M O ND A Y,"J A WU ARY '23, -1822. THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON. 11 DELEGATES Fit ELEVEN STATES III WEST WILL WIEH Oregoa Agricultural College, Jan. IX Delegate from it WNtora iUm will rvnvene In Portland. January SO-rebro- ery . for tha Western State Exteeslon rtmrsrenc. Tha aaastoaa wUl ba held at ti Multnomah hotel, and tha last twi dare will ba give to a traveling confer nca from Portland to O. A. C Speaker from tha United Btatea 4a- r-ertment af agriculture and from Waab Ingioev Idaho, Montana, Wyoming. Utah. Colorado, Nevada, California. Artaona. New Mexico and Oregon will attend. Frwrrldent W, X Krr of O. A. C. will -Iron tha delegate Otber college speaker will ba W. U Kadderlr. aaatst ant oaunty agent leader: H. C Seymour, atata boya and air la dab Wader: J. T. J m Mine, director of aiparlmant atalloa; Jeaste McComb, elate leader of home demonatrallon ; Y. U BalUrd. aaalaUnt eotinty agent laader : Mlaa Helen J. Cow 111. aaaiatant auta laader of Industrial eluhe ; U J. Allan, atata livestock dub Wader, and Paul V. Maria, diractor of i tonal on. rive Wlllamatu valley aoontWa win ba covered In tha trip from Portland to Corral! la. Tha Itlnarary Includaa vtaiu la tha county agent of flea at Oraaham. a lane-been at Oregon City and a potato ' grading- a em on titration at tha Oeorge Hrown farm In CI ark am ea. Poultry demonatratlona at tha W. 11. Thorn peon farm at Can by will precede thoaa of rab bt and rooking cluba la killing , dressing and cooking rabbits. Tha vlaitore will apend tha night at Salem. Una eoenty demonatratlona will ha hold near Thorn aa at tha Holt dairy farm and by Uraatoek clubs naar Al bany. r"vl lowing a visit to tha county cent's offlca at Albany. Mlaa Either B. Cooley. Homa demonstration agent and nothing eperlaHat. will conduct a atyte haw and Mlaa Marjorla Smith, nutrt - lion ejpert, mill demonstrate at Walla. Tha trip will cioee. with an Inapactlon af tha central extension offlcaa at O. A. C and luncheon art-red by co-ed in the homa economic tea room. It la expected that 26 repreaentallvea from tha Wash ington, IX O. effleesvea well aa repre sentatives from tha It atatea will make tha trip. .FINANCIAL SUNSHINE : . Chicago. Jfaa.' 21- R. E. Taylor, apaoUl representative of tha Service Motor Truck company of . Indiana, arrirad hera today from abroad and announced that, he had negotiated a llt.000.001e contract whh Poland to 'supply motor trucks, ambulances. Urea, machinery and raw. material. XI aaaerted that It wag rpernaps tha biggest peece-Unie contract ao far made by American concerns with a foreign gorernment." ; STOCKS r IMPROVE AFTER - FIRST DIP I NEW YORK: ' OPENING Mm: ' I, r. Jots STOCK ST I, POTTERY FACTORY A 10 INDUSTRY at af a aew iaeastrr. tba tint of Its mad ever am Bed la tola Hv. aeeea as tha Chamber of Commerce today, whea tha Caaaado China aoawaoy of which H. (t Elliott It preeJdrat. MtM aa exhibit in sue mn room of the Otecoe eUdmg t aeetaoa wttb tha Ones Heme exhibit dtopland this neL The aew ersaaimbea ha apaaed a factory ea Taneoever sveaoe alone tha O-W. RAN. tneka and la pteaniag te aianafaetofa a wide ranee of potter war. Clay obtained from tha moiaua neass ana aa aaee by tba eompaii. aa laaumoer? that tha high grad peUary artaoms aaa ba sseaeteetaree in this city a uupwy aigaiy glass vases. BJlxin howls, eystav bowls, inas and creamers, saw boa Disced a dwplay. laaay at tha snides ant hesaulull " ey we ainaM cms, a croup of is auna erueu or uus city. lltot said that tha fin bowls arodaeed by w oonipasiy wars preeiaftaea ay pottary Mrts ta ba tha Cneet auutafsctantd as tha lyanea aiatea aaaUMT DOttar ditfU ! kabie ! Kw K. tmtmj i.aT itoouou oompsay of Wsrreatoa. Annual Meeting of Oil Mills Company The annual bmwUii . of tha Portlaxl Tm. table Oil Kills aoaiDani will ha held tha . fkses af the oaaipany at 180 North frost atreat. ia iy at a u p. at , aeooratnc to asaoa awnt ande today by offleUla of the aoneara. stataoMnt taaoed to stork bo Mere aaDoaneed that tha Oil mills eeapanr already bad eewtrseWd for the dsHsary of Its peodoeU to tha value af zoa.uuo. The punt aoeaDlas aa eteht aer U at Twenty ootid sod Nioolsi atrssts, with estsaatva anefcaaa ea tha Wllliaila river, and was racaeaUy coapletsd at a east of tlTS.OOO. Tba eoaipany expacta is o Derate a Una of arhMa, era, brinclni thisa eargoas of copra per month troam uo rainpntass ana otoer Pacifie tslaad arewpa. aerordina to O. A. Paintoa, teneral manacer. Tha plant will be epea for the in speouoa of stocEholden Taesdsy afternoon. Kusers to Assume Control of Statff School February 15 Salem, Jan 23. Mr. arid Mra Kuaer of dora. Iowa, will Uka charge aa superintendent ana matron of tha Ore gon atata training school for boya bare r sbruary U, according to announcement by tha board of control. , . At a meeting of tha board this morn mg. it. M. uondin. acraUry, was In- atrupted to notify Mh and Mr. U'.M Ullbert. present eupea-lntaodent and ma tron, to be prepared to turn oyer the Institution to the new officiate on that dale. The Kuaera. at pre Bent In charge of the Iowa school for boya at Eldora, were employed to take charge of the Oregon school aererai monlha ago, with the on deratandlng that they would coma to Oregon early this year. The action of tha board Of control today waa baaed on lnfomaUoa,tohe ffect hat;thenw oinciaie would tm nerr ready to aaeume their new dutlee on February IS. The Qllberta have bean In charge the erhoot for eur yeara, Gilbert being employed aa an Instructor in tbe insti tution for a year prior to hla deration . to the rupenntendency. Kuaer will direct the conatructlon tha new ' Institution, for which $210,000 i wee approprtatew by tha legislature of 1J1. work on which will begin early this l-ring. AFTER .REACTION (-Wall Street Jooraal Financial Review) Kaw Xork. eaa. 3. D P. Tha Bat ea tha Hew York stock awheage today was oawwiut heavy dmiag the aaajor part af the arnion. altbeagh there was a good debated for etoeka aw taaetieea. ' Steel eeaisaoB. at fts do. was off X Batata fnaa last weeks 1 Motors ware BaavOy sold sad the RaoUoo ia Wwdebaker appraxuaatsd g poiata, Tbara went aoase areenaaws ta tha tread, inclodlns Galf 8 late BtaeJL which bad areas x a penua as two aaya at ba eaa at t wees, tbe raeeer aasraa aaa a apedaluaa. Oeauohdated Gas eoid off about tstaaisat. altheaab stoat ot tne loreeasta asa maioated a aenctu WALL STREET QUOTATIONS Furnished by oWbeck Cooke Co-. Board o Trad Building i I STOCKS SOOiAoaaaa xp . . . . tdvsaee Kaav teeLaaz. raw . . lee 1400 High. Lew. Wd. Several braaerace boasss arc advtsbx eaation . in the taking aa af aew eosjaiitaieBts ea the theory tlMt the Jaaaary raa has goea tax eaoogh for the pretent. Call aumey eJaasd at k per cent late la tbe anon. The sssrket closed irrerolar. (Wn Street oarasl naaacisl Review) New Tort. Jan. II. (O. P i The list ea the New Turk stock exchange today opeaad aaii. wbu ue m ssjs of ateal -rwrti was as H U 11. half of this asia was oaickli hMt. Other iadepeadeat stasis were t rsettoa- ally tower. The hat was leaonaaary aariag tha fnat hoar. Bparniative leaders sold off a point or store. Asphalt Bade sa early few si 5ti. eoat- pared whh a hit h astorday of over 0. The ht fined ap ta the seoead hoar, with stasy stocks fettins: back ta Batatday's etoetes levels. Golf States Bteel, which broke 26 Vfe points from the hish of Friday to the dees oa Satardsy. was one of the leaden hi the aptara. with aalea aa high as 71 , up from the cloae. It then had another taactiea which car ried it to T H. Cora Products sold at tOt shortly after soon, which is within a fraction of high ea tba lent aeove. Eamaas an boldiag ep welL Eaminss in 1931 wars around tlx a share tor common (tack. American Woolen eovamoa rat alas strong, riling shove 84. This was in response to aa announce Blent that at tha openine of the com pany's Unas for the fall there was a big re sponse from the tiade. pfe. ...... Ajax Bobber . . . . . (Alaska Gold leeUlaeka Jaaeaa .... 540,AJiiod Chem, XlOO.ailia Chatmers ... 1 tesTo. ptd. lOOOAm. Beet Sugar... 400 la, Bosch 800 Am. Caa Co.,. . . too do pfd. .7!... ' aeo Am. Car 4c Fdy. . . S " ae ' Pfie ' lbOOJUa. Cot OU...... .... aa ptd. ..,,. 1700 Am. Drag. Syad. .. soe Am. Bide as 004 ae pfa. ... S00 Am. Ice ...... HeejAm. lnd. carp. aoO.Am. Laneeed do ptd. ... . . . . . do pfa. ...., SO0 Am. Sat Baser. . . 14O0 Am. Ship. Com. J700 Am. Smelter ..... 109 do pfd, Am. Snuff ItOOAm. Steel Fay.,. 800 Am. Sugar 200 do pfd. 'SSOOAm. Sumatra . .. 3500 la. Tea. V Tel.. 1600 Am. Tobacco .... bOOl do 200lAm. Wool ....... do pro. 400 do pfd. bOO Am. Zina ...... S400 Anaconda ...... I'd OS ....... SSOOAtchlaoe 0 do pfd. 7001AtL GuU As W. L 78001 "isoo 800 2100 4700 B. It. T. Baldwin Loco. do pfd. Balto. A Ohio . . do pfd. (Beth. Bteel 8 . do B FOREIGN G0TEBKME5T BODS I Furnished by Overbeek 4 Cooks Ca, Tba Kansas CI tar noothei n Tenarta net asm- mea ia Ieovaiber. after eMuctions. of 8100,180, eonpared with 83t.85 ta Movamber sad l2.14 la December. 1920. , Tbe Americas Tebeeee u!m In 1021 m 8tB8.T0O.OO0, eompared with 8143.100,000 ia 1820. lu net earnings, after deduction of taxes, eharres sad preferred dividend, are eati msted'at 8 IT a share ea outstanding common stock, compared with 318 a share ia 1830. Production of roroer by the KensecnU eenv nany for the year 1821 amounted to 64,768,420 aouada, atainet 106.727.420 ia 1820 and JB1. S14.a0 in 1818. 1 Knhn. Taieh A- Co. after tndav 1 OAA OOA 10-year. T i pet cent French bonds St 80 H and accrued interest, to yield T.8S par cent, if held to mstarity. Seaboard Air- Una to defer payment of inter est oa zo,uuu,uvv adjustment mortgage Ba 00 sspruary 1. Seaboard National bank and mercantile Trust eompany of Mew- fork to a rule in 380,000.000 - 9 t mm , af Interests elosa to the 'manacement of the Bortbera Psnifio hold forth a moat ontimlatie auitede la viewing the road's prospecta for the eoDiina year. Belgian rest Cs . . . . . Belirium prena. 8s . . . , Belgisa 7 Ha 1845.. Belriaa 8s 1841 Belgiaa t 18Ji Bran! 8a 1841 BritiKh Ba 1822 BriUxh 8a 1827...., Britiah 5s 1328 British vky 4a Britiah ref. 4a Bordeaux 6a 1834... Canadian 8a 1837... Canadian Ba 1826. . . Canadian ii 1828. Canadian Ba 1831 .. . Canadian 8 1827. tnineae Chilean 8s 1341. Currency Denmark Ha 1B43.... Dsn. stunL 8a 1843.. French 4s 181T French Ba 1820 French 81 1831 French 7 Ha 1841... French 8a 1845 German W. L. Ss. . . . Berlin 4s . Hamburg 4a Hamburg 4Hs Leipsif 4Vki . ". ISlpaui 8s Munich 4s ......... Munich Bs Frankfort 4s .' Italian 5a 1818 Jap 4s 1881. . . .... Jap let 4 Hi 1825. .. Jap 2d 4tta 1825... Norway Ha 1840.... Buaaian 5Hs 1321..; Rnariaa 5H 1826... Russisa ttti 1818.. Swim (Hi 1828 Swias 8a 1840 See Paulo 8s . '. U. K. (Hi 1822.... U K. 6H, 128.... V. K. 5H. 188T.... Bid, 67 75 107 106 8514 104 ft 8 86 84 7 4 83 ' 85 H 3V 88 ft 87ft 84 ft 44 181 10 107 ft 108 ft 50 78 3 ft 83 100 ft 3ft 4 . 4ft 5ft 5 5ft 5 5ft 6ft . 33 , TSft . 87 ft . 86ft , 109 . 20 4 . 20 37 ft . 112 . 102 100 ft 100H 88- 70 78 107 ft 106 ft 85 ft 104 ft. 88 ft 87 ft 85 ft 8 ft 00 84 86 ft 87 ft 88 ft 87ft 89 45 102 14 108ft 107 51 73 ft 64 ft 93 ft 100 ft 4ft 5 . 5 . 6ft 7 ft ft ft 34 73 ft 87 ft 86 ft 108 ft 22 5 21 87 ft 113 102 H 101ft mi 17001Butte C aV K. S800Butte aV Sap. . 200 Burns Bros, , . . .rCaddo OU .... eOOH'alif. PackiBf . Calif. Pet, .... aa pi a. .... Canadiaa Pac. . Ceo. Leather . Cerro de Pasco Chandler Motor Chicaco a 9. Chgo. GU W. 100 2200 1001 800 4600 800 700i lOOldo pfd. 400 800 1000 1000 700 800 TOO 100 1600 400 700 a 32 ft 87 14 ft ft ft 38 ft 44ft 80 ft 86 ft 86 85ft S3 147 21 aaa ft 13ft 82 85 40ft Sift 108 ft 4ft 8ft 47 ft 88 ft 33 ft 7 ft 4 83 ft 117ft 183 ISO ft 84 ft 25' 14ft 60 ft 97 ft 87 29ft 97 ft S4ft 64 ft 60 ft 10 ft ft 27 ft 115 ft ioft 47ft a a - 32 : 58 43 ft Oft 8 86 ft 88 aa 146 'iV ft 13ft lft 84 40 31 105 ""4 ft 8ft 47 ft 89ft! "S2 ft 3 98 ft S3 114 181ft 129. 83 "si" .14 49 6 ft 86 ft 29 ft ft '84ft 54 '59 8ft ft 26 ft 115 TO ft 47ft It 1 3ft 13 58 ft 44 a 34 3 145 115 20 42 ft 13ft lft 83ft 40 81 38 ft 106 ft 1100 7800 8500 1600 100 0500 3001 8900 9500 8200 100 1000 iSOO 1000 1200 700 13800 00 100 1300 Chili Cop Cbino C. M. St. P do ptd. ...... Coco-Cola ...... C a- o. Colo. F. aV I Colo. Southern . . CoL Gas A Eteo. . Cohunbu Graph. . Con. Gas Cons. Citaa do pfd. CentL Caa Cities S. Bankert Corn Frodoct do pfd. ..... Cosden Oil .... C B. I A P.. do "A" pfd.. Crucible do pfd. Cuba Cane .... do pfd. Cuban-Am. 8ugar Del. Uudsoa.. Dome Mines . . . Davison Chem. . Kndicott Johnson Erie do- lat pfd. . . do 2d ofd Famous Players . Fed. Kin. Ac Smett do pfd. . . Flak Tire . . . Gaston Wms. iGen. Cisars 124 ft 32 ft 85ft 00 4 ft 6ft 16 13 ft 7 00 (Gen. Electric 5000 8500 780O 1400 "2OO 800 HttOET TERM SECtEITJES (Farnisned by Clark, KendaU A Co.) I Mining Problems Are Discussed at 0. A. C. Gathering Oregon Agrlcultual College, Jan. 21 Pierunalon of Irhportant mining lawa, a banquet, dancthg. a amoker for the men and a luncheon In conjunction with the Corvallla chapter of the American Aseo rlatlon. of Mining Englneera were fea turea of the annual tneetlng of the Ore gon aertlon of the Anterican Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Knglneera at ConraUla, Raturday. If, M. Parka, di ractor of the Oregon bureau of mines, waa real acted prealdent of tha Oregon action and P. R. Hlnea, rortlaad, waa elected secretary-treasurer. . W. B. Dennla, chairman, mining com yn law ion of Oregon ; Dean C R. Newton. Oregon school of mlnea, and A. M. Bwartry. bureau of mlnea Portland, ware speaker. A resolution waa paaaed m appoaltlon ta the prevent Apex mining- law. Prominent men attending were: O. K Hawaii, aaaiatant mining- engineer. Ore gon bureau of mlnea ; Frederick 8. Cook and W. If. Woodward. Portland; KA wln T. llodge, department of geology, Vairerelty of Oregon: Carl N. Ander ann, Portland: rrofeeaor Douglas C. Uvlngaton and Jamea II. Batcheller. Oregon school of mlnea, . Portland Students At 0. A. 0. Honored . Oregon Agrlctiltural College. CorralUa, Jam, li- Alpha Zota, national fraUrnlty la agrlmiMura. Initiated three Portland men, Chariee W. Stars. 411 Flint street. and Erie w. witt, in Eaat TamhlU strwat, aanlara, and Kenneth C Poole, iwt aSaat laeventaeath a treat. Junior. Othere Initiated were: Ernest V. Ab bott. Aahland: Bart Q. Babb, Eugene Peeler A. ltrlmner. lUalio. Cal : Law renoa C Brown, Troy ; C Warren Dalgh. uniano, tjai. j rerna aa, nreen. Phoenix, Aria J John C Burtner, Dufuri Floyd M. Edwarda. Monroe ; . Roland C Hock, muern, ana Tea p. unburn. Corvallla Aaa. TeL a TeL 8a. October. 1822. Am. Tel A Tel. 0a,. February, 1824... Am Tel. Tel. 6, Auauet, 1823.... Abaeonda Copper. 4a." Janaary. 19J8.. .. Aaaeoaoa Copper )7a Jaaaary. 1828.-... Armour t'onv. 7s, July, 1880 Beldam Gov. 6a, Jaaaary, 1825 Beth, nteel Ta, July. 1822.... Beth, Steel Ta, July 1828..... Canadiaa , AprH. 182 ; Canadiaa 8a, October, 1831 Oop. Fin. Aaeoc as. Febroary. 1822... Cop. Exp. Aaaoa. aa, February, 1329r. ... Cea. Kxp. Assoc. 0s, Fabruary. 1024.... Cop. Kxp. Janoa. aa, February. 1828..., Codahy Packing 7s, July. 1323.. Jap. lat Kit. 4ftv February 182 5 Jap. 3d 4 ft a. July, 1923 Srathwestera Bell Tel. 7a, April, 1923.. Standard Oil of N. T. 7a. January, 1831 Swift a Co. 7s, October. 1925. 8. Kabber Ta, December, 1928..... 8. Rubber 7 ft a, August. 1830 V. Forest Grove Bank Officials Frwoat Gmee. Or.. Jaa. 23. EmeHt Grove banks have elected officers lor tha sasuiag year. foUewat -First Katloaal U. R- Jobaasn. president Chris Peterson, vice president; A. 1. Demoreat; eaahier: If. T. Smith, aaaiatant cashier.- M. R. Johnson, Chris Peuraoa. A. 1. Demoreat, AHea Bare sad 4. av Lsws, oirecxora. Foraat Grove National J. A. Tharnbaiih, president; J. E. Bailey, vies president; W. W. MeKMowaay. easnier; u. K. Cheney and c. U Wagner, aaastaat easniara: E. F. Bariugham, S. U. Musbea. Jebn S. Bailey, W. W. McEl Aowney and J. Jk. Tbarnburch. directers. A , MS. M AST TrSHEQAlT. Vancouver, Wash.. Jan. XL Alary Tin. negan, aged Tl. died at bar homa In La Center. Sunday. ' Eha ta aunrlved br her buabavnd. Peter J, Fin negan,. two eons nd two daughters. The funeral will be held In tha Pioneer Cetholto church, Tweaday morning at 18 o'clock. Rev. 'ather CfUonnell officiating. V. IL LJsnber ba charge. , v i jchiobs wnri debate ; Oregon Agricultural College, CorralUa, Jan. 11 Aiyrton Moore, Portland, and Clay Miller. CorralUa won tha men's la- terclaaa debase cbampiooehlp for the Junior claaa Friday alght. Ureal Narrer. Ilea vert on, -and A. M. Clarin, Philippine isianda, argued ror She freshman claaa ' ETHEL FBBARCHER 8CES ' Vanconrer, Waeh Jan. 13. Kthel Er- b archer filed suit for dlrorret from Jo seph Kr bare her. Saturday. They were married In lOJ and Bare net lived to gether for five yeara 100 101 110 101 ft 98 ft 103 ft 93 ft 100 ft 101 9T 87 ft 100ft 103 102 104 ft 100 ft 87 ft 86 101 110 101 ft 101 ft 105 SEW YORK B05B (Furnished by Overbeek a Atchison Gent 4s Bsi. a Ohio Gold 4s Beth. Steel Bef. Ba St. Paul Gent 4fta Chicaco H-W. GeaL 4s U a N. Dnt 4s New lork Ry. 5a Ncrtbern Pac P .L. 4s Union Pac 1st 4s U. a Steel 5a Union Pac 1st Rsf. 4a Southern Pac Conv. 5s ...... Southern Pac Conv. 4s ...... Penn. Conv. 4 ft a Penn. la 4fts Chee, a Ohio Conv. is Oregon Short Line 4s Allied Packers 6s Am. Can Ts Aav Cotton Oil , 1924 Am. Tobacco Ta. 1922 Anaoonda Ta. 1929 Anglo-Am. Oil 7 Ha, 1925 .... Armour Ts, 1930 -. Oudshy Pack, Ts, 1923 Gen. Elec Deb. 5s, 1925 .... Goodrich Ta, 1925 Kenaecott Con. Ts. 1930 Pse. Gas 4 Klec Ta, 1825 .. , Pac Frnit Erp. Ts ..... Seam. Roebuck 7a, 1927 Htsnoara OU. Cal. 7s. 1931.... Westinshoose Ta. 1931 West Else, 7s. 1925 MARKET Cooks Co.) iGen. alotor Glea AMea . Gen. Aanhalt Goodrich . . Goodyear ... KJraaby . . 52 18 100 85 ft 31 87 ft 61ft 82 10 ft 24 ft 20 ft 108 ft 22 64 81 8 13 80 12 ft ft 73 ft 144 ft 9 4T 58 88 - opOjGrest Ner.. Ore. . Bid. 88 TSft 91ft 1 ft 88 ft ft 26 83 l 100 85ft 8 ft 88 83 8T 8 89 69 94 4 101ft 101ft 103 102 100ft 7 ft Tft 103 100 105 8ft 106 108 185 Asked. 88 ft 79 98 61 i 84 ft 88ft 26 ft 86 ft 91ft 101 88 9T 88 ft 86 ft 87 ft 86 90 71 7 4 ft 101 107 104 103 lot 98 7 108 102 108 98 107 105 105 ft look; 13700 TOO 100 900 2300 100 7000 1900 500 200 1001 Great Nor., pfd.. Gulf States SteeL. Has.- Barker ... Houston Oil Hupp Motor Illinois uentm . . Ineptratioa , . . , . Int. A sr. Corp., c lapsrboro . . do pfd. ...... Inter. Callahan .. Int. Harvester . . . do pfd. lOOIInL Merc marina 26001 do pfd. 2300 Int. Nickel 1800 lat. Paper do pffd. 2000 Invincible Oil . . 15200 Island Oil S0O Jewel Tea 200 K. C Southern. . ... do pfd. ..... 2300 KeUr-SDrincfield lOSOOiKenneoott 4 800 (Keystone Tire .. lOOOILack. Steel 600Lee Tire 1800 IMh Valley... MOOiLorulard 1800Uew Thestns... 100JU a N lOOiMsiisnd Oil ... 2T00IMardn Parry ... 100 Mav Stoma liSOOiMez. Pet. ..... 800 Miami . 5900Middle States OU. eouv suavais Bteel LIBERTY BOXD (Reported by Overbeek a SALEH Cooke Co.) liberty, 8 a ... . liberty. lat 4a.... Liberty. 2d 4a. . . . Liberty, lat 4 ft s. . liberty, 3d 4 ft S.. Liberty. 34 4 ft s.. liberty. 4th 4 ft s. aery. 441 Ticesry. 8s Open. 9686 Hia-h. 9896 low. 46 746 700 774 720 Cloee Bid. 9646 9730 80 8' FOREIOK EXCHAHGE RATES Corrected dally by -the foreica exehansa da- partmen of ue uauea autae Nattonal bank. SIDOtaaoaa nem tezeeDt tbe eon ml .tertieel are quoted ea the basis of 100 units foreiaa cur rency. Opening nominal rates oa bank trsnsactiotis Drstt Cable i Par Checks. TranefenL Value. London liM. sterllaat 4.26 ft 8 4.21 ; 3 4.88 8.00 ft 8.6lft 19.30 .48ft .48ft a 23.81 4.33 ft 4.86 18.80 1600 1000 800 800 00 200 'T400 S00 St. K. A T. "Wl do ofd. "Wi". Monc- Power Mont. Ward Uft, Picific do pfd. . M. St, P. A.BJ.M Nor. Ama. . Nat Biscuit Nat Knatnel 300 Nat Lad 768 9768 8716 9720 7M 9764 9T30 9TS0 .loeia 10020 looie 10014 .10013 loots 1012 leeit Tft4 70 9778 8724 Rerlin Msrks. Genoa Lira. .. Athens- Drachmas . . Copenhagea 11 Kroner bad Seaside Beak Declares Dlvldead Seaside. Or.. Jaa. 23 A. F. Poley of Port- waa leelecaea prasiaevii oi in, eirat Bian ef Beaaide at tha Tear It etoekhoMers' a ina beM here Wednesday. Other officers era; A. n. Fwrter. vtee preaadent; U L. Paget, vire t and eaarder: 1 J. Talaaeer. aaaa ceatner. and T. H. Moara, member af the board of director. Paring tha past year the bank made sa evreorat showing and tha regular ai vi ae od was esclared at the aaeettng. Kr Stockholm a roaer ... Hongkong Carrency Japan Tea. , Shan hai Taels . 4.44 . 28.08 . 15.82 . 24.85 . 54.25 7.40 T8.50 4.45 20.08 15.6T 24.90 54.5 4T.63 TS.80 19.30 28.T8 26.T0 28.70 2800 5800 200 1900 500 1000 ilNevada O i !few Haven . . . ilNorfoIk 4W.. i Nor. Pse Nova 8. Steel. IN. Y. Air Brake.. IV. Y. Central lOkls. Prod., Ref. . . . . . . Ontario Silver . . 600Ontario a Western 1600,Ot Steel Pac Dev. 100! Pac, Gas A Else. 4 3 00; Pasta A Deere ... 8400Pactfie OU 2400 Psn Ama. Pet... 28 18 82 ft 44 ft 56 2T 88 68 lft 4 122 ft 82 S3 59 64 ft ft 16 17 28 18ft 31 44 55 26 ft 38 68 1 1 Sales. 'STOCKS Fr 1600, ia 2400 Peam il300Pea. Gas ...... - aoOiPera Ma nam Is .. , ewimunps rote .... 1900 Pieroe Arrow .... 2300jPieree Oil ...... .... I M,nmvmw ... .....iPrtta. a W. Va... ... lOOjPrssasd Steal Car.. lSOOIPellmaa saw Kay voas. 2200Readhaa . 700iRemiacan aavo Repiocle SUel .., SOOBepahne I. at 8.. . - . aa pfa. , 1000 Rap. Moteea . . . . . 8800 Royal- Duteh OS ; 60 Hy. Steel Spga... - 408ttad Oil Bi. J... 008ean Koebuck . , .... .IShattaek, Aria. . . evoiaaeu x. a X. ... i . . Harh-t 4Tft 84 ft 20 ft 3 30 " 1 ! a a w A Hi 15 TSft 81 33 54 T 0 a 178 8 3200 Sinclair 52 ft 19ft 98 84 ft 81ft 87ft 59 81 9 21 19 108 20 S3 ft 80 ft 8ft IS 78 12 ft ft 72 ft 143 ft 8ft 44 56 87 ft 80 32 78 X8 72ft 83 ft TSft 13 ft ii" 7ft 2ft 9 82 ft 100 14 63 12 50 15 ft 3 12 23 88 ft 30 ft 17 ft 48ft Z8 59 ft 148 13 113 23 32 5 112ft zs 12 82 8 25 ft TO ft 14 1 45ft 63" i . . . 34 80 15 ft 6 99 77 ft 74 2 21 12 5 37 ft 46 ft 52 ft 80 S2.n T3ft 28 .64 83 T5 13 40 ft Tft z T 5 82 ft 100 14 4 12 49 'ii 2 12 23 37 29 ft 1 4Tft 28 I 58 148 13 118 23 30 ft 96 ft 111 29 ft 12ft 31 8ft 25 ft 69 ft 14 ft 18 45 ft ii'ft" 4 8ft 4T 89 111 32 6 93 8 131 28 83 104 23 14 49 lilft 96 ft 84 29 96 105 34 53 108 69 9 6. 26 115 It T0 4T 86 123 32 34 59 ft 64 ft ft 15 18 27 18ft 81ft 44 55 26 ft sa 68 ft 1 91 25 ft 63 51 19ft 98 111 84 31 86 60 81 10 23 19 108 22 53 80 8 13 8 79 8 40 12 72 143 8 44 57 ft 37ft 11 80 81 73 27 69 ft 83 74 13 100 40 T ft 2 7 6 82 100 13 ft 4 ft 12 49 80 15 2 lift 22 ft 64 ft 37 ft 28 ft 16 48 ft 28 58 14T 13ft 118 23 ft 31ft 95 ft 112 27 12 31 8ft 25 ft 69 14 16 45 ft 64 52 128 85 . . tetand OS lnd... . 800 Sloas-Sheff. 2200 Son. Pacifie . .. . 200 Sou. Railway .. . 00 Stand, Oil Cal. . 200 8t L. A S. F. . 300 Stromberg Carb. 20300 Studebaker . . . swift a Co 800 Tea. Cod. a Chem. TOO Texas OU. ..... 1000 Texas Pse. .... TOOOiTex. Pan. C A O.. iwra m s-reaueta .1.900 Tram, Cond. OU... TOO Union Oil Del loooltiuon pc United Alios 1800 Cnited Drag 900 United Food Prod 1600 United Froji .... United Rds. N J. Union B. A P. . . 5100 2600 TOO 200 V. 8. lnd. Akohal. Li. a. Rubber . do 1st pfd. . . D. S. Smeltine. 16300C. 8. Steal . ZOOI do pfd- 1000 Utah Copper .. 100 Vs. Chem. 5400 Vanadium Steal SOOiVivaadoB 800 Wsbsah 2001 do A pfd.... do B pfd. .. 100) Wells Fargo ... 200 Western Pac 200, Western Union SOOiWeat'ghas K. A M.. West Md. 200 White Motors ... 400 Willys-Overland .. . . . . do pfd. 200 Wilson Paekiac . ; . . . Wisconsin Central 200 Weotworth 800Worthington Pump. no w. a i e. . . 2000i White Oil .. . Money TTft - 20 3 SO 15 S 111 13 TS 27 ft 1 63 T 80 7 178 3 79 16 2 ft 61ft 39 ft i 82 14Tft 41 y a a a-e a 87 ST 20 20 "is" "ii 81 81 18 1T 3 95 21 21 40 89 88 87 ft 100 100 10 10 45 ft 44 25 ft 25 25 24 ft 4ft 08 10 10 19 19 129 128 "is" 'ii'" T Tft 12 12T '65ft "64 48 ft 42 56 55 ioo loo : '86 '85ft 11T 11T 64 ft S 29 29 34 33 "' "ft 2 19 T9 16 60 89 si 147 4 T 8 0 Bid. LUiViBER BUS HESS Total aalea for the day were 630.80 with bond businem reaching $14,845,000. 4ft 84 ft ft 2ft Sift 30 18 ft 59 ft a- 111 ia T8 31 53 ! 86 ft ! ft 60 6 il7T 2 8 IT 19 8 41 81 17 94 ft 11 40 87 10 10 44 25 24 ft 8 10 19 128 zft Tft 126 64 ft 42 64 100 s 88 ft 116 4 28 83 - 18 13 T9 16 1 60 ft ft Sft 6ft 28ft 81 20 14T 46 8 5 0 shares JS MORE - ACTIVE Wav. Jaa. 23- Tee lamber mills aoeraUona at Pank Fa lav, Wav.. aezt atvina amokment bs 200 mea. Tba mills have bean eloaed fcmr meathe, . Fort Worth, Jaa. 23. Tha tamber karlnsm m tha 8osttbwest ia tmpeaivkag eaihr. Tbe bvaa aeas that month ta tar asaee acsive than as De easabar aad a better aftataad Is expected fat the early apftag. .- - - , - .- ,Asrr cwub Hew York.' Jan. 23. Jobbers la underwear rathrred bare amdiet that taw asaterial ased in the k Bitted goads trade ami not aeeusa m price wnhia tha ant ail ssoatha. but add that anena sssnafaetarera era aMaaag for sewer freigut rates aad ether eosts, ; . ' - LITEITtKX Seuth 81 Paal Jaa. 28. A redaction at aa- peesimatply 15 per cent at una anna oa Bve- atoefc Belling waa samasonea uua weaa ay ue local livestock exchange. Cemnuaaioa ssea mid tha redaction was ta give producers the benefit of reduced oasts af eperattea by Company Pormed to iBiiild Toledo Homes Tasada, Oe tbe-Tomda tisa met at tba m thm eftr adopUna Vr-mws and esvedag ef moarpomUea ware Oed wttb at state earner la the weak, the aasnrmtkm hwnrporsard ta the earn af SSt.wOO. aad er- aaavaea fer-tha laeiiuea at BwUdtaaT I as Teaawa. ..Dteaatacs eeaaaad weea C aV Haava- ina. r. W. bteveaa, Deaa Jaaaios, Ira W Peter FrederVk. Fred Homing aad lay W. I as owecton aaaeasa U. a. Haaktaa, Ira Wade, rlea mmbIiibS aw raiHirti m. retary aad Jay W. lanaa, Uiaaaiaa. Two baa- area am tan slisiss af stark wees eepr tha meeting oat af a peaainas S50, Aa as "t of 10 per seat was leviad for Fraraary l aaa ea and draw there ass am arrteme daily. aeo, i tii at; ' T. lb 0'4ve. ai imaaiji-t ; lnrre F. rmsansilaB, esemer; E C. tvant S"d maw LaaSa LaJta. aaaeasa aaaaaiea. 7-a SillaSa at tbe bee W I83t Jaa. 33. Tha muttilrlire ef Oember at Ceaaaserca iwems last I laa lag for the awry a af aSTerwjea. AxTJems TXtSKS BC815ESS OCTVOOK BRIGHT AK PROBISIXO WsaV, Aaa. 23. Tba a i aa. far ISX ta brM sad sewsakaaict. fX H. T. Lawn, bead ef thi foreag Htrees eVamrV A at tba Casvarahg af rraabsvaav, bam tw ef the aerial ebsb at the aeamal Friday a lea lag. Tbe eeaawm Is vaetry Toledo Bask Electa Officers Chehalij. Wash.. Jsa. 23. The following dinctoa were elected at the annual asset of the stockholder of tbe Toledo Stats bank at Toledo: U P. laytoa, Thomas II. Gray, F. J. Hackney, Y. R. Buckmaater and R. O. Boekmser. Tbe offieecs included A. O. Bark master, vieapraadent: Y. R. Bnr matter. provident; Joseph M. Sommer. Jr.. eaahier, and . P. laytoa sad Thceaaa U. Gray. FltUbarg "Will Band Hemes PiUaburc. Jan. 23. A 83.000.000 tion haa been formed hers to stimulate home building in this section. Organised under the state buikhne and loan laws, this comet n wiD specialise in second mortgages. It is kv by some of the most prominent bankers business mea of the cow sa unity, Permits for building construction totaling 3284,000 ia cc have been issued in tbe met week. mansannL-uj ussnmssanaamaBmwsaHa SOX New York. Jsa. 23. The fall ta the prira of taw silk which ass been reflected here from the primary Japanese market s expected to re lieve the utaa&oa of silk maeafactarers to scene extant aad ta stimulate buying af Omened goads. MACHINERY Now Haven. Ceasv. Jaa. 23. The New York. Mew Haven A Hartford saooasotree eeoeir ahopa, dosed down December 24. have reopened. 2004 mea going bank to work. COAL AND COKE - V, Union tows. Ga.. Jan. 23. Tha cake pra- duetiea for Jaaaary probably will be about halt the output in the same month mat year and coal output will probably shew a drop of SS pev eeat. No sales of runaaee coke at teas tnaa sa have been reported for a week. A assail amount of Matraet eoka sold st 83.23. Soot foundry is quoted srouod 83.60 to 34. Furnace ia aaoted at 88 ta 33.60. There hi a tendency at maltars ta depart from the higher f redes of coke. aricurr Ssa Fraaciaco. Jaa. 23. Hoary tains have improved the condition of the orange crop but prices have sacred sharply since tha holidays, owing to the falling oft ia eastern demand. New Ton. Jan. aa. ainauu is irosa Month ars erlhu keve ap to 66 cento a o. avert for the best stock with tha price an ordinary qualities around 40 cents. - iihi (a a, .b1 ya ega uckfartnrv demsad is a skins itself weident for drugs, ahemirala and oils ia uus section. toueouoaa ia SiB fair. Baleaa- Mont.'. Jaa. 23 The Glengarry Mining corporation has announced plana, lor a rirr UmA .nd eoDoar ores from tha Seotch Bonnet mining district 1I1L. An B. STVa OU tgeB SdD- ply company wiil hamedis'tely start the ereeooa j two buildiacs aa additions te its impanel plant. r Tnaa Jan. 23. Weet Texas grain growers, deprived a tnetr eropa www r.JT" r.llarm af tha evaia te m,! mHil nlant more eottoa la 1923 thaa they aid last year. l ns "" riskl ia 19Z1 was tar aoovo "7 while tba remainder ef the state shewed crease. a BTCtvu. PiUbUTT. Jsa. 28. Steal aetees eaa, be aaoted ae follows: Black sheets, 83: raivaniaea iheeta7 34; tin plate. 84.T5; bam. abapas and BhUas, 81.50: hoops, bsnos arm not Irrtps? II: plain wire. $2 26; etaodsrd pipe, Tl per cent baaing discount; wire nails, 81. 58. par can a DRY -oao St. Paal. Jsa. 22.Wbc4eaaie dealing ia dr. eooda sad aotioee ta tba Wortbwsat deelars that the bnataeas ao far this year coaimerablr ahead cJanesry nrsiiER New York, Jsa. 28 Ineraaasd fataevetla betng manifested in the market hera for crads rubber with better Ineeirj sad more aiaoag of ordam. eottaa 1920. 1 big de- No Labor Shortage in The Cobs Bay Region Or, Jaa., 28. There ia aa snertage la tne Coos Bay fsgVMa, aeeerdioa Cv H. Gram, atata labor iiimatlasl waa Just returned from a trip te MtrskrieM ta ta- vastigsia reports to the affect that . eaaplorment ee maduaa mea hsta thai m iim wrltb rrosniae of lobs ta the miBa. Csnslsna are warned bv Caua mmimm lu. ak. yvwa aay rearaa oa tne auansta ef Jobs, aa it win only tend to em he is at the woo are ajpaaas Iters and loe ak. oarely eeMMUh eawaoyment as it ia. A Vttee to '.ram irons the MarahfieM Cnamber ef Com merce protasta aaalaat tha prartine af thesa em ployment agencies and asks that efforts be meat wthi a stop to legion. . 5ew. Officers for CorraJUa Baals Corvisllia. Jan. 3. TTineaat VThitehora wa ewd pranoent of the CorvsSa) Stasa bank, mhee afrirees am Jnha Fanoa. fiae pewddeat .- w. MJOe. Wte ptaiasiinl. A. A. 8 eaaaier-. X. Q. Wooaan, . aaaaaant aajener: board 01 oireruias, vasaor r. Mease, nr Hsrrva. rtrgaH. Llademsa. Jnha H. Bmoh. Ofn- eircted for the Beatoa Coo my . Bate and eashsar. J. L. ' CanlLi aie eaahiera.. FVsyd Bores sag BV St. Jot board of aireetera. Dr. p. L. Bueeeita. feasor E. U Potter. -J. F. Yataa. J. . F, Portar, r. av Bogaa aad A. A. Jehaana. Old orfleera Are Reelerted Woodland, weeks, 3aa !. At 'Its aaaasl meatlog met weak tbe Woodland Stan Wa as mri-m. T. F CT- --'. H. a- ra. I-. r r aaae baa thaa assst swaBBaWetng eesetkaaa aaa lag. aa tbe dwe-nea Beaoares. aad tbe tbe eeese aeze.487. wVtrei see- U wee abcot !ie. s-4 aaWarssey barm SB the setea e iarthar taat that ateae ef miiai' ee ha)l lag eamse the ieta rbw ataain aenaB 131. baa Sandra e Tke Teer aad ea auk the kis Ii 1 a ley 1831. a - W sweat here suae aaa naaiii 1 aeespa pvenpan waa sssat reesltat anassra, vae Saa aaiiibMj. aecretary. swiaaa. be aevaaeaa. a-d seaanVsd the ksat carve tewarea Aeatael star Una sf efnea erww as tke ars eaa. ama Baa SeUewmg J eaa B, Heasma, e.aUiat: Le-wte X. etl r. W. Mams, eawwee, g. W. blataiaa, aaesaarp Bard ware Cam pa ay riee-u Offleere Moeteaaae, Waaa,. Aaa 23 Tke Can Raa, r Heywwars caeanaay baa fUad the loBasnng I ef afheers wuh tea eawaty aarhtae. pre.. St. Jay Smith. PartUad: v a sea tdent, Jsa T. tOasa, Vsaeaaear. B. Ci swreetary. W. IL McKay. Portiaad: uwssarar aad BBaaaaev. Cam K. atackeeO, Akaatsea. . , , . .. TeatOatlag Srataai fa Stabs Beaee . Or Jaa. 23. Bids aa the aew aysaem fee tbe senate ibass-sir a4 ae ef meissaeaOm as the eeatud will be aaraet by tbe stats beard ef eoanVel aa Febeaarj 18. st was aearernrad by rd rvtday. ra rearamr 1 isacs Bar ixs) 1921 SBvdna af parpoaa. It m eaeratma laarlue eearM ed 618.4 at aa.nreed ta basa by the tu Oe nam the aext SBtraiy 1 ' Cattle Aeseelailea taee-bs - ' . Pttnevilta. Jaa. 88. At a awtiaa of tbe aftO Creek CaaOe assert a pen, beef ta tba haral reetry arfW. Be) asvaa waa ear aaa yriei st sad Roy H. Sw4. sisiaUry Ii 1 11 rev. A raaee rsaer aad mee wil be eeiiiasaed bw tba earning near a. . The a 1 1 iliilne aaa Aasii oced 10 springs waring las peat ihraa years sad sat will be made as tabs ear BOS A LB BERRY GROWERS WAY " HATE RECZIYISQ BTaTIO .rxaald. Or. JssC ?t- The leasabtiiy 'rw ers beei S aseetiag at Hubbard this weak lee Ue af Bin Bantu a raveirlsa at a He a at taat las auasreaBon at tha Orvsaa Oeaav . eve raenerativa saaiilirtaa Mr. Beewa af s. ae wan. neea am eg SOT saw aBBveaasBva. vweaim aaa missal as sna gi ill nil lamed aad ether are tadrnag tba saauee. Tbe renawt enM weather s tar has net dame te te Siiii eeaa, rvie van avs reieei4 all Ha oat diseotnea aad arVoara. aa gram baa as bovb4 asa tram the fissaa. trade a year ago. 35 89 ft 15 ft 15ft 98 76 74 2 21 11 '5 36 45 61 88ft 15 ft 15 8 TT 25 61 T4 2 6 20 12 8 65 36 46 ft r 52 Todays bond prices There never will be a better time for the purchase , of bonds that to day. Money rates stopped soinff up some time ago. While they were going up bond prices were going down. Now that money rates are returning to normal, bonds ore seeking the higher level in which they belong. The following bonds are of types that offer you safety of principal and excellent income. They are readily convertible into cash. Tleld aooat 4.90 4.90 5.00 Yakima Co., Wash.. Road 5V8s, 1937 Due Jan. 1, 1937. Opt '26. J&J. D. 10O0ei02.1. Yamhill Co., Ore., Road 5Vs. 1930-37 Due Aug-. 1. 1930-S7. FAA, D. S1000-J500f2104.13-106.4e, 'Union Co., Ore., Road 5V4s, 1928-36 Due Jan, 15, 1928-36. JAJ. D. $1000 10L28-102.50. Canadiaa dollar diseooat 6 per eeat. D BOSTON COPPER SHARKS rsmiahrd by Overbeek 4 Cooke Co. Yrin Haadle Baa Feods Moatinsas. Wssh.. Jaa. 28. Artielea af aOoa have eeaa hv eornnraOoa have been filed with and! tor by the Wsehmgtaa Parking company of Tne aew firm, waste wui aaa aaelneleal. baa a eanitsl stark of taOOO. Tbe iaeorparstors are Haas Mymaa. U. U. Scbwark aad I. A. bloDsc, 5ew Terk Broken la Traekle New York. Jaa. 28. (L . S.) Aa rnvoi- uatary pettoVB ia. bsnkruptcy was filed today ia tbe raited States district eeart asminst J. 8. atsrmaa A Ca, The firm did a stork broker- Make Big Fetata Pradacer Kampa. Idaho. Jaa. 28. With aa a venae of 163 bushels per arre. Id aha rsaka seread of an tha eta las m the Vaited states at potato pfedue- uoa sa iszi. areovdiag bs Jarraa m. Jaeobeoa. aariamlaaral watieraniaa ef the Idaho crop vepert- nio ssrnee, ataiaa. wtta aa average at. 288 Bid. Ariz. Com. Advea.. 30 20 Alloees 81 Arcadian 2 Br. Us. It ft Baiakalia. C, a A. 6T a a H.280 Oeatea. 10 Coa.Bge. 44 Ihurii D. Tft E. Butte 11 eVrklia-M. lft Hancock 2ft Indiana 60 L Creek 84 Kee'naw. 1 K. Lake LaSalle. 1 Mast. Con. 2 Ask. ft T6 60 32 3 14 o" 286 10 44 7 12 2 2 TS. 85 1 2 2 Mohawk. 68 M. U. CoL Z ft Mason V. 1 ft N. Butts IS ft .Ntptaarng. eft X. Labs 80 a Baa 25 (Ore. Meg 84 Uvttawa. . 2 1-ia Qc. Mg, 44 ft tab) K. 25 ft 8. Lake. 44 C.S.Mco 88 do nfd 2 Ctah. 3 Sap. Oop. 2 Shattnek. . . B Trie. Cop. 3 T'otaauM Ventura. 22 Wolvma, 10 ST a 1 13 ft 40 2 85 2 4 2 4 88 2T 8 a" TO 22 11 r Lrrestoek CdmaaaT far Idebe I am pa. Idaba, Jan. 23, -Artirba af tnrar- aeratma ksva been filed by tba Spring Valley lvartat- canspaay of CaidwaU, eaa tsfcxed at 3100.000. , v Fall Into Ditch Fatal ; To Gladstone Youta !'.',. ... A ;T ... Oregon C3ty. Jan. 23. Thomae Finch. rke fell II feet Into a ditch beside the read while walking- from Orewoa City ti hie home In Gladstone, Sunday night, died today. He - waa Internally Injured. redeatilana found hint at about 10 o'clock BuadaT night. Ho waa the son of J.- O. Finch af Uladatoaa -aad waa 34 yeare aid. 8TAKBARD OIL STOCKS rurnished by Overbeek a Cooke Ca a. Bid, Angle IT Cbeesebroagh .............. 180 da pfd 1 Eurvsa .................. 8 taakma. as. ................ 40 do eld pfd 105 de aew pfd.............. 100 TlHnaia Pipe 170 ' Indiana Pipe .............. 