The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 19, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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mlaalon to quote" waa Bought. Bat her.
expertly repaired, relined and remodeled-on the Third Floor
too, 1 Larding took refuse In a aelf -im
posed modeerr which lnalata that a pres
ident ahonld be quoted on thing really
worth while, things carefully thought
out and maturely considered and that
the outside world eho:l. - ." rt om
the newanapera the Impression oC
loquacloae executive with a suited style.
Just because alert reporters are ready
to take down everythins ne may say u
his waking hours.
Wt 1 v,lt Ml l II I " ! IU-if 'J . - if win Wll " IE It i li I w y; 1 II ; - . 1
20-Foot Eoad Held
By Darta IkWNH
WaatUaton. Jan. It. Preaidea Tlard-
tn waa In a eoUloqulilng mood Wednes
day on Um arduoue Uaka of the presidency
T rUwed from with
In and without the
Less Expensive by
Engineer Experts
White House.
Mr. Harding was
Akacuaatna: newspa-
' nera. editorial criti-
i clam and the exe
. eutlve'e lob. He had
J Kmmn dtlirUMlng
, kn. ..iMtlnn and
hla reply w"
antlv Dhrased that
innuirera asked per
mission to quote the
There waa a twinkle In Mr. Harding a
eyes aa he explained that a president
realry shouldn't be quoted so often, that
sometlmoa a phrase or a sentence Ut
tered In Impromptu conversation waati't
as well polished as it might be or at any
rats wasn't always grammatically per
fect and he feared the wrath of some of
the stylists who lately have been pick
ing hla utterance to plecea .
There Was nothing plaintive about Mr.
llardtna's observation In this connection.
He gave the Impression that he ratherM
enjoyed the freedom that an editorial
writer had. saying Just what he pleased
and Mr. Harding indulged briefly In re
miniscences of the days when he waa an
editorial writer and expressed himself
with tMa utmost abandon about public
mesj and affairs.
Bet he warned hie hearers good nat-
u redly that some day 1( any of them
happened to be elected to the' presiden
tial office they would find it a vastly
i different Job writing and saying things
Immediately sent broadcast to the world
for the Inspection and minute criticism of
hundreds of millions of people and writ
br newspaper articles for the oonsuoip-
t'oa of a small community like Marlon,
arAi ntrkkt PBKsiDzirr -
Responsibility makes a difference and
Mr. llardlng shows it. Ha exhibited no
Impatience with his critics, but he used
the occasion with splendid tact to take
a fUag at some of the writers who have
been characterising him aa "a Main
street prealdent" with a crude literary
style. Mr. Harding Innt particularly
displeased with the reference to "Main
street.- If he were to discJose his true
feelings It would appear that Mr. Hard
ing thinks It a virtue for the American
people occasionally to select some one
for the presidency who knows the sim
plicity aitd matter of fact problems of
the common people of the United. States.
But there was Just a touch of pathos
In the president's observations on his
riitlca He gave the Impression of a
' man overwhelmed by the awful respon
sibilities of this era of economic recon
struction, a man torn by the conflicting
' emotions of an agricultural West and
1 a manufacturing Kast Inside the Repub
lican party, a man who was struggling
to mass headway against almost insur
mountable obstacle in 'the way of gov
ernment expenditure and with such a
burden on hla shoulders he- was not a
little hurt that the critics should spend
, their time worrying about Impromptu
remarks made by the president In con
f variation with reporters and later sent
broedcaat aa the matured and deliberate
utterances of a nation's chief executive.
tn this respect Harding la not unlike
Wood row Wilson, who suffered bitter
' criticism from newspapers because of
certain twists of his literary style. Wll
son used to think there were bigger
things for the critics to write about than
. hla style of expression. Harding has
found that looking at the presidency
from maids the White House dwarfs la
' Importance some of the criticisms which
are made about a nation's executive and
that while he la the last person In the
world to be sensitive about honest crit
icism, he wonders if the little carping
Innuendoes are necessary for the suc
cessful working of a democracy.
The president's little talk would have
made much more Interesting reading
than his first remarks for which per-
(By Called Vm)
Chicago, Jan. 19; A resolution favor
ing a 20-foot road as the minimum for
main American highways will be pre
sented at the twelfth annual session of
the American Road Builders' associa
tion. It waa stated here Wednesday.
Aa a majority of state highway
engineers have expressed themselves in
favor of the 20-foot standard, it IS ex
pected that the resolution will be
It la pointed out by road experts that
the la- and 18-foot roadways are too
ooetly of maintenance, because they
make It Impossible for trucks -and other
heavy vehicles to pass, necessitating
frequent repair of the "road shoulders."
