The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 17, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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town Tones
". Jatoar IT aa4 Hi r(tl
Jaaaar 1 ,md 10
r1 " Harewete aae lankraaat
i - - " . I
""air 3 to ST.
? ee to.
Nom ntMk
i Or ef 1 itoTatoJ !
- " -
FaMllMa II A a., at
' - - i
. UnM aiaaia'
raWmarr 10 to 10
0"ma. kUrca
1 . I
? op t. " "
4, ""wi.wman, gnutt Mam, i
iwaji. ;w t m
iitt?w MfciV, VTi'cWtor.
4. V? tea lartltau W Baaftlaa, Jatr 1
I . ,
i.aT,AiS2rt- " rn"t Pprf
" A -P-b VTIT
WtlTnrB .AD.nit,
. ..T -"V" . I
ratabte nla v,"a' ,tc' I
,ht .T..wzr, . "r i
llT-"4 I
tnfctot ' ,,, " waanawiajr tair; I
jwtoto wnd., awnim; axWrau
iiiMiia anaoa.
WtiTuri rnmiTiii..
-taw afwnra prwik frm Oign am) Wtah-
J-d to Taa. a4 OkiaaoM,
S2.ULU l" tha principal ttUo
to JUV11 Cnala and la SsatlMaatora
r. ' r-rw-pMation baa aarnrrxl la to
. Ti "w m uh Uitoraonnte.a
tZZZ. !i "!. ""' T". tHtUho anJ
lUUUto touH,, Porttond: !,, Ttotof
ea, 1 1 ar aaat; 0 a as. vaatorda 01 n.,
" a to today. OOrBL '
it!!"440". """ J"T 1: Total, l.aj
. -' tnrrwa; dafelrarT, 1.84
auwAaP U WaXLB.
tl rfi
rrs n I .1
S -10 0
30 14 .41
53 20 0
34 II 0
2 -4 0
i So ?o 0
I 4 IS 0
t 20 0
23 0
43 14 0
02 40 .00
20 0 .33
T4 44
20 4 0
54 .... 0
30 0
02 SO 0
80 .It
41 4 .04
43 30 t
44 lli
0 54 .OS
SO 20 0
3 . . . . 0
40 33 .04
40 12 0
40 S3 0
30 10 0
St 21 .10
-4 -It tt
80 SO .40
40 10 0
SO 40 0
SO 20 0
SO 0 0
20 33 0
00 60 0
84 40 .04
SO 2 . SO
10 4 .02
.... 0
20 10 .04
0 -13 0
2 . . . . 0
43- S4 .34
40 t0 0
io . . . : -o
S4 30 0
14 12 .20
S4 30 0
14 -4 0
18 14 .10
!. Or. .
H.rrlll.. B.
ato. L!K-
R.aM4ia, Maaa. ,
h.rfaio. i r..
CalSBT. atbarta
Ctonam ni. . .
Iftw Holm, tnmi
rMla t'ltf. Kaa
(1Maa Taiaa
to... kin. ,
HnoaiaJ.. T. H
Haraa, a. D...
Juaaa, Alaak.
I Aa Cal"""
HaiMnftl. Or ,
MBpaw, T.aa.
Mndaaa. I'UI .
Ma Orlaaau, I
Tort, H. T
Mnrth lUad. ffuh
North Platl. Matt
OklaJtaato tjr. Okla,
Ph'riU. Arta.
ntktoars. -.
, Portia ad. Or.
rlara Albart. aaak
Ho"aert. - Or.
Hn.w.11. N, M
aacraawnta. lal
t IMila, Mo
"C Paal. Minn
Ha. Ijtka ritjp. ,Ulah
aa li. (1
Haa rrinrWo,
Halti. Wah
hartdan. Wrs
ia. Alaska
rmkam. WaaB.
aift t'orrvnt, Saak..,
Taaana, Alaaka
Tatoaah lalaad. Waak. ......
Tnauitiau, Nat. ,,
VaUaa. Alaaka
VaaanniT. a. O. .
