The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 20, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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treaty mm.
Except Grocerte and m Vrj Few
Restrict Line "
priday; January 20. 1922.
1 I I I I i A VI J II ill 1 J VV W; l, V i L rt n V-J -l-j W OrW. . Very Few T
j RMtrictod Lines . 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 M x ' 1 xx M .X ' - ' tVj" J ' 1 f ' 1 ' ' Restricted Lie .; . ' . -
ti - v .- bb . ' . m. m s mi . m m - m m u s mm jfi ,; - mm sv mm- m ma mm. mm mw mm. mm mm mm. m m mm mm mm i a
Washington. Jan, JO. WASHING
ForthoOftttiic debate tn the senate on
the, four-power treaty, with disputation
to Ha meaning, will revive the oM
question. "Way cannot or do not men
who male treatVes writ thera ao that
they tnay bo easily understood, and
understood In the same war. by all peo-
ple or averse Intel! Irene"?"
4t will be granted that the delegates
at tho Washington conference, trained
In lawmaking and exact expression.
could find words that would leave , no
room for double Interpretations. The
eiplanetkm for tbetr failure to do ao
win be found In the circumstance of
the case, the concealed but potent mo
tive : which compel motion alone he
lines of least resistance.
The reaaona are not difficult to ro
MteTThey lie near the surface and do
not require clairvoyance or even any'
'largo degree of "Inside Information.
Any newspaper man or observer who I
baa mingled around and kept hla eyea-l
and ears open, should be able to tell
tho atory. i
ftril Or TREATT "
First, remember what brought this new.
treaty Into eslwtenc. Tho United States
desired tho end of the Anglo-Japanese
alliance, leas from belief tn Its be-1
Ing aa actual- menace than- from the
well defined Idea which bad grown up
that It waa undesirable to continue the
Implications which extended from It,
long after tho time when tho original
purpose of the alliancedefense against
Germany and Russia had boea eliminated.
Great Britain, seconded by tho domin
ion, wished to be rid of the alliance.
fooling that It ' was a cause of irrita
tion In Ihl country, but saw no way
to withdraw gracefully without offend
ing Japan, except in Home new agree
ment, such as the Washington confer-
eoo could provide. Japan waa un
willing to give It up except under some
understanding which her people might
f eol gave them some equivalent. Her
statesmen realised that the alliance, with
Great Britain waa not Intended to bind
the British to flaht the United States.
and would not have that effect, and fh
Japan there waa a sentiment, fostered
by the military element, that American
naval expansion and Interest in the Far
East constituted danger for that coun
Thee were the elements, briefly stated.
Japan, giving up the alliance, wanted
something "strong" In Its place, some
thing a near It as possible, with the
United State as a signatory. The dele
gate of the United SUtea knew that
ao alliance could be approved In this
country. They must have a treaty which
could bo Interpreted as "bearing no mil
itary or naval sanction."
Great Britain, In th part of friendly
agent, assisted both tdeaa to compromise.
It ha been oisrloeed that Balfour waa
tho. one who rather Insisted upon the
Interpretation that the treaty covered
the em Dire of Japan. This made It
"stronger" for the Japan, and Sec
retary 'Hugh evidently , took the view
that H wa not very important.
TJiryiSEJT l!tTEaRJ5tAT10S
The earn element met la th line
of tho treaty which deal with th ques
tion of aggression and "measures to be
taken." Around that language will
hinge a long controversy as to what
sort of an obligation Is created. The 1
Japanese premier la able to say to his
people that the Washington treaty is
broader and gives greater security to
Japan than the former alliance, and
Senator Lodge Is able to ay to the
people of this country that there la
nothing more than an agreement to uuk
over thing.
Lodes' Interpretation could have
been made plain to everybody If the
treaty had aald. for example, that "thl
treaty create no obligation of any
, kind to consider the use of force." but
Lode win no doubt oppose any reser
vation of that sort. He can .truthfully
sy" and doe say. that there Is no
"provision" for th use ot rorce any
where In the treaty. '
So th American delegation trimmed
aaila aa far away from an alliance aa
the necessity of the occasion would
vermlt. while th Japanese and British
- "bellied" their sella In that direction
" ' a far aa they could. There waa a dla
. cuasion over final words of th treaty,
whert It la provided that the Anglo-1
Japaaes alliance shall "terminate."
Delegate other than the American pre
ferred to say that th alliance be "sup
planted." Thus the discussion went on until
lan mag waa found that waa pronounced
satisfactory. With such careful shad
ing of language. It la not oimcuit to
understand that Lodg l nervous when
aa Irreconcilable like Borah bangs the
door of th chlnaahop. Tho artificers
fear to hare any part of tho framework
Bend Budget Defeat
Brings School Cuts
Band. Jan. 10. Elimination of manual
training and domestic science next year.
dropping ot athletic at th end of the I
rtrtrt basketball season, th dlacharg-
(nr at two teacher not under contract.
and tho abandoning of on school build-1
Ing aro among tho drastic economies!
pi an dm ay tn Sana scdooi ooara, neces
sitated by tho defeat of th budget in a I
recent election.
Some of the world's finest
pianos "are now sold by us
at a price you can afford.
No war tax. No freight.
Terms to meet your reduced
income. Buy now.
. Children's Hair
Heart's Desire curl, curled bob
or straight cut. Phone tor ap
pointment. Barber Shop, near
Beauty Parlors, on Second Floor.
- Clearance of
All dining room, living room
and bedroom Furniture at re
duced' prices during the Clear
ance' Sale. DepL, Fourth Floor.
- , . . ,
TwoMrsoH1 aloes, west papk amp tenth sTRgmT
Clearance';, of
Extraordinary savings -on Wom
en's and children's Hosiery. Sup
ply your needs now . at special
low prices. Oept, - Main. Floor.
. Clearance of ;
Men's, Women's and Children's
Knir Underwear a t special k low
prices. All weights, grades' and
styles. Dept. on the Main Floor.
Men's Overcoats and Mackinaws at Drastic Reductions
Junior Shop Clearance
Winter Coats
and Dresses
Sweeping price reductions on our entire stock of Girls' and Misses'
winter Apparel. This includes Coats, Dresses, Sweaters, Bath Robes,
Middy Blouses, waists, Guimpes, etc. High-class wearables only.
4 Gloat Specials
Normandi. Chinchilla and Velour.
Some of these have fur collars.
Odd lines, sizes i2 to 20. Sev
eral smart models. GC4 AO
Clearance Sale aY DVe70
Chinchilla, Rivolia and Normandie
materials. Broken sizes, t2 to
18 years. Beautiful styles with
fur collars. Priced CP Of OO
broken range of sizes from 6 to
19 years. Cheviots, Tweeds and
other desirable materials. Belted
and loose styles. In (1- Jf AA
the Clearance Sale JJAUeVVJ
Velour and Furette materials.
Only a few in this lot. Sizes 12,
17 and 18. Beautiful styles in
belted and loose ef- Q QQ
fects. Clearance at j)Xe7e70
in the Clearance
4 Dress Specials
GIRLS' DRESSES in straight-
line, high-waist and middy styles,
trimmed with braid and embroid
ery. Taffeta and Serge. Q QQ
Sizes 6 to 14. Special tDlleiO
GIRLS' DRESSES of Taffeta,
Velveteen and Pongee combined
with Serge. Many charming
styles. Sizes 6 to 14. dQ QO
Priced special at only VJUmUQ
GIRLS' DRESSES in the sea
son's most attractive styles. Only
one or two of a kind. Taffeta,
Serge and Velour materials.
Smart f o r school O QQ
wear. Clearance at OjL&&0
GIRLS' DRESSES in a wide
range ' of styles. Checks and
plain Serges in wanted colors.
Sizes 6 to 1 8 years. Clearance
prices range. $5.36 to $16.65
Girls' Pent) Waist and Guimpes priced special $2.93 to $5.00
Girls' $5.00 Blanket Bath Robes, wanted colors on sale J 13.85
Girls' Wool Sweaters, tuxedo end slip-on style $5.36 and J 15.85
Ctrl' Middies el Serge and Flannel Sale prices $3.38 to $8.06
Junior Shop Second Floor
4th Floor
Shelled Almonds, pound 60c
King's Soup Vegetables, priced
special at 3 pkgs, for only 25c
25c Princess Royal Cut
Stringless Beans, the can 20c
Quaker Com Flakes, priced
special at 3 pkgs for only 25c
Mazola Oil pint size 30c
Mazola Oil quart size 50c
Mazola Oil y2 gL size 95c
Mazola Oil gallon at $1.85
Candy Sale
Main Floor
Oxford Chocolates, fresh and
delicious. Full pound OQa
boxes. Saturday, special
Corn Crisp a great favorite
with the kiddies. On -I (?
safe special, per bap IDC
Salted Peanut made from
very best grade Peanuts. "I O
Priced 'special, a pound Li,
Many other specials in
high-grade Candle on
Sal Saturday Main Floor
Here's a Real Shoe Sale!.
Value Up to $9.00 Women's
Street Boots in laced and but
toned styles. Military or flat
heels, sizes 2J4 to 6. Also
Women's Pomps, laced Oxfords
and Roman Sandals, in black,
brown and tan. Kid satined and
calfskin leathers. Size 2 C to
S B. Hand turned and Q A A
welted soles. Special tjHbellU
t i
Regular' $12.00 Value Wo
men's Boots of dark brown kid,
cloth tops, military heels. . Fam
ous John Kelly make. -Also simi
lar models with stitched tips.
Women's laced' Boots of dark
brown calf with all leather tops,
welted' soles., and military heels.'
Boots Selling formerly QQ AA
at 1 2.00. - Clearance O0UU
Men's Shoes $6.85
New shipment just received.'
Men's Shoes in kid, kangaroo
and calfskin. Tan, brown or
black. Very latest , models. Ail
sizes 6 to 12, and. widths A to
triple E. Values to Q Q(
112.00. Special pair DUeOU
Men'. Oxford in brown, tan
or black. AU the new square toe
effects. Brogue, semi - brogue,
ball strap mnd saddle strap mod
els.: .Styles for men, and young
men- Priced special JK A pr
Saturday Clearance at DOeD
$30 Overicts at $21.85
$60 Overcoats at $39.85
Coming at a time when warmer clothing is essential to one's
f-l :ll 1 - ; ay. -
luiuiuii, una jan win i'c wciimuc ncw iu cvciyraan wuuia
reacn ot tms store, it s tne mggest selling event the Men's
Store has announced in many a day, involving practically our
entire stock of winter Overcoats and Mackinaws. Every gar
ment in the sale is of dependable quality and styles the latest
Every Overcoat Reduced
Men's J30.00 Oflt OPT
Overcoats on sale tjJaWXeOtl
Men's 35.0O or
Overcoats on sale DawOeOJ
Overcoats on sale
40.00 fl07 Qr
Men's 30.00 3Q1 Off
Overcoats on $ale tDO-LeOD
Men's 57.50 flQ"7 Qr
Overcoats on sale DO I OtJ
Men's 60.00 QQ Qr
Overcoats on sale i07eOtJ
$12.50 Mackinaws at $8.45
$20 . Grade $14.45
Mackinaws are ideal winter Coats for men and young'men
wno worn out. of aoors. They afford warmth and protection
from the elements and are'neat appearing. "Patrick" and other
well Known makes. Shown in season's most desirable colors.
Regular 12.50
Mackinaws special
Regular 15100 dQ Jr
Mackinaws special DeTfctF
RegTr 16.50 M A A r
Mackinaws, now JJ-VreT:J
RegTr 18.50
Mackinaws, now DA.dir0
RegTr 20.00 A Aff
Mackinaws, now JXrM7t
All Boys' Macki
naws in Clearance
$1.50 Shirts at 95c
Main Floor Quality Shirts from our own regular stock, but
of course, quantity is somewhat limited. Made up in fancy
striped percale, in attractive patterns and colors. Shirts Qr
of standard 1.50 grade. Priced special Clearance Sale OC
Sale of Interwoven Hose
Men's Interwoven Hose of
heavy grade lisle. Beautiful
soft finish. Shown in black,
tan, green and cordovan. 50c
grade, special at AA
35c a pair 3 pairs 5xaUU
Special Clearance pricesn
Men's Ties, Gloves, Under
wear, Sweaters, Bath Robes,
Mufflers and all other articles
(a few restricted lines ex
cepted). Supply needs now.
brmf 1
All Hats Reduced
-Men's 3.50 Hats now at $2.35
-Men's 5.00 Hats now at ! 13.35
-Men's 7.50 Hats now at 115.00
-Men's 11.00 Hats now at $7.35
Boys' Overcoats
Values Up to $25.00
51 Women's Suits
In a Special Clearance Offering
Second Floor 2, Suits size. 14, IS size
16. 9 sue 18, 11 size 20, 2 size 36,
2 size 38, 2 size 40r 3 size 42,
2 size 44. High class Suits selling
heretofore at much higher prices.
Duvet de Laine. .Velour. mnd Yilami
materials; some with fur collars and
lur bands. Many attractive styles
especially desirable ' for misses and
little women. Saturday (?00 AA
special Clearance Sale at DOOUU
Women's Coats
Second Floor Only 25 Coats in this
lot. Mostly in small and medium sizes.
Normandie, Veldette. Stevanna and
Tweed materials. Loose and belted
styles. A few of the more dressy mod
els have large fur collars. Very best of
workmanship. Silk lined.
Saturday Clearance Sale
v j sv
Jaw ,
Wool Middies $455
Second Floor Of navy blue
flannel. Regulation styles, some
with laced fronts. Pi Qr
Sizes 6 to 20. Special Irxe7tJ
Sale of Bath Robes
Women's' Bath Robes of heavy
grade blanket material. Several
styles and large selection of pat
terns. $4.49. $6.98. $9.00
Wool Sweaters $6.98
Petticoats $2.98
Crater Circle, First Floor Wo
men's Wool Sweaters in plain
and fancy weaves. Tuxedo and
other popular models. Some are
trimmed with brushed Q QQ
wool. Nearly all sizes 300
Center Circle, First Floor Jer
sey. Jersey top, Taffeta and Tib
Silk Petticoats, numerous styles
some trimmed with fancy rib
bons. All the wanted (JO QQ
colors. Saturday Sale De70
Main Floor A rousing Clearance offering of Winter
Overcoats that will create great activity in the Boys'
Store tomorrow. Heavy Overcoats made up in high
grade materials. Loose belt models with military con
vertible collars. "Cloth lined, Brown, gray, flQ AfT
green. Sizes 10 to 18. Values to 25.00, at 57ftD
All Boys' Suits
$10.00 Suits BOW $
$12.50 Suits bow S
$15.00 Suit bow $11.25
$16.50 Suit now $12.38
$18.50 Suits bow
$20.00 Suits bow
$22.50 Suits now
$25.00 Suits bow
: 116.38
2-Pants Suits $6.95, $9.45
Outing Flannel Gowns
Special $1.75
Second floor The wise woman will avail herself of this op
portunity and secure a good supply of these warm outing
flannel Nightgowns. Several attractive styles in the Sale and
a full assortment of sizes. Famous "Universal' make I- PTr
no better to be had. Regular 2.25 . Nightgowns JLe I D
Special Clearance Prices on
Gossard Corsets
Second Floor Special numbers selected
from our regular stock and discontinued
models. Take advantage of this sale.
$8.50 Models $5
In the lot there are four popular mod
els for various types of figures. Not all
sizes inach style. Trading Stamps given.
3 Models for $2.95
Choice of three styles, but not all sizes
in each model. Perhaps your favorite
number is in this special lot Regular
3.75 Gossard Corsets, special at $2.95
STYLE 252 An all elastic top modeL One of our J0 Aft
most popular Gossard models. 2.75 value. Special daWaUU
Ivory Soap
Special. OCT
Main Floor1 None sold or delivered
at above price except with other
purchases made in Drug Depart
ment Limit 4 cakes to cus- OC
tomer. Ivory' Soap, 4 cakes iO
Toilet Needs .
Squibb' Othre 00, guaranteed
pure. Special, pints- at d"f Aft
$1.50. halCpints only ti)UU
-Lmt Soap Flak, at 2 for 25c
Powder Puff of soft ve- 1QA
lour, 25c size priced special AOC
$1.25 Bala Brush, wal- QQ '
nut backs. Saturday special OuC
Duffy Coceenut Oil Emulsi
fied, regular 15c size on 1A
special sale Saturday only 1UL
-Cklorax Tootb Paste, the " Q
50c: size, Saturday special at XC
WmUms' Majumm Soup, - ft
15c size, Saturday special at JLllC
Hair Brusb, in several 4 Q
. .... . .
Satin and Braid Hats
New Models Just 'Received
- Floor
The woman who has been looking for an inexpensive bat for mid
winter season wear will find many pleasing models in this showinr
ai sio.uu. new aavance iaeas in daun ana sux-ana-Mraw comri
nations very smart for immediate wear. Styles that are cbarminrlv
youthful and-becoming. May we have the pleasure. of (?" ft ft ft
showing you these new-arrivals? Saturday Sale special OAUeUU
styles. Saturday's special
Purolo Sbaviny; Cream 2 H ,
tubes .to a customer Each JL
' ; Drug Department
Main Floor
Basement Underprice Store -
Odd Lines Footwear
Half Price and Less
Disposing o f several hundred
pairs. Women's and Children's Shoes
at sacrifice prices. It will pay you
to investigate these offerings.
5 Great Lots
Women's Shoes of brown calfskin
and gunraetaL . Laced pattern, low
and Cuban heels. Values QQ A C
to 7.50. Priced, pair DOit)
Wimb'i ' Boou of black buck
with covered Louis beets. Values
to 8.00. Saturday spe- gQ QQ '
dally priced at i .pair '.00510
Weaaea's Bo4 of patent . colt,
fray kid and black kid. Buttoned
and laced. Mostly French Q1 Qr
heels. Special, the pair O JL.iO
OuUrea' Shoe, Sizes Q-f QP
Y lot. Laced. Pair OX79
Bors and Young Men's Shoes
in modified and, English OA A pT
lasts. An sizes. A pair
! '8
Wa!unston at 12th St