Albany, Jan. it. Rev. B. F. Felbnan.
pastor of the Albany Baptist church, and
Miss Nell Duncan, former employe of
the Albany fruit cannery, were married
Monday evening. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. George H. Young,
who was formerly pastor of the Baptist
church at Albany. Rev. and Mrs. Fell-
man will reside at the Baptist parsonage
By the use of delicate electrical ap
paratus a British scientist has demon
strated that the human eye emits some
unexplained power, in all probability an
unknown ray in light.
Coal cccta merry to boy
and to barn. Save by
In Domestic Lamp tho
Jl-punKse iie and
then study ytur heater
and coo her for best
First earn IS NT
greater last coat
IS smaller.
- - - Bold by 9
mp V fV Most Portland 4
srvjMP Dealers I
"Henry Building
tssTsw carry KtLLOOCS.
scft ft wilU afefeer
said yea ceefs say KKL-
lfBQ 5. set M reufe
aress. m ess m t r syi
I say I will I wile
yoriH neverhiovr how delicious
Cam Flakes can be till gotti
eat Kelloggs
Positively the most joyously good my-time-cereal
any man or woman or child erer put in their mouths!
;t Such flaror, each crbpnesst Such big sunny-brown
Corn Flakes I How you'll relish a generous bowl-filled-
mcst-to-OTtrll owing ; and a pitcher of milk or cream!
IT erer was such a set-out 1 Never did you get such
a txniirersal rote as there'll be for Kelloggs Cora
Flakes! Big folks and little folks will say "Kellogg's,
please, mother I" Leare it to their tastes
and yours! Ptoto out all we say!
tteUjmdSXi For Kellore' Corn Flakes are a
II rereLation in Anwar; n revelation in ail.
TOASTED II thotime crispness! Don't just ask your
COuH II you most anything! Say KELLOGG'S
rf AirES II COR FLAKES they're wonderful!
" " aT I esnss
Only Two Days to Go!
Saturday Evening Will Mark the Close of
Lipmah, Wolfe's Annual Clothing Sale
The fame of Lipman, Wolfe's Annual Clothing Sale has spread throughout
all the Pacific Coast country each year do men await this sale each year do
many men supply their needs for an entire year in this sale.
Tomorrow and Saturday the Last Days
The Last Chance to Choose any Stein-Bloch or
Langham Suit or Overcoat in Stock
Many of the garments for less than they cost Upman, Wolfe & Co. some
of them for less than cost to manufacture many of them half price.
It is some of the best clothing the world knows that is in this sale it is one
of the best buying opportunities of the year that now is knocking at every
Portland man's door. But Saturday evening the sale will be over just two
more days.
Express Elevator to the Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolfe t Co.
What Could Be More Opportune Than This Blanket Sale
! While Portland Is Blanketed With Snow?
! Afl-Wool Blankets Reduced
Handbags at V
an odd lot at
exactly half price
There are about 35 handbags
in this odd lot md all are re
duced SO per cent. They're made
of various grain leathers and are
in gray, brown and black.
On the Street Floor
You won't have to pile on the covers these cold nights when you crawl
under a pair of these heavy, warm, all-wool blankets. ThevTe remarkable
values at $6.75 the patterns are the popular plaids- 66x80-inch size.
Wool-Mixed Blankets
Reduced to $4.95
$4.95 is a very, special price for th'se '
soft, wool-mixed blankets. White with
colored borders or plaid with bindings to
match. All, perfect quality. Size 66x80
inches. Specially, priced at $4.95 pair.
. ? Wool-Mixed Blankets
Special at $5.95
These blankets in ' 70xS0-inch size are
of good, heavy weight. Just a limited
number of these good blankets left for
this selling. You'd best come early to ,
share the saving.
el ULLOCCS UCX2IX3 as tmOGCS EXJUl caoiea aae kraaUsl
1 !
Srceaa Floo
Llamas, Wolfe A Co.
Women's Gloves
Reduced to $1.59
-Kid and cape gloves in one and
two-clasp styles some have em
broidered backs and others trim
med with Paris point A broken
line, but many good shades in the
assortment Sizes 5 to 6 re
duced to 1.59 a pair.
Oa the Fint Floor
Corsets $2.45'
they're half price and
less than half price
How special they are, whit great
bargains these corsets are at$2.4S
will not be realized until one sees
the corsets. They're made of cou
til and brocade in low and me
dium bust styles. All sizes in the
lot but not in each style. No
C. O. Di's or exchanges.
On the Fosrta Floor
All-Wool Blankets
Special at $7.75
Full-sized, warm wool blankets in the
popular block plaids. Just a limifed num
ber of these to be disposed of in this sell
ing. The wise shopper will come early.
Reduced to $7.75 a pair.
70x84-Inch Blankets
Special at 11.50
Large, comfortablexblankets of the very
finest of-virgin wool m a beautiful as
sortment of the popular plaids. They
weigh five pounds and eel just right
these nights. They re bound with silk.
