0 ir scr-jr tar. ...;jrr;,.,XHE .OREGON .-DAILY JjOURNAI PORTLAND, OREGON . -V " -V. SHiATE IS EAGER TO PEAY IN GHE x ........ Ill 0 F WORLD EVENTS Vmtm4 Hewi Buff OiwueiJiit Waahlna-too, Jan. lTy The United States mttt, always both touchy and tasty about IU prarocatlTM In Interna tional affairs, ta efala evidencing rest Mfinm jat Introduced by beta Re publicans and Democrats, and state ' moU roade bo in openly and privately by ether senators, reveal that their fin gers ar Itching to get Into the Inter national diplomacy now going on aad n prospect tKXaTEl HA5D 15 GAME ' .Here are tha latest manifestos : . 1. Tba "Wilson Democrat" In tha sen ata ara taking tha former executive's Sunday alght utterance aa a call to keep bp tha fight for American entrance Into tha League of Nations. i. Declaration by Senator Borah to " tha United News that alliance now be ing negotiated undermine tha principle af tha league, that "one alliance begets .another all lance- and two alliances be gat n War," that any league to which tha United Btates might subscribe at the Genoa conference, would be likely to meet with tha same opposition aa that to tha league created at Paris. ' a. Adoption of Senator McCormlck's resolution, calling on tha state depart ment for tha flrurea on tha budget and dtflclta of foreign countries; the rela tion of these to tha maintenance of their respective land armaments, and Infor mation regardta- tha Indebtedness to the United States af tne countries main taining large armies. , 4. Introduction of a resolution by Sen ator King. Democrat, that it la the sense of the United State that In addition to other "interference with International affaire of nations." any attempt "to re quire China, by treaty or otherwise, to fix tariff dutlafl which aba may fee per mitted to lay and collect on pnporta" la In con tr aventloa or American - policy and In violation Of International law. a. Folnted Intimation from Senator Borah and others that they would, de mand in advance from the executive an announcement of what the government proposes to do at the Genoa conference before It attends. CXXCCTIYES FACE OBSTACLES All of these manifestations reveal the possible senate obstacles ahead for Harding and Uughea In both carrying through the treaties crowing oat of the present arms conference and in carrying on the work of the economic conference ear AasiAa em ViSiiisea, Wilson's utterance Sunday would seem to forecast Increased activity by his sen ate rial friends to keep the league Issue constantly before the administration by such legislative maneuvers as are pos sible. McCormlck's resolution obviously would Imply that some elements In the senate plan to discuss the question of applying pressure on foreign debtors who insist on maintaining large armament budgets. King's ' resolution, if passed, .would threaten the proposed nine-power treaty on cnina, because one of the most im porta nt agreements adopted by the Par Eastern 'committee was adopted Monday and fixed a rate of tariff which China could lay and collect upon Imports. Senator Borah, meantime, warned that Farmers Will ?ew Life Texts lis Aim - IBy Caivnaal fserrieel Chicago, Jan. 17. A new- film, coi ation to specialise in pictures telling stories of rural home, mo , and; industry and thelrelation to tie pUt il4 eWW UxaUotL Is beta orgaaUeJira It W be -known aa the Homestead Film com pany. , '-, ' ' : Tha eomoahy will be headed by IX- O. Thompson, chief executive ef . the BSnote Agricultural association, and E. L. Bill, director of Information. .They bave resigned from the asTi- eultural association to give their time to the film company. "l . . . "Experience In the farm bareau has proved motion pictures to be 4 tremend ously valuable means of carrying i message and getting farm folk together.' said Mr. Thompson. "Investigation of the theatre field concludes that the pub lic will respond to pictures carrying clean themes of the great out of doors. If the United States Joined in the pro posal of uoyd George for a new associa tion of nations to be created at Genoa, the same objection applied to such an association as developed against the League of Nations. He believes, he said, that If Uoyd George sought to get the United States Into such a league he would faiL By this he means, of course, that he would oin In an assault on any new' associa tion the same as he promptly attacked President Harding's expression in favor of some association, and since has at tacked the four-power Pacific treaty as a "military alliance." More New and Screening the latest style thoughts or midwinter and early spring, so befitting the time that they seem to be a very part of the winter landscape. Hart Schaffner Si-Marx Clothes Shop Tomorrow 9 o'Clock! Washington at West Park Street Our New Store Opens With Special Introductory Offer Suits and Overcoats at It is improbable that any woman, we care not how her tastes run, if in tune with fashion's moods, can not be suited from this collection at INDIVIDUALITY is stamped on all of them. Many, you will say, seem to have been made to order for your particular fancy and re THE DRESSES for restaurant, evening, business and street, are truly wonderful in their fashioning, and from the viewpoint of service they wilL form a long and pleasant attachment. Poiret Twills, Tricotines, Panne Velvets, Canton Crepes, Satins, Crepes de Chine, etc., in sizes 16 to "44. THE COATS and Wraps in Dolman, blouse and cape effects are full of the new Parisian traits, toned up to the minute for midwinter ;service, and in many, with' suggestions of I what early spring holds for you m Bolivias, Velours, Suedynes, Veldynes and Mannish Mixtures. Sizes 16 to 44. San Francisco Seattle Los Angeles 145.-147 BROADWAY We told you to watch for an interesting announcement here it is. To make newfriends for this store and Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes we're going to offer hundreds of stylish, all-wool suits and coats at just about what they costus. We don't want to make any money on these garments, we just want to make hundreds of new friends. They are fresh, new suits arid overcoats, just unpacked latest styles in all favored patterns, tailored to perfection by Hart Schaffner & Marx. This special offer is for one week only., Other big values at $40, $45, $50, $55, $60 Because we're offering special values for our opening days, don't get the idea you have to buy something to find a welcome here. We'd like to have you come around and look over our new store whether you're thinking of buy ing or not. Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Washington at West Park Street .-.MA. TUESDAY. JANUARY 17. 192X " asssMaaswsawawawaisiisn mf m sat- u ji I