The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 20, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    FRIDAY. JANUARY 20, 1822.
wumntwn, Jsa. :o. 1 n. 8- Th
rtll cost of food la comlnr down, bat
tn dKnut U m small as to'b almost
nrt'ioi. moununi to only 1 tmr cent
a lMocibbar as compared with Novem
ber, inxi, tha department of labor air
nouncad. Dnrtn th partod from November IS
to December is, at of tha 44 article
on which monthly price arc secured
r ta aspartment bowed decrease
ranslnf from per cent on pork chop
to four-tenths of 1 par cent on rib roast.
Lard decraaaed 4 per cent ; bacon, ham.
potato and granulated euar, S per
can. ; butter, bread, flour, com meal,
tea and ralelne, a per cent ; sirloin steak,
round steak, fresh milk, macaroni, rice.
baked beans, canned corn, prunes, ban
anas, eieomarg-anne and rolled oats
per cent
81 article Increased In price, ranting
iroin it per cent on cabbage to 1
cent on strictly fresh errs. Leg of
lamb Increased per cent; storage erra.
4 per cent. Prices remained unchanged
for chuck roast, plate beef. hens, corn-
flake, navy bean a, canned peas and to
matoes and t coffee.
For the period December IS, 1820, to
December IS, ltZl. the percentage de
crease la all article of food combined
vas it per cent. For the eight-year
priod December IS. 1913. to Dtmir
14. 1921. the Increase In all food article
com Din a was 44 per cent.
Durlnf the monthly period, the aver
age family expenditure for food de
creased In 4 cities. Increased In eight
rule and remained unchanged In three
cuies, in Cincinnati. Columbua Indian
npolla. Lo Angeles, Norfolk. Portland.
Or.; St. Louis and Salt Lake City, the
decrease was a per cent The decrease
amounted to J per cent In Birmingham,
Cleveland, Memphis, Pittsburg. Ban
Francisco, Seattle and Washington. D.
won in vaiumore, Butte. Denver,
Houston. Kansas City. Little Itock,
IXMilsvllIe, Mobile. New Orleans, Omaha,
Philadelphia, 8L , Paul. Savannah.
Springfield. III., the decrease was 1 per
rent, in Detroit. Jacksonville and Mil
wauke tha decrease was lea than five
tenth of 1 per cent
In Atlanta and Scran ton the Increase
waa 1 per cent while In Charleston,
Chicago Delia and Peoria, the Increase
amounted to tofm than five tenth of
per cent In Manchester, Minneapolis
and Rochester there waa no change dur
)rg in month,
Conimiiiiity Chest
Colonels Go Into
Colonel In the forthcoming- Commun-
lty Cheat campaign underwent aom in
tensive training at a school held for their
benefit Thursday night at the Chamber
of Commerce.
For the Information of the colonels,
- - - i n waawIv .fl fh. AC
beneficiaries of the Chest mad short Vrrjent revolts in India are the
talks outlining the work of each society I direct result of bringing Christianity op
Just such questions as I against the backward ideals of heathen
sent to commercial' organization of the
stats today by the headquarters office
of th chamber. Appointment of a field
agent to handle this department work
also is being considered. Commercial
organisations of the state are being
urged to send their secretaries to the
annual course of training at the Uni
versity of Oregon, March 27 to April L
or institution.
will be asked solicitors during: the cam
paign were fired at the speakers so that
when these points arise the campaign
workers will know Just how to answer
General Robert EL Smith presided and.
after giving general instructions, an
nounced that each chest agency would be
given two minutes to ouUlne it work.
Ism. declared Bishop H. Lester Smith of
Bangalore, India, who is in the city to
day to apeak at the Northwest Methodist
"But there is nothing discouraging
about the situation. We expected it
Those people desire the advantages of
Christian nations and modern civiliza
tion, but want It under their own lead-
This was declared to be the moat in-1 era." the bishop said.
Btructive meeting that the campaign
worker have attended. A booklet of
instructions for the campaigners ha
Men prepared, but this could not in the
nature of thing give the human touch
tnat the colonels gained from those
closely associated with the various phil
anthropies of tne city who spoke last
The colonel In attendance will use this
Information In instructing their captains,
and through their captains, their field
lieutenant; so that this material will be
l-of maximum value during the campaign.
Portland One of 3
Cities on Lowest
Infant Mortality
Washington Jan. 20. The bureau of
the census, department of commerce.
today made public figures showing
record tow rates In infant mortality
throughout the country last year.
In 61 cities the average Infant mor
tality rate was 74 per 1000 births, ss
against 90 Uv IS 20. The lowest rate.
47 for 1000 births, appears for the cities
of Seattle, 8t Paul and Portland. Or.
New Tork city comes below the gen
eral average, with a rate of 71 per 1000.
Tne raw ior ban rrancisco is 45 per
1000 and Los Angeles (fi. The figures
for Chicago are not given.
Pendleton. Jan. JO. As a delegate to
the agricultural conference which Sec
retary of Agriculture Wallace called at
the raquMt of President Harding. Sena
tor Roy W. Rltner of Pendleton will leave
soon fof Washington. He also will act
. a the representative of the Umatilla
county farm bureau and the Oregon
Woo I growers association. -
Baker, Jan. SO. Mrs. Oeorge Alamad
and small daughter narrowly escaped
seriously Injury Monday when the cnoic
stove In their home exploded, completely
demolishing It Kitchen utensil and
woodwork wera blown about the room.
" rwn waieroacR In the stove I be
lieved to be the cause of the accident.
The people are not willing to accept
changes slowly, but want everything
done overnight This is especially true
in the political field. The radical ele
ment want immediate self government
and separation from England, while the
moderates are endeavoring to work out
home rule program with the British
officials. Bishop Smith predicted that
the moderates would finally win out
He said India is not ready to govern
herself owing to illiteracy, as there are
not enough leaders in the nation to prop
erly administer the government About
95 per cent of the 300.000,000 population
cannot read and write, he said.'
There has been such a turning to
Christianity recently that it is impos
sible for the church to keep up with the
demands for schools, churches, teachers
and preachers. In some cases 15-year-old
high school boys who have but a lim
ited knowledge of the Bible, are being
used as supply preachers on Sundays.
Bishop Smith said the work of the
church is not confined to the teaching
of religion. Schools for teaching of
trades to help meet the "need of a new
day In India," and "to train the people
to handle the problems they will have to
face,! are also being conducted. In
these schools the church is teaching the
carpenter, blacksmith, machine maker
and leather tanning trades, and giving
instruction to farmers, commercial etu
dents, prospective political leaders, doc
tors and nurses.
As all high school and college text
mm . ttt X I oooas axe in cngusn nienop omim an-
Must Have Licenses hit
vwraiii vu v-. 'MM itwifjuuu we. Tbs.ft'O iisSj-
tion, even under home rule. Well edu
cated men talk English, he said, but are
unable to speak enough of the other 200
languages of the country to understand
each other.
Bishop Smith has one third of India
under his control, which is about as
large as the portion of the United States
east of the Mississippi river and north
of Virginia. The population is 75,000,000.
Bishop Smith is making a tour of Amer
ica and presenting the needs in India
on behalf of his three colleague bishops
in India.
All For-Hire Cars
Police officials were given instructions
today to arrest all for hire car drivers
found operating without 1922 licenses
from the city. F. J. Finger, chief motor
bus inspector, said that all. of the stage
lines had secured the proper licenses.
but that some of the for hire car oper
ators were still delinquent
Labors' Delegates
Meet With Legion;
Benefits Expected
(Bj Catted Hewi)
Indianapolis, InrL, Jan. 20. Much im
portance fa attached to the action of
President Samuel Gompers of the Amer
ican Federation of Labor, in sending a
delegation of prominent labor men to .
attend a meeting of the American
Legion here Friday.
