The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 17, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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I ' . -,- , i -
Vawtr, Waah., Jan. 17, Bert Or-
can tu mum to the witness stand la
his own behalf Monday morning la the
trie! of Moore and Orcutt. alleged c irons
bandits. tU declared that 1m tu not
running away, when shot and the shots
louowsa in three second after th ora-
snaad la surrender was given. Ha bared
als shoulder to show Where the shot
- murM.
Detailing his movements prior to Sep
tember it, the night of the circus hold,
an. ho a id ha left Seattle September 14
wttb eight caaee of whisker which he
Intended to sll In Portland tnr v im
fhoonover. He was to par Schoonover
a case vi me iiruor and all above
uiac nn was to De mm. He waa accom
panied from Seattle by Rot Moors and
jTana wooaara. who registered as F.
namor in centrana and later ia Van
i rvutiw wun ine wiring or his car
leased him to cache the boose five
muea oat oc Centralis and drive Into the
cuy lor re pair a
After he had the car rrlr4
t man by the name of Anderson who
rxiam me doom, paying 100 a case
r tu he testified. He drove on to Van
touver. where thy arrived at 2 o'clock
hi the morning; and obtained roomi at
the Imperial hotel. Orcutt and Moore oc
cupying room It and Raaeor and Wood
aid room l.
When tha arn.. . -.-I--,- .v .
morning Raaeor had left the hotel, but
'" "'m iflt tirait where they
had left the car and Raaeor asked for
the ties of It to drive to Seattle, which
Orcutt said he granted. Raaeor rave
Mm what he aald waa expenae money
. and when he unrolled It on the street
ear going to Portland he found there
wars two 20 and one 110 bills. He said
ha met Moore at the Union station In
Portland and they took the 1 o'clock
train for Seattle, arriving there at I
clock that night They became en
gaged m a game of poker in a cigar
aura, afterwards adjourning to the Elks
hotel, wbere they played aU night There
-were several men inithe card party
rnornln whUe he waa asleep
at the Planters 'hotel, where he make.
Ma home, Orcutt said Woodward, alias
lUeaor, came to him with a proposal to
go to the point where the money was
i! h'L'Vjf 1 con,nl unknown
"J"1 ? " It to Portland, for
which service he waa to receive 125
at,IJ1nfl BU1' afternoon
w -l accompanied by Moore. Mrs.
ZZUft? tw lldrtn and Christine
Gross, his eweetheert. They arrived at
lha point where they Uft the ear to go
Ua'il? M i:M ""tornm
athT. Vl?" ?rcutt Jd- Moore knew
'hlng f th business they werT on
aad Oroutt enlightened Mm as they tood
i,..? ff : wCroM 'mined. Orcutt
ul.i-l montha had been boot-
oirmg nia car to anvona
- -
r v
Rr. Joint J.Lce (left), superintendent of Methodist mis&aa in Utah.
anil R wmi. . " "
... a. os vnicaeo, general secretary of the board
of Sunday chooto, who win bg speakers at the Methodist convention
nere iwxt TTmwtag ww
and Orcutt in Portland September 11
Arbert Clawsen. garage owner, and
Styles Slawson, hie employe, testified to
eelng Moore and Omntf .ntin. i. w
door of a restaurant at about 9 o'clock
that night and Samuel Linton testified
tO Mini than. In i
the Elks hotel the same night.
Roy Moore, called to the stand, told
the same story aa Orcutt. with the addi-
vu siaiemem mat he wanted to go to
Portland as he had applied for work
by letter to f it mu,
having offices ia the Yeon building.
Accuse U. S. Agent of
liiving liirl Morphine
Seattle. Jan. 17 tt t .
- ' - . . x?.
Hamar. federal nirmtLi - ...
der arrest today on charges of givine
morphine and yen shee to an 18-year-old
girl addict Hamer, who has been cus
toms asvnt for 17 mn ...
vw uyna penaing nis preliminary hear-
m oeiore me united States commis
sioner Saturday morning.
Police tnnlr T7Ann. t.' m
ujr trom a re
frigerator car ln.t (.. . ..
wnere he had been overcome by fumes
I T. 7 "";o1 neater used to keep the
irwsxing. ne was found un
conscious Monday night In an empty
compartment He was taken to iZ.
Willi no tTUaYffal lAVtai saU. ' I
garl Dooley teeufied to seelnr Ma ' k. -n?,I"JT?lvku wnere " ia expected
Cjilliton Brothers
Get Dock Contract
Vancouver, Wash., Jan. 17. The con
tract for the extension of the new mu
nicipal dock, Stt feet west to the line
of the Fittock & Leadbetter urcmerty. was
let Monday night to Cullition Brothers
1W .wu. ine work is to be done ac-eordina-
to the speciflcaUons for the
main dock. Just completed by the same
contractors, and to Include laying three
tracks, the city to furnish the steeL
Seven bids were submitted, ranging from
111,800 down to the contract price.
Prosser, Wash., Jan. 17. Captain
Oreen post No. 20, American Legion, in
stalled officers as follows : D. H. Harper
adjutant ; Albert Cotton, financier ; Hugh
Young, sergeant-at-arms ; J. T. Latin,
color bearer; V. E. Sprout mess
sergeant; Paul Hamilton, commander;
Loren Lape. vice commander, were not
Installed because of illness.
Ridgefield, Wash,, Jan. 17. Madam
Von Tette, a music teacher of Portland,
suffered fracture of her left arm Monday
morning when she slipped and fell on
the Icy pavement on Main street while
alighting from the postoffice -depot au-
wiuwiie w iron i or ine o. tu. jayne gro
cery here. She conducts a music class
nere each Monday.
1 ) Pi
Just 13 of These Charming FrocksEvery One a Bargain
- V. 1 . .
It'a a hrnlrm In
. , 7 v uus assortment
?I K'fi8 tnd only sizes
to 35but if you can wear a, small size
dress, youll benefit..
Included are Poiret Twills and Trico
tines, all of them unusual and chic mod
els. Remember, these dresses will sell al
most at sight Youll do well to buy early
Women's Coats
ChildrenV Dresses
Tweed sport coats for the motor
ist or lover of outdoors Norman
oi doth and Boliviis for the
women whp want a coat for all
around wear. Some are fur
?SiS.,ntrth' m,Joritr of them
plain. Sizes 16 to 42.
Mothers, see these sensible school
dresses which we are featuring, and
then you'll find it much more
economical to buy these frocks
than to attempt to make them at
home. Serges with yarn and em
broidery trimming.
New Crepe de Chine Blouses
Splendid t
Yes, Credit Gladly
M Tinth St.
Methodist activitiea. from the work in
the cradle roll department to the Bible
class. Missionary : society. Young Peo
ple's society and kindred organisations,
will be explained in detail next Thurs
day -and Friday at a convention to be
neia tn the First Methodist Episcopal
known men ia tae denomination are com-
ing to conauct tne convention. They will
be assisted by leading local laymen and
Among the speakers will be Biahop
lister Smith of India, Bishop W. O,
Shepard of Portland. Rev. William a
Bovard of Chicago, general secretary of
ounaay sen 001 wore; lie v. Charles E.
Guthrie of Chicago, general secreUry
of Epworth League work; Bev. Charles
E. Vermilya of the department Of fron
tier of the denomination: Bev. E. D.
Kohlstedt, representing the committee
on conservation and mAvnn na Tnim
J. Lace, superintendent of Methodist
missions in Utah; Dr. A, L. Howarth,
Mortnwest area Centenary, secretary,
and Dr. Clarence True Wilson, tn charge
of public morals and temperance work
for the denomination. '
The convention In Portland will he for
the Methodist churches In The Dalles,
Salem and PorUand districts. Each
aharge is expected to be represented by
Its pastor, one layman at large, the Sun
day school superintendent. Epworth
League president, president of the -Women's
Home Missionary society, and the
president of' the Women's Foreign Mis
sionary society.
A similar convention for Southern
Oregon Methodists will be held Tuesday
and Wednesday at Eugene.
Walla Walla, Wash, Jan. 17. A cam
paign for subscriptions for the Wood
row Wilson foundation was launched
here Monday.
-Dtjiiig ifcusnea to ma
Of Disabled War Yets
Wendan' Baxter,' Ki Williams" av
enue, waa awarded govoiiunent eompen
saUen of HM a month, retroactive to
December 1. 1S3L because of disabilities
suffered during the World war. accord
ing to an announcement made today by
the United States Veterans bureau. He
was rated as being IS per cent' dis
abled, Announcement was made that award
ing of claims of war veterans win here
after be expedited materially because of
ttt decentralisation of claim folders giv
ing the district office at Seattle power U
make awards instead of having the de
cisions made at Washington.
Seattle Mayor Is
Target in Demand
For Impeachment
Seattle, Jan. 17. (U. P. Impeach
ment of Mayor Caldwell and every of
ficial who helped pass the 13,200,000
Skagit contract was demanded by Coun
cilman R. H. Thomson today.
"I believe we made an absolutely Il
legal deal," Thompson said. "I will
vote for the impeachment of the mayor
and any member of the city council or
board of public works who helped carry
it through.'
Thomson's statement followed the ac
tion of the council in refusing to probe
the mayor's charges that the city had
been beaten out of 1198,000 by Seattle's
"inner bond ring.
Astoria. Jan. l'.lnuin. . .
' -p a u rpj A,Ua7 sj
orce filed in Clatsop county were : Bar
bara Wilson araJnat William s
of Portland : Sarah L. Berg against Gra-
" 5- mouy ijonneuy against Ed
ward Donnelly.
- Dismaatonmeat of his belief concern
tug the vtrtnes of the fair sex la grad
W eombiM to Cart Andersen, who lost
100 m to the deft fingers of a young
woman la the Cosy Dairy lunch Sunday
Anderses U the same maa who was
buncoed out of a purse -t.itr t(M
less than two weeks ago by a Mrs. Nan
White, who was posing as his future
Dinner time Sunday, found Anderses
socnewhat Tender the influence of liquor.
lC to - testimony la municipal
court Monday afternoon. So while he
ate his meal he laid the $10 bill at the
nde of his plate, as he explained, to get
some change.
Temptation waa too great for some
poor girl who saw the bUL She brushed
by his table and snatching up the money,
disappeared hurriedly through, the door.
Andersen started after the girl and
her flee Una- companion. But Just aa
MMPaachM the door It was shut m his
Stopping for nothing, Andersen
plunged through the glass, which shat
tered and fell in small pieces to the side
walk outside,
la a Bttle while he caught the girl,
he told Municipal Judge Rossmaa.
-Why didnt you get your money
backr asked Deputy City Attorney
"WelL she was a working girt,- ha
replied, "and I thought she might need
1 than I did. Besides. I had $21
y1 had 121, why did you want the
110 changed r questioned the attorney.
-Well, I had so many pockets 1
couldn't find the IIL"
After catching the eiri in.).,..
tned to the cafeteria and finished his
dinner, he aeeland. Rllf BMjafW Vak
fun meaning of the experience began to
mmarn. uk turn Bcaia. am TiiaTia te ewear
and create a disturbance, st was said,
His Dl temper was aua rising when
"wwnea arnvea rroca pooca
quarters. . -Andersen
was quite subdued la
Monday, so Judge Roaamaa Ut him ro
wtthi a tS fine for being drunk and dla
ty. He gave his sum as Erte Peters
Sanday evening, but Deputy District
Attorney Mowry sooa ascertained that
M the same Aadersea wbe had
wight his asshrtaace a short time be-
H a two puree back from Maa
Offered Liquor to
Aid Parent; Freed
Pted to get from the sale of a smafl
owuty at liquor which had been tfvt.
him. Thomas Rlckmaa was discharrW
pal court. He was arrestad while he
was trying to aegotla.. sale of a half-
mat moonsnine lot r easts. It
Vancouver. Wash, Jan. 17. The fol
lowing marriage licenses ware kumed
Mary H. Flnnav. 41 si. n . w. -
SSSf.r!' Helen SoSaad.
