The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 18, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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    WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1922,
Another Dress Sale Another Event
That Women Will Term Phenomenal
Lipman, Wolfe & Co. announces for tomorrow a
sale of 135 street, afternoon and dinnefbwns in the
splendid modes and of fabrics supett-garments pro
duced by the foremost gown maker in America, the
manufacturer whose creations account in large meas
ure for the prestige of Fifth Avenue's most promi
nent shops would that we could mention the name
it would be as magic in telling how remarkable is
this sale.
Lace Dresses, Chiffon Velvet Dresses,
Georgette Crepe Dresses, Canton Crepe
Dresses and Poiret Twill Dresses
Dinner gowns, afternoon frocks and street dresses.
Rich browns, Copenhagen, rose, green, taupe and black.
Sizes from
14 to 40
Some of them are here pictured, and
these are but representative of the assort
ment. A number of them are in our Fifth
street windows, where you can see them if
ybu are downtown today or tonight.
Considering that the dresses in the
amazing sale here last Saturday were sold
out within less than an hour, it is impor
tant that women who want these dresses
should be here early tomorrow morning.
Just 135 of them beautiful dresses, ab
solutely wondrous values choice at
$27.50. None of the dresses will be re
servednone will be sent on approval.
Choice must be made before entering the
fitting rooms, so that more women may
have a chance to select.
Tklr Floor Llpmaa, Wolf Co.
1 I 1
Actual Reproductions)
Lipman, Wolfe's Annual Clothing Sale Ends
Saturday Evening Entire Stock
of Stein-Bloch and Langham Clothes
The greatest clothing sale in Portland the most remarkable rinthin,,
sale in all the Pacific Coast country the Annual Linmn S c,i cltng
of the finest clothing the world bSZtByntf?0'
feMSSg 34 SM - 'SW EtfS ail
--You could not get the manufacturers to duplicate manv of tw
ments for $36.00 neither could we. ny of mese
Kxim Elevator Dtmt to Ftttt Floor-U,.u, WoIfo Co.
Quality Silverware
Reduced to
AH Lipman, Wolfe's fine silverware reduced
-contract goods excepted. This Includes
Sterling silver at a H discount, in such patterns
as Mt Vernon, John Winthrop, Putnam and
Governor Bradford.
-All American Sheffield reduced VA, including
the famous L. B. Smith Sheffield plate and
Street Floor Upmaa, Wolfe A Co.
Veilings Reduced to 49c
Short lengths of veilings reduced one-third
for a quick clearance. These veilings are in
Pretty dotted and fancy meshes the kind
which most women prefer wearing. Reduced
to 49c 2 length.
Om tie Street Floor.
Boudoir Caps Reduced
Some Half Price
A choice assortment of pretty boudoir cars
many of them are half price at 49c 89c'
11.33 and to 2.48. ' '
Fourth Floor Llpmaa, Wolfe t Co.
Petticoats and Aprons
Are Greatly Reduced
Cotton taffeta and "Heatherbloom" petti-
coats in solid colored or figured patterns
styles with plaited, corded and tucked flounces
some with silk ruffles. Featured lots at 95c
and 1.35.
Apron dresses and house dresses odd lots
from our regular stocks. At reductions of one
third to one-half.
Fomrth Floor Lipman, Walfe Co.
Girls' Smocks and Skirts
Are Greatly Reduced
Attractive smocks of linene, voile and beach
cloth in white and colors. They're embroid
ered in contrasting colors with worsted yarns
Reduced to i. other lots reduced to 1 95
and 12.95.
Girls' skirts of white gabardine and jean or
of Palmer cloth in Copenhagen blue. Plaited
and gored styles and some tucked models. Sizes
14 years to 28 waist measure.
Fourth Floor Lipman, Wolfe Co.
Umbrellas Reduced
Reduced to $3.2 o are women's silk taffeta
umbrellas with steel paragon frame and rod.
Attractive handles, with rings. Not all colors
in the lot.
Reduced to 5.30 are women's umbrellas.
An odd lot all with steel paragon frames,
some have rib tips and some have club ends
not all coiors in the lot '
Street Floor LIpma, Wolfe Co.
Hosiery Reduced
Reduced to 95c are women's wool hose.
Plain and ribbed styles with elastic top they're
,E3J?Sk,," " b,M'
Reduced to 1.79 are women's thread silk
hose m beige and white. They're full-fashioned
hose that are reinforced with double soles,
toes and heels and garter-proof tops.
Reduced to 39c a pair are children's stock
ings. These reinforced with double heels and
toes in blacks only and in sizes 6 to to.
Street Floor Lipa, Wolfe Co.
Odd Lots of Linens
Drastically Reduced
Odd linen table cloths including someof
the finest of real Irish linens. Perfectly
bleached, but because they're without napkins
we offer these cloths at drastic reductions
they're in sues ranging from 70x70 inches to
72x108 inches. Reduced prices are IS 95
to 18.75. 93.3
8ecoid Floor Llpmam, Wolfe ft Co.
Odd Lot of Picture
Frames Reduced to 89c
Regular and odd sizes in this lot frames
to frown, black and antique gold; they're com
plete with glass and back some with finished
corners, ornamental tops, etc. a few hand
carred frames in the lot You may have any
picture fitted, free of charge, to any frame
which you select
On the Bovcatk Floor.
of wash fabrics and the better grade silks.
At Half Price
Hundreds of wash goods remnants-ginghams, percales, devonshire
cloths, madrases, voiles, linings, outing flannels and many other wash
tabnes in lengths ranging from 1 to 5 yards. All at half.
The silk remnants at half price include manv kinds of fancy and staple
silks as well as fine plushes and velvets of the better qualities.
Remnants of Dress Goods Reduced
All-wool dress goods, coatings, skirtings and suitings in remnant
lengths are offered at substantial reductions. Choice of serges, poplins,
velours checks and jerseys nearly all are in the 56-inch width so
generally useful, so greatly desired.
SeeoW Floor Llpau, Wolfo ft Co.
Children's Dresses and Hats at Half
Girls' hats of velvet, corduroy, duve-
tyn and felt in navy, brown, tan, white
and rose sizes for girls of 2 to 6 years.
Half price at 88c to 9.2S.
Girls' street dresses of silk taffeta,
challis, serge, barie knit, flannel, crepe
de chine and pongee. Choice of rose, tan,
black-and-white, burnt orange, red and
navy. Sizes 2 to 6. 14.98 to 9.25
Boys' hats of plushes, chinchillas, leath.
er, heather mixtures and corduroy in
brown, red, white, tan and black they're
half price at 88c to 2.48.
Girls' party dresses of georgette crepe,
crepe de chine, dotted Swtis, voile, nets,
taffeta, silks and organdy. They're in
sizes for girls 2 to 6 years of age and are
half price at t.7S to i2.So.
Foartfc Floor Lip a at, K0U0 ft Co.
Bag Frames, Metal Beads,
Canvas bag patterns, metal threads and chenille
At Less Than Half Price "
Metal bag frames in 6 and 7-inch sizes; round and square shapes all
with metal chains. Less than half price at 39c.
Canvas bag patterns for making beaded bags; these patterns are in
conventional, floral and landscape designs tinted, showing color effects
an odd lot at less than half price. Choice at 35c.
Imported gold metal beads-10 strings to each bunch. Suitable for
chains and trimmings. Less than half price at 25c a bunch.
Metal trimming threads in green, la vender, purple and pink 12 yards
to the skein: Less than half price at 5c a skein.
Large size chenille in 18-yard pieces choice of purple, blue, cold,
green, taupe and black-and-white. At 25c a bunch.
Foortk Kloei
-Lip, W0U0 4 Co.
Odd Lots of Knit Underwear Reduced
Women's wool-finished union suits not
all sizes in the lot; at 1.88.
Women's "Kayser" mercerized union
suits with regular and bodice tops; in
ankle length. Reduced to 1.45.
Women's "Princess May" union suits
in the medium weight bodice top. knee
length; regular top, ankle length; not all
sizes reduced to 8 Sc.
Women's wool-and-cotton union suits
in the medium weight; sizes 36 to 44 re
duced to 2.10 extra sizes 2.a$.
"Viola" jersey silk topped union salts
with lisle bottoms; several styles not all
sizes in each style reduced to 1.4$.
Women's heavy yersey silk vests in the
full size; perfect fitting, reinforced bodice
tops. Reduced to 2.97.
Union Suits Reduced
to 60c
Women's "Viola" suits in several styles
not all sizes. Reduced to 60c.
Women's imported Swiss ribbed wool-and-cotton
union suits; sizes 34 to 44
reduced to 2.4 S extra sizes reduced
to 2.82.
Stmt Floor u,BM olft Co.
Silk-and-Wool Union Suits
at $2.63
These are in bodice top style and la
knee length; sizes 40, 42 and 4 4. They
are reduced to-2.63.
"Kayser" silk-topped anion salts
lucikcmca TOiiorai. tteaucea to 12.2a.
Odd Lots of Lingerie
offer unusual advantages for saving
At 33V3 Off
Philippine nightgowns hand-made and beautifully hand-embroidered
reduced one-third at $3.35, $3.95, $4.65 and $5.95. roiaerea .
Lace-trimmed and embroidered nightgowns reduced 33A per cent
four interesting lots at 95c, $1.29, $1.65 and $1.95. . . .
Envelope chemises that are trimmed with lace and some are prettily
embroidered. Reduced one-third at 95c, $1.17, $1.95 and to $3.35.
Lace and embroidery trimmed petticoats reduced one-third interest
mg indeed are the lots at $1.17 and $1.95.
Corset covers reduced one-third at $1.17, $1.50 and $1.67.
Foirtfc Floor Upmrna, Wolft ft Co.
9 ,