The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 16, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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    MONDAY. JANUARY 16., 1822.
department "of ' public" works. on the
(round that .public convenience and ne
ci Ity did not irimit It. The- order
Mated that lx passenger and express
ctnma min . ,. I trains were 'now oneraunr between the
Verlavaat MrOxxlUl Mtl Shi.aa Alt Mttm whll mmninlM runntnr
!!! J"" " r-ttoad aiMaa,sUs . between Intermediate point
have agreed to fix schedules to main
tain service over the whole route. Ao-
Ttnmmi Uonm aaoaaiiuo. PartUad, Jss 1 plication bad been made by J. F. Bogue,
LJJLJ.1,. -J . . I E. D. Orove and A. Ereckson.
Qoartarlr wfinnw ml Oram aaa1 Waaaiaa-1
7 BMnaatwd Caen 11 Highway to Be Ceaiplete 4 Included
lariat af Latla Im Saaata. PanJaail. I -- aa .J I- v- ...
. . , - ' I in um iuuot v iwi m uw
C". aaira. r.araarVTe a . I primary aad aecondary road program
aeere' mlciM CarraiBa, stare I and eligible Cor federal am are the Co
lumbia river highway with the extension
of the Old Orei: on trail, the John Day
hlrhway end the Oregon-Washington
highway, according to a statement made
0 ta !
Cat hii be abates aprta
AIW. April l l T
OraW CattaS Warka
fmad fade. I
rr t. aaa t
it ( ii mmm
aaMrtaaa laatitula mi Baaklaa. My
aw a)
7.'. -Ifj .... t Pendleton laat week by Commissioner
star, trass seeptat. Jess I w Brratt of the state highway conv
mission. All of theee highways have
KaUpaal - - - - mg aw. r.J .rLtl lnc,,""a l" priujarjr ana eec-
rJsrf AatarC proram as worked out by the
ColaaiMa Stages treraierly kaewa aa
ruftlaM aaa) tratt ToaUaat aad Taaadar.
mm: nran unUM: Saataarl artnaVi, I aw. .... n t .
.!. raia mat mi. . .1 mUm: "'tum llliwfc LUTI ixrfr
aarrnor taalh aaar Um eoaat: aiodfraU land 7 2 a. nu. 10 a. 1 P. nu. 4 :15 p.
Nuataarty vtaaa, I m. and 12 JO a. m. Leave Astoria T:1S
a. tn IS a. m 1 :1B n. ttv 1 :2a n. m and
WKATHEK xCOJIDITIOSS d. m. Direct connections at Astoria
A In araaaif ana aaa mrntit iti nnaaraar I trt anl mm B mAm mryA riiiinii hMih
mtt Tar T.r lalaad. aa4 aaoUMr ta appamaUy I ... n v... t
anim ta taa Alf at Mutco. V' awn
polnta All cars heated. Leave from
tha ananur Um praaiara ta alfh. Uia htfhat smve ai UM new auio Diaga lenn-
fwlit aaia m th iitdrfi MiaMipoi VaUay. I Inal Depot. SZ TanvMn atreet. corner of
rfMptteltaa aa tan ranflaad ta aaaall araa. la Park street POODA Main 1(11. AdV
!araa. TmanM aaa . 1 fk-, I. w..- I'.ln- nfri..
II . ,A . Al 1 K ..I - ..VS.V.B
aa. Tha uaitwratara taaanily I orancn o. jvnn, ainc iwvo man(tr ui
Cbaage la Western ITaloa
aiailna T
al. aat ta aawbat aaoaa aonaai ta I the Wealern Union Telearanh comoany
ha aiir... aoniwta ylaioa r-ttoa. tha "Vj I offices In Spokane, has received word of
an4 nil AUaaUa ataua. aad aa taa amkMla . . ,1 k. ...m,i,-i- f
SataUva aaaitdlty at Partlaad: aooa ;alir I nie- niruana ouicea ui uic wmimuj,
aay.- at Mai: & oo p. a. yaarday. tl pa I rlnnlnr February 1. Jomea will aucceed
t; t:IH a. tadaT. 1 par eaat. I w T William -t Pnrtland arhn will
kaalw; aaaaal. 1 4 1 Inrhaa; oarleinM-y, LSI
auwaau i witua.
ia. Mont I 2a
u Vtak II 4
OrkaM, la. I 70 H
RaAar, Oraa . . .
R'WtMk, Maaa.
Buffalo. . T. . .
t'alcary, Albarla
Cbtaaao, III. ...
Itoaior. Colo.
1m Mofnaa, Iowa
Fiaaaut Cai ....
riaUaatiHi. Tnaa
Mara. Mant. . . .
Hoaoiuln, T. H. 1
Nina, Ho. Dak.
Junaau, AUaka
kaaaaa Cat. Ma.
Ancta, l.'al.
Manhftatd. taaoa
MMifoni, O"oa '
Mfa9iihia. Taa.
N Tort. N. T
Nnrth Hid, Wah. .
North flatta. S.
liklanoaM Ufcla.
1'hn.nii. Arta. . . .
PllUbara. P
roraulln, Idaho
Portland. (rn . .
Prlaro Aitiart. Kaak.
Uownari. ttrram
- Roawall. Na Mrllco
Hacraawnto. Cat.
Hi. iMta. Mo. . . . .
at. Paal. Mian. . ..
Aaa Inalu, 'al. . . .
Man Kranrrwo. CaL .
Arattla, i4i
MtMrldan. W
HtUa. AUaka . . . .
Himkaa,, Waah. . , , .
Tanana. Alaaka . .
Tatraah Hand. Waah
T' B.ajah. raila . . .
alra. Alaska ,
VafHKarr, II. I. . . .
Walla Walla, Waah.
Uahinatnn. I ('. . .
W itinraaiMTn. NaT.
Wlnnttw. Man.
Taaima. Waah
I 4
4 Ml
DO I 42 I
2 10
I 411 20
, .. ta 4 o
....... 42 In 0
! 0
....... T 27 0
a -s o
43 34 04
...62 12 0
... S4 0
. . . 30 20 0
. . . IS 3 O
...64 4A 0
. . . 62 42 0
. . . SHI 30 0
. . . 24 I -8 0
VJ "') 0
. I 1 0
. :. 44 I 3 ) 0
82 I 1 0
. . I SS 80 I 0
. . .1 i a I 12 1 0
.... 54 2 0
.... 80 2 0
I III I o o
WW." I 14 I io I o
p as.
rrport of praeaQiat day.
Regealra Bar4 Will Appeal The su
preme court will be asked to peas on the
o. nstltutlonallty of the ao-caUed Oregon
siarlllaatlon law according to a decision
nhaii at the annual meeting- of the
atale eusanlce board held at Salem laat
w n-h law waa attacked some time
ago by Jacob Clin, an Inmate of thV
.tta nanitantlarv. who had been deaig-
natad by the euganlca board to undergo
an operation for steriliiatlon. The case
waa tried before Judge O. O. Bingham
and Percy Kelly, who nuoaequeniiy
handed down an opinion that the act
was unconstitutional. Since receipt of
tha opinion no operaUona of this charsc
ter have been performed at the etate
. Tertlaad firs Csts Cestrael Contract
for furnishing pipe for Walla Wallaa
new water line was awarded last week
hv the city water commission to the
wuiamatia Iron work of Portland. The
bid of I13.B60.60 covers pipe .fitting,
valves, bolts snd all furnishings for 14
kvh pipe. Ibe line being two miles long.