Mfalla Walla. Waah
w aaninaooa, o M
WUll.toa, N. 6. .
Wlnnlprt. Mas. .
Yuktraa, Huh. .
at, nporl prpaadins dar
Eaursea.GrUwold XUslag Bmoraon
Orlawold, 31 years old. who left Port
land with two boy companions for San
Francisco In June. 1320. la wanted by
hla mother. Mrs. gam Orlawold. Camp
Point. 111., who la offering $0 reward
for the finding of her son and who has
appealed to Postmaster John M. Jones
for amlstance. Orlawold la 6 feet
inches tall, weighs 150 pounds, has dark
brown eyea, dark auburn curly hair, fair
complexion, sunny disposition and roads
a great deal. He Is an ex-service man
and came west In 1319.
Colombia RUgst (rorrscrly kaowa as
ftaoaard'o Aate Boo Llaot) Portlaad
Atterta-Keaslds dlTlaloa. Lasts Port-'
wd T :30 a, m.. 10 a m.. 1 p. nv, 4 :lt p.
ra. and 13 .10 a. m. Leave Astoria 7:lt
a, rru. 10 a. m.. 1 :io p. m.. 1 :10 p. nv, and
0 :15 p. m. Direct connections at Astoria
to and from Seaside and Clatsop beach
poUita. All cars heated. Leare from
and arrive at the new Auto Stage Term
inal Depot. 351 YamHll street, corner of
Park street pneae Main SOU. Adv.
ExaiulaeUoaa Aaooaaeed The United
3U.U civil service commission haa an
aounrOd Open competlUva examinations
for rook and head cook, $960 and $1320
per annum respectively. in the United
.states publio health service hospital at
Portland. Receipt of applications will
close February li. John a Howe, local
secretary of the civil service examiners,
haa further particulars at his office in
tha new poetofflce.
Cetaakta atagss (Poraierly kaowa aa
atfara's Aate Boo Llaos) PertlssO
ai. Heioas elTtalea Leave Portland
10 a ax and 4 :1S p. m. daily and 11 :lt
9- nv Saturdaya, Sundays and holidays
only. Lsavo Bt Helena T:ll a, m. and
1 :U p. m. daily and ill p. tn. Satur
daya. Bundaya and holidays only. All
ears heated. Leave from and arrive at
the now Auto Stags Terminal Depot
1 TamhlU street, corner of Park street
Phone Main SOIL Adv
Pseslers lvt Beats Four narcotic
peddlers, arrested Saturday night by
peiVce) and government narcotic agsnta
Save bond whan arraigned before United
fcUatee Conuntoaiooer Fraaer on Monday
afternoon and wore released. Bond on
Thomas Ryaa waa set at $2000. and at
tiooe each en Ray Cook. Dewey Webb
and Eugene Lumblla. Formal hearings
in ina eases wui pe given later by the
aotnmlaetoner. ;
Celaaibla Stages re nearly fcaewa as
Kkesero-s Asia Bos Llassi Pert la ad.
Manaeaiaa Falls alvtlea Leave Port-
ana id a na. a rut A -in t. nu
11 ill p, m. Saturdays Sundays and boll,
days only. Leers Multnomah Falls
1' a. nv and 1 p. aa. daily and I p. m.
Saturdays. Sundays and bolide ya All
ears heated. Leave from and arrive at
the svew Aate Stage Terminal Depot, til
Tarabdl! otreet. corner of park a treat,
latest Mala MIL Adv.
Ceek-pollre aro looking
fee C. K. IIUU until recently a cook at
th MOllonalrea cafeteria, who la said to
have obtained 114 from Mrs. Mary
Mrewa, grocer. il rirat street, for a
worthleaa check made out by a. F
Flaaher. The check waa passed Satur
day. Investigation showed that Hill
Wft. the employ of tha cafeteria on the
seme day.
' Catasjalsj Stageo tTsraiorTy kaowa at
Vesardl Aate Baa Uaoo) Portlasl.
' BOed River OlvtaJeev Servtoe taeaporar.