80 Nonhera Pips ............. 82 Ohio Oil ...... 2T8 Pena- Mex ............... ! S-oathena Pipe ............ 83 Houth Peaav-Oa 185 . A. fX CaHt. .............. 84 8. a. lnd.'- ....., ,., ..w... . Sa. Kaasss .............. 655 A. O. Keetacky .........a 450 8. O. S. Y..,. S4 - 8. O. Ohio .............. 383 " do pfd. ;..,......;... 114 ' A. O. hew Jersey.. ......... ITT 8. O. bebraaa ........ .t. 186 1TH 183 110 83 : 42 10T 13 -1T4 . 83 83 280 16 64 180 ; 60 40 3S8 3, 116 ITS 5aTal Store Slarket - . Xew Terk. Jan. 23.' tl S- 8. Taipisittea: Sateens. 85: Sew York. 2. He. AUaata fevaaaah. 4; New lork. 5.33 $5 4 &- We Create Printing of Character F.W.Baltes C? Company Pimtcrs&K'.aK.0,.: Stocka. gromda, Cattow, Grain. Etc. Slf-317 Boar, of TrasU BtxiUiag Cverbeck&CookeCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Xesaaara Chsraga Beard af Yrada Carrespeadeats el legaa a Bryaa . Caicare . Sew York S.125 Gilliam Co., Ore., Road 5y4s, 1942 Due Jan. 1. 1942. JAJ. D. J1OOO01OL55. ' 5.125 Morrow Co., Ore., Road 5V2s. 1929 Due Nov. 1. 1929. MtN. D. 1000-SSOO102.40. 5.75 Port of Kalama, Cowlitz Co., Wash.. 6s, 1924-31 Due Dee. l; 1924-Sll JAD. D: 500100.8-101.88. 5.75 Port of Kalama, Cowlitr Co., Wash., 6s, 1936 :T:--r:i:?: Duo Dec. t,r!36.Opt ,28-,3S. JD. D. 500t?101.59-10S.3S. 6.25 Exeter, CaL, Imp. 7s,' 1928 Due July Z. 19Z8. JAJ. D. 1000-J500O103.9. 6.25 San Bruno, CaL, Imp. 7s, 1928 Due July 2, 1928. JAJ. 10198. 8.00 Wflson & Co., Int, 7Vz, 1931 Due Dec. 1. 1931. FAA. D. 10009.50. 8.10 Porto Aletrre, Brazil, Gold 8s, 1961 Due Dec, 1. 19C1. JAD. D. ,10OO-5O093. f 9.15 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.r 8s, 1931 Due Jday 1. 1931- FAA. D. 1000-S500-S10099.50. 7.00 Burnaby, B. C, 6s, 1924 Due Dec. 31, 1924. JAD. D. 11000-1300097.40. 7.00 Vancouver, B. 4Vts, 1923 Due Feb. 1, IS 23. FAA. D. 343M7097.I3. i6.20 Kingdom of. Norway 3V, 1962 .. - Due Apr. 1, 19C2. AAO. D. 20O-4-20. Price on application. . - 17.04 U. S. of BrazU Sterling 4s, 1945 . Due Oct. 1, 1945. AAO. D a00w-tt0w-100 Price n application. . 7.15 U. S. of Brazil Sterling 5s, 1934 . Due Aur. -J. 1934. FAA.. lrOO-500-100. Price on . application. 8 ia minimum yield : of laaue payable thrtrogh alnklna; fund purchase or "call" up to 107V. . t9.15 ia minimum yield J all of iegue to be retired tiirougjli gink ins; fund purchase or call and at maturity at 110. .1 8.10 la minimum yield, an of Issue ia to be retired by sinking fund at 105, sinking deposit of S29M1 to be made to cower principal and Interest of called bonds.' -,. t Represents current Income. Clth exchange at par theee Vmda will have maturity Talne of 7 to 102 above present market value and the income will be Increased proportionately. Freeman, smith & ' Camp Co. Lwrnaeaaigara Bum. roaTLAeaa : 1922 WILL REWARD BOND INVESTORS All fundamental factors point to further ease in the. world's money market this year. The recovery of bond prices has been rapid, and as general prices decline bond prices should continue te upward trend. Buyers of good bonds can, in short, look forward to maintenance of values in fullest confidence. . a Bond yields will go lower, not higher and the only way to assure high yields , through future yeart is to invest now MUNICIPAL BONDS. YIELDS TO 6 Name of Issue Rite Maturity Yield Astoria, Oregon Ss 1922-26 6.2 5 Eastland County. Texas Stff 1926-S0 S.7S Idaho Falls, Idaho, Imp 6tfs I9J0 , 6.50 Port of Kalama, Wash 6s 1924-33 5.75 Morrow County, Oregon SJs 1929 -3.12$ Portland, Oregon 6s 1931 : 5.00 . Portland, Oregon .....SSs 92S 5.00 SkamanU County, Wash.... Stft 93S " 5.125 t Union County, Oregon 5J4s 1927-36 5.00 Wallowa County, Oregon Ss 1932-34 5.00 Whatcom County, Wash. . ....... .Sj4s 1923' "5.10 Yakima County, Wash.. D. D. No. 3.. 6 J4s 1923-37 6.00 FOREIGN GOVTS. BONDS. YIELDS TO 84 Republic of Bolivia ......6s 1 926-2 S S.2 5-4.3 0 Dutch East "Indies. 6s W 6,456.75 ,. . Kingdom of Norway ,3 54$ 4 1962 V f.OO CANADIAN BONDS. YIELDS TO 7 Province of Alberta ..." .48 Province of B. C 6s " Province of Manitoba ..6s . - Province of Ontario) ..5jS Province of Saskatchewan ........6s- - "'Burnaby, B. C Greater Vancouver S. Greater Winnipeg W. New Westminster, B. , 6$ y D. .. . . . .5$ ' D... ,.St ' C.........i.6s 1924 1925 192S .1937 1924 192 4 1923 1923 1923 PAon or TVirtT Orders " Collect LUMBERMBNS ox Broadway and Oak Use our, Partial Payment Plan wk owj atd orm oci raanarATiox ix ': : $110,000 Beiiton Iseeounty,. Ureg on 5 ROs4D BONDS DATED SEPTEMBER I, ISIS DUE 8ER1AIXT Ut-l2S - . . mayciAi. itatexest ' - Asses se4 Talaetlaa. 1M1. w..lli438jN Beaaeel Deaa. laetagUg tale msae . tt reyalaUea tlrl eaasaa) V , - Tls laeoe is a general obllgatloa 4 Bentoei Vorttv and vft) ba tmia by ad valorem taxes levied agslnat all the taxable property Ukexaitv. ... "; . . ' - - ' . ' Price: - Par and ccrued Interest lo Net 5a ..-.Eieaiai rreat Fe4erai Xaaeasa Tax - ;s ApvUeabla aa gexnrlty fee fVsstaJ Savin JVrVTalta. . Iegal Tnveat- rnent for Havings Banka, Trust ITuai. and aecoriiy for Elate. Countr and City FUnda ta Orecoa, ,'.."" 3',-' : '-'..;.' it' , . ; -r '. ? 1. ' . Western Bond &: Llortgage Co. M FearU BU Breadway It rerUaai, Orrrea Tetepbeme ar TeWrmpa Order CeDeet rr.