In a message to Hanford McNider,
commander of the legion, Gompers ex
pressed a hope that "out of the meeting
will come a thorough understanding of
the hopes and aspirations of both organizations."
"The representatives who will meet
you are imbued with the same thoughts
as myself, and I am anticipating with
the greatest confidence a happy outcome
of the conference," he stated.
The cooperation of labor men with
the officials of the legion is construed
as a step toward a settlement of charges
that the legion is antagonistic to organ
ised labor, and is the first move toward
cooperation on the part of either organ
ization, it is stated.
The labor delegation was chosen from
the miners, carpenters, teamsters and
barbers, headed by E. F. McGrady, legis
lative committeeman of the federation.
Z - SSBSrsaB?sasaSsTSssaSas -
San Francisco, ' Jan. 20. U. N. S.)
Northern California, was today' shaking
itself loose, from the grip of the coldest
wave sine January 15, IMS-
Absence of the strong gale which
whipped the bay regions yesterday ren
dered the temperature less severe and
the thermometer rose to 38, four degrees
higher than the low record of the night
icicles were reported from many
points around the bay regions -and prac
tically all the fresh water ponds were
trosen over,, despite the slight modera
tion of the official temperature.
The weather man was in a more genial
mood today and after predicting fair
weather for tonight and Saturday,
added the postscript :
"Not so cold." Jj.
Los Angeles. CaL, Jan. 20. (L X. S.)
Battling to ward off the frost menace
which struck Southern California in the
wake of the cold wave that has been
sweeping the northern part of the state.
orange and lemon growers smudged
early today. Los Angeles experienced
the coldest weather early today since
1913 when a minimum of 28 degrees was
recorded. The temperature at :30
m. was 31 degrees.
Kansas City Mayor
Dies Suddenly While
Holding Conference
Kansas City, Mo.. Jan. 20. (U. P.)
Mayor James Cowgill, 73, of Kansas
City, dropped dead from heart disease
during a conference with heads of the
police department at his office today.
-Cowgill, former state treasurer and a
power in state Democratic politics, was
known throughout the West as an owner
of extensive ranches and cattle lands.
Toledo, Or., Jan. 20. The price of
shaves and hair cuts has dropped in
Toledo back to pre-war prices. Bert
Howe, proprietor of the Toledo barber
shop, announced hair cuts at 30 cents
and shaves 20 cents.
. N. 'Black NewS
5 of Foreign
Commerce Cluh
George N. Blade was selected as presi
dent of the Foreign Commerce club for
1923 at a meeting of the newly elected
directors of the organisation In the din
tag room of the Chamber of Commerce
Thursday afternoon. Other officers
elected were Ernest E. Johnson, first
ice president; George M. Vinton, sec
ond vice president; L. W. Hartman.
third vice president; L. E. Williams.
treasurer, and Robert O. Case, secre
Plans are being laid by the organisa
tion for an extensive program during
the coming year. Numerous activities
which will increase the commerce of the
port are in the process of formation.
found the cares sua of two deer In ad
dition to a partly emptied gallon Jug
of moonshine hidden near the cabin in
which the shooting occurred.
Laurgaard Advocates
Closing of Street , at
The Woodstock School
Pomona. CaL, Jan. 20. (TJ. P.) Real
snow that recalls winter days "back
East" is falling here this afternoon.
With a strong southwest wind behind T
tnem, tne snowuaaes are whirling
through the air in a most realistic
R. E.Hughes, Member
Of Fatal Hunting
Party, Is Fined $50
R. R. Hughes of Elkton, member of I
the Douglas county hunting party in
which Douglas Tapp was killed early
this week, was fined (50 for having
deer meat in his possession during
closed season, according to a report of
the trial filed at the headquarters of I
the state game commission today.
In addition to this case, warrants
have also been issued against C. M.
Young, slayer of Tapp. and Walter
Freyer. another member of the party
who was shot during the drunken brawL
Deputy Game Wardens Loar and Walker
Closing of Fifty-fifth avenue south
east formerly known as all Hard avenue.
between the Woodstock: school and
Woodstock park, is advocated by O.
Laurgaard. city engineer.
L The proposed plan calls for the -vaca
tion 01 tne street, cor two mocks, mixing
the street area a part of the park and
thereby eliminating traffic ta front of
the school building. As planned the
project calls for the widening of Forty-
seventh street to SO feet between Fifty
fifth and Fifty-third avenues ; opening
and widening of Fifty-fifth avenue from
Forty-eighth street to one block west
and from Fiftieth street XOe feet west
It is also propoaud that a diagonal street
be laid out Joining Fifty-fifth and FlTty
thlrd avenue. This street will begin
300 feet west of Fifty-seventh street and
ma northwest to Fifty second street and
Fifty-third avenue.
Laurgaard stated that he was going to
suggest that the school board and park
bureau assist la paying for the prelect .
as they would be benefited by the work.
Baker. Jan. 20. Mr. Eugene Everett
of Weieer. pioneer of Baker, having
lived here 45 years ago. died in Welser. -She
was 2 years of age and is survived :
by seven children, 'Curtl Everett of
San Francisco. a. W. Everett of Kansas.'
H. W. Everett of Denver. Eugene, Dart
and Guy Everett of Welser. Idaho, and
Mrs. Alma Taylor, Welser.
Kalatna. Wash, Jan. 3d. Auditor Da
vis Issued marriage license to Bay
Helms and Evelyn Jonaonessea, Seattle,
and Maurice A. Mlfarted and Agnes '
Jones, Oregon City.
nmmsmBmsasas smsme
Catherine II Gems
Mystery Is Solved;
U.S. Woman Owner
Detroit, Mich., Jan. 20. (II. P. Mrs.
Horace Dodge, widow of the deceased
automobile manufacturer, is the posses
sor of the pearl necklace which once be
longed to Catherine II of Russia, it
was definitely established here today.
Howard Bloomer, executor of the
Dodge estate, issued a statement which
cleared up the mystery of the where
abouts of the jewels.
Bloomer stated Dodge paid $825,000
for the string Instead of $1,500,000 as
New Beauty Secret
"Say. Miry, have you noticed
how good-looking Anne seems to
be getting lately? Wish I knew
her secret. She's getting terrible
popular, too. She's a regular Cin
derella." "No secret at all. You know
some girls go half through life
without learning Just how impor
tant clothes are. Well, Anne never
thought about clothes 'till lately
and when someone made her go to
Cherry's Pre-lnventory sale at 349
Morrison for some new things she
discovered her possibilities and
has been gay as a bird ever since."
Cherry's have the entire Second
Floor at Park and Morrison. En
trance 349 Morrison, center of
block. Take elevator. Adv.
President Nominates
Oregon Postmasters
Washington, Jan. JO. (WASHING
President Harding has nominated the
following for postmasters at Oregon
offices'. Stephen A. Kasterday, Claj
kanle. Ronald O. White. Falls Citv :
Frank B. Hamlin. 'Springfield : Edgar financing of a department of organlsa-
B. Waiters, Stayton ; Ronald EL Esson. tion and service for the State Chamber
Sandy of Commerce, according to Information
State Chamber to
Enlarge Its Scope
Plans are being considered for the
All 85c 10-Inch Double Disc
Saturday marks
another worth-while
Saving Event in Boys' Suits,
Mackinaws and Sweaters
consistent with the splendid
values always offered in the
Boys' store.
Boys' , Suits
With Two Pairs of Knickers
Sold Formerly From $16.50 to $30
These suits are exceptionally good values. The assort
ment includes "Wear-Pledge'' and other standard makes.
Belted models, fall lined and extra knickers to rive
i!."?- The flbr,c$ ,nc,nd Cassimeres, Tweeds
nd Cheviots in a wide range of colors.
Reduced in Price
Boys' Sweaters
Sise 6 to 14 years
Priced to. close oat sev
eral doren sweaters, at
about one-half their
usual selling price.
Heavy, yam sweaters
with large roll collars
In shades of Gray, Blue
and Cardinal.
$595 $795
Size S to 12 year Sise 13 to 17 years
Just the thing for school and
every day. Warm, heavy belt
ed models in plaids and dark
colors; large roll collars and
big roomy pockets. Every
boy likes a Mackinaw every
boy should have one.
A Good Selection of the Most Popular
Records Now on Sale at These
Reduced Prices by All
Columbia Dealers
Ben Selling
sox y
i or
Leading Clothier
Morrison at Fourth
Regularly priced $1.50 to $3. Eng
lish imported fancy Wool Sox in a
varied assortment of colors and
stripes. All sizes. Here's a real
good. value!-
Make Your Columbia Graf onola
' ' - AT : V
Complete February List
Dance Records
AprO Showers. Fox-Trot EddU EUmu" Orchestra
June Moon. Fox-Trot EddU Eltin" Orchestra
Leave Me With a Smile. Medley Fox-Trot
Th Ham Six
Haw Many Times. Medley Fox-Trot
Tht Haypi Six
The Sheik. Fox-Trot Ray MUUr and Hi Black
and WhOi Mtlody Boy
Weep No More (My Mammy). Fox-Trot Ray
Miller and Hit Black and Whits Mtlody Boy
Ka-Lo-A. Medley Fox-Trot
Knickerbocktr Orchestra
Blue Danube Blues. Fox-Trot
Knickerbocker Orchestra
Gypsy Braea. Medley Fox-Trot The Happy Six :
Birds of a Feather. Medley Fox-Trot .
Manhattan OrcJUstra
Cho-Cho-San. Fox-Trot Eddie EUnne Orchestra
Tea Cup GirL Fox-Trot Eddie Elkine" Orchestra
When Francis Dances With Me. Medley
Walts Prince's Danes Ortheetra
Lore's SHp. Medley Walts
Prince's Danes Orchestra
Song Hits
Brother Low Down
Georgia Rose
Ds Ds Ds My Darlint
Bert WOiams A-JS03
BertWSliamsl 75c
At JoIsoalA-3513
Broadway Quartet j 75c
Frank Cnmit A-3521
When Francis Dances With Me Frank Crnmil f 75c
Sons of Love. From Blossom Time Edwin Dale A-3517
m Forget You Edwin. Dels ) 75c
I Want My Mammy 1 .
Vernon Dalhart and Al Bernard A"2?
That s How I Believe in You Edwin Dale J
I Hold Her Hand and She Holds Mine
M Herman (A-3507
They Call It Dancing. From The Musie Bex I 75c
Rente. Al Herman ' :
Old Time Blue. From Put and Take. Edilk '
Wilton and Johnny Dunn' iOriffiixal J azxHounde (A-150C
Frankie Edith WOaon and Johnny Dunn' ( 75c
Original Jazz Hounds '
Opera and Concert
Could I
CharUs Hackett
The Swallows Lucy Gate
The Wren Lucy Gate
Mira, di seerbe lagrtsie (Here, pleading st
thy feet) From II Troeatore
Roea PoneeUe and Riccardo Straeeiari
Msttinata (Tis the Day) Riccardo Straeeiari
I $1.00
The Old Rurxed Cross Oscar Seagle .jjjg
When They Ring the Golden Bells for You et v
and Me Oscar Seagls and Male Quartette J w
Instnimental Music
Duel is Kertkiaria Jq)
Serensts, Op. 15, No. 1
Yslse Lente sad Ptadcati. From Ballet Sylria)
. CMsmfta Symphony Orchestra
Esnana RhsDsodr -
Cohembia Symphony Orchestra
My Hawaiian Melody
My Sweet Sweeting
Ferera and ranchixiA.-ZS22
Loniss end Fertra) 75c
llNf iS? I , I pa lata W tiarAsrnraMaira 11
I fly L .1 ciii.tWt . tekaJrv l
VviJ tfvi? I M"f I
324 Washington
Open Evenings
Main 2269