MONDAY. TANUAttV 1ft .V..-. - - 'y - 1 3; 1 fa hi.: '('Jii!': si''iV?t'.,4a: - ...-.s:.-5a:: 1 in a new packagi with the OneThm 99 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; frOk'iLAND. OREGON. 9. , -. --; 1i 1 5 f- in f ft .0 is the new wash-bowl flake made by Colgate & Co. is for washing the sheerest, daintiest, most fragile garments and fabrics. ' is SAFE for the texture of most delicate fabrics. FAB is SAFE. 1 years of careful ex perimenting has made it so. Five years of thorough testing has proved it so. A test is your proof. ay it .to fife ,S6. ' -- - - " - r- tl BAT .Etf. , v: