The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 19, 1922, Page 20, Image 20

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With 6m appropriation of $7100 ap
proved by th council for the purchase
of two lots from Edwin T. Peterson, ac
qulraroant of land far the Central East
- tilAm playground. East Seventeenth end
t.Tamhill atra la. la virtually completed,
C P. Kevser, superintendent of parka,
.aid this morning.
TM park la to b located on tha tract
omen s
at at i
One Suggests
Dance Views Clash!
e at
t .
Is dancing an expression of natural
exuberance or la It a destructive agent
to mankind? -
Should It be fun for tha wholesome to
tm tainted surroundings, or ahould It be
a pastime only for tha underworld?
Theae questions, aa a result. of the
Methodist church campaign in Portland
to quash dancing In public schools,
bring ready answers.
Mrs. Pottsmlth, 415 East Seventy-sixth
street, who signs her letter Presby
terian." ta unequivocally against d ano
int". She writes that dancing In achoola
... a m.IA hounAmA Kv Vmm U.antMnlh
traat. Tarahlll street. Nineteenth street mans laslnesa on the part of super--aad
Tarter atreet. with the nent ion vising aasoelationa It would take more
ef one lot facing on Nineteenth, which la
''now wider condemnation proceedings,
,vth enure tract belongs to the city.
The funds for the purchase of the Pet
erson property was appropriated by, the
1 council Wednesday afternoon.
Commissioner Pier's plans went adrift
Wednesday afternoon when Commission
ers Blgelow and Barbur protested the
cffaatlon of a position to be known
' the "community house director.
Tha ordinance prepared by Pier spec-
brains and energy, she writes, to pro-
Tide games.
Mrs. Pottsmlth would substitute
spelling and ciphering matches, and
other contests for dancing. Some danc
ing she bel teres proper.
"Throw In 'Old Dan Tucker,' The
Virginia Reel.' grand march, quadrille.
If you like, but nothing that requires
closer contact than the holding of
Another writer who signs herself
Paris, Jaa. Ifcr-Tks chamber of dep
uties lata today voted eoafldeae la Us
aew xilalstry sf Premier Rayaaead Fein
ears. -
. tfled that the duties of the director sound of the explosion was heard for
snoma o to act as noates. keep records, several blocks
.furnish Information and supervise the! The cold here has been unattended by
aortal activities of the house by furnish- wind or other disagreeable features. Like
Ing suitable amusement la thief It stole in on the city In the
r Blgelow and Barbur objected to the night with but little warning, and people
.plan calling: such an office unnecessary L awoke to find the town enveloped In an
and that the expenditure of US a month ley fog which tipped every warm object
; jot sucn service questionable economy, wun noar irost.
- lioui took the stand that there was no
.occasion for the city to furnish amuse
ment In the community houses other
.than that already given, which Includes
. dancing, rymnaslum work, art classes
and game playing. , The ordinance was
. Paid over for one week.
"Plain Work-a-day Mother." sees evil
not In the dance, bat in Improper teach
ing of children.
"I can't see why a "wen chaperoned
have danced since the world began. ,PaTi8' Jn-i, 19- ? P Maintenance
Youth and the dance are spontaneously ZiJonB H1,?1"10 nd "
synonymous. I am raising a boy and a ?f1Pm JtlVZ.JZl Sr'
glrl who like a good time. I early mie PreTooSv:'
laugni my ooy to respect women. ana Polncar. ntiint m itA. .v.
no girl wlU ever be Just a 'skirt' tochamber of deputies to a speech today.
jusi oeiore calling lor a vote ox oon-
OXE QUOTES LOWELL I uaence ta his ministry, formed after the
Atw ww .h, .. Ki. t.-e "?u?n OI "enuer Briand.
- , ' - i ftTtmtotA ..-ai I.. i j ; .
"Mjwilo.l Stnri.nt . ,7r. that I . -"""J ViKJerro U ne
, w I maae ms speech.
is a. wuw vi energy trying iu puruy i The demiti l.ui ,
the dance." He would keep dancing Inlaudine and about ine-
out of school and leave It for the way- -We must maintain the mt rrf.w
ward and the wanton. I relations esDeeiallv with h tti,
Leonard D. Merrill, 2932 Sixty-second States, which contributed so much to the
street souineasi, sees no narm in aanc- l victory ana nas just given In the Wash'
Ing. tngton conference striking proofs of
"I have attended dances since I was I noble sentiments," the premier said. "
knee high to a grasshopper," he writes, i-oincaire declared that the outstand-
and have seen few delinquencies." He necessity was to exact trom Germany
reaped lor me terms or the Versailles
treaty, uermany must fulfill her en
gagements, he said, and in event she
defaults the first step must be establish
ment or allied control over the German
ouaget and control over issuance of
paper money.
