The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 19, 1922, Page 13, Image 13

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Oregon Arrtcultaral Collre, Corral
He. Jan. IS Tbe board or recenta
Wedneeday night named Profeaaor'E. B.
LAtaem or the echool of commerce aa
regtatrar of tho oollege. etTecQve - In
,Jwne to iuom4 IL M. Tonnant. re
atf&. Th new dormitory for woman
waa named BaaU ball for Him Mar
garet Saall, who organised tba home
eeonoailoa department aero.
Dr. Snail cum to the college from
Oakland. Cat, m 1U9. and atnea then
baa growa Into tha baarU of all with
whom tha baa coma -into contact until
now aba , la probably tha moat beloved
'citlsen-ot Corvallla Kr Influence baa
been felt by every O. A. C atudant and
It la belleveo tba action of tha board
m aamlna- tba dormitory for her will
meet with unlTersal approral of atudant
body, alumni and townspeople.
Changing at tha Barometer, collet
periodical, rata a dally paper, beginning
nt fail, waa authorised. Dr. A. C
Srhmltt of Albany waa elected aaelet
. ant prefaeeor of baelneea admlnla ra
tion, effective In September. Dr.
Srhmltt paa formerly prealdent of tha
rim National ban i Aioany.
Oo Tarn or Ok-ott. B. T. Irvine of Port
land, editor of The Journal; Jeffemon
- . - . i .... .4 r . T 1 r
atate dairy and food commlaaloner. and
J. K. Weatherford of Albany, prealdent
ef-ehe board, epoke at convocation ear
lier in tha day and attended tha board
meeting". ,
Veteran Societies
Haie Joined Hands
; Fbr Dance Tonight
' Allied war arcanisatlona of the city,
including; the Valerate of Porelrn Ware,
tba American Igtoii. tha Dlaabled Vet
rana of tha World War and tha 8pan
teh-AraerV-an War veterana. hare united
for the ft ret time aim-a their respective
organlaaOooe have been formed, to give
an Informal benefit dance thla evening"
at The Auditorium. Because proceeds
from tha dance are to be used to ears
for tha sick and unemployed of tha vet
arana In tha city, the war lax haa been
removed from the price of ticket. A
SO-Dlece orchestra will f urn lab. mualo
for tha dancers.
. , - t'
I - 1-"
Dr. Margaret Snell
Y.M.O. A. Committee
To Meet in Boise
Tha annual meeting of tha interstate
executive committee of the T. M. C A.
for Oregon and Idaho which was to
have been held In Portland January 20,
a 111 be held Instead in Boise February
4, lh connection with the interstate
convention, according ot an announce
ment today by W. W. Dillon, executive
Assailant Gets Four
Years in' Prison
Issue $24,000,000
Insurance in 1921
Ontario, Jan. 19. Robert H. Leroy, at
the regular session of court In Vule last
week, waa sentenced to four years in
prison for assault with a deadly weapon.
Manuel Montaya waa sentenced to four
yeara for petty larceny. . McAvoy was
sentenced to five yeara In prison lor
stealing Frank Beaver's automobile.
For transporting milk at low tempera-
turea a Pittsburg dairy la uaing railroad
cars each fftted with two 2600 glass
lined steel tanks, the lining being In
sulated with cork.
McMlunvlllo. Jan. !. At the annual
meeting of the Oregon Jlre Relief as-1
enciatkorf Wlllam Merchant and Charlea
Cleveland were reelected trustees for
five- and four-year terms respectively.
Insurance waa written to amount of I
mora than f34.eoo.oM In Wtl, and the
total amount of Insurance in force Is I
almost altty-two millions. The associa
tion haa asseta of more than a half
million. It recently sold Its office prop
erty here and has arranged to buy the
R. I Bewtey corner, one block north
af the afoMlnnvllIe National bank, on
which It will build a new and handsome
home thla. year.
.Junior NpmalfClass J
Of pedrs Are Ticked
Oregon Normal School. Monmouth.
Jaa. It. Tha Junior class baa elected
II lea Ddrathy Taylor of Salem, prealdent.
ana suss stunaj la Bpronce or Port
land, secretary. The other officers are
tha aama as last term and will bold of
Cce for. tha remainder of tha term.
Cove, Jan. 11 According to the resort
af Mayor Trippur, work promised on the
Cove-Union road will be completed thla
week. This finishes the eight miles of
graveled road between Cove and Union.
rey."-sia ,.n... a.