Actual delivery of the 11.200 feet of pipe
a III be0n within aO days and be fin
ished In 0 days. Thla Is the first con
tract to be awarded for the Walla Walla
waterworks Improvement, the coat of
ahlrh will be close to half a million
Coraaskla Stages trersiarly ksowa as
anepard's A ate Baa l.laaa) Portlasd
MaltaaaiaS rails tllvUloa-Leave Port
land 10 a, m. and 1 :10 p. m. dally and
II :ll p. m. Saturdays, Sundays and holi
days only. Leave Multnomah Falla
' 1 -JO a. an. and 1 p. mi dally and p. ra.
Saturdays. Sundays and holidays. All
ears heated. Leave from and arrive at
the new Auto Stage Terminal Depot. S&3
Tamhlll street, corner of Park street.
Phone Main MIL Adv.
raetala B.lee A taiga as Captain Ly
man U. Rice of Pendleton has been ss
alrned to the 3lat field artillery, ac
cording to a special order from head-
Quarters of the Ninth army corps area
at Portland. Two other captains sre
also assigned to the artillery outfit. Ren
Logan tlolaclaw aad Duncan K. ruease
Men assigned to the 3l2d Infantry In
elude Captain Lee Bennett. Lieutenant
(Lamar Toose and Lieutenant James D.
Enter Lata Tali Tsar Easter la late
this year, tha calendar showing tha date
- t ie April la. Last year Easter waa
earlr. occurring on March 17. The
liinten season opened February in
ItSO. . Easter occurs the first Sundsy
after the full moon that falla on March
- tl. and never occurs later than April ZJ
atxasalaaUea Asseaaeed The public
library will bold an examination Febru
ary 1. for applicants to tna u weeks
training class for clerical 'assistants.
Officials at Central library will supply
general information.
Cola si sla Stages tremterty kaswa aa
sevard's AaU Bit Llatt) rsrtlaad
Hood BJvsr dlvlsloa. Dai ka tomporar-
IJ-r dlaeoatuiued on account of snoa
drifts on the highway. Resumption of
pervico will bo announced la thla spaca
Phone) Main MIL Ada.
. Stag Llae to FerUaad Bealed Cer
Uflcata to operate a .through motor
atsga lino from Seattle to Portland has
bean denied by the Washington state
become superintendent of the Los An
geles offices, while C. C. Comstock. for
merly In the Spokane offices and now
at Taklma. will take Jones' place in
Celambla Stages iFormerly known as
Saepard's Aato Bss Uses) Portlasd
St. Heless dlrUros. Leave Portland
10 s. m. and 4 :15 D. m. dally and 11 :15
p. m. Saturdays. Sundays and holidays
only. Leave St. Helens 7 :ao a. m. ano
1:16 p. m. dally ana :! p. ra. satur-
days. Sundays and holidays only. All
cars boated. Leave from and arrive at
the new Auto Stage Terminal Depot.
3S2 Tamhlll street, corner of Park street
Phono Main MIL Adv.
Jiewberg Aids Ratslaas During the
past week Newberg cltisens, under the
leadership of Virgil Hlnshaw, have
rslsed sufficient funds to send a car
load of flour to the famine dtstrict In
the Volga valley In Russia. The car
of flour will be shipped fj-om the Ne
halem Valley mills, where It was manu
fsctured. direct to Russia, and it is
all In readiness for shipping whenever
the shipping Instructions are received.
0 I This Is the first car of flour to go from
0 l America ior uiis purpose.
Stsdaata WU1 Edit Aaaaal The Jour
nallsm department of Pacific university
a ill manage and edit an annual edition
of the Washington County News-Times
of Forest Grove, which will appear Feb
ruary 22. Professor Story, head of the
department, will act as managing editor.
Portland students on the staff are : Cir
culation, L. Alley ; advertising. Mana
LeCerf ; publicity, Mary Baker.
FortlaadSewberg Bss Leaves Stage
depot. Park and Tamhlll. daily. . 9:30.
11 a. m. and 1. 2 :0. .15. 5 :30, t :30
p. m. Saturdty and Sunday. 11:13 p. m.