The present penalties betas- lmnnwl
on Germany for non-payment must be
continued and new penalties exacted if
necessary. ne said.
scrapping la 1934. while Japan, after her
first scrapping, does) none nnti 1934.
The Pennsylvania, Kew Mexico and
Tennessee, America's largest ships actu
ally ta service, will remain, until 1937,
1939 and 1940, respectively, while two of
tnjs most modern ships, the Colorado and
the Washington, which are to be com
pleted this year, will go to the junk pile
to 1943. ,
; Among the better known of the British
ships, the following go to the scrap heaps
thus: King George V. 1925; Elizabeth.
193S; Royal Sovereign. 1936- Renown,
1940; First Hood. 1941.
France and Italy start replacing la
1927, before the end of the naval holiday.
Italy Is chartered for a 43,000 ton ship
the largest In the world, for 1932, this
extra tonnage to be offset by a 25,000
ton ship In 1933, but it is believed then
is ah error in compilation there.
The first great group of American
ships to go to Pavy Jones' locker, all of
which wjll be scrapped this year, are the
Maine, Missouri. Virginia, Nebraska,
Georgia, New Jersey, Rhode Island. Con
necticut, Louisiana. Vermont. Kansas,
Minnesota, New Hampshire, South Caro
lina, Michigan. South Dakota, Indiana,
Montana, .North Carolina. Iowa. Massa
chusetts. Delaware. North Dakota, the
uncompleted battle cruisers Lexington.
Constitution, Constellation. Saratoga.
ganger and United States.
quotes Lowell:
Tit aa cut for the heart to be true
Ai for (na to be creen or skies to be bine
It a tne natoni way of Imns.
was riddled by flying bits of Iron. The evening the temperature hovered around
17. a degrees colder than the previous
Dallas. Or, Jan. 19. A temperature
of 10 degrees above sero was reported I GERMANY CAJCNOT LIVE TJP TO
here this morning.
La Grande, Jan. 19. This morning at
S :30 o'clock a temperature of 22 de-
London. Jan. 19. (I. N. S.) "The de-
I tails of the treaty of Versailles cannot
be carried out," declared former Pre-
Salem, Jan. 19. The Capital City ex
years this morning when the thermome- l" fjn a gch "f afternoon.
I grees below iero was reported here. The I Wednesday.
ter registered 15 degrees above zero.
two degrees below the minimum
Bids for two street Improvements and
It is not a question of clemency to
wards Germany. But it must be re
alized that the nations are inter-dependent
The ex-premier's speech was made
just as newspapers were appearing on
the street with Premier Polneaxe's
By A. L. Bradford
Taited Preas Staff Correspondent
Washington, Jan. 19. Two Important
steps toward giving China a "square
deal" were taken today when the Far
Eastern conference adopted the Hughes
and Geddes resolutions declaring against
unfair discrimination on Chinese rail
ways and for eventual Chinese control
of these lines.
Still another important move was an
agreement to list all existing commit
ments and concessions held by foreign
powers in China, many of which are se
cret. Tomorrow a resolution definitely cov
ering such listing will be adopted.
poiivra circus
Vancouver. Wash-, Jan. 19. Roy
Moore and Bert Orcutt. convicted by a
jury Wednesday of holding tip tha Sells
Ploto circus pay truck on the night of
September 1. were granted until Janu
ary 31 to file a motion and affidavits
for a new trial. The verdict was re
turned by the jury at 11 o'clock Wed
nesday morning after 1C hours of nearly
continuous deliberation, without sleep
ana with lunches sent in to the jury
room. The minimum sentence for the
crime Is five years in the penitentiary
and the maximum is 20 years. .
The-' jury was composed of W. P.
Davis, foreman; Asa Ryan, Lulu A.
Lighty. Mrs. D. A. Parish. Bessie Adams,
Mrs. . & E. Richards, H. B. Lockwood.
W. C Toes, Mrs. Gertrude B. Ward.
Ray S. Sampson, La Vern Mclrvln and
A. L. Hanks.
Montesano Cleanup
At Once Is Planned
Aberdeen Has Its
Big Year of Crime;
Drunks Are Trebled
Aberdeen. Wash, Jan. 19. AH Aber
deen crime records wers sell peed, la 1121.
when 290S persons were arrested and
S32.41S was collected la polios court
tinea and forfeitures, according to tha
annual report of George 8. Dean, chief
ot police. Liquor law violation cases
have trebled since 1913. Four times as
many children were arrested for delin
quency la 1921 as ta 1920.
Eighty-eight were arrested last yeai
24 ot them under it years of ago. Forty-
seven were girls. Only 20 children were
arrested in 192a Charres of drv law
violation were preferred In police court
against 254 persons In 192L Only 71
arrests were made on thla charge In 19lj.
Arrests for drunkenness as distinguished
from possession or other serious liquor
law infraction totaled lilt in 1921, aa
against CIS in 1913, 700 In 1919 and 732
to 1J20.
Montesano, Wastu, Jan. 19. After II
years' service as president of the Mon
tesano volunteer fire department, Clar
ence Glenn has resigned and Lloyd
Pickering was elected Tuesday to fill
his place. Other new officers are : Vice
president. H. H. Pennell ; secretary.
Charles Wilder ; chief. Joe HeaJy ; as
sistant chief, Clint Winters. Sixty busi
ness men at the meeting Inaugurated a
drastic cleanup campaign, asking the
inspector of fire hazards to postpone his
Inspection of Montesano for 10 days that
many outbuildings to the downtown sec
tion may be removed. Fire bulkheads
temperature began to rise at that time l SEVERE AT KLAMATH FALLS
Ik" " -rl. " ' 7' Klamath Falls, Jan. 19.-Thls city is
above tero. The past two days were , . . .y,' A
- - f ill i nn fiiir s Liir- iiiuol oc v m c uiu oaan a
the coldest since 1919 and indications are , ... .. nn, i, t.. I soeech in the Frenrh rhamh., f
to sewer construction moWti w I that the worst cold Is over, with clouds I tv, ,,t. v,n omn,i 9 ties in which he rWlard that ro
opened Wednesday afternoon by George fe,T"t4,n the, skywthi" mornl,nB for d 4 de&ree below zer0j climbing to 10 must carry out the Versailles treaty to
If kritsilf I .,.ltn r v ! 1 lha ftVat t! i m a s na llAniiav All va rt a I . I . . . . .
V- - -uunur. v-. w. iwinaies was "" ... or 15 aDOve during the day. The weather tne tetter.
is clear and little snow is on tne ground.
the lowest bidder for the district Im
provement of Thompson, Kerby and Tll-
lamooa streeta Ills bid was $23,673.60,
ui'or tne improvement of Gile terrace
Kandlea was also the low bidder, bid
ding 93S40.40.
The Oregon Construction company was
tne low bidder on both the sewer In Fern
Street from Bellevue to Bast Thirteenth
, i street, and for the I ast Seventieth and
Irving streets system. The bid for the
- Fern Street sewer was 31984. while that
'for the East Seventieth street system
was for 33213.40. An unknown bidder
. entered a bid of $3126.90 for this project
After overruling the remonstrances of
.Frederick V. Holman, Paul Wessinger
ana the myth estate, the city council
has declared the assessments for the
Hatch gnlch trunk sewer Just and eqult
aoie. The assessment, amounting to
$US,Of.J 77. was declared due this morn
- ing and was entered on the lien docket
. by George R. Funk, city auditor.
' Property owners have until January
z to pay me assessments before In
terest la added. On February 18 thev
.-. will be declared delinquent and fore
closure proceedings may be started by
th city to satisfy the assessment liens.
V two other sewer projects and one
treat ImDrovement nrolect were In
"eluded In the assessments declared due
The sewer projects are for the sewer
, to Fiast Thirty-first street, from Alns-
worth avenue to North street, 31(75.95,
and for the Grand avenue and Alberta
street sewer system, $982.50. The street
.Improvement Is that of East Clay street
of Eastern Oregon, adjacent to La
Grande, continue to report cold temper
aturea At Meacham, near the summit I THERMOMETER GOES TO
or the Blue mountains, the thermometer
stood at 29 degrees below sero this
Astoria, Jan. 19. The lowest tempera
ture of the winter was recorded here
Tuesday night, when the official ther
mometer recorded 20 degrees. The mer
cury at no time Wednesday rose above
Chicago. Jan. 19. (I.'N. S.) A blast freezing, though the sun shone brightly.
of sero weather from out of the Rocky
Mountain region will hit Chicago tonight,
the weather bureau predicted today.
The mercury had fallen 20 degrees in
four hours at noon today. At that hour
the temperature was 12 above zero and
going down.
(Om) timed From Paee One)
Colfax, Wash.. Jan. 19. The govern
ment thermometer registered 27 below
zero in Colfax. Tuesday night. The
change was sudden, following several
days of continuous snowfall, which.
however, was not heavy. There Is now
jugene, ur jail. 13. lu. f.) xnis rvi.u, tlt- i ,
town had its coldes weather of the win- ' "-u6uc, wi.Miytvu
ter Wednesday morning. The mercury bur church took up the challenge.
dropped to 16 degrees above zero. Wilson, In arraigning the dance, de
clared he had information that school
giris attending have been led astray
He at-
Rosehiirff Jan. 19 Wr1 nptiflov m rim
ing Roseburg thermometers registered because of lack of chaperons.
18 degrees above zero, the coldest here
this winter.
trlbuted the downfall of many of the
400 girls now in public Institutions to
this very cause.
'We are told," he said, "that all these
dances were to be supervised by the
Goldendale, 'Wash., Jan. 19. The mer
tL" f. 8nOW. n th h1"8 ? Tsday nigit and s'tood at 6 bTow at "Z bui 1 have ertl"?
8 o'clock Wednesday morning. The cold
wave followed a snowstorm and cessation
the Falouse country, the winter wheat
being well protected.
this week seven or eight school dances
have been pulled off when not one
Pendleton, Jan. 19. Pendleton and im
mediate vicinity experienced Its first
sero weather Tuesday night, when the
thermometer registered 19 degrees below
sero. While the community has exoerl-
enced a record cold spell during the
past 40 days. It
of wind. Little suffering is reported. memb,er was there to supervise," he de-
Feed for stock Is holding out well in the
Klickitat valley.
Wilson was willing, however, he said.
to take upon his shoulders and upon the
shoulders of other ministers' In Portland
part of the blame for permitting danc-
T .InAnln Ton lO It TM C XT
braskr awoke todi; derY blankTto, JJST
tKestft. notiA. 4Vwn TTW-. I u-owiWV ww.awa.
iiiucn tu lwu tcci UA nnuw . aims i
was one of duration mercury ranged from zero at Lincoln to FOLK DAKCES URGED
iz oeiow a i Alliance, a nortn gaie swept I l rememDer xa years ago some laaies
the state throughout the night. Delayed of the East came to Interest the minis
trains are the only damage. I ters In folk dances, which they were
will be built under a block of buildings
ine eirect or this move is to bring to I on Main street.
light many concessions hitherto un
known except to the foreign powers In
The Chinese expressed themselves as
well satisfied with this.
Included in the existing documents are
arrangements between China and Rus
sia, Japan and others involvtng still
other foreign nations.
In American and Chinese quarters to-
dajr this accomplishment was regarded
as a considerable one. It Is expected to
Aberdeen Hawaiians
Honor Late Prince
Aberdeen. Wash., Jan. 19. With rever
ence and love for the late Prince Kuhio
of Hawaii. 250 HAwaiians, employed in
the Grays Harbor Commercial company's
JZ.J? tlM! xa5U'r memory of the dead on Sunday. They
what the foreign commitments in China
are, which the Chinese themselves con
fess they do not know.
ine jninese saw in today's action a
long sought opportunity to get the con
fere nee to reveal some of the concessions
which they hold to be illegal, including
certain aspects of the famous 21 de
mands, by which Japan obtained a
strangle hold on two rich Chinese prov
inces, Manchuria and Mongolia.
joined in a service Including all ancient
rites the people of that Island perform
at the passing of a member of the royal
Grays Harbor Plans
Foundation Quota
Aberdeen, Wash., Jan. 19. A meeting
of the Democratic county committee has
been called for next Friday evening at
the Aberdeen city hall to decide on a
means to raise $550, Grays Harbor coun
ty's quota for the Woodrow Wilson
Foundation, P. II. Mourant of Hoquiam,
chairman, said Wednesday.
Records Disappear;
Morse Case Delayed
Washington. Jan. 19. (L N. S.) Im
portant records needed by Lh federal
grand Jury in Investigating charges of
conspiracy and embezzlement against
Charles W. Morse, New Tork financier
and shipbuilder, are missing, and the
progress of the case has been delayed,
according to a report to Attorney Gen
eral Daugherty today from United States
Attorney Gordon ef the District of Columbia.
Spanish War Vets .
Will Hold Banquet
Vancouver. Wash, Jan. 19 A banquet
will bo given the evening ot February 4
m the St. Elmo hotel by Company T,
First Washington volunteers, ta celebra
tion of the twenty-third anniversary ot
the battle of Santa Ana. the opening
battle ot the Insurrection In the Philip
pine, on February 4. 1899. The banquet
will be for all members ot Company O
and the old Fourteenth United States in
fantry and for member of the Vetera -ot
Foreign Wars and the Americas La-
glon. The Fourteenth Infantry an
Company p. Washington volunteers, were .
engaged in the battle.
Philomath. Jan. 19. The Good Tim
club Is planning a waffle supper at the
high school on Friday evening, the pro-'
ceeds to be used in Improving the high
school building and grounds.
Surgeons Report
Instruments Stolen
Thieves stole surgical Instruments
from two physicians' automobiles Wed
nesday night, according to report made
to the police. Dr. M. O. McCorkle, 804
Selling building, reported bis surgical
case stolen from his car, parked at)
Eighteenth and Everett streets. Dr. C
See ley, 1039 East Tenth street north, re
ported the loss of his case from his car,
parked near the Oregon building.
&oOut Kertlaad; ervrt nuhum. 10&I KaaJr
raad bet. Mth and (Tik ,u. : buifcatr. rim aa
oner; tt00.
Hn. J. B. Jortk; rrt iMdm' T1S R.
ICta St. bat afrLaochlia and Lalajetta: baiaiar.
A L. Bart: 0O0.
P i. Giaaaaa: ervet nsdnxv. 2 AH.
(hear feat. Satfih and aVacca au(a; an Hear.
aw aa owner: :.
I. Prmlan: enrt fktea. E. Tlat
at bat Pithm aad 2Tth art. ; butter, amaae ea
Uana at. Hum: aract nukai. 1i K. Aak
bet. 2ta aad 2U ta.: boiidrr. mm a awBar:
r. H. aUrkverth: anvt rmtirmm. 10 Bear
aw. bt. atb and IU ata.; trnOdar. Brawn
aad Palm: 14004.
W. Raaubr: erc i. 414T T2a avaw
t. 41t aa4 4 Id ata.; bulkier, maw aa ewaari
Kletaehaiaa aaUte: rejair star. 14t Irs at. Vat
Aider aad Morrknai ata.: bailder. r. A. atamB:
C. a ateBersold: vrart randaac. ISM Bad
mej a, bet Albrru sad SasuMr; baUdar. sasat
aa ewaar; tSJOO
Cbarlaa a lha: nrt nalliia. 1S K. M "
i- bat. Alaateda aad SiAUaa aU.: battdm, t
BcbnrU aad McOnrv; HiOO.
w. J. Uoy: ctrt madaaea. 122 K. 284 at
Da"- woodward aad CUatoa ata; bauMax. aaaae
aa oaraar: tllO
Ajbb Barbae: araet riatiliiia). TOT K. 19th
- bat. KUrkitat aad rwaaoaa; bandar. Arvat
Aadrraaa: tSOOO.
Pacific Stabs Ra. Oorp. : aract mill f4
sonola btad.: bauidrr. aaaM w aami . (12
Kon B. Baat: rrart laailiina.
bat. B. lOtS aad E. XUi ate.: bwittar.
oarBer; tSUvO
atra. Laara M. Caauaoad: aract rd i a, (4
Laabard at. bat. Banas aad Graalef aL; avaoac.
au. anoier: ii toe.
O. BortaO: aract raskVaioa. IUS lltk at bat.
Lao aad BidweU; boiktet. aaata ea ovaor: .
University of Oregon. Eugene, Jan. 19.
The Oregon club leads the Women's De
bate league with six points, compared to
Zeta Rho five. Hendricks hail four, and
Susan Campbell hall one. as a result ot
the debate preliminaries held Tuesday
night. Semi-finals occur today, and
finals Tuesday.
rather thatn extreme temperature, as the
mercury had not been lower than 10
above. The sudden drop played havoc
from Fst Forty-fifth to Forty-sixth w,tn household water pipea
atraat. $3003.10.
it total or an assessments one tooay ' I f;-.i oiz v I u ui ,v,
toltlt1l M I MartAII Wash Ian 10. TXT,.1. I " 3 ucb'cw i nuuiu ciuiiui,u isuuciivj vuic
crning tne temperature reached zero . r: . : . . r" " .rr . Tr. v.
.Vancouver, Waslu. Jan. 19. Clarke
county potato growers lost heavily
through not forming a pool to dispose
of the 1921 crop, according to J. K.
Larson, manager of the potato arrow.
era' branch of the Washington Growers'
"We had a chance this year." said
Larsen, "to sell 30 or 40 carloads of Do-
tat oes at irom sz to 12.50 a sack, but,
because of failure of the growers to
enter a pool, we could deliver but about
10 carloads before the market broke.
Better grades of potatoes are needed, as
tha hinrAra B r-a Kafflnntnv A !...(.
i i. .. i : and tne consumer to call for the best.
Vancouver, Wash., Jan. 19. Guy Ben
nett will begin work on a building 50
by 100 feet, to be erected on the lot
north of the Labor temple on Washing
ton street, between Ninth and Tenth
streets, as soon as the weather permits
This building Is to be the home ot the
Bennett Hardware company, now locat
ed at Fourth and Main streets. Bennett
expresses confidence in Washington
street as a future business street and
plans to move to the new location In
Vancouver, Wash.. Jan. 19. The
Wednesday Afternoon Card club met
with Mrs. W. Hood, Thirty-third and K
streets. Mra O. It Gray won first
prise, Mrs. A. Larsen second and Mrs.
E. Rosendal consolation. The next
meeting. February L will be at the
home of Mra Axel Larsen, SOI West
Seventeenth street.
.Vital Statistics
TtlarrUyts.Blrtbs. DzaOtx.
BraaOoa. trml. S7 Ha U aa-
aVB, aSSS ala, VJ I VJ U SVW
C afrAies. lecal. KratUa. WaaV, sad
bL McAloa. lacal. PorUaad. Or.
Vancouver, Wash.. Jan. 19. The following-
marriage licenses were Issued
Wednesday: James Barrie, legal, and
Lorah Farley, legal. Milwaukle; Richard
P. Ohllnger. legal, and Bertha M. Hott
man. 21, Portland ; Thomas A. Chapman,
91, and Leon a A. Jacobs, IS, Portland:
Edward Brodlgan, 24, and Gladys Wyatt,
IS, Portland.
Etaar L
Edna B. rat. lacal. Uxif au
inonica capana. laru. set Uraad aaa aaa
Rita Natalaeri. local. 7 27 Kaat Twaaty-firat.
Larl T. Omdraj. Weal. liS HutrilUt aU.
8. K.. and Eatily Behalf. Iccal. 919 K. Aakaay.
Harry A Karlararf. total. 411 East tttstr
Bftii au. aad lraoa Joalu. tecsl. Til E. Bai
bob, PorUaad.
aL J. Solitraa. laxal. Ta DaDca. Or aad
ataa ProaoUar. leraL
Hcrbart B.'aUUar. Val. 2S Baa Bafaal. aaal
Blascaa at. CovdU. lorai. 70S eaadr Mad. ,
bw wooavona. awml. Baa trai
Vanda deralaod. lertl. Graahaav IH.
and visrrrjio
111 Marcaa Btda
W. Q 8MTTH ft CO.
Lord. iOOt
1-ORD To Mr. and atra. P. A
4 2d a ra. Jan. 9: a ml
BATES To Mr. aad afra. A G.
Munaoa, ilea, zo; a aoa.
MATER To Ma and Mra. E. E. Maysr. 4(9
E. 24th. Dao. SS; a daotbtac
MO.NTPKLTBR Mr. and MaX X. A ata-
paliar. 5414. 4d. Jaa. : a aoa.
(Oontlaajad aa SaMaanae Baaa)
BE5B, tS BELOW I nhilosoohy was if they could only get
Bend, Jan. 19. Wednesday nyght's of- folk dancing thoroughly established it
Notices of th tmiYiwit ajmemment mcrning the temperature reached zero
tr Ika f mml Tauilr.thlnl arxt trilllrm. I at points STOUnd MOItOU. J. A. TJlsK. M-
worth avenue sewer system were also ft;1 weather observer at Kosmoa seven
- sent out this morning. This assessment wi i moon on tne uowuts
amounts to 14372 10 Pronertr owners ""' iu io aoove mere.
hav until January 30 to file remon
strances to the apportionment of cost
The thermometer stood at zero at 5 I here among us, and that form of amuse-
o'clock Wednesday afternoon. A water I ment was Introduced In the public schools
famine, which was feared on account of I and someone was employed to teach our
Ice in the water company's flume, was little folks folk dances.
avoided by prompt action.
Seattle, Wash.. Jan. 19. (U. P.) The
weather here today has moderated some
from yesterday's record of 16 degrees
aoove. a ngnt flurry of anow this
It worked out in no such way as we
anticipated. Dance halls flourished and
dropped down and down. First, dances
and we now have a chance to make the I
Clarke county potato as- famous as the
'great big baked potato' of the Northern
Announcement of a contemplated po
tato pool for handling the 1922 crop was
made by Larson at the Prunarian lunch
eon Wednesday. C C. Hutch Ins, secre-l
tary -of the Chamber of Commerce, pre
sented a request from the board of gov
ernors of the 1925 exposition for indorse-
Wallowa, Jan. 19. Twenty-three "de- S , i f . ment of the exposition by the Prunarlans
JJ. ti ii ,5 Next they developed certain tendencies and SeCTetanrlln,aw ' lnsfw t
XVntiwvlif ftftrnnnli.
A tiled.
Thoa approved were O. I Pomoroy
. and J. M. Davenport, soft drinks, 1129
. Alulna avenue
r.drtnk esubiuhmenu. pool and brooms i.p' ot l. undi
, war approved by the city council turbed b Knn .nA ' nal
Four were do-
Newport, Or., . Jan. 19. WerlnearioT
Le Bock and Wong I night the thermometer registered 20 de
ll one. soft drinks. 983 Kverett street:
John LubtH-k. soft drtnks and pool, 230
t North Hlxteenth street: N. Falgha. soft
drtnka Oak street: Nick Voreas,
: soft drlnka 213 Third street : J. W.
-, Wright, soft drinks, 941 Belmont street,
' and La Dot. Blng Goon. Chong Ting,
llanry Tuen and Gin Chew, soft drinks,
iem Morrison street.
Those denied were E. Nllo, Sit Burn-
' side street : Tom Medls. 27 North Fifth
straat ; L J. Herd row. (1 Union avenue,
and A. Beco, 24 North Second street.
grees below zero is the coldest tempera.
ture recorded here by the government
thermometer, according to George Rog
1 could not believe-
"1 have been told of things going on
there that would put these public dance
grees aoove sero, the lowest in five
years in this community. Freexina-
weather la reported from all parts of
the county, and the rardena. which tian.
ally grow the year around, are hard" hit
'JtU'Z L1? halls to shame and subject heir owners
Frank 8. Grant, city attorney, led the
- field of departments of th city govern-
ment m filing the first annual report.
" Oraat filed his report this morning with
,. Mayor, Baker. Fir Marshal Edward
'i Qrenfell was a clo second with his re
port going to Commissioner Bigelow
' shortly before noon.
All annual reports for the fiscal year
; ending November 30, 1921. must be filed
by February L
Sevan applicants reported this mot n-,-
Ing to W R Marlon, secretary ot the
C civil service board, for examination to
qualify as engineer of the harbor pa
,- trot boat , ' Th examination for fore-
man of th city cranhouse will be held
Friday morning.
Hermiston, Jan. 19. The thermometer
reached Its lowest point for the winter
weonesaay morning, when It dropped
to 29 below zero. The temperature has
been sllKbtly below freezlnar fnr
weeKS OWL tne sudden Aran waa nn. 1 Juivei-ny oi uregon, xiiugene, Jan. 13.
expected and as a result a large number Panl Sayre. Island City ; Edward Keeler,
of water pipes are frozen.
Kalama, Wash., Jan. 19. Kalama Is
enjoying another touch of winter, with
more than six Inches ot enow and low
(Coatiaaad Preai Pa One
- grata to a maximum of IS above
afternoon, but by o'clock at night it
. nad oroppea to is anov.
j Water pipes all over th city were
frosow Wednesday and plumbers had
mora work than they could handle. Th
cold was too Intense ror motorists, and
. hardly an aatomobll was on th
etrta Most motorists la The Dalles
have had llttl us tor their cars since
November, although . their difficulties
' brtofor hav been caused by deep
now. . plow iney nav anow and lev
streets and xtrmly cold weather be-
Mra, John R Brown was slightly in
- . Jr4 Wednesday morning and bar home
' was damaged when the kitchen stova
' exploded as a result of intake and out
Vt pipe in th water heating system
. fraealiia. Th front of th stov waa
f baswa ut by steam, and tha Utcbaa
was reported from Wallowa, Wednesday,
to which exception is taken by Rogers.
Pullman, Wash.. Jan. 19.- The ther
mometer registered 26 degrees below
zero here Wednesday morning, the cold
est day in 12 years, according to many
U. of O.Co-Op. Store
Js to Pay Dividends
to arrest."
There are Incidents that are perfectly
shocking. I did not believe they existed
in the United States. Boys say they
won't dance with the Iron clad" girls.
and the girls who wear corsets cannot
fill up their programs. A man said he,
himself, saw corsets checked like hats
and umbrellas in one of our high
"We will exact proof from the church
man of their assertions," said A. C
Newill, chairman of the board.
Portland, and Karl Hughes, Eugene.
were elected Co-Op store directors Mon
day night. Manager Marion McClain of
the store reported cash sales totaling
154,000 for 192L This term's business
showed a 75 per cent increase over the
corresponding period for 1920. The di
rectors set aside a reserve to provide for
TOLEDO FEELS COLD WAVE mviaenoa u memoers ror tne coming
1 vAsr finrl fnr- rHrmant rf nntaa TrV1A
Toledo. Or.. Jan. 19. Tuesday night financial condition of the store is such
that the 800 or 900 members are assured
was the coldest yet experienced here
this winter, the mercury going down to
18 above. No damage occurred except to
a few water pipes.
dividends aa good or better than last
year's, McClain said.
MolallaJ Jan. 19. Tuesday night was
the coldest so far this season, reaching
I degrees above. Snow fell to the depth
of about an inch here Tuesday and re-.
mains on the ground.
White Salmon. Wash.. Jan. 19. Two
degrees below sero Wednesday morning
is the first below sero weather in
White SaJmon this winter. Another fall
of snow occurred Tuesday and Improved
road conditions. Ranchers report good
going In sleighs.
Albany.: Or, Jan. 19. A minimum
temperature of 15 degrees above sero,
recorded her Wednesday night, set the
lowest mark sine th winter ot 1919.
Skating oa all still water in Linn county
to said to b possible, also for the first
Urn sine 1S1J. Today's outlook indi
cated moderation.
Man Gets Keligion,
Would Pay for Ham
Kugene, Jan, 19. W. H. Kir bey, for
mer Lane county farm laborer, now i
religious worker of Blnghampton, N. T..
desires to pay his former employer,
whoso name he has forgotten, for a ham
stolen in 1905. In a letter to County
Judge C P. Barnard he said his em
ployer was "in jail at the time on a
charge of shooting another man in the
knee." The employer is thought to have
been' "Uncle Billy" Walker, who was
acquitted of a charge of shoe ting a man
who bled to death. Walker is dead.
President of Cantori
College Coming Here
Charles K. Edmunds, president ot the
Canton Christian college, has planned
, . . , , I Ul UUU UUTUIK U1Q WOU U&
rJ.rry A "I ZUll I January . according to advice received
by the Chamber of Commerce today
from Mahlon H. Day, representative of
the college in the United States. Ed-
mometer skidded down to 1C degrees
Wednesday morning and Montesano
shivered la the coldest temperature ot
J-J f mun-manTa western Wture tonr
' aaicr pipe aro iroaen I 5n iw
In halt the home ot the town.
goo cities.
ir; : I London's underground railroads are
Oregon I City. Jan. 19. The lowest I experimenting with cars having five
lemperiAur oi ut season, it above aero, doors to permit rapid loading and nn-
iwnnu uero II l inw Wllj. IB (M JoaduaP
Continaed From Pae One)
draft a resolution.
Pioneer Columbia
River Fisherman
Dies in Portland
John Lament, a Columbia river fish
erman for 40 years, died Tuesday in
the home of his daughter, Mra Nellie
Lott, 124 Fourteenth street. Mr. Lamont
would have been 78 years old next'
month. For the last 25 years he was
president of the Miller Sand Fishing
company. He made his home in Ska-
mokawa. Funeral services were held
this afternoon In the Finley mortuary.
tons) : for Italy, 175,000 tons (177,800
metric tons) ; for Japan, 315,000 tons
(320,040 metric tons)."
Article 19, providing for limitation
of Pacific fortifications and naval
bases is omitted temporarily waiting
upon Japan's answer as to its acceptability.
Article 24, the last of the series, makes
positive that the ratification of the
treaty shall follow American constitu
tional methods and calls for deposit of
ratification as soon as possible. It says :
"The present treaty shall be ratified
by the contracting powers in accordance
with their respective constitutional meth
ods and shall take effect on the date of
the deposit of all the ratifications, which
shall take place at Washington as soon
as possible. The government of the
United States will transmit to the other
contracting powers a certified copy of
the proces verbal on the deposit of ratifications.
"The present treaty, in English and
French, shall remain deposited In the
archives of the government of the United
States and duly certified copies thereof
shall be transmitted by that government
to the other contracting powers."
How the great naval powers win
scrap the proudest of their fighting ships
has been charte with, exacting detail in
an annex to the treaty. Definite pro
visions also have been made for replace
ments. The chart obtained today by
the United Press shown America must
scrap 31 vessels when the treaty is ef
fective. Great Britain 22, as well as
abandoning her - building program ;
Japan 18, as well as abandoning her
projected building program, .
After the first big batch of ships is
scrapped this year, America scrap no
more until USA bat Britain most scran
Lfonr more ta 925 abd begin anew on
C M. Thomason, a resident of Port
land for 30 years, died recently while
visiting his old home In Willlamsport.
Ind. Burial was in his native town.
Mrs. Thomason was in Portland at the
time of Mr. Thomason's death. He is
survived besides his widow by two
daughters, Mrs. A. G. Johnson ot Spo
kane, and Mrs. K. J. Buckley, San
(F. O. B. Detroit)
Funeral services were held this after
noon for Miss Jane H. Smith, school
and church worker for the last 30 years.
who died Sunday. Miss Smith waa Sun
day school superintendent and teacher
in the First Presbyterian church for
many years, and for a decade teacher
In the primary grades of the old Port
land academy. Born in Kansas City
in 1852, Miss Smith lived in her home
state until 1890 when, with other mem-
"bers ot the family, she came to Port
land. A sister. Miss Mary E. Smith.
lives in Portland, and one brother, L. E.
Smith, in Tucson, Arlx., and another, C I
J. Smith, in Seattle. -
Oregon City. Jan. 19. Funeral services
for Jack Humphreys of Mount Pleasant,
who died Wednesday- afternoon, will be
held Friday trom the Presbyterian
church. Rev. H. G. Edgar officiating.
Mr. Humphreys, a, native of England,
was 71 years ot age. He came to Amer
ica In 1874, later moving to Clackamas
Oregon City, Jan. 19. Rev. William!
J. Johnson, D. D-, L. L. D.. of the Pres
byterian hoard of temperance and moral
welfare, will lecture at the local church
at 8 o'clock this evening. .
v Oregon City, Jan. 19. H. F. Scheer,
charged with assault aad battery on p.
E. Frank of Twilight, was acquitted by I
a jury ta Justice & J. : Noble's court
waaoEsaay, -
Touring . .
Add $70 to above for Starter $25 for Demoimtable Rims
Truck Chassis
Coupe. ... . .
These are the lowest prices of Fori) cars in the history of the
Ford Motor Company. s -
Orders are corning in fast, so place yours promptly to insure
early delivery.
. . jv.. '""' T,BA-.,f X Zl-L ft Tlf.-.,r , '
, -. isaaei awiia i , i : - - ..... . . - ...aatir i ha.inf" " '- g - - - 7 " "iiS-Vi'.iaiiiun WlfawWflwa.' tttVtJA-jgt