A Sentinel Burglar Alarm
Will Do It
Write or Telephone for Deraosstratlon
Broadway in
Northwest Distributing
Our 1922 Prices
less war (ax less freight on
Player Pianos
enable you to buy now.
No need ot waiting any longer, as we guar
antee our present prices to remain as they
are during 1922. Buy now on terms you
can afford.
Reed-French Piano Co.
Washington at l2tb St
rthis Winter
where the sun is "on the job"
Four Trains a Day
Provide a service that contributes to
the traveler's comfort and convenience
Reduced Fares
' to
Santa Barbara Los AngelesSan Diego
Tickets good until April 30- Stopovers allowed i -
o War Tax oa RaQroad Tickets
Siace tSTO tka Sawtlasrw PwcffW kaa beta doaely
UemtiAaw witk tU sWrwUpcawai of Wee term Orwfoa.
Southern Pacif icLines
lohg M. Scott, . . -
- r ' Ueneral aasenger Agent
Except Groraraaa and a Very' ;
: Few Restrictad Liaca ,
And Everp Dollar You Spend at This Store Returns to You a Direct, Cash 'Saving Through 5 & H. Green T r a d i n g S t a m p s !
Children's Hair Bobbed
. . By Man Barber
Heart's Desire Curl, Curl Bob, Straight Cut, etc
Our man barber is an expert in his line and thoroughly
understands children. Popular prices. Second Floor.
Candy Specials ;
kocolitt I Fadga. assorted. Ex-
dippe4. Friday OQ- 1 celUnt, g tide. QKa
lb. UUV 1 Friday Tiiced. l.
priced special.
Friday priced, lb.
UaU flowr
Juniors, Apparel In the
Drasttcpriee-reductions on all Misses and Girls' Winter Wearables. Coats. Dresses,
Sweaters, Bath Robes, etc., etc, it extraordinary siring?. A sale that will interest mothers.
Girls' Coats
Second Floor 36 .Coats in this special
lot. 2 size b6 size 8 6 size 10
6 size 124 size 14 9 size 162
size i$ t size 19. Attractive styles
in belted and loose effects. Cheviots,
Tweeds and other materials, (fir
Clearance Sale priced at only tUi-tl
Girls' Coats
Only a few models in this group.
Beautiful, high-class Coats made up In
Velour and Furette materials. Some in
belted effects, ' others in the dressy
wrap models. Sizes 12, 1Q OQ
17 and 18 only. Special WJs-aetO ,
Girls' Coats$24.98
-Girls' and Misses' Winter Coats 'of
Normandie, Chinchilla and Velour ma
terials. Belted, blouse and loose mod
els. Some with fur collars. Sizes 12
to 20. Specially priced GJOI OQ
in the Clearance Sale at tDaifteaO
Girls' Coats$39.9S
Coats of Chinchilla, Rivolia and Nor
mandi materials. Attractive styles,
some with large fur collars. 2 Coats,
size 1 2 2 size 1 5 S size 1 61 size
17 1 size 18 3 size 19. QQQ QQ
In the Clearance Sale at fDOVUO
Girls' Waists and
Second Floor Pongee Waists and
Guimpes, to wear with jumper
dresses." Attractive styles trimmed
with tucks, plaitings, hemstitching
and embroidery. Also the plain
styles with short sleeves and round
collars. Natural color only. Full
range of sizes from 10 years up.
Ask to see these garments. Sale
prices range from $2.93 to $5.00
Girls' Dresses
- . . - - -. -J - r .
Second Floor--Charming Frocks for
girls 6 to 14 years. Made, up In high
grade Taffeta and Serge. High waist,
straightline and middy styles effectively
trimmed with braid and em- QO
broidery. Clearance price tDUeaO
Girls' Dresses
Taffeta. Yelveteen and Pongee com
bined with Serge. Many delightful
styles in this group, including fancy
models. Trimmed with embroidery
and fancy Stitching. Sizes 3Q QQ
6 to 14 years. Clearance OaeaO
Girls' Dresses $12.98
Presses of-Taffeta, Serge and Velour
in wanted styles and colors. Very suit
able for school and street wear. Effec
tively trimmed with braids, embroidery,
ruffles, etc. In the Clear- 9 QQ
ance Sale priced at only tj)Xs)ee70
Girls' Serge Dresses
Sizes for girls 6 to 1 8 years. Lovely
Frocks made up in splendid quality
Serge in brown, red and navy. Also a
few in checks. Popular middy styles.
Ideal for school wear. Special Clear
ance prices range $5.36 to $16.65
Girls' Bath Robes
Second Floor Robes formerly selling
at 5.00. Sizes 6 to 16 years. Made
up in blanket material in choice selec
tion of new patterns. Latest styles
with cord girdles and pockets. Rose,
pink, red, blue, green, etc. ! Of
Special Clearance Sale price WUOu
Girls' Sweaters
Second Floor -Extra quality wool
Sweaters with tuxedo and roll col
lars. Also some in slip-on models.
Light blue, tan, nary, brown and
heather. Sizes 32 to 36. Priced in
the Clearance Sale $5 and $5.85
Wool Middies '
Second Floor -Serge and Flannel
Middtea In smart styles -trimmed
with braids and emblems. Red,
green, and blue. Sizes 6 to 20.
Clearance Sale $3.38 up to $8.06
And Now for the Year's Greatest
Over 10,000 Pieces
In This Gigantic Clearance
The Semi-Annual Sale of Remnants will be held Friday in the linen and 'Wash Goods
Aisles on the Mam floor. Thousands ot Kemnants ana snort unguis irorn our own regu
lar stocks augmented by special purchases of mill ends and odd lots from rarious mills
all to go at reduced prices. We suggest early shopping will be greatly to your advantage.
Good Useful Lengths
For Almost Every Purpose
We have planned to make this the biggest event of Its kind held In Portland In t ton;
time and to this end have put forth special efforts to have ready at tha strike of the opening
gong the largest collection of Remnants we have ever shown all at SPECIAL LOW PRICES.
Percales Comfort Goods
Damasks Silk Mixtures
Crashes Shirtings
Tabte Linens Suitings '
Art Linens Dress Linens
Hucks Chambrays .
Indoor Golf Games
At Special Prices
A fscrmlHnir nem fiv f K a riAWiA m Dl xrn A -?AaaT?fi11tr
-a aawwaiaatssf er 'V U aaaaw V a,a.vs ft 1J MS aWlbiUUIVMI
as the real game of Golf, and at the same time affords all the fun,
excitement and test of skill as Golf on the Links. For a limited time
we will sell Indoor Golf Sets at the following prices. Get your sett
Regular 12.S0 flQ AA I Regular 17.5Q O. Aft
Golf Sets Special at DOeUU Golf Sets Special at J-eUU
For Sale in Toyland on too Fourth Floor
Nature's Rival Brassieres
Bargain Circle, Main Floor A
Brassiere gives added trimness to
the figure and produces that
smoothness of contour so essen
tial to the well-gowned woman of
today. Here is a wonderful op
portunity to choose from a, num
ber of beautiful models in Na
ture's Rival Brassieres at just half
price. Sizes 34, 36 and 38 only.
$5 to $10 Brassieres
At $20 to $5.00
Made up in laces and other de
sirable materials. Better take ad
vantage of this special J4 price
offering. A saving opportunity!
All "Boyshform" Brassieres
At Special Prices
Main Floor Boyshform Brassieres have no superior at any price.
Choose from a number of different materials, including heavy, dur
aote un, rrocauca ana aiiurcr nee, au are ezceuenx quaiiry.
Regular 13.00 Bras- Q- QK
sieres on sale at only vxtu
Regular $3.So Bras- CO CA
sieres on vile at only eJ5ieJU
Regular 3.95 Bras- dJO
sieres on sale at only Daie O
Regular 14.5 0 Bras- Co AC
sieres on sale at only nDtUO
Regular $6.9S Bras- g J Ar
sieres on sale at only 9rKee7tJ
Practically all sizes at each of
above prices, Supply n e e d s 1
On Sale at Bargain Circle, 1st Floor
Just Received
New Satin and
Braid Hats
They're very smart these new ar
rivals and you will want to see them at
your first opportunity. We've marked
them at a very special price for Friday
Stu.. silk and straw braid combina
tions. Designed for immediate wear in
all the wanted shades and black. Styles
that are universally becoming and youth
ful in effect. The woman who would
keep just a little ahead of the mode will
find these distinctive creations much to
her, liking. And the price is far below
regular worth. On sale Fri- CI A A A
day and Saturday. Choice OXUaUU
Millinery Salons,
Second Floor
Sale of Interwoven Hose
An Event of Special Interest to All Men
All men may not wear Interwoven Hose, but all men
have beard about their wonderful wearing qualities, uur
first great Sale of this famous make will start Friday
morning. 3000 pairs In the lot. Get your supply early 1
Regular 50c Hose
3 Pairs $1
Main Floor Interwoven Hose, style No. 2000.
Heavy quality soft lisle with the famous 'Inter
woven" heel and toe. A discontinued number
but every pair perfect Cordovan, dark tan,
black, green. Most all wanted sixes. CI AA
Regular 5 0c Hose 35c 3 pairs for DXelill
Knit Ties 75c
Main Floor Very neat and dressy these knit
ted Ties. Tie up in small knot Red, heather,
green, lavender, gray and navy. . Full r7Pi
size. Priced" special for Clearance only
Men's $1.50 Shirts
Special 95c
Main Floor Per
cale Shirts in sev
eral reliable
makes. Soft
cuffs. Assorted
striped patterns.
Reg alar QC
1.50 val. JfJlv
$250 Shirts
M a d r a s and
best grade Percale
Shirts in soft
cuff styles. 2.50
value C" QQ
at only O J.eO7
All Men's Hats
At 13 Off
Main Floor Velour, far fdt. plain felt
Borsallno and cloth Hats in a large num
ber of styles and colors. Not all sizes.
$ 3.S0 Hats
$ 4J00 Hats
I &00 Hats
$ 6.00 Hata
7.00 Hata
7.50 Hate
$ 8-00 Hata
$10.00 Hats
111.00 Hats
to only
to only
to only
to only,
to only
to only
to only
12 for 90c
rlain white Cambric Handkerchiefs
with inch hem. Sheer qail- Of)
Itv. "Clearance Sale special 12 for 7Ut,
"50c Day"
In the Basement
Women'a Trimmed Hata a special
Clearance group tf too go out on the
bargain tables Friday morning at a sacri
fice j price. Large and small hats of
French, satin finish and scratch felts.
Plain colors and two-tone effects, trimmed
with ribbon, yam and apptiqae. Also a
few Velvet Hats. Formerly priced PA
to 4.98. Friday and Saturday at OUt
4JntriaaBBod Hata only a limited num
ber in this lot Various shapes. Hats
selling heretofore up : to 3.69. PA.
Priced very special for Clearance tJUi
Best Cane Sugar
18 Lbs. $1.00
No deliveries except with other pur.
chases made in the Grocery Dept. and we
reserve the right to limit quantity Cane
Sugar on sale at I pounds for $1.00
White Wonder Soap A favorite in hun
dreds of homes. For Friday's C"f AA
selling 6 bars for 25c 25 bars DXaVll
'I. Com Moal 300 sacks sale, sack 25c
Canned Cora, Country Gentleman.
brand. For Friday's selling, a can 20c
Clearance of Baby Needs
S DepU 2nd Floor
Every article reduced In the Annual
Clearance - Sale. Supply the Baby's
needs at the Clearance and PAY LESS!
SPECIAL 2.98 white enameled
Costume Stand with 6 pegs.
Extra well made. Clearancee
1.98 v White ' Enameled M: OR
Clothes Ricks special at dleorftj
t.9S Outing Flannel Gowns $1.25
7Sc Black Sateen Bloomers, OQ
sizes 2 to 5 Clearance Sale OaC
Clearance of Boys' Clothing
Every Suit, Overcoat, Mackinaw Reduced
Parents who have boys to buy for cannot do better
than come to this store for their wearables. Espe
cially now while the Clearance Sale is in progress.
Every article in Boys' store marked at reaucea price.
All Boys' Clothing
One-Fourth Off
AU $15.00 Garaaonta now rodacod to only $11.25
All $16.50 Garmenta now reduced to only $1238
AH $17.50 Garmenta now redwood to only $13.15
AU $18.50 Garmenta now radacod to only $138
AO $2000 Garmenta now redaoad to only '$15.00
All $20 Garments now radacod to only S1&&3
AD $25,00 Garmenta now rodacod to only $18.78
AU $2730 Garmenta new rodneod to only $20.63
Boys' 2-Pant Suits
: At $6i.95
Maur Floor Latest models with loose belt. Splendid
So its for school wear. - Mostly In brown mixtures. 2
pairs foil lined Knickers with each suit C QET
Priced special for Friday's selling, a suit tDUead
4jOT 2 Boys' l-Pant Suits priced special at $9.45
Boys Corduroy Suits, dirk brown priced $6.95
Boys' Rain Capes and Coats, priced special $3.50
Odd fines Boys' Winter Caps, priced special at 85c