Main Mil. Adv.
Portlaad-TIUaaook Cadillac Stage
Stage depot. Park and Yamhill sts, daily
at 1 :15 a. m. and 2 p. m Special arrange
ments made for fishing parties. Main
IC11 Adv.
Portland Mss Hart IL A. Tierney.
who left Portland a few days ago to
take tha position of bead sawyer at the
Fpauldins; Logging company- aawmm at
Newberg, caught one-hand in the big
saws last ! Wednesday and lost two fin
ger. The mill was forced to close down
for the rest of the day on account of
th accident, i . .:s -.
wm Beasala With. Board In compU-
ance with the request of W. J. Hofmann.
president of the board of directors of the
Pacific Northwest, Tourist association.
Mayor Ben Hill of Walla Walla an
nounces that he has reconsidered his
decision to resign and will retain bis
place on the board. Mayor Hill recently
resigned because Wall Walla had , not
raised its quota for tourist work,: but
the officials refused to accept bis resig
Indian Poaalatloa Increasing Accord
Ins; to Major Swart slander, agent on the
Umatilla reservation, there are at pres
ent 1124 Indians on the reservation, and
the population Is increasing about 15
a year. During the years of the flu
epidemic the population fell off. There
sre some 300 children of school age on
the reserve and their attendance at
school is very satisfactory. Owing to
the fact that the children are cared for
at public schools the government no
longer maintains the agency schools.
Miss Hall Wlas Prise Miss Hazel
Hall, Portland writer, has received
word that she won the $40 prise offered
by Contemporary Verse, published in
Philadelphia, for having written one of
the best poems published by this publi
cation during the year. Miss Hall was
not Informed which of her verses won
the prise.
Choras Boys' Pareat a The Whitney
Boys' Chorus Parents' association will
meet in monthly session at 8 o'clock to
night at the East Side library. East Al
der and Eleventh streets. Matters of
importance are to be presented.
Port las d -Sales. -Alba ay Leaves Stage
depot. Park and Tamhlll. every hour
from 7 a, m. to i- m. Fare. el-EO.
Main 8611. Adv.
Feet Hart! See our foot specialist.
X-ray service free. Knight Shoe com
pany. Morrison near Broadway. Adv.
The Poat System for Feet A scien
tific treatment for broken arches. 711-
712 Broadway bldg. Mar. 1317. Adv.
Salem-Mills City Stage Connects O.
E. trains Nca. i and I for Mllla City.
Joseph Hamman. Salem. Prop. Adv.
Str. America St. Helens via Columbia
river, t :30 p. m. daily ; 11 :30 a. m. San
day. Alder at dock. Mam 8323. Adv.
8. A H. Gross Stamps for Cass Hot-
man Fuel Co.. Main 353. 560-21. Ady.
Dr. O. T. Trommald has returned : 800
Journal building. Adv.
Kiwanls Clan to Celebrate The , Port
land Kiwanis club will celebrate the
seventh anniversary of the formation of
the Klwanla organization by a luncheon
and program Tuesday noon in Multno
mah hOtel. - 4
Credit Men to Meet The Portland
Credit Men's association will hold its
January association dinner Thursday
evening; in the Benson noteL Speakers
will be J. B. Horner and & G. Leiby.
P. A. Pen Haam. baritone, will sing.
- Salem 1 Ketariaas Costlag The Salem
Rotary club will be In charge of the pro
gram at the Rotary club's luncheon
Tuesday noon , in the Benson noteL
George Griffith. President of the Salem
Rotarities, will preside. John H. Me-
Nary. Salem attorney, and Carl G,
Doney, president . ot Willamette ' uni
versity, will speak.
Ad Clab Mask Ball Ad clubbers, their
wives and their friends will attend the
masquerade ball, which -will feature the
program for the installation of officers
Tuesday night in Multnomah hotel.
Prises will be given for best character
portrayals and best advertised business
firms. Fred W. Volger is chairman of
the frolic committee.
n 'Foiincktioh H
,000,000 Drive Launc
Hunter Killed by
Own Gun; Exploded
By Jar as He Fell
Raymond. Wash., Jan. 16. Richard
Rasmussen, one of the early citizens
of this city, was killed Instantly near
South Bend, Sunday, while duck hunt
ing. He stepped into a hole and. fall
ing, accidentally discharged his shotgun
the contents of one of the barrels being
emptied into his abdomen. A friend.
Joe Crich, who was 150 feet from the
scene of the accident, heard the report,
followed by the victim's cries, and hur
ried to the spot to find Rasmussen dead.
Rasmussen had been engaged in black-
smithing in this city for years. He was
a member of the Eagles lodge and the
Modern Woodmen of America. He is
survived by his wife and four children.
The hour between noon andl o'clock
today was observed throughout the na
tion as the Wilson hour, which, marked
the opening of the national Wood row
Wilson Foundation campaign for a fund
of J 1.000.000 of which 110,000 la Oregon's
quota.' -
During the hour subscriptions to the
Wilson Foundation i fund were not
sousttt, but everyone "was given an op
portunity to voluntarily bring their sub
scription to the Foundation headquar
ters. Announcement was made ? some
time ago to every state chairman, treas
urer, members of state committees and
to county and local chairmen that they
were to be in their homes or offices
during the Wilson hour, ready to receive
contributions for the Foundation, which
win honor Mr. Wilson and perpetuate his
principles. .
At the local headquarters of the Foun
dation in the Lumbermens Trust Com
pany bank, campaign committee mem
bers were ready to receive the subscrip
tions which were brought o the bank.
Throughout the state Woodrow Wilson
Foundation -committee 'members re
mained at their homes and in their of
fices, ready to receive the subscriptions.
Oak Orove Resident
Nominates Self as a
Presidential Seeker
For President of the United State
N. F. Nelson of Oak Grove, Or.
Nelson declared in a letter to The
Journal bis intention to run for the
presidency in 1924.
He says in part : "Am not of any .par-
It is thought by those In charge of the
campaign 'that the observance of tha
Woodrow WUaon -hour will put an added
enthusiasm into the campaign, and that
it win not be Ions until Oregon com
pletes her quota. .
Following are the recent subscribers
to the fund : William H. Bants. William
Scruggs, T. B. Vlrden, P. H. Tynan.
William Brewster. Roscoe Hurst, J. F.
Sutter. B. F. Owsley. Milton Trullinger.
a W. KUppeL Ward" B. Swope. Mrs.
Ocean JoUy, T. R. Coon. Mrs. Ralph Har
ris, Matilda Channan. J. F. Seller. E. T.
Taft, Rose Baxter. William P. Ferret.
Mrs. Robert F. HalL Portland: H.
O. La reel of Gresham. J. E. Hunt.
E. R. Corbett, A. C, Newill Cale
Campbell. R.. 8. McFarland. Theodore
Fraxee. Eileen N. Fraaee. G. B. Hasktna.
Amy a Mickey. J. M- RitUner. Rose D
Rittmer. Mr. and Mrs. J. C Wareham.
D. E. Crabtree, Edwin 8. Piper. H, H.
Howe. Affa 8. Seeley. Paul S. Seeley,
Elmer R. Lundburg. H, C Lorren of
Gresham; Mrs. Mary B. Jackson, Miss
Berntce Jackson. J. B. Jackson of Hood
River; Thomas H. Haniey. Coquille ; J.
Idaho's Snowfall ;
Inches Hold.Eecord
Boise, ; Idaho, " Jam. IC Snowfall la
Idaho aa reported to' tha Federal Mete
orological Bureau ta data, is atightly be
low normal for thla season. Galeae
Sunuait with 64 tnchea holds tha record-
Three hundred fifty taousaad pounds
of Canyon county wool are being load
ad out from the warehouse 'at Cald
well, and ta be shipped to J. KaaUnd
of Boston. -It toe to Portland by ran,
and from there by ' steamer through the
canal to tha Ra stern market-
The United States Fidelity and
Guaranty company of Baltimore paid
the state Wednesday, aad It la the first
of three companies to pay tha atata of
Idaho for loss of deposits upon -the re
cent failure xf the Bellevue Bank A
Trust Co.
C. McKean. Moro.
Lumbermens Trust Company Bank
Portland, Oregon.
Gentlemen: Inclosed find J tot Woodrow Wilson
Foundation fund. Please send certificate of membership to the under
signed at the following address:
Name '
City State
Make , checks to Woodrow Wilson Foundation, Lumbermens Trust
Company bank, Broadway and Oak streets. Portland, Oregon.
Lost Mateahd Son; .
Sues for $75,000
Wenatchee. Wash.. Jan 14 Suit ta
collect $75,000 damages from the Great
Northern Railroad oompany baa been
Instituted" in the United States district
court by Mrs. W. S. Slocomb for-' the
death of her husband and son Cecil, who
were killed November 28. 191). when an
automobile in which they were riding
was struck by a train at the Monitor
crossroad. '
Logging Trainman
nmea unaer uar
Centralis. Waafe, Jan la. George
Metalaff. employed 'as a braketnaa oa
the kxrrtnr road of the WaJ Tills Lumber'
company, waa Instantly killed Saturday.- .
when be fall under the wheels of a .
One hand .was cat off and be was
crushed Internally. Metalaff la thougkr "v
to have been using a stick to set the -brakes
on the car and the stick either
broke or be lost bis balance. - The vo-'
tta-of the accident ' lived at Reynoldav
near Walville.
time, a progressive, democratic Repub
lican. Jim a firm believer in the en
franchisement of woman and should I be
elected would have one or more in my
advisory cabinet I waa born in a log
cabin. I deem it imprudent to outline
ticular creed or party, yet at the present any definite policy at the present time."
Whitman College, Walla Walla.
Wash.. Jan. IS. The Whitman univer
sity of Washington annual debate win be
held on either February S or 10. Whit
man freshmen team will meet the Pa
ciflc university aggregation Friday.
all give . way to permanont atruo
turea as cities grow It rs no longer -a
question of a few dollars' add- '
tioaal expense for new build Inge. 1
the main ooosidereUoa being to em
ploy akill and materials to create .'
' ana erect structures that ahall be
enduring. Experience baa like- .
wise developed the same sentiment
m the pub bo mind tn regard to
pavement : the beat, namely. War
remte-BitullthIc being generally
conceded as the cheapest is the '
long run.
Vancouver. Wash- Jan. 14, The fol
lowing marriage licenses were issued
Saturday : George W. Stout. 2. and Min
nie S. Huber, 28. Portland: Jesse Clark,
22. and Joyce Mclrwln, 19. Vancouver.
Wash. ; Frank W. Morrison, 2$, La Cen
ter, and Creth V. Binford. 25, Wood-
burn. Waah. ; William M. Parmely. 30.
and Marie Wilson, 20. Portland ; Luther
G. Neugent. 24. and Roeey Barhan. 8S.
Portland; Albert T. Stewart, 29. and
Alice M. Brown, 19. Portland; William
J. Walsh, 2L and Maybelle J. HaTberg.
19. Portland.
Olympla. Waalu. Jan. 14, Thirty-four
physicians were sdmltted to practice
medicine in Washington examinations
as the result of the state medical ex
aminations Friday.
& Company
Printers 5S7JPl5a
Add to Your Income by Saving S. & H. Stamps. Filled Books Rsdeemed in Cash on 3rd Floor
Corner Second 20 Tears In the Same
Has made many friends for this
office. Our small overhead expense
In this location allows us. to do high
clans Dental work at small fees.
