i Jtih. zOxCL,u Oil i; JJ A1L.Y j O U iii JAW XQlULAUU. OiitUUH. THURSDAY, JANUARY 15. KZ2. It HI CM TO BE PURCHASED Women Leaders in! Ghest Campaign BY S M S. ROAD Official ct the & P. A 8. Ca arc ne gotiating for tha purchase of a motor . rmll ptamiir truck which will bo used In on effort to oolro son of too prob lems . of short-haul passenger service, according to announcement mad today by H. 1L Harwood of tb Mack Inter national Motor company and eoaflrmod by official of the North Bank line -Introduction of tbla typo of ears to the B. p. S. ayaum will b tho flrat road in tbo WmL For several months, bow ever. Eastern line, notably tbo New Tork, New Haven Hartford, hav boon using motor rail truck and pas Mnrtr buaaea. CARRIES l "EOPLD Tbo purchase of on of toes car for too on th 8. P. at 8. line was decided . upon following rcommndaUon ' mad "by officials of tho Great Northern and Norther Pacific Railway companion. Officiate of the two line recently conducted experiment with th can at St. Paul The typ t car a decided upon by th Worth Bank oCfldala t a truck chaaata mounted on ateet flanged wheel .and rapabl of carrying IS people. "This car la being purchased for x- partmeatal purposes.' said W. V. Tur ner, president of the 8. P. & Through I la u w Rod to reduce operating ex . pMwea oa abort haul a, and a guarantee more frequent servioe. Wo may ua it oa the Astoria-Seaside run. the Port la nd-Ht. Helen run or on the Oregon Uactrle or Ooldendala branch." W. XX Skinner, rice president and trafflo manager of tha 8. P.- 4 a sys tem line, expreaeed th nop today . that ua- of motor rail car will enable th railroad company to compel) with th motor buaaea which hay been de creasing the revenue of th local eom ' pay. COMFIT! WITH ACTOS "Oa th short run." said BV Inner, "w an give more frequent service with this - ,f mmammmmmm Pi Mil row, from left Mra. J. F. Oupman, rice chairman; Mrs. F. I Benedict, Mrs. Milton E. Kabn, Ttoe chair man; Mr. Dallas Bache, vice chairman; Mrs. I. Broadbent, Mrs. E. A. Blew, Mrs. V. N. Taft, Mrs. John Lee, ucorgw Knomincer, airs. ta. is.. Lanmore, Mr, c. B. Simmons, general chairman. . Second rowMrs. Charles Mathiot, Mrs. Gertrude Robinson, Mrs. XL Yandenburg, Mrs. W. A. Iiunyan, Mrs. T. P. ToQefaon. Mrs. Mabel Ij. CoUett, Mrs. Ernest Crosby, Mrs. William Ricen, Mrs. Homer AngelL Third row Mrs. Frank Xichols, Mrs.- ward Swope, Mrs. Ansa, Pottle, Mrs. J. Green, Mrs. X. Aronson, Mrs. O. W. Mielke, Mrs. C. V. Baker, Mr. George M. Black, Mrs. Jack Howell. Fourth row Miss Aileen Brone. Mrs. W. L. Hotchldss. Mrs. W. M. aUlllngsworOi Jr., Mrs. F. H. Cook, Miss Hazel Carnes, Mrs. J. H. Lowey, Mrs. David Honeyman. Nieces of Kerbs Starved to Death In Soviet Russia! Orron City. Jan. U. -Starved to death typ f car. at a lower operating cot. ..u ....... aad It th motor buaaea are taxed In pro- " , 1 JT portion to th rait companle w wUl at tnMn- tw of Henry Kerbs of Ore- leaat bar aa even break la obtaining goa City are dead la Russia, and a third, business" d to hunger and privations of the Information baa also been received by , . ..Un m , tho local offices that th Northern Pa- Tlt n4Uon U critically in la Sweden, otflo I placing one of the car In aerv- ea rout to thla country, lee tn Montana. Other railroad oon- About two months ago Kerbs received "j,r..r"r,j:(r.- n three gins. Lydi. U: vr WIMI ina,sas4iM vimi mw u MB TELLS OF QUARRELING RE AM Y Destitute Tamilies Of Prisoners Seek Support From City Destitute families of convicted feloaa are presenting- a problem which is caus ing city authorities much worry, since there seems to be no way of giving per manent relief la many cases of actual need. Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin, head of the I women's protective bureau, this morning pointed out half a dozen cases where tha wives and children of prisoners now Mrs. Laura Moore. 