33 55 7 50 96 178 62 8 '26' ' iii 81 18 93 40 88 " io' ' 45 26 24 64 10 19 129 27 100 5800 2000 700 100 300U, 13UU0 :oo 500 600 100 100 100 800 100 500 80Oj 800 TSTff 49 80 14 12 22 54 87 29 16 48 27 8 146 IS 112 25 31 106 112 27 12 31 8 23 60 14 16 4 64 53 130 36 1 89 13 13 99 77 26 58 73 2 3 21 11 8 65 38 46 51 46 34 69 20 33 29 15 9 60 24 64 112 15 73 29 S3 54 86 7 50 96 177 62 N 37 19 86 41 81 i 17 94 K -1 39 88 9'J HI 44! 26 24 63 10 1 128 27 71 7 V 127 8 70 54 42 5.-. 100 V4 34 85 116 63 28 I 68 35 I 33 i 35 PRICES STEADY Bteel Col Km taeassd eperatioas sad the West Pwnawjrvaaia Steel C. at Biwcaearksae Is ess aa- tag at attewx aa par eeatt M capacity. . . RON-FERKOCS MR ALB " ' New Terk, iaa. 24. nattaasa asa adwaaosd to $105 aa oaaoa. a jvm el 827 aa tarn ta the last six weeks. The tiiinn la supply ris smignad aa the causa of the advance, 1 f : -, - ' i .- , GLASS - ' ' . " ' Breekenridge. Pa.. Jaa. 34. Glaas plaata at Tarantnas sad Bracaaaridae are est practically normal kas Casl sheet par-4 el taaebvuy. The Brattie Broth er Mill cisss say pies, was tale Is of a toae sad aha sawmill of ta fWd Xmm bar eapany was forced ta cwttiae last Weaasaday ea aamaat as k It e amiofd aswtssj Moaday aosa Iuss skst 11 marts 1 asiiin T" x of th atrattks Bmkm' MU1 aaaay pUaa. tana aatagiee sad eadar atdiac. ta abowt aOO.wOO a day and eaxpioys sbeat 30 ant The Ridre field Last aw nawpeay'a mOl eats ss st ae.OOO raas ec Wale a day and avvaa wilnrmint as srtitet. has Vc l kww l'aaa'kukf'! 128 70 55 43 55 100 36 86 4 29 111 15 72 30 31 54 "V" 50 96 178 ,8..! 19l 41! 81 17 94 21 39 81 " io' " 44 25 24 64 10 19 128 ST "7 127 " 70 ' ' 54 42 55 100 36 85 63 29 New Orleans. Jan. 24. Orders for southern pine reached tneir lowest point in yean the laat in I Wine m her, nwa aava meTaaaea ov er cent siBca then. Farther incre asea are expectad as snoa sa freight rates are reduced. Prices are steady sad producer predict a racoid year. UNSEED New Terk. Jaa. 24. Cruabe are somewhat 1 mors bullish ta their ideas ot the linseed ou situation, and shading of prices haa sensibly diminish ed .with some crushers unwilling to sell st present figs a beyond March. MILLINERY Chicago. Jaa. 24. Many jobbers, wholesalers and manufacture ra. declare that the principal demand from retail millinery store i for hats which will retail at from (3 to sr. BO. Soma manufacturers, however, declare the $10 bat w the best seller. TEA New Tot. Jan. 24. Prices art being weB maintained in the tea markets here in the-spot positions due to the high cost ot replaceana in primary market. FISH New Terk. Jan. 24. There is sa improved rVmanri for santines of both the Maine and Cali fornia varietiea. and an increase ia price i fore cast by some dealers. It ia estimated that leas than 400.000 case remain in the hand of Maine packers to care for the trade anal the new psck gets under wsy April 13. FURNITURE Snnrw. Mich.. Jan. 24. Manufacturers of curtain rods and draperies sre enlarging their plants here and the Kisch Manufacturing Co. leader in that line, is building a new 3100.000 plant. The WUhelm Fum:lure company ia erect ing a aew $75,000 unit. FRUIT San Francisco. Jsn. 24. The dried fruit market is firm, with prices trending upward for choice stock. Prunes are strong at higher prices, and the demand is good. HIDES AND LEATHER Chicago, Jan. 24. The hide market is good xni leather is in demand. Higher price for kip and calf skins are anticipated. Kip skins are Ftllins ud to 16 cents and light calf at $1.30 per piece. Country 4udes are not pleuutul snd trc strongly held. New York. Jan. 24. In comparison with nor mal, trading in bides here is almost at a stand till, yet prices are firm and likely to remain so until the sunply increases. Hides are accumulst ins in the River Plate markets. . AUTOMOBILF.S Kalamazoo, Mich.. Jan. 24. Tbe National Mac Core Motors company has received two or ders totalling $7,000,000. which will keep the plant busy for several months. CANDY New Orleans. La.. Jan. 24. One of the lead inc candy manufacturers here has reduced prices 0 per cent on his most popular brands, bringing the?e products to pre-war levels. STKEL Chicago, Jan. 24. Memners of the city Conn or who investigated the murucipally-owned city nrair shops, which cost $2,700,000. and which nrw have been closed, estimate that repairs to city equipment done there cost nearly three time what the work could have been done for In pri vately owned establishments. IMUsburE. Pa.. Jan. 24. Industrial condi tuns in the Allegheny valley are nearer normal than at any time since 1920. The Allegheny 1 operating on part scaadass. - UK I tJOOLSS New Terk, Jaa. 24. Jobbers bare dselare that awn twtars orders for waafc asods have baea nlsead for next snrina than ever before, aad they expect a very saeossafal, apriaa sad sswwar bast- aess ta those Ham CHEMICALS Washing,. Jaa. 24. ttstrfbatiaa ef arid aa aa exploaive for ass ea farms la blaatlaa steaans and rocks m am U nader war.- Taw ans- tris tioa ef that aaes so vernaaent war ssstenal being dans under sapemskoa el the dssaxtsssat 01 agncaitara. FOB.EIOS GOTERJfMEXT B05D3 (rarakbed by Overbeck A Cooke Co.) Belgian Bast, as Beisiaa Ft a. 8s Belgian 71a. 1943 . Helgiaa 8a. 1941 .... Beiaa 6s. 1923 Brasu as. 1925 (new) Hnttab 6s, 122 ... Brltiah 6a. 1927 ... British s. 129 ... British vky. 4a British est. 4s Bordeaux . 1934 . Canadian as. 1937 .. Canadian 5. 1926 .. Cnsadiaa 6. 1929 Canadian 6a. 1931 .. Canadian 6. 1927 Chinaae 6 Chilean ea. 1941C . Currency Denmark 8s. 1945 . Dsn. Muni. 6a. 1945 French 4. 1917 ... Crrnch 6a. 1920 ... French 5a 1931 .. . French 7, 1941 . French 8s. 1946 .. . Oman W. L. 6s .. . Merlin 4s Hamburg 4 Hamburg 4 s I.eipsig 4s ...... Iinsib 6s Munich 4s Munich 6s Frankfort 4 s Italian 6. 1918 ... Jsp. 4s. 1931 Jsp. 1st 4 , 1926 Jap. 2d 4s. 1926 Norway 8. 1940 .. . Russian 5. 1921 . Russian 5a. 1926 , Ruasian 6s. 1919 Swiss 5s. 1929 .. . Swiss 8s. 1940 Kan Pavlo 8s U. K. 6s. 1922 .. U. K. 6t. 1922 .. U. K. 3s. 1937 .. Bid. Asked. 76 78 7 70 17 107 106 106 93 96 104 104 6 sawi 86 67 84 85 67 69 64 66 83 as 98 96 97 97 97 97 H 97 97 96 . 97 44 43 101 101 9 11 107 10S 106 106 49 61 72 73 62 66 93 93 100 100 3 3 4 6 4 4 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 7 6 83 34 78 73 87 87 86 8T 109 100 19 21 4 19 21 97 97 118 I1IM 102 102 100 100 100 100 98 98 RIDGEFIEI.TI LUMBER MILLS COMMENCE OPERATION Ri dire field. Wash.. Jaa 24. Both plants here nf the Brattie Brothers' Mill company and RirlsefieM Lnmber company on Lake river re sumed operations Monday with fall crew after To Eedeem Copper Export Gold Notes ' ' Meaey aad Exchange Xew Tork. Jaa. 3i.-(l B. S.) Call esoaey Kew Tork stork ascaana tbe tlsor of today roJed at 6 n par erat. Were 4 Or 4 . rmr smi T nra tor - prima ti entile Mnr m . CaJi rv sa Lsadia todaa S a u una raeaaate was eras, at e4.ZJ ft Ore hard Iasaarter at White Balataa WhMa Balaaaw. Wash.. Jaa. 34. A. B. Mllai beee secarsd bv 1ml arehanHua 1 m a orchard tsspector. aad It is expeeted that tbe.eoastaat sap.rvist.a give by aha will nam ii asasnt ta the oai haul, at Of talsrs as a tars aemses af Fort-ad la the gas sen-meat by Expert aw a-Asts-ay lae- af tbe tT.aoa.ooa af the setd la Faaraa . 1921. - TV per eewt satsrast. are ss be 18. 1922. at 101 aa A Caatp tbs Cr r aassa wakrk bsar rsliiaiil rsbrea I iaMM. Teas ta br Fvi a si. Sadta baaaers af lr isaA Aeeaediat to CVsa. the tallest after Vwbraery 18. Hit s-a-d be by the aa aa tbe aeaes cal wOl 13. 1922. aad aA Casmoas das Fwbrwary This is ewe ef tbe saaay laeeatas af tws towenag m antaiwst rasas, aeraraing ts Mdta a uas e aaaag. aa ssai 1 nj wtta taadtag a set saa aa t aa a w- el .'art sa eau ta a a saiaar Una pay luga ww urn easaans a wasr as. -SOUNDSBOWDS m. Lr sZJZ.-t 6 20 79 54" 92 61 38 6 32 46 '"8 3 6 I .0 79 64 ' 92 60 88 6 32 46 8 4 6 6 19 12 79 15 63 91 60 8 38 5 28 32 24 145 46 6 8 4 Issued Under the Seed of Oregon TPllESE ARE BONDS prepared under Oregon statutes to develop Oregou, to insure capital and protect tbe investor. T Slide Irrigation District 6s (Malheur County, Ore.) To Yield Any Maturi'y General Obligation Municipal Bonds Federal Income Tax Exempt has Total sales of stock for the day were 527,300 shares with bond sales going to $13,654,000. - Ex. div. 1 per cent. I1JJ19 DAMAGE) ASIF.D Minnie K. Pawaon tiled suit In circuit court Monday aaklng $15,350 damages from W. T. Wright, who waa driver ot a car that knocked tho plaintiff and her car Into a telephone polo at Broadway ajid WlUiama avenue, January 1. " tonn vr. coofeb dies toron, Masa., Jan. !. U. P.) John Xf. Cowper, ono ot the little rroup that founded the American Federation of Labor, died hero today. y , s rOKTLAHD BASK OFFICIAL i . ITErTED IS HAMPA BASK w-im. Msho. Jaa 94. C, C Ott. vine as lawwt af the SI Irst M.Uoaal Sank ef Portland. was a vWuw la Nsmtw Haturday. conferring with . tw Krts I sad ef fleers of the Stark ens Na- tHaaI bank, la whsrh be sad some ef bis . eiaiaa kav parsoaal in taunt. He w hw4 h J. I. sVkani on. who will be a lahvd with the wfncial stall ot tbe SSockaMas eUoaal Seal aa eaahsn . BOSTOX COPPF.E SHARES ( Reported bl Overbeck A Cooke Co.) ma. Aria Cora. 9 Adventure 50 Ahmeek. . 61 Algomaa. AUones.. 32 Arcadian. 3 Buig.Mns. 13 Bala kalla CaLAAris. 68 Cal.AHer.278 New Care 18 Centennial 11 Cop. K . 44 DavkOaJry 8 DalyVTeat- 3 R. Untie . 1 1 Frana-Mng. 1 Hancock. 2 Helvetia.. Indiana . . 50 UL Creek 96 da oca. wo Kaewanaw 1 Kerr lake a laks Cop. 3 La Sails. 1 Mlchiraa. 2 UasaCon, 2 r L1BKBTT BOND SALES Reported by Overbeck Cook Co. Ooa Hiah. Low. fines Hbeety. $.... 9642 $66$ 9634 9660 lOwny. let 4s 9730 I itwrtr. Sd 4 9700 i ikenr. it 4. 9TS0 area 9734 9700 ltMty, S4 4s. 70 0714 9710 I thirty. 3d 4a. 9773 9T76 9768 9768 1 Ibarty. fta 4 s. 9780 9780 9710 9724 Mrtnry. 4S.... 10014 10016 10013 10011 ktory. 9.,. .10013 19013 Ask. 9 7S as 60 32 a 14 4 R9 280 19 44 8 s 12 O 2 SH 73 87 92 1 SH 3 3 2 3 Bid. Ask. M. O. Col. 2 3 Ma. Valley 1 1 N. Butte. 13 13 (Nipissing. 6 6 lake., an rT. D. Cop. 25 26 rOseolaUa. 34 35 Obijawa... 2 1-16 2 IQain. Mng. 44 46 PondC-reek 14 Isle Koyal SS Slake.. 44 Snp. Boston l Cn.S.Mch. do pfd . iSnp. Or . . lahattnck. . Tnn. Cop. . IToolamme Vt Metal, t'tata Oea. . C.S.afing. do pfd. . fUtah Apex Ventara. . IWinona. . Wolvarine lYVyaadott. 38 26 2 8 14a 27 45 1 88 27 8 9 Russian Soviet Bank Is Formed; Transfer Facilities Afforded The Russ lan Socialist federal soviet republic has formed a government bank with a capita of 2,000.000,000,000 rubles, according to informa tion received by the foreign department of the State bank of Portland. Transfer of money can now be made through the Knasian bask to 66 of the principal cities in that country. Payment orders win call for United States dollars or for Gesjnan marks which will be transmitted to Moscow where payment in soviet rubles , will be made within two days snd in Petroerrad within seven daya after receipt, snd in other places a little later according to the distance, according to the information received by the bank. The exchange of the dollars or German marks into the soviet ruble will be made by the Rus sian State bank st Moscow, st the official buy ing rate of the day. Orders which do not reach destination for want of the exact address or because beneficiary cannot be located, will be returned in the original currency less postage charges. The official rates approved by the Russian commissiouer of finances on September 26. which nntil further notice win be taken by the . international accounts section as a basis for exchange operation with foreign currency sad coin is ss follows: Soviet Rubles. Pound sterKns 231.000 United States doQsr 62,400 German mark 600 Stock Mftgggr Hoover snrumncea there will be- no reduction tioa in freight rates on coal before April 1, when a coal year ends. Gross earnings of federal serve bank de clined from $5,000,000 s month in 1920 to $1,000,000 eetunsted for January. Poland gives several American firms 810.000.- 000 contract for farm equipment to be paid for in six years 8 " Polish treasury notes. . Twenty industrial off .24. Twenty rails 75.50. off J8, United Fruit for 1921 is expected to show sbout $17 s share oa increased capitalization after all charges and taxes snd the company has something like $20,600,000 in cash and government securitiee. Mother Lode Coal has repaid to the Kenne eott Cc per company the loan of $1,000,000 made in 1919 for the development of its prop erties. The former now has no indebtedness bat current hills. STATE APPROVED. The State Irrigation Commission inspected this District and approved this Bond issue. STATE CERTIFICATION. The Secretary of State has in dorsed each bond, legalizing them as state approved investments for Savings Banks, Insurance Companies and Trust Funds. STATE INVESTMENT AND MORAL RESPONSIBILITY. The State has contracted to advance interest on these bonds for 2i years pending full development of the district under irrigation and may, under the law, advance interest for 5 years. This will make the State investment in this district equal to 15 or 30 of the entire bond issue. Havint approved these bonds as legal investments, the State ha assumed moral as well as financial responsibility. Our Personal Investigation suvl the Report of Our Eafiaear ins and Legal Experts confirm th Report ef the State Commis sion and we recommend thee Bonds , aa, ia our opinion, sound snTestmecits. Few of These Bonds Remain Unsold G. E. MILLER & COMPANY PorUaad Seattle Second Floor, Northwestern Bank Building. Main 4195 Pacific Gas and Electric declared regular am irteriy dividend of 1.50 on first preferred snd original preferred stocks, both payable Feb ruary 16; stock rococo January II. 2 2 15-16 6 i 1H i 36 H 43 H 32 SS ss 8 1H s ST H 44 S 22 H 45 11 60 FOREIGN EXCHANGE BATES Porre eted dailr bT the foraen exchange de partment ot tbe United States Nstioaal bank. Quotations below (except tbe pound sterling) are quoted on tbe basis ol 100 units foreign cur- i nency. Opening "' rates cat nana transaction s: Draft Cable Far Checks Transfers Value London I,b. sterling Paris Franca Berlin Marks STAHDABD OIL STOCKS (rnraiabed by Overbeck it Cooke Co.) - Tarslo Kiebaaro Warkat 'Hew Terk Jta, 4 -TJ. P.l twaaal 1V seesed tedsr at $4.11 Hi fraaea, .0807 Hi I. ,ev .!. 1 f. IsatX Marllaa 44 J : fraaea, .SMS H ; M. .0444 Hi asarka, .S04TV.1 kssaew. .200a. I ' " wswaw ssbs i mm nmajiw gga THE SPECIALIST! How extremely easy it la to spoil la the snaking what otherwise would be a woodertal road. One j may aava tho rixht epecineationa, aew a wa -a aw s a wi ie astsa wa g? v snaehlsMt r available, but caralears nawa or poor Judcment In or oom bintnc the snaterlal. In the apraad Inc. compraastns;. ar rolllns; may lay the frMiwdatloa for onllmited trou ble). When W'arre-ntte-Bitullthtc ta - oaad. Warren Brothers tympany In aWK. an Uia pavement being not only up to spacificatlooa. but that the r radtsct anall be srUxed aad latd iht. Anglo Cheewbroogb . . . riieswbroiigb Pfd. Eureka fSaleaa e Oalei ia Old pfd. .. tSatena New pfd. .. UtlDos Pipe ..... Hiien si 1 N Bribers Pipe Okie 4ir P ia. kfex. ........ Roathera Pipe Soathers Pena OU .. ft. O. California . . Ha, lff &g4aawU W- ' S. O. Kaacarkr a. 4. New Task S. O. Ohio .... 8. O. Ohio asad. A. O. ew Jena a. O. Nebraska Bid. 1714 180 10 80 40 10S 10O 170 0 2 27 " 10 82 $55 460 S4 S86 114 , 17S ICS 'Asked. 1744 185 110 83 42 107 lOS; 174i 02 5 280 17 84 10 670 40 S8 SOS iu; .1" I Athens Prae.bmss Copenhagen Kroner . . Cliriatisnis - Kroner . StockholBr avronsr Hongkon Ou eney . Japan Tea onsngnst - TaaU $ 4.21 8.00 .47 4.37 Is . 4.40 . 20.02 . . . 24.85 , . 54.00 47.50 71.00 $ 4.22 8.07 .47 4.33 4.43 20.07 1S.70 2S.00 S4.7S 47.05 73.80 $.4,868 19.30 23.81 1J0 19.30 26.70 28.70 26.70 SHORT TEKH SECURITIES Furnisbed by Clark. KeodsXl A Co. Price. Aaa. TeL A TeL 6s October. 1022 100 Am. Tel. Tel. ea, February, 1921 Am. TeL A TeL Ss. August, 1925.. anaconda Cop. os, Jsnuary, 1029.. Anaconda Oop. 7s. January. 1929.. Armour Conv. 7a July. 1030..... Belgian Gov. as. January. 1933 Beth, Steel 7s, July. 1922 seta. Ettsei (s. Jury, iza ....... tjswsrtisn es, April. 192a Canadian 5a. October. 1931 Cop. Exp. Assoc. 8a, February. 1922. . . Cop. Kip. Assoc 8s, February, 1923.. Cop. Exp. Assoc. 8s. February, 1924.. top. sxp. assoc. as, raDrusry. iza. . Cudsby Packing 7a July. 1823.. Jspsaess 1st Ext. 4 tt. Februsry. 192S Japanese 2d 4Hs, July.' 1925 Southwestern Bell TeL 7a. April. 1925. . Btarjoaru uuttft. X. la January. 1931 100 Swift A Co. 7s, October. 1925 101 V. 8. Bobber 7s. Seeember. 1923 100 S. V. 8. Babber 7 16s. Anguat, 1930 .... 105 101 110 101 08 S 103 95, 100 100 97 97 1004 I02 hi 102 104 100 87 80 101 Canadian dollar discount per 1 Sew La bar Co aaay Menteasao. Wash.. Jaa 24.- -Artirlea of in earporattaa were flWd with the eoanty auditor today br tbe T. P. White Ijnssber eosapaay of Aberdeen. T. P. sad H. K. White are tbe organise, af the cosapsny, wbica aaa a ol 1 0.OOO. . Farmers Take Orer Creaaery Plaat North Bend. Or.. Jan. 24. About 200 fann ers and dsirysaea ef Coos e usty voted shwost unaaiawaaiy Satordsy to take ever the Mutual Uaaaaery plaat at Man hneid aa the piaa of fare d by tbe Or a Dairymen' lea a. The eraassery was taken ever at about four-fifths ef its book value, to bo paid for by prufemd stock ts be issued by tho league. This a angenaent will sfw 1 tbe fan sen aa ewtlet for their ereaas aad saUk. Tbe baiidinaa and asachiaerv are ia gooa state at repau. . PACIFIC COAST BASK STATEMENT tOfTLAr40 BANKS Oaxtngs Monday.. $ 6.145,522 $ 6,215,211 Balances Monday.. 1.193.0S8 1.620,641 Clearings Tuesday.. 4.470,405 4.770.761 Ba nnea. Tuesday.. 712,035 837.559 Cleat sags Tsiailiy aaa Taesdsy I Cleartngs Taesdsy .$ 2.704.749.00 BUSINESS SUNSHINE Kelso. Wash.. Jan. . JC MiUa , fat Kelso and the cam pa In thia .vicinity i-aunted operations today toUowinar a shutdown because of the cold weath er. Tbe Silver Lake. Oetrander and Barr'a cam pa are all once more op eraUnsr. aa Is the Oatrander mitt and UM.Creeoent Shingle company milk J NEW INCORPORATIONS Clearings Tisissl Las Clearings Tuesday $100,000. Oakland Banks $20,900,000.00 ..$ 5,487,844.00 990.093.00 $ 233.700.00 1 I .. $14.83.878.00: Stocks. Boads, Cottflts, Crain, Etc. 316-317 Board of Trade BaDdinc fUleva. Or.. Jaa. 24. Organ 3ed for the par ol mutual protection aad smitjuua of rttU and the enforcement ef all laws for tbe protection of women, tie Purity, Protection aad Fatnotlm assembly of La Grande filed articles g f 1ft - ft rirtMTbfacSs t. uYGtb eck(xCookeCo kfikiiwd liovett. tienmde Wsaner. Mildred Weha.1 V 1 VlUWVUV.VUUUVVUi Loaise Clarke and Marina Lnrett. tJL DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES Walls Wai la Prune Growers' B-wociaUoa. F e water. Lmsuils cwuntj; . Jensaa. O. JE. GcodOiaa aad 19 other. Joaa U stark company. Portland. $19,900: Jtba U Stark. Jaoao P. HeaiU and W. P. iiiiiiiiiinniimiiiii i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.iei We offer our participetkan $300,000 Lane County Oregon 5 ROAD BONDS Dated May 1. 1921 . May Is 1M1-4S FINANCIAL STATEMENT Assessed aluatio- 1920 $34,87372.97 Total bonded debt, including t this issue 550,000.00 Popolatkm 1920 census 36,116 Lane county rinks fourth in wealth amonc Oregon counties. It-has the largest stand of merchantable timber in the state and ranks second to Multnomah in railroad mileage. These bonds are a direct general obligation of the county, issued for the purpose of building a permanent sys tem of roads. Free from all Federal bacorne Tax Legal for savings banks in Oregon, Washington, and California. Applicable as security for Postal' Strings Deposits. CASH DIVIDENDS The Success of your investment is in proportion to the returns it brings. When dividend day arrives you want dividends. Northwestern Electric Co. paid its Twcnty-SeYcnli Cash Diiidcnd on Preferred Stock January First With a business that has increased 121 per cent in four years Serving over 16.000 consumers! Supplying 80 " of available load in Portland's main downtown district and over 60 of the load in outlying district where Xorth western lines reach. Northwestern Electric Company s First Preferred Shares at 96 are an ideal investment earning 7.30 on your investment Sound Well Secured Conservative MAIL COUPON TODAY J. C Tar-res, Stock Sales MjT Northwestern Electric Company, Tenth and Washington Streets. Portland. Please send me free information: 1. "Investment vs. Saving" "Hydro-Electric Dividends" (J) Price to Yield 4 1 to 5 Details a We feel that we can do nothing better for our clients at this time than to remind them that bond yields will go lower NOT higher and the only assurance of high yields through future years in to INVEST tN BONDS NOW before prices advance. THESE INCOME TAX EXEMPT MUNICIPAL BONDS ARE RECOMMENDED WITHOUT RESERVE Yields to 5 Dae Eastland Co- Texas, 5Vts 1926-50 Port of Kalama, Wash. 6s. . .1931-34-35 Morrow County, Ore-, 5yss 1929 City of Portland 6 .1931 Union County, Ore- 5V4 192S-35 WaIUWaIU, Wasfcu, Water 6s . 1933 Wallowa, Ore., 5x. ........ 1932-34 Yield 5.75 5.75 sr a t rrr vtvo 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 LUMBEEMENS Broadway and Oak BOND DOAJmWOiT OPEN SU30 TO ScOO Saturdays 8O0 to 2i00 . IAD & TILTOH TO ALL EXCHANGES sahara Cafes Basra af Trsda .Csrrcsposdasts af Larma a Bryaa Oldest in the Northwest - WASHINGTON st THIRD . ; IVIVIVIVIVlVlVlVlSMVIVIVl'.-lVIVI-lMIWIVIVII'firJ WE OWN AND OFFER. Pacific States' Lumber Company First Mortgage 8 Gold Bonds These bonds sre secured by an absolute first mortcaze on timber snd property appraised at a value ot over S24.500.000. This Issue is ONLY $7300000. Price: 100 and Interest, to Yield 8 t 8-1 an1 . INVESTMENT QOND8 ,7 SIXTH STRICT PORTLAND. ORCOOW ' ' RO10WSY 1M ' , CROUHO ftOOa fTLL-f ARCO BUtVOIMQ ' 4 sw lart