THE OREGON SUNDAY, JOURNAL,, PORTLAND. SUNDAY- MORNING, JANUARY 15. 1S22. SENSATIONAL LOSSES SHOWN IN DAIRY PRODUCT PRICES FOR PERIOD i. Edited br Hymaj H. Oobea EXPORT DHD IN VMFRIIIRVH I I I 1 1 I mm W mm W m0 III! M a 1 " 111 V lrHcnrr. Arm FvrrhMeni of Good B apply Daring Week, With AH . Prior Showing- Uberal Adnuaoe. No. Twa. : .. 4 .. Ttiar. rt ... , ... T t as. Tear u wm i wtixat tudi . tuft Willi TTu4 Mart. 1M Whtta WMI. Chih. Wta. Spring. Walla. . 10T lf4 104 107 101 101 10 ins 107 104 EGG AND BUTTER LOSS IS SEVERE 6ome Reooveries Are Made From Iow Polot Elaewbere, But local Trading Holdbkc Uncfaanced. io. 104 1A l7 in 10 107 too 10 IAS 1 107 1 106 100 104 1M 107 10 100 1M 107 102 17 103 14 104 107 10 103 140 9 10A 103 ion 104 101 135 Taasnl Wt auM bate reached extras prtoa. foe Um jar to (tot la tb bidding M th Parttead Mefrbanta Esohang for th week. eh afterine. bete at omintry point wm avaterally 1 to la bwbl higher than bid In rataM a th aukiM Al high a tl 10 tbtawaiae- track kaate was paid fnr ruh whit alak, akaa .1 Iaa aM.ani while 11.0 Ua Minn auction oa tb exchange (or that kertary. Club wheat ram to Or front during th Vol : ba (act. th only trading of importance Carta; th period tu la that variety. xport - au Mmfldrmllv confined to dab wheat mmt abiopara van bidden during tb entire JS9j' ft aMtHlVL (aMnU loraWa tb tmm d here ' getlne tb 11 nb- bat ft waa neniimed mnalj mt araal lota. ft hip load porobasae appear tu b tattta mar and aora eat ef data la thi market, Toward th tad ef th week nan. Bruited baatnaaa was hosra to. ordinary Masaiem around 1.11 1,1 tidewater, but No. 1 bianstrm art enwwe (naa the Bt Bend, m heat Dim II It til, with Uttl araUehU. Coeree grams ad mors activity dnrtng th Mi but prsvetically a hang waa .hosrn bi artaaa, - M Hiatal I. Were firmer, bniii a . eleaiaw; advene of tl a tea this L Hay , was Mill (baaing the dfkggy too ( rsrent vaaka, Ub al'alfa. tt anrUilnc. a fiartioa off. rVjof aiarkat nry tlo (or patrat and babata at aarhan'ral artaaa. Rota naail ftraica bwnlaaa numd. baa at an arlen (or aatefta. CAII WHEAT Clan, ll.01.10; bha Ma tad Jaan. tl.l 1 SO; Had Boanaa, 1104 01: tnraar rad. tl 111.14 n.OlF Uina prVn. aiiu donr: ratant. InraJ l.oo; 1.H0I araluai. tt 00: abate vkaaL tS.IO: MarUM aprtal Ul, palrat. 1 7 40 prr barrvl Prlv I at ait, MiarT. 1 A rrtra. rabarhaa in ratra. At Murloa pna for aid trap: WUlamMt lhaath, taaay. tl4 0100 par tea.- aa ara (hm.1 liaiothr. Ill 00 prr Inn I aitrrr. Ilt04)lf 10; nr.. 14 00 a) TOO; alfalfa. t!4 0a It 00 ar Im, MOTORS AND OILS FEATURE STOCKS ml Hrraan H. Cabaa anaul ahnaa la the avarke at prae tiaaii. ail coiata in to CnibKl Stataa aorinc tba aaak pUrcd tb ttraal karoo aita tha trd mM m.W arlta Dradaaara. AH alika Vara Buati- fted by tb aaacral abnap la anotaooaa ana bob band to (oraeaat what to aiUatat tnad wnnia ba. Tb fact remalna that daatiit tha haaa prialiMtioa raeanur at moat eaotara. tana Uttla rxrnat for to aiama. Loaar Dnm wrrt aataralls da, tt la trna appran tbat Ut ttf uau et ua eooniry aaa Vaat coatral of ita wnaav. Parhap. ta a ataaanra at laaat, th trad aot to blaate. Ta ita .errdit th word mast ba naawd that It baa dropped base vada of monrr ta th cs trada daring recent month. Bayer wrra clearly np agaiau a atooa walL They had alraady loot to mark BMnney m ecsa wax uey laarad arery cm to maraat nraaea w ciain op promptly. Tbarafora, it hi quit aaay to ara why tt loat K ana of proporUoaa. Elclata aa thrr mlcbt. tbar ai reauy no xeaaa (or th rcr had break tha trade forced la th agg market. It dM not dm una tor profit, bacaa of pmfit ther wa bob lacaaa of tha enaataatl, alidinc Drioaa. Km that went boaght at a prtoe that looked cheap jaa tarda war tonkin axtraTanaUy hick today. IW in tb wak tha market abowad eaaenl h. t)u aantar of th eooatnr. Thta nHnb iina to waathar eooditiona. iaat aa tha pnrloaa alomp ta rahu waa (in hrongat tbrmt by waathar eonffltioM anmoiAont ptv- Soma aharaed tha 6etUnm ta earg vahiaa to tha baUef that enbf atorace p-nlxtor ware trying in grab very lownoed rrappllea, Boen la rr far from tha truth. It wonld be marcial nilckW tA tint mb away in tha cooler at thia tlm. iimH narhapa (or a few day. It would be lmpoaribl to nan to coia euwage at that time anleaa tha atorar were willing to Uk a grand Damping Bast eaaaoa. At tha tima that theaa ntn ahoold ba B Laced the market, there wonld be o much tmh atoek arailable at rrlatirely low prlcea that cold atotBfe tntareau woald be (oreed to aeU at at all. Potato Grading Should Be Aid to Better Production Br Hi-Baa B. Cokta Vnch atiWtflen la hrard la tha trad, not onlr from deaJAra but buyers. rtnrdiag the propoaal of Yakima Interests and others to lower the graoine; mlaai an both txt.toA and aorjleat. r It astnara that obiaction ia made bv certain interasui vnat ua u. . fjwamg nues ara ariwu-aniy atrtneent, whQe the fact remalna that the fovemment ruiea ara reaiir miow wrnat eonxtuutaa ru at eiaai ou&iitv. inere ia not in siiAtntest reason tor toweruis: tna graae rules of either potatoes or ooioaa. In fact, they should be made mora arlnoreBt. Neither rjomiaodltr is ttlaeed on such a basis that u average procraoer cannot paructpate. r or the sake of the producer, ho hlmseU ahonid ask: for more atTlnrant rult . . .. , - - Jts matters stana rorernment rrsoes on potaioes ana apples really Bean nothing;. U. 8. g-rada Mo. 1 on potatoes does not of oecessity mean that first claas marketable potatoes are contained la tha package. The rales are en tirety too lenient. They mean nomine; wnateyer to me pnoe . a . I AY I KAM rutes as now enxoroea ara mora or tees ox a jou aw t,ti. a, th mat half Tnsfaar of lnwiHnr tha raiilna ralea of the denartment of agriculture, bureau of markets, they should be elevated said maintained at mrh a point where tha public generally will haws some confidence in them. There never was a Him whan atrtnera.nt e-raJinc iiiti rtn noiatnaai warn nejajdeM mora than today. For the farmer who produces first class stock th present rules are detrimental. rw.n stnat JTeainial Cfatanrial Sarlew.l Hew Tort Jan. 14. (0. P.) Motor led auM at tha oDanine of th Mew Tor atoek aachena today. Tb rim pt vaawmer K . ac l u A hlAfe- a, 9 QUO aharaa as he secures no more for his quality than his neighbor receives for poor stuff I taken at 'thia pries. Btedebaker (Alaed tnax comes unoer government ruiea. . , i Average potato quality in tne unitea states naa aetenorateo annul too isn few years. Oregon has gone backward to auch an extent that Us potatoes no tnnarar Mmnuinfl in nrMnmma tninr rormeriT oia ? in iacl ui manT mstaiicr auw below what other districts are getting. This applies only to Western Oregon, for Central Oregon cannot b spoken of In the same oau as uo) rest 01 tne A'acuic slope. X axons jravores. sy aiaiirwmna Baiart agg roled: Port.. n.OlF aUin an, mlU door: rl 170) WlllaiaeU ealray bread. IS 41: I atruaht, 14 40; bakmV hard ah-at, l aakaf- blwaatera. 10,40; bakm talley. ti Monday Tnraday Wednesday Thuraday rrwar . . . fUtnrday . Week a ST. Una tie 0e too lOo 17 ChL K.T. 1. Ia A SKc 8oA 4e 4 to 29H !4eA Se 46c tie 44e 35o 4lc tSo 46eA 82o 8 to trie 47 13a SB 8o 4e. . . . S7e I7e 10 14ie 4ftc No gatarday aeatioa. Butter Drop t ta tha price OSAI.- SArtis 7e MoaxtBal. Ha. earload lota. am. CaJcwrta. ata j-'-.-V..:.; J tt T$7 I Strength Is Pronotixkced In General Hat for Week-End liidostrlals Lead in Saturday Tradinc. r-ar.Tt i l.aial Wtaa4al Tt y-ai Km VnrkL Jul 14. (U. P.l Tb atreagtb which nada itarlf felt dnrina Friday' aaaaias eonnnoed throurhont today s tradinc oa ue N? Vara amck HrhlML BtarU IB WBKa new ahort lateraat had bee built na danag th dnclinv of the last two week were the leader. Theaa Ineloded many of th oQa. eqaipinaata sad com of the independent ateala. Is tb raOread mnn Atcniann artucn naa aaea ui ama laaaer tog eom tuna, mane a new nia w a3zv i. - that buy and sell. Bettor P states Ara wM4s. hour, stcet eommoa retained a poratioa aboe 84. which ia wtuua Z point at aiso. Independent steel in most caaat were QOlat. Th aurtet eioaed bigber. Takiraa erowers have been snoUed by too much favoritism. Not only are tha railroads doinr all in their tiower to brlna the Taklma botatoea Into front place In the markets by various advertising schemes, but the Yakima section is given preierrea raurww ruiea. ana in uii owuuwr i wiw w uu wuacuwwu or the eecuons mat grow a vasuy improvea potato. While central Oregon grows to best potato in ine unuea auttes as witness its grabbing all the best prises- in the national potato show, as well as In other places wnsre exmottaa, wis aoes tne ieacnaies couuiry very iuuo good, for the railroads are against them. The rail lines have practically a downhill haul for Deschutes potatoes, and whilo tha distance to Portland is less than from Yakima, the Utter can ship their potatoes to this city ana to other markets at a lower rate than can the Deschutes section. It is a condition that should not be tolerated for a money consideration. Not only has the Yakima country a lower freight rata to rortiana than uie uescnutes, nun it has a materially lower combination rata to California and other southern poifPcs. rW iwiJIiMila aalwl at 1 00 1 . Steel eommoa sained at 84 H sad Oalf state at 40. atezieaa Petroleum (aa til red the oil with s (ata of at 110 ttaila war fractionally lusher. Th market wa etrons throoghoat tb flrat boar Among leaders war Mexican PetroJ-nua. Asphalt, Gulf State Steel and Famen Player. BID CATTLE II Sky May Be -Limit for Wool . . In Trade for Present Season SH IMP MUM P III1U HUVHHU E s trad ar priea bat tb ty, eka baaaa baa A ralariea teeUaa at at kklk ara th high, a Ur aoar4 clip, thowb-aalea sUO are iAUnba Are TJndaamgcd. Bat Staff Is Advanced Still Killers Inpoilliig Hoc yOKTTAHT UTESTOCT KtW CatO. uaieea, Bbeaa, tjar. 178 M till 142 21S0 110 I4S ItS ltt7 3 S04 04 141 S 7SS4 121 243 201 S300 14 SS74 ti 63 173 Stl 1S7 4844 112 114 IS 177J 14 Thia week.... toy Weak age.... 4182 2 waaka ago. ..4441 4 weak ag...tt44 Tear aa 401 2 year age. . .4324 t year ag...84 4 year a.. .6720 Rhaavefal analarl f tha kwal beg tedastrf be Paciue Narthwaat kiUer waa th ewtetamtHig lea. Una af tha waak'a actirllial ta ta beestork trad at Nona Portland. There waa a total ma of 142 can ta th combined alary fag the weak eeaioaraa aua ita car ear th nreviaaa week and 141 cart s rear eg. Hog rated 25c Ugh, eattte war op ataular icwat, wall abaip aad iamb were eapaa, Bi nackam oi tb Pacifia Korthweat Porttead t aot aloa ta thia are eerauagly dttmind a wreck th he indnstrf of ' thia territory by faronn the twiae growers of the midwar.1 In- ef eavamragiBg the home prodweaoa by tllnrai aiappar the fall ariaa that tha hulk thair iuck haa coat them killer bar baea kaeping the local price of bog down payint more fr their Imported, a ktat while UTorabl quality from South Dakota, There waa a Ten abrral mcreai mcremait of bag late tb North away aaaeai tb ta ttiaa a an aoca fee iiB)i1iry lw B af aawnwaft a4 B taM raaihwd at the teat I aeB!eml a Part af tb that taa arsnl antra at ta wartd. rrtraa: Tab) tumiaii V ba 121 bad hawed t heap aoeaa aa s baaia ta araar tha tb alag bcmurf mi m af tb. afttgat be baagwt at fa-era that weald rat (aetata af th ataaatmw, aha Seats at Sen- - rareetal a- a - - a fairiBS b Aaiajr lini ln ear w action k the mill fiaiars aomaurtea. atnOj 4e the weak -: Diaiaaun. MOir The market appeaa t k bracUag ajraajas zso naam; aareira. 1J1. pea -b a rw aawed Steaa a faal Waal , Decline Forced in Prices of Wheat by Selling by Traders Cotton Is Stowing Mnch Better Tone CbUaaw. 3a. It. (1. aearke waa a das aavkr tb Ta start Hew Tart. las. 14 (I !. g) 1K3ak fVaree ab n an nan aa mi th ( ta - I luubir aaea aaaaaaab, far aa adaaaee at H. S) Tb ratal 1 Batata ta (4baa at th ajimg t vnha mm hala I a ta teaA. baratbee wWJl Aaaaeaaa, I aw Oram aa 1 1 all ir aatiiaim. Tb eaiaag ears. I by WaA suae, apat li n sad UltanieaL aarbaagwl; inniliaa, aa-1 Ai rhe ead af the Brat It mat mat the Bat I was a kule eeaaar, abewm a as ram si ahaa --s?tM bna-U aetam. arbJatpSeea after tb a 1 WthlB aarraw a7 Spot aalet, aaaaa bigVar at 111 - K aln Tb market wa wttboat rarthee taarara. Wheat elmi sower aa aayaert w hjwar; aata. chaos ta lawia. Chicago. Aaa. 14. tL It. I I Krt ' reed tag today, Cora trade was glow sad prVa ikiait eflnea of w at th epaolB. Oats KmmTU U a sowar tar teat aad aanhaaa.1 I ll la the ParOand aher durlse th week, a total xl 00 c.m on. piano. nreferreiL which sold at 97 lata 1 being irportad as compared with 4113 head Exports of Foodstuffs Are Above Level of Prewar Days i- t w .a ,k mA .imi a nninta I wee sen. haaa two wtexa ara ana tti " irrttt-rmm ' hid rar a! Tb. balk of thM boo for the auMia a oew mm m a. , . . , a.fc rk Ih. AMEEICAX LITESTOva miUlSSI,, the tack of appreciaOos of theaa offeriagt Omaha Hog $7.80 I by kiUar. While Pacific Northwest packer have Boath Omaha, Ian. 14. -(t N. B. ) Boga bowled about trying to tncreaa to nog ouip. n a AAA. 1 "L- 4-rv 9 -k Iabmp! I IDRT aOamTaj DIVflafUL IO UtB OUUSI allAWaa aaSams "vi' ::v..a.. ..ii' k. nawt hnt .Maatiaa t th hoau-Bm- 1T to zuv-io. weirnie, ei.auw . I - 1," " - T ... anAAveA. iim I dared oi ferine. This B reluct is haetag It f- Cattte Baceipta. oau. uomparea witn wees i - ago: Beef steer, steady to aoe lower; sne u " .-uiw-. w - IS-k. t?LrrteX; bulla, rtrong to 25c thmi if bom. intermt. wr. giren t teaat an higher: real, -sstly. 25e hisber: atocker. Uren jhow -10. th. tapor offertap. " . I .V.. V . . h, .hi. mm Hnaen KeceiDts. none, uomuarea wiui worm i w- r- . .an Inta Alio, tn 7 M Ulaner: snaen im wuawnuij vuww wua ww yearUnss. tl.50 to 11.75 higher; feeder. 7ic I ooaung packer. for rib. Chicago range by Fnilad Pram: WHKAT Oraa. Riga. t-a. May Ill 111 11 July 100 10 cos 14 Ha OATS tt. It. lt III KTX tt II I Way I7 iJaly ITU Octab.T 1SS R.r 14 104 T 1T1 taia tw Itbl 171 ?. 1TM Aaea May July hUy July hlV(a MIIjATTTT MOlraa at Ua. Ill IA. M ail oo 0TS Par loa, buying prleel Faad. 118.00 710 kBJ.rr Rsrlng prtee- reed, tlt.00 I4; brewlag, J to 27.00. BKXO Baring price ltrd aioeer. lite 10 1 4 a mi.k. a PA rifrnsYrrr r o . mna: Ttoivd bar- I14.004II 00; whole Uri.y. 11 00; PMrther anarp Imp was fpmed of buttr Tft pracOoally all aetata at the start or the week. Liecauy tne marsat wa in a ran bad position practically the entire Period. So morn foreign stork at waD at tatermotrntaln nfTerlngt tret arailabr. together with greatly alfalfa BmU ?t 00; enmaaat meal, 1200; araakal aarm 111 00! whole en re 13" O taai whala aara. IJ4 00: rolled oat. S 00: teed wheat. 4l 00; acratcb feed. t44 00 at art heats Ctrhang hir)- WHEAT The United States exported mors than twice as much foodstuffs during 1921 than in the pre-war 1910-1914 period, not withstanding the fact that there has been a consldarabl decline since the peak of 1A1I.1I1A A .1,. liwulriiifF. Alwl . a . . . . . , . . v l IDlO'.Jli .IIUUUIIlH III. .. rr-T' T slon of the department of commerce. In e review or ins iooubiiuis export aiiuav tton. With cereals and cereal products, we have exported during the past year 31,000,000,000 pounds, as compared with an average of 9,000,000,000 pounds before the war, or more than three times aa much. With meat products w exported That exports will continue heavy in volume la shown by the fact that for the new wheat crop, beginning July 1, we to 11. 06 higher. Kansas City Hog ts.00 Kama City, Jan. 14- tt S. S.) Cattle - 7. . .t . , . . A A A A A . ttseeipw, duu; aenre. oteera, ea.vv ay i.vv, i now and heifers. 4.25.00; atocker and fasten 5 SASK SO: -relTea. 17. B0 8.55. Hogs Beceipta. 1500; actire. Bulk of aalet.. 17.25 7.60: top. 18.00; heaeiea. 17.00 ?7.60; sh, 17.50 a) 1.00: medium. 37.50 v7.0. Sheep Receipt. 200; duIL tamba. I1LS8. Denrer Hoos 7.S .1 8.759 t oo 8.00 m 150 7.009 t OOl rameer Jan. 14. (U. P.) OatUi 2600; iteariy. Steers, 16.00? 7.50 a- Reoetota. 1; cow and Oenara! hog saar prune ugnt Smooth beery, 210-300 lb. Smooth beery, 800 lb up. . Hough Deary Fat pig . . Feeaer ptgs Stage ... Cattle Supplle Smaller CatUe goppitee were tmaller thaa week ago at North Portland, with a total of 1178 bead eompared with 2150 head a weak ago. ItS head two weeks ago aad 2485 bead a year at. There was aot th align test ehsage ta tn price of lire cattle ta th North Portland aHer Hy July May January . . January . . lay January .... May 14 31 311 2 Hi 10 it l 170 ml lata lt BAkLXY a a. .... .... w - POBX a a ssas lataU 05 005 00 003 40 4 3 111 BUBS ... 133 III III 183 lit 5ow Tsrk Poattry Martl 12 A I New Tare. Jan. 14. I L t. S I Li 44 I try slarbat araaa-aJr. t,n , lie ar j I ftrwia. 34)tOe: rarbey. I reagtera, 114 1 lie: awrki. !tilr; fee, 3f2. ' It I O.ait eaahry- Market arrarau. CrArke. I 20 4e; lowla. IT ): tarka-a. St; IU ISacaa, : gn i. IIIIM. IS sw TorkLsis snr - ?ew Tor. Jen. 1 (L St. etal bar all ear waa astl a felkraa bsy: ! at It: faretga wa a tewar . Uondoa. J a, 1 f L . SI Bag asea waa aaebaaged at lltaa. t OO 7 00 8.75 8 1.00 i.Ttf 00 4.00 S.00 COAST Wlshlaeg Wst Opties Wtaalps. iaa. 14. Wheat: Ctoaa. Sat. May li 1Mb Jul 17 lot Ik Vet 17 m lttw Tsrk Srr stl Caffoo Mew Terk, iaa. 14. in. P I Saaar. raw. II 41 3.11; reflaad, maad 14 . cane wa 7 aua. apat. : 9 a lit" hava exported 181,000,000 buahels, against het'erk, 14.60 A 6.25: stocken od faeosf. 13.00 r we, j though packers Quoted frae- a pre-war average of 71.000.000 busneis, ojo aw: caiTe. "j .1 . j, , tin,., aa mnch 1 og Beceipte. vi ii W. AWW fcWW ,. I . T 1 . M,llr 7 Jan. fUfW Whit It 00 - avhit 10 whit rmb ;.t im Hard Winter 10 Rerun ftprtag 1 Kd Will t.04 rXKD OATS J, 1 FMta t 10 Ma 2 Oray 16 00 SARI XT Brewtag H 00 Blander feed 24 00 COR "a t R.T. ahipment 124 00 lit U I. alupment 24.00 uwi th period lraoroeeraent waa (hown and ad ranees during the past year SDOUt 80 per Cent more than the pre-war average ; or vege table, oils practically six times as -much ; of dairy products about 11 times as much. Feh- li.o 1 on 1 o 1 lift 1.0 1.04 17 00 26 00 $; no 24. 04 114 00 23.50 to 1916. Praeant price of cob ertra at rart ahrmt le below what ruled at thia tiro m ibis, rhich means that the market ia really about bemal. or a fraction of a cent below it. Locally the price d mooed 4e a pooad dormg the week (or print, white th cube dacha was 4 to Be a pound. Karly tn th week there were price deennes t Chicago, New Terk, Saa Francisco aad Los Angries, as weu as at etner pomu. utter ra were forced, bnt thia waa not sufficient to make np fnr th earlier lam. weather condition were really rasmiisible (or both Tnorrmrnta of price. The early tone wa canned by the great production, white biter m th week tortn condition (orced a haa in the output of other center. Portland wa not af fected by the late change in ether markets eicept perhaps to keep the prtoe her from gain, lower. Cub battel extras rated: Port. Chi. If. T. S. r. Ia A 84 36 H II 40c tie 85 H 85 40c lOHe t4He t5e Sfte 32e 84 He IB He 85e 2He 15 I Me 3c 84e 8 fie 87e tie 17 tSo 40e T AK. lu.1V 7 n0 7 tA We have exported about eight times as - bheeo Receipts. 5400: 25e lower. Inlw, much ry and three times as much corn tlo.25io.85; rwe. IB.6O08.Ti; feeder. slnos November L When we compare 110.000 10.2 5. ha waliiaa Ik raric. (a at 111 hle-hnr. as Chicago. Hoe, fS.10 . I Rhicacov Jan. 14. (L N. BI J Hog R- r.''.V.r."". "1 -rLTT'r ISOOO: market moU 15 6 See lower: miw wr iii inan w,r pn K; T. 0 6I.8J; top, 18.10: hearyweight. When yon consider that Europe, alone, go 7.70 : medium weight. t7.59; takes between 80 and 90 per cent of the light weight, 17.65 8.00; light llgbm, 17.85 9 arwrta nt tnnA nrarliiptn. the lftrse tak- 8.10: heary packing oWa, aeaooth. tO.25 0 7'Z: 7 iia TTAttarl Ct.fa. fee the 7.00 ; packini aows, rough. 16.00 0 6.40 III 5.750 B.2S 4740 1.78 25 B.J 4.70 535 4.260 1 79 Ings from the United States for past year ar really remarkable, con sidering th financial difficulties under which Europe is struggling.: W4LL STREET QUOTATIONS Furnished by Overbftck & Cooke Co. Board of Trad Building liVV, lrav.B"H 17 78 a 8.25. CatUe Receipts, 1000. Sheep- Receipts. 4000. San Franoieo Hoe SS.TS Baa Frandaco. Jan, 14. Cattle Oram fed steer No. 1, 6 0 6 Vie: second qualty, tional adeaneee for dreaaed atnft. Oenaral cattte auraat fanei Choice steer . t T.00 0 Median ta good Itaer 6.23 0 Fair to medium steer Common to fair steers........ Choice cow aad heifer. ...... Medium to good cow and belter Fair to medium cow and heifer Common to fair eow aad barter Canaera Bulla Fair to good feeders P11 prim tight ealrea . Medium ugnt caira Baary ealra Lairm aaa Mats ml. a ran that waa aliohtly betew that of recent week, th market for ahaep and lamb was iteady a rote at Mrto t-oruana lor wm 1.35 0 4 26 10 B.I POTATOES AXOSO THE San FraAotet Start t Baa PnlirlMa Jan. 14. Da receipts and a (ailing off ta demand the pot market today waa aaater aad seaaewhat aaartlteS Potato Rlrers, fancy, t2.ll0; ehate Rurbank. 