The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 21, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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I t? All Her and ie AlltnJ V
' AUTOM08ILK RHOW-riwrtMn pmm X
r ef vital Information for motorist end. J J
barnldina; tha big automobile show which
7 tm Monday will compos th automo-
live section ot .The Sunday Journal, . .
Wfc' tAll l7cr W tfi AU tn; J ,7
'. t'THlS WEATKErt Tonight aad Sunday. '
v: 'rain :" southerly vtnda . -? . -; . t -V
: Minimum- MmMrtn Friday:
TTortUn4 S4 .Nenf Oceans'
'Si-fpoatelto -....J s - New Tecfc.-.....'v S3 . '
Ixav Aagale ..i? l ' St.. Paul1'...-....'.
1 ' "r" ' ' I.I- - , . - I- I - ' - -
VOL. XX. NO. t 274. JTVSmm
, v f .
Dearie, Tm
In Jail, ' She
"ari I'm In jalL ' ; "L.tJCILE
Herbert Bowe, 40S East Fifty-eighth
street southeast, found this note in hla
wir'a handwriting, scrawled on a piece
of paper; and on the library table when
he got home thia morning. ' .-
He had noticed when he stopped his
car in front of the house that something
was wrong. The screen was torn ; off
price, wo cents; jffJK-MPSS;
Benedict XV ahd'Tempofa
M OST recent photograph of the pope.' whose death was reported to have occurred today in
the Vatican. This picture was taken last June and shows Benedict talking -with a secre
tary. Note the small size of the pontiff. Below, is. Cardinal Merry del Val; papal cham
berlain, who will direct affairs of the Catholic church in the time intervening between Benedict's
ieath and the election of his successor. - - i .. . . ' , . A t . . . ,
t"1 1 ,! ,
Firtt to Go Up at Location Not ,tpIlt 0f Shantung Dispute Recommendations of Agricultural
and Signing of 4-Power Pact Inquiry Commission Included
T i " i i n 1 broken. When he saw the note, how-
oi LaDor ana maienai uec me; VM- u,r nothing to say except
May Choose Astona for One. hw"
sicauuiiio (.lie nue, lju-iic, i smaiu
Are Delayed by Tokio Demands;
Delegates Becoming Irritated.
in Len root Measure; Would Be
Aid to Producer and Consumer.
Aitorla, Jaa. It The lxng-Bll Lum-
company win nulla at least three
vYV huge lumber milling plants in the North-
1 v ut Tk. M .Hi v. . . j
m iwm v .III W bVIWirUCWI K L
a location not yet decided on and only
ben the price of labor and material
lev declined below their present firure
Astoria preeenU several advantages for
lumber. milling, and It U possible that
one or the Liong-Bell unit will be lo
cated here. The "company's tract of
land near Kelso may be used for the
erection pf a .mllL That has not yet
oeea aefsrmineo. The location can be
pot to other uses. If a sawmill 1 not
built there.
These were the declarations of R. A.
Long, chairman of the executive board
of the Long-Bell company, who was ' In
Astoria with a party of company of
ficial and engineers. Inspecting the
Hammond Lumber company establish
ment. Bell refused to commit hi raw If
definitely with regard to the propona
aale of .the Hammond Interests to his
Pressed for a statement, he declared
"I cannot understand how that report
got out Perhaps someone got an Inkling
thai something was In the air, and
Imagined the reet
He expressed In a general way that
the party's visit to the Hammond plant
comely, was at the courthouse getting
fined $250 by District Judge BelL
Deputy Sheriff a Schlrmer, Beeman
and Wolfe raided the Bowe home this
morning. The husband was away and
Mrs. Bowe refused to open the door, so
Waaalagtoa, aa. tl L K. 8.) After Washington, Jan. 21. Two important
tw-Aav ilaliat. fa T . ... mj I
France both voiced vlaro. osJerUo." i "T mad today by "en-
the Washington eoafereace today adopt- e agricultural bloc" in carrying fur-
t";; ZZ lc TbrcTk Tn. The : la-nder H-lfh.. rwol.tloa. reqalri.g U. ther the program which its leader, de-
the still had been turned off. but warm
moonshine was still dripping from the
pi pea
"Where's your husband V' Schlrmer
asked. "Is he out delivering V
"Well, maybe you know," said Mrs
Bowe. She took full blame for the still
and there is no warrant out for her
world power te bring into the open their
i varhras commitment, treaties aad agree
ments la China, whether secret or ether
wise. Under the terns of the retolatloa
they will be reqaired to fHe these with
the secretary general or the eoafereace.
By George B. Holmes
Washington. Jan. 21. (L N. a) The
Jana.nese DOlitrv of rielav in th nrma
conference is beginning to irritate' the I farme" to secure longer term credits on
other delegations as well as the United 1113 larm products.
clare is intended to benefit the consumer
as well as the farmer. v
Senator Lenroot (R, Wis.), introduced
in the senate a bill embodying the
recommendation of the joint agricul
tural inquiry commission, of which he
is a member, that the federal farm loan
act be so amended as to enable the
By David St. Charts
London. Jan. 21. tL N. &) "There
can be no peace unless there Is under
standing followed by a considerable re
duction ot armaments." said . Premier
senator capper (B, Kan.), served
uuwi-e ini uie interstate commerce
commission must soon reduce freight
rates on farm and other products and
that "unquestionably greater economic
benefit just at this time lies in lower
freight rates than in lower passenger
oenaior JMCivary (K.. Or.i. snnth.r
leader of the "bloc," announced that the
States senate.
A review today of the conference
status revealed that at every turn the
Japanese are holding up decisions, and
the lack of progress, particularly this
week, is beginning -to chafe the other
Japanese insistence upon joint finan
cial and operative control of the Shan
tung railway is blocking a settlement of 1 ienroot bill would receive the "undi-
this famous issue. This led vesterdav to I vxiea support of "those son at era hn
the breaking out of the first real de-1 hav the best interests of the farmer
bate on conference issues in the senate 1 ttna lne consumer at heart.
Jananese insistence that the Ronln anrt I tapper's declaration was madu in nnn
Oshima Island groups be exempted from j "action with the bill sponsored by Senr
the fortifications provisions of the new atr, Robinson (D., Ark.), providing for
treaty te preventing final acceptance "c. imercnangeable railroad
of this all-Important document. mileage books at a rate of two and
uuc-nau u a miie, on wt.lch the sen
ate, ny unanimous consent.
here was simply to Inspect it and to Liberal political convention today.
la tne larae scale production of fir I "- "-- i--
iUMi! prooucuon oi nr w M ,n war The Washington con-
a t, , . i icrence naa oeen a notaoie success, u jipiv nvsnsrs wmTTriw
n.-waw Kiiiwinm wnn in lunuwr 1 . . . - . . late. DT Unanimniu tnar,t l
stluarion reraaed tm believe that the visit I ... . , I In the Far East committee nrener. I at-two oVJnelt hta .fi.
had no more algnlfloance than a cursory 1..' " wl , ,w Japanese objection to filing with the con- Capper said that he svmnAtVi, H,h
.IT t conference la a rung in the ladder of 'erence the list of treaties and agree- the purpose of the bill and that he be-
prealdant OI the Hammond company. I .. nvnti nn r"hinp mitUn hna an far 1 lieved that ruanii. o. -n .
aad J. A. . Rankin. Astoria manager, t ' I nrvntut th nnntinn nf n "naniii I rates are ton hin k., v,. i
accompanied the men throng tha plant l"?,; Vi,r!r L ,a,rX table" resolution under which an the th Senator Cummins (R.. Iowa), chair
and wara present during their conference threat to return to pre-war dip- oow .. .v. I man of the-rtJ.
at the mill Thia consumed the entire
Tha mills tha Long-Bell company con
template building In the Northwest will
have an - anneal output of 00.000.000
ItwiiiwM y Tiirve. Ootana Thrw)
lomatic methods with an Impassioned
appeal In behalf of "face to face dis
cussions by all nations Invited to the
International economic ' conference at
"Wo want an end to wars and to ru
mors ot wars," declared the premier, "X
powers, except Japan, a creed to make I Pan Of the' senate Interstate commrv
known their Chinese commitments. The 1 committee, that the flxlnr of railroad
committee tackled this Job again today, J rates should be left to the interstate
with hopes that Japan would withdraw I """"" commission after It has been
her opposition.
The cost of the conference Is begin
ning to trouble some of the delegations.
In this-connection, tt. was learned today
that thA question of VhCr la to bear the
(Concluded oa Paat Three. Cohuna Six)
Washington. Jan. 11. (WASHINGTON
were learned todav af tha ifrHnuni K.
tween tha denartmant of timtlea mr,A t. I and .will be a aouive
tomeys for the Northwest Steal com- "trnth to Britain.
pany and -Columbia River Shipbuilding I TBADE IS BEPLOBABLE
appeal to all men in power and all expense of the Washington meetteg and
rulers to coma to Genoa in .a aptrtt of of the" future conferences which , have
peace, and then , peaoe will ansue. ; I been agreed upon wa recently brought
BeferrJng to tha - Irish situation, the I cm by the French, la s committee meet-
premier eaid:, ijinc:'
"For tha first time in centuries .an I FKAX CX DODGES EIPE5SE
mm government naa bean eatabiisneai rh. cnmi, imum k.n.
with the whole hearted sanction of the wer, to mt nern informed
that while there had been no definite
(Concluded oa Fat Three, Cohnaa rar)
people. There will be difficulties before
It la fully effective and may be after
wards. But the good sense of tha Irish
will enable them to triumph. Ireland
will take , high rank in tha free nations
of Increasing
rnrporaUon whereby a stipulation waa
entered tn the supreme court for tha
r "landing of these . contempt cases
against officers of these companies to
the district court in Oregon for further
The sum of the agreement la that the
government drope all effort to proceed
"Trad la the worst now In the , his
tory of the world. Restoration dependa
upon confidence. The less governments
Interfere with trade, the better It will
be for trad and the governments, too.
It la tha task of all governments to
establish peace.
Tha premier confirmed . the statement
No more municipal court fines for Chi
nese lottery, agents. .
This was the. declaration today of
Stanley Myers, district attorney, who be
lieves that much. of the financial sup
port f the tonga is derived from money
accrued from lottery tickets. - r
Grand jury Indictments on charges of
gamoung ana as many arrests possible
in connection with- tong outbreaks will
oe sought by tne district attorney'.
office in an effort to and the menace of
The new procedure was begun today
u r.) t.,- i '.t t d I when John Mowry.- denutv district at.
criminally agalnat Joseph R. Bow lea I -.v. i i.i .u in I c..k.. i . t I torney. signed comolaints aeainat rrht,
Alfred r. Smith or other officers of the x. , ..- . i... ZZt ZiZ nese resort proprietors arrested FXrt.v I ceptance of Henry Ford's- comnrehen-
l-'-ifirf .""n"1""! com- Free State la formally today. Minimum temperatures in the P.1?,1 111 Pllce rald- Altogether 44. in- aive offer for Muscle Shoals nitrate
" .-'T T v"'"t"""' '"-vv-- I T , j n . 1 citrus srrowinsr belt.ranmd from SS tal va wio nmese ana wmtes. many
I - - " Of ehom vm .nliltnn h di. - 1
.V . UC.ICVIh . I ' . ... uv wmgo, WW?
tin of. their books for the numoae nf
- it . ikTiM.M mm . .v unren. . I - . ... . unm. ncic i n . . ..
jfTienoa or the Ford offer have made
against tha government "But I wish Its friends would not try hu.rtn t.aM 7x.1.7-1 t bi-. a .iv. tha survey. Even onnon-nt. r t .
wv. . a - . . . . i. - I M l ' . ww . . A .w m u wc wvii . kuu. i.llk fluuin wen ir, - r t .w w. -v.w -
im irein imtt proceeaings out OI 1 i " u Kv www. I i,i. a I . ic vr rw . ' . . I .! . j . .. . .
which grew the contempt proceeding, axe H opposed any .suggestion that the ln" yara. It will taklrat 111 toi t of 6cflrrl,1 loay lnl" cnancea or
t. b abandoned. th contempt case, to U-uf to b dl-cum-d at tha Genoa 'drnina tn. tantf thai a0". CORgrta entuaJly, accepting tha offer
!!?JT?irJ? V , . 1nd ?MSciu-end. Srlusr aald It probably and Wong Gee, with nine vtei'torT were 8004 but 'ted " would be subject
thfarn North Third CnS U one of the. most.severa potitlcal batUea
a -.a-Tiea .ha iw. af k. ' I u diacn-stona itioing ana tour Tmttors were taken at In recent yeara. ;
4 be limited to the purpo. 7t"i Tha premter aald that Germany should nVonanrfwrb.U bnfai were're" Jflft KaaJT" M FOBCB ACTION
ina iBrflrm.iiA. -h k riii 1. 1 avenEuairv na nnumr T nti r an an i aa. l . . : i . . "
'l..,'Z''7",.Z . . : " I . .r vZrZZI.Cr rrSZZ. amuaaing operations wnicn prevailed! visitors on J5 each.
mmxummmnx i u.imi ana necessary 1 ""m uw vwim n(nhM...ii I Ir-ol.. t a - -
Wll.-W,. uvau V .1BUVUMI vwiwrs .CIO arrcsua KI, I -rrr .
Orarur company, who aoent tne whole street for beinr bahirut rrMi I tnaa tn Ford offer to
nignt in arivtng from orcnard to orchard I Another aeries of raids conducted later I wurOT. wnicn probably will be . the
near Riverside, told the International I by Sergeant Oelaner and his aquad took 1 latter part of next week.
tw onim wii)wncin luveraue iavv du oecona sireei. An Wa ana ZOUT I The nowerfiil . --,,,if) vi , ,,
today that it is hla onlnion the frost cohorts baina- taken at is fteroni .tt -1 lM Powerrul agricultural bloc la lin-
dsmage will be heavy.' I Lom Sing and followers, having their I ,n UD behind It and .sentiment la aald
rendezvoua at 84 Second street, and Sing I by supporters of tha offer to be stronr
t , , K K , . . :
1 1 : i :v, X - ; j j .
,r; $ toe., n i-., i- i
1 nil
rt - i ;
a , is.
I v 7 r'v,i ' -
-', - ;'.rv. r' .
-' :: .. '
f a. 1v ' " .. . . . . 1 ' -.1- a-
it UfAiAi n n i
0 tt I I Ul L
. . - ' -
News Agency Flashes Death Re
port to London, and Following
Receipt of Rome Report West
minster Cathedral Bell ' Tolls."
Bawe, Jan. IL . a. aU Tha UW
lewtag baOetta ea U raadUasa at r-epe
Beaedlet waa l4 b re this eve
aaag fey pbyaleiaaa wa vluted hit feeO
mh it 4iU k aj
Pap Benedict XT la sew la a fiat,
tea caadlUea.- Ha grew wr aartag .
the day. Hla heart -was etaatny grew
tag weaker aad be was bieathlag with
the greatest dlfflcatty."
' res Beaactrt mat easclai dsrtag
the early part af tka aft ma a aad al
his raaest a state f St. Agwe wa
piaced ea ta tttti altar la the papal
chamber.:' Bis. hatlaes .ate ClrecUd
that a telegram saaald ha seat te btaaa,
waera a cabrattB had haea ptaaaed
la his hear far aext Baaaay.
Cardinal Gasparrl read the pbyaldaa's
bulletin to tha members of the aaered
coUeg and lb diplomats corps In tha
assembly . raota of the Vaticaa. He declared-
the pope waa at xtretnla, .
Washington, j'an. 21. U. P.) A pre
liminary canvass, of. congress . reveals
that a majority of both housed favor ac
may audit the books for that purpose. A
long stipulation naa been prepared cov
ering then "point which will be en
tered In tha Oregon district court.
The legal staff of tha shipping board
la understood ta be wall satisfied with
tha outcome, being chiefly Interested In
conferences permitting Germany to de-1
far indemnity payments. Hs said he
hoped such a plan might be adopted al
Already preparations are being made
to force prompt action when Secretary
that part of tha agreement which Insures
Information from the books In adjust
ment of claims, and being willing to ac
cept the view of the department of jus
tic that further effort to carry on crim
inal prose cuttona would 'be futile.
Rain and Snow Are
Expected in Oregon
Washington. Jan. 11. U. P. Fora
cast far period January 22 to IS Inclu
sive: Pad fid states Generally fair ex
cpt for much cloudiness and rains and
snows I Washington and Oregon.' Cold.
Two Lions Escape
AndTerrofize City;
TIJtrKlTUIE8 MOVE KIOW I PAw . a-..-, . 1
Ur iOWEB BITER REGIOTT I nut LX LzLZTTI 1 to the house, so that a special
T7" i 1 1 rl nn Qfvnnf Aatorta. Jan. 2L A southeasterly wind I each case had to be with maintaining . to"BlT Prtvileged status to the
hill MM - I I Tl JN rrPHT. I aiul rliln. tamnmtm. A I 1 Jt n. . . .1 I bill mtltTtnv tKa
aaaaa v u wuauuui . . . wiiiuini n. sui waa uxeo ai aiu
Thermopolia,' Wyo., Jan. 2L 1.'N. S.)
Two giant mountain lions escaped from above aero from. -M in tha morning until
-a" ovTuim. wiTwim a in the afternoon. Tha barometer re-
Thermopolla for savaral hours today. I mains high and fairly steady, ring
The wild beaaU raced through tha main I small hop of a continued rising in tem-
uwi 01 me town wnue inuaena . ilea I perature.
blanket of snow short shrift Friday, and j a hand, which the Celestials promptly
by afternoon aH" traces of Ice had I deposited and returned to their haunta.
melted.' The thermometer stood at 2t
and barricaded themselves within their
homea. The animals wars shot to death
by cowpttnehara after several unsuc
cessful attempts were made to lasso
rBKEznro tkmpebatcbb .
The Dalles, Jan.1 2L Tha minimum
temperature her Friday was 10 above.
and tn the evening tha thermometer rag-
Revolvers Drawn in
Eight at Session of
tnan Assembly.
bill embodying the offer could be ob-
uuaea. ' ' 1 . ' i - .
But opponents of. the offer. 1 m-k.
every effort to delay, ita final acceptance.
rvwzrm interests already, have started
to propagandise and ' lobby congress
agiiui uie oner. - x . .
Thoea against tha Ford offer i
1 The National Fertilizer aaanctetlai.
which la now regularly flooding congress
with propaganda against tha offer, char.
acienxing it as paternalism and charg-
uig rwa is noi orienng to pay enough
Si lver Plate
Pope's Death
Rom. Jan. fLUl. N.'S.) The' utmost
precautions are Uken to - prevent any
premataure official announcement af tha
death of a pope- After the attending
physicians pronounce death, members of
tha papal family attend (he traditional
ceremony of holding a small sflVKr-plat
mirror close ta the mouth and nostrils
of the deceased. Thia Is examined closely
to ascertain If it contains any motsthr
fixm the breath. If Hon 1 found; tha
ceremony of formally ar.notmctne- tha
pontiff dead la concluded la the preaence
or tn proper eociealattlca.
Mayor for Bobbed Hair
1 '-i , s st si at . at n
She Likes Short Skirts, Too
f Berlin. Jan. IL (t X. S.! Turbulent 1 for the project,? ;
scenes, marked by flat fisrhts and the I OTHER nrrcacaTa avvah
tatarael -at th. friMts Mint Cln. .a I AmwI.. a , . i . : . 1 . , .
i;, r.r.'. rZZZ Tr S Srr . i power, lntareata. Four
.7m e.-n r; " rir,,r,r."t": ."W" sociatlons. have
w - wa-wH.a. Mwaas tu V Waa g a ayj - -- mm, sJ am UUaLna,4.tIIl. UTJID I BilnMail mil II a a l.a a.i - -
- . I t..j . r"" .ubb lam oner.
aeveral "places.
Busapeat , waay. ouowing an order WaH street . financial reviews" of
' " TOiwa 01 one bi uieir mem-1 severat jw York banfctnar houses have
ov . i r r: . . - i iw.aaiuw Bssociaijon
irusnea us oencnes occupied by royal-1 of New York has attacked further devel-
I lata- , aescenaea irom utsiODmenc at tar DMIact ai a vMam
sero. or f oar degrees lower than reported
a; any una aunng this cold wave.
By Kaata W. rUrfe
ralrport. Ohio. Jan, xi XJ. P.)
Charges against tha modem girl are all
wraa. Fr. Amy Kanknn. pretty girt
anayor of Fairport. told the United Press
la aa exrrualv Interview today.
T saany af tha peepl of today have
to narrow and too exacting standard
Home folks ere ao narrow there hmt
renas ta stick thewi between tha eye
with a pin." Mayer Kaukonen declared.
-Why ahonldal a girt boh her hair
If aha wants toT Nobody sets as a howl
when tha snaa da Itt and look at tha
sna) yoa as ta the front raw af tha
theatre and the back row at church
with a. head as devoid of covering aa
aa rt - ' '
"Tha girl af today la chastised for
wearing short sauna, I don't aaa why
a girl should hide her ankles any mora
uian aer etDowa,
. TThere Isn't a man living who doesn't
approve of short skirts on soma other
man's sweetheart or wife, 1
"Corsets, aa every physician knows,
Should have been ahollahed. long ago. ,
"What do I thlnJt of daactagr 5 ;
-Well, the crash of cymbals, tha moan
of tha sax spoon and the Joyeos melody
of tha Mo) in always make ma feel like
moving any feat, ao I certainly am not
antagonistic to dandng.
-DanUng la a custom aanctioned by
tha Scripture and la as old as history.
Tha ralarn of the prodigal son was cele
brated with music and dancm ;t
"When Salome . atarted through - her
motloaa. aha made modern jaxa dancmg
seam tike a prayar meeting.- -
Redding., CaL., Jan. tl. fL N.
Tha cold snap-took a decided turn tor
tn worse last, night. . Tha thermometer I .aa i:.., .rzir
. . . itwqwiaui iviu mmpuw tua yyiajBiwii. I imiaOUaC enLwDricBi
ZT: afiT " ?!T I declaring that they were behavln. Ilk. 4-Th. Amerteaa Cranio eorporatton.
oooaiuma 1 nen ne graspea a noisy 1 wiia its sunaiatary. tna Air Nitrates eor-
opooaition member by the shoulders and I poration. which fovarht the knu otiriaHm
snoorn nun. aaemners or tne farmers-1 m we last congress to complete the dam.
party joined tna tray ana were drawing I s xna By-ioaacts Coke Oven aasod
re vol vera wnen genaarmea tntenerea. 1 uun.. : v' ;; -
The trouble arose over criticism of tha I P1BCHOT AlAO -OPPOaif S
vtOMtgwit, omHW Honey. . I a Water -mt uMrttum.
by GlfTord Plnchot, claim tha 'offer -la
against a conservation: poUcyT ;
' 7 Opposition is- expected - from tha
aluminum Interests," but it -has not been
nurnirest tn tha pen. ' - , .
Tttnai-'imnnnHfii. VnmA - . . - v
1 Th farm hiae "ta, eaarjsii.'
J All th taiw orgaatxatiooa. taclud
in, the - Amertcaa Farm Btxreaa tederaJ
tkm and -the National -Board of Farm
numerous civic ana hriatnaaa
. From the tSoutn and .West Ford re-i
ceived -660a lettera last .weak la aupport
01 nm orier.'
Texas Oil WeU -
rted 6usMng
; 30,000 Bbls. Daily
'rang. Tcxns. Jan, xLCL N. &V
The wildeat excitement In the history ot
tn wang u 'net a prevailed todays
Chcaaon wall No. I of th Gulf Produc I
Uon company, came in daring the morn
Inr with an eatlmaXed flow af 10.009 bar-.
rala daily,1 althooirh pinched down to
prvent raining; wild. '. s. -.Fly
other big weDa are expected to
com ta rrorn tna deep stratum within
th next few houra. . . v .
Portland's Position
As a Wool Center ;
..Portland's that growinsT fanpor--tance
as a wool market and wool
en manufacturing and shlppinf
center la related today In a cdm
pallint; article on the Saturday in-
dostrial pavge. v" Other informlny;
articles of an Indostrlal : nature found on page today.
. Roma.. Jan.'n. Popa'.BnedicUXV.
who Is dying here today, ruse to th
supreme head or the Catholic church
September , 1914. leas , than .six months
after ; he was elevated to the; eardlnal
ship. He waa horn, ot nobis . parents at
PefU, near Oenoa. , I talyv November. XL
1M.S Hla father, aa If arches Delia
Kducated ' at Canronlcaa : oollere and
tl AiSdemy of lccleataatics. as was or
dained to the prteathoodlrijr;!.; Ha a
taken i-t J Madrid. Bpalnf 1 byCarfllpal
BAmpnnafand '-for fow-yeara
San. Francisco. Jan.' XI. TJ. P.) The
Twelfth district, federal reserve hank.
with headquaVteraherel now ianks third
in sis among 'the-U, banks of the a-
tlon. 'acordlmp jb annoojasexnentt mad
publkr her' today. Reaourcea nowtotat
- ah local hank ,ha--psased Boston.'
Fnuadelphia . . .'ana -Cktveiand. :: which
ranked ahead .of It a year ago...
: - ' "1 - ' - ' f - , ', jay-- ;
? e, 4 . : 7 1 lf . r
8eattier JaaT ti-4V Nr k
tn the irip of tha r worst Epanisn 'infh4
i-eAiSernle "since Ww4oterer XXlt-'
it. Twenty-flvs ricflms of tbs epidemic.
Which Is ; tn mffd f otnC are- reported' jW
on city otnee. . Sheriff HaU-Btarwicfa
and depnties are oonfmed to. their
nome wiia tne sconrga. j. 1
. Th. above direct' United
"urgent" cablegram was filed la Rom
at. t p; m.. Rome time today..
Press agency dispatch, from Ram
today -sent out by Edward Btmtt, eorra-
spoodent of th latamaUenal New Berv
tcc.gave the first report ef the death af
Pop Benedict -XV. BUnilar dispatches
wer later received la' Lxtndon by the
Reuters" News Aganey (the leading Euro
pean -new. aerrlce) by the IVandon Ex-;
press aad by other- Londoa papera. :
' TJp ta -TtooaV Pacific Coast Urn, no offi
cial announcement bad hn. mad la
Roman 0f the death of the pope. -
- Acting oa Che: press reparta the bells
f Wastmrnster. cathedrai . la Xoodea
were AoUeel Thai Irish - aaiagatioa at
tandinx the. wort confer? of Irish la
Paris were notified tha pope was dead.
"Official an nounremen t of the death of .
I a pop kt nauaOy wUhnald for beura after
aa ea oan preooonoad daag by ma
phyatctane ta prrtnrt --thTpi rui laaaea.
er ancient rite or the ehoreh which re-
Quif the prerenca of aQ high dirnitarU
of ifea CatfcoEc church who ar la the -
tternicityv , . ;
todotC Jan. 2U L K. S. ) West-
tlasteT'caUMdral trace, official new .
or th pope's death. Thba of tb
cathedral begtas toUlbg at t:i o'clock
this' aflcfnoon' procUlmlag the death
of Pope - Benedict1 XT at lXoaaa. i Car
dinal .'Bourn had received official now
of,the pontifra death. )uat a faw tnia
ntes before.' t.. -- -
-Tb . official - anmvmnoeaaeat. of the
pope's death cam diraot frena the. Vati
can. , It did not- give .the hour of th
pbtiilfra.daath.vbvt it' is bUvd to have
occurred - at. about ' o'clock CRom
time). . , - -
Cardinal Bourn will Uava'for Roma
tomorrow. to attend the funeral af Pope
tanadlct XV. . .
Aanounoement. of th Cardinal's aiaa
to go to Rome was mad at Westminster
Cathodrsi- thia evening shortly altar tha
cardinal . received official advice direct
from th vatkaa that the' pope was
deed. 1
tary,of.'tha".Nunctatiirla 'Spain., Ia
lsvi no. was appointed aacreary of, th
Cyohrr and ' td 1WI Pope Pro.' gave
him the appointment ' af '. Archblabop of
tno "nee of' Bowgna. lie waa made a
cardinal In May. m. 1 -..'
Pope Benedict waa 'much' affected by
the. horror and 'sorrows of- the World
war .and many times tried to brtngaboet
peace negotlatlona Germany's -violation
or Belgium's neutrality filled hlnr with
great sorrow and. at the sinking of the
Lluaitania he ..telegraphed 'the , German
emperor telling' his abhorrent- ot the
Pope Benedict's Oat appeal for peace
was iatnted on week after ' n- corona
tion. , The appeal . faTled in ' bring ro-
sulta,.ae did ' alaa his. later plan for a
Christmas truce. In ' January and in
July agan .tried to bring about
peace negouationa Jn atrca., lsia, ne
reaeatad ''hla attempts -and tin May ef
Paris. Jan. XL 41. K. & Th deiaga-
tioa from Ireiand attending the world
conference of Irish ' ia Paris .raeaivod
word at 4 o'clock UUa afxeraooa (Parts
Uma) that Pope Benedict - XVi kt
Oaadeaad aa Pas 'TSf. Oatan Thaw)
DuUiii Red:L6adjfer
Parla.Jaa. Xl (tX P. -na "Intraa-atreaat-lhlaievsnlar
prints a dispatch'1
front its Turin tori oayouQiint. raoalvad by
teWphooe.-. saying that , Pope - Ranedlrt
XT dted .at- 4 :ia p. m. today. ; , , " . . . y
Paris, Jan. Xl L N. S- A dispatch
from Rom. recelvoi her at t if p, ta. .
stated that Pop Benedict XV died at
o'clock (Roco txma.) -
liondoa. Jaa. XX. I. N. & The Res-
ters News areocy reoeived a Roma dis
patch at t :M o'clock (Loads time) that "
Pop Beaadict XV ia dead. j
'london. Jan. L I x. &) "Pop
Benedict XV i doad.' aald a Rome ana
natch te tb Daily Express, reestvad at
(:1S o'clock tbh- afteraooa. . .
!' U 1 y
"Dablln. Jan- Xt-4L JC8,) P. OTla
herty.' organtzec x7.-'tnev .wnoni ployed
feroas which had ptanaeQ a e-ries ft red
fla deroonstratlbna' and 'aaveral f bis
forioWrra. vwi "reported missing' today.
It- la not. known whether or not' they
f.ere JtMnapad. ,
'..t- .
m -k i w. : .t 1 a a r
Londoa..Jani Xv L. X S. A Caa
tral News Agency dispatch from Rom -thia
afurnaon aaid that. Pope Benedict .
XV waa dead. ...', . , ;
X ' By Edward Strati " V" ' 1 1
- Rome. Jan. II. (L N. 8.) Pope Beaa
dict XT died today. Death was dos te -'
pneomonls aad heart weakneaa, compli
cated with broocnial ' oatarrfe and la- ';
nnensa. - - ' - . -
The pontiff had 'been sinking rapUly
for Xt houra aad oaly the aataral. vitai
Ity -of.bla woadarfol eoasOtntiea - wm
Utaed hinx. f . . . . .
. During the morning a slight amount of
liquid , turistiment bad bea admlnla-.
tered. The pontiff lapsed Into semi
consrietuneen. This gave-way-t crn-
aonaclousrirsa. - It waa aanottnead at '
noon that th- patient was ta a state ot
coma, bnt later It was said that he '
had been- -sleeping' and had fallen tato
a deep M unbar. -
Ther Obarrvator Roansaoj. official er-
gan ef tb Vatican, ajmounoed Uaat Z.
Battiatlal. papal priysician bad tnxeraaed .
tb. pope's official famity that - If
Jno. Kendhck Bangs,
. I m : . -m - . w. w -
Waahbxgtoa, JasalWlAPraaV I H Tl TTI (T A R t. . I R 1 1 A fl.Y1
etftr Harding' s nosnrnatloa'of George W,fT TSTT. ... . TZ- k .TT
PVth xeoerai Airaae, eMnnasloo.-ru ' aWeki . Ktairtc Bangs, noted an-'
held: hy the.'sanate eofntnitta oa ta- j thor and hasnortst, died mtmifp.m. t'
teratate cotnrue-ce today 4ecaaat,C 00- iday. M naa oea cnucauy ta more
iection Of 8naior Poracrana iDasai 'of I than week following aa- opera Ooa far
1 Ohio, : , ; , .c . ,Vt'rV . ' - , ' tntsatmal trouble.
Sunday Journal's; Annual iutorhbbaa '-'Shoiv; numbor'-'.Tcnip--rov7 XVSH'BS' C&ati'Cccticii cRarcMcriS: