. ...... ..... ' I. - ; - " :. . it Q5i 7Q fnocfl IQDuJ 1 ? . 11 LI LI it A. Vim rV.r ig n U Our foresight tells us that it is time to act and we are going to. fight heroically to keep the hun gry creditor wolves at bay while you enter our store and help yourself to any auto accessory in the house, at slaughter prices that would make the ghost of Shyiock weep. ALB To Satisfy the Creditors i A Statement (By David Hodes) Although the period- of1 readjustment and depression has smitten the auto acces sory business harder, perhaps, than any other business, we have fought on in the hope that things would get better. We have faith that better days will come when the spring season opens, but in the meantime we can't live on faith, alone. Lately we have been sitting up nights scouring the horizon for the harbinger of a brighter morn in a less distant future. ' Our keenest foresight, however, discerns only the image of a pack of hungry cred itor wolvea prowling toward us faster than the spring season, Happily we've been awake to see them coming in the distance. Their queer antics are k foreboding thai they would "devour, our entire store if we did not get: ready, to hold them at bay. ' -; Sot' We've decided to step out into'the" open to fight, take a few good "wallops" ourselves, but try to deliver a solar plexus knockout that wfll make us retain the title to our own. business. We must raise $25,000 cash now before the spring season opens and we will en deavor to do it by turning our large stock of standard auto accessories over to the public at slaughter prices rather than let ting the creditors eventually take "the whole cheese. Yes, We have pride and it is not easy to swallow; but after all, pride seems to be only false baggage and a hindrance on the road to success. With this con- victidn we've, decided to cast our false jep'emy, pride, by the roadside and eai;.y onward with a clean breast, only hoping that public judgment and support will reward us far stepping out into the open and charging the enemy before he " places us on the defensive, . - - DAVID HODES. J1 It's a fight for the business TV- Nothing is reserved. Every article is reduced to practically your own price and. lower than you've ever known it to be. We must raise $25,000 soon and we don't care how much merchandise we sacrifice, just so we raise the needed sum! ; We are staking our ALL on the idea that the public will come and help itself bountifully to this stock of auto accessories. Look forward to future needs and buy for the future as well as for the present The sale starts tomorrow at 8:30 a. raJ, and will continue only until we raise, the needed $25,000. Come early and get thatpsir of skid chains for slippery pavements, that warm auto robe and the things you'll need fv n summer's trip. J . . '.. w::-:xi.f YO TT "Buckeye" Type BUMPERS Regular fl&SO enaine Tackeye" type, prewed steel, channel bar, nickel plated bumper for an can, complete with fittinrs. Will fit Ford; Chevro let Maxwell, Dodga, Brack, Essex aad all standard can, $539 The cheapest protection against eoIB- aioa is this bumper at Se.39. It wfl make drirtar safe, place yon at ease of mind ana sr you on insurance, Erery car shoald be protected, front and rear. The alien test collision would cost yon more than $5.29 for repairs. Special Single Leaf Sprint:. Bumper, nickel plated, for all model Ferds and all model CherroleU up to 1919.' Eet alar 110.00 values 0AO ,.v. ........... VT0 Bar Special Regular Bumper tings for all cars special Service charge of only 60e for attach ing bumper to year car It you desire. He Badger Diamond with nickel fit- CO AO Come and Help Yourself to Amy Ainto Accessoiry in tifoe Mousse $6.98 Windshield Qeaners $10 Regular Folberth Automatic Wind shield Cleaner. A. real automatic windshield cleaner works by suction from automobile engine. New you can ait behind the wheel start your motor and go on your way into the worst rain, snow or sleet. Our sale pnee, only Raular TS wlaosbleJd Cleaaera ....39 Rrular 1.2S Wladshleld Cleaners. 89 Hea-uUr ILSO WtnUMld Cleaoers. . .fl.lS Rido Skid Tire Chains ...iz.3 ...it.6 ,.2.79 ....f.9S S4.48 up . For Autos and Mxstt-taelk Speia B&1. prtc.., ItxJ"2-lch Special SjlU rioo.. Ilx4-tncbSpclal Sale prtee..., SYxi-incb 6elal Sale prie...M Stx4-liicb Bpacial Sai prta....., 4z4-tcb epeelai Sal priee Weed Chaiaa, aU staea, oa sale at MOTORMETERS At a price yea win net pass by. aCMget'otae .t:fcJC 3 4.48 Jiraior alae UalversaJ Standard riM ................ ( Sl.ee Hacvlar HrO outer tetaraare kat Ury tMtar) '....494 . All OUa aad Greeaea BeavOy Reewced . SSe Kecolar 1-lh. can Cup Graaa 144 a-ia. emm & Utam Oreaae 694 l-nlloa can SpeetaJ Treaawdaeiea - aad tMffereBtial Heary Oil .....SSe all Staadard Braade OOm aad Graaaee HaaTily Sadaee All Robes Reduced 25 to 40 This ta the oppertoaity of a life-tte t set a rise Auto Rob at a real spe cial prloa, Reg. $6 Hanover aQ-wool Robe si. . fa.M Ztec. Uaeolaablre ail- (teQQ wool B4e. aiz Ox7S-ta... V0 St. Bee MaxiriUoB extra taiek. ane.neerr wool Kooe FTioad special at SIS Ker. Pea ley as aU-weel Raae or carefully selected Liaeolaahire Oaeee. auula In Taxieus pat- ft? HQ aeraa. atsa SSxSS.... ........ V W $3.39 $6.39 Ford Top Becorering and Side Curtains Ford tourlaa top cover, tadudina back cnrtaln $58 Ford reedater' toy cores; tacludiaa ack oartaia 4.48 Ford aack oortaia. only;.. 8SJK9 Ford tourina: side curtain set oomplete 47.39 Roads tar aide eortato set eom- lete . ; $5.18 i-ta-t Ford rear eartaia Ucts....69e email atecle Ford ewrtala U-ht..ie5 Ford apron coil psotoctore ....... .794 , Ford radiator oevers SS9 Ford foot podai draft preteeters 39 m hi Cbampton X Spark Fteav .484 Porcolaia for Chaaopioa X Spark FTur-. IB4 ........... ... l.f3 SVSo Jr iaeetrte H Oardacr Ford Catwaretore Ford Rcooir Parts Rodawad to 14 Head Lamp. 4al alaaa lens Ford Read Lamp, plaia class leas......l9e Ford Wtndahield Glaaa. upper or lower special price 9ZJ99 Ford Hand Starters . . ....$3.98 Ford Foot Accelerators 49 Ford Floor Mats 91.29 Ford Coil Points, per set 154 Ford Roar Wneela. JfrrlH 838 Ford Demooatablo Wooel Bioa'ililH. r 813 Ford noser - , - T94 Ford Bteertaa; Wheela. large, overslae, maboranr. saeelal 84.89 Ford Safety oteeriaa OaUm fprtaca...48e fwg nui japa ..... ...... Senreeder Tire Air Gaar ........... Bearoeder Valre Inside Core, per box. a. C Coo and Betalebem U-la. Spark a-iosrs, special price US Ree-nlar Stewart El ec trie Bora... ti.iO Rea-ular Hand Horn ........... SilTerbeam Spotllrbts S4.9S j am or BtiToroeaia spotuaMS ........ .13.49 fi f6. 8P?Uifts i7.5 i-Bv n-w utar imnni iar aurrors 93d tS.M Recalar Toorinar aad Closed Car Interior Mirror 81.89 tXCe Regular. Interior Mirror I La t SS.09 Rea-elar Truck Mirror ila& ISO Bemlar Nickel Plated, bar and ban type Radiator Cap 8L49 $1.(0 Resnlar Ford bar aad ball Ri al ator Cap." special price 884 I2.S0 Regular Nickel plated bar aad ball type Radiator Cap iwa lt.ee Regular Nickel Plated bar aaeall type Radiator Cap M Hydrometer Floats 184 HJa-b-crade atiaranteed Inner Tabea It's a shame to sail them at those prices ..BrDiT r"'illllLi-"i to $19 (lit Regular . Troeble Lamp, extra heavy looar coed, special pt-loe f 1.19 f Use Recwlar Rabter Foot Pedal Pedsr.Xte tl.M Ree-Qla etewait Gae Vacwees Tanka speeial price 8&S8 $14.e R ruler Track Gas or Kloetrte Btsrrh I ip ..................... .89.98 flat caa best Quality String Lbrtcaat.8d Headlamp, plaia glass leas ........... .d tt.ee Raa-alar Jacks, special ....t. tt.tO Regular Tire Ptrmpa. single aad double -cylinder, special 81.89 ISc caa .Mechanic Head Soap, 8. SforlSe It-os,. atechaalcs Hammer.... ..........oJ FREE 1 The Official Automobile BlueBook Standard Road Guide of America Standard price, $4.00 will be presented to the first 250 etutomers who buy $8.00 worth of accessories at this sale. If s a book erery motorist wants. Grres detailed running- directions for erery mile to ear place that caa be reached by automobile tells bow far any place is aad what the roads are like where to stop, where to eat, where to get frasoliae or repair points out the scenic aad historic . places ea route warns of daageroos earres, grades and crosstafs ahead fires erery bit of information both before startta aad ea route, te make erery trip a success and pleasure. Afik for Yours Tbij whole ; newspaper.. is . not Large enough, to, display all our sale items for nothing in our large stock is reserved. : -i