The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 16, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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aw nnmwDixr Kg wspamr
0. .. jaoiso i-cbtUMt
IB ealaa. be eoaflaVat. be rivrvrfn ssd
ethers yen weald ae ta ea aata
KuA-j t-trr tuHiT anil flaanai ' sanrnjnt
, Tae J soma 1 aaiMtnc. Broe4aa M4 Taaa
fctq (mt, Perta-ml.
s ai the eaatatfire at Portland. Onm
Unmta taraes the aaue ea aeceaa1
fil rjtUNB Warn Till. AaloauUe t0-l.
II 4vanmmU r chad by taaw mnabere,
. TIT K gaejasaln Kntaor Co.. Braaawtrk
' armiae i ntre an. -
I Breae '., Ktaalawr atnldio. aa rru-
I ma: ima laaeraaee eaudinc, lea j
' f taHte-r swlMIs. Seattle.
JIS OR WOO JnrUlL Om rieat
w nwi 4rtTTVin eayr wsJek K
niwuoum t tk win sot erhrt say
eaey Uet M est w enwvntae lasdins miV
that aaaaot radit be raBosaaaed aa
"irkA4,6iPT5A'J fiiYti
Oatrtat. Ctti and 'wintry.
Oee weak. .... I .14 I Om atnfh. . . , .$ .
On t .1 I OM vwk. I
e sanats .41
Oee Veer It no
Three swathe... II.JI
mm svaxha . 4.21
I tun.t
' IWtthaee lahtt
yr 1 no
aotOa . . . . 1 25
Three months.. 1.71
Om bv'I . . . . .
(tTj Wedjavtaf)
Om year It f0
il laalha .Att
Om avmth.. .. .. .19
One TMr M n.
Sis month. l.TI
Three smbUm... LOU
Om rear
Tbaaa relea anal oat ha the WmI
llaan m Eartara poiaet fumfcihad ea appBra
Maa. Maka MailttaaMa a Un nk .
Mam Oreat a Imft. If fnor pmtoffW k Bnt
avar-aUr afflea. 1 ar 2-aat ataaira aill
a a una. aaaa all raailttaiu-aa parabla ta
Tha Jaamal raWlahina Coapaaj, Portia ad.
That haat partiaa of food Butt'l Dfa.
1 fia hUJa waaaWai. narawmlxrad acta of
ffniB United States Oram Growers.
f- inc., a cooperative marketing or
sanitation of wheat producers, h
enrolled In its membership nearly
40,000 farmer", chiefly thoae trtba
, tary to Chicago, Indianapolis, Omaha,
. Kansas City. Oklahoma City and St.
,Tht heads of the organization
claim to be adding new members at
a the rate of 2000 a week. An appeal
which has come from, the growers
contains these words': : '
I Open up the channels of our new co
oberstlve marketing agency. Get them
In working order. Wo are ready to pour
our grata loto chutes Which wUt.sUrt
It evsr a new routs to markst '- :
: One of the grants of authority ex
tended to executive officers of t&
organisation is the privilege of buy
ing seats on established gram es
, changes "for the purpose of conduct
ing a strictly legitimate sales bust
nesa conforming to the regulations
. of the tichange."
; Why should not someone on the
grain exchange represent the farmer?
, On trouble with agriculture is that
all the activities of the farmer were
confined to the farm, lie plowed
the ground, planted the crop, did
the harvesting, paid the hired help
and the Interest on the mortgage,
and, with that, his field or opera
lions ended.
Homebody else attended to the bust
nens of distributing his products.
Somebody else fixed the routes of
shipment. Somebody else sat on the
grain exchanges where his grain was
. sold. Somebody else fixed the grad
Ing rules by which his grain was
olasslfied. Somebody else fixed the
freight rates and somebody else
fixed the multitude of commission
charges that met his grain at every
turn m the road.
Somebody else went to the legisla
ture and to congress and made the
laws tor htm. Somebody else made
the appropriation and somebody else
fixed the tax levies. Somebody else
made all the rules of the game and
, ..all he had to do was to play the
other man's rules, stay on the farm,
grow the crops as d foot the bills.
It's time for him to buy seats on
the gral) exchanges snd to do other
things In the way ot seeing where
his products go, bow they are sold
and the whys and wherefores of
markets and freight rates and the
raat of the things that gnaw away
the fruits of his labor.
Having relieved Standard Oil of
excess profits and certain Income
taxes, which could not be shifted, it
Is proposed in congress now to place
a S cents-a-gallon tax on gasoline,
which can be shifted by the corpora
tkm to the gasoline consumer. If
it was desired to have the oil mag
nateu pay part of the soldiers bonus,
why dldn t congress continue the
profits and Income taxes as they
B002E was hauled in patrol
wagoaa to clients ot blue coated
A prohibition agent whose wage
from the government was ISt a
month was found guilty of receiving
lUOt a month to protect the busi
ness of "hootch vendors.
Two hundred coconuts seised by
federal authorities were found to be
, Ailed with rum. That was the milk
in the coconut
'The first Incident occurred In
Chicago, the second in Indianapolis,
, the third in Minneapolis. - - '
People find la such affairs aa these
the aubat&nc of pessimista, if they
are pessimists. v :. .- -
They argue that contempt for law
rovems youth, maturity and age in
this careless day'
But why not give & moment's
thought to, what the majority are
doing? - N .; . -
The treater jart of the people are
about the day's work. Some of them
violate the prohibition law, but the
majority ; do not. The greatest
danger sign would be the discovery
that the former were inconspicuous.
Some of them violate traffic laws,
but the greater number 'do not. The
streets would be a bedlam of death
were the traffic violations to go un
protested. The greater number of people are
keeping hearths or furnaces lighted.
They "are keeping the majority of
children In school. They are going
to church and the movies, commit
ting; the minor faults but maintain
ing the greater law, and, thus, keep-
tag the world a safer place in which
to dwell. There is always more faith
than betrayal in human kind.
This is the week for completing
the collection of funds for the Wood
row Wilson Foundation. The friends
in dregon of the war president would
be shocked if they knew how small
a part Of the Oregon quota has been
raised. Mr. Wilson fell bruised
and wounded while fighting for
great cause. . This week is: your
chance to show your appreciation of
his work by a money contribution,
no matter how small. It is not in
the big contributions of the rich and
powerful alone but in the pennies
of the humble that the great ideal
will be beautified and hallowed.
ij.KrJ is a recent headline In a
AA Portland paper: "Man stops in
front of automobile; is hit; probably
will not recover."
At ts not an unusual occurrence.
People crossing streets often change
their minds and turn to retrace their
steps. They find they have forgot
ten something, and stop quickly to
think and look. They drop some
thing and without thought of; or a
glance for automobiles they stoop
to regain the lost article. For other
reasons and without thought, they
stop short on a heavily laden traffic
Usually, they escape an automo
bile. Usually it la. because the oper
ator of the car is vigilant and expert
Certainly it Is not because the pe
destrian has been sufficiently cau
tious to protect himself from acci-
But one man stopped without
thought He looked too late. The
car was on him. He may live or he
may die. And day after day other
people unconsciously Invite a similar
accident. 1
It will not be the amount but the
fact of helping, forward the move
ment that will make your contribu
tion to the Woodrow Wilson Founda
tion a. satisfying act This is the
week for completing the fund, and
if you take no part in building this
everlasting monument to the com
mander who led the thought of the
world In the great war, will you not
always feel a tinge of regret? The
purpose of the foundation Is to ac
centuate the accomplishments of
men anf women who do something
substantial for the betterment of
the world and the advancement
Justice and peace on earth.
THE trade between the irrigated
-a- districts nf tha Wit anri V
East exceeds the trade of the United
Mates with South America. It is
greater than our trade with Fsance.
or with any other single country ex
cept Great Britain.
The goods sold by Eastern manu
facturers to Western Irrigationists
load many of the cars that travel
westward and the products of once
waste areas furnish the same cars
something to carry back.
In an effort recently undertaken
by the United States Chamber of
Commerce to secure the business re
action of the nation's business on the
question of reclamation, the stimulus
to Industry was found one of the
strongest arguments to prove that
reclamation of waste lands is really
a national Issue.'
But despite the individual valua
tion placed by manufacturers upon
the business they are able to get
out of Western centers of productive
activity, there has been almost no
collective thinking on the subject
The characteristic question of the
Eastern business man, as he con
fronts the proposal that he ought
vigorously to support proposed rec
lamation legislation is. "WLy should
I vote taxes on myself for the bene
fit ot the West?" He will remind the
visitor from points west of the
Rockies that New York, 'possessing
a tenth of the country's popula
uon. pays much more than a tenth
of the taxes, and that Eastern states
through federal taxes are very heavy
contributors,, to the federal. gQvern
ment road building .program In the
West, its schemes of agricultural
eaucauon and its maintenance of
national parks and forests.
When he ia told that the Yakima
project sent 15,000,000 east for auto
mobiles last year land that in one
wall community of 'po people these
were more than 200 automobiles he
begins to open his eyes. He opens his
eyes stUl wider; as the list, of farm
machinery, home furnishings and
many kinds .of supplies It placed be
fore . hirn. - . 1 " ;. .
But it he is still reluctant to grant
the Interdependence of industry and
reclamation, there is a line of argu
ment which does not fail to convince.
It contains aa idea which the West,
for thatt matter." has yet'td learn.
There ! a ' reclamation problem in
the East. There are' large tracts of
contiguous abandoned farms in New
York. ' There are swampy areas.
These would : be as susceptible of
project development as the North
unit in Oregon and be closer to great
markets. : r, r
The south has millions of acres
of ; swamp land that when drained
would produce vegetables, cotton! and
corn in almost unlimited quantity.
It is with the sense of a common
problem and an . equal opportunity
that the East, South and West are
now able to sit down together in
reclamation conference. They are
able to agree that reclamation la a
national issue. They are able to pro
pose that business men as well as
farmers get back of the principles
embodied in legislation that proposes
machinery alike available to the
people of any section of the country
who think that with government aid
added to their own Initiative they
could put idle areas to work.
There has been a contest from the
beginning between the forces ot good
and evil. - The woes of mankind are
the: product of the triumph of evil.
There Is a plan to reward achieve
ment that makes for the welfare of
the races. It is the Woodrow Wilson
Foundation, which will annually an
nounce to the world the name and
accomplishment of men or women
who have done something to mini
mize the sorrows and burdens of
humanity. There could be nohigher
purpose or nobler cause. If you want
to do your bit in the movement, this
is the week in which to make your
contribution. Whether it Is the
widow's mite or the rich man's gift
it will count alike in the effort to
ameliorate the sorrows and suffer
ings' of humankind, as planned by
the Woodrow Wilson Foundation.
VOW comes a new dress design
A 1 : for men who dance. It is the
product of the American Designers'
association and is of a light, friv
olous gayety supposed to be in keep
ing with" the dance.
The frills are on the coat. It has
an. artificial waist line three inches
above normal; is fastened by three
buttons set close together at the
upper part of the coat. Just above
the chest line; has a fancy line of
pockets set high and" trimmed with
braid; and turnback cuffs. In ad
dition, there are satin pipings, in
verted plaits in the back and silk
crowfoot for finish. They are to
be black, blue, or dark brown, and
.in some rtort mixtures" in whirV.
knickerbockers are a part there are
lighter shades of cashmere with
brown in predominance.
There was a time, of course, when
people could dance "in ordinary
clothes. It. wasn't necessary to the
success of, combined exercise, and
pleasure that men be dressed like
a water spaniel at a dog ,show. But
of course times have changed, ahd,
with .them, styles. -J.
The ; new ' creations may be the
thing. ; They may Increase the Joys
of dancing, But it wofld seem from
their description that; there will be
some difficulty In distinguishing men
so attired from the women in at
tendance. The telephone directory
has 1
usurped the place of the city di
rectory. ; The latter is seldom used
and cannot always be found in. drug
'pHEi.current -year will see the clos
A ing of dregon's, greatest period
of highway construction unless pro
vision is made for additional funds,
a provision which does not seem
possible under present conditions, in
view of the fact that the constitu
tional limit of indebtedness for road
purposes has been practically
reached. It is not expected that
highway work is to cease altogether
but it Will Of necessity Tirnrwrl nn'
lines of much lesser magnitude.
It will be recalled that when the
first road bond issue of $6,000,000
was submitted to popular vote The
Journal predicted that this Riim
would be inadequate to complete the
system of state roads which had been
marked out by the legislature. The
resu,lt has confirmed that prediction.
Thus far the total amount of state
county and federal funds expended
on the state system has been ap
proximately sixty millions.
Even that expenditure will not
complete the system. It will, how
ever, finish the two main roads, the.
Pacific highway and Columbia river
highway, on both of which approxi
mately half the total amount has
been spent and make the other chief
roads of the system usable most of
the Year.
During the years of this great in
ternal change, the steady and noise
less evolution of the state's highway
system, it is remarkable that its ex
tent has been but HtUe realized by
the general public. So far reaching
Vt the' development that iu limits
have not been appreciated by the
masa, which; thus far has been im
pressed onlyhy local contact Even
those who have directed the growth
have not fully vtsioned the-real hori-
aon ; or sensed ;s magnitude of
breadth. This may be doe to the
fact; that the financing of the work
haa; been : borne by the automobile
owner and motor truck user, in
directly reaching the public pocket
That the results achieved by the
expenditure of .iany millions are
commensurate win not provoke con
troversy. As in all large outlays for
publie work .there has no doubt been
some waste.'- Errors , of ; Judgment
have been made but there has been
developed no suspicion of dishonesty
or ulterior motive. . , It has r been
'demonstrated that" men can be found'
who, will work in the public interest
without salary, controlled by .their
sense of -civic duty alone. :
In judging- their achievement al
lowance must .be made for the factor
of local interests, which always make
It impossible to ; follow methods of
private enterprise.' , Compromises
must be made, Individual opinions be
yielded. V. . J' .-;;
Another consideration is the evo
lutionary character of highway de
velopment. : ' ''
Federal Attorney General's Pursuit
Variously Viewed, Some Hoping for
'Results. Some Denying Results
Attainable; Some Indict the
Retailer, Others Acquft
Him, as It Has Been
From the Beginning;
But All Say
"Go to It-
Daily Editorial Digest
(Consolidated Presa AaaorUrhm)
Some editors doubt If the retail profi
teer really exists ; others think be is not
nearly so bad as painted; still others
believe if he does exist and Is aDDre-
hended there Is nothing that can be done
about It But aU are agreed that the
attorney general is rendering a service
to the public and to the conscientious
retailer in his effort to clear up the
mystery of the margin between whole
sale and retail prices.
a a a
"It is to be hoped," says the Rich
mond Times-Dispatch (Dem.) "that in
this undertaking Attorney General
Daugherty is not making a mere gesture,
as did his predecessor in a similar un
dertaking," and the Newark News (Ind.)
admits "a ray of hope. Mr. Palmer m as
bucking-the combined effects of a war
shortage and an unexampled buying
capacity among our people. Things are
quite different now. Especially as the
retail market does not seem to have
fully liquidated in some lines and as the
industrial depression has not been over
come, the conditions favor price reduc
tion unless upheld by combination."
As to these combinations of retailers,
which the Boston Transcript (Ind. Rep.)
characterizes as "men" who sell schemes
to defeat the laws of the country by
forming associations in which distor
tion is disguised as competition," the
Brooklyn Eagle (Ind. Dem.) believes
"Every housewife in America is inter
ested in the news that with a free hand
granted by the principle of the supreme
court's decision in the hardwood combi
nation case, Attorney General Daugh
erty is going after the retail profiteers
in foods, clothes and fuel. The grocers'
associations, the butchers' associations
are not' so compactly organized or so
energetically run as was the Hetrick
bid-pooling system, but their principle is
precisely the game. Keeping prices up
is what "mutual benefit' means to them."
while granting that "the reasons for
this situation doubtless are several." the
Washington Post (Ind.) thinks the "at
torney general , is, warranted in, the
suspicion that in some instances at least
It is due to price-fixing combinations."
The individual retailer, in the opinion
of the papers that fro Into this phase of
the problem, is the least of an. to blame
for the prices he charges and gets. The
Passat Herald (Ind.) believes that
"considers are partly to blame for the
high ojet of living," since "credit and
cost of service are the principal items in
high retail prices" and "the next Item
of importance is the overhead. It nat.
urally follows fhat if two, three or four
groceries are maintained in an average
residential neighborhood, the public has
to pay for service that it could get
cheaper and better from one store." The
Arizona Republican (Ind.) believes that
the charge of "unconscionable" leveled
by the attorney general against retail
prices on what the Louisville Courier
Journal (Dem ) calls "the Big Four
when prices are discussed food, fuel,
shoes and clothing," is founded on a
"superficial view." That "there has
been some profiteering In all liies is
not to be doubted." but the Remibllcan
does not think u has been "general"
ine Boston post (ind. Dem.) finds "one
flaw in the Daugherty process, and that
is that the comparison is to be between
the production .costs of the commodities
and the prices the public knows that is,
the prices in the retail stores and mar
kets. Unless we are told what the re
tailer pays, the vast in between,' the
public may be very unfair in Its Judg
ment of its storemen." The New Or
leans Times-Picayune (Ind. Dem.) thinks
that while the retailer, who, "because he
comes in contact with the consumer, be
comes the natural victim of profiteering
charges," will nevertheless profit by an
investigation which "if impartial, will
give him the chance to set himself right
with his own customers and his own
community." "The publio does- not stop
to think," the El Paso Times (Dem.)
says, in extenuation of the retail dealer,
"that prices of production underwent'
tremendous changes within a few years.
If the baker could cut his wages, over
head and so on in an equal ratio with
the flour reduction, he would have no
difficulty in making a sharp reduction
in bread prices," though, on the other
hand, the St Louis Post-Dispatch" (Ind.)
observes that heavy price cuts In the
retail field have already been made,
"enough to indicate what reductions can
be made without the sacrifice of a nor
mal profit." and "where such reductions
have not been made there is rround for
the suspicion of agreement through the
open price list or such devices as an
association to advance competition."
"If Attorney General Daugherty Is look
ing for profiteers, as he announces so
loudly," demands the Bridgeport Post
(Ind.). "let him begin by searching those
great combinations which control basic
commodities, such as coal Iron and steel
If he fails to find profiteering here,
where there is no competition, how can
he expect to find profiteering where
there is the fiercest competition?"
As to measures for correcting profi
teering, the Hartford Times (Dem.) sees
the only remedy in "bringing suits un
der the anti-trust law." The Philadel
phia Record (Dem.) despairs of any
remedy In law: "We know in 'general
what profiteering Is and we detest, it.
But we do not know of any enforceable
law, state or federal, which establishes
prices m time of peace or determines
what is a fair margin of profit, and
provides appropriate punishment for
violation." But that "publication of
comparative price lists with a view to
showing the relation or lack of relation
between the wholesale and retail prices
should be a great help in bringing- re
calcitrant retailers of foodstuffs to
time." Is the opinion of the Buffalo Ex
press (Ind. Rep.).
a a a
That "there is a political aspect to this
matter which the country should (under
stand and keep In mind" is observed by
the Lincoln (Neb.) State Journal (tad.).
"We do not say that the attorney gen
eral a acting witn a view to tariff
schedules.. We only say that aa effort
to load the onus for high prices upon the
retailers fits into the tariff situation
Just to take It from the retailer to give j
iu we manuiacrorer will not answer."
- Frota , tha PlUaborr Saa - -
r Everyone bopeawthat -France -does wot
aaopt towards arms limitation proposals
an atutude ox "unar ahau not pass.'
Letters From the People
f CoauvBicmtkna aaat' ta n Iinnl (a
pnbKrataT 1a thai aVpaif tK aaxmM ba arrittaa 1
oa only aa aaaa af tar paper, akoald x
eae4 See arorda la leaztfc. and awl ba airaal
or ua wnwr, wnoaa man arMraaa ta but aaaat
amnrerapy tha coaunbatioo. )
Comment by a Supporter of the Princl-
' pies or the Socialist Leader.
Portland. Jan. I. To the Editor of The
Journal The closing week of 1921 will
be a red tetter week in American history.
1 ne release or JJeos, with his visit to
Harding and Daugherty at Washing
ton, and his home greeting, will not
soon be forgotten. We may never know
all that happened at headquarters before
his being allowed to enjoy freedom, but
reading between the lines we are led to
believe the powers that be would have
been delighted could they have possibly
silenced him forever. But thoaa who
know Debts were assured that rather
than give up serving his fellow workers.
as reward for freedom, he would have
been willing to lie in Jail to the end of
ms term. -And if either Harding or
Daugherty presumed to believe he would
yield they must have disclosed an utter
underestimate of Debs' feelings toward
his lifework. and regarded him as a
timeserving politician, willing to sell out
his fellow workers. In their expressed
fear that his fine persuasive personality
might lead the unthinking crowd to do
deeds of violence, they forget that Debs
went to jau as an anti-force champion
and never failed to urge constitutional
activities at the ballot box to counteract
evils which the unthlnkine maajtes have
c rough t upon the nation by perpetuating
a system or piunaering which resulted
In enslavement of the masses, and which
teaaa to international wars. It is a
noticeable fact that the saving philoso
phy advocated by Debs commands the
indorsement of scholars and thinkers In
every land and if adopted by the masses
wouid cnange conditions for the better.
bui me pro u leers 01 every land are
opposed to it and bf cause nearly all
the newspapers are owned by that crowd
it becomes a hard task for Debs and
bis co-workers to spread the thought
among tne masses. But this does not
deter them in their efforts, even though
sometimes Jails are their reward. As
for Debs, his satisfaction is eaual to
cne of the scripture celebrities, as he
was ready in Jail to say, "I would that
all were as I am, save these bonds."
And he will keep up the fieht to the end
of his days ; then others will take up his
wont, iui victory over greed prevails.
John Williams.
Protest Against Attempts at Suppres
sion; Control Urged Instead.
roruand, Jan. 14. To the Editor of
The Journal Experience has taught us
that in suppressing the natural tenden
cies of childhood and youth we may look
ior an ouiDrean in some other direction.
often in a form more harnful to moral
and mental growth than the act we
first condemned. Moral strength for
youth can be obtained only by the proper
development of natural Instincts, by
teaching self-control the first day It
utters a cry for things desired from the
-infant's crib. Men through all ages
have found pleasurable self-expression
in dancing. Shall we now, in 1922. say to
eur boys and girls. "You cannot dance?"
We are reckoning without knowledge of
the boy and girL
' Ugly contortions have crept In, and
have brought an added stigma to this
form of pleasure, from those who have
always sought to banish it entirely.
Our work as mothers, teachers, leaders
of youth everywhere is to fight more
strenuously to keep the dance pure. That
was what we were striving for when we
brought the dance into the community,
where we an be with our children and
know at first hand what they are doing.
The trouble lies not in the school
dance. It rests with the boy or "girl
who attends, and they fall to meet life's
conditions and to use Judgment and self
control to temper that freedom of action
which we as human beings now demand,
because the mothess of the nation have
been too long content with the duties of
the dishpan and broom and have not
been educated, broadened, enlightened
enough to give to the world a staunch
race of men needed to meet modern con
ditions. If, instead of a fight to suppress, the
same energy could be applied to sober,
intense thought and study of these hu
man problems, much constructive pood
might be accomplished and the parent
assisted in that most stupendous task.
me proper rearing or a child.
Mrs. Charles Hogan.
Chairman Community Service, Parent
Teacher Council.
Those Who "Enlisted Too Soon" and Are
Not Eligible to Bonus."
Grants Pass, Jan. 12. To the Editor
of The Journal I want to know if the
people of the state of Oregon did not
suppose tne bonus was for all who
fought honorably during the World war.
Taat was the intent of the bill voted on.
Now comes the notice back to hundreds
or Til boys" that the bonus commission
"greatly regrets the fact, but you en
listed too soon to receive the bonua"
That same boy has to help pay the taxes
mat some bereaved father and mother
iis to neip pay. wnue ne or she re
ceives not any benefit, even after the
boy has made the "supreme sacrifice."
I know of another case where the
father is so crippled with rheumatism
that he is almost helpless, and the son
V j ..Ii v , . . ......
iiau toia nis lamer, wnen I get my
bonus money I will send you to the hot
sr-ringa" ; but this same boy enlisted be
fore June 3, 1915, so will not receive
any bonua
I wonder If, when the men drew up
I'm om, tney lorgot mat the navy boys
euiisiea ror tour years instead of three.
1 make an apnea to the American
Legion and the people of Oregon to right
uira vwrong.
A Mother Whose Boy Enlisted Too Soon.
lax Expert Makes Comrjarison With
uregon Farms' Assessed Valuation.
Portland, Jan. 9. To the Editor of
The Journal I have been Interested In
your editorial in The Sunday Jour
nal on the 1925 fair. Tour comments
on tne state of mind of the farmer and
tne up-state people are interesting
nave lately been makinr. for the
state rarm bureau, a study of taxation.
Perhaps when the farmers look at the
report of the state tax commissioner
and see that all the money, notes and
accounts in the state are assessed at
.20.193,371. while the farm property la
assessed at $327,529,195. they will feel
tnat it would be a rather risky Invest
ment to tie up In a fair proposition
approximately one third of all the
money, note and accounts in the atate
Some people have had the hardihood
to say that these figures are not correct
and that Oregon has many, many times
this amount of money, notes and ac
counts, but the farmer's exnerlenee In
trying to secure credit to tide him over
deflation leads -him to believe that we
nave m Oregon ' less money than Is
a see seed. George A. Mansfield,
President Oregon State Farm Bureau.
From the Takizaa Bmbljeu ,
-Takima," says the esteemed News
Tribune ia diplomatically smooth In r over
the report that five Inches of rain fell at
Tacoma last Saturday ; and Sunday.
"would welcome aome " of the water
waste which falls on the westward alone
of the dividing range." It ia a theory of
many Denignted individuals that the peo
ple la the irrigation country are envious
because rain doesnt fan ow them. The
fact Is quits otherwise. ' Our people re
gard slight news of the alnXali as of
j a a aiwaja a eamncr lur
every barrier. - ,
- . a . . v j ' : "
If thlnra m on aa tKw av'mn.. .
it may come to pass that the consumer
me consumed.
Grand opera mar coma mnA h..niiri
nsushi may go, but the masters will have
to extend themselves to beat tha fold re
frain. " Tth K- fw
Top.- ' '
. .....
All of this rot ehont Vm w...
and similar .Umi.. .l i- i .
good fodder upon which to rear a gener-
awrcspeciing, cntvairous and
even decent men and women, isn't it?
In this great Amrrin of .ii
men start Ufa aa hhi, a.,,, v l. i
oia enougn to play the
game they get a big handicap from fata-
a a
Haven't much Idas what u
I? w!S .?571t,hetlc Psychology" is. but If
uwu wjuunc id no wirn ha, . .
want 10 iry iu
New York mclh., ni... Ika y". "inat S-iria, Now, with
lu a1 does seem thai
reform is about to k .
.iv.. j: " -vvo ua lob
a .
xnere ar a m,( m... .
" V" c vyi or ours who, con
vinced by Henry Vord'a n,t r-.
slices, will be willing to accept bis Mus
f!v?h.,s chem -iU his word alone
Random Observations About Town
Senator Bruce Dennis of Union coun
ty, who was one of the "14" who killed
Cock Robin, passed through Portland
Saturday on his way to Kansas City.
Mo. While in town he suggested that
the 1925 fair might be financed through
stock subscriptions.
Among the guests of the Portland
are Mr. and Mrs. a W. Keene of Sll
verton. -
Registered at the Oregon are A. Lew.
ston of Salem and E. E. Sharp of
St. Helens.
a a a
E. B. Johnson has come down from
Burns on business and ia stopmns- at
the Oregon. w
a a a
W. M. Warner and L. L. Warner of
Astoria were among Saturday's arrivals.
W Cravatt of Salem registered at the
Portland Saturday.
By Fred Lockley " '
A lawraT who has hi. an anHnn. . v .. i
nalificatioo talla Mr. Lockle, of aiiiiaaa is
Ufa due to following oriciaai idaaa. Ha eaasa
to Orrton ta 184T and was a pioneer arhnel
maater in a day whan "Dtetaoda," la tba moders
aenaa, had not been lntented. I
'Some lawyers nractlce law en tha
strength of their sheepskins, others on
tne strength of having passed the bar
examination, still others by main
strength and awkwardness, and some
by the use of common sense, which Isn't
so very common in spite of Its name.
come in the latter class." aaid I. v
Hall, when I visited him recentlw at Ma
law office at Newberg. "No, sir ; I never
went, in. tne bother of being admitted
Uk tha bar. If you know law you know
IV' and taking an examination doesn't
teach . you anything you don't already
know.' I started practicing law first and
read, up on it afterwards as I had oc
casion to look up the Questions that came
up. That way you don't burden your
mind with a lot of useless Ieral Utter
that you will never have need for. When
people go to the other lawvera and fail
to get satisfaction then they come around
10 me and let me work out their prob
lems by the use of common sense. I
have lots of abstract work to do, for,
having lived here ever since 1847, I
don't hare to look up any records to
know who owned the land, for I have
kept tab on it ever since it was taken
up as donation land claim.
a a
"My father. Matthew HalL was bom
in North Carolina. My mother. Melinda
Hail, was born in Tennessee. Yes, her
name was Hall before she was married.
They were blood kin, as well as being
related by marriage. Lots of folks say
when cousins marry it accentuates their
virtues or vices sort of a double dis
tilling, as It were Lota of folks claim
father's and mother's children were
not right smart, but we are smart enough
10 get Dy. Most of us wera as smart
as the folks that claimed to be smart,
so we sort of averaged up.
"I was born January 17. 1S4S arf tha
following year I crouaMi tha
bringing my parents with me. There
were Six of US Children. I waa tha
baby, and I am the sole survivor of the
lamiiy. we spent the winter of 147
at Four Corners, now called Molalla. The
next spring we went down to Clatsop
flams. The next fall we nunml to
Portland. Father was a blacksmith and
he went where he could get work at his
trade. In the spring of 1849 father went
to California. We lived In a double
log cabin with George S. Nelson's fam
their choice blessings. What should thev
want of water promiscuously and un
necessarily scattered about when there
is all they need up in the hills, which
may be brought down when it is needed
and put where It 1. needed? The Irriga
tion scheme is. as a matter of fact, one
of a few that beats nature's all hollow.
Float tha New Tort Tribune
There may be some question In the
minds of many as. to the expediency of
having two fairs In such close succession.
In 192S and 1921 But If the dates are
close together, we must remember that
Portland, Or., and Philadelphia. Pa., are
far apart. There are probably millions
In the West who would visit Portland
who could not come to Philadelphia, and
million, more in the east who would
visit Philadelphia who could not go to
Portland. If Portland and Oregon carry
out the unique plan of financing the fair
of 1925 through a tax levy upon alt the
people its pecuniary practicability may
be regarded as assured.
IVam tfceSMrWa Lark Weakly
A woman in aa Ohio hotel came down
to the office one evening and asked if
she could get a a;Iass of water. The clerk
agreeably obliged and she disappeared
with it. returning quickly for. another.
- "I'm so sorry to trouble you." she
said. . . .
The clerk ajsnired Jher that it was no
trouble, but when she returned for a
third glass and then a fourth he became
curious and asked her what she wanted
with no much water.
.- 1 know you'll just scream when 1
tell you." she. said. Tut I'm trying to
put out a ere ia my room."
knock instead of hoch
froae tba JanaertlV IWIa.) Reavtta.
The folks of the lady, who is to marry
tne former kaiser are objecting seriously,
Knowing BUI as we do we canavt blame
them. '
OraaTtaa la faa ,kul f
been lnoarcerated,' writes
a state prison inmate. There's another
boost for the Salem scenery. Bend Bul-
. a . a -.
These fine crispy mornings make ene
happier than ever that he Uvea la a cU
rnats such aa this, and more certain
than evar that i
Baker Damocrat.
.wJfrT-n nasavory and rnalodor-
a -
Kvuuci 01 ue senatorial vineyard
Whose off anal 1. .wl.w
tha corruption of tha soil from which it
tr trn oieion em Oregoniaa.
If egotism Is a sign- of insanity, aa
inose caiiionila alienists dec lax. It's
nnempioymeat problem
P7. Pultin; ail hands te work building
.Muw-nuwoun; jsews-KSVMw,
n N. F. Nelson, residing at Oak
Grove, Or, which is on the Portlsod
Oreron Citv aletris iin. i. TZ-m
candidate for the presidency. Thanks are
rJ1 T Hi1 cora,n out for governor
w- "'I"-TTooaourn independent.
According to a mid-west farm paper,
ua Kooa ne i tneae oaya la worth aa
acre of land. A hen, tt says, will lay
II dosen eggs a year. Evidently they
don t have the Oregon breed, which lav
ovr z dosen eggs a year. Corvallia
x !men
a a a
Senator Newberry told the senate he
did not know that votes wera betnr
bought in blocks with his money, and
therefore is personally guiltless of bri
bery and corruntion. whv not ni.t
insanity like the rest of them and let
ii so ai wai; cugene uuard.
O. B. Coxad of the well knows family
2.i?emocr,lU bJ"ln that name la In
Pcrtland from Klamath Falls on busi
ness. a a a .
Charles McDaniel, the Wallowa banker,
is transacting business In Portland.
a a
.,B.VJ rH,ck?r. of MbtLIir la registered
at the Imperial.
a a a
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jameson of Mo
M Inn villa week-ended in Portland.
a a
Charley Ross of Boise is among those
registered at the Imperial.
a a a
Walter L. Green of Baker transacted
business In Portland Saturday.
a a a
H. S. George f Ccrvaills spent the
week-end In Portland.
a a a
A.-W. Stone of Hood River la mak
'"g one of bis rare vlsU to Portland.
ily. Who cama In 1IU r-v - i . -
1VThtT' ToVmuYt
, Ber Sbe la around 10, and can tell
hit ,0, mb0ut tt- old day. in Che
halem valley. One of the Nelson bora
IUUJ- at Lafayette. Father spent
m Cfaia and cam. bVw1h
$1200 in cash and a million dollars' worth
Sf -fierteni?Br Pot the $1200 Into
clL?'i adjoining the present
ty of Newberg. He bought out the
u8 rithta to the place of Charley
a a -
lST i.Wy.-W'tu the
r lamiiy. ror ex
fu M.,M,T "'".Caroline married Wil
li m unt -In minr -She died at
? C?'. he was killed hi.
horse falling on . him daring . a race.
Aleue, . - the- next chfldwas ft
tUctei Harriet mairle. carpenter
H- C: Hald and they rnod
"oeeburg. Presaley was a laborer and
"W got married. Hlaa married P
W!?,"1 aorne of her children live
TnV. A J. Ha gey.
That's right ; my two. sisters married
tZroi.en- ,You figure out the
re aUonahips ef their children for your
sell. .
a a a
,'JJt??rILM " n 1791 and died
in 1869. Mother Uved until l8X I was
mI?d tw ye8J- before father died.
I was married on July 27. 1U7 to
dren. all boya Three live here la New-
QuUa P" ago I heard
from him from Ariaona. and before that
8, ?l,b!lrl J" Virslni- Along about
1885 I married Francis M. Rowland, w,
had one child.. She Is marVTeTlnd U
living on our old donation land claim.
FVnJ"5 tuM on
French Prairie. I told the directors I
wasn t any too strong on book learning
hmu"f the prime requirement
aK,ch.r. ta thelr alrict was to be
in?,,10 ? be big boys ; so I qualified!
In those day. they had a habit of lick
!i?Vecher' tawing him through
VD0W .and J010 hlm to kP going
to the direction be was headed. I taught
for six years and a lot ot ambitious
young chaps that tried to Hck the teacher
came to grief, for I knew enough about
the Baptist doctrine to know that if you
pare the rod you spoil the child, and If
the rod didn't do the work I used my
fist, or a club. Teaching Is llS the
beepakln doesn't get you very
far unless you mix it up with common
sense, main strength and good Judg
menu Curious Bits of Informat
Gleaned From Curious Places
.cverr ronr or .v. t.
Virginia. Is marked by some object of
interest or rendered memorable for the
occurrence of some famous historical
... ioere is tne site of the old Jac
outline mansion, one of the first brick
VZr? ouui in America. In after years
this became the home of Mary Cery
who married Edward Ambler after re
fusing the hand of George Washington.
The first president of the United States
nwTer met this early sweetheart from
the time she rejected him until afir tha
surrender of Torktown. He then bowed
low ever the hand of Mra Ambler, who
in return swept him a deep courtesy.
Another treasure house of American hla-
tory u the Brandon House, the home of
the Harrisons from the time of Jm
building until the present day. Upon lis
waus bang portraits of men and beauti
ful women, among the most noted being
Evelyn Byrd; her father. Colonel Will
lam Byrd ; Nathaniel Walthe, clerk of
tne general assembly of 1744 ; Charles
Montague, Earl of Halifax: Lady Bettr
Claypote, Lord Albemarle, and many
omen. , other historical mansions are
the - beautiful Berkeley, the home et
William Henry Harrison, and Westever,
the crowning glory of the James river,
the abode of the founder of Richmond.
Colonel William Byrd. who Is more anl
versaDy known aa "the father of a
charming daughter, Evelyn, than la any
etner way. ;
t Uncle Jeff Snow Says
- If some feDer was to raise up ta one
of these here 192 fair conferences and
suggest, sorter, bashful like, that the
way to finance the institution is with
i t per -cent tax ea vacant land In the
city and oC I reckon his friends
wouldn't be able t swear to bis corps.
In the- -morgue,' but all -the same It
might not be atch a bad way out of
the hole.. .
' ..."
TTic; Oregon Country
Kaidseaat Htijay W jjg Vara fa Ua
' i ; OREGON -,
The -'American Lea-tan f tr..u t
rspidryettahing plans for the Wuoa of
a IU.0OS community bouae.
Recepts of the Albany postoffW fee
the last month were Upet ngreaier
than during December. liV
xacloded la poatmaaterahtp
SaZ. TrVCT. Saturday
S.M-J!r- CresweU. "Ha
John a.
iSfBUr Stanfleld has Introdoeed a'bia
Improviac the entrance te Oregoavea
a Joespoiae county.
Clatsop Is the aecoiwl numi - .v.
Wlaaoa Foundation casatkain. nil ma a
county was the first. onermaa
of tlXi.oea. The loan ia for srrirti!irsJ
and livestock purposes in Oregon!
Included la the proposed building pre
grant at Astoria durlnar tha .it -!H
n if a Knights of Pythias temple te
mat h.t tit Ana . - .77... "a""
" - . ikj etv.uuu.
Cottage Grove made a substantial bv
Population -ta 1IM from the
onset between deaths and birtha There
were 111 births and t deaths.
Th Cottage Grove cannery earned
profits of 20 per cent on Its stock durLne
the last season, despite unfavorable con
ditions In the cannery business.
. Tne sawmill of the Falls City Lum
ber company la Polk county has dosed
pernianenUy because of the low price of
lumber and the prohibitive cost of trans
porting logs.
laZ0001? oount eourt has author.
Ued the paving of on mile of the Gar
den valley road leading from the Pacifte,f. Ulln Producing
center of the Umpqua valley.
n.1! will of the lau Colonel H H.
ITi- l,wf Jc.kaonvlUe. the Medford
PubUe library Is bequeetbed 117 voi
umesof aasaya. letters, books and bi
ography, travel and hlgb-claas fiction.
w.ib!L7r U n at Newberg. A
Portland bakery announced a pnr of
la cents for two ina . .v.. v
berg bakery has met this with a reduo
tion from 9 cenu a loaf to I cents
Ola Nalann aharlff r 11..
races two Indictments aa tha m.iii
an lnvestlraUon by the grand Jury. One
chars as him with assault and battery on
a Younr rtrl and tha nih-r 1.
derly conduct.
The Willamette Vallaw Via- a v...
comparny. organised reoently under d-
w nooen (.Ttwiora. ex-aunerliw
tendent of the elate nanitantlai-a Kaa
more than 1000 acrea niini fw
ing to flax during the year 1922.
The Ki Zuux Klan Is organising In
Eugene. A larea aamht, a ki-k,
ha v. been .worn la and another clans
ill be Initialed noma tima thta
accordine; to r. h. Sawyer of Portland.
" " n u.ia.1 rcpresentau-e ec tne
UnpertaJ wlsard.
The Waahoural wool a mini ahiniaj a
earload of blankets Thursday te El Paso.
Texas, and Mexican points.
..AJl Previous records were broken by
the Chehalis postoffice In l2l. when the
recelpu reached a total of 1 29.44 1.27.
The Keteo poetoffioe Is now In the
second class and Is entitled to free de
livery, having passed the 110.000 mark
in 1921.
A gain of 91 per cent In book eJrcole
Uon and the addition of 1219 new vol
ume, are the principal points la the
annua report of the Aberdeen pubUa
Spokane county will match federal aid
m the paving of eight miles of the
Deer Park road between Dartford and
it" Tk Improvement will oast
Two Initiative measures, one to re
peal the direct primary law and the other
to repeal the Intoauve and referendum
act. bare bee filed ita the secretary
of state at CUrm PU. '
Mrs. Jans - C Riautlav wu. ...ti
died at Tacoma. left t(.SO of her -
taie to cnariuble Instltutlona The
principal beau eat Is ttfl 000 ta th- "r-
coma Oenerai hoapttal.
Mrs. Fred Raamuavn
small children, has been sentenced at
Mooteaano to serve 20 daya In Jail and
fr fine of f 250 on a charge of having
Announcement la mai4 r iv.
chase of the Union Cooperative cannery
at Aberdeen by the Strand Fisheries The
canning of berries and clams m be
carried on extensively.
Mrs. A W. Radetnakae (i
her candidacy for mayor of Tacoma la
the city election ta ba hM n-,,
Other candldste. are R B. Robblna aod '
A. V. FawoetL who now la aminf .
third term. "
Twn banAita wht mw-m
Brkich. veteran Alaska miner, from a
C"r!t ,n Reattle Friday morning,
beat him almost into mmniapintmau
and robbed him cf a money belt oon-
kaiiilliB; tiuvw.
Shortly after ha atarla tn . .... .
bog pea Friday 00 bis ranch south of
Spokane. Oust I-Jndberg. aged 1. was
found dead within the pen and the hogs
were eaUng his body. Cause of death
is not known.
Seattle police are nMtnriiiT t . -i .
the mystery of the death of Charles It.
Swarts. 72. whose body was found in
a noiei in that city Saturday, bruised
from head to foot aiui k- i.
and bedding covered with blood stains,
Kampa Is nhtnnlnr tha InatariaHM. r
a municipal light plant.
Collections of malar lin-n r .- -
Cassia count v has 111 iHV, r
eled roads and theee pass the farms ef
80 per cant of the fanners around Bur-
8. C Gamble, ona af ha am .
boys In the Snake river valley, died at
Malta last Monday at the age of M
Personal taxes said in
'r ,th current period totaled , only
oM4L 4011 i10 OD'IourtA the total tax
C C Cornwall haa taken arae tv. a.
ties of Doet master at Ruwrt
Ing Olenn Nelson, who haa held the do-
Bt the accidental ill k.. .
votver Friday afternooe. riM rvZL
Bigbee of Boise was shot through both
legs above the knees.
Leonard R. Cia, nnw).!,.
schools of Idaho county, has tendered
T. . ... unaer preesure. It was
immediately effective and was accepted.
daluSi liL',VIiUr" commission has
? lb application ef the O-W. .
- Co-, tor permisaioa to daacontinue
boat service across Lake Coeer d Alene.
?JTtT 'nmiasionera. at a meet-5!a-ilir1amar-
rod,uc1 the salanee of the
courUiouae employes t per cent and cot
the food allowance for feeding prison-
aver fB Wtals
. wanes aaaa Walaa in Jedsa
The conference on the limitation ef
JTnament has been frying in 1U own
isi 1 or nearly two months now. snd
with ah the open rneaion. and Man
maaiquee and la spite ef the dally is
tervtews with reporters the people are
eestfueed as te what haa happened.
There haa been a flood of publicity but
uuie news. The publicity has not
inieuigenuy interpreted: partly
the reporters did not mndarstand K. and
aomewhat because the publicity was de
Uverad cryptically. -The reporters were
net- supposes te understand It. Big
things have hem going ea behind the
sow behind the ecenes ef lingual
differences, racial aims, national teea-pea-aaaanta.
Halt- a score of veils have '
concealed - the truth Some Immovable
veils; but the big black blanket ot di
plomacy has curtained everything. By
midwinter the blanket win come down
aod -we ah all "know aa we are known."
And "there'll be something doing ta the
rood old summer timer