12.21 0 20; Keoed ta. It. 0 2 tt Oniooe Per ewt., Vroam. eaU aaatasa. It. I 0 6.00: whit glohee. 87 . Saattla Marfcat . aatttta, JUL 14. (L B. B.) vnjaaa vra-i FragflsrS Chth Barlty I09- oo par "-. . ....... . I aa risaami. iaa. 14 TJ. P.I 1-otaloea i.aai ...vw . al--a,a-ata,tljB0 Mil fppts. tlJ T. Aaealaa. Pal.. JaB. 14. (L BT. B.1 101.40. Pouts Lug. 11.00 01.10: tarktos ar-l banks, bart special brid, II M, Ult F01.M0X XXCRAjTOE BATES t!5O0k75: pojr 12.20 2.4B: Idahs Ba I c.i.g gafi. tb. Imrrrm mmmmm seta. beat. 12.75 010. I nartmret af ti.tatlad Sale halioaai baaA . 1 OwotaUoas Mlow (eapept th penad atarUhf) DAIBT FIODlCE OF 7BI CvAIT I r qowbat aa tb been ef IBS waib B.00 0 4.60 4.60 0 5.0 f 50010.50 B kO0 0.50 s.50 0 I II in, Ha B.60 0 S.0 lie Angel, 134. CX. daa. : ease 14. Bakksr. IT t, ; FUlteta. Poultry Heal, S7 0I34; braOer, lit; fry- Saatlle. N. 8.) till t"h,l fl C j, .Bkt To..ta-ba enattaued, to sbs, mim T.. ta ii eaticA ?c rvilUla 9aTl0e Battrr City eraamery, I4e; brVk. tl. Chi ia Oraswa brtptet. 71 in; l IO. Monday Tnewiay . . Wednesday Thnrday . Friday . . , Saturday . Week ag 8 So Sfte 80 Oe 80o lOe 34 WHOLrS4LE PRICES IK FORTLAU I Tbew are prteae retailer pay whoteaaUra, Dairy Piiet SCTTta Bell tag price, boa torn. Creamery Frlat ettraa, (or plain wrapper; Br, tl Ik, itll4 tb. ( CIIVJT.8B I aabaa, at Ira. It 0 10 par la.; dairy, bujtag tea. It IB. SfjTTKSFAT Fwrtlaad 4 Beery beam. ! 1 S at I. I na, a, ) eouairy emiioiia, foe rr. 1 grade. 'Belling price : Itraaonk. fmb Ora. rfawey trtpieta, lie lb.; T'-nng aatenc, sue prte to kKiber. ta TlUemonk : Tnplata. t Tea AavrlPaa, J7a Still tig prtee: block Bvka. fancy, te: limburger, 10 34 lb.; am. brick. 5 BT lOe lb. r. Bviylaa pra, Fraat street: Current meaipu. 3e dua,; henneries, 2o do, arllaig prte. 2af0 dua. ; aateot. 10 par dua.; aalteM, 25e do. Bil AaacctaUoa salnng prV-a; Select SOo n. : HrwU. 30 d; pallets. 23e dna.. LtVS POULTRT BeUing prtcea: Ilaary bens, .1037 lh, Ugbl bene, l(t)l ; krotlar. i IK; ld rm-tor. 10c lb.: turkey, dreaeed, 0 lb.: 11. I lb; ducks lire. 250V?e lb. dreaawl, luc lb.; . bre, 20 1U; aVsnl. 210 toe lb. Veeeteata an' Frail rastl FKtIT Oraage. 4 OO0 I bejj taa, Si wee IK ; icramw. ei.iewe.ia L'lrnd. IIOSI.TI. BE&JtlEft -Cranbernaa, lueaL 17.00 baa; m, iju oq earr ia. OS ION 8 Selling DRIED e 01)1 1100 07.00 bat l. w ly J Mioil . earUa. 1 FSUITS Pat, II AO-it. ka. 1 Wa price t ltalieri uni, Pa, black. It 0001.1 p 86-lh. box; praaa i a e t I 7 00: baytas prta. 100 1 fatUa, la a lb. i fa enioaa. eouati1; ; 0e 0 0 lie pw h h. r. Trie jUITin nrto k mateiii Ota- a iu ii so i It per aeatai: baylag i wrtea. eanntry. 11.8101.10 per eantali Takim heat. li.OO 0 3.4 pa aatal; swwat Betaaoaa, 0 per lb VaXIKTABLK. Strhaj bwaaa. 11 H ