The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 17, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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: SOCIAL y jirrifrr n - , . - I - , ; , , -tumpay-iamuaby lta
I CALENDAR ''SSsiimsb - ' " efpt&CTE Z'&BEt&kV ' nfftftl' 'Witiii'tt--- :-CLUB---:wr. JAiwiwrw ll '
i " - ' ; - . - . . (CWCK. 7 J I
i .. . . i rr 1
Lenore Blaesing
Honored Guest
Of Society
Br Hula. "
A J0f D,air of Miss
N"ST,' If"0 Blaealng. whOH marriage to
? iJ. ' .bn Planned by many
... ' .fS Mo,Mly afternoon h
"M "'rtalned at th. bom of Mlaa
- EJleabeUa Wiggins la Irvinrton, this
jrwiB, .h. will .ar honor, with her
fiance at a dinner dance for which Ur.
' lTr- V "1 DOml- Un. Rich
awr Norman HAnanm am Mm t.v- i
limer Bnihn entertained this afternoon'
,JL MlrUrn Holcomb will
Mle Bleen hae choeen Mra. Richard
m ms matron of honor for
l! 'M1 rr- MlM labeth W11M
. . ""or. ana ror her brldea-
. H ouch ton. r
n.aj Blaealna- will attiit ik. k.! 1
The weddinr reception, which will follow'
.-Ti.Cr,ron! 41 Weetmlnater Preabr
Iti" A"?: ' Uk P t the
"aroom parenU. Mr,
and Mra. John M. Mann. In Irrlntten.
1 tsi ,ncouvp barrarki. waa hoet-r!?i-
. f,rnoon ' few Ublea of
w m mm (arnaon.
r-Jl1f.rf.ld- .-W"h - Mr. and Mra.
Chrletopher Kern and family Friday
KKbjr llmllv" " Wend, at the
Kerm home, near RMeflld. About 100
rLi-Ti- " Vi1" Prt r the country,
vanocnmir. The former owners will re
Et7 tV'ur and the buyer will
Mr? VI" nMt,k- Mr. and
, lot mora than II yeara.
US! : . h"" to Port-
. r the Aatorla Hhrlne club. Mr. Tetu
, I- potentate of Al Kader temple. MyaUc
fnrlo and Mr MacDonald. Mr. Met-
at ,h- -I" RV Teyloraleo are member,
of the dtran of the temple.
. Marie RJohnatonha. announcifd
eon of Heattle. The new. waa told at a
1? onl-8U.m1ar at tn honi ' Mrs.
-L. ?'",,',,r- pother of the brtde-
' - mr. ner nome In the Wtck
erehara apartment.. The bride-elect la
c- "r' nd -
SER of Mabel, who
was a recent visitor in
Portland and was extensively
entertained, has returned to
her home.
Officers Chosen
By Washington
Health Boy
Topline Class
Acts at
1' T"1 n,rt Wednewl.y after-
r km . ,."OTn of h'r worlt rive
brief talk on teitllea of the Renala
anoa period.. "
- r.rt!nd He'fhta dub will have
a box at the Our City. Ball at the
Auditorium Wednesday .Teninr and
Ih-E? i 0,6 C,Ub a Mked l
their headquarters there during the
evening. ' 1 lne
.h,StTilM,M Audry t)uhertjr of
. tn Bweet Home lTntrn ui.k t .
.hT:-.!. ',.t,r ?,t0 rhlllppmea.
i,.r. 7w" . ' 'na. v.nina and Ja
i." ' . unieu. mey visited the
dt epeciai permlulon.
..MiTIldW,rd J a"nMta will receive
?5Jf Jm l 7,5 ShTwood drive
ZnX V 4 .'0,o k- for "e mem
rresbyterlan church.
Mlaa Lola Dtrkrrnon and Mia. Su
..nn. Hall will be foT. dant
r. t J w'" nr.ment
to w. t. F. White ha. been announced.
Or. and Mra Herbert JZ? Miller left
for Montreal, where
lets. " confornc o' Oent-
Peter A. Port
A. R.. will
Br r. l. s.
Two act. of topline proportions, each
featurtnir high class vocal selections,
vie for honors on the Pantages bill this
week, although other bright spots on
the program tempt the amusement lov
er's applause.
Ferris Hartman und his prima dorm as
unor me one especially, pleasing vocal
number. The professor's years are far
advanced, but his talents, both as a
Joker and a director, reflect a freshness
ii ma a. Me nas a musical soul and
a tender, sympathetic reverence for the
careers of sweet-throated singers, who
ii "c""ence or tnefr art, promise
.o....un or-me a reams of fame and
iunune to tneir tutor.
- ...
iucrc are rour reminlne stars in the
act First, Fleurette Joffrle. Galll Curcl
tbe second, charms with her bell-like
notes and her flights to high C are ac
complished with wonderful facility Her
I "J,u oeaury enhance her vocal of-
ouaan jeitn. Bobble Toft and
Wynn Galll, share in the honors. The
tuneful melodies of old feature the tn
aio &ct
.?iiWVta nJ by Guy J- Sampsel
and Lily Leonard, musical comedy stars
to a dainty bit of love dities and terpl
sichorean grace, which would do credit
wmiT vw. .7i come,y asrgregation.
With Don Matthews at the piano, and
ue is mastter of the keys, the aeile
. muc song number. Co
quetry and smiles Intermingle as a nre-
Sl? ?. the,ovllt- Se taSSr
that displays the grace and charm of
I. T. wnose every movement
J "dancing as the
iiiuoic or me aance.
Songflage. bv E.
RAlrvi I. m u riun"W
FIomJ .k lUre aCt' but without
Florence the show would be minus a
natural face, but her screwed-np, crlss
crowed. camouflaged face and Jy
na.tic eyes, that convutees. drv 7l
and philosophical reparteTlhatompte
the atorm center of buffoonery
Smith's animal novelties show don
er Circle. Indies of the I Th P1" ar "iceptionally well trained?'
nav r-.tM .
Bake, h.n Wednesday Wrno., .,eV." Lt"", . J a ' Joke-
WIH b X4 hand, nl.v.1 1 l"e wy-
.JUi. i.m McC' CnP"n waa host
ess this afternoon at her home at Van
couver barracka for abridge party.
Mrs. J. M. Jones entertained at lunch
on and card. Thursday afternoon. Cov
ers were laid for eight.
.iKAndrm' ir1"' rrl'ndly .odety
, ; Priy at the SL
Johns akaUng rink next Saturday night
Ial7 - . -Tllt ocwiy will meet this
w7i th-T JV ur" rwf Th affair
,10,000 Pennies on
Street Make Eves
; Of Kiddies Bulge
. jr fiMud .,)
.nieaco. Jan. 17. The .mall boy'.
- Rwanias cam I rue here, when
cwiuinlng 10.000 new pennies split
nnvn roiiea au ever th street
Tn bag waa being pushed up a wooden
ruaway tnto tk Illinois Trust Company
""w" n Dag broke. Scores of
ana many not so small
yl4 deltghUdly and there waa a small
. riot II trafTTo pnllc cleared th street
and whit wings wr called to sweep th
Th hank announced that almost every
si w mm mvTirfQ,
The Public Welfare
branch ef th Publio Welfare
pmnr-w aim my IO gTV jobs to as
v "dim and
handicapped of Portland be, other-
puimkj cnarge). by
rebuUdlng rlothlag. shoe, furniture.
laad an vtclaJty. .. .
T.frrv eut or GOOD WORK OF
w muat bars th cooperation of the
TIOnT1 p'"1royR COOPERA.
"Th roaa4for relief la preastns.
Oar trurk win on r -.i7Z"
. . . -.r wm in
Xet eharttva v .
II 8U rha Mala TW1
Lunatln t
wuVpUybofXp.matCh- 0pn W
Postmaster Jones
Would Call Halt on
Matrimonial Letters
ai-r . Jones wants It
f'Uy understood h l. not operating
matrimonial bureau, despite e pr
Ln', 'n among a are
-r. i nU8Dnd hunters who
--iia w aim.
Jones ha . ki v. . . .
ircw out Be ha. an.
him too much poatag to bring togethe"
th "would have,- For thos who want
to en er matrlmonr are not even Tng
- r wesiaB LM.nin
Br Vetla
I . s the season of annual meet-.
. "S ana eiecuons of officers among
Th Washington County Public Health
association held Its annual meeting Jao-
uarv i wnen pAm.lH..
were ejected as follows r Presl-
uumi. mra. uien sapieton. Gaston; vice
prcnoeni. aira. . Li. Hudson. Beaver-
l s secretary, Mrs. Cromley. Gaston
treasurer Mrs. Carrie Austin. Hlllahorn
nurse committee. Mrs. J. T. Uiir
i.rTr otevenson ;
: PUbUclty. Mrs.' Tom Connell. all of Hllls-
owrw; nnance. Mrs. Lou Hesse. Kinton
J- M- Stretcher. SchoUs.
o P. addresses were made by Mrs.
wrr-juunDar. execuUve secretary
wrcgun i uoerouioais association
Miss Charlotte Walker, county nurse
ween senreyer. state bursas, of
nursing ; Miss Elizabeth Hopper, direct
um m aioaern iieaita crusade, and Clin
ton ' Bay' fieId ecretary of the Ore-
xuocrcuiosia association. 1
The Clackamas County Public Health
association met January 10 when the
following officers were elected : Presl-
i, ' tl Eae-ar: vice president.
Mra Mary Campbell; secretary. Mrs. R.
W. Kirlc Miss Hilda Morris, county
nurse, gave a report showing work ac
complished durirur the past year. This
organisauon is making plans for a mem-
?iauip anve in we near future.
The Women of Rotary held their first
rcL.nK or ine mv Tear Monday in
the Tyrolean room of the TTntt
with an unusually large attendance, and
the president. Mrs. Elbert n t.
. v. n. unatten waa i4ul.
man of the program committee and pro-
Vocal solos. Mrs. Retha Fowler Miller :
vloUn solos. Miss Gertrode Hoeber; vo
cal solos. Miss Gertrude Porter. Mrs.
David L. Williams, secret.--
S?.noii?,ay work of the organizaUon.
Fifty dollars was contribute tnni .-
disabled veterans entertainment and 50
toward the disabled men's dinner at the
Hotel Benson. Eight families were fur
nished with baskets of food, clothing and
gifts; Jellies and jams were sent to Pis
gah home; two magazine mihanriniion.
were sent to the Louise home and the
women participated in the sale of Christ
mas seals. Mrs. Winthrop Hammond
"t""" me distribution .of gifts to men
i. uie soiaiers- nospital and the furnish
ing of one of the sun parlors with 1250
uonaiea Dy tbe Rotary club. The aft
ernoon was spent in playing cards.
B2StOT Je"- Baker Stork
aad Saadar at tat;
LT4wZT.Bro,w,T tyrle Mssieal
MsUace dsily at 2 p. m. ; Trnuics st 1 and 9
ll sad eostpan;. bsadliiwd. t :i9 and 8:IS
-ZHZr "roaowsr at Aider. Hicb-eUkW
-ncras sua DOOtluriU ICatUM. Aftarmnaa
chsnces stoadsr aA-
.j Aekwpaa tliSL. yU
- iana. Aicernooa and maasm
Ths Lrttie Muustar." II a a tU
UBEBTr-Braadw, at Btark. Norms Tsl-
n0--!1,.1- Glsd Waltoa
to lTn Tb" Last TiaiL" U IL a
u .-ri-rTT 7 at Park. Ksthrrirt.
h iT. "ar. 11 a.
