HONDAY. JANUARY 18, till THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. 12 SPECIALTY SHARES MAKE SHARP ADVANCE AT START STOCK MARKET SHOWS STRENGTH s.'ea.i rwn Birwt hrai niurfii Reww) . .ea. 10. (C. P.) Oa ee to- see. paisd with Mnl aarket ew Tee MMk exchange Boners Slsftei. Bala were the features -wetiig, bat Haku pvtrearam. eeeeral ears, was rb ka . -Be, awwsa HI Wavy for ri ap er ' aa ttruaiM. - a. . .TTT . J4 "Jf 6W fed .harp ed- ! . T"- te nearly pewa above the fT.."? J kheewaa. Atrhtsoe wm aaala the 7" r,n eeld ! 100. u advance " M"MW Were MMd. WS tWwet Jearnel Financial Review.) wJL -.. - 10. (U. P.) The "i iliiri atrona today. Bpe- hader and riw players . " " . " " Bl S H, B 1 Bet. Oalf the lUtt ol this group lad the file Ml was ja0A aharee st 64. a. 8. "eda new bik oa the at 66. . "h0 enauawad toMUM rail and aade fee the Booth at 07. an H. ' Tv market muiM Mnat There vat seme ewttaalaa from Industrials and oila to the MlH the ree ap ia Alabama, watch mmmmm UUI Mara M par. La ee twwl at I Vt par mt niV.."0"' hs tbe first hoar emanated U l.04 shore ant trading quieted down after 11 e'clnrk. Ateaiaoa. arur tooeb- " PJ. jreted I petnta. The move la Soutb t ora Paesflo. which carried the stack to k3. - wjinI a wau laowa IJoof tntde ' 1 ! rm tiiat vitb Alahhna at car Haul rwautm waa taa tow. aaarl, ZO DoluU lover. tba a dWktaad. U t.Unl to fet nark of a foUmrtaf. . "J" w,r WW. Haila vera ia rWn prlaaa tor all elaaMa. :bTt'. " oft- bat tba nrnaiadarof uw waa ataaoy. Tonic uwui and tadua wm wan gik. VOKKIOir BXCHAKOB BATES Owmatad UOr ky tba faralca azahuca de- wairwww m im uaitad BUUa Matioaal bank. QMattoaa alow (axovci tha poaad atarling) mrm tow aa ua aaau at iuu ajutt tornta ear Itontnt aomlaal ratal . Drmlt tatida, Chacka. Lba,rtarlla.t 4.23 raftalTTaBaa. L2U -aUraa,. . la . aa bank transaction aaa Lira. Uraxhnua,, Copaahaa Kroaar.. ., Ckrtatiantar torkhalall Kroaar.. , IIoaaoflaM, tajwati Cabla Traaafara. 4.SS 8.24 .at 4.40 Par Taloa. I 4.8 11.80 28.81 18.80 I 440 18.K1 18.88 34.83 88. ad 47.88 aan(ta Tula T 38 Jaoaa tan.. 4.43 S0.00 18.80 34.87 88.8S 47.78 75.85 T par aant. 19 80 20.70 38.70 38.70 r0BEIQ!f rarniabad 00TKKJTME5T B05D8 ky Orarback aV Oeoka Co. 8a 1848. 84 1 . . . 1828... in .a it 1833., i . . Malaiaa ia Mwiaa Kalataa Kaictaa Ftraal Rrti flM 8a 1837 Hrlu.h a, 1838 Nrl.h ir. 4i.. PrtkMi fat. 4 Hmdaaai 0 18J4. .. ('a1a ft 1887... 'nxloa ft 1810. . . na.t. 1838. Iw4iu b 1881 . . . 'anadlaa IH 1831. rhllaaa 8 1841.... t 'arraary Iwnaiark 8 1841. . . . (an. Maak U 1818. rraarh 4 1817 ta 8 I til Pfaaak 8 1881 rraa.ib fw J841 rvaara a 1848 . UnMi W. U 8f arlla 44 . . Htaknrr 4 . Hawnira 4 Hi ltt 4 Ha . Iaaf ft . . . Maaw 4 .. Muntrli ft . . . rrankfart 4 1 la baa ft, 1818... Jaa 4 1881 Jaa 1H 4 Hi 182ft J.8d 4H 1828. Narwar 8 1840 . Rnoti OHl I8tl Nwaaa 8H 120 ktmlaa OH 1818. Mwlaa 8 Hi 1828. . wta 8 1840. . . . I". K. 8H 1813. t'. K. 8Hi 1818. . l Ik. 8 Ha 1881.. 'X Bid. Ak. 00 00 74 78 104 104 108 100 OftK 80 104 104 80 H 88 H OftH 87 H 84 84 07 H 00 H 03 05 8.T 88 4 04 H . ftt 07 . 07 H MS . 00 H OH H 88 H , 8ft H 101 V 103 11 13 10. 10MV, 100 H 107 40 80 74 7ft 0SH 04 . 04 08 100 100 H 8 4 4H BH 8 0 8 0 8 H OH 8H 7 . BH OH OH 8 0 7 3.1 88 74 74 H 87 H aa. 80 87 H 108 H 100 10 20 4 ft 10 3(1 07 07 118 114H 100 100 lon loo 98 H 08 WALL STREET QUOTATIONS Furnished by Orerbeck Cook Co, Board of Trade Building B PIK 8-S - 10QOj4UaM tUpraaa.... adraaoa Kbb K0OIA4T. Cbaai 8001 do .. lMlJa fcabbar 1VD,1 laka OOOIAlaaka 8700jAJbacf 6 J 00 300 400 40O 4 7 AO 0001 Bacar. . 300 too) 1B0O 3500 000 Aina-CaalaMM it Hi ... Aaa. Baa Am. Baad Aaa. (aa Oa..... Aav Cat rdy.. Aa. Cottaa Oil.. do pU. ...... a. Drat Bjrnd.. a. Bida 4k Laatk do Bfd Am. ho Aaa. latl Corp... Bit. 300 10v 1400 300 11001 100 do 'iOOlAaa. vu. Am. Baf . Aaa. Bblp aV Coaar. da p(d la. BUal Tit. nar. . . . 400 da aid. 1400 Aaa. Aoaaatfa .. ftOOOlAav. Tai. dt Tat 11-OOtAav Tobaeoo . 3S00AUaatJa Coast Uaaf suwia.aa. wool .... I do pf d. ....I do W. P. pfa... OOOIAml Zlno 4400lAaaMMBda Aa'd Oil TTOOjAtshiaoa 400 do afd. 1000 Ad Gulf AW L 14600 Baldwin Loco.... 200 do pfd. 4T00BJto. 4V Ohio... ftOO Do pfd. 4400:Bth. atari "B". . 2 8 00 1 Booth riah . . . . . 200 B. U. T. 300Butta C. ft Z. . . . S00Bata ft Sup. ... sou uuma Bra. 8 a 11 64 18 41 30 4 ii' 147 ii 00 S!5 i 100 4 7 0 00 38 00 04 8 118 183 87 A 83 Tjqw.i ma. 11 3 ' 1 10 30 0 18 . T 0 00 84 -da 84 147 80 80 40 108 4 7 48 80 B8 60 04 84 117 184 88 01H 3000 1800 8001 6800 82001 1300 10000 1800 300 I 11000 1300 1300 00001 BOOOkJoca Cote Caddo Oil Calif. Ptekinc... Calif. Pat. do pfd Canadian Paa. On. Laathar ... ICorro da Paaeo . Cbaadlar Motor. Cbloaao ft M. W. Chi. OC W. .... pfd. Chili Coppar ... Csino , C kL St. P. do pfd. 18 48 109 87 81 0"7 100 89 84 88 TH 7 6 28 I u 71 46 183 81 84 87 04 13 48 7 87 80 00 100 84 63 68 ! 7 S 33 117 10 70-H 45 133 81 84 66 8 LIBERT! B0D (Btefwrtad ky Ovrbaek ft ;..,. 8. ...Vfoo 0H7'5o Llbarty. lot 4 Hbarty. 84 4a. I than. at . tabafly. 3d 4 a,, liaartr. 84 4 W a. . 1tr. 41 4 m. wtory, A LEU Cpoka Co.) 1aw. 3060 0783 0708 0790 0784 0704 0700 0774 0780 0703 ; aiaa nvaa 0a ....10034 10030 10O1S 1001a a ....10020 10020 IdltM iiui.' Cloaa. 0050 07 0748 9740 0740 0704 0778 1000 C. ft O. SOOiOom. F. ft I .... 8000olo So. 4100 Co kx Oaa. ft Elac SOOOlCotambw Graph... 700 Com. Una 700)Cona. Cifan 100 do pfd. 1600OontL Caa Citiaa Cre. Bakn.. 8800 Oora Proda. 800 da pfd. 4200 Coadan Ofl 8200lC. R. L ft P..... 800 do "A" pfd. 400 do "B" pfd. .... lSftOOCmelbw S00 do pfd. 700 Cuba Can 1800 do pfd. 600 Cvbaa Aa. Baaar.. 700 DeL ft Hodaoa 1 000 Dona Mia 1 000 Del. ft iAek. 8200DaTioa Cham. aaooiBodteott MOO.Kria 800 do let pfd . 200l do 2d pfd. . lOOOOIPaawoa PlaTara Pad. Bin. ft BmaJC. do pfd. .. . 700P1ak Tlr ... Ciaatoo Wat. 1700Oaa. Cifara S00(n. Elac .. 4900rn. Motor...... aw Aktea 14000 n. Aiphalt . v. . . Uoodrieh ..... (kkadraar 400Oraaby 300 Gnat !Tor. Ora. . . 2400praat Nat. pfd.... Uraaoa Cananea . . . 70OOIOulf B. Btaal 800'Haak Barkar S200lluuton Oil 7SO0 Hpp Uotort 11 00 Ilia. nt , SOOilrwpiratioa ZOOItnt. Act. Corp.. c 500 1 do pfd jlnUrboro 1100 do pfd too Inter ta Callahan 800 Int. Bar 1 00 ant. Mare. Marina 4300 do vfdt 2400 Int. Nickel 4000 Int. Tapar do pfd (tflOO tnineibl Oil.... 2 ft 00 bland Oil lOOO Jawrl Tea 220O;lt. C. Bnathera. . . 10001 do pfd 2600 Krlly-BpcfM. .... 8100 Kanaaoott BtOAKeyKtoM Tiro ... 0O0lck. Btaei SOOiLee Tire 3900 Lhih Valley . . . 400;irtUanl 1600, Loew Theatre ... 3100'K ft N BOOIMarUnd Oil 00 May Dept. Stone. 40000 Max. Pat. 600 Miami 0809, Middle BtAtot Oil . 17 28 18 83 46 67 36 80 8 1 03 37 93 60 00 116 34 83 86 73 03 82 8 17 18. 100 33 114 S 60 9 13 8 84 13 78 141 0 60 18 27 10 SI 48 60 26 80 7 1 92 ZO 03 1 40 08 K 118 83 82 86 73 68 81 8 17 18 108 21 114 62 70 8 18 8 82 13 '73 140 8 57 28 83 7 7" 81 77 IS 103 40 8 ,88 '4 83 14 08 13 48 18 2 12 28 85 . 88 20 18 47 28 63 181 18 112 34 107 114 I 37 12 27 8I 73 62 81 74 13 100 80 8 83 6 83 14 04 11 40 15 2 11 33 54 87 34 18 47 38 58 150 18 100 34 100 110 27 11 0 60 18 .7$ 40 00 64 38 84 147 21 42 12 60 1 40 00 80 100 11s 4 7 45 60 S3 60 93 34 117 134 87 81 104 32 18 48 10O 7 87 80 00 100 85 68 58 7 7 6 23 lis 11 70 47 86 133 81 84 60 03 10 17 27 18 81 46 80 Tk 24 88 68 1 02 27 92 40 17 08 114 83 82 88 72 68 81 8 17 16 108 21 113 63 70 8 13 0 83 9 tt 12 73 140 8 45 67 80 11 27 31 78 26 60 80 74 12 100 39 8 S3 1 4 6 88 14 03 12 46 80 15 2 12 23 54 8T 26 18 40 27 56 150 18 110 24 100 118 27 ( 12 galea. STOCKS 1 ZOOIM. A. at T. Wl . . 200) do pfd. ....... 400'Mont. Power ..... ZOO'Mont. ward .., 800 1600 400 Mo. Pad do Dfd. ..... u. at. p. ft s. a. x. Aaa. 2500 Nor. 4200Mat. 1500 Nat. lSOOMerade Con. .... 2900!lew Harea ...... 2100 Norfolk ft W. .... 3500 Nor. Pee. ....... ....INawa Beota Steel.. N. T. Air Brake ... 45001:. T. Central 1800 10001 700 1000 "ioo 3200 5400 7500 1800 2800' 2000 Okie. Pro. ref. . . Ontario Bum . . . . Ontario ft W Otia Steel ....... Paxil Dot. Pac. Caa ft Elee. . Panta Alley re .... Paeifie Oil ...... Paa. Ana. rot. . . do "B" 2300 Hbya. 1 Utm. Pee. Caa 1200Pero MaroaotU Pure Oil lSOOlPhillipa Pate ..... SOOOiPiereo Arrow . . . 'SlOviPierco OU 200 Pitta Coal Pitta ft Weak Ya.. 200 Preeaad Btaal Oar. 1600 Pullman 400 Ray Cons. T80O Readia. 100 Beminaton Beplode Stoel . . . 1000 Kepabhe L ft 8.. ...... do pfd inn vm UntM. 2700fBoyal Dutch OU. 600 2400 1000j 100 800 100 600 15400 3000 1300 1400 3700 63000 o 400 4800 2900 1800 By. Steel Spg...., Stand. Oil X. J.. . . Sear Roebuck . . , Shattnck. ArU. . . . Shell T. ft T. . ... Sinclair Stand. Oil Ind. Sloea-Bheff Sou. Paeifie Sou. Bailway . . . . Stud. OU Cal.... St. Ll ft S. F StTonberc Carb. . , StBdebaker Swift ft Co Tea. Oop. ft Chea Texas Oil Texas Pan. Tex. Pee. 0. ft O. 2300Tob. Prodoets 2200 9400 700 Traa. Conti. OU... Union oa Dal union Pea. OOfCaited AOow .... United Drue United Food Prod United Fruit United Bds. N. J Union B. ft P.. United Botail Store! U. S. Ind. Alcohol U. B. Rubber .. do 1st pfd I. . U. 8. BmeltiB . U. B. Bteal .... do pfd. 1 BH U 7 i? 40 4 0 88 1 15 14 9 T8 75 3 61a 21 16 65 33 40 68 474 4 OS 21 86 81 14 16 02 04 100 15 75 26 4' 7 2 8 183 04 88 21 38 82 10 96 22 40 86 102 10 45 27 25 64 10 20 180 27 1000 1800 100 16900 8800 700 100 200 S0O 000 2800fUtah Copper 600 Va. Ckem. 500 do pfd 1700Vasadiua Steel 200Virandoa 200 Wabeeh 1000 do 'A' pfd. . . 200 do 'B' pfd. .. 1700 Welle Fargo... 000 Western Pae. . . do nfd 800 Western Union. 700 Weetinrhse E. ft M. 200 West Md 5500 White Motors.. do pfd 800 Wilson Packins. Wisconsin Central.. 100 Wooiworth 1500 Worthington Pomp. 100 W. ft L. B. 1400 WhiU Ofl 8 126 67 53 42 55 100 87 84 118 64 28 07 BZ 0 6 21 13 70 15 02 50 8 38 82 140 40 X 6 9 0 8 25 6 18 17 40 S 40 B8 88 IS 13 08 76 74 20 10 45 2 40 61 48 35 68 20 30 30 14 10 1 04 108 15 74 4 2 '7 BZ 07 180 63 8 87 20 37 81 18 05 21 88 83 100 10 43 26 25 3 10 10 128 20 "7 124 67 52 40 64 100 36 84 117T4 63 27 67 31 6 20 13 77 16 '02 60 8 38 81 140 45 0 Bid. 0 s SI 46 4 60 S3 86 14 18 90 77 33 68 T4 3 5 21 65- 82 46 63 47. 83 64 20 86 30 14 10 61 24 4 108 13 74 26 26 62 84 7 oz 07 170 03 8 37 20 87 37 82 19 93 22 38 83 100 10 45 26 23 64 10 20 126 26 0 8 125 8 67 63 41 54 99 30 84 117 03 20 67 81 6 6 20 IS 78 IS 62 02 50 8 37 27 8t I 29 139 45 6 8 Lawrence. Mass.. Ian IS. Tbe American woolen company erin open its 1922 Unas of hearyweieht woolen anode within the aext two aaa, It is Doeiti that Briees will be faich as they were a-year ago and it ia prob able that some small adnneo will bo asked. Ban Franeiaeo. Jan. 10. The demand far wool in this market ia spasmodic and huyins bait wnen prices oeain to more npwaro. SP1XLJL NOTICES 101 TO WHOM IT MAT COSCSBJi oaxa. Jaw. 1. 1 1ll wtn not he mamlito as? debts ountratked by ay wife, Anna A. Boaea. laniiBjue EL NEW TODAY 50 ROIiTHY. RUG CO COTTOS Km Tiwlr T.n 1 e TVa .i4lt. In 1m market for denims in Kriteof the recent increase of a nail cent a yard in quotations la una market ia taken to indicate that a ranch better fee line rocardinc tha business situation by oyer- ail makers throughout tha country. JEWELET New York. Jan.. 16. Tbe first part of Janu ary in the Jewelry trade has civea indications tnat the busineaa Uus montn wtu Do somewnat better than ia wroai at this season of the year. FKTJTT San Franeiaeo, Jan 16. There are larte stocks of applea in atonse here and euttinf of prices by some retailers has commenced. The market has beea weakened by some inferior stock. HIDES Cttcato, Jan. 16. The bide market ia steady, altboash bayera are erhihitinr little interest. Country hides. In rood condition at this time of the year, are attracting the most attention and are in fair demand at prices rxnxinf from 8 to 11 cents a pound. f 8HX Patsnon, N. J., Jan. 16. There has been a slight broadening of the demand tor finished silka. but the rmifiiiiii is Terr alow. Manufac turers hare not been able to reflect tbe-advance in raw silks in the pnees of the finished product. COPPEB Kaw York Jan 16. Predictions are freely made in the copper market here that there will be a decided advance ia the price of the red metal before a general resumption of production at th mines can take place. ELECTRICAL, MACHINERY Lynn, Maaa., Jan. 16. Tba General Elec tric company's plant at Wast Lynn now is operating Ore days a week. Operations bare shown a gradual in uresis ejus last summer, when production was down ft 60 par cent of capacity. Many' public atuity onaspanWa are figuring on new equipment. Pittsburg, Jan. 16. Pittsburg dealers wm erect an "electrical" bonss to show to what extent electricity may be used in reducing house hold labor. Every known electrical apparatus will be installed and the house will bo open for pnhDo inspection. COAL Saginaw, Mich., Jan. 16. The coal output of the mines near here in 1921 was 600.000 tons below that of 1920. owing to weather con ditions. LEON AXD STEEL. Pittsburg, Jan. 16. The American Steel ft Wire company has cut cold roiled strip steel from 83.75 to 83.60 to meet competition, but the stoel market in general is steady at the fol lowing figures: Black sheet, 88; galvanized sheet, $4; tin plate. $4.75; bars, shape and plate. $1.50: hoops, bands and hot rolled strips. 82; plain wire. $2.25; wire nails, 32.50; standaid steel pipe, 71 per eent off base. EUJFFMSS taa out or Fuar ow ' carpet and ruca, bav bail tM girtoa of a saw ros Oaa wool ' ciotlitng. - txlZ Rsga ta-aaai4Mi. $.9 Cast SSSO 1M JSaat aScBla FOR SALE TWO-8TOBT FBAJfB HOCSB M HA.KCOCK STBEBT Bala ftsd removal tt bauainr la -sired. Bids will aa reeeaved tmtu January 1. U33. Bpactftcaooaa at 401 Oaortliouaa. SCHOOL DISTBICT Va. 1 B. H. THOMAS, sScbool Oerk ana tfuAtneaa aanacer. rUNZRAL N0TIO3 104 koONAS AI tha reakdaaco, 874 CeveVnd a EDUCATIONAL 200 ased A aaa aed r i lim 16. wifa of Jaaaos J. M Mrs. Marearet A. Bares. CaL: Ka Mas E- Gallivaau Baa 1 uu.: aua, fathetiaa A. Was. Beton L. Mooaaa ot uus e)ty; dsasea A. goaaia atA. ot Waak.: . WQiaa M, ..Jteajnsa. Tsd the ksto I r. Koaaaa, and asster of w. A. Was. L. linn aaA ana. Scott of thia estr. Fwaeral will be tba la ill " - yuM 1 e u ill av tkaaes to at. Andrews ebareh. Eaat Kmtk aaa Alberta streeta. aft 0 a. aw whora geawi wut oo oneroa.. amen a savuoa. taa aav directors. , rOAITJOB FOB SVaCB 6BADCAXB ' iSACdlf ' ALtfTT BLDQ, ATO 3f0SI!W WAMtD. to take aborthaad treaa prrrato B3y. eveainca. M-3T7. Journal. DRESS?.!ArrS 1:3 tULl WA.NTED MALX 201 ; awjerty aVALSMBM WaNUO-W oftor to k aaaaa tr to of a sales asaaaiaatiiwi eallaa of sutrsenal aessaad that baa aa direct to taa heosiwifsi artiea saua oa ssaot. fsraaai aaaagn. Jiortawa 007 Uaary bids. Wal m mm ....... -W M. Ruttoaa emired .....lfte t ibis aad Battoa kotaa al siaaa) . . .35 aoa. aad -. Ud order eolkcttad, 1000 Beaadwa, k. luXkliTltailS'd t net ft. LUi ioeaw Tit p i uau way oa kTUS wli U boaao VJ lac Awto. oia-oa ilaa&a&x a 61 at year own beasa, 04 4-8 V T-T device FBSWISG January 15. at the hue raaaWa. XB1 JE. Slat meet. Oearge natist, Bead 81 rear, beloved t other ot Mrs. Tnaahotk Caocfcstt e laao liaiaaias avynae, ertr; Mia, J, CaiaV "aa os mnrM, Or.: B. a. rrewlag of Tlgard. I Ts-f IB ava laf IT li a AtuW BaT mmj mm. mm aThwa aaaaal AY BW a, SaS 4aA. Clb -J r.TZT" . - "- 'ft al! I Brat esses botoL iBsail aerai carter, will leave FinbVb saawtaar. MaaS. I P. Q. Boa 97. BaWas. Ora, toaaary at 6th, Twaaaay. Janamry IT. ak 11 AO P- as., and aroused to the Tigard XvanceQceJ jnaren. wnora aernco tin so aaa at 1J n. av wove FOR RENT ruiwisHa Roo?ts ao TnaBetat aaa AMSsUCAJi tiOTU. ' 8 Kerta TkirS as. i oe J owaad aad apantad by a ascr naa aauati taa LBn'CtfJanaary li. at the iale iwaideaoet 684 Bant Broadway. Deagsid aged ft years, kwabaad of Bessie Laitca. father of T. Q. Lasach of Portlaad aad brother of Bra. John Detroit. af thia eit Joba LattrBi at Mioav. aad Sandy lanseb of Oataria. Tba funeral service will be arid Tuesday. ary 17. at lit n. au. at Finery's asartoary. stosuaoenory as Ota. jrrksads samtoa, me; servico, rwruaaa ereaaturtam. PBOFESSIONAXt people eail and rachtter with as. Keod acta of ofl asaasav Cafl Moaday, 410 1 uaiuaMa osua BOUCItCB fec'eUo aasal salary. Bberal ear. 1700 Main ., Vaaeouver, OBSGOM AXX WAAHLNGTON A akae; it t a b 1 ft a. oaa DM. Ox. 204 AKaaaa bids. vTaVTXD COT t the crty aarviea, aHaya kata of o aaav laew OA. UlM at I. Vi. C. A. aae traa aua ai pssoea raoao twr aiig --i ta aa Ban , any. toravtlaa iwoaas at tba OeataU X. ftf. C. A waft bUepheae ta eaab reeaa, iti baLba aaa era k feeilitsas. ' of aaa 263 Oak. aaaa. )amtae swjpliaa for In i i aswlesUal'elrantass': aad naaariawj. u nai I b eosaas 86 waakl ! a daj I beta. 63 day. TYLER JaSMjary 14. ak the lata raei.ieara. 3ll K, 48th streaL Porasalia L. Tyler, oewd 66 yeera, 3 ntoatha and 1 day. aether of Willkaa Trior of Portlaad aad aaatev af O o. kma. nisc of Oils eity and Mrs. Jaha A. Djcbsna of Ksaaao City. Mo. The faaaral earrW will be x nasi ia. aanoaxy it. i ley's mortaary, Muaiguasij riaa UPKBJBSCBO batper for Owe who oaa drfve Fard daiivwrs. 4) A tog Co.. 140 Pago at, , WASTkU At enea, 8 aaea to laara rakaninag 1 ' war Alaxwcll Hall a1-14 Balearooan Wast Park aad TasaalB At 10 A. M. Tomorrow WEDDING G SMITH ft CO. NOBLES TAXB MOT1CB That the shanty ball givea ror lao rener ot tao easolovad ia tha est af Pa land will bo held as The AatV torrani oa the evening of x 18. 1822. TUb Is aa aepeoially worthy eaas and aaoald raeetve the Mipposl of oar antira ao- KiHtv NnMa mrm mUl thh cause to the utmost. ricsete, go per couple, auy be procured by f unnera, at the office of the potentate, suits imin aotai. oa aaa altar jaoaaay. aaav v, 11. bj order of the potentate. HARVEY BKKWTTR. Rseorder. Total sales stocks, 794,600 shares. Total sales bonds. 315.553.000. Kx-div. 1 per eent. t Ex-div. percent, t Ex-div. 3 per cent 1 Ex-div. 2 per cent. NEW YORK BOND MARKET (Famished by Orerbeck ft Cooke Co.) Bid. Ask. Atchison GenT 4t 89 89 BsL ft Ohio gold 4a 70- 70 teta. Steel ref. 5 01 02 Cent. Pacific 1st 4 85 86 St. Paul Gent 4a 61 61 Chicago N. W. Goa l 4s 84 L. ft N. Cni. 4s 80 01 New York By. 5s. 25 20 Northern Pac P. U it 86 86 Union Pac 1st 4a 91 92 U. S. Steel 5s 100 100 Union Pacific 1st Ref. 4s.... 86 87 Sou there Pac. Conv. 6s 97 Southern Pac. Conv. 4a 89 89 Penna. Conv. 4a 94 95 Penna. Ist4a 88 Che, ft Ohio Conv. 5s 85 , 80 Ore. Short Line 4i. 8a 89 Allied Packer 6s. . . i 85 67 Am. Can 7 90 94 Am. Cotton Oil 6a, 1924 94 95 Am. Tobacco 7s. 1922, 101 101. Anaconda 7s. 1920 102 10 Anglo-Am. Oil 7 a, 1925.... 103 104 Armour 7a, 1930 102 102 Cadahy Pack. 7. 1023 100 101 Gen. Hec .Deb. 5. 1952.... 96 00 Goodrich 7a. 1025 07 08 Kenneeott Cop. 7s, 1030 102 103 See rv Roebuck 7. 1027 98 90 SUn. Oil CaL 7s. 1931 107 107 WerUngbouae 7s, 1031 107 107 Wat. Elac 7a. 1025... ..... 104 105 City of Portland, Oregon 6 Gen'l Obligation Imp. Bonds Dated October 1, 1921 Due October 1, 1931 Optional After October 1, 1924 Denomination $1000 Income Tax Exempt Price 104.76 Yield 5 1 Municipals Government Provincials Yields to 6.75 Port of Kalama, Wash.. 6s 1924-31 Morrow County, Or., 5Js 1923 Wallowa County, Or., y.s 193234 Dutch East Indies (King dom of Netherlands) ts. . . . . . .1947 Opt. '32 Trov. of Ontario, Can. 3gs .1937 Prov. of Ontario, Can. 5s 1925 Penn. R. R. Equip. C$ 1928-35 5.75 5.00 5.55 65 5.80 Malta Rooarvatiaas irj Ph Wira me Ltte)r BROADWAY and OAK BUILDING PERMITS Albert Dobner, erect residence, 886 K. 53d street, between Broadway' and Hancock s treats. Builder same aa owner, 82500. E. Webb, erect residence, 6404 E. 9 2d street, between 64th and 66th arc Builder. O. W. Webb and Son. 34000. B. L. Bilow. erect residence. 510 Glenn avc. between Sacramento and Knott streets. Builder. W. P. Hood 33500. A. E. Carlson, erect aysidence, 1150 Moore, between Killings-worth ana Emerson. Builder, same as owner. X33U0. r. E Park, erect residence, 705 Rodney are.. Between iooa aaa ivy. nuiiaer, same aa owner, asouu. Standard Oil Co.. erect flllina station. 201 0th street, between Taylor and R Builder, same aa owner. 81800. G. C Gokienbert. erect residence, 1811 E. Uncoln, between K. 48th and . 45th. Builder, same as owner. (27 50. a C Goldenberg. erect residence. 1817 B. Iineoln. between E. 45th anal . 46th. Builder. ia owner. 52750. P. Wiley, erect residence, 1532 Albrna. be tween Holland and Buffalo streets. Builder, w. M. carl, 833UO. A. K. Case, erect residence. 1180 Conwnercial. between Kiilingsworth and Jesrup streets. BuOder, w. u. can. ssooo. Tbeo. li. Alden. erect residence. 640 Linn. between E. 16th and Coney. Builder, ami aa owner, szouu. W. C. Barnes, erect residence. 1205 Minne sota, between Jessup and Jarrett. Builder, same aa owner, szouu. Walter H. Cnder, erect residence, 884 Skid- more, between K. 8th and E. 20th streets. Builder, 8. If. Gilkisoo. 85000. STANDARD OIL STOCKS (Furnished by Orerbeck ft Cooke Co.) Anglo Cheesebroogh . . do pfd. .... Eureka Galena, c. Galena Old. pfd. Galena New, pfd. Illinois Pipe ... Indiana Pipe . . . Northern . pipe . Ohio OU ... Penn, Mex. . Southern Pipe . . . . South Penn. Oil .. 8. O. California S. 0- Indiana . 8. O. Kansas . 8. O. Kentucky S. 0. New York S. 0. Ohio ... do pfd. .... 8. O. New Jersey a. u. rtaoraasa Bid. Asked. 17 17 175 185 106 110 80 83 40 42 105 107 100 103, 165 170 87 89 92 95 267 272 16 18 78 80 ISO 190 95 87 660 570 433 445 855 360 880 380 114 115 170 100 170 Have you $1 to spare? BUSINESS PERSONALS AND VISITING CAKO ENGBATKBS til Morgan Blda MEETING NOTICES 102 and I treading. 432 Hawthorne. BXAbQtlABTKBa Um' raaaral eervMa will be i J- a siiwiuaay saaa. vwata. raTwjaaaa swawas, ssn aw www . at 10 a.. a., at na A,Vlt&. to uk aaertkaai roan ptirsa party. hrtt b.a..bsTna. 46 Aar at. it wla aa. w avi HOTEL HARRISON . . - 310 H Broadway. Chan if aaiasli 1 1 mas. Ilea, o t THE BARTON 63 0 per PLrKK la Uus aity. Jan. 18. MrrUe Jsae- feuao Piper, aged 20 years, wife of Bicav ard C Piper, isaeitar oc 3. T. Baloat. utar of A. P. aa r R. Tllait w im. erty. Tha fonvrai ssrvioaa srUl bo beat a the etaagwateiy enapst of tba Bast Bide runaral iWBsneea. tii in, aiaar si., at 3 - day. Jan. IT. Prieads mvated. lata Beott Fark cemetery. - THOSNE&S Tbe funeral sernoea of the late eaias, 83 wawk, a t bnrk bwfibv. 44 A PROPOSITION to aisb Bshaol ban abarl r - -j ho-is. avrwy. 2558. 148 13tk a. I I IJNINJfiY HTiTl- l HELP WANTED TEMAJJC 204 043 TTTTBO 0T BBAB ABiBtejva. snoovra vbobm a vwaaeeiaM 120 K. ta ft. aamuel H. Tlima in will ba baM Tni.. Jan. IT. at 2 a. bv. at the chapel af Milasr ft Tracer. Interment Mirwaakio t metal y. FUNERAL DIRECTORS IPS I A eCUOOL ot.praaooal ladioa- Uiarlng ha. boas Hat-I M aar t-A a OT-a U teal aaas. or M. Baamaer! aawaa sa.k-usus aa rcMs. far sis ia waa wtaa t laara tha trad, aad woman who wah as sake tbatr own garmenta eVrmg spare . tiae froa aosae aatas a wa Tai great utiperusnity haa never beea oCarad ta TBB EDWARD HOLIIAU lavaaaav eity of earrkaa a sB a Mm TrTTBT AXTJ PaXfttOB JatADt 847. THE Inauguration ball of the Potentate of Al Ksder temple will be bald at the Municipal Auditorium. Portland. Friday erenmg. jan. go la. at vwing to toe largo Nobles wul bo limissd to lady. ADVUmnv t ia?4 run ONLY FOB MEMBERS OF AL KADER TEMPLE. VISITING NOBLES WUX. BE AJtt MITTED ON THEIB 1021 CABD. ny oroer or the Potentate. HABVET BSCKWTTH. Beoorder. East Side Funeral Directors F. 0L OUBItUO. wa "Tbt PasvUr aaa tha Prlea. 14 B. Alder it, Pbaao Eaat 82. SNOOK & WHEALDON BtTirKBAI. DfBBCTOBS BOCCESBOB TO BBXKZB ft UiOOK BTHfOTT AT 86TB TABOB 1268 Dunning & McEntee Merrtaoa St, at 13th, Kreadway 480, Ant. 646-66. WOMAViS PratawUaa PwrtJasa. oflara sts pertsaag la the welfare and wraieHksa af weaia aad gtts: tatarvWwe saafHuriil 614 WMeeaaar Nat. 84 asa Oak eav Paana 6633. kU'HaJSci.b Wouaa ssn ( 1st good nay. For aowy. sua. AJfT GIBi. U 50c Day. S2Z0 Week Up Oaa a r aa bath fvea, knt bis an eft haasa, BeaalCadilaM. 84 aar Jef feraea. bOTU. OUIO. 246 fwan. 6e am, 08 week apj H oaM water? otaaa aaat, 30a wT5E fTtand apply AJnr Bill a Baa Marfan? AVrawder ska, pkemo Mate 04 80. D-at ear. WATfcO Fieo iiliawnaai. fanaail aaa. taity. Frea traavJas, Cail AVrary. 43301 srter a a. a. hotel Harrison : aad rweaas, S3 wee. Ska ba vwy brv-k Ve&dM. 48 P Hotel Helvetia Takra. 246-248 T wp. Weekly vatas. parrs-Bier Jooraal. Lerch, Undertaker Lie, PINLEY'S MORTUARY I MONTQOrTERT AT WPTH. MA 0. MeKXTXK a aTILERA, raaeral Barters wnAaB ? " .iT.7M.!"i egw aa srrr yarn Pbcau Broadway 0138, Ant, 621-88. ft TBACkt. , laaaisaadeat fuaerei aV Fttoerala 878 aad no. Waahmn oiia au onaQnw IQ91, any, B1S-S4. R. To BYRNES a-iff. rjtk mfmS PURPLE ARCH. T. f T. Nfl I vrwaqiewa ss. 611. m ecu 18th sad 8po- A p 71tar Cj ' Vnioaas awl kane are.. 8 o'clock every Mon- Ve aWCllCl teyfJe Phone Beak laaa -.1 Utti o 7tra-.rI OXDABTaaTmo CO " wiuwr ww. ara, s aTaKVAaaw ww B.J I faaaave tTHawwl Tft ITT iaVaT O I " -we VTA T lady to take care of 3 rear oid girl ta part daw: prefer oaa with chad ta. Addroa J-8. JoemaL ACTO-KXITTEB OWSEBB oaa laara si nhiag at E-3. WAJfTtD Middje aged ady. etna-la. a aeaaa rataer taaa waaws. bb Swap aawee fee eaa Baa. C Jnhasoa. Pnthasser. Waab.. Bos 68. WANTED Girl og gaMUle-aged kiy foe general boasework oa farm. State wages ta first better. Andreas B. F. D. 6. Box 40. Albany. Or. i LEARN Beauty Cuhare tiorogfcly at tha BeUy 4eaa veauon aaop. tWS jsajakxa blag. SMwy. 0600. WANTED etna, a .mi.iI ) Call Monday, 410 Colombia btdg. rban aad JowrnaL "TT TU lolU. SwadaV ablibia iml Tba. vaaafc ftrye SOm HOTEL ARTHUR : 270 11th at, Mar Marrben. Ckaaa. a I a ay pay. wwk or eswth; swaawaable vaw Matthiesen Hotel aa day ap: 88 na wt a M wasrr. eaaa kaws. 04 HOTEL BAKER ST. tar MCE faraiabed eiawptag walkiaa BOwy. Z7gy. vntb prtveSe beta. iee"Bd laasas; bant aad aU eaa. ALTO KNITTER ta good condition. A-ll, to take aborthaad iroaa private party. WASTED, eieainga. Sargent Hotel tsawuorna aaa araaa. H. Bo and eold wsiev, K. easl svarreng i beat. K 1. M-8TT, Jearnal. WILL give for light or vioba cleaning. la axohaace Mian IT BO. LADY Pbeae Wdhs. br 8803. boar or day, 0e hoax. I tlaaa 18l XiBAND LODGE school of inetruc . on wUl bo held by Brother 53 u Buanyaido Lodge No. 163. A. r. and A. M.. wnsnas 80th ana JxAwthorae. Tnaailii Janaarr at T0 n, a. Iastraetion in! MONUMENTS lot 17. THATS enoufh to obtain a nish wratU security with the priitnt adTantarea of LOW PRICE and HIGH YIELD plaa poaatbl increaaa ia aaarket value. MaUnz the Start Is Half the , , Battle. Taar oat tklo coupon ad mail TODAY Freeman. Smith ft Camp Co. Lum beirmens Bids.. Portland. GnU-nn: Pleas x- ?laia how l may aet f to on nty savings, even though 1 begin with aa amall aa amount aa 010. 1 aaawna bo obligation in maBlnc this Inquiry, (Name) " Viait Address) ' (Town aad State) SPECIAL NOTICES 101 NOTICE ia hereby given that the Pacifio Tele- nhona and Teleerauh comoanv. a cornoration. has erected on the ahorse of the Willamette river, in the city of Portland, certain mona- menta. namely signboard et on posts in plain view, and bearing the words -table Ctoasing, Th Paeifie Telephone and Telegraph Company, wtueh aid signs mars the landing places on the shores of the Willamette river of certain sub- squeoua telephone and telegraph cabela aa follows rrom a point midway between the foot of street and Ankeny street en the west aide, ex tending in an easterly direction to an open dock of the Suppte-BBiiin Shiubauding corporation. south of E. Ankeny street on the east side, 3 cables, each of which is approximately 1200 feet in length, and from the foot of Oak street on tne wast szOe extending tn s nortneanery direc tion to the onen dock of the Enrole-Bsllin Bbin- building corporation south of E. Ankeny street en tbe east side, being approximately 1583 feet in length, and marked by a monument on the uss street dock on the west side: and a cabli from the foot of Oak street on the west side. tending in an easterly direction to an open dock at tha foot of E. Oak street on the east side, each approximately 13'a feet in length and marked by moo assent as the foot of 0k street on the wast aide aad SB as pen dock st the foot of K. Oak street aa aba east side, aad 0 cables from tbe foot of Oak street on the west side, in an easterly direcaon to Municipal Dock No. 2. at the foot of B. Washington street oa the east aide, being approximately 1400 feet. 1246 feet. 1269 feet. 1460 feet sad 1185 feet in length, respectively and marked by a monu ment at the foot of Oak street on the west aide and by a monument on Municipal Dock No. 2 at tne loot of bj. asm niton street on the side, and three cables from tbe foot of Wash ington atreet oa the west aide in s northeasterly direction to the foot of E. Washington atreet en the east side, each cable being approximately 1450 feet in lensth, and beta marked br a monument oa a two-story dock oa the sooth side at tne loot or waantngtor street on tne west side, and a monument on aftmicipal Dock No. 2 at the toot of 'E, Washington meet oa the east aide This notice Is cnbHrhed for th puruuea of iafocasiag all navigators of the description and purpoee of the m nouns en ta j ores id, and of the general course, landings and termini of the cable aforesaid. . IBB PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANT. By CABL WHITMOKE. Dtvistoa Superintendent of Plant. SOT ICE ia hereby given tnat the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph company, a oorpora tten. baa erected on the shores of tbe Colum bia river at a point on Columbia Beach, oa the Oregon side, and also on the Washington aide. st a point on the east boundary of the Vi ver barracks Joining the river, two namely signboards set on posts in plain res, and bearing tba words "Cable Crossing. Too Paaric Telephone and Telegraph Oompaay, which aaid signs mark the landing places i the shores of tbe Columbia river of a certain subaqueous telephone aad telegraph cable, ap- proxanately 4550 feet ia length, which aatd river in a general northerly direction from the said landine on tba Oreeon aide of aid Co lumbia river aad between the arauni above de- ser&ea. Tba notice ta published for tbe pvyposs of Informing all as rigs ton of the daseriatioe end purpose of too monuments af arses id. sad af the general ensues, landings aad termini af tne caow aioreaaiA. - TBS PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANT Br CARL WRTTMORK. Drrteioa Supcriutewdewt of Plaat, rr.wVrB wmt. ex the M. M. dearee. Al Mas- wwaa, bj aroer ol w. M. , , , CP. JENSEN. Sec-y. . Snd A. Vf RtntmA Mn.nm. JJ,dDa,U' evonintv January i?J. ."The8tory of Masonry." by Brother Georges Bates. Visiting v.wwca welcome, tjraer or W. At. :w. vrijLJUWB. Beeretsry. dRENOMAH LOiXiE NO. ig A F. AND A. M, Special meet- ua ivmarrow ixiiesnay) evening. Lodge opens at TO, work ia fi. A. uegrvs. ny oroer u W. II. OSCAR S. SWEN80N. Secy. HARMONY LODGE NO. 12. IT. AND A. M. Spedal com munication this (Monday) evening at 7 o'clock. E. A. decree. Via- situations wanted male asi AN EXECUTIVE AND ACCOUNTANT OP 20 TEARS' EXPERIENCE U LOOKTNO FOB A POSITION OF TRUST WITH A LARGE CORPORATION. THE POSITION TO BE CON RECTOR HOTEL : 0 N. Broadway, new and asasVra. Tsle leeks a 61 e day end wp. 6k wek. anvaia bwtha. WASHINGTON BOTE1. 12TB AND WASBTNliTON STS. Attractive rooma sad eattaa at rasaaanMe rata by week or BBoata, Hotel Ockley Morriaoa at lata. 81 a day. weekly gad ; frea phoas aad baih: bgnt aad airy. SIDERED MUST PAT 84O0O OR BETTER. I IN SlCLiT. reiia-d bosaa. waikiag dauaaoe. fur- H-776. JOTJRNAL. I M N ltlS rt. aaoeaea oaiy, PRINTER pautt. Open St as t ariaina affarc Feb. 1. Ago 85. Steady. Held peatttoas ia leadiag plants ka West, Addraa. EL BL S.. 010 0d at,. McMhnmll, Or. LEAXI HOTEL. TAIV Moaera aaa Bats 03 per week tn ISta st Stark Ceeeraily krtad. OTTO SCHVHAMH MARBLE ToTJaBga TWBP A HNE BTft 8408I aT.'at.t ! 6ftfnfally repair) aatura 671 or OOFai i aaa panstee: swerawawat aaa 1604, Pxteee THE kAkrtia. 4. HiiLQ AT. Casa. furnisbed rosaaa, 6AbO per w : aato Brht boeaekaeptne. THE 8T. the 4 ha. cor. Aide. emawseL bit. tee wa. FLORISTS 107 FLOWERS FOB ALL OCCASIONS Main 4737 OFFICB MAN. steaograplir. bookkeeper; yearn' experience; married. No ob)eetioa a leaving eity. Call Main 7317. Address T26 Northwestern Bank building. E. L. CKOWTHKR, ..r--w i bardwoed floora eJaaned. waxed sad aotehed. r-wuty os retareacaa. a yean 2709. A. I "We WOl Please Ton. itors weleoma, W. If. DB UN. WAVERLT LODGE NO. 174. A. F. AND A. M. East 26th and Clinton streets. Special oommunV cation thia Ttmeday eveauig at i p. m. work in the Jr. C. oegrea. gry oroer or w. at. W. JAFPBBT. Sea'y. SECOND ANN0AL beWtt bah for Maaonss and O. E. 8. homes. January 1 1 . ta municipal Aaotfo. num. Masons, Eastern Btar a friends cordially invited. PHOKBB OTJEBTN. Til .uuyw- YAMHILL et TENTH. Aad Floral Das am, 25 Largo Hothooaas. N Branch Stores, 26 ' .Tears oa - Morriaoa at 23 between 4th and 6th. Tel. Main T700. raisiuu, Bemraaagiag aad ttetang; p eonsaie. wore gaarantewa. aaop 1865 t borne sve.' Tabor 1723 ot Tabor 1200. Bsw CEMENT work of ah kind, good wwrkaa-aUilp fiaiaiiiBBu. avan xtaose m KJ. as or 01 SeUwood 010. Smith's Flower Shop -PerUaad s Piuaiaeslre FTorhar Fkswers - tar AH Oisaahias - Msm rt T. a Lake. Mgr. 0th and Alder. ItARTtM ft' FORBES CTA, fVisists, 8b4 Week. igtoa. Main 200. A-1260. rkgwars Sat as aioas artistically -errsncad. BOOFS repaired, saia or shine; save tro-ishe cleaned sad repaired; an work . guaranteed. Portland Roof Repair ft Paint Co., Main 6330. CARPENTER Estimates give aoa repair worT roofs tenaired and -- built, aiwai.. laaT Bawtborno. Tabor 1240. EXCAf A7INU GKADTnT ULu lb BPECTABLB i Private bath 82. Special rata by week or awea. NEW PERKINS HOTEL WaaaJBgloa aad Fifth 8 treats. Sporta! Peraaaeet Bares 66 Per Week Pa. t i.u. 1 aaeeping room down atam, Weil (umwhad. iwroaco neat e Be Taylor. HJRNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 01 NEW LI tinted rooaa. bath, goeoty aaat eaaTEet water. Very iwsaenabw to 1 or S laajiliiTii Walking diet. U a W. akmp, blk. Clue ea, ear and garage. Private borne. Awt, 828-10. NOR BILL Newly tinted. Basely faraieaad ia a BMBurat asa Prtre reaaoveiba. pace . eleatrMrty, tev as a. i tat, soc. . Day or contract, able. East 8873. Baeer. Good work, rriea raasoav LOST AND FOUND 10S S!fc with 2 yaaa eiperwm.a aa saaUT Addraa 1176 Gay at,. TOT IVAN HOE LODGE NO. 1. K. of P. Meeta every Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, fifth floor Pythian bstild ing. 88S Tamhili at Ail PyUiiana welcome. TBAD L. GRAVES, X. B. 8. pbNLSstU. CiLiPTES So,1 1 43. R. A. M. Masonic bnAnnc. 8U Johns. Special eon vocation this (Monday) evening. .7:80. R. A. de gree, visitors always welcome. By oreor K. at. e. O. H. LEMON, See. IlAM6KY LodCB no. 166. and Omega Bebekah Lodge No, ae cti u. iH..ii.riM W . WU. m JVIH, HI.., Tuesday evening, Jan. 17. at Orient hail. . Otb and Alder sts. vantora welcome. CLAIRE L ACBENS. Bee. 5TT. LOST Between 0th aad 3 3d oa Ghana. 1 black handbag, marked with name Beea Kian. ley. Finder kindly return same, either to Sun et Electric Co., eg Bentngtna Typewriter Co.. sad reosive reward. LOST Brmdle Pit Bull mala pap" kskwaisiag. j-" BLASTER-REP AIRING. AM, Mala Z6. uptpiiuiiivr. j ---g f-irg. 2866. Sail thr white aad ana black foot, white atraak in l.nn bceneo No. 2364; goes by name of Jack. Own er- name en bamaav. Liberal reward. 170 a K.i. mt n m aVl CARPENTER bmiids sad reaaodek cheap by ooatract. Wondlawa 130, CARPENTER garagna buflt. Bast EXPKRXENCPD cabiaet M-775. Jearael. ad aaw ee repair work; 2030, room 14. . Everett, Waftmg diauaea. M01ern h66i. U tXL CtolsBUUEllTfr FIRNACE. HOT AND CiLD WT.R. LIGHT PHONB: ALSO GABAOB; UaT OF BBOADWAT DRITE. MARSHALL 018. LARGE oorner vooa aaar Baas . uty ears tor ktasiBasi air- hot, water, aaa of kitrkea aad laaadzy. 88 see weea. Tabor 361. - VERT dosirabio rooa or an atuagtivo aoaru aeax; aaaary eg aaat asa bet we tar-; aeadry prlvUeges; reag ssnabii; esses aa; $ gsta, to Olds ft Eing. aarabaB 1162. CUAN. Bsodara faraasaei rewa or' 1 ' e" 1 aaaita, neatv af be waning aananoa. 088 E. Stark. Ma. 3 SINGLE PL BL a 144 X. 16th at. baat. Ugbt aad weleome. By FINDER of assail black card ease containing BASEMENTS. GRADING. GEN'L TEAMINO. 1 ty.Hg. J""-. . T U T1" l.Passea and sdanUfioation earda of R. CI contract or day work. Anteaaatie atlas I "1 ,,V,TU' ' .sea. phone Ant. Blackman 043-05 Reward. INSTALLATION POSTPONED Servico Circle. Neighbors of Woodcraft, have postponed thear 1 pobiie lastalsatiOB aatu Moaday evening. Jam ary 23. CAROL HEMMELGARN. Clerk. NOTICE as hereby given tnat Us Pacific Teie- paaaa aaa lejexrapb eomuanv. a corpora urn. has erected ea the west ahen el tba WiUaaattd river at a point approximately ISO feet aoath of- tn Betrwoea rerry amndmg, and aka oa the asao oi toe wttkuaette river at a said Softwood ferry Mndhsc. two earner, aiaa board, set ea naets an nbsbi view, and bearing tao words "Cabla Creating. The Pacific Teaenbooe and Teiegraoh Ceassaav.' which aaal signs asrfc the Mndmg psseas oa tbe sbjoras of the Willamette river of a certain sabaaoaa tals pnesso aaa teJagtapa cabas, approximataly 1.1 z a saaa aa asnarn. wucn snaaia saai iuu as a oral sesterlj diiavtw froas tha said the west side of the aaid Willamette nvar. aad uaiesiB tao termini snevo neerrviiisu . Tha aoties a pnblnbad for the raxnoaa mXeaaakag all aaeigatora of tba deaeiiptioa and paruosa of tba moe omenta aiiaaauL and of the general eoarss, landing gad termini af tha cable atoveaua. TUB PACUTC TXXBPBONB AND TXLECBAPB . . .. tajatrAJ g, . V - By CART WIDTMOBI!. - Drrxdoa SuperuteadcBt of Plant. ALBERTA ' 17th aad at 8 o'clock. ata Regular Taseday eveaing R. G. BEAD, N. O.; H. A, BRDNEMER. See. LOST S. A. E. small diaaond shaped fraternity Din. Initials P. B B ea back. Rawairf M HiBse, efty BalL Maraban 4 1 OA L08T Genco rasor; red crcae on white handle: betaeea Oreeon Citv and " Hill mm mm. Orasoa City ear. Ant. 644-78. LOST 8f RtN(3 OF FKA Rl. B'ADo; IS annsiuii .m.lju SSAJtBuaiJ- 1ZU8. eootract or day work. Aoteeaetie 023-85 SHINGLEBS When yea want ''"f""! ma Wooaatwn 6200 moramg or evening. OA slum (JUL) noora. by day or eoawaet. paces. 1400 Rodney eve. Woodiawn 02. " PAP ERIN 0. PAINTING. TINTINO Lowest prices oa good work. East 7043. PLUMBING dae eery r--nTiiliia aw the ks Taaa Mt. lau earTeet ra-bta. ta of pbaaa. 8418 OStb et. j NICE faraabed rooa far reau, hot sad said waiar ta lslifeea or by tbe yak. Aato. 235-61. 20 otiea. CLOSaVIX. oWasraUo saaJ pntiiegea aad asa af turban. Be ssi. WILL aUr, aaar W Biases L08T String Main 6818. of pearl bead; i reward. QABPENTER sad eootnetee. Kobtna. eByUuag 1 th me prritrng pne. miwio gass gpsa. trattgalow or 001 aV. EDUCATIONAL 200 MA8QUERADS eosc sea. 881 Tanhill. r rant, Maeks to Park Mam 8108. EMBLEM JEWELET a ehsrsaa Jaeger Bros. DANCING every Saturday aarht at W. AJitirrtr every oatumsy i Ban 128 lltb st, Cnka try. bettoaa. neaa. igi-igB am a. OTbT rOUB WEZXS TBAXMCIO FREE We ba I biiBili de af eiadnaJaa rw '- - fuDy engaged ta tba Aato, Tractor. Bataery and tha Aato electrical buatnaas. Wa aa. aaM ao. to a good poatiore, tee, We give yea a foar weeks' nuts iButi no meaty la advance. The trial ebhgataa in ta st way. It affords yoa aa excellent opportunity to aiaa Bp our school aad et yooT snamirartowe a laara aMebanical work. Faff rasrtaraiars ta owe new 112-naee alog. Call mm arrlta fee eortaa Am book No. 4- It's free. AJJCOXAUTO AND AVIATION STTTOOL, CKION AVB AND WASCO ST, wTeadawa eg Alberta Caa. 3d and Amer. CONCRBTB ..hi work Cm n ava. laao Ou.NCBSTB Bsarhine am Marsh. 2006. Best 0077 after a av aa, ! ot; worktag part of a" aato, a st. eor. 03d. amaLL neaiiy rarsiaiase essaa rooa oa frni sts a aeaia. a Hull fraaa at irrs i a ea araeiaA. lit w. Para aa. 2 AND I route furaished aw., cVaa, tas of . PAINTING, 3828. East 0S86 CXmSST paperiag aad kaiaraaiaiag. Tabor BBtaad. Pboste Before k; anea; swod week guar- 7 a. as. Tabor 0781. rjeoaa. elartrViLv sad Kataa eary raa, Waft tag 216 Gay . Try -rrr PLASTERTNG Tabor 8401 CEMENT ay ooatraot, first class work. trnea- a. ; Weodlewa 6241. MEN WANTED " DEATH NOTICES 103 HAZELTON Ia this city. Jan. 15. Mrs, Maria ttasetton. aged B yean a aontas and S days, mother of. Mrs. Ansa B. Gaff, thia city Jtrs. Kusabeta Whitney or UOioago, LU., i wni Bong of WAtarford. Pa. Bemaine are at the oonaarratory Chapel of tbe East Side Fa ne rsl Dtrectors.-4 1 4 East Aider. Nettee of " " I Leara awVjaaoWa I a liiiia aad fH yeajraeV SMITH In thia eity. January 18. 1022. Jsiie S XSSrrfSfJ? a. smith, ssed 60 soar: amter of Mary aV I ZZT.JuTJTv -7. r7. r Mniih mt P1 rw - rww 1 H-r,m .t I . aa Buwrent ciims oner tne fot- " I Zi , "11 i CI I sswioa traoas aa emamews bsob: Aata V- - iltors meehanins tira ealeamaiaa mm Anx. Remains are at the easnol eg Edwsra I kattm tr.Kia i -i--. . r "rTIrT" lyno wsVtraa. I aaasi tnitsan laa. Ufa - ' - Ur tree esnptagraaeat effica beJpa swa to owe a so yoaraeu oa bb lor 1 li r 1 1 1 1 1 1 a ta 840 Tibbetw street, aad mother of Mrs. O.-M. MUiatUTVit BUUOOLS ALL AROLNO iaaavag and ranaso i ciaas. warns posstioa. Itdwy. 4IOP. HA CI. IN O waatod. ee ia n. zzg S-ra trwek. Qoaar. WAN nor Sour or eosnraet, at Broadway 4602. CARPENTER work, day or sia st. x. Aato. 812-87 Ant, 614-28. 0e . " 1I1B UU aXAWTBOfUIK. ee i . FRONT BOOM. AU. CO.VVENIEM T8. BAi-i- IN PI-TAirit. LXCaETU SI, REAR WAbHIMOTON. MSB. rasa LARGE. vaaU-Nrasahed rraa , taaee; aaat. rsssag waaer. boa: neat an. 217 12th at. TWO FtTR.MSHXD 6IJ-EPING B.I. h K E A?I waakf: IV- ana iv,i TANCE: BROOSXTN ZARLtNE. BELL. 418 GIRL easpioved to Lar I'mt, " wU" vrtaast S01 Maia 8418 NICAXI faraasbad CARPKNTEB work wsatsd. slterarioea. Garages bajK. bear. wmFSwai fiai.a ae ami. Mais 1711. tar- rorrahs 1018. CEBENT work, fust caa aaly. ills. J- A. ftaUex. FRONT BOOM. Cy. 613 Iwvt. TWO Breaewey 34 3 refiaad Hebnaa dt Son, Third aad Salmon streets. of funeral later. Bo-1 awe os mnarai awr. snip. Owr free cwiotermawt el BUCHANAN tn tnia eity. January 15. Busaa, VSlV."0-- IJT! sged 67 years, wifeif C JBuBajTcf Hk5i?Hnx? Arm? wn t 840 Tibbettg atreet, aad aothor of Mrs. O. M. HJHJH' tAEF J0 . sni..M mt pw.ii.i wk . mm, ws xswtacws avosn. CABPENIXB esauactAi. s. argo or eaaafl, day or yoa. TO RAVE year lot PI Bodnry eve. Crie8POOfJ i og by eootraeg. r aad illinmaa. I aata. aia-2. ewasforlebe thapieg walk lag mejsntw. sncs 3a. Call Eaat Ttls. Ebereold of ley's funeral hereafter, Tba yaaaaiws are at ne at ata. Notion of ADOOX Ia tba eity, Jsaaary 16. afarlo. 20 years, wife of U U Adpox of 668 xtyoa eticat. tnary, M aereafter. THAT CHANCE POR PROMOTTOM is'ixff IT AHEAD. ARE TfWI !' tr WmMMl RJUDI FOB HILL In this eitr. Jsmaary IS. 1022. HiU. aaed 68 yean, BeeasJw are at tba ehai-1 el of Edward Hoiaaaa ft Son, Third aad Palmes I (treets. nooee of ruaeval late. ap ev gagwt acbool has aaoa the ataptaBg-at IITUATIONS WANTED FEMALg 254 La eft CtRfAbU jIanI) Ut"iUSrTi rears' rpiwiaa East S186. WOMAN vs. wsrk by Utr er day; retiablo ref ' liimasi haaiai in alk.i aaih Si. aosa I MIDDLE AGED idlBg or bgbt bsasewark. -740. ROOM AND BOARD 102 Nortonla Hotel e2fcaTH OFT WASHINGTON Sweleaa and liamsaa yasa. Rem x aam.i ... .UfLUutO.l6Af TCUiTI I see cuaaea M too Oao. FUNERAL NOTICES 104 kUNZEB la thia city. Jan. lkth. SteLa. Van: asr, seed 31 years, t axoatbs and ST days, wife of Tnosaas B. Manser, mother of Vi - Bala. 30a Atay aad Lewie Hanxy Jasaaar. aO at taa city, na ranerat will Be taa in I iry saaaal af taa Eaat Side Oirectora, 014 av Aster st l Scott Psrk earns asry. . I HEB, BO TD Tba funeral service for taa ate Jobs Isan ea, n. soya ax vrfucagw. m., will aa BciA Wed I ady wwaM aka assa mIu I Z ksaaewirk. -740. JiwrwaX 1 FCSNiaHED rooa. argo eataagh lor . twaZl" "" rairka.MdiR SITUATIONS WANTED . .'.li " " -r I Wtrfcmc9wtm MALE AND FEMALE 2S ""b-r4'. Bwlirra 9 CtaLLftSaB f GCX3 mamAm wax wask ea ' smack.' cboeas - Ta Me board 214 N. 24th. bUr lie Tki llkud If nuiTII- tV T-T" T " tnk !rrf- MA a THA WAaHINfatiON R aad QoaadTw XmijVSS-SlSAmX i 'i ' ' ' JBl,: ""ale aaav 340 10ta at, Msr- Addrea 407 sfrwrwoa - Phoao Bnadwey SOS0. " ,?S1- kfOLEB BABBBB tXBLLK0 will aa yra I wtj.. a - avae aaaw rafts' 'sstlta tSTtSSm anJ tayswiat I f " ''SSeaaTha CaMaot argw Sk BwraeHo ok " 1 J-j rMoev4ssw. near 11U 53 asansy. January 18, at 3 10 p. av, at the Fkrat I CLASSES ta easaa aasaisliai ask. i rial ibb i awi a. um aaa Aaxor stream. I bubju bb swaraary. , AJ Pile ude iasited. ComJaUina (ssrsiea. Bin i I w eahingvoa Rnhrv ft C- drrert -. a. r. I XHg Peesley Stadia hetewcamg Ichool Th-eearh Pinley ft boa. diretors,, . r I insttuet. ia tbosry tad chaua. 407 Morroa. BAM rJTITCaXNrt . ia. Royal bMg. LaDlsS fear r !! I I I Na ta, atam iut ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 203 peg yard" 4k Paaifiac araignt. Mi 3 00 lor ai' Muwaaks st. only $2-a. Baa MUlkaery. 010 BOARD eaaa bad, ta arsvate bewas, f gawd bath. Wewhawa 4648. aepu Woarflawa 7:6- SCR6B emh kveeiy boeee wuT Awt. 41A-S ad kwaai la araoera FlRAT-CLAftS E. Taylor at, Tsbor 4460. 1111 car, lee tae,e L ft are ain. BOOM aad baard, aaodara, farswoe bast, wa.a dwteana. Hot waaac. Km 0128. tCoatlawaa aa , slag Paasl