THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, irJZ. President McCarthy to Sign Ner Indicator Holders i 12 Coasters to Sign Up Two : NewUmpiresj Br Ceorgs Berts ' TIKMC will b two or three nee facea on th Coast league Indicator ataff during tli 1122 Htm. aocordlne; to word reaching Portland from the league hoadou-rtirs Id San Francisco. ' President McCarthy baa not mads pub 11a tb names ef the umpires to be re tained, ant Indications are that Bill j jron. Mai Bason, Jimmy Toman. Pari Csay, MoGrew and Outhrle will be re ialned. Croter will likely be released and Utordaa. who filled In Kd Finney's placa la at leeson. will likely get a regular ap pointment. XATIOXAL. WAST BIBO . The contracts for tha umpires will ba mailed by Preiy McCarthy some time IMa week. President Hrydler of tha National Jreaoe U aald to ba seeking tha servlcee f Byron, for tha National league again, but according to McCarthy, tharo U lit tle, chance of hla lordahlp going back to tha blf brush. , I McCarthy haa denied that "Hank" O'Day. veteran National leaguer, will bo signed by tha Coast league- corm goes to reds , Official announcement of tha transfer pt Pitcher Johnny Couch to tha Cincin nati Nationals ha been made by tha San Vranclaro club. Four playera will come to tha Peals In exchange for Couch. ' The Seals have landed 8hortatop Le fevre from tho New Tork Giants. Ac cording to a meaaago received from Jack .Miller, manager of tha Seals. Lefevre la a corking good player. Oft KIP OP PLATERS Before many more days paaa a number of deals Involving Coaat league playera will likely ba consummated. Manager Kaslck of the Vernon club I anxloua to secure the services of Outfielder Kid red ' ,ot tha Seattle club. Eldred, It la aald. 1 floim not want to play under McCredle. " What's to become of "Duke" Ken wor thy, manager of the Seattle club last yearT It la understood that Walter Mc Credle doea not Intend keeping Kenwor- 1hr. and the fact that "Ttnk" Turner haa been named manager of Portland ellm J nates hla chances of catching on with He ems In tha Northwest " Harry Trefta, pitcher of the University o caiirornia rresnman Dasenau team last year, has been signed with Duffy Law la, manager of tha Salt Lake team. " All Pacific Coaat league teama have .'selected their training camps for 1922. The Beavera will work out at Pasadena -. 'and Seattle at Stockton. Salt Lake play, 'era will work tha klnka out of their arms at Modesto and tha Oaka at Myrtled&le 'Park. The Seals will go to Boyei 8prlng again. Loa Angeles and Vernon will work out on their home lota, as will Sac . tamento Basketball nrtHX Lincoln bleb school freshmen are X out for tho ll&-pound Independent basketbaD championship of the " state and they went one step higher by de feating the - Beaverton high second string. 15 to 14.. For games with tha young Raiisputusra call iarry Meaner at Marshall MS, or writs to him in care of tha school. The llnaupst B-Mtt 2),.....;.r.......(12 vkey Braseby 2)... I". ......... (I) Uadtey Marin IS) O.. CMk WUlaai Ck-e . m est-". a ,a. Hadaoe Dundee. Or., Jan.' 24. The Femwood quintet was defeated by Dundee. 2 to , In a gam of basketball hers Saturday night. The score was to 2 at the end of the first half and neither aids made a basket during the second period. Ridgefleld, Wash.," Jan. 24. The Ridgefleld high School girls Quintet romped home with a 24 to 1 victory over the Peninsula park girls of Portland. It waa ; tha second win of the 121-23 season for the locals. The score was It to S at half time. Fourteen field baskets were made by Parker, the St. Johns Lumber company center, against the Young Men's Chris tian Association Colonlala Monday night In the winners' gymnaaium. The final score waa M to t. The lineups: St Jahaa. Poa. Coloniala. Kryer ...r.. GoataJaon Hyde ..w ,...r.t - orvwm Parker ..C Head harrett O Isral Wrinkle O T. Brows Offers Swamp Pirate Leader at av ' k -. - , ' , . a, Many Kids Seeking Mascot Job (By United News) TMTTSBTJRG. Pa- Jan. 4,Some kid iAnnory Boxers Have Bouts With S, A, A. 0, Roiers from the Spokane Amateur 'Athletic olub will compete against the representatives of the Armory Amateur -Aimeira asaociation in roe Armory re ' ruary It, according to (he arrangementa lwhlch were completed Monday night. An alt-etar card will be arranged for the oc casion with battlers from Multnomah .club and the B'nal B rith club filling In r tho gaps. The entire matter will be threshed oul tonight at the Seward hotel when rep ' reaentatlvea from all amateur cluba of . Portland will meet to form a permanent org-nlaatlon to promote amateur ath letics. The gathering will start at o'clock and Wendell a Poulaen. chair- man of the boxing and wrestling com mittee of the Multnomah Amateur Ath letic club, will preside as temporary chairman. The meeting la not con fined to the three active cluba but rep resentatives are requested from every amateur club in the city. Camas, Wash., Jan. 84. The boys' and girls' basketball teams from the union high school of Gresham, Or broke even in the double header against the local high schoolers here Saturday night The Camas boys were victorious. 15 to II, while the Gresham girls showed more experience than the local co-eds and won 22 to 10. . Next Friday night the Camas teams will go to Mill nam to play. Ridgefleld. Wash., Jan. 24. Btg things had bean exoected of the Kelso high school basketball team when it went aralnst the Ridgefleld hoopers last Fri day night, but such was not the case. The locals won as they pieaaea, oi 10 i. It was the largest score of the 1921-22 camnaicn here. Chandlee. Kleth and Royle were the Individual atars for the winners. Manaxer Manuel Nudelman would like I to arrange games for his Veraon Midgets with any quintet averaging around 116 pounds. Call Woodlawn 2488 alter Ip. m. St. Helena. Or.. Jan. 24. The 8t Helena all-star basketball team defeated the Kalama Athletic club representa ii v it tn 29. In a great last minute rally. Wellington shot the winning basket and waa the outstanding star for St. Helena, while Hogatfs play featured for the visitors. The Neighborhood House Midgets de feated the Holman school SA class team by a 12 to 11 score Saturday night. Ourlan. Tessler and Westerman starred for the Midgets. The lineups X In this town is destined to be exauea within a few weeks to that dreamed oi height of prestige, the job of mascot to a big league ball dub. free to associate with tho players, to know them all per sonally, and to learn how Babe Adams gets the hook, on his curve ban. The Job is open and the applicants are legion. - president Barney Dreyluss v ishes the players were as eager, mere should be no holdouts. . When Dreyfnas let George Cntsbaw go to the Tigers he automatically released little Mack Cutehaw.-son of the second baseman, who had held the Job of jobs the last few seasons. The Cutsbaws are ntoving to Detroit soon.' LZTTEBS POCB IK As soon as the news got out that Mack's job. carrying with it miniature Pirate uniforms and a pair of spiked shoes, was open, dosena of letters began, pouring in on Dreyluss at Forbes field. They have come with the postmarks of almost every city east of the Mississippi. but most, of them are from Pittsburg. Toledo. Cleveland and Detroit' boys are particularly well represented, and if Dreyfuss is to believe them, they're all seventh sons of seventh sons, all lucky as four-leaf clovers and all perfect mod els of what young gentlemen should be "on and off the field. One little lad wrote Dreyfuss that he as living with a married brother who has nine children of his own, and that he probably wouldn't be missed if he would sign up to go with the club. He was willing to travel all oyer with the team." spoiitsjot; all sorts MANAGER JOHN J. McGRAW as pires U wis world championships vtth the Giants again this year and next, setting a record never accomplished. A kid in Windsor, . N. C-, who admits he bats and throws left-handed, urges for consideration the fact .that he bet a whole month's wages the Pirates would win the pennant last year, with what re sult he did not need to emphasize. "1 want to be mascot.! he said, "be cause I believe Mr. Gibson and air. Ad ams could teach me to be a pitcher. I am willing to start at the bottom, m work my red head off for you. A Detroit boy wins the medal for per sistency.. Three letters came from "him One day and a" fourth on the next day. A democratic youth, the young Detroiter starts right off calling Dreyfuss "Old Barney," The lad had written also, it developed to most of the members of the team, asking them to use their Influence in his behalf. Pittsburg kids suggest that Dreyfuss cculd make two jobs, mascot and utility mascot, or water boy. ALL TO GET ASSWEB "I once was rooter for the Athletics," a rniiaaeipnia Doy admits, - dui now i stand for the Pirates. The kids, call me Oofy and "Happy. We have a couple of rooms In our house, and when the club comes here your players can have them for nothing." , Sam Waters, secretary to the club. hopes the question is settled soon, for Dreyfuss insists that every applicant for the job deserves-the courtesy of a formal reply. This is the way it reads : "Keplying to your letter applying lor a position as mascot of the Pittsburg club, please be advised that this office has nothing to do with the selection of the mascot. The players themselves do this v.hen they get together in the spring, Jack Kelly of the Vesper Boat club, Philadelphia, world's : champion single sculler, has a victory over D'Arcy Had field, who won from Richard Arnst in his first attempt as a professional scul ler. Kelly beat Hadfield In the semi final of the Olympic regatta at Brussels In 1920. John Parkinson of Boston, "who was as sistant manager of the American cup defender. Resolute, In the races of 1920 against Shamrock IV, baa been appoint- ea xieet captain or the New Tork club by the new commodore. Harold 8. Van- derbllt, Athletes contesting at the Boston A. A. indoor sports, February 4. in the arena will find a padded buttress, high enough to prevent a plunge into the boxes, and reenforced by springs, which will check the momentum with as little shock as possible. Pari-mutual be Introduced system or wagering may on English tracks. 104 new 2:10 trotters last Sport Gossip in Eastern Circles Bs Lsitad Krm) "TVJKW TORK. Jan. 24. Ten Yankee L pitchers, a fifty-fifty assortment of right and left banders, will go south on frebruary 17 to Hot springs with foar other players to do road work and take the baths to prepare for the regular training which begins two weeks later la Texas. Harper and 0Doul. who bars campaigned with the Yankees before. two, of the lefties. The others are Tecarr, obtained from the International league; Jolly of Galveston, and Wilson, the king of the Amarlllo club. Manager Hoggins hopes to develop out of this quintet at least one dependable south paw. . The right-handers are Maya. Hoyt, Shawkey, Bush and .Jones. Boxing TVTEW TORS. Jan. 14. tVL P.V Can- tain Bob Roper. Chicago, heavy weight. Is several thousand mile farther away from a boat wtta Jack Dempsey than be was before he got Into the ring nere last night. Paul Sampson, out weighed 12 pounds, kept the army saauler on tne hop for la rounds. Roper re ceived the decision, but a quick knock out waa the least that waa expected. There were year. The white-tailed deer used to be com mon In the Willamette valley. The Cranwood (O.) half-mUe track may be cut up into building lots. Carpentier May Not Come for Gibbons Go The Tankees evidently expect "Home Run" Baker back in the fold when training starts, despite reports of his re tirement. He is among those slated for the early start to Hot Springs. Charlie White, the old Chicago lisftt welght. gets a spot on the New York boxing program, thanks to Jack Brit ton's Injury. Britton waa to have boxed Dave Shade to a decision in a welter weight championship fight at the Gar den on January 31. Jack is suffering from an infected toe, however, so the match has been set back. The vacancy is to be fiUed with White against Wal lie Jackson. Portland here Saturday night expecting to win but the Portlanders displayed too much teamwork and basket shooting ability. Sellwood won, 32 to 25. in a fast and exciting game. C. Proppe and U. Grider starred for the winners while Goodman, Roseman and Bagley featured for HUlsboro. The line-ups : Hillsboro. -F.. .F... ,.C... .G... .G... ..S... Sellwood. F. I .am ear (6) C LaMear .... C. Proppe (18) Steiger Grider (8) .... E. Proppe ..... (6) Rossman (10) Goodman (3) Humberg Allen ... (6) Bagley Mahon Centralia, Wash., Jan. 24. Shelton high's basketball team won from Cen tralia high, l? to 10, here Saturday night. It was Centralla's first game of the 1921 22 season in the Southwest Washington Interschola8tlc league. Helraaa. AokW (10).. K Clark fl. Hiniar (1) . 1.. Slntar D. 8 mar . . Foi. . .r. . .F. ,.c. , .G. . .G. MldceU. , . (8) T. Gnrimn . (21 Boaenberg ... (41 Tesaler (2) rttermui (1) L. Boeowa? west mn, or.. Jan. Z4. Ail but one member of the West Linn Basketball team made at least two points against the Red Crowns of Parkplace Saturday night but the visitors managed to gather in the most points. They won, 38 to 22. The line-ups: Red Crowns. Lacey (10) ... Rivers (14) ... Edwards (12) Taber (2) Abel .F. . .F. . ..C. ..G-; .G.. s:. s.. West Linn (4) Alien , .. (4) Backus ... (2) Webber ... (4) Mootry ...(3) Junken . . (5) Schnoor Zaniker Wlnlock, Wash.. Jan. 24. What Is be lieved to be the largest score registered In a basketball game in the Pacific Northwest so far this year was turned 'n here Saturday night when the Wln lock high school defeated the Rainier i!gh hoopers, II to If. The Young Men's Athletic club 130 und basketball team is In need of suit able opponents. Call Main 6228. Orient. Or.. Jan. 24. Orient was un ble to hold the lead over the Young MKn'a Christian association All-Stars cre Saturday night and the Portland- r won. 29 to 19. Orient had the bet ter of the contest the first half but In the second period the locals made but one DOint as acainsi n ior me . m. C. A. Mount Angel, Or.. Jan. 24. Mount An gel college defeated the Pacific Univer slty hoopers, 19 to 7, here Saturday night The locals displayed a great brand of teamwork. Bear Basketball Quintet Wins First " Game From Cougars! Pullman, Wash., Jan. 24. Accurate basket shooting gave California a vic tory in the first game of a series of two with the cougars here Monday night by a score of 21 to 15. - The score at the end of the first half was 11 to 2, Cali fornia taking an early lead and main taining a wide margin in a count np until the last five minutes of the game, when W. S. C. started locating the bas ket and made 10 points in rapid succes sion. Fast playing and good floor work characterized the playing of both teams. although the Cougars excelled in pass ing. Sayers, for the W. S. C, and Coop for the visitors were high point men. Summary follows: Washington State. California. Priel F Butler Sayera .F Coop SorenaoD , C lAtxty Loomis G Eccleston Herrington ........ G Lehana Substitatitons Washington State: Burke for Sorenson, Scbroeder for Loomi. McCarthy for Friel. Roberta for McCarthy. Calif oroia: Kin caid for Lebane. Thompson for Ei riieston. Don- ttutt for Coop, Lehaca for Kincaid, Kgeleaton for Thompson. Field Koals Sayers 4, Burke 2. Coop 4. E aleston 2. Butler -2. Free throws Friel two out of aix; Schxoeder one out of three. Coop fire out of nine. Paris, Jan. 24. (U. P.) Georges Car pentier is considering abandoning plans for a fight with Tommy Gibbons In America. The French battler is said to dislike the size of American rings and the weight of American gloves. Instead of the Gibbons fight, Georges is negotiating for a fight in Paris with Niues, wno would be a much easier op ponent than the tough Gibbons. Predictions that Carpentier might never meet Gibbons have been freely made in fistic circles here. The French champion haa been credited with not desiring to risk further his French pop ularity by a possible defeat by Gibbons. Jack K earns, manager of Jack Demp sey, is expected here In a few days, and his arrival will probably mark the be ginning of negotiations either for i championship fight In New York or i tour of Europe for Dempsey. The cham "'on bns not had much profitable work since July 2, and he has recently tm.. n.eni from the other side. Boston Boxer Dies Of Fractured Skull Boston. Jan. 24. (L N. S.) Joe Mel- anson, 24 years old. boxer, a led at tne City hospital today of injuries received In a -bout with Joe St Hlllaire at the Carlyle A. C. last night. Melanson was knocked down by a sharp blow on the chin, his hesd striking the floor. His eknll was fractured. Melanson was knocked out in the third round. He never regained consciousness. St. Hil laire is 19. He is technically under detention. Los Angeles Man Is Seeking Oaks Olub Los Angeles, Jan. 24. (U. P. In response to a telegram from Oakland. Intimating that the Pacific Coast league franchise there was for sale, Charles Lockhart. wealthy Los Angeles baseball .man. left for Oakland Monday night. He will be accompanied by Ray Stull an auditor. Lockhart is employed by William Wrigley as business manager of the Loa Angeles club, but has been anxious to break into the game as an owner. He Is said to be worth more than $100,000. "I have been given to understand that the Oakland club is for sale," he said. "I am taking an auditor with me so that I will be prepared to go over the books at once tf Mr. Ewing, the present owner, is willing to talk business.' Lockhart and TCwing discussed the deal at the recent Pacific Coast league meeting and Ewing said he would con sider his offer. Bv I Newark. X. J- Jan. 24. Micky Walker and George Ward. Jersey welterweights, divided honors In a 12-roond no-deci-toa bout here . Monday night. Walker knocked Ward down for a count of eight In the fourth round, but the other lad succeeded In piling ep enough points to gtvs him a draw, accordimg to paper men. (By raitod Krwa) Baltimore. Jan. li. Terry Melius h. Allentown bantam, woo an easy victory here Monday night over Joe Nelson of Philadelphia. Milwaukee. Wla.. Jan. 24. (1. N. 8 ) Pinkie Mitchell. Ilghtweirht bow. hi brother and manager, BlUy Mitchell and. Tom Andrews, boxing promoter have been suspended for 30 days by the Wisconsin boxing commission. They sr charged with negligence In falling t report Mitchell's physical Inability to gc through with his scheduled bout with Benny Leonard on January !. Terre Haute. Ind.. Jan. 24. (L N. 8.) Sammy Mandell won from Eddie Ketchet in ten rounds Monday night. New Orleana, Jan. 24. (L N. 8.) Young Leonard knocked out Sailor BlaiKiue In the third round Monday night. Young Barrere knocked out George Sirey In the second round. Eddie OH a re knocked out Battling Leonard In the first round. la 12 Bantams Are v In Readiness For Contest itnABET ASHER. who tangles with Daaay Edward la the ma hi event of the Portlavad boxing commiastoe amok- . tonight la the Armory, is ek) te a etlfr wallop. The Chtcr-a. despite alt the advance dope regarding . his ability, faces a worthy foe la Oe erlered baa Lam. a ad If Aaher hopes te wla by any big margin be ill have te do so la a big berry. The longer the contest gora. the lieai r chance As her will hav of wlnnitg. ere thourh It Is fell th.-t He become- faster as the boat progresee KDWUDS IJ HSli" Asher has had bit two m-Vo-ils since coming iroat (HWt i. Tiiia i hardly ' er.ovrh to put hie la c-odttka te ge e rounds. Kd wards is la ttt-toc a). and with bis ability to strp treud he is likely to force Aaher to tire before snaay round. Many fans are expecttnc to see Jack Davis win over "Bat" Ortega. Ortepm hoping te regain the tap runs; of tHe middleweight ladder, but hla hopes mill likely be upset. This Is the opmloa of those whj hare been wstrhlrg rust conditioning himself for the match. BTABT AT till P. . Three other boat coer.ptete the card. In order to bold the heat ta the tul- wis drillroom of the Armory, the Mby entrance will be used tonlxbt. ThU win eliminate the oprnlnt of ih double deer at each end of the drill Hall. The advance seat le has been rood. The first bout will start at I JO o'clock p. m. . Trenton. N. J Jan. 24. IL N. Lew Paluso beat Charles Triano rounds Monday night. Pittsburg. Jan. 24. (L N. a) Jack Zlvie beat Young Henry in 10 rounds Monday night. (Br CareertaJ Tenn.. Jan. 24. Frankle Memphis. Garcia of Los Angeles knocked Harry Bramer of Kanataa City In first round Monday night- out the Corvallis, Jan. 24. Corvallis high school girla' basketball team defeated the McMinnville girls' team. 14 to 8, Saturday night. McMinnville boys de defeated the Corvallis boys by a score of 22 to 14. Halsey, Or.. Jan. 24. The Bellfoun- tatn high school basketball team lost to the Halsey team at Halsey last Satur day. 18 to 13. Yankee Squad to Report on Feb. 17 New -York, Jan. 24 (I. N. 8.) Mem bers of the New York Yankee pitching staff and a few others needing the ''boil ing out process todsy were ordered to repwt at Hot Springs February 17. ' The ; entire olub will assemble at New Orleans March 1. Babe Ruth la listed among those to re port at Hot. Springs. Others who will be there are Maya Shawkey. Hoyt. Buah , and Jones; Catcher Devormer and In fielders Prank Baker and Everett Scott .The big bambino did not take the hint te report at Hot Springs at the early date as It Is understood be can extend bla vaudeville engagement to some time ta April. He fee la. it Is said, that he can get In condition to play on May SO. the date of bis reinstatement, by reporting la the middle of April. The Ladd ft Tilton a'nd Hibernla bank basketball teams will meet Monday nirht In the final games of the original Portland Bankers' league schedule. The Hibernians are leading the 'circuit while I .add ; Tllton's representatives are in second nlace. A victory for the Ladd & Tilton aggregation will put the two con tingents into a tie and a post-season contest will be necessary, Monday's match is set for the Young Men's Christ ian Association gymnaaium. Rldgef ield. Wash., Jan. 24. The Ridge fleld ATI-Stars surprised the Amicus club basketball team of Vancouver, Wash., by 'handing the visitors a 20 to 13 defeat Saturday night. The visitors led, 8 to 4, nt the end of the first half but they were clearly outclassed during the last 20 min utes of play when Ridgefleld made 18 points as against 7 for the losers. The Amicus club bad Nate Shanedling. at one time considered one of the best bas ketball players in the Pacific Northwest. In Its line-up, but he couldn't bring home a victory. For games with the Holy Name quin tet telephone to G. Eilers at East 4818. The team defeated the Kenllworth Jun- lora 2X to 20. 8unday afternoon on the Christian Brothers college floor. The llrte-uns : Holy Name. Kenllworth. (By Universal Serriee) New Haven. Conn.. Jan. 24. Yale dropped another basketball game Mon day night. Dartmouth winning 23 to 10 after closing the first half 13 to 9 In the lead. The Ell players were able to reg ister only a single point in the second half. Princeton. N. J.. Jan. 24. Princeton defeated Colgate Monday night In fast basket ball game 28 to 28. Hoqulam, Wash.. Jan. 24. The Ho- quiara Elks basketball team defeated the Olympla Elka 64 to 24- Friday night. Kalama. WaEh., Jan. 24. The Ameri can Legion Basket ball team of Kalama were beaten at St- Helens, Saturday night, 31 to 29. Antipodes Champ Loses to Jackson Philadelphia, Jan. 24. Willie Jackson. New York's stellar lightweight, gained a technical knockout over Ned Fitz gerald, the Australian lightweight cham pion, in the fifth round of their bout Monday night at the Olympia when ref eree O Brien halted proceedings to save Fitzgerald. It was a sensational battle from start to finish and ended in a sen sational manner. In the fifth round Fitzgerald rushed Jackson and was bat tering him about the body to a great extent when the New Yorker cut loose with a right that dropped Fizgerald for a count of nine. , When he rose to his feet Jackson waded in and continued to back Fitz gerald to the ropes, when referee O'Brien stepped in and stopped the bout. Many of the patrons though that Fitzgerald would have been able to stay with Jackson, but O'Brien thought he had enough. CAR BE BAY IS K. T. CAPTATT Notre Dame, Jan. 24. (U. P.) Glenn Carberry of Ames, Iowa, has been elected captain of the 1922 Notre Dame football squad. fH rnirervl Cincinnati. Jan. 24. O. K. Mars of Cincinnati was given the decision over Artie Root fttonday night They fought 10 rounds. Gene Larue defeated Chuck Altman in eight rounds. New Orleans, Jan. 24. Young Leon ard knocked out Sailor Blanc-ue in three rounds here Monday night Detroit Jan. 24. Johnny Schauer and Johnny Lewis, lightweights, fought 10 rounds to a draw Monday night Kid McMullen of Belfast won the decision over Chuck Beyers of Toledo in 10 round a Spaulding Chosen Minnesota Mentor Minneapolis, Minn Jan. 24. (TJ. P.) W. H. Spaulding, football coach of the Western Teachers college. Kalamazoo. . Brown waa sentenced to three years Mich., has been appointed head coach at I early In 1921. The abootlng occurred I the University of Minnesota, I 1919. RACE TRACK SIATf PAKDOT4ED New Orleans. La.. Jan. 24. (U. P.: (Curley) Brown, millionaire, general manager of the Cuban-American Jockey club, hag been pardoned for the shoot ing and wounding of Alberto Pled r a son of the former secretary of state of Cuba, according to reports brought here. South Parkway to Play McMinnville 'o' Coach Henry Teaaeta Pender has found it nece ary to make a switch la his lineup for the game with the Mr Mlnnville team Thursday night ta the Neighborhood hoeee because of the In jury received by Morris Rogoway. for ward. In the game against the, North Pacific Dental college banketbait team last week. Pander baa beea working Abe Poptck at Rogoway's regular posi tion and "Buir Unkelea has twitched from guard to center. Maaie Lewis will go In at guard. Harry Arburh. who has beem paayttur regularly at forward. Is being worked at guard for the MeMmavfOle dash while Captain Meyer Dabtnsky Is sta tioned at forward. The change waa made to get a better scoring machine together now that Rogowsy win be away from the Itneup for the time be ing at least A workout la btUrd for Wednesday night There will be a pre liminary game Thursday night starting at 7:20 o'clock. H155II HEADS TRACK TEAJC Stanford University. Cal Jam. 2C fC. P.) Flint Hanner of Ban Jose baa beea named 1922 track captain by the Stan ford track squad. Hanner wee a meat ber of the American team at the Olym pic gamea. He throws the javelin and discus and pots- the shot PHILADELPHIA GETS CLASSIC Annapolis. Md.. Jan. 24. (U. P.) The annual Army and Navy football game will be played at Franklin field, Philadelphia. November 25 next, it was announced today. The Navy had the choice of a place for the game. LEWIS DOWITS DHAAK Nashville, Term., Jan. 24. (U. P.) Strangler Lewis won from Tom Draak here last night in a wrestling bout the former champion's deadly headlock put ting his opponent to the mat Bod ge Brother Draft Question Is Alive in the East New Tork, Jan. 24. (UM P.) Double A leagues which refused to accept the draft prlee of $5000 are being wrongfully accused of rejecting a draft law based on a $7500 basis, agreed to by National and American league presidents this month, it is reported. American and National league cluba and the National association, a state ment from the International league said Monday, have not yet voted to amend the draft proposition as did their presi dents and until this is done the Inter national league cannot be said to be rejecting, or accepting the proposition. Banquet Scheduled For Football Team te::::::::;;..1 The Jackson Park football team will be tendered a banquet Tuesday nhrht at the borne et Otella Casey, one of the . stare of the squad, , Coach Saunders will Vbe the toastmaater and during the eve ning's entertainment monograms will ba given to "Busay- Adams, Anderson, I lames, H, Blank. Casey. Manager Sam Coltoa, Donnely. Joubert Markee. Pick ering. Rothkow and Veach. The eleven won It out of 11 gamea played and won tha 1121 Independent ehamplonahin of Portland at Its weight J. McBride 4) C (4) R. TJlrich Gagnon (4) ' G Stlnsonl G. McBride (4) ....G (2) Barnard De la Fontaine (2) .8 The Lobby five of the Young Men's Christian Association desires afternoon gamea and prefers to play the various high school teama of Portland in prac-l tlce games. For games call Manager Cecil Lewis at the Y. M. C A. , Hillsboro. Or.. Jan. 24. The local post 1 of the American Legion brought Jthe -Sell- Athletic Club basketball team of I AUTO SHOW VISITORS ; ATTENTION! SACRIFICE SALE OF 1 : covey motor; car co. 2tt at WJuj-ton ; 23-30 North Broadway : Broadway 6244 J ' Was QflSBGTr gto . M tea v AUDITORIUM BUILDING Booths 15, 16, 17, 18Lower Floor Will Announce on February First, 1922 A substantial reduction in the prices of their cars, effective from January 1, 1922 Braley, Graham & Child, Inc. llth and Burnside Sts Maw 3281 a.