-11 y discontinued oa account of anow
.drtfta oa the highway. Reau motion ef
. service will be announced la this apaoevf
rtnm mmtm aaia. AOT. .
Ltteratare far Toto Iocal rommittees
t hand) dtatrlbaUon ot Portland tiler
ature to various posts of the Veterans
e( Foreign Wars will be appointed by
it VmsU peat lanedlataly, aooording to
17. . 1322.
announcement of Captain George E.
I ,- ,, " - iwum w.iuwa ceieorate tne anntveraanr ot
loomer to 8eetT la, "rrLTSl .w
. national .i-"jir"r; ..v",i
erwry throturh Port!.,, aL
a wus I
I f ,"77-.?? conTntKm I
" m uh.
I d.T.. "wwm vasgas-a. j. Lin- I
N -""".nee vssga j. j. XJn-
lr rTTr.T. Tfrr,!a.Btupay upon
aarX. .JT?.
oenrica and lodged in jaiL Llndenberger
J" ?UTU "ii"'" "
inat ne deserted the army in Canada,
pretended to have Aommittad
nn ui ju, uooannmr
w Mini in t annm I
pretended to have committed suicide and
ne ien as wire and 11 Children and fled
ha left ha wife and 11 Children and fled
wuer into Idaho, He waa
'r," ."' "r"u dt unmirauon offi-
ia-.?,!0? tetter, he had writtea
Ro. tu. n.ti ... ' '
. - " aia l na kbt Tim
a" in he the topic of a talk by
Cheater A. Lyon thia eWning- in toe Ar-
T .T " "nay mrnt Lyon had for
nl" opic, -m Ken That tTnirwir
"'"V i. Bor,M Th. Arleta Baptist
i7kT7 ! Tonlsnt the
;r. .in areiwood Metho-
. wtn K'en each night for
w inuw or ue Week.
L,,!: 'V" OrneerThe Portland W
f taataU lu newly elected officer
I thia tvnn nr in v w..w . ...
maaquerade hail for Ad riuhw. ..
JheirWJ.Y" frienl Will follow the
"taJlation ceremony. Officer! who will
tor the ensuing
Taent, George Rauch ;
vice prealdenu, K M. Welch and W. W.
Brown ; secretary-treasurer. A. I Steele.
rereiga Cemskeree ask The annual
meeUng f the Foreign Commerce club
will be held at noon Wednesday in the
main dining, room of the Chamber of
Commerce, according to announcement
made by Robert O. Case, secretary ot the
organisation; Annual reports of the sec
retary and treasurer will be read and
nine new directors for the coming year
will be elected.
Two Women Isjared Two women
were taken to Good Samaritan hospital
Monday aa the result of falling down
stairways during the day. Mrs H. R.
ihltn, in vista avenne. fell down
a flight of steps at her home and auf
''f, 'I Mrs. Fred Jen
nings, 143 Shaver street fell down a
stairway and Injure her aide.
Caarca Meet Postponed The Jan
nary meeting of the Methodist Deacon
eea auxiliary, previously called for Fri
day, h&a been postponed to January 27
on account of the Northwest Methodist
convention which tneeta In the city
Thursday and Friday of this week. The
ELtinf.,W,li be hekl at tho Deaconess
Home, 111 Eaat Flanders street i
Civil Servlee For EsglneereClvil ser
vice examination for second class steam
?Lec.fn8lneer" for United Statu
SV ll'fith 8rvlce hospital, Portland,
wlU be held here February 15. AppUca
tion blanks will ha nnmuj w-
JT ' if?al 8ecrelary of the board of
arrvice examiners, Postofflce build
ing. Open BemoeraUe Foram The open
forum of Democracy will meet in room
A. Central library, Wednesday evening
ii ? v Cl?rSk- The 8nbJect of the evening
1 1. lB Truman H. Newberry Vlndi
Suir.Md J Han,y wnl make tt.
."Pech lntrodcing the topic.
Short talks and qnestions will follow.
Ckarrk'ciBb to Meet The Married
S!,-Cl,'?, Sunnyside Methodist
church, East Thirty-fifth and Yamhill
'et. wl hold its monthly social In
the church ,at 8 o'clock tonight All
young married people in Sunnyside are
invited by O. B. Harriman, president
Cklronraetlea rnii..
aixtn and Oak ntrf Mo,-., j r'
enrolled for the regular course and many
stetrlcaT course in ob-
C hi sets It Renteaead av t
- UUl,
city jail by Municipal Judge Rossman
Monday on a charge of vagrancy. He
was arrested by Patrolman Fair, who
found a auantitv nf fV O inn n kl-
- wvsa-aue; All 11LB 008
T CelehrAta.
. -7 " aaaa.aaae JLI UrGTjtk-
min Frankllg, among other things, made
11 11 "M,aT"TfTTr-- I m-
Hi -
Formal Attire
allows that freedom from self
consciousness which is the first
attribute of social ease and
good breeding. In. a Norman
Tailored Full Dress Suit or
Tuxedo you are assured cor
rectness in all the minute de
Tailor to Men and Women
101-106 Mezzanine
Bank Bldg.
What would you name your shoe store?
You obtain a pair of shoes
for re-naming ours
Three pairs of O'Donnell
bench-made shoes go to
the first three sending us
the best name for this store
Send as many as you like
Bring them
in or mail
Flick Shoe Co.
112 Fourth Street
them with
your name
and address
CrrtMfocaJ eveglasa. for which op-
T ? AMer
- "' wwnw io-
l?ST S5' " TO?-
VlUWUJne Will I i IT toITt 1
Ueorge F. A- Walker and U M. Snow
cvmpgH uw entertainment commit
- ! . ajaaaa VajSs
Comes to Get Prisoaer Detective Mo.
Culloch of Sao JTrancisco arrived
rtiand Monday nlarht with a warrant
and papers giving . him auttortly iTre-
return with Richard Nowak. charged
with failure to provide for his minor
chiM isrnv . .zTriil
ioq Danere nrnir nun mninriiv ... I
child. Nowak waa arrested here several
wu.u. ,vwa. ww auTestea nere several 1
days ago on telegraphic instructions I
from California. McCulloch haa ah-Mri I
from California. McCulloch haa ah-eadv
obtained exlradition papers from Gov
ernor Olcott
Robs Cash Beglttor While the pro
prietor was in a back roob, a robber en
tered the store of El Beyroute, 5S North
Ninth street Monday evening, and stole
over 340 from the cash register. He waa
seen by the proprietor aa he hastily ran
out of the doorway, but he made his
escape in the darkness.
Teamster Arretted Accused of being
the last of an alleged gang of automo
bile accessory thieves. Chauncey Butler.
22, a teamster, waa arrested by the po
lice Monday night on a charge of lar
ceny. The alleged gang of thieves oper
ated ln the Mt Scott district
Sabla Jolas Law Firm Robert L.
Sabin, who haa been associated with An
gel & Fisher, law firm, haa been ad
mitted to partnership. The firm now is
known' aa AngelL Fisher Ac Sabin.
Portlaad-Hewberg Bas Leaves Stage
depot Park and Yamhill, daily. -.30,
11 a. m. and L 1:30. 4:15, 1:30. 1:31
p. m. Saturday and Sunday. U OS p. m.
Main 8611. Adv. 4
Portlaad-TIUamoek CadfJlM Stage
Stage depot Park aad Yamhill ata. daily
at t :15 a. ra. and 1 p. m Special arrange
ments made for rising parties. Mb'b
1611 Adv.
Free This Week Hand-tinted birth
day or Baster greeting with each 31 pur
chase. Betsy Jane Gift Shop. 629 Pit
tock block. Adv.
Feet Hart! See our foot specialist
X-ray service free. Knight Shoe com
pany, Morrison near Broadway. Adv.
Fortiand-Salem-Albaay Leaves Stage
depot Park and Yamhill, every hour
from 7 a. m. to T p. m. Fare. I1.CO.