Set of teeth $8.00
Oar Work la Fally Oaaraatesd.
Except Groceries and a Very
Few Restricted Lines
Except Groceries aaal a Very
Few Restricted
All Men's and Boys Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats
reduced. All Sweaters, Underwear, Neckwear, etc.,
reduced. Every article reduced except a very few
restricted lines. S. & H. Stamps, an additional saving.
This appliev to every garment In the Junior Shop
and the Infanta' wear Section. Hilh-dtss apparel frora
leading makers. Supply the children now and save!
in a Cottage
is an old sayin&
It's doubly sweet when the
little home is heated by our
Cottage Gas Furnace
Only $75
See It at the
Gas Office
The Man Who Considers Ultimate Cost Buys
Clear Creek COAL
(Mined in Utah)
WiHamette Fuel & Supply Go.
Broadway 2144 . Automatic 512-25
Clearance of Women's
Silk Kimonos
We are oversupplied with Silk Kimonos. The stock must be re
duced at once and to effect a speedy clearaway prices have been
slashed to a no-profit basis. Here is an excellent opportunity to
choose from a large selection of dainty garments at substantial savings.
36 Inch Lace Flouncings
Maia Floor With the Spring sewing season drawing
near many women will welcome this opportunity to buy
wanted Flouncings at half price. Large selection of de
sirable patterns. Black, rtas-yV copper, gray and copen.
Regular $2.50 Flouncings special at SI. 25
Regular $3.95 Flouncings special at S 1.98
Regular $5.00 Flouncings special at $2.50
All-Over Lace
36 inches wide and many attractive pat
terns. Black, navy, mais, lavender, copper,
tan, sapphire and combinations of various
colors. Regular 4.oo Allovers d0 A A
on sale Tuesday at special, yard tBaaieUU
Center Circle, Main Floor
Chocolates -
29c lb
Delicious fresh Chocolates
put up tn full pound boxes.
Treat the home folksl OQ
Tuesday special, box e-IC
Chews 33c
Candy Chews In assorted
flavors. Everybody QQ
likes 'era! I. boxes OOC
Candy Dept., Maia Floor.
Boys' Sweaters
For little fellows . 3 to 6
years. Popular coat style;
some with belts. Cardinal,
blue, tan and maroon. Most
ly with large col- Q Af
lars. Clearance at tDOeUU
The "Nestle"
Wave '.
The -most suc
cessful method
yet devised for
riving t perma
nent wave to the
hair. Resists
dampness, hu
mid atmosphere
and other un
favorable weather conditions.
A "Nestle" Wave gives added
charm and so closely does it
resemble the natural wave
that one can scarcely dis
tinguish between them.
Our Experts
are thoroughly experienced in
Nestle Waving and first class
work is ; .guaranteed.-". For
your convenience appointment
may be made by telephone.
Call Marshall 4800 and ask for
Beauty Parlors. Seconal Floor.
Silk Kimonos
Crepe de Chine, Satin, Chud
dah and Jap Silk Kimonos. ' Ori
ental, empire and breakfast coat
effects. Choice of several beau
tiful models, embroidered or
trimmed with tucks CQ A A
and ruffles. Special OaeUU
Silk Kimonos
Japanese Kimonos with large
flowing sleeves and tie sashes.
Elaborately embroidered in vari
ous designs. !AIso Georgette and
Crepe de Chine Kimonos in
many attractive styles. M O
Light, dark' patterns at wis.
Crepe Negligees
Of Georgette and Crepe de
Chine in a splendid range of light
patterns. Some have short over
slips of lace and are trimmed with
wide lace, ribbon, rosebuds, etc.
Short sleeves, long roll A"! A
collars. Clearance Sale DJLfr
Grepe Negligees
Exquisite Negligees in combi
nations of Satin, Georgette, Crepe
de Chine and lace. Daintily trim
med witb hemstitching, loops,
facings, etc. Slip-on and open
front styles. Loose G0"
sleeves. Priced at onlv WaGl.
Smart New Satin Hats
Featured at $7.50
These will appeal particularly to the
woman who desires an inexpensive hat
to finish out the season. Many capti
vating styles including upturned and
flare effects also close-fitting turbans.
Black, beige, plum, mob aw k and many
other shades. Values to QrT (?A
112.50. Clearance Sale at D I eOU
Model Hats f
$15 to $30
Satin, Faille, Moire, and Straw Braid
combinations. Late models designed
especially ' for mid - season wear.
Some ' are hand embroidered.
Millinery Salons, Second Floor
5 lb. All-Wool Blankets
Special $6.90
Bargain Circle, Main Floor Another
special one-day offering that will be
of interest to the thrifty housewife.
Oregon-made all wool Blankets in
extra large size (70x84 Inches).
Fancy plaids and white. Slightly
imperfect. Weight 5 lbs. AA
Limited quantity. Special DOe7U
Baby . Blankets
Bargain) Circle, Main Floor Blankets
in this lot selling formerly no to
$3.50. Crib size, good heavy qual
ity, white and colors Edges are neat
ly bound with ribbon. On " QQ
sale for one day. Special OJLeiO
' i
Baby Blankets
30x40 Inch size." Fancv
patterns in colors. Only
a nmuea quantity. Keg
Jar f tXH Blan- (")
kets special at UavC
Dependable Coffee 37c lb.
In Sib. Tins r8
-Dependable, Coffee is vacuum packed
. fresh from the roaster. You cannot ... buy
; better Coffee at any price. 5 lb. tins
'$1.85 3 lb. tins $1.20 l lb. tins 43c
Sinclair Hams 32c lb.
Mild cure,: sweet and tender, v Only the
. Choicest stock used for Sinclair's Fidelity Hams.
Priced very special for Tuesday only 32c" lb.
Sinclair's Fidelity Bacon, full or half Ji
strip. Priced special for Tuesday, pound fnls
Ghirardelli's Chocolate 3-lb. tins 75c
"Housekeeper's Week" & Clearance
HousokoU Supplies of All Kinds
--Large' Bod Spreads, pure white. English
finish.' raised "patterns. r Regular dQ QP
1250. values. Clearance Sale at wOeeeJ
-e-Hemstitclkod Shoots, size 8 H90 - QQ
Inches. Standard make... Special tDXeaO
Bleached Skoetmg, 72 inches wide.
Hack ' Towels in medium size- "1
-iFaocy TicidaLg in short lengths.
Values to 60c Spe-- OQ
cial for Clearance, yard awIC
BaU. Towola, fuU
Specially priced for Clearance, yard-
Hock Towels in medium size
Special at only $2.00 dozen each
bleached, soft and absorb- OA.
ent. Clearance Sale,' ea. ea.UC
WhiU Voile, regular
It.So quality. . Sale, yd.
Clearance of Fine Linens
Belgian Linen Table ?PT J?t
Cloth, 63i75 in.; it UfeUU
Napkins to match." dz. $l(LSO
AO Liaoaa at Cloaraaco Prices.
. Mercerized Table Dam
ask. Priced special; yd. ODC
-Irish Crash Toweling, 'Op? n
all pure linen. . The yard a-UC
Special Clearance of
'; Rugs r
A wonderful opportunity to
buy luxurious Rugs' at big
savings. Discontinued patterns
la the famous Bengal Oriental
Rugs at Clearance prices.
122.50 RugS, tJI 7 r A
size 2.5x4.6 at OXloUU
$4o.oo Rugs. Co? nn
size 3.2x5.2 at OawDeUU
$5.oo Rg. CQQ 7K
size 4x7 feet, at 90a7e I
size" 9x12.. at $135.00
Rug Deptirtment,
; SrdFIoor
1 :