THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, : PORTLAND, SUNDAYS MORNING, " JANUARY 22. 1922. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 mm cm riu ntTWCTOS a. W rm sra snaa t bey fa U7 ef Dwa el ear listings. Wa haws 1-4 aaawrttoa toted st mica fat are. wry attraotlre. to ewe mantoaa erfW we aa at. at M IM Side office at 40th and Beady, b km ita to eoostastly keen ia takHtl the bat tans M they si F"4 avertot t4 aha art ea esthng "f roe aoaml of Portland . best bufld ra, B w iiaiwrnlni tousling wa aaa be of antoi to yoa, " City par dlstrVt we here "" biiiitnJiiss to no it pitot inmad 14800 tad a easy lama, too. EX lUCRTlCR MTJN artad yWto going to 1m hi that bag Una. Bar a anod good district. Iarainla aur Drive ant to osr Fat Side office. A.C.TEEPE CO. aa.aa . . " f kTXeN T VAIJ.EA $1714 $400 r.,h. burl thia brand saw t bangalaw Inratrd Mr laurel- hnrat; baa nek floors, buffet, Dutch kilchaa, breakfast souk. CriariH ba-a- Bent. III UK I 41 i 250 aaah. 8 room bungalow, nearer aw, wlla flreplaoa, oak floors, Dutrh . meat. tuO Uu located sear lUsthorne ' rarUsa, , 14449 Ron K CTTT New S mom buaaalnw ."W eedsr axutrurboa ta thla choice dietrirt: haa fireplace, oak floor. Ixitra kitchen, buffet, large living and dimaf rona Ili33 ft. cement porch and bearaeat: d,aN constructed and finished ta imry and tapatry paper. il foe an aopnlnunimt and,jr. will show ynu the finished duplies la of this wonderful hay. $H00 cuk required, ores TODAY R. L. UeUKKW. lt4 Hawthorn, an. Tabor 8843. LAPWICT rTTOT PTTfOATyOW '4MK OUT BIJT4DAY a 148 Riyal Coart betwaen Ylander a ad UHaaa and oareally k orer thb aanat etoearrnl raw 4 rotm bnncalnw wlta 'J laryo badnia p. oak poUnhed floorm, Plata glaaa windnwa, k'nnrh doon, old iroey and oirwatry .paper, all tha loealy mlt-ma. dnuhla nnn Thia tha laat aTtoti'Hi la bancaluw aoostractioB. U tM fail to mi it. D. W. ALTON, A at 829-1 lUVl.NUToN 1'AIUC. ft-nom bancalow. ' aew, prioa I44D0: oaah $1650. rrUu?tat. aew S room bnnsalow, (TS00. Bnaa y, new 6-roum bungalow, atrtoUy anln. 43500. kteatoa, 4 room morWra hoaaa, $8500, Warn Ptodmont. 7 tiOO: aaah SlnOO. JUIIMMON BROTTTrTRS, 44.1 Waahwrt"" bli. WATWTTf PARK C07.T BITNOAIOW Thla bwuitifnl 5 room bnocalow la lo cated no tleraland are., elona to ear and Joffarana blsa aehool and orroondod by lsrely bomea andia a moat deairable aoma. 1000; rwonabla terma . D. W. ALTON, Aat 120 It IX rotwa autoa. fall kit. K. Rrmlm, wxit of R. 11 IK, rentlna for 30. Price t000 IIK04 aaah will handle. 4 lone honm with ( lota, 180 ft fronUga. V taaa rrnit traaa. 1 block, to fine -olinol frtca 18000. No hH-nmbraaca. 82300 cah bad eaey terra on balance. room honoa. lot OflilOO. K. Madboo. A ajwato at InOOO. half nuh. I O. DAVrDflON Realtor. 814 OiaBiber of Oowimi-rra. . SIX ROOM HorSB. 50i80 corner. . eeily 3 blnrka from Kearney arneol; an eartlne and paved street: . walking distance to Wsalilnrton high school and Banana Polytechnic; large - taany rnoma, three bedrooms and bath wpatalrs: good baa, meat and for rsrage 13454 MjaH A Kl W MATT, Realtor. RJTTK.R- LOWE A (X)., 141-1 8-4-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 5 844 DOWN R08B CITT PARX Bwnlaia bansnlsw. aa sammeart a. tbJaaj Baxt J. K HARTMAW COMPANY. 4 Chamoer of Oommerre Bids. ' Hrnsalwst U034 Today sod Kvtnings Tabor 5174 RO.SB CITY PARK . Inst saaptotad. beaatUul 8 mom Onlonlal boa talow, aodara la every reavect hardwood floor, threaigboat. tapeatry paper, labvt ia light fll taraa, best ef plnmblnt, ptpe furnace, garage; a, to 444 K- 53lh N. snd see the workman ship, beaaty and value la this bouse; opes by wner frnja t to 4 tay. HOW does Uihi listen u o rout 5 room banes. w srw away lata and Aider; bailUne, kitchea, Vaeosnea, flrepUre. rement haaeiaent furnace, weaa tears everything la, paid. AU for 64200: ClOW RKALTT Hit Hahwesit Ante 113-84. ST Tot' Mad Tlll. flTTTkftinVTn: read Yorns W, want listing of all kinds of property if h prise ta right. If too want to sail your tH, we ran di It aiurkty. Call or phone r. Banal la. Kaailor. Innast Realty Co. H-ary bMe avtw y.6Hi J. VMXIo)TlK.'K 105-4 nssapmny rarnksaed exaellee gal owl swan aodera eonvenlstara. list wator beat, frait genua, 44x104 grounds: $4500. 11404 HAJLRT BrX'KWrTU. RraJti Brwy. 4311. 11 K CAR HANDY. TOP OF HILL as 444 U 44tfe at. If. B thla brand llll liiisns aaimaw. Iia mil fl ftoiaa. rio to ear and echooia A real bwy at 48330. assail dowa payaaant. Mr. CharcA vitk J. K nAIGTTT. RKALTOR, S 8.'7 B-w,rd of TnvK Bdwy. 204 5. NKW CUV IN 4 ROOMS Flas new bwnaaitm. luet being completed. alAtrvl. walkinc dueaJiea, eaoeilmX Small psvaent will handle. Ho, this today, woaa 3 to 4. 473 Lead are. Mr. I i ilia with J. R HAMHT. RXAI.TOR, 8?-lT Board M Tredn Bdwy 1045. fmfsM.Tt Iu eaa't beat these trraa. $400 sash, 4 nea iBuntlhunt bungalow, built-ina French doers, tlrrrUea, kdw. Unors, cement baso aat fwraeee, wash trays. Improvements in; mtmm to ces-. Price. 83000. See Butrum, my ageae, with .... CLOW REALTY till wahaont Aat 121-84. rjAtloo CoUnTR : MT TABOR CARLLVK . Tea aaa aaake ba aaasa of your Rvteg right 'I Beat 6-raoa eottaaw. poultry kouee, garage, frwa aaa kama; rich anOi right ea eeruae; gaa Irwaiina. Prtra 8J450, easy toraa. Sea A. K. Wili. 4 24lsatormi. bdgT atoisa CITY PARK BUNGALOW. BT OWNER , breakfast rosea, eabhast. Mv T reya. f0 plamhwg, stw. fWa. fniaaos heat. aU Ivory Cnisb. finest ef eleetiie rvtarea, 701 E. 48th st NaT HOraK WTlEREf Til wim.-v.v KtxMS. it- nrvrnt. TTON ON rtJ;.NII: GOOt. x,r 1N5oM8! OR t, UYT 44,AO: FINK KRUrr "fOII kfKH4 MAR, 1444. MRS. BERRY 1 1L08&LN B( MUALuW Jnst Rwtaaed aifcs bwaaalow at tat w Modera with esery eaavemienea l l. ' a Bake anMaataaeat with ... . nniraor. wni w glad to show yoa Meadway 4381. Auto 117-44. KAt'Tirn. NEW HOME WRSTMORKXsVND easy eaaaaiDW, wtth nak ftoara. Beiaaoa. dertrw fiitwre. aurtraa. full bsjaasnt aad.tarea. Tenat, $3904, Com. and aTST 134 K. 19th A. aaa, Bvfce. a. kT-!!-. 4 reaaa awwsaaow. li fuU lu. trutt. nhatoa ilZT'"T7V"...., f' o ear. Aasta. Tre.. Tshoy 4589. I DON WAIT BNiB ipcrv,i" -a- $ aa4 eetl ay eaatty to tha daady nalai saaB toaaatow tor what yea will give. Leaving rty. 104 n. troa easily. Garage, Us K. 841b y. 1RVLNGTON UOaUt ' 6340 AfcWLBTO.T MOOETUf KA8T TFHM8 EAST 44 31 8 kuOMS CHEAP $140 DOWN reiai and Bath- 2 aaxka fma Ms II na s4JT , ,or . aaairequTtni $1-06 rlaala aeasa sod tot. WJla, $315. rrrJ i - w OtiD 8HACK. asarly sere Cat and. dty watt? 1 "". Rrawr W. Cary, 1319 V W. a,nt airt, M . .... ,VJ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 403 ONLY $344 DOWN ! ACSJ-.H a iiJa soalh a Mad. 1 must fma alaetne MM and enani; aena aadsr ettiUnOan: all can ba Una ad whea alcand: arraa besaar 4Ua land; kaai Ui family arebard: 4-voew bnoaa. bara; pnoa MSOO, or will i a aiaaav wr aaaadar atCber', laaa. WELL-IiOCATED CHICTE RANCH 4 wen bioeka fma atatioa. Onrfsa City haa; racked road; S bioeka to aesool; 1 haartni (rait traaa, 200 atzawbarry piaau; 1 uerm main oultlratioa: ail caa ba fanaad; wall, aprinc. wator piped to 1 roaaa koaaa; ban. cbjckam hoaaa; thia mt mm racwptionaUy food ckoekaa kacittoa; 2 lira, siz2o 4 aaraa, bataaau Fortland and BUlkbotw: tk Mocka' troai aleetrie tutian; nra (aaewi: 2 arna vadar cntliTatioa. haliiww in paatnra: aa avu butd ; dark loam Mil ; aOaabarriaa, locaabarriea, ate.; S-raom trama boa, (nod well. barn, woodibed; gaa la atrtct; prtca tl00 eaah. S arraa, 4 bioeka from aleetrie station; 10 anlaa fma center of Portland; aS wader, eoltivmiion; win, fancea; 2-rooa bonaa 12x24, eleetrto lithta aaaDabla; wrtna II 200. (800 caah. balanra annaal payvanta. a par eant. JOHJI KEROrflOV. RKALTOB GEItLLNGEa BUKi. A Bargain Abowt 8 arna of land all under eoIUraHon. T-ronm, plastered hoaa. City water and ga. Nica tart a barn, (nod e Metro borne, other oat muW inn, 1 arra loaanberriea. rood family orchaid. Placa all feneed; one bloc kV from electric carlinr; ona miia from HiUaboro. M mil a from pared biebway. Thi, i a aire tract of land, well to otled and ander a buck state of eoluration. Aa neeptioaal bay at 8&000. Terma. HillsDoro Land & Realty Company Knzland Mellar Htll."borr. Oregon HIGHEST TTPB . FARM LANDS 10-YEAR TERMS EMPLOYMENT 8000 arraa. all cood toil, most, lerel benrb and bottom land, in tha Ncwinkum Tiller at Onelaaka, Wash., laonthean of Chthalia) ; old (arm and dairy dwtrict. many adrantaaaa, roads, aeichbon, aumeroua otreanu, ideal climate and para water; midway Portland and Seattle, good auricta; Z0 acres, or more. 1 15 to 450. long time payment,; settlers giren ! preference ob taining employment mills or wobda. Sea sales man on gronnd or write. i ORAHAM-PARDEW LASTD CO.. 1808 AMERICAN BANK BLDO.. SEATTLE 6 ACRES PAVED HIGHWAY 43200 AU in cultivation, beautiful view, gentle slope, excellent garden soil, extra large front age on pavement: only 20 minutes' eaay drive from heart of city; about 1 mile beyond West Portland school, on Capitol highway. This is aa exceptional bargain. 403 Stock Ex. bldg. Mar. 8324. Eaitt 1864. SPECIAL IN ACREAGE 714 seres clear, level, no better eofl; fnxK, grapes, 4 mom bouse, largs barn; fine well, fine neighborhood, nesr school snd R. R, sta.. only $2300, 4300 down, bat 4250 per annum; low interest Also 10 acres extra fine land, 6 acres small brush, bsl. second growth; s snap at 41400. 4300 down bat 20 per month. This lays on 2 roade 1 mile from Electric station, J. a RICHARDS. 808 McKay bldg- 81 and Stark ft $360 Cashi5 Acres Here is a bargain for yon. Fire acres, nearly all In iMrberriea, rich soil. 8 room house, run ning water, located on Gates road a short dis tanoe from city. 5 minntea' walk from electric station. The price is 53600; psy only 5360 cash. Bee COMTE A KOHLMAN Bdwy. 6550. 408 Braiding Bldg Over I Add A Tirtrm Bank. 43400 10 ACHES 83400 Aloha station, close to Beaverton, 10 acres la orchard, big frontags, with city water and gas in irout or aoor. Located on good stone road, close to school. 8. P. station snd highway, only 4 minutes' wslk to S. P.. 25 minute' drive to Portland. Caah $1000, balance easy terms. M. E. DeJoice Co. 807 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1631. IN THAT beautiful rich country around Wilson ville. Oregon Electric, close to station, we offer s very fins 10 seres, part in cultivation, balance haxelbrush, seeded, part rioheat bottom and beavardam land, fenced on three sides, school very elasa, wire for more fencing, fine large log bunralow. chicken houses, etc, and look at this price, 51500, oa half eaah. A rare ofier. u u Becker, 133 tt First at. 4 Acres POWELL VALLEY ROAD Fronting on pavement. 8 miles east ef dty Bmita; about 1 tt acres orchard, fair 6 room house; all city conveniences available: a real bargain for $3630; terms. 403 Stock Exchange bldg. Mar 324 or East 1364. DON'T worry about the money. We nave the acre near Buckley are. for 5700, and If you are the kind who will nuke the most of this wpportunity wt will make the money jjueetion easy fur.yrm. : R. TL OONFRET, Realtor. R ITT EH, LOWE A CO., 201-2 3-5 7 Board of Trade Bldg." Three Acres Fronting Powell Valley pared road, 1 miles east of dty limits: has all city conveniences, gaa, electricity. Bull Ron water, telephone: land lies perfect; all cultivated. Pries 32250. Wnv Mnrohy. Mar. 3325 or East 1864. 6325 DOWN. 815 PER MONTH 5 tt MILES TO CITY 8 mall noose, good well, over $ acres of rich sou, on car line at Ruby station. Owner will sacriflct Price $1365. STRONG A CO.. Realtors. 606 Chamber of Commerce. AMITY 42 acres dose to Amity. Yamhill county, fenced, running water, fine land. 100 cords of wood to acre. Sell the wood on the place. Price eut to 82500. 6300 down, be! 4 per cent 226 Chamber of Commerce. 8EACHREST BROS. 1 ACRES. BEAVERTON DISTRICT AO in cultivation, young orchard; 6-room honaa. barn, buildings nearly new; dose to sta Uoa and highway on hard road. Price $3500. vary easy terms. Ll'EDDEMANN COMPANY. 416 Chamber of Pom mere Bldg. 30 ACRES. 41300 cash for quick sale. Old . bouse and outbuildings. Pump and spring, I acres cleared. 10 acres easily cleared. Bal ance young growth fir. 2tt miles from sta tion on county road, in Washington county. Would sell more if necessary. D-984. Journal. OWN AN AfRE In the fascinating country. Just outside crty uwus va aas roaa; nuu ttan water. 590 4 yean to pay balance. R- H- CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE A CO. 201-2-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CARLTON. OREGON 1 tt aerea, good 6-mom house, dty water eleotno lights, outbuildings. 80 bearing fruit trees, variety bemea. aoaae equipment 81900. fa?-?.? "f. .Uur' 14 "' Willism Willing. 194 Fourth SeUwocd 1159. TWO ACRES, NEAR TIGARD. SACRIFICED Choice aoU: close to earline. Oast owner 5? TT? ,,w 0;termt erocaTS Ar.ii.E-i "X iipts rr inr. Outdde city limits or irdeTaty, some with electricity, dty water and gaat $10 paymena: S" T?u hick- $50 down, 413 month. Roger W. Cary. 1211 N. W. Bank Wdg? as i.itjj. a aunutos wslk fna O. E. ata Oon: 30 milaa out Six acres deared. bal "oe easy. Fenced, , barn and good well: $1400; fc. O. 0. Sletten, Realtor 415 Rv Each. Bldg. Bdwy. 1400. A" ALBERTA STREET ACRE .l0 PfK. 4 2d. facing, south, ea AV 38?Tl!.lt05l(8g'U briim J H"' 2-3 ACRE. NEAR REED COLLEGB -.V,.,,!ninch.:.bmr". suitable for garage; - ca.o. , 1U ntn W. Cary. 111 s. W Bank bldg. Soger T 1 ACRE IN RASPBERRIES Jaxn & hmita on east; bo dty a-usai J" fy!r R Bmii. li Rt- Excb. bldg. 1 ACRES 6!. COLtMBIA BOtiLEVARD ' J" t cash or half aaah. Rcier W Car. I N. W. Bank bkta. W. Car,. ASCOT ACRE RARGAD. At Marlon, ewltreatad. no grsval, 8 eaaeks of 88?4 I'ln.-rT,1-.',r0' 2 -V 7 t1'- $140. Near (Wfca City. 4 . " u leaoso, iron . H. AKXRSOIf. 420 Henry Bldg. SKRVICB MEN Bay a fruit an er r,w!jte "Ba- Planted and an paated tracts. Wnto aa. PtARCT BROS.. kitru, -a Zll . $:00 per acre; 8 mile. mtiem tad recked load. E-.ll, 'oaraal. SGFEL." - 4wod. ncA toad fo, WerJf hiT- Ot. A i. ."tney -uoo; ho. "--4iij4-. Bear Portland, for oaah. O'Doa- 427 Waroeeter bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 10 Acres About 4 aena a dovar. aoma fina fruit tieoa. balance at land easily dear ad. betxer aoU anywtiera, V, sukt ff paved niiway, Mewbery; way. 17 aulea from Portland. TERMS TO 8CTT TO0 Peterson & York 437 N. W. Bank Bide Miia 8005 10 Acres ' Paved Capita! Highway BETWEEN MTXTSOMAH AMD T1GAB-D (OpponU lied Sack Dairy) AB tn raltiraiion; yerybeat garden aafl; hrga iramgo on parement. beaaonu new; asoat 2 Ik acna aaaorted orchard, fair bwiklnia livable) : this ia the Mggest snatr erar offend ta tin high-clam district, only IS to SO minutes' drirs from eourthotro oyer Tenriniger bled.; 45800, scgne terms. Hzas A Morphy. 403 Stock Exeh. oiog. Maranail 8324 or. Eaat 134. TERWILLIGER BLVD. EXT. 25 down. $7. SO monthly, for attractive 0.T1 of aa acre of good aoi): price 4325; 1 miles from city limits, fine for chicluna, berries and f nut. We hare other tracts ba tha aama Dial- ting, some of which contain over two acres on proportions te lj the tain, price and terms. V j !.iTi'u y 738 CHAMBER OT COMMERCE CPPEB PORTLAND HEIGHTS $808 for half aa acta, 8c fare, few Mocks Council Crest car; only 2 mflet courthouse ; all in cultivation ; every foot almost level; s wonder ful view; frontage on paved road, no Gens, city water, etc.; more land with tt if dedred. The biggest bargain on the west side. J. G. Rainey, 517 Abington bldg. Bdwy. 6269. RIGHT AT ELECTRIC STATION 1.57 seres. SMorted young orchard, bearing, good macadam road, electric lights available, 3 tt miles east of city limits, 537.50 down, 17.50 monthly. 732 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. HOME SNAPS One acre, cleared, 5 room plas tered, city water, 5 blocks to electric station, 51600, 5250 cash, balance 415 month. 7 tt arret, 5 room house, 6 acres cultivated. S acres beaverdsm, $500 cash, balance 520 mo. 1 acres. Base Line road, good house, barn, large chicken bouse, ail cultivated, come fruit; 8400 cash, balance 525 month. MAIN 953. 601 STOCK EX. BLDO. 4 tt ACRES at Jennings Lodge, 6 room house, bam, chicken house, good orchard, all tinder cultivation; 53500. S seres bearerdam land at Gladstone, 2 blks. to ear; 6 room house, barn, chicken house. Price 54300. 82000 will handle. MeGEE Ac DENNIS, 969 Union are. N. WdTn. 6484. CHICKEN RANCH 7 tt acres, all cultivated, right off raved road, 6 miles from city limits; 3 chicken houses 31x100, rooming house 14x64, incubator house 12x24, good incubator, 500 to 1000 laying pullets; 1 acre in berries and fruit; good in come; sold at a sacrifice. Box 8 8 A, Clacka mas. Or. WOULD you like to own an acre in full bearing strawberries? Here it is, just outside city on good road. 5100 cash, 3 years to pay balance. See us today. Tabor 7364. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE A CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade BGldg. ON JOHNSON CREEK 850 CASH Two acres, cleared. 1 block from earWno; close In; creek through the place; ideal for ciucsena. rotai price 81600. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 80S4. OWNER NEEDS MONEY 11 acres with good 2 room cabin, good soil, 1 acre cleared, spring at back door, tt mile from station and postnffice, 30 miles from rwiauu; t uu casn taxes it. LUEDDEMAN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce 8tt ACRES. 4 MILES Fourth and Wah; 8 cleared: lam old orch ard.-, hard road. Bull Run and e lee trio hgfata coming in; shack, best of soil; 84500; might cooauer i oruana nouse. J. C. CORDIS CO., 808-8-7 Leww, bldg. LAND OPENING Texas aehool lands for sale by the state, $2 per acre, one fortieth cash, balance in 40 years. a per cent interest; send 6 cent postage for further information. Investor Pub. Co.. dept 8, t a aawniq, lexss. 40 Acres$650 Towards Astoria, tt mile from TL. R is arros, most ready for plow; Hes fine; A 1 toil; ' casu. oai. a years o per cent interest, 618 i.nimpw ox commerce bldg. v cauiu. at onmmit, or., acres, room bungalow, woodhouse, barn, ehicken bouse. i rami trees, ov nms oi rnuDarb. 14 ,cre loganberries, also other berries 81050. tenn down, terms. Call on owner. M. D. Swabb, 1442 iota st., saiem, ur. ONE ACRE, CLOSE IN On pavement Real value at $450: terms. Best sou; deared; plowed. Build a cheap house, work in town. D. McChesney. 626 Henry Bldg. puwv. jim, annoay can Main 7844. 40 ACRES $650 mne from town and 8. P. B. R.; Hes fine; tome has been in cultivation, bat very easily cleared, tt cash, heX to suit 618 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDO. CHICKEN RANCH 850 White Leghorns, Tancred strain. 2 chick en houses. 5 r. house. A Iota well fmnm, best of soiL 7 mi. to center of dty. $2800. tt I cash. Call owner. M. 1459. i TWO THIRDS ACRE, THIS SIDE REED COLLEGE ..ft'1, "P1" branch, barn suitable for garage; 1500 $50 cash. $10 month. Roger W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. FIVE ACRES. CLOSE IN Cleared, best sou. no gravel. 2 acres bearing logans, tt ,cr, bearing orchard: good view, near 82d st highway; $2600. terms. J. 1 CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis bldg. jive seres, by owner, south of Aloha. mile, and good road, new house and barn, 8 acres cleared; gas ia house and partly furnished. Phone Main 8311. 20 teres, very choice land, 15 cultivated, gar den sou, dose to Oregon Electric station. 12 miles out from dty. $223 sA sera. Haas A Murphy. MsrshaB 8324. 2 tt ACRES, Oregon Electria. near Portland. dose to car, fine land, no stone, all in culti ration, 75 fruit trees, small building; $1200 Woodlswn 2741. $850 snap by owner, nearly an acre, 52d st, all in cultivation, dandy soil, dty water, gas. My equity $145, balance $10 per month. No interest until July, 1923. Wdln. 6673. 5 ACRES on paved highway and electric line; good chicken and berry ranch; $500. $50 down, $10 a month. DRAPER. 408 BOARD OF TRADE. $1500 TERMS" 81500 . 2tt acres good soil, near paring, gas, elrc- wiuw. e ugnts; nest ouy en Oregon City one; terms.. Stratton, 217 Abington bldg. svi-u or any part of 4 aerea, doss in. paved reBds. also good 7 roost boost, near high io ACRES, with creek, easily eSeared. ilT60 easy terms. Charles K nnrf lis ti SUBURBAN HOMtS 406 FIVE-ROOM bungalow tt Meidtua statka. arth ltt aerea. Price $5000, tt cash. Other acreage in am boautuol tract, right oa haxd- M&nscv lusaway. RISLEY, STARKWEATHER A BLACK 402 Broadway Bldg. Main 6199. OKS ACRE and 4-room aback, oa H.-,iT roso. yoss ououoe city; snaa and fruit trees. $150 cash, 3 yean to pay bajaaoa. Sea us today E- H OONFRET. Beattor. RITTER. LOffl A DO 201-2-3 5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 8 ACRES and 4 room house, oa bard rf d roao, aoont A aula iroa cuy Hauta. Price aiov, terms. D, J. O'CONNOR. 42 D ST.. MT. SCOTT CAR. ACT. 626-75. ONE ACR NEAR 82D AND bTYlSToV- Kew 4 room bungalow, with hath, Caragt, Kym eaaiy nam sou. trice gzsvo. STEWART A JOHNSON 815 N. W. Bank bide ATTRACTIVE 4 room bancalnw 13 V c ut aa Oregon Eiectric; rJoae to aehool and staQoa.- city water, gaa, agba and phr ; aU wmto atsametoa: ftOxlOO lot; $2350; coed f Owner, u.k.t j10 " k6t1cs It arm pay yoa to m ua f or suburbaa at BosM dandy buys oa hand tast new: arrv 'tea, tt acre up. Prioa, and term to salt you. niij Keanor, 4Z5 tzmbernvns bid. 1 tt ACRES. 4-room hoaaa. barn for 10 sow. well, milk boose: oa Columbia boulevard, just outeide dty. 33806. .cash and terms. Soger v. s.ary, i; b. w . Banc Bids. AT MULTNOMAH Nov 4-rooa modera noast with rararoL lot 85x100. 1 blork of hit b way; dty Bgbt, water ana gas; pnee S3ao; terms. nv-B. Journal. n a acres, aoaae, spring. sobm cleared, oa ram rtrate, school, store, -on Oregon Octno. Call roam $5 Hood hated, from v w aa uj. REAL EST ATE FOR ' SALE SUBURBAN HOMES 1 1 9 406 WKLXi XKPROTxTT, CLOSE -Bt ! scswa. 8 H miiea traa center of ParOaxd, on rocked road, cloaa to kJgn. way; 9 acres under eoiti ration. 1 acre tgnbar; yooag orchard, new basgalow with plrnnmng. garage, chirk m house: eery at traeOTW piacse: price 47500; will consider bonaa in good district on east side of leas ralaa. . aems, 8 mfba from center of land; ail ander raltrration: hi miw to elee trie station and school; 70 bearing trait trees ; 6-room plastered bans with ment foondstion: bsrn 18x24. arua cfaickea honaa; price 43000; dear; Urge cash payment; consider benaa ia auborbs of rMTuana lor i tt amount; MODERN HOME WITH PLUMBING 2 acre on macadamised road west of Portland, -"near pared highway; iH in ber ries; good 4-room noaas with white enamel plumbing; other buildings; close to atatioa and aehool; price 43500 cash. Acre tracts near MHwanxIe road, 1 mil, from electric atatioa; good road; city eooreo iences available; all under cultivation and beat of soil; price 3900 per sere; very small payment down. JOHN FERGUSON. P.KALTOR, GERXJNGER BLDG. 12S00 ITCBEH STATION. 52800 Near Beaverton. 2 tt aexes; 5 room, 1 tt story bungalow, double constructed, plastered, bath room, cozy Dutch kitchen, woudlift, waxed floor, cement basement, gas neat, forced pump on back porch; garage and fine red chicken house: kind drains both ways from bouse with good view ef surrounding country; located on good stone road, 10 minutes' walk to & P. station. Cash fSOO, balance $30 per month. 10 ACRE COUNTRY HOME $4500 Keedvffle Station 54500 6 room house, spendid barn, ehicken horns, garage, gas heat and electria Bgbta; good water system, orchard, full bearing; berries and wal nut trees; close to school snd Oregon Electrie or S. P. statitm. Located on a newly built stone road; good soil and good drainage. Cash 51000, baJ&nce 1300 a year. SPLENDID VALUE. M. E. De Joice Co. 807 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 163L Will Sacrifice For Quick Sale MY SUBURBAN HOME Modern bungalow type home, consisting of large living room 14x28, 3 large bedrooms. Dutch kite hen, good plumbing, screened in back porch, large front porch, full cement basement, on lot 150x100. 16 assorted bearing fruit trees, all kinds of berries and grapes, variety of rosea ana snruDDery, double story garage with eem?ns floor and runs, poultry house to aocommndate 300 hens, brooder house, plenty of runs, every thing in fine shape, good paint: 8 blocks to car, schools and store. Price 84750. 31500 cash, balance easy terms. OWNER, TABOR gSOO $50 CASH. $650 PER ACRE Two or 4 acres snd lumber to build a 4-room house included. This is located dose in on the east side, about 10 blocks from the street car; has city water and electric lieht and gas near land: land like this was selling 12 years ago for 81200 per acre and no improvements; now 3550, including lumber to build a little house. You should investigate this if you are in the market for a small ranch. Will make terms that yoa can afford to meet Call on owner G. H Dammeler, 408 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark sta. ON PAVED HIGHWAY Five and one-half scree. 1 srtrea rmrW mTH- ation, 40 old assorted fruit trees, magrrifictnt new, aajoming Red Kock cheese factory on the Capitol highway, 1 mile from Tigmrd. Price $3250; $500 cash, $15 monthly. g BtALTOB, 732 Chamber of Cora. PARKROSE JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS 82SO DOWN $3950 Acre tract snd 5 room bungalow, modern plumbing, gas and electricity, 2 blocks to both grade and hiirh school, mod Vwaiinn on e rural road and only 3 blocks to carlins ana ixuumDis mgnway; possesttion at once. J. L HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. 17 tt aerea at Glen Oak station, on W. V. 8.; 6 sores in cultivation, nice S-room house. 10c, of rruit good barn and chicken house, ail isra implements, cneap for quick sale. Dollar & Eby 8fh and Main Sta., Oregon City. Ot 7 ACRES Fronting right on pared road in Mna location, dose to city; convenient to intemrhan ep- beat soil; lies beautifully; no rock; about 2 acres enmca iruii, iair oniMiings; you can make money here; market your produce every day: drop in see our est ana puotos ot suburban places; sixes snd prices to suit you. A. K. 426 A LITTLE HOMESTEAD A nice level tract of land aa large as 6 dty lota, facing on Powell Valley road: partly dear; tt mile east of 82d st, for $690, only $75 wiu, uuauice , i - per montn. R. H CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER, LOWE A CO. I 201 2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 30-ACRE FABJ1 RARGarw 6 miles from city limits. 1 tt miles Inn nav. ment; fair bui dines, rood orchard- ahmt in acres cleared; fine sou, slightly sloping; fine spring, can ds used lor irrigation. For quick Rio, vrioe LUEDDEMANN COMPANY 913 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 10 aorea. bam mnrl eeHin atl - - ,l plowed, BUta of put Place: 50 chickens. jj. mmji, iy ana toots, iz muss oi Portland. oau, aivuu morteage. want beat offer. rv a KTnvwi .v. 91 Main Bt. Oregon CBty. Or, tt arros, Mddrum station, Oregon City ear. saooera a room DungaJow. good well and ore system, tt acre of grapes, tt sere -of suawueiiies. also raspberries, losaaberriea. number of bearing fruit treea, apples, pears. cn ernes and filbert nuts. 1 Mock west, tt south pi saemrnm stanon. Marry tj. Moodenbrugh. SUBURBAN HOME jomrng otv Urn its on east, at u. 35 assorted fruit trees in fuU bearingj 6-room nouse, iuu oasement, cuy water, chicken house. gooa rasa; atwou, easy terms. SAY LEU K. SMITH, 818 Railway Exch. Bldg. 1 ACRE, 4-room plastered house, garags, largs woousnea can oe osea lor chicken nouse, nice level land, fenced, all dty conveniences. r.ear scnooi ana sza street. IliOO: 8200 cash. 313 per month. O. O. Sletten. Realtor. 413 pa u way mcnange PMg. Broaaway 3400. HERE'S A DANDY Little suburban place, right oa cared Wrh. way. just outside dty limits; nearly one aero, all in cultivation; 5 roost bouse, dty conven iences; prioa only $3000. Sea A. K. Ttili 426 UUDDCn&RB oiag. CHOICE sera, with modera 4 room bungalow, aQ city convenience: lust tutsida Hmita. spanuja location, mn azouu. terms, boa A. K. HILL, 426 Lombermens bldg. 5150 DOWN Nw bungalow; 3 rooms ao2 oreaxiasi noog; . sens; gas, water. Ughta. vwnrr, vi, journal. FARMS 407 tt miles out of Oregon City, oa gravtaed acres in eun 7 nuabae, aoi. castnre. soma wood on it, mora not bard to dear; 5 room frame house, barn and henhouse; cement eellae hmfl wntt. wall JI . n. is a dandy chicken ranch, or for berriea, Prioa ra ai,i, nr-rw m.i , i i ,i i ' i it - w I at leaaonabla time. On mail and cream rant. and phone. EL P. Bhott A Son, 7th and Main sta, Oregon City. Or. FOR SALE 9 rook road. 20 to biarint, 28 in dower, 20 15 pasture aad oak timber. Fe ltt mila to R. It snd .noa tewa; site water and aleetrie lights avauahia Fiae bay at $100 per A. -aaa, THE GENERAL AGFJgCT MoMINNTILLB. OREGON. SALE OR TRADE STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 28 acres ia cultivation, 240 frait trass, grapes, berries, aasO aoaae, barn aad aV buildings, 2 h or jus, 2 cows, 250 ehwikena. tools and tmplemants, 11 aulas Portland -$8500. $2504 cash, bal. mort. or wid take Boose, $4500. baL nsortgaga. R. JC GATEWOOP A CO.. 165 tt 4th St. CALIFORNIA Irrigated tara lands ia the only TJ. & ajov uneat irriratioa nroiact ia the stata l. at Ortesd. Productive sou (bo alkah ar hard paa.) Splendid rtimtte. no killing frat. The logical snipe and fruit center ef California. Prices right. Opportunity for aJL Free litera 54 Poa request, Jot. 8. Fjickaoa. Box j. Oty iwTsVBca. trade far VBAS. yr. GTLEREATH. SIS Piatt xtMa. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 A Sacrifice On seeotat of sickaeai 1 will offer ay wary fine homo and farm consisting of 40 aerea which is aB ander cultivation oxeeptinc a email woods lot of about & acres. Thia farm ia as good a farm aa anything in Washington county. 6-room house, barn 34x78. all buiaiinas in ex cellent condition. Vie family orchard. Placa aB feneed and cross fenced. Ituanmg water for sues, gcoa weu lor xasauy van. This sand all lays well with perfect drainagev. All seeded ex cepting about 10 acne, Equipment: 14 head oi wis a noises, cmcsens. Barnesa. mannrw sp reaoer. oiaoer. mower, rue. soul, banal ndma enltivators. waruna mull tenia, kax acales, fanning mOL diss, spray pomp. 44 tone hay. 8 tana oats, S tons wneaU. 409 bcanest potatoes. My equipment is all good and com plete. Tha price of this placa at 417.500 with reasonable terms. For fuller particalars sea my Hillsboro Land & Realty Company Hnboro. Ore.. England A XeTiar, Mrra. FOB SALE 60 acre farm; situated 2 from New be re DoKtoffleo: all in mltinrinn - fhrroughly tile drained; plenty drainage, but not "Wi oiaca aoam sou; au in crop; about 40 acres in Clover, eel. wnea and oats; small chard; all now improrementa. eonaostme of 7 room bungalow, plastered throughout, bath and iuii cement casement; oarn 30x40x20, boose, garage and small hog boose; farming unpmiimn. tsw tractor, tractor duo and plow, rrller. grain drill 8 ft MrT.ormirk KinA . horse cultivator. Dowden notato diner, nmr land rake, walking plows, harrow, small gaa ear au i t szz.ouu. will assume mortgage 86600 on federal farm loan at 5 and 8 per cent, balance cash; near school, high school, college and churches, on graveled road and one mile from Portland pavement: about 1 tt miles froa cannery: good location for a home and soil can not be beat. Address Bum Bouts 1, Box 80, Newberg, Or. TOC HAVE BEEN WAITING FOB THIS 40 ACRES FOR 42500 STOCK AND EQUIPMENT Located only 40 mile, from Portland eat fine road, only 1 mile from pavement ta Columbia county; Hurst black toam (ou. 12 seres under plow. 7 acres first growth fir end cedar. 2000 strawberries, rsspberries, 25 young i run trees, scnooi at paaos, u. r. IX, g foot ST-rings, chicken house 18x38. mmher for bare. with the place go a set of harness, mower, rake. disc, plow, wagon, harrow, many small took. sow, horse, hog and 2 dosen hens, crop now to. a acres oats, 1 aero wheat. 2 a clover. 1 acre vetch. Price only $2500; 11000 cash. T. I 1TDDT. REALTOR, BITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CHOICE HIGHWAY FARMS On the west side highway. 50 aerea, aU in eultivaticn, electric station at one end of lend. This is a choice piece of Und and has Just right to eut into small tracts, aU facing on big highway. Price only $170 an acre. 25 acres, improved farm, only 15 mOes from Portland. 80 rods off paved highway, aU in cultivation except building spot tnd few acres bottom pasture, with wood and running water. A real snap at $8500. Easy terms. We have some wonderful buys, W. O. IDE. 817 Lewis bldg. YOU CAN BUY A FARM In Western Canada you ran buy low priced farm lands, so rich snd fertile that one crop nas been known to pay lor them in fuIL Easy terms, small cash payments. Social and living conditions sre tha same as tho you now enjoy. Bame language ana climate. Send for free booklet teTJmg about the choice lands for grain growing and mixed farm ing along the lines of the Canadian National railways. Special low rates and personally con ducted excursions. Write todsy DEWITT FOS TER. Supt, Industrial and Resources Dept., Canadian National RailWavs. Dent C-23. Mar. quette Bldg.. Chicago. 111. 8 Acres, $ AH level and ra cultivation, all A-l soil oa good gravded road and about tt mue to elec tric line and station, good well on tha niece. - room new box bouse, new barn; this is a Bear piace au ready to move into; the buildings are not expensive but comfortable; the price we are asking for the place is snrs rurht- a mfla rJ Oregon City on mail route and cream route. iuuu. unv, au seiuea up, open country; 31400 down, balance time; an A-l chicken ranch or for Domes you coma not beat it E. P. Elliott A Son. Seventh tnd Main sta.. Oregon City, Or. WHY NOT buy now when yon can get a real bargain! 80 teres for $5250. $3000 cash, balance terms, You eaa afford to speculate on tn Sail is the very best; fine running water; 200 to 300 cords good standing greea timber: cheap house and barn; about 20 acres in cultivation. Atkinson & Porter 705 Main st. Vancouver, Wash. 5 tt ACRES, $5000: situated in Vaacoufer! on Fourth Plain roacL 1 mile tn hih .rhnnl dose to 2 trade schools, does to street ear and siores; pig -room house, with hot and cold waier. eiectric Hants in nmm ,nri nhu. house not aaodera; good big woodshed snd cellar! big old barn. 2 - acres in Marshall and Oregon strawberries, some fruit snd other berries; place viuuTiuua, nunc, cow, too young Black Minorca pullets, 1 500-chick brooder, all kinds farm tools for horse and hand use; 1 De Lerel separator; $3500 cash, balance first mort gage or otoer security. Route 2. Box 26. V eouver, Wssh. REAL VALUE We offer a farm of 97 aerea. aU tfrtabto over 50 acres in cultivation, about 80 aerea ran be deared very easy, balance small timber and brush, a good portion of the place ia best river nottom land; this is the lowest priced land in the district: 15 miles from Portland; price $12,000: $2000 cash will handle. See Mr. Hard, with J. I HARTMAN CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 6034 WHY ARE TILLAMOOK DAIRYMEN A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS PEOPLE! BECAUSE TILLAMOOK bind produces most gnat; TILLAMOOK cows give most milk; TuLAMOOb. cheese brings most money; TILLAMOOK'S climate most agreeable to Bw tn. Large tract of aigh-claa dairy land rinse to TQlsmook city tor sale as a whole or ba small tracts, with or without cows; price and terms right; will consider tome exchange if aaitabto. Z-705. Journal. SALE OR TRADE 35 aerea, choice lord land. 81 m cultivation, 2 acree pasture, family or chard, 4 room house, barn and outbuild ings, tools and machinery of all kinds, 8 horses, 6 cows, 4 hogs, 23 chickens. 18 mOes Portland, good mads. 36500. Take house up to $4500 first payment, baL mortgage or verv easy terms. B, M. GATE WOOD A CO., 165H 4th t 74 acres, 4 miles from town. Washington Co. 25 acres under high state of cultivation. 12 more nearly cleared. Good 5 room house, barn and other outbuildings. Well snd spring. 8 seres ia clover, lot of good timber, good toam. 4 oows, 2 heifers, lot of chickens. An fsrm Implements. $4000 Part cash, baL 8 to 8 rears, 6 per cent. 825 Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. CLOSE IN Choice 64-acre farm, highly improved. A-l sou. located at Boring, about 20 miles from cen ter of Portland. Prioa $9000; easy terms or will accept ei7 property in part payment Bee A. K. HILL, 426 Lombermens Bldg. 640 ACRES, tt UNDER CULTIVATION ; 100 aerea has free water right; $23 per sere. Aha 70 seres in tbe famous Nookack valley in North western Washington, fine potato and berry tend. Deal direct with owner aad are that middltman crmmiwoon ; win give good terms. Lock Box 345. Heppner Or. FOR SALE 40 scree ia prune bdt of Clarke count. Waahincton. 20 in eultrrafior.. tem house, barn, chicken house. 2 good wuDa. 8 tt miles from town; a splendid buy at $4500. L R Fletcher. 211 U. a National 1 bWg.. Vanuomei. Wash. SEVERAL 10 acre tneta, with aad without buildinga. dose to highway oa good lads does to electrie stations, oa easy u mi Let stock: kxch. budo. BARGAIN 18 aera alfalTa ranch, cheap. 1M Uunossd. aa irritated, near tows and school, panty out range eoctnCed. ideal dairy er sheep proposi- bon. Cash required. OWNER, BOX B84. rTTKMIW I 'ON. OR. 140 acres, with some improvements, piraiy tsed tad water, fma place for stock ntang. anty 10 mflet from Portland, at sscrifioe pdoa evv own. hi. ki irar, a per cent. J. R. WOLFr. 414 Henry bldg. FOR SAXE 680 aerea. $18 per fenced: 100 aerea cultivated, men and mm water; part wiO be irrigated; Bear a lanl. R, B. ststiao, oa R, F. D.; in Jeaenoa Ca Og. Aa drea P. O. box 811. Redmond. Or. 28 ACRES swkrrta, toad buOdimga. for rale or erty. R, J). 85-B. i or aastant Oregoa prop Balaat, Or-. Eoute 4. Box 40 ACRES diked mad aa Oaloatbm aloagh. . . par aera. Marry ror uit, aaa, ' MeCEB k DSKNIS 9t9 VrAtn twa N. WdTa. 8684. 80 FARM. tlKOO Msxat Bldg. O'DaaoTsa, 437 Wtrcartar 18 AC&E.4. half ba ealtivatioa,; hrmg epriag. swa si, pnw eevw. aivw i ira. 408 Board at Trade. . REAL ESTATE TOR SALE FARMS 407 M aerea goaU of Partatad, 7 tt arUst grareksd road; 48 14 aerea tisabwr. 4tt tt -wuh fireplace, barn, ehickca beass, ke aoaaa. granary, machmo shed; iachaded with pare: team. 4 aawa. A aeifere, 44) darkens. anauc. inentaing leea. gTOOa moss a peruana ta $1504). wy ssx. svaap. CLAM1 CUUS1I. WASHINGTON lav acres st ansa from Portland. 1 toed. 8 aulas froa toed town and pared highway: good 4-room home. bara. silo and other buildings: Bearing fan Or orchard: 1 svrtaga, creek; 89 acres ander ealtivatioa, 2-3 of tha a bottom hvad, Bot subject ta s-eerflow. sway 100 arret can be farmed wnea deared; soma timber sad pastor.; tow-laded with place: lease. 4 eowa, 1 calf, Boca, 100 nhickeaa. 7 toas bay. potatoes, wagwa, b traaa. paw. harrow, cuinvator. mower, rake, ereaa asptraior. aata, faraW tare, feed and seed: price for everything 44000, 42000 eaah. balance king time 4. Inspected by Hunter. 8 arras on Foster road. IS mfa froa center of Portland, 8 mi Ira froa dty lim its; all ander cultivation: lota at bearing fruit and berries; best of loam soil, free from gravel aad rock, nice lord land; 7 roota boast, barn, chicken house, granary; cow, SO chickens, plow, barrow, wsgoa, harness, spring-tooth harrow, drill, tools, etc.; price $7500, 83 O00 cash consider dear house up to $3000. ONXT $300 DOWN 40 acres, S3 aula from Portland, hi Oa lumbia county; tt block from statka: rocked toad; 4 aera under eoAuratioo. all can be farmed when deared; good tee creek; about 1000 cords fir wood; 1-rooa aback, small bam, chicken house: prioa $1400. very easy terms, JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR, GEBXJNGER BLDG. 132 Acres For $6500 23 aerea ia rultivatioa. aU eaa be irrigated from mountain stream, balance fin pasture land, family orchard. 9-room housa. bara 40x45. granary, apple boose, machine abed aad boa house, S good wells sad running stream. 3 Bikes from Cotton, Or. Come ia aad kwk that placa over. 10 Acres 8 ta cultivation, 2 la pasture, 1 strawberries sad raspberries. 4 acres in fine or chard, good 4-room boose, bara. tarn chicken bouse, well and fine spring; will include tU stock and implements: 8 miles from Oregna City oa rock road, dose to carBne to Portland; price S4UUU; 31&UO caan. balance good terms. 63 Ae45 in Cultivation This ranch is 7 tt miles from Oregon City oa rock road, tt mile to school. 8 room bouse with bath, bot aad coid wator. barn 50x45. machtae abed, bog hoaaa, ehicken boose, 2 good walla with spring as pasture, plsre is aU fenced and 01 una fenced. The 45 acres Is all seeded to era a tad clover, balance of the land a good pasture aad timber, fins family orchard: price 510.0O0; 84500 cash, or wtU take 64500 in good dty property or aeraaga. 40 Acres, 2 Miles From Canby, Oregon AH fine, level land, good soil. 88 ta culti vation, 2 acres ha paature, tamQy orchard. T- room bouse, barn 30x40; owner will wdade 3 hones, cow, chickens, potato planter, digger. wagon, drill, disc, binder, mower, rake, plow, barrow; price 814.000: one half in trade. Ore gon City or Portland property. S.O. 211 Realtor 114 Seventh st. Oregon Orty. Or. 118 scree, 15 acres bottom land. 20 reaay to plow, balance pasture and am ber; 7 room house with bath, 2 barns, out. buildings, water piped to house and barn, family orchard, fenced and croa fenced, creaks and springs, dose to school; $4700, terms. 120 acres, 83 teres cultivation, balance pasture and timber: fine 7 room boose, spring water piped to house. 2 barns, out buildings. 8 milch eowa, 1 S-year-otd heifer. 4 2 -year-olds, 3 calves, 1 fine team. 1 ad dle pony, chickens, all farm implements, 20 tons hay; $6500. terma. TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY 70 acres, tt creek bottom, 15 acres cul tivation, balance timber, 8 creeks, several springs, 4 room hoaaa, furnished, barn, out buildings, 8 horses, 5 cows, 1 yearling, brood sow. 40 chickens, also lease oa 240 acres. 30 seres cultivation, balance fine pas tors, 9 room noose, bare, outbuildings, ereek and springs, rent $100 a year, least for 8 yean, $4000 for aU. Inspected by Mr. Stewart, with C W. MILLERS HIP 165 tt 4th st Msin 6271 40 ACRES of good land at a sacrifice price. $20 per acre; tha place lia just 3 tt nrilea east of Lebanon, on county road; ail fenced with good wire fencing, and haa about 6 aerea of land deared ready for plow; the balance is timber snd estimated at 1500 cords; good all-year spring water, and the land lies almost ideal for farming, being slightly roUing; no improvrmanta except as stated; reason for selling hi sick nea, and financial distrea; there is no use in offering trades, as the price is osxly tt of what it haa been previously offsLtl at aad we will require at least $500 easa. C. I. Leavengood REALTOR Lebanon. Or. 57 Acres Itottom lA $6500 This is oa the Mohtlla bottom, ltt miles to earline, store snd shipping point; 4 5 seres in cult, more not hard to dear; 6-room box houtt. fair barn and oathooaa on it. This at A-l sou. bo better earn, potato, clover and grain land in the valW. Thia is going to be sold for $1000 lea then tbe actual value ef tt- Prioa $6600. $5000 eaah cash. baL st 4 per cant. K. P. EUiott A Boo, 7 th aad Mala sol, ijregoa ncy. trr. TILLAMOOK RANiXTRS 160 acres, 40 acres creek bottom, 29 aerea bottof land cultivation. baL pasture and timber. Spring and creek. Old build tngs. 1 mile froa cheese factory and town, $3500. Good terms. $0 aerea. Creek bottom mad. 80 acres eultivaticn, baL fine pasture, some tim ber. $ room bungalow, also 4 toum bouse, large barn, outbuildings. Fine creek and spring. 8 mila froa Tillamook, on high way. 414.000, terms. Oranaider reeldenee up to $4000. C. W. MJUanhip. 145 tt 4ta st Main 5275. REAL BARGAIN Fine dairy farm. 142 acres, 88 cuM rated, part river bottom land. 4 roan new nl..i ,.. i aouae, new bara. oatbuildinga, orchard, ranning water, water piped to boose, stoca. crop aad all $13,000. Very easy terms. 61 teres, 11 wtUa of Portland. 40 enltivated. good house, larga bara, outbaiknnca, orchard, near seboaL church aad store. SeO ar rent, 100 aerea, 11 mila of Portland. 76 ewJcs- varea. rood nouse. very sure bara, outbuiidin ere nam. running water. Bear school, church and store, free delivery, fork road, mufc roote. vyouw una. wouu wsaaa. tmooa. B04 Bpald- ma oiog, Beaver Springs Farms ra tracts 4a tnft, 18 to 10 aera: all teed sdO. bo rack: eowa cleared; torn boikflngs: Bring atresia,: doa to good srhooL 3 tt Biles to rood town, railroad, Columbia river and highway: 1 boars' drive to Portland. Oassa aad toia oar oniony ef good pantos already there. Tour ewa tenat within raaaoa. Price $$0 to $60 JOHN A. MaUSSNES, 811 Ga Bag. 40-ACRBJ FARM vnf jij mai-siiro. Of this 40 aerea there are 10 aorea krai aaa aaoag 1 aerea aadar plea, 8 ettckea tlOOa Prioa $$000; anty r. Ts FimT. TtrALTOR, BITTER, LOW 13 a OO wl--a-4-T Board of Trade Bag. 14 oa 8 2d St.. T a iia rat 4 cleared. Frait, aaaO hoaaa. $4408. er wiO trade tor saw to 66000. saneaea at frna. ML iiOABUi. 641 Stock Excheare THM best targaia stark farm ta Eastera Ora- goa. B2BW aerea. aeu eqaliliea with sheen, esuie, lawatt. bogs aad lead. Priced very low. easa, good dty rneome. and aortgasa for a. un as tea yoa tanre abowt It. A C DAVID60N REALTOR ll vnamoer eg Cob 55 ACRta. stocked, aquipped; rica toil; good . . buildings; graia. la; sprvng; aear school aad high way; lots bay aad aaa. 85604 , terms. For partiooian call ear wxua. 1723 Wilhaatt town aad stock torria; fine haa eofl, fatoed aaetly auiea wire, only a Bile froa R. B. sta tip ft.snoa saHad ' trs i a , i boa easa. . S-TS aerea at Sea. ea highway. 4 roast kaaat. truat, grapes. Oaa sou, $2116. $ii4V"-St - are. sutiw, a-b. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 Stocked and Equipped 40 Acres AH tmahla. S3 arret It high state at fultivatioa, balance sashed ta goad pas ture; best of toil: watored by good wed and creek: 8-ronaa aaasa, bara aawa. sia. wooaahed. dairy, caidna brass, hng aea: boifcnngs in awed eoattttoa: tail crops ia aad hiking goeat; family ev ehsrd of aaaorted frait. tarries ef ail kada for boeae ass; i a a el twaparty eoasiata of 10 oaf eowa, 6 heifers, rag anwred Oaeraaay Bail, arge apaa of Baaias, 14 chickens, due, 1 3 -horse ral tirator. I 1 -bores caiuvator. tTsAetooU barrow, spring-tooth harrow, aowvr. rake. Plows, waaea. ksmsea. ereaa separator, stwar-puller sad sit ssaall toots; toasted 14 Bitot froa Vaaooaver ta goad fsraag district; good graveled lead: tt Bile froa rawad highway; thia la a good bay i,iw, aawvw 20 Acres AD. bT.eMe. area esaared. bat ef sou; good 4-ranm housa. bara 2440. woodshed, d.k-kenhoose aad bog boost; watered by good well: rsrrenaal pTinaritj eonasu of 3 cows, ft Uifera. 5 bones. 1 bog. S3 durkeaa. 2 plows. Barrow. 2 cultivators, wagon, buggy, t sets of Barneaa. all eaaU tools aad all boose bold goods: located a alia from V,s Ti0' -1l"d highway; pric 64500. $3000 cash, i-'-t terms to soil. ALBERT MILLER, with Percival Cz Watts 148 W. 4 th St Ta Dairy or Potato Farm NEAR LEBANON 154-aere farm highly improved, gaoatly river bottom ; good buJdinaa, aaodera dairy bare, else trie ha hi aystea. 3 stios. 2 hoaaa. 3 banw; yoa eaa Base good oa this ptaee atbsr a Urn dairy bnnnwa or potstoa aad berraa, or both; til kinds of dairy tnd potato tasrhlnery; price for awarything, $40,000: trade dear for aparv Bent or store building, er both, ta aay good towa, prefenbly Portland. OOW9 IMPLXMENTS CROP -acre farm. 40 aerea fall erccy mors easy to put ta. some good tiatbsr; 5-rooca boasa, ataer Isra buildings: eowa. 4 aalfea, 44 chackeaa, fair Ba, ail lasplessaua, bay and geaia to raa; dose to school; gravel road; 7 antes. W Laoaaoa; price only $7000; take buewe 4 to $ rooaa a Portland, actual value of $4000, and a?e 30 yean' time en balance. We hate many other good tradea; toll at wbat ywa want aad give full drta.U ra fit touac lilBSoN A ALVIN. LEBANON -THE LAND MEN OREGON REALTORS FARMS FOR A BONO n ywa bare aot aad yoor hotaastesd rigM your ohaaea to obtain a tana for aboot ens tenth of regular pnee is Bow. The avs hated below are pace ia full aad aot tint payaeat. 120 aerea of good land other stae of MoTis. four teres partly deared. Bice strawberry latch, fair 2-etory hoaaa, 1 aula to aehool. r 1 a-rng, bangaia of bargsina, aa It goes (or only 8120U. 40 seres about 20 miles froa Ponland. 1 Btues iroaa pared highway; bare he meats ad ra uaqniahBirate to sell for only $400. 160 acres. 22 aula from Portland. 9 aOss frost Scat-pooa. near three ea!13a feet of t-a ber; for eordwood It eaa t be bat Wbea dear will bare over 120 acres of plow land wort ckae to $11,000. Psrty needs asoaey and we art allowed to sell homestead reiiAQULmeni for only $1400. Also here areral good dstms ta Rjaburg district oia for hcmesirsd filing. W. J. ANDERSON. 403-4 Railway Ex. btdg. Mi LITTLE H.ME 14 seres, nearly all la eulurataoa, 24 bearir.g jolt trees, 4 room nearly new boaa. high land, tt mile off pavement and railway elation, stores, church snd school. 23 miles porUaad. 3 miles Newberg; $l630; gonrl terms R. M GATr.WiXip A CO , 14H 4th at EQUIPPED DAIRf " For sale or rent. 4 7 arras, 4-rooa furnished house, barn and outbuisliase. 8 cows. 2 ti i a. au unpiemenw, at k. it. station, store snd P. U. A. SCHOENFELDT. Gaston. Or FOR SALE Her. i a good horse right hi Powen for ooe ex kid : 9 scma oern srxi orcliara. gom wta snd snring; 7 cniuvsted, one irr- timber; 41800. A. U HUMPHREY. Powera. Or. Box 104. WKLL located land. 8-0 per acre. Owner, 201 1 "U' n at IRRIGATED LANDS 409 Best Bargain We Know An under Irrigation, near Hermistoa. Or., 1$ acres, 11 sera alfalfa produced 65 tons hut year; 4 a. garden and pota toes; 6 room plastered boose with full oeraent barment Pii-ed for, rW lichta. glassed in back porch, front pov-h screened: barn, rouitry bona for 300 bens, cars re 16x20; deep welt with plenty of fine water pitted to bujdipgv or-hard mixed fruit and lots of bemaa This is a real horns in good dimat and very productive. Only 2 aulrs from Uermi stnn. located ia the very best district; 85500. only 81500 cash, balance terms to suit purchaser Atkinson & Porter 705 Main st, Vancouver. Wash. FOR RENT FARMS 408 FOR LEASE No. SIS 1C0 Acres 100 acres, about 50 acres ander euM atlou, 2 acres in assorted orriiari. new bangalew. fireplace; ba-lua s'fecU; new barn, eoncreia floor aad stanchueu. silo, fronts on main canty road, phone, R, F. D., doa to school aad oa nvrr; part bottom land, balance upland : out 8500 a -year including all farm Bschinrry; per sonal property for sale. Is had or fine wowa, 6 are Holstetna, balance Jersey,; 6 bead young rartis. team huraa. 3 base, 44 chickens, shout 10 tons ens, lacs. 19 tons hay. tun mill feed: rr J 3 00 . incladjis rent paid ti July 13; can ar range teams; this plsre a '.'-. ted 4 tt aula Bonheast of Woodland. Huh., aad is a fine home as well a s moo maker. 40 Acres Will Lease Equipped 40 acres, snoot 23 ander rellvetaoa, aew bona, fair barn, citbuiidings; 1 mile from g-ud country u-a oo PedfVs Bighway; personal prreirrty that will go with the place, full hue ef tBaeluaery, team of boraa, 1 cow. 4 brood sows, duck ens, all email Una, will give toast. 440 per yar. 40 Acres 40 aera, about It acres ander eal- Bratioa aad seeded to clover; ror road: will gi's 8 a 4 4300 a year. 160 Acres 160 aera ea PaeifW bktbway. 12 Bile, froa Tsaoraser. 38 sen caiovsaaB and about 40 aera ftoe stand ef clover, balanra timber aad brush pastare: fair boose and bara. faauy orchard: will give 3 er 6 yar assa for paymg the taxes, whwh will assoaat to aboot $423 a year, tt to be attd aa Marrb. to-snr. ia Darswiher; $144 raqnsrad to sscure ssaaa. 800 Acres 800 acres ea pared trlgbway, 23 mOa from PorUaad; pracrjraily al wader esO tlwuiaa; buudiegs sll eleetra bghted. crty water; wul give 9 nsl toaa; r i sail piupeiu for aie. 214 brad eattia. 4 Bead boms, fall kae fara Baeasoery; this placa will hare to be aaa to ba ap preciated; sold ever $108,000 a 0k e.'f thia piare laat yar. FOR PARTICULARS ST-B MR. BLAIR - CaB Sandsy ar Kessuaat Aatosaaoe 233 49 WITH Thompson, Swan & Lee 3d aad Mala Sta, Jaaooarer. Wasa. WsT HATE ataw good dairy priirasltfaita to least: stock and rqotrxnrat for asia See as ar write as this week, nt yoa want soaiblng sun goo trtocb 4234 wul Atkinson & Porter -T05 Mate St . Taaosarec. Wast REAL CTATX TOR SALE FOR RENT FARMS 40S farmb ant mmn roR ft ArrmACTltB AMAXX. DAIKT We affey aa ttlasMsaV ssaaj dairy W eatod ta partaad narteg ta at Ua erwa, wt toaVs aearly $80, per aooth: Urn mTi bw. Inee tar dun. sviaqaueit. tiaitbef ash km aad tot 4. 81104 er wa Ju dairy COOS COCNTt DAtET Tis Is Jnsatod aa the aast as Ce-a eaaaty, aairy vrttoa, loo arre. with 32 anra Bator ntow. 4 or 3 srre. a.waa asal sre.fia- .al, 4 raora bma. tans. aara. raa art ef tara wn'iisw as va as siry: 11 4aury ewv s 'e- aaa. S breal seav e. mrr M ba to Jsa. 1 1B2A. l-rtr, $:joa. teat $3w per year CLAcre corvTT rtutT RaTtag 11 rows. 1 TlW-Wa aarv aaa. 6 aeond wv. k-- ( , duckea. tall art ef 'arm tw. ,wta. err "a. wrn'w. ea ar-1 j, ja e wtlb 4 4 and-T p"W S) are, - 1,.. dsa ami. fsnu,y orhaed 1 rt-r J bana, hi Va. eh-i. h.-u r-a 1-rice oe!y $1700 cat. :,( $-00 per year. COLUMBIA COUNTY fA 'TT 223 area, a3 kevet. wvb 7$ arees anr-v rrw. Kslsara gTog swsi. ,'t area r-hard. flmwt b'M-a Ws ksI. t a baia, sua leva a '.Ik ba., f n, tsrr. bara. oie. rarsev. aie water nvea fa'J est of tara and dairy e-rwre-nt r Bead fine eowa, 12 Brfrs. trsat ta fat a fiae gotna dstry rnce t vc-o KVM tereaa. Laaa to Jaly I, l" TAMHTIi, POCXTT Cr?f PRAL f r.M CeastiUpg of 14 area, eg wt.v .Soot aera s- m, rioa. wstev i -! v axaa and torn, fma a srtt ror.s tef4 Hrastna eosw. 1 fir y. etB bait 2 youar atm; ta:i w of fara aarBiaery wV ts a.r:v aor-p'-mty f euttaVltnev ; i ma th-ar Ptor: gaa rors road aanr or J alia frea wuaiiit PrVa si r si Property $1500. 4 ya na LA OTER FAaTf rystaaaeha W 1 S 1 are trader r-a. fsra too), aad Basil vv to-tuCn, 1 . H P. gas engine sad graia ,1 1-'. 4 eowa. least. 4 ahea I fee.. w.i. 2 Aoa atAaaaa Price 11413. good Tt.o to only a few e the weary rarra. anl dslna wti- w. aaa fw laaa H ra wart to real to ware to aa as before lmating F f. rTTT IIIULTni, rirrrrai iy r. a ori 21-2 14-7 Bard ef Trade Bids. DlaT for rrat aS ejso.. r-. vessa. For psrUruisr. write V T. 7'knaas. OakM. Or . R. 1. or aaa. to the fsca, I ataa wast rf TW Creek .! 8 At'l.KS of rer.rd. 4 rvn bma 3 rkKoiai bwises, rCTW'4. water, rt a sad ra r t a a-sia. Ba ROYAL. Tr4 and ftoajy aWA TsHor 1$3 HOMESTEADS 410 OuPT gwvt. ai:s rainrni ttoini Orsrna bumsn sd IsKdv. 81 ur rhs'wa ,r ns sraabi. aad ear e Vt tot ea kmtsas Re ereeee r tra W J AM'I HBON. 3 4 s1av riH iro s,id, . frr-IsM TA l 1 l r1icni.l.neiA i tag 830.0OO frait ranch. 49 rods to Mns fe-Oe "wn- Bear Graau Pa; lr n.t w m; nuaing water; aU I tow aa4. $eo and $5( aU ra-h 801 CnTSett bHt TIMBER LANDS 411 TTMBPTt rR atlJt 7a tracts froa 4 to ?"0 wnllTw ur woes aB available, ana. of the f,ti-t ta Ua stair, tar. to OS- Portland - ala tme 1 ,r -f and awmill ehaaos. Write or aB 4 4 J K'r huU.. PorUaad. Or AJoa sl-Hs-;n. S I -yt 1 FOR CEn sale. C aii '. iiti a w r-T 4. Ilooas. barn, or" ; 1. ra-i, ri witrr. f ,d Bill alto TEN ART. TT.rTT.F. 1""7 fThanno' ' rwn 1 IIAK llae unto ani vsiit n,' t wi'.a 30 Oao to 4 0.000 f4 ao-i): snl ant to toe tn manufacuiriLg ama titrh-T. H 7 J-aresl eaS,e 0ell aoK-nost f T .irma tln-hr Kni at Ksf r- I us a o ,Sr 'T TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 tvmr TitAf W, are prrrard to .rrsBre a trade ft Bring in yoar snd v. v... yea oa asrtl.icig of men: : I ss. rouses, a farm,. tr as uf BDerctsid.e. LIB Bilk rrtv. . 711 Hill, inrxsae prrt t "i-hsa fi rwua-aee on osal Ski. Bp to 15000 ar t?Ot0. balance eay terma See J. 8 Ctt't-rruotv HQii H BROS-, lalln 111 Ry. Ex. Pidg Bdwy 1426. A H'iI'H: and lot m a c-iy of $3 t09 ta eanay Caliiortua: tha piare ts esatraily toratwd. m within 4 birks of 2 nsti'Oal bants, w now psr trg 4 per rent as ISOftO; westtid trad, lor farm ot as-re valoe er tall for cash. W. TL oe.i. tiuo-r. i ir. B I MNEM PROrs-RTT. $?S 004 Inrome pntwrty to trade for n,vunl about ame fis-crr. P.ruadway 1 1 "1 . Pt'RTTjtNIi iiOMR cr 431 Ks-iway Esrnsr-x Pna. 40 ACRES $2000 llais . ' sd aula, elsar eaoojnbrsjas; for bxprovrd acreage er sasil boaa tn dty. same rains. C Ooto. 424 Las bldg. EXCHANGE CFTICE CMy a to aahaars la- awS Bwsasowt. BOKXtTT A "I I'M V tritwos Bdwy. 6374. li: Tark kMt WANT EH laag aVaara. Ca-JL m Partand. fme. 10 are. par erefcerd. II rare oi. and Pssa On r I, Ir., . 4. h. wiii.rr. lit H-irrs ynri. NEW bungaljw. aadara, 4 re-was, lu-i baa; corner. 60s 104. oa mrd atret: 1I00. qcuy 8300 for rand Lrfat isiatui Pb-es. today eaiy. 9 to 3. Broadway 7 424. Pisiea 247 IViing At EXCHANGE FR CITT i nopKHTY IS .... is--Mtv.-.M it. - - ereek. amaU bousa. bara & cha-tra taua; art 11 exchans. for eWr rt- 1.. ntu Owner. 2IH in n. 18. norwe oa Flaat OsA st Tada tor Apia, rooming tuase ar syaaary. 314 Coach Bide. Bdwy tilt. a Eli, traivoved fara near Sewtora. $t ns aera Jl arO a trade rw portsvsd sn erry D J triaaasw. ear 921 Bit AWnm eac. Ante J4 74 I r.MER 14 Arraa. terigated. oka Part-sad ev vVs-, ly. wa aswc 727S (raw. Tab, 4u ACRE basri aiaia i"-' 1 ta ases. 4244. 4a aJa oat: m wih trsa. fa. waX re yjqT a-i fw 1 a. a.. 4o:ea4 14 7 41lUOki kangasvw; trade for twar : w4 pay via mm; sugwway ara Jaa-nsl W-t7. 16 rjti'HA.w.1. tot B btet are. 111:, a- UiT ! Waaa a.' any to arbsaa. for ui v oot Pae-Jani , a arty. fty aa, 1 47 Orand at. N tSt'OVE praorty m ar'aas arsaJar, baa as lruasaV an4 Will pay easa f"m na rwa aaooisww 1 A Cat I. ef mad, csaar af Beat text ear J it amyr, 4I Hairy wvis. ft 1iTa 4fttII4. saasil ksaaa. 44 .'rait trwaj 11346; earbanga. 6414 17U ta S aV Awtaaativ 413-40 9 tt btufiERN boas WfH armsxs fnr IftOalbB. ea psesd st, rasa 314 UcaoB asaa. Vwv 51 K 3'-2 BVIAP 1 arre aatr Aeetaa. Uai. I.w 14 2 Ford, t W. Ilaektaaa. !1 414 ar. CHICKEN nnr a to eartaasa for tot eat aa eaa. or ill bam 319 eaoaoa, 4 r. ncaa: 4 Wa Prica $tnto Orpt M. 1439 PTiRTLAAD kws to trade la Basils sot and bowse. Write 490$ $14 are. A E aw pteaa Tabor 7894. HAVE cseaa. vacant tola to trade lor eqaiiy aw tin. aaywMst ea boas tat eirwsdmg $84w ba eatoe W-14. JoerasL $la34 sW rcaity ta auntr Joarml P-S4, 2 tt ACRF-ft uresnssa. n, ta trade for tar tot. AasaU ar Boraa set. 441 3t 4rtb WANT swtoaam. fur ' 4 I-orUaVXXu; Mi inrambrsorr East 491 IMPROVllD Hoed Rrrer fans lor portaaa prnprty Tame 6I4.WQ4. P. O. V"T 414. awfTwafa. wf "JTfsjV4) 1 1 ""s sr. trader r-a. 8 ire I ah. a piuaoj aia fs'.'T arshsrA 7 ran koim. 1 tons- tKm .-i h.Mi. -A VI ' SJ-A Li ealisory ear tee aaa. Vm cuy tot, Aata. 617 li.