' . unm NWpta, larsl
and Lucille Vaughan, UgaL Vancouver
Wash.: Frank L. Adam li .
and Anna K Rhodes. Klamath r.11.
Or.i Frank Cole. . and Neva West. 17.
Sherwood. Or.: Carlyle Da via. tTaad
Martha Stmutr .'.
Oeorge Bally, n. Saa Francisco, and
P-. le'1 Dim. Hi.; Elmer
9of11" and Qaia Bchaick. Sa. port-
T' rMn' Portland
and Alta C rVUnm n.
Falls, Mont
Oregon:IiIade Goods
To)Be$iven Away
Asides at Eilubit
Waffle trees; and other heme
manufactured la Oregon. wQl he)
away at several prise-draw aa eei
which win bflaeM ta ooenectioai with
the Orerea BetaetrVw week exhibit la
the Orarow Jiauu ti a
aoeordiag te aaaoowcemeat made today
by D. C Freemaa, maaager of the Aa
ortated ladeatrlee of Orerea.
The eaaaalstlBa to nenpaiaUag erirh
the PorUaad FedaraUoa of Weeaea s
c2ubs, which la sponsoring the exhibit
week program ae e result of the prarea
metloa teamed br Oeat in mmi
oral PorUaad aaaaafaeturlae alania have
agreed to enppiy prtoas for the drawing
COS) testa srhteh will a ama w .w.
general committee of the federation.
Invitations have been laeead for the
governor's reception oa the opening day
Ot the exhibit R. B Bala Jr
uf the exhibit oeiasatttae. aald that suca
a targe num oar ec aruoiea are being of
fered for display that the committee
probably will Cad trouble la Placing all
Salem. Jan. 17ApprextsaaXeiy tUee
la prtoas wtU be dlstrlbwted among pa.
pile la the fifth to eighth grades of Ore
gee publle schools by the State Dental
aseocUUoa as awaroe to aa easey coe
teet oa -The Teeth and Their lUlattoa
to Oood Haalth.- aeeordmg to J. A.
Churchill. state superintendent of
schools, who has gtvea the contest his
Aateria. Jan. irnjetoala to" wiu
be the dtvereioe of Dr. A. A. Plach, As
toria physician, but aot with a stetho
scope. He Is having Installed m his
home the latest type of wtretom tele
phone receivt&a aooaratna ,-.
-nick up- the radio cone. .V
nighUy from dUes tn California and
pesatbly hoar from as tar east as Chi-
A Show of
NOTE Show decorated by Graduates of
the A cademy of Fine A rts. Most artistic,
most lavish exposition of light and color
ever staged in Portland.
II 1
WaailLl KSMi t II lill.l. ltt lul
Marking a
New Point in
Motor Car
? i t
The 192 Portland Automobile Show is a tribute to America's
most indispensable instrument in our social and economic life
the Motor Car.
The iir ustry to recover from the blow of the "return to
A??.? T n firSt to sy,de out t0 entirely new goals, is
that of Motor Car manufacture.
What these new goals mean to you will be disclosed in the
year s most favorable opportunity to see all the makes, in all
the varied styles, in a rich resplendent setting that will heb
you to get the best impression of your favorite? -MUSIC,
: -v. - v
Tilm Corner"
aaMaajsjsiSBShBBasaaasnaaI" " ' I I