Main 861 L Adv.
Too Post Byotoni for Foot A acien
Ofic treatment for broken arches. 711
712 Broadway bldg. Mar. 1317., Adv.
Salom.MUla City 8taConnecta a
E. trains Noa. S and for Mills city.
Joseph Hamman. Salem, Prop. Adv. ,
Str. America St Helena via Columbia
river J:30 p. m. dally; 11:10 a. m. Sun
day Alder st dock. Main t!2X Adv
Betur Beatistry Plates, pyorrhea. Dr.
J. R. Marshall, 307 Journal Bldg. Adv.
Dr. G. T. Trommald has returned; 800
Journal building. Adv.
Tho British milling industry has
started a campaign of technical educa
tion to improve the efficiency of its
Chance Conversation
Brings Fortune
.Timid, plain and without money
to spend for the lovely things
which meaa happiness to any jfirl,
20-year-old Louise was in the
depths of despair. Meeting an old
high school friend one day, the
conversation turned to. clothes.
"Why, Louise," said the friend,
"you are earning as rauch is I do.
You could have nice things if you
learned how and where to buy.
Get them on credit- at Cherry's.
Right now they are having a big
Pre-Inventory sale, so hurry right
down and get what you want,
Louise." Cherry's have the entire
second floor at Park and Morrison
Entrance 349 Morrison, center of
block. Take elevator. Adv.
' I -aaaaMaaaaaaaaakatoaBaw.atoa
the Oregon: daily, journal. Portland. Oregon.
M. E. Preachers-,'-'..
Praise Work -of
Late Bev. Boyd
Appreciation f tha Ufa wort of tha
llai. n tv. tt t, ,
TrT I?! -JZL
CWcago, waa expres.
T tha Methodlat poachers
Portland ln a series of
i . j . . .
v ....,-BW wj uunuKu wnnuT
meeting of
"'lanimwnagy auopteo. tho resolutions
comment on "the devoted, beautiful and
useful Ufa af rtr nii aa
The resolutions
sympathy to the Immediate family and
tha Portlarwl Tpaatiatai a In tKsir nmm
- . akcav S JVj ma VAOXMW
The committee signing the resolution Is:
ncv. u. ijearer jrteioa, presioent oi ue
meeting ; Dr. W. W. Yonngson, district
superintendent and Rev. John Paraona.
The body of Dr. Boyd will arrive in
the cjty thia evening and the funeral
IHMlaii artn V. Ktt ITAmmA-mt t t-9S
p. m. at the First Presbyterian church.
xne ranerai wiu oe puoiic
Active pallbearera will be W. R. Mac
kenxie. R. H. Crosier. Norria WoodVeV.
Fletcher Linn, A. a PattuUo, Arthur
Gay, Frank Kerr aad H. A. Bale.
Community Chest
Designs Are Soon
- To Be Distributed
Within a few days thousands of Com
munity Cheat posters announcing the
second annnal campaign of the cheat for
January 3, to February 6, will placard
the city. This announcement was given
out today by Community Chest officials.
The poeter bearing the slogan, "Sure,
Reduced Prices
Gas Heaters
Gas Radiators
Certain-teed Paints
and Roofing
Arthur C. Buckman
275 Salmon Main 1914
Between 3d and. 4th
When the traveler ar
rives in Portland he
naturally says
"Take me to the
Three Hundred and
Fifty rooms at Two
Dollars and Up.
Dentists, Inc.
$12 Plate Now $8
Writtea Gearaatee With All Wort
3K Geld Crewas aew...f 5.00
ICN KK Gold Bridge aow....$lloO
ExtraeUag Froo whea other work U
Yon can have an examination ot
your teeth free of any charge or
obligation by calling at our office,
23114 Morrison, Cor. 2d
Xatlro Ceraer
Leak far tie Big UaJoa Siga
HShH3k3S--H ftof.
-stiffs vm tfi'ii-iijnv
?lti-: itniV la lit
a saa a , . . t
tViilnit ilif
111 tlars'
tr !
WarH Help." was designed and originated
oy vrorman ioss, Portland artist and
"wwr toe urm or Vogt m ' Trnns.
Merchants Trsart building. -
The Poster pieturea a happy-tooklng
individual in the act of dealing oat
greenbacks to a little gtrL who. appar
nUy, is having a hard timo) holding a
large woolley pun.
Groan, orange and black wiU be the
three colon need ln tho poster; a back
ground of black which outlines buildings
against aa orange sky. Loss is one of
the originators of tho "Oregon 1925
poster-stamps. ,- -
Loss was formerly a member of tho
art staff of tho Chicago Tribune, Hla
ova of oatdoors and a desire to paint
acenerjr brought him to Portland two
yaaro ago. He is a graduate of the Chi
cago Art Institute. Milwaukee Art Insti
tute and a member of tha Portland Art
IVrlte ahoai it today,
Name . . . .
148 Fifth
Lif e-Savers Eescue
rTwoFrom Breakers
: ,
South Bond. Wash, Jan. 17-Breakers
on 'North spit, near tho entrance to
Wniapa harbor, were cheated of two
fcUmo wheai Captain Win beck aad his
lifesavins crew from North Cove bat
tled their way through them and res
cued two crab fishermen Sunday night.
Tho men were Sol Michael of Ilwaoo
and Pete iAndquist of Hammond. Or.
Their 'boat a 3-foet craft, waa lost.
They were coming into the harbor when
they lost their way. The men were
palled Into the lifeboat just before their
craft sank. Five crab fishermen have
paid tho toll in their dangerous work
here thia winter.
-cJey B. Allen Co. New Location Feb. 15
148 Fifth Street, Between Morrison and Alder
Music is a household necessity.
Necessary because of the stlttiu
m . elevatlnjr Ideas and
Ideals that follow Its advent In
every home. It is to the child as to
tiie oarent a solace, a comfort and
a most restful Influence one that
educates and elevates.
No source of music that we know Is
so satisfying so easily and econom
ically acouired as the Phonotrranh,
and no Phonojrraoh at or near its
cost satisfies so comnletely as does
this Model 200, at 5100. And It may
be had so easily on this olan:
Re-ords of vour own choice. .. 10
Send Sis. balance at $8
monthly ......$110
ating tins ad. and e ipUI tend particular
. . ajj
... - .,n"i cj ......
flASOM AkJfTnwrrv-rvwav-
Urxnr.a7r --'totoavan rWW"
New Iocfitinn T7Vtiii-r 1C
Street, Between Morrison
is one of the most
dangerous months
in which to speculate"
"The others are April, July, June, Sep-
tmibCT, December, August, May, March
November, October, February"
ANY month is a safe one in which to buy our
Preferred Stock because you won't be speculating
you will be IlSTVliSTING
Hotel. Room Yields
$43 and Eesidence
Sneak thieves who Sunday evening
eoterea tno room of Frank m. Kvaao.
Ellllll I hotel. RlTta and Krmrkr
rajisacked the place aad made away
with 843 la currency, according to a ro-
mm xm pouoo Motsaay. .
While tha faiMlt - -
home burglars entered the residence of
a-, va. woy, ii asa xwoBty-nrta street,
north, through aa opea window, aad
stole tt la silver. Other valaabiea ware
left wrrdlstorbed.
U C Ompoc, FUiptno. S7 Rossen
otreet, reported that his room waa ran
aaoked and m. smtoaao osotamlag doth-
and Alder.
eti(8. .
to III X AO N. - I
ioi iii x viv. I
Portland Geo ok Coka Co, Lrvostmeox Depertmeax.
Bli Portlsnd, Or.
4 Sajssis
The Hazelwood
your favorite tea
English Muffins.
Scotch Scones
toasted and buttered
We feature an Afternoon
Tea Menu with a variety
of tempting combinations
raging in price from
25c to SSc
SS3 Washington Street
Broadway Hazelwood
127 Broadway
II fZ-l j aa t . rr I