V - t t ! t A . V I 4 t ' 5 TOE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, OREGON. FRIDAY, JAinjAKY X3, IV EKIECTil Mil U; S; T0 BE MADE FI GE1AIYT0 Jrert rat will be COLORADO PHYSICIAN : i TO SUCCEED WLL HAYS Nw Terk. Jaa. Clarenoa IL Vac bay, president of the Commercial Cable-roelal Telegraph system, announced yesterday that his company had just completed a contract with the German Atlantic Cabla conipanr. a Carman cor poraUon. mdar the (anna of which dW rart rat La communication with Germany III be restored after a lapaa of elfht years. . Thla contract, which haa Just bees HriM. call for tha laylnr of cable between Naw York and Emdan, Germany, with tha cabla touching at jtha A tort, it la to ba completed and la tfparatiati by October", ltlS. Tha arrange ment provide for tha' Commercial Cabla company to lay a cabla from Now York to tho Asoree U03 miles), and for tha Urmaa company to roaka tha connec tion between tha A sores and Emdea (till mllee). fbticv ixsTAHTAircors Tha. two sections will ba joined at tha Asores station and atl message will ba transferred automatically from ona to tha other, thua riving what virtually will ba Instantaneous aarrloa between tha two countries. Tha lay In of thla new cable la tha flrat attempt at resumption of direct ceinmuntcaUon between tha United fttatea and Germany. During the war there waa no cable communication be tween Oermany and tha United State nine tha aiming of tha armistice all ' cable messages aeat between tha two reuntrlea have had to paaa althar through Rngland or Trance. Thla plan haa not proved aatlafactary to American busi ness Interests, and tha new cable Is being put down In reaponee to a wlde apread demand on tha part of the com mercial houses, banking Inatltutlona and others tntereeted In the trade relatione of tha United State and Oermany for " batter communication facilities. Vr TO ALLIED rOWIRS "Tha dlspoaltlon of the two es-Oer-raan cables, which were cut during the war." aald Mr. Mackay In hla state- want yesterday, "la now In tha hands of tha five 'allied powera to whom the ea- blee were ceded by Oermany under tha treaty of peace, and tha Commercial 'Cabla company hag filed a vary sub stantial claim against them on account of Us former contract for tha operation of these cables, which contract waa Impossible of resumption at tha elose of the war beoauae of tha selsura of - tha cabla by the British and French gov ernments. In making tha contract for tha laying 0 tha new Otrman cable tha Commercial Cabla oontpany In no way aedee any of Its rights or claim against tha allied .powers In eonneoUon with tha farmer German cable. m,w mi ihi.iii 1 a ... I y.- V ak m " ei 4 , - ! - 4 f ' ' 1 . , ' Si ! l o;;g inspecting HMO IIDMU agraed vpoa being reported aa flft 000.000, . - -- The fjOttK-BoQ holding &eax Kelso comprise between 30,000 and 40.000 acre of aUadlng timber and tnill and. towa ait of 1000 acraa aa tha a-aat baxdc or the CowHta at its Junctioa : with tha Columbia., river Construction of aareral mllea of railroad connecting tha talll with the timber are, "well as devel- opmeht of tha townaita aad arectSoa of tha sawmill, wm be speeded tu aa sooa aa prices of materials and labor are ad justed ob lower levels, Long averred. 3 Commerce Chamber - "l-l -r ! T. TT J tor rupusis urgea An effort will be made early In Febru ary to org an lee tha high school student f tha state into a Jvnlor State Chamber o Commerce, according ta Information sent to commercial ranlaa lions of the state today by tha State Chamber of Commerce. Effort ta form sueh an or ganisation war Urged at a meetitng of tea last tha organisation commltts month. : Astoria, Or, Jan. 10. Impetus was given to the rumor of a gigantic lumber deal, whereby the Long-Bell Lumber eontpasy ia ts take over the entire hold ings of tha Hammond Lumber company. today whan B. A. Long, aeaa or the Kan. as City concern, aad his party of ot floials sad engineers of the company in dicated that the lumbermen would spend the entire day at the big Hammond plant hare.' :- Scorning secrecy, the. party went from their private ear Kymokan directly to tha mill, yarns and wharves at Haico. XjOok declined, to make any statement relative to the reasons for the visit, the reported sale r In connecUon with the possibility of the Lous-Bell company constructing a null at Tidewater on the Columbia. He . promised, however, to make a statement this afternoon. : That the visit of Long and bis party is not merely an inspection of the Ham mond plant for the purpose of learning its method of handling large scale fir lumber production is indicated, many lumbermen here believe, by the presence la the party of George McLaod, vice president of the Hammond company whose headquarters are in Portland. The party wilt din at the Halco bote! today. Long baa expressed a wish to meet with the citizens and businessmen of Astoria Saturday. . LOSG AXD FABTY SURYZY MUX FROJECT AT KELSO Kelso, Wash. Jan. 20. R. A. Long, chairman of the board of directors et the Long-Ben Lumber company, and executives who accompanied hlra to the coast, left Thursday for Astoria to in vestigate lumbering systems before de parting for California. Tha officer made a careful survey of the progress of development on the Kelso mill proj ect and said all preliminary details would be completed a rapidly a pos sible so that everything may be in readi ness for the construction of the mammoth-manufacturing plant as soon a conditions are favorable. Automobile Show JDecoratioiis to Be j Feature at Exhibit Made tn Oregon week, tha Bardwara LMeal convenUon and the A-utomobU Show, an Bnusuaily heavy attendance to promised tram the ewtasdsw Jadgta trees the returns betng seat to. while the nat of . Seattle "visitors grows daily. -J--, , .... . . - , i Dancers attending; the series of bail at The Auditorium -who: believed they had sees the Automobile Show decora tiona. bad merely suggestion f what they will see next week. The automo bile men believe their ' annual exhibit will present the most lavish dress Port land has ever seen. Almost s mile of paintings and fresco work are still t be installed In the bis building. The Automobile Dealer aesociatioa directors will have a meeting today ts consider the creation of an annex to take care of the overflow of exhibits. Due to Hhe combined attraction of EBSHBaiBaBEBsaaBaBaBaaB9BS9aBBSBsasaBe9t Dr. Hubert Work DH HUBERT WORK TO SUCCEED HAYS Washington. Jan. 20. (U. P.) Dr. Hu bert Work, Colorado, now first assist ant postmaster general, will euoceed Will II. Hays as postmaster general, it was learned today from a high adminis tration source. At the same time, -Hays, for the first time, definitely announced that he would send In his resignation between now and March 4, effective on that latter datf. Shortly thereafter he will take up hi duties aa head of the motion picture In dustry of the country. Work was formerly national commit teeman from Colorado and has a wide political acquaintance. He has been per sonally handling the appointment of postmaster for Hays, Bentiment in congress ia strong for his appointment. FRAY FOB FOFE New York, Jan. tO- U- P.) Arch bishop Hayes of New York directed that services be held In all Catholic churches throughout the city at S o'clock this afternoon te pray for Fope Benedict. The rosary was to be recited. OBJEGOIf COM ISO CEJSTER OF XaTDUSTBY. SAYS LONG Oregon, with the largest volume of standing timber tn the United States, will become the center of the greatest lumber manufacturing industry in the country during the next decade, accord ins? to K. A. Long, head of the Long Bsll Lumber company of Kansas City, who left here Thursday night for As toria on a tour of lower Columbia river points. Long waa accompanied by V. J Bannister, president of the company ; J. D. Tennant, vice president; R. F Davis, traffic manager: W. L. Pickett and W, F. Ryder. , The parry returned Thursday evening from an inspection of the timber holdings and mill site owned by the concern near Kelso. Wash TO MAKE IKSFICTION The trip to Astoria will be followed by an inspection of lumber operations in other sections of the state. Long stat ed, and investigations made now will be 4he basia for development of camps and mills with an aggregate output of tween I00.oo0.000 and 00,000.000 feet annually. The mill at Kelso will have a daily capacity of 1,000,000 feet. Long stated, and will begin operations in about two years. Possibility of tha erection of major milling operations at Astoria and other tower river points was wumeiea py 01 ficiajB of the Long-Bell company. Lone denied any Intention of purchasing the plants and other property of the Ham. mond Lumber company and stated that all equipment for his company's opera tlons in the Northwest would be of the most modern and efficient type. BTJMOBS OF PURCHASE Rumors of negotiations for the pur chase of the Hammond properties in Oregon and California by the Long-Bell company Included the acquisition of timber land, mills and the Hammond flotilla of lumber -carriers, the price Overhead Cost But 9 Per Cent of Sum Expended in Belief The public welfare bureau last year spent S81.97S for material relief of fami lies in need. It spent an additional 117,778 for service relief, by which is meant the pay of trained visitors en gaged tn family rehabilitation. It spent for overhead or administrative expense $10,650. including salaries of general sec retary, stenographers, record keeper and supplies. The overhead was a little more than 9 per cent of the SUL401 total spent in family relief work. Service relief waa a little more than 16 per cent- The SSl,- 401 went for food, clothing, fuel, shelter and so forth. It include the county re lief fund, which carried no salaries. The year referred to Is the fiscal year of the relief bureau ending September 30. The facts quoted were presented at the annual meeting of the public wel fare bureau Thursday afternoon. Di rectors were asked to use the figures In refuting the report that aalaries eon sume more than 50 per cent of the total amount contributed for relief. That family relief work without investigation and without attempt to mobilize outside resources and to stimulate self-dependence provokes pauperism was one of the assertions. Seven directors were reelected for three-year terms, as follows : H. W. Bonham, Mrs, James.E. Brockway, J. L. Bowman, Mrs. J. E. Horner, Rev. Ward MacHenry and B. C. gammons. STREET CAR SERVICE The Montivilla, Sunnyside, Mt. Tabor and Brooklyn cars all stop at First street in front of the Evin rude Electric Store. Look for the sign 'Electric." SUp In and buy your electrical supplies while wait ing for your car. you stand s bet ter chance of securing a seat before cars go around the loop. Evinrude Electric Store. Evinrude Motors, Electric Supplies. Phone Marshall 1765. Evinrude Electric Store, atl Morrison street near First. Look for the sign- "Electric.? Open Saturday nights until 9 o'clock Adv. WOnTAJre CASE SETTLED Tancouver. Wash- Jaa. J0.--TBS soft of Blanche Mulder against the state de partment of labor aad Industries was dismissed Thursday, having keen settled out of court. COTA FTntEEAX. SATTTEDAY Vancouver. Wasfew Jaa. . The funeral of Joseph Cota will be held ia EC James cathedral Saturday saorning at o'clock. Father Sweens officiating. Underwood Hopeful Of an Early Solution -Of Shantung Issue Washingtoai Jaa. to. L N. 8.1 Hooe that aa early and satisfactory settlement f the tsBT juMUieiy fcetweea China aad Japan weald ba arrived at. was expressed is' the senate today by Senator Underwood of Alabama, mssaher t the Anserieaa delegsUoa ts the an eoeXeraoo. .. ' . -, -. Senator Uadsi neod also stated that the Shan tang ejuestien Is en ' of the "chief things- delaying the termlnatiea ax lae areaamant eowfarenss. - tile declsred that as save of the pew- era pank4pe,tiag ta ta cocfarrnoe were signatories to the YersalOes treaty. which, gar Shaatsng ta Jaaaa, tha - qaestkm: 00 that cannot be taken ay by the 'coafrrenoe itself until It haa been settled by China and Janaa be tween themselves. S. 8. OmCUS VAXETt Rldgefield. Wash. Jan, lOvOmcers enesea by the Sunday school of tha Methodist Episcopal church at Sara, near Ridgefleld. are : Superintendent. B Wells : assistant superintendent. J. B. Hara ; secretary. C E. Smith ; treas urer and' Ubrariaa, D. CL Converse 1 or ganist. P astro Wrens; Bible teacher. J. B. Bare. r 5 i o t s i 0 5 4 s If you have some money that you would like to see multiplied by investment, take out a share or two of our i Every February 1st, and May 1st, v and August lst,ondNovember 1st, V hundrts of folks in and around Portland are getting the money earned for them by the dollars that they invested in this Stock. PORTLAND GAS&COKE COMPANY PORTLAND OAS COKS CObfPANY .,: InvwalinevtDeCaacoWd Flsaa asnd mm complete informatloa about you Stock Esau. AddresA r. r' 3' jr r c i - Uniform and catisfactory results irivaiitlv&llcnv' the use of EAGLE BRAND Condensed MUlc Denies Murder While Facing Firing Squad Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 20. (U. P.) Steven Mastlch, convicted with Kick Oblizato of the murder of Marco Lauss on August 3, 1919, was shot by a firing squad at daybreak today at Utah stats prison. Three minutes after the shot were fired a doctor pronounced the man dead. When he was asked what be wished to say before death, be insisted that Obllsato was the guilty man and that he was innocent. Ha asserted that I he was the victim of a frameup.-instigated by Oblizato snd hi attorney. Ja12 I 77-a ftarjOttV etWrj l I a - I National Thrift TTeek Own Your Home Day Prosperity without Permanency rTHE renter is more or less a will o the wisp in the community feeling no binding ties to anchor and stabilize his existence. Nor does he know the economies of home owning and experience the thrill of posses sion. x a 7 ft CM v.ar L 1 - iAVe invite every young couple to start a. home-owning bank account here- at the United States National so they may grow permanently into the heart of Port UnitedStales Nalional Bantj SfcttheuvlStaadi 1 1 ?m n "ft tit , JBURL -4av I lr ! r ' s U a EaJey th rotettf En brace of omr Thrift ClraM "On of the Northwest's Great Banks" m ?5 A wonder-drama, a wonder woman, a wonder-spectacle I Before a bacLvsround rith with barbaric splendor, and through' the terrific death truirgl of two mifhty nations. !XWBIRIAM carries a love story in jsxibUu Price 1 rata r. It. Admis loa. i local, 60c After P. ML Adult 01 kSM 75 ad U Cbfldraa Alwar 25a. AU priom An loliT of War Tm. Shows Commence at 11 A. M., 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 P. M. The thrilling clandestine meetings of Roman lover with a Carthaginian beauty the herculean feats of Maciste, a giant bjack slave in behalf of 'the lovers and the epochal march of Hannibal ' vandals over the Alpa combined with the artistic direction of D'Annunrio, give but a hint to the greatness of "CABIRIA." CACIUELE LVAmOINZIO Poet-Warrior of Italy "CABIRIA is the ultimate of toerracnlar dramas. Thousands of aoldier-actori, a fleet of ships of war, and hundreds of trained n''rl; mark this romantic, tory as the wonder production of a decade. ! A First National Attraction