The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 19, 1922, Page 15, Image 15

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" i l in i 'l II inn mi im i I,, . .. " '" """'I' "" " -" ill i r " r . .
OREGON. . S -J. , ' 15
27 Per Cent Earning :7
Own Way- Through
-College at; Albany
Albany Collet. Albany, Or., Jan. 19.
recant survey of tha Albany college
student body . showsd thst 27 per cent
of the antire student body, both boys
Rnsebnrf. Jan. Sheriff gunner
end Otmwf lUtter returned Wednesday
frem.the ramote cabin where Doogl
Tfp, futitive from Justice, was shot te
data VrCK. Teuag. a neighbor. San
day night. An lnvt!gUn wm made
tote the hooting. Tbe Im-ueat la to be
MM rotay.
At IK eMn they foend aa excited
craw 4 of farmers. The body bad not
bee touched, Facta foand by the of
rtrere nr eat Yowng In hta statement
te tna enerirr in Roaebari the day rol
'firt the killing, although further In
vaedgaUod IU he made before hia atate
mtnt te aeap4e4 officially.
Wallace rrvyer, uncle of tbe dead nuui
and eener af tbe cabin In which the
ahaetlnc oocarrM. and Roy llughee,
eetherln-lew of C M. Tounc. who
fired the fatal shot, related virtually
tna aaroe ttory ta the sheriff as told by
rue teauaa drunk ead anarrelaome
Uu Ike evening of the ahootlng. and waa
told to lea re the boua. Ha a arched for
hie hat for aome time, and when he
reuld not find It. Toung gave htm hla
bat nsNl tola bin to go. Taap took bla
rifle and left, going about e feet from
tbe bonne. It then tamed and want
back, eewnlng the kitchen door and
throwing TeuagTa hat tnaide.
Toung. It la red ted, etarted to argue
with kins and Tape cried. I'm A fugitive
rrera justice, and I don't give a d
who I kill."
Teang seised the barrel of Tapp'i gun.
ai be started to shoot, the ballet ranging
pward. going through the celling and
Into an upper room, where It waa found
weanaeday by Sheriff Sterner.
During that part of the quarrel, Freyer
bad been lying on the bed In the next
room. He roused at the sound of the
hot and earns out Into the main room
Youag and Hughea straggled with Tapp,
who waa larger and atronaer than they,
aatil finally Toung was aboved clear.
lie eel sad his own rifle and fired. The
ballet struck Tapp a bo-re the left eye
row, causing instant death.
The steel Jacket.ot the bullet tore loose
aad atruck Kreyer In the leg. Freyer
admitted that he was so drunk lie knew
nothing or hie Injury until the next day,
A Jury, composed of W. E. Catea. J. E.
Haines, Joseph Hudson, William Cheerer.
A. B. Hslnee aad J. R. Hutchinson; has
seen cnosen lor ths Inquest.
' Legion at Albany
Gets New Members
Albany. Jan. It. Mora than 60 ne
aneanbere were acquired by the Amm-l
can Legion during a mnokr held at the
Armory; Monday night The attendance
waa estimated at more than 100. The
former serrWw men a ere entertained br
boxing metrites, musical eelectlona by the
Legion quartet and by talks by Walter
, L Tooae of VMcMlnnvllle and Frank
KUUmacher, a v-teran of the 8panl-h-Amerlcan
and World wars.
. '
Lone Pine District
Bonds 0. K, Is Asked
; r ' 1
. fm.'iiC 1.-The'uri fm'e IrrlgfV
Uet dletrk-t has made application to the
etats Irrigation and drainage eccurlUea
.', eoarunlSBlDn for the ertlflaation of I1S0,-
la bend a The flint riot, which corrv
PfWe some J 000 acres near rrlnevtlh.
Crook county, la preparing for the con-
. atruetlna of an Irrigation ayetem.
Construction of S3 00 new refrigerator
ears for the Pacific Fruit Express com
pany at a total cost of SlLOOO-Ma has
and girts, are earning all their expenses I been authorised and calls bare been
without aid from others; : (5 per cent Imade for bids, according to Information
, " the Southern Pacific company, which la
their expenses, from one fourth to three I joint owner wtih the Union Pacific of
isuruis. ami ine remaining is. per cent itne refrigerator express company,
receive row ox meir expenses mn ti. .v. tkii i , .
1 am m.w mil VI WJI uir caB
The same surrey showed that allghUy hI"- 2 wu'"f
more than me-thJrd of the students ar. PiM tolntenuV to
fffJ.0?. 0fLZft0 I "-Proximately .00l.000 worth of
aaasw v aaaaar uuiiiwi evs iVitaiVHSi nvia
another one third are planning for post
graduate work, but without any profes
sion definitely In Ttew. while the other
new cars this year and the Union Pacific
approximately 110.000,000 worth of cars.
Northwestern lumber win be used. In
COTStructlon of an the cars.
Tne ear order calls for pom nipt inn nf
Ike new refrigerators in time for the
summer perishable business. The com
pany at present haa 19,500 cars and. with
the sew equipment, this number will be
Kcreaaea to 22,809. Since VSZ9, a total of
$33,000,000 haa been wrested in new
faciUUea, including this new car order.
Last year the Pacific Fruit Express
company received 4000 new cars and
these aided immensely In relieving the
congestion faring the trait shipping sea
eon in the Northwest With 3300 more
cars in service next fall, it is believed
the apple shipping problem will be over
come to a large extent. '
xks. jr. w. ramus nixs
Ashland. Jan. 19. Funeral services
will be held this afternoon for Mrs.
Nettie W. Leeds, who died la Log Ange
les Monday. Mrs. Leeds waa the daugh
ter of the late Jacob Wagner, a pioneer
resident of . Southern Oregon, and the
widow of the late W. B. Leeds, who was
the editor of the Ashland Tidings for a
number of years In tbe early days and
at one time state printer: Mrs. Leeds, a
native of Oregon, was $0 years of ago.
Steiimacber, a veteran -of the Spaniah-
Sub's Bluejackets
Save 6 Shipmates
San Pedro, CaL, Jan. It.- (L N. &)
swept overboard when a lifeline to
which they were holding Was carried
away in heavy seas, six members of the
crew of the submarine H-2 were rescued
from death today by their mates, who
leaped into the surging waters after
them. - (
Lakeriew. : Jan. 1. "TThe County That
Oregon Forgot" Is the slogan adopted by
the Lake view (Chamber of Commerce,
which decided to reorganise the chamber
and adopt a aew name, changing It to
the Lake County Chamber of Commerce.
membership campaign wm be begun
at once, with a goal of ISO active mem
bers. The plan also contemplates em
ployment of a paid secretary ani pub
lieaUoa of aa Illustrated booklet amttfeg
forth the leouamee aad advantages of
The alogaa waa prompted by .lack ef
Interest which Oregon officials are al
leged to have ahowa n Lake county.
Only recently, la the fight which the
local Chamber ef Commerce hi con
ducting for continuance of service by the
Nevada.- Caltfoaila Oregon narrow
gauge railroad late Lakeriew, the Ore
gon public sei Ue commi toa wtahed e
be relieved of holding a hearing, accord
ing to reports. The owners ef tbe read
have petitioned the interstate eommeroa
commission to discontinue eperaue.
More than OO.oM lambs. 10.OM cattle,
1.SO0.000 pounds of wool aad 40e,eea bush
els of wheat were shipped from Lake
view last year ever this Barrow gauge
road. In addition to this a section ef
country as large as the state of New
Jersey waa supplied with dry goods.
hardware, groceries and oCaer masufae 1
tared artclea. " !
CL XX CronecaClsr waa ebaana ear n '
tar f the reorganised chamber
House Gives $500 1
To Wilson's Fun$
Aaatlal Texas. Jam, JJ O. 2C RV
Colooal K. M. House, the eeca dona
friend of Woodrow WDaoa. baa wtred1
the Woedrow WCaoa Trsvta county '
rMmdaUoa eammttte thai be wta give
ISM for the fund and wants It credited!
from his old beene. Austin.
Wash, Jan. 11. A marrtara
Ucense was Issued Wedneeday t rrad-l "
ertck J. Oodfrey. Portland, aad Hea-1
rVrtU Kapp. Underwood. Wash,
one third do not Include In their plans
either a professional or other graduate
Gorvallis Postal
Receipts Increase
Corvallls. Jan. 10. Receipts at the I
Corvallia postofflce. according to Victor
P. Moses, postmaster, were I4S.S73.33 for
II2L This exceeds the total for the pre
vious year by more than SCO00. Receipts
for 120 were $42,271$. For the last
quarter of 121 receipts were $14,393.41,
againet $12,270.4 for 1920. Tbe office
has been rated first class since July 1 1
of last year.
flliterary Meeting
Delegates Alloted
Olympia, Wash.. Jan. 19. Request for
the appointment of 20 delegates lrom
Washington to a conference on illiter
acy of the National Education associa
tion has been received by Governor Hart
from Mrs. Cora Wilaon Stewart, chair
man of the commission. The confer
ence will be held at San Francisco Feb
ruary $ and 4.
Graham Named on
Land Commission
Salem, Jan. 19. Oovernor Olcott Wed
nesday announced the appointment of
Loyal M.' Graham of Foreat Grove as a
member of the Oregon land settlement
commission, - to succeed Robert N. Stan-1
field, who haa resigned because of the
demands on his time by hla duties
united States senator.
r i 1 i -
The Personal
Writing H
Complete "Wtth rarryuig Case
Guaranteed rebuilt machines of
all other makes from $10 up.
Oregon Tjrpewriter Co.
I Fifth 8t Beu Rtsrk aad Oak
Bdwy. T1U
f! 3brmertPrices V5? to)50
Every Psdr Reduced
. 47 Washington Screat
7? Market
- UlllmilAfi
' 37Kav Swea
spreading like wild-fire!
that delicious new sensation!
a-mx 4M fa SI l mm - - ema BBaB
fta.1 ft . -A ff V I fl W I H W B M aW . '
1 : IV- W -!WOT5u'
mm wt- .
1 1
the new Heathized food 100 pure
Everywhere you go folks are eating them big folks
little folks everybody likes 'em ! Where's the per
son who doesn't like rich, pure, delicious ice cream
especially when it's combined with chocolate ? Port
land's finest ice cream in such shape that you can
eat it with your fingers. The waxed paper wrapper
protects your fingers while you're eating it.
Pure, rich ice cream frozen hard covered with de
licious chocolate just sweet enough! Doesn't it
sound tempting ? By our new process, POLAR CAKE
is frozen dipped into hot chocolate returned to the
freezing room and served to you with its smooth,'
shiny, hard surface of chocolate. It's delicious!
Each mother finds the double assurance of perfect
sanitation in the individual carton and the insurance
given by the HEATHIZING of our ice cream. We'll
explain Heathizing in detail in future advertisements.
But we',11 say right now that it's the greatest single'
advancement in ice cream purity since ice cream was
first made. Try one see for yourself!
Of course you'll want more! The nice thing about POLAR CAKES is that you can't eat
too many. They're absolutely pure not over-sweet and all ingredients are super-healthful.
Serve them for dinner tonight. Eat them "between times." You'll want to make Polar
Cakes part of your daily diet. THE ONE FOOD THAT KIDDIES ADORE AND
HEATHIZED Frozen in the pure atmospiere of ctrbon
dioxide. Air destroys the most priceless element in ice
cream. POLAR CAKE ICE CREAM IS Heathized.
The plant that houses POLAR CAKE is recognized by the most exact
in i sanitary experts as the peer of all plants In Western America.
Mother's neat kitchen has a s trout riraL Come aad gee It made.
Order by name Be sure to ask for POLAR CAKE!
Ice Cream
Crystal, Ice. and Storage Co.
Ice Cream
Mt Hood
Ice Cream
At all leading ice cream dealers ... 10c
7 .