"?1L -PloH. 8-aa-
uiv usn." lis, m. to 11
Blue Mouse Has
By W. S. w
AUt. of 1,
tn" aT.:1-, .taken
ditry and men o7 the tLX
STAR Washington at Pa.
xi a. tn n it
"JsUsriaa & a
"On With the
Mason. In " n
foUowins morni&f.
Itatti o'clock the
Saturday the Traveler
elation, a lltUe sister of the Travelers'
Protective association, held WMnn
ua;rs ar iim neadqaarters in the Mor
gan bunding. -Its progress the past year
has been most satisfactory. It has in
creased from 94S members to 1177 and
uw nas a surplus of over $8000. The T.
B. A. was started by members of the T.
P. A. five years ago and pays sick bene-
"is h its members. It Ta nM r.f
nearly S3000 in that time.
appreciated. Its membership Is made ud
almA .1 1 . . . . "
cuuray or traveling salesmen
and wholesale men. The officers were
au re-elected and are u Alln d-,,i
Morton, president ; Paul J. Sullivan, vice
erooiueni; jiyae i-vans, secretary-treas-
ri u. v. Bogart, O. B. Praei, direc
a the seemina? Layk A ....
" ao -woura-b wife No. i- th
name anrl . . . . .
v t .v . . . WWOM-a nas band
Wo. 1. th "wonld-h Mf.- v.
with a letter objecting to thTnamef
wV isisavaaa maa UK7M1M1 sTiPlA wa-sa ..
Jones admitted he recelvad iv..
matrimonial letters thi.
a - " eW aaiiKB Dili
he refused to dlvnlg their contents,
oo long as anvthlnr ! .i .
those letters, others will be writing tn
her," be comDlained. "an i v.. .
t atop."
Consolidation, of
Schools Defeated
Dayton. Wash..
nrZtJChtJliriCia Lnd known
as Dayton and Harmnnv w..
at Satarday. election. Th voie la
tOB was 284 for. eansnlMatt.
i . ' w armony'i8 for and 2$
Seattle Fight on , ,
roU Tax to Begin
Seattle, Wash.. Jan 17 rrr t t,
ttativa petitions for. the recan af thTn
tax'-wiu b. circuUted aiiortlT. - It wli
aeaaea at, a mass meetino- of !...
as-a Hlojiadroaa veatardav an
Miss Georgia Wey, head of the phys
ical education department of the Y. W
C. A., has prepared the following sched
ule for the spring semester in aesthetic
dancing : Monday and Thursday, t :30 to
7:30 p. m., beginners; 7:30 to 8:30, in
termediates ; 8:30 to 9 :S0. advanced;
Tuesday and Friday. 4 to 5 p. m, high
school class; Saturday, m to n
children advanced ; 11 to 12, children be
ginners. Schedules tor the gymnasium
classes are as follows : Tuesday and Fri
day, 1 :30 to 2 :30 p. m., women's class ;
Tuesday and Friday. :30 to 7 :30 p. m.,
beginners' night class ; 7 :30 to 8 :30, ad
vanced night class: Saturday, 12 to 1
P. m., children's class. The department
has Just closed one of the most success
ful years In its hlstorv. Th
Ship doubled, aesthetic danclne havine-
been especial tv nonular Tn Ka .vit
dren's department alone there was a reg
tetratlon of 120.1 Assisting Miss Wey is
Miss Clara Gawer.
Mount Tabor Parent-Taahr
tion held its rearular mAtina Thtm
afternoon in the school assembly room
The speaker was Mi Melendy of Frank
lin high (school, who talked on "The
Value of a Hirh ttrhnnl P,,oinn
This was followed by a discussion on
"Misunderstood Children." several mem
bers of the association srivinir hoirft.i
suggestions. It is the plan
mittee to present several vital
of Interest to both parents and teach
ers as topics for informal dincmnmn .
!;n meeiing. Tea and cnu
served during the social hour.
The resrular monthly timiT....
Ing and luncheon of th i
fvcieiy or the White Temple will be
held on Wednesday at the home
?Jf.Mr"- V- P' Kelly' 4912 Thirty
third avenue southeast Luncheon will
oe served at 12:30 o'clock Th. ..,io.
ing hostesses will be Mesdames G. W
Cheney. H. A. Townsend. T. H. Fearv
A. G. Towle. P. Pedemnn and
Moon. It will b the annual "rlniu.
dav" "A Dollar and Wnw v tt i
ja - '""
The Coterie club wfll h .n.t.;n4
bf HJ- D" mg Bd Mrs- Otto Klein
at the home of the latter. Rose Friend
apartments, corner Fourth and Jefferson
streets. Wednesday. A change of meet
ing place from, the home of Mrs. A. E
Butterrield was made because of ill
ness. Mra. B. K. Clear. Mrs. Edwin
Whitney and Mra. O. W. Taylor will
The Llewellyn Parent-Teacher associa
.liL W'U meet Thursday at J p. m.
"Why Go to High School and College?"
wiU be .a subject for discussion. A
special Invitation Is extended to the
members of the eighth grade and to
. fj1 .State Woman's Press dob will
hold its mid-month social meeting
Wednesday evenine at th tvT
and Mrs. te. IL Ingham. 1181 Harold
avenue. Members are asked to bring
HHlsboro St. Mathews Altar society at
wocusa o nicer, as fonows:
Mrs. Theresa Smith. twM. u t
C. Borgelt, vice president ; Mrs. L, Mc-
vy. secretary; Mrs. A. Engtldinger.
w v
The Missionarv
Coaareratlonal church win meet at 2
p, m. Wednesday with Mrs. J. M. Tom
unsoa. 918 Albina avenue. As interesting
Program has been nrenaraii an
tod are invited. . ;
Tha Deaconneas Home aiiTnn k-.
postponed its meeting from Friday of
Friday. January 27on ac-
?f?L Sf ethodlst meeUngs
at the First M. E. church.
a a
The Woman's New Thoiurhf 1t,k m
vJp- - weIneeUy with Mrs.
fjaRhodes at the Lillian apartment:
nerson . essay on -Compensation- wiU
Jij wm
a p. bv WedBMday. After
the bmriaess session Uker. wffl b a class
Wau1S!nUn' UW m ra Grate
n "ai tms; ef th Portland
OrodTeachers associatioo wUl be held
Wednesday to consider plan, for baild
toga club hocse, a grade teachers are
Td to attend.
Tha Shaver Pawnteacher associa
Uon wiU meet Wednesday at S oTZ
Dr. G. C. Eshelman. hior
i . . ' -
examiner or the United Artisans,
wiU visit the local assembly of Forest
Grove Tuesday evening, where a w.ii
program will be given and the doctor will
omiver an address. At Brownsville the
United Artisans have made special efforts
to attract a large attendance at a social
to be held Thursday evening and Dr. Esh-
"'"""' wnr De ine representative of the su
preme assembly. Saturday evening the
Artisans of Lebanon will endeavor to
eivo nun me ume or his life with a
social program and public entertainment.
a .
A reception given officers of the local
assemblies of United Artisans waa at
tended by about 200 Saturday evening
1 n AT n TXT - . IV -wr n . b
... i usui. n. . Hudson,, supreme
master Artisan, was host Th t,
included artistic dancing by pupils of
w V. character sketches
, , OI,HW ana Stephen Juhass In
Bunkology." There were dancing, cards
. ci-icouiiieniB. jnatters of import
ance were brought ud retard In a- t.i
a a a
"Snowball Dance" is th nInu ,..
Fram assembly social, committee has
f.f,n ita dance Tuesday evening at
386 Washington street. Maocabee han.
All members of the United Artisans and
their friends are cordially invited to be
a a .
w-wI!rly .chiter- o. e. a. wm hold
its card party on the evening of Wednes
day at the home of Mrs. j R vij.
wood, 838 Hancock street.
a a . .
Judge Richard Deich will address the
potto of "veiled prophets" at their
luncheon Wednesday noon in the Hazel
wood. Arthur Berridge will preside.
JWith a skill that has been appreciated
another y".. u,nl1 ow.
be f-T - .T- ?.uuu moment is to
" r " " " picture. The photoc
Phy is excellent and the plot so wn
Woven ht ,.. . o well
lut wllKw"i would be un
The cast mniii ha. w .
of tSQt Maurice Flyrm piy, the
Xri' V auspecfed as
thcVuatt ,J rDeaS heTs
crooaea engineer to charare of -2r&e,
Wallace Beery"" te Ped by, be said,
h. , otners It would
he Francis McDonald. He takp th
Part of Jose, the lover of ChiaStl! and
from his POrtraval n o. . a
" 08 seen on the
shSt 12 ? the picture
and 72. "2 ""PW.the biff dam
r, -n or the town
t-noyo Is verv miMi. m.. . .
a ufa wmrers re-
!l VZT?. nd aU its inhabitant.
mninJ a .t- " " -..cwt uaui
tlnn .v grana finale of the
mo uimiT or th.
The week's bill la mmm-ti .
. ' "1 ""'"'"K "e A.1DS. a scenic and
ram Thrills
Aud 1!" Monay "Urht at Th
TZJT tkm of th
of TJhLrJ Bureaa. th neadqaarters
fLS? ,n Pand. TbJsraTth
fourth event of k- w . . M
for this ,..n, a aruat Mrtst
rarsT Itf? and so far it drew the
areat attendant. tk- - -
wtldi ak . . . was
--ajc. ana sot without
Kathleen Paris a. . .
wiai them- wer two very excellent ae
Panls. Theodor. mr. ftT ll
Parlow. and Rndntnt. . .
before a accompanist for Mm. France.
nlavma. .Yi kL "prun a surprise by
Playing all his accompaniments. Includ
ing many extras, from memory.
TJ Printed program anaouncad Miss
T- worw a greatest Uvtag
V?VnV nd taat is true, sale
v w . . nwing per light under a
jnen vtollnlsta had better took to thetr
laurel-, lest this tall, .lend.r. KngihS!
American land th. titu .. -w"
I,,,-" vioumsrs.- without qualin-
tJr tho w wh Ittauu
that Partow has already reached
1,.? PoalUon.. In somTT
spects. she has. Warmth of ton, ex
QA'Uit ahadin, and Krone sold rd
ings. are the outstanding features ot her
Playlnc. While her buberT VV.-
KL i0 D tnlor and Walter
Kramer. Symphonle ' Rhapsody la p
m7i?r,i-.W!H. W0,MrUy Played, her
most impreeaiv preawntation was pr-hap-Rimsky-Koraakofr.
-Hymn uh
Mr. Althous has a Via. ...
of fin quality. Like Mlaa Parka. iL.
won the aodleno. at one. Th aria
Picture, for the mar the Slender Silhouette (on of mny)- "Th Blind PiourhmaT-
Loew Official Puts in
Day With Manager
ui rortiand Theatre
was sung with rare dramatic effect.
xauiisneI tn a mat .. i pnirrtD finsn aritt. ...
, , . ' T-ni i-s vne eve- I ! m.i .. . wmvm m
hi.. " ?etage, and I Aithou-. tt". .."W."''.
. ov.. t,i mint wnen one notes T.rnm, iTtT - ijr oy miss
hpw much youthfulnesa Is added by the VXL W,th Mf' ninl at th piano,
higher neck-llne. Of extrem- VtJJul LT?.n".n tn th serlea win be
w.c ,IWuem aecoiietare In even In a-1 vlrMn -aoooinoir.
costumea which . . i
tuen- teeth and anaka e
iTlJl.IPPln,a,t lirtt 'antaa
Sl. f"0- dasw floors this rune
For snake saJa shoas are th latHaZZ
bi. of fashion bera. Tb tougaTssUtafof
tb Urrer aaaka when pi-oprty iaaae
sr' abo,rrootwit
tb totxicate marking, and diatlne
"7 5a remarkably roI
tag dMlgas for dainty footweZ- Ta-a
aaajorttyof the maaeakCTo
India, and as It ts swMmsted that more
. t auppiy would seom ade
quate, mw
Tork The Insular posaesBoas of
United State, are commTtr!te tLS
-t Jaaa la th linger, mrkte.'
Th development of tb handierafu of
th Philippine, and Porto Rlc ha,a
tboroughly adapted to th .,
f aw that th Jaauary
aale now m prograw are laying sp
?L?7ha7 " ra prodooed Tn
ha! Ex"uUl1Ir fine batiste,
tealt? .i"4 a the ploc d. real.:
TLtfJ.! OWM of which
ar parUcularty attractive.
Uer and emerge Bates, both of Ab
roeen. were fined lii . .
Mwa betd that
rvpyiea owner of
Bockiey. as
a. .
slbU fa ii- . rv.pou
buUdlnrm. ,B rm ,ttd
nn n orricE si lb
Now Open
HEILIG BV.;:: cjv1'
.r,re?etaUve fftrast to white neck and . mT!
Lillian Eussellls
On Way to Europe
K A. Schiller
W , 1
"l w. inc. controlling th .hi the aof. fs.'V.r:" wnil
"1-! o' which-the POM! the Une. ofTh. 3Te S? 21
l7pnV.i,,T re 18 one 8Pnt Monday draperies and folda. A tVi7-i
" x-omana in conference with
2: -Li T-anr- Schiller la on the Place at eaTb rSdTS'.K?, dr. ln
vuas5wMu lao or n tii. w- . i . r 7 aww lisl-sId
Loew oirTff :Z. " enure -uig on the left hln. the W4-
route tor -.VTrErJ3?ana le here en
r.,. "R-nt hip, an unusual treatment I . l?aT on tb George Waahlag-
tJespite the nlan r i . I which ifr. - . . "eavrment I ton. nrond in i... " . n
rls. who , ",itu .ar- -cnarmmg use of son- 'if .ai,""" ""- rom -rea.
. - w a western affairs. I , " "'leriai or color. Tha
l?SaK ''tfgca. Kow Tort)
maraing on the left hln. th yZ' ."ew.. Iork-
- -ayaamg watteau drape rr and I .!7- '"rroer aiage star. salWd for
l P.V LUlUn
now is
.WnCTd, UMW ntAM.1. W ..11. .
Portion -i.w , oa in
.tart ,7., ."75" n1 niay not
in hi "in 18 to give
m- w a- vtrcil a, linum. tl'h nh
owned by Alexander Pantages.
Vacant Buildines to
TV J -
nouse Jobless Asked
Seattle. Wash.. Jan 17 - c. .
RepresenUOves of i'yi , .
unions meeting .in the labor temple Sun
dsy formed the Workers' lCemplo?ed
Cnil'.as a Permanent organixatlon
and decided to demand that 2?f
government open vacant nffw kiui 1
as shelter for the Jobless. In addition
the council will call on the state to,
legislate a six hour dav to rn
" a .s.v- V C UII-
viv j menu
. Tb entire I side cfTxa 'tl" ."1?
lent av7 cT mmiaxauon PTOO-
HmKr!f, U accomrOanl by her
- . .whiwit MOOT Of PlttS bora
Cb;w t9 Us for
No Advance Sales
For Joint Eecital
Because the nrlra r .
not been raised for tv,. .. V7 """I "iW t 4 .
dtai of jfr.. , v: " pano re- . . - " i can put you out
aeata can be held. r.u. 1 u!..!7:.of ?f.orld' 'We PPer quotei Dr.
nouncea The performance wYlfbe f 'n"r V" BuSklrk f Vork 88
tinuoua aa usual, with th. eolrTLv!! UoIlow8:
., . a. WMU a,
'The woman who weirs a cramped
shoe U bound to have a cramped dis
position. She can't hk. K;-. .,t
event. tll,e. critical and Quick temnered
ion alii .n.i.i. .(.. she ilnacn't m.l. - .
holders to not onl7 he. 7f- V. . " swa P1 CX
but to see the rei.iar i7" 1 1 la pu-mess woman.
ng at 9 o'clock. Tickets may be pur
chased at the regular price In the uSIL
moin" tht.n,n' f "; Many
.t ... "rrr" . .recT1 re-
rr " in is oig musical
juc ucaeis or admi
BrCllaat Xew Caat, laetadiag
And tbe ftlXGIXe AWAIIAlIt
KTr Floor. J
IlloM ri. . a
rows 4a, l. ,7 row, ii ; OaikWr
first aevea rows raliSr?:'
8""AL ;T. MAT, Floor II M
SSZLZ1"- ' -d
AM II Prr c War Tai
' l
kvaa or aaaaa
r-srj ari
or over 30 years
- , 1 '
(Mm Uaau.
avail fer a qmarf r)
than of higher-priced brands
LV sT t V f
aasraaaaaawssBa- "! .f...
Satisfaction guaranteed
or money
W;pc ;r prices ?
MUlions of pounds bought
Jjy the government
"I WOuld be willinr .k-.
half the so-called Invert A...rr.u ...
from the rlrl wearin tirht ikoM
And as to the nirrinr wife wti it
is usually the tirht hne Mh
I her 0u1ck Hy remarks. And many
a business rirl think the t...
meanest boss on earth ah.n if. k.
own stinglnj,' burning feet she hates.
. . B"1.d? "e irritable disposfUon
which tjf ht shoes cause, there may be
physical injury. A hirh heel throws
the balahce of fte body forward and
ine .train comes on the lower part
of the spinal column, a jreat center
nerves. Bacaaches, headaches
even rheumatism' and sciatica, are
often caused by shoes, a woman can
wear any kind of tifht clothinr and
fortet it," concluded Dr. Va8 Busklrk.
but she can't wear titht shoes and
kcp SahHisLf .
aouousiMK 1 p. m. to 11 P. M IkajP
rrtlaads rarertu
aad His rrtsaa Dsaa
wawna BAWUT ta ar y T
1 I.e.
No .wonder that so many women
find the friendly Cantilever Sh. .
If'S,' BPPess. CantUevers hre
K!x,erc', room slble
neeto and natural Haes which comfort
the Toot They are rood tookftif and
in excellent style for daytime, la fact.
many women are now wearinr CaotJ
i!!5r? .J'JthiBf except the formal
iMHtiioni. tome and sex bow
easy these shoes feel .
.',- '
Cantilever Shoe Store
JSJ.Alfcr St. M-Col JU.
Clear Your SIdn
LY R I c
A Cay Ereat far Evaryesa.
AftroM at S al f aad
"The Case of Beckv"
Comedy. -qET ICII QUICK rreors
a. -
aad rata hew.
ow puvtsia)
JL aerioaj mm hp aaa a
1 una rwovoata j
nsniu ST. RS TOM KJ HT
aa waa rraa-otwa. Ctowag
CwOTT. eaaaaa. aima
oeraria aaaewoarw rwasi
axotaa, arraaaoow mioca
aar Hsasea start at CoUriloa Han
Wjdmday aad iVlsy tr.iar. el 7
oarp. All popular dance f 4.. 1-
,Jaj Tadajr twi.c. an at CoUllo
Hall rridar even In a- a -xm
antsanoa to advanced 1.. -C.
fEmJZ5c' ou 'can saver fcrara
dancing without ri. t Z. 7?.
!Ta"rL- PhfT Broaw.y tec
- wwaroaa s-si a a sa a a.
McElroy foment orchestra
I i