J0dd Lots of
Housewares .
-78 pieces of "Hall China'' and
"Pyrex" glass baking ware, includ
ing casseroles-, all at a reduction
of 33 Vi per cent.
Electrical appliances vibrators.
radiant stoves, grills, toasters and
hot plates an interesting collec
tion reduced 20 per cent.
On the Sixth Floor
. Toilet Goods
at Half Price
Cujt .glass cream jars, with cloi
sonne tops; in blue, rose, gray,
green, lavender and yellow.
AH" shaving mugs and shaving
stands complete with mirror, cup
and brush are reduced 50 per
Incense burners; some with sil
ver deposit decorations; some in
novelty styles at half price.
On the Street Floor
Framed Pictures
Half Price
A remarkable assortment of
framed pictures are offered at half
price including many reproduc
tions of the old masters and many
beautiful landscapes by . modern
A sample line and pictures taken
from our own regular stock each
picture is artistically framed with
mouldings to blend. Half price at
49c to $10.00.
Oa the Seventh Floor
Here are . heavy reductions that should
quickly clear the odd lots of boys' clothing.
Boys' Suits $5.95
Wonderful values, indeed, are these suits of wool and
wool-mixed fabrics ; they have belted coats, fully lined and
trousers that are also fully lined some of the trousers with
reinforced knees and seats. These suits are in sizes 10,
12, 13, 14, 15 and 16.
Boys' knickers of wool-mixed tweeds all with
taped seams. Only 69 in the lot but ail sizes
from 10 to 15. Reduced to $1.98.
Boys Jerseys . in slip-over and "Y" neck styles
they're made of wool-mixed materials and are in
sizes 32, 34 and 36. Only tS In the lot
Boys' blouses with and without collars; some are
slightly soiled all are greatly reduced. Sizes for
boys of 7 to 14 years.
Boys' flannel shirts in blue only, they're in style
with military collars and one breast pocket All
greatly reduced at $1.39.
Boys worsted sweaters in the coat style in Ox
ford, maroon, Kelly green and nary blue. Sizes 30
to 36 in the assortment Greatly reduced.
rifth Floor tlyaiaa. Wolfe a Cs,
300 yards of
56-inch coatings
extra special
At $2.95
a Yard
Were it not for the fact that
this is January and Clearance Sales
are In progress, the price would
be much more decidedly more.
They're high grade coatings in
Navy Blue Tan Black
Beaver Brown
in attractive mixtures as well as
in solid colors. All are repriced,
all are greatlj jnderpriced at
$2.95 a yard.
Oa tke Beeoad Floor
an odd lot greatly
reduced at 95c
These are all in the S-inch size'
the size so generally useful
about the house, but there is only
a limited quantity at the greatly
reduced price at 95c
Oa the Street Floor
Emphasizing the most important lots of
men's furnishings in Clearance
Men s Manhattan Shirts
Reduced About One -Third
Famous for their qualities, famous for their styles,
famous for their patterns Manhattan shirts and now
these jusly celebrated shirts are in a semi-annual sale at
prices that are reduced at an average of one-third. The
sale prices are $1.65, $1.95, $2.35, S2.65, $2.95, S3.35 and
"Fashionknit" Ties Specially Priced
At $1.95, $2.55 and $2.95
Just the very name "Fashionknit' is like magic, for it
immediately tells one that they're ties of the better qual
ities the sort of ties that men have been demanding. A
choice selection of colors and smart patterns.
These Men's Hose Specials For Friday
Silk-plated hose special at 35c a pair or 3 pairs for $L
Broken lines of men's silk-plated hose in the drop-stitch
style ; they're mostly in black, navy and gray.
rMen's imported wool sox special at 65c pr. comfortable
hose, and smart as well they're imported from England
and are in attractive heather shades.
Street Floor Llaataa, Welle A Co.
Draperies Reduced
Featuring the Lots at Half Price
Odd curtains one, two and three pairs of a kind
scrim and net curtains in 1 and 2j4-yard lengths.
They're half price at $1.47, $1.98 and $2.48 a pair.
Odd lot of curain paneling in white and cream; with
lace edges; each section is yards long. They're half
price at 63c, 98c, $155 and $1.37 a section.
Drapery remnants scrims, Swisses, filet nets, marqui
settes, cretonnes, silkolines and madrases in 1 to 5-yard
lengths all at half price.
Flit Floor Llaataa, Walfe AO.
The Towel Sale
thousands of towels in this event and
all of them at substantial savings
18x36 in. huck towels aj 25c each or $2.75 dozen
Double thread huck towels in the large size
special at 35c each or $3.85 a dozen
Pure linen huck towels are specially priced at 75c
Large bath towels, special'45c each or $4.85 dozen
Secaaa Fleer UaaaaawWeifa C. - ,