'Tiead of the Moore family," when cross examined oa the aland in Circuit Judge Taxwell's court I serving terms in the city and county If tha exDerlmental car Droves success- I fsL th purchase of other cars of this il-Tediced &Tlmd they ahe waa called u type douotle- will b made, according v MFfo ilZ -J!0?. to th weal railway ornciaia. 1 w IPSESHI LO mm Ui TODD LAND BUY Carlo L. Byron, ex-convict aad hew a fugitive from Justice, was representead to be an nkonest timber locator and man -of great wealth." by John W. -Todd. testified P. J. Kunts of Salem, in the federal court witness stand this morn ing. The government charges Todd with using the mails to defraud. Kunts said he lost in Byron s tim ber claim scheme, in-which Todd inter ested him. ; . w Todd was indicted with Byron, but la being tried alone, aa Byron forfeited 5000 bond and a a fugitive. Todd also Tqustd him not to tell others about tha deal for fear tha new would get back to the timber interests, who were watching Byron and who were after the timber land, Hunts said. Miss Esther 'C VTheeler. secretary to Todd while he waa superintendent of public Instruction at Salem, said Todd had assured her time and time again that be would give her her money back In case Byron proved a fraud. Miss Wheeler said she lost UQQ in the deal. William VcGOchrist Jr. of Salem told tha Jury that when be signed up his con tract Byron told him he was receiving 1100 out of each claim. A jury of victims of Todd would not convict him of fraudulent use of the mail to promote the land fraud scheme by which he and Byron are alleged' to- have swindled Salemites out of $50,000. declared Charles W. Bob- ison, one of the defense attorneys, in his opening argument Tuesday afternoon in the federal court. Robinson said he would show before the conclusion of the trial that Todd's victims are his friends today. United States Attorney Lester W. Humphreys charged Todd with promot ing a gigantic confidence game, and said he bad betrayed the confidence ef his best friends and acquaintances when he persuaded them to surrender their money to Byron to return for a slip of paper. Four witnesses were called during the afternoon session, among them being Walter Winslow and Lee Canfield, both of Salem, who aaid they lost f500 each. Both, men said they had received nothing for their money. They were guaranteed a valuable timber claim, they state. Canemah Man Bitu:J By Auto on B asm k Walk; Ankle Broken ; Oregon City. Jan. 19, J. Wymor of Caaemah waa arrareiy injured at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon when he waa struck by a paaslng automobile oa the baaia walk between Oregon City and his noma. Wymor waa knocked down, his bead badly gashed and his ankl broken. He waa nnoonactous for, several hours. HI injuries .will not prove serioua, it la thought. He was throws several feet from (he machine and suffered minor bruises about th body. He is employed at th county rock crushing plant near, this city. He was taken to his bona Th ear. it Is said, waa driven by a man from Silverton, The driver, who stopped after th accident, said that the sun waa shining in his eyes sad that he could not ae Wymore. IIWCOIIOL' FORCES MERGED Itl iZ a!T7hiau C r" and D. daughters of this morning, told of the details of the J" left with no means of sup Paiytvanle and th Canadian Na- Mr. a. Sommers. hi wife's sister, that auarrel at the L. K. Moor home between P- i rauwaym lthlr mother and father had ten mnr. I t , j v T I Smut cutttn? nf tVi rifv Kmtnt to settle. I n""1" i impoBBiDie ior in women s to break the I protective bureau to do more .than give , h mjmm 1 them temporary relief in extreme cases. ere eating rats to keep alive, they lnh-rtud entire estate left to I "We have been trying to find some . i ., . . i ner aienmoLner. unaue lmiuenn bvm t "- - -" r.Y-SPTVlRft MfiTl Are their MrZtI U K. Moor by hi. wife Is charged and id Mra Baldwin. Her husband was UA Uvl V WO lUvli XXX J ineir grandmother. ent the girta $2900 it .liaeeA th.t hi. wlfe. prominent to sentenced to six months cn a charge of rn v n... to come to tois eountey. Word of them pwcUr cuxlesT ws the being a drug addict She ha. absolutely Taken as Citizens; ttSXTSZtSte SSSSS arswrs S S . Ho f 1 0 Aro Hoi Q TTOH w"""uo " 10 w- ering it. ' two children. This is Just one case. VlUa XiXVi WMJVU , 1 FIlfDS GIRL H TKAM Mra Zaura Moore is the widow of Walter Moor. X K. Moore's oldest Mother Saves Two i 111 Tt TV I brother, and upon her shoulders rests 1 1 h 1 1 fi TP.TV r Tnm r l r P. the maaUe In the Moore family. For 25 have been confidants, Jessie taking her la preparation for the special natural isation hearing' to be held In Th Audi torium on Washington's birthday, th ath sf allegiance waa not administered to an th applicants for eittaaashlp who iZT7?7Z,.jZ1 wt.ri, I La Grande. Jan. 1 Mrs. L. C. Hen-1 troubles to the older woman. At thV openuTg of court today th lr0 this morning rescued her two chil- Mrs. Laura Moore teetiCed that jshe ludea announoad thai all thoaa alla-lbla I " "l " sin ot ii, irom was caiieu 10 we Lm. n- juoore remaence .Kra.. i ! k- .itlout ot bedroom window when the (she found Jessie in tears. Jeaai said w". . w ' ,k -,,TiT JLZIZa I "enaereon nouse burned. An overheated I QreU had another of her '-stubborn WILL HAYS SIGNS MOVIE CONTRACT (By United Nowi) New Tork, Jan. . Will Hays has ZZ:r.Z?: :Z- -il ZZiZ WT. u" room caused the nrei streaks." Laura then went upstairs, I rr,tiw --w 0,0,1 the came spread so rapidly that all (where ah found Greta in her bedroom, Z TITZ 1 " " BthAr mniM Af Uaiw tK. l i . I President Hardln(ra rah In At and th jvhtooti m n AWMwriwn. mmmm. crf. Owlnff to OB Of th fir hv.l A.,nl. T lit . .1.1 .1 I drain At . MntuuO kt. .hlh . M a Ua. kajl flMa Inn 1 ... - I m. ww aa bmhiv aasj .M siaan ?ax - - wmww " "- r:rrLMmTZ. V7 areata being rroaen, dimculty was en- but she cannot talk about my deadlwmhead a n nation ao.Jaon of by the fire department to I mother." I , , . . ...... uuw jjiuiiue vruuucers ana uisiriDuiors men were admitted thla morning. DoaBtArea MeodelU. aa Italia), waa sent bom to righting the blase and the house and ito -you' knew her for years." Greta is atudv for six months after be told the I K,t v. ...- v. I .. iou w nw ?r Tears, ureta is stuay. ior six montns niter n ' to i oontenU burned to the ground. The then nuotd as ,vW --nvn m w I which is to be formed. judge mat ueorg waaiyugwn wrots i u esetimated at 15000. with $J00 8he a eood woman ? Officially, the poatmarter was the first president of tn unites SUtee and th unci of Oeorg Wash' Ington. ' , Kx-eervlce men admitted are: John C. WUklnaon, England Atllllo Con sen -tlnl, Italy; Aquiline Maffa, Italy: Giov U Dare, Italy, aad Herman Nelson, Sweden. Civilian admitted are Two Bob Talkative Man of $600 Boll I resignation U now in effect, but he will to her testimony. "I never heard a "?l leV8 olrlc "ui aaarcn , taking up breath of scandal about her in my life." hu new fuUes on March . BTnal ar- twHWHWIII, W4UB UIO wmilllUHJHWH JEALOTJST KEPOBTEB were completed CHARTER REVISION TO BE C0NS10EREP Amalgamation sf tha Narcotic Can. trot association of Portland with th Oregon Narcotic Central aasodaUoa waa aceompUsbad at n meeting held by the latter organisation this afternoon at the namber of Commerce. The two oraanlxaUona war beaded by Mayor George I Baker aad to fa cilitate work of checking the narcotic traffic it waa decided that the two should be combined. Th Portland as sociation was organised several weeks aro and throueh its efforts tha atata body waa formed. Detailed report waa made bv Dr. Oeorg Parrtah, city health ofnoer. oa u treatment proposed for addicts. Sev eral specialists were la attendance and concurred in the opinion that the ma jority of th addicts are cwrabbk Aa outlined by Dr. Parriah tt is pro posed that a state institution b created for giving the treatment. The logical Place, a aaid, la en a farm where th ' vtctlana e the -drag oaa have health ful work-that will pot otrty help them regaia their manhood and womanhood but earn a little.- - Addicts should be taken at the insti tution ior a tom ef at Wast II toon tha." th doctor said. This Urn wOl en able 1bm to get atf the habit aad al-' low thatr una tana to ussim normal functioning." . Mayer Baker emphasised that while ta-4ik la Wiag givea treatmeata, ewery effort must b mao by all law enforcing officials to stamp oat th traf fic, that the cared addict can rvtara without having o fae ta temptation of tb old haunts. Cooperatian between federal, atata. county and city atrtborl Ues in th appreheealoa of peddlers and dealers la narcotics would, be eald, be th only way to stop th trafra Prank S. Oranu city attorney, pro-" poeed that suiubte kerUiation be effect ed whereby peddling narcotics could be mad a felony for the first effens. Tb tat law, be pointed out. classes th crime ss s misdemeanor for the first tw offense. "t aosxrH COTA - Tsncowver. Wasli, Jan. lt.- Joeeyh Goto, ag4 U. SO00 Railroad avenue, died at St. Joeeph hospital Wednesday. U 1 survived by six sons aad six daughters. Th body la at th V. H. Umber parlors. JOHIT GREATHOUSE 6ntTT OF ASSAULT, IXTE5T TO BOB John Greathouse waa convicted in Circuit Judge Kavanaugh' department Wednesday afternoon -of assault with intent to rob, and th Judge set Mon day afternoon at 2 o'clock as the time for passing sentence. Greathouse and a man known as "Shorty," who made his escape, held up a man at Fourteenth and Northrop streets, the night of September 22. Their victim happened to be Patrolman W. A. Florence, dressed in civilian clothes. A quick turn of his hand and he had his gun out and was shooting. Oregon City, Jan. 1 A meeting of the city council and the charter re vision committee recently appointed by the mayor ha been scheduled lor ra dar nixht. at which the first definite steps toward the rebuilding of th operating- system of the local administra tion will be taken. . It is expected here that the committee will work out some application of the commission form of . government in ai4, tn awav tr htn a number of definite flaws in the present system. I Police regulation, licensing of business I . - . . I V kMk. ! nouses auu iraasporutuuu. ww keeping system and other departments ar held to be in need of Improvement. for which the centralised control of a commission form of government is ad vocated as a remedy. It is understood that th commission plan is a compromise between th ad vocation of a business manager torm and the revision of a counsilmanie sys tem. On the one hand it Is claimed that the change would be too radical. Those favoring a wider !rergence say that the present methods, aa well as being obsolete, are not susceptible to many changes. No definite action is to be taken at the meeting other than the preparation of the work and tha definite outlining of what general lines it is to follow. Although the committee of 10 contains three representatives from th council, not including the city attorney, it la expected that no action will be taken without calling on the entire council. The session Friday is executive. Foreign Shipments Of Food During 1921 Shown on Increase Washinxtoh. Jan, IS. (U. P.) Al- Greathouse fell with a bullet through I though America's foreign trade slumped in dollars, due to price aecunea. ana ex- Graham I porta of many articles have shown large decrease, the foreign shipments of foods show a large Increase in tonnage during the year 1121. aa compared with 1120, according to government reports today Increase of 1821 corn exports was one leg. Deputy District Attorney prosecuted the case. SATS ONE ARM TOO SHORT J SUES BOCTOB FOB tll.MO uiin n. jLirrc&aoii receouy luursa ai . . ,aA - - $10,000 damage suit against Dr. Curtis I ' II V,V XI .V .7. I 17.000.000 bushels to 112.000.000 bushels. and exports of 11 other major crop and Holcomb, chsj-ging malpractice, but the sftsxa wm i w-nsnrsk ? tae wawe mm est motion lor a non-suit - Another $10,000 lod Products Increased. suit, based on the same facts but charx lng "breach of contract," was filed on Wednesday afternoon. Th "breach1 came in the physician' Inferred promise to set his patient's arm properly and the alleged fact that, the arm that was set is shorter than the other one Parents Organize to Fight Student Evils Roseburg. Jan. 18. An 'Indignation" meeting of parents of high -school stu- There was more weening, and Laura I New Tork to the finally asked Greta why she did not go I day. COTJXTY BOABB OPENS BIBS FOB CLEARING OF HIGHWAY dents was held st Sutherlin, Saturday. The county commissioners today Cigarette smoUn hardj over the telephone from f opened bids on the clearing of the Co- virorourdm and pir,u were e White House Wednes- lumbla river highway between Mist falls wltfa teachera to to her father with the story. I "I have signed' a conwwet," Bays said. W,ntkM Wash Ti 1 a i I " wvuiu uui ucueva mo, vos gori I ui aia aunemeni, 10 serve as me execu nnM not i h n iM ? tive head of a national association of JU K. Moore, during the 23 years he I motion picture producers and distributors rAiuu: . "T,- J. -. - tongue cost 3. H. Groh $800 in currency, penan. Finland ; Conrad Hessler. Ru ?JdUZ "Inof .ZiAv to Je8sle' could hhJlh sia: uorg A. rartis. anguuiu; euno . robberv Oroh was aj,ked Picture of his first wire, Greta's mother. "M'kai i Hv tL a - . t ttt in; jmof9 j. t rvis, ciwuwii BUUW rhtfhfw trt pAhhrv or, waa m airawi I piciure qi iuw Alton wue, uitub mouier, I jvw3 ua una aauvt'ia.uua wut Mlhkoaen. Finland ; Nels H.llem. Nor- inTJS- m noolroom 1 f ,n house, according to Laura. Laura Me to atUln and to maintain the highest wav z David P. llarvey. England : Frank I w. e. P -Ti . .rrr m J . I hiuMi -T. .ihi. f r I possible standard of motion picture Dro- Jadmy, Germany; Edward 8KUr. Ru-1 ln l"" TrTt iinJZ I the second wife's refusal to let herlon andto develop to the highest la vkl.la Pansann BlSWawyiSta la BM lMflSiriCte I r ' I . - . . a ZZ nTilT VLZi Mr British -t OJnr P holdto the bills. Tlc. ' JTX TV. r One of the highwaymen took the money inir - -i , , I from this pocket without aearchinx Groh. Hlaohey. Canada ; Spiroa Klia Kavoure. I irB "TOwwsnuiii .wn. urce. . BBOrt BXAB AT W0BX Chahalis. Weak. fan. If. Bobert I Lngan, employed at the Arkley Broth er Lnmber company yards, dropped dead while at work Tuesday. Ill wife and three sons survive. COMING! SATURDAY fi husband hang up a picture of the first I E! f ,8..rfL and eauca- wif. that he Had had enlarged. . TwV- o." -He brought it to my home, sayizur i ovoa there waa no nlace in his home for it." I "I believe in the earnestness and in- said the witness. "Knowing how Jeal-1 tegrlty of the determination to carry ana feta wrtfa u ttt Inra Monro tna I ues purposes ana am COnvmcea first wife. X believed I understood th the posslbUities of very large plans . t. i- V i i. v.n land snecessful cnasummation." Greta had a small room, furnished ' v . .r -w. -ZLiVL. BerUn, Jan. 1. CU. P.) The German I with a cot. dresser, and one chair, in I TtZ IC.I TtZ TT- government today accepted the in vita-1 the Moore home at Fourteenth and Was- J association made public the foilowtog v mouu Mm uw. vvtuavuu; vitov nrow, un wiuwH awu. wx. uu statement biuvvnu nauvna. i Mrs. xhoot naa a luxuTsou room, sne added, while a very fine room was given to D. Elrod, brother ef the wife. Berlin Government Accepts Invitation 1 Multno,na f"8- wm keeping these out of the high school. James F. Clarkson made a bid of cost plus 10 per cent The Manning Gaa Maker company bid $4250 for clearing a 10-foot strip or $6000 for clearing the entire highway. The Johnson Con struction company bid $11,000. A representative of the M Inning Gss I Marshfleld, Jan. 19. An tone Sacchi, Maker said that an experiment had owner of a large ranch between Coos been made with a flame-thrower and I Bay and Bandon, while sawing wood. that his comnanv was confident that I was caught under a rolling log and his with 12 Carnes, SO feet long and four or I back broken. Physicians believe bis life Ave feet in diameter, they-could clear I niay o ssvso uy m tha hlx-hwa In fivw dava. I care. Back Broken, Hope Of Saving Life Held FETID FOB KILLING BEEB "1 ( Hardine to Grant Aged Woman's Plea Uoal Strike Will J5e W I . M Uailed, Hoover SSaysi Washington, Jan. 11. (V. P. Presi dent . Harding indicated late today he would grant the plea of Mra. Margaret It Is with the greatest satisfaction and pride that we, who have represented the motion picture Industry . in the ne gotiations with Mr. Bays, announce that, immediately after March 4 he will be the active aad directing head of a na tional association of motion picture pro- aucers ana distributors. SATISFIED WITH HATS "We have secured the man we know XIQTOR ABXX8TS STrXESOTJS n.., V4t..ui r Rnri. wtMi. Keiso, wisn., Jan. iv ooerui 4. w. ed early this week for killing deer out of Hoggstt and deputiee arrested 1 par season and following a trial at Medford I iwr t9r possession of was f!nl ISO arrardinr to a rnort fllad I "1uur- "w MuiB nawny l,vw at the headquarters of the state game www , """ commission today. And.rwn. th- inrf motw , '1 the one best fitted to direct the . 7- . -- 1 urwicnn iuub 01 Diuinunoiu com mor i1"- half the way f rom Sioux I WOrkers will be carried out. according to aaia. o. u. m us s iwwn w ner son, I .11 ndlca.tiona at the nresent time. Sec- Jo DOW.,Trlnc two rw sentence 1 reUry of Commerce Hoover. saU today. iur aiiecw gnwuw xroni am army. City Ball Proceeds MayHGxceed S4000 German Kepublic's Home Is Kestored FOR ONE WEEKV ONLY Kstiraate lata today war that the re ceipts from "Our City Ball" held at The Aodltorlam Wednesday night to provide : fund to finance the work of th mayor I the German embassy to Karl Lang. Ger Washington. Jan. 1. (TJ. P.) Th German government waa restored to its old home here today. Thomas w. Miller, alien 1 property custodian, turned over NO V0MAN KNOWS" - AoArTyn ynnsr Twit AMAKI59 STORT Or "FANNY HERSELF. EDNA VeJIBER unemployment committee, would be ap-'man charge d'affaires, restoring to the proxunaieiy ivuu.. many ouwanoang 1 German republic the deed to the prop- ucaeia om oaea cnecswq up, now- I artv. ever, so uu eaiimmi waa oarury more than conjecture. girl ciTKir $:m baxagxs Hermiston, Jan. 19. A circuit court Jury awarded Gladys Miller, lf-year- old Hermiston gin. damages of $7S00 In a suit filed by her father against C S. Nichols.' a rancher llvtnr north, of Says U. S. Will Not Attend Genoa Meet industry to lu predistined place of im portance in the civilization of today and tomorrow. "The public -n find we will follow the leadership of Mr. Hays with' that faithfulness and enthusiasm which he has never failed to inspire. We are proud and happy in our association with Mr. Hays and we look forward to the future with perfect confidence." The statement is signed by Adolnh raxer, wuuam Fox. Marcus. Leew. Louis J. Selxnick, R. C Cole, Samuel uotawyn and Carl Laemmle. Hays is returnlmr ax once to Wash ington to prepare- for turning his de partment over to his successor. It was indicated by persons close to th post master general that the name of Charles G. Dawes is receiving great consideration for, the vacancy. 1 ' Washington. Jan. 1. TO. P-V There seems little possibility that the United tows. In which aft attack: was alleged. I State win participate tn the Genoa, eco- n Nichols l serving a 10 year term In the state prison for the crime. semis conference, a high administration official, declared today. JiiiuivMirejj C05TZSTS ARB FLAX VEB Central la. WsslL. Jan. tl Meeting at I sDaber, the Lewis County Superintend-1 enta and Principal association decided to bold county declamatory con testa. G. I a, u 1 vins ot re Ell heads a committee to arrange a schedule opening in Napa-1 vine. Citizens' Vigilance Comoiittee to Meet ULjULiLlL 1 ' r 1 Mayor Baker has called a meeting of the recently organised vigilance commit tea. MMnnoseil of 100 dtixena voinnteer- KATT BARREL CTJCRES MAS 1 tnx their services for emergency police Ceotralla, Waah. ' Jan. ' IS. Joseph I work, for Monday night.' The meeting Henderson, employ of the Standard Otl I will be held in the municipal court room eempaay. waa injured Tuesday when a I ot the police station. ; Th duties ot the IMLnnnn Kami . - & II .u.w W 1 . I . IH .Ut lia a rO I tuul thW li. . i - - 1 m . -. v. in W HUM, VUl I wuiuilfciw w ... wrj . I v ruth ihm lDchg kmc across tvls nirorj a-vd' Chx tf PoUce U V. farhseart - r i a..' r- ne.-."- .- . Concerted Drive on Prohibition Launched Washington, Jan. M-(TJ. P.)- Con certed drives to obtain repeal ot the eighteenth . amendment have . been started throughout the country, G. O. Hinckley, secretary of the Association Opposed to National Prohibition, de clared today. HARDWARE XES ELECT Spokane. Wash.. Jan. IS. By unani mous vote,' delegates to the annual con vention of the Pacific Northwest Hard ware and Implement association elected seven trustees as follows s John Camp bell. Seattle 1 D. P. Hayes, Waitsburg P, J. Pohhnaa, Spirit Lake. Idaho ; Fred W. Thedigana. Monroe. Wash.; H. G. Jaeger. Plummer, Idaho; K. L Da vies. Prosser, wash-, aad IX O. welch-. Coulee $$ BALL FORFEITED Municipal Judge Bossman this morn ing ordered $25 bail posted by Frank Cody forfeited when tha defendant failed to appear in court to answer to a charge ef assault and- battery tiled by Lai Hong, a Chinese vegetable merchant Lai JSong charged Cody with striking him in the eye after a collision between the vegetable wagon and the latter au tomobile January Is. chtjta unr boss fixed Use of adulterated milk by M. D. Goon, owner of the China inn at Broad way and Morrison streets, resulted in Goon's being fined $20 by. District Judge Hawkins Wednesday. Men rrom the state food and dairy commissioner's of fice made the arrest after numerous warnings. Senators Unable to Eeach an Agreement Washington, Jan, 19. Republican sen ators were unable to agree today on a party policy with respect to 'payment of I interest on th $11,000,000,000 debt owed by foreign governments and other tea tare ef the debt refunding bin. After aa hour and a half of debate a secret caucus, continued from yesterday, was adjourned until 4 p. in. today, when ef forts to obtain harmony will be cewed. this Week J Twe-Part 1 Csmeay I f l'"- Keatet at th I f ""yswTvYeetry I I vr - vr l II HOME PAPERS OX FILE University of Oregon. Eugene, Jan. 19. Eighty-two newspapers printed tar the Northwest are available to students of . the university seeking news of the "old home town." according to library offi cials. Scores of students make Us of them 'each day. s - CAMPra E3ROLLXX9T IMS "' trnlversity ot Oregon, Fmgene' Jan. 19. With 1S9 new students, the total campus enrollment or the university is It 82, ac cording to the registrar's office. The enrollment of the medical school . tn rv--t!ani brtnirA th total university en- CfosepnM SchemcK. IMMADGE . 11 r sr k-' - ETVnFnCKN Coinino; Saturday JACKIE COOGAN Beginnirig Saturday D'Annunzio's historic masterpiece is coming as the most gigantic spec tacle ever screened. ' Gigantic in Conception ux3 in Achievement. Romance irresistible threaded through a maelstrom of hate and war and conflagration. Remarkable feats of Maciste the Mighty. Yea "Cabiria" is Wonderful! s oe a Prices: TJHTLL t P. JU AdslssWa Logos AFTER T. JU A1U $a Lee fi ant $1 "Canarea always tie An Fries An Xadsjlve ef War Tax Shows Commence at 11 A. KL, 1, 3p 5, 7, 9 P. M. . Beginning Saturday City, Wash i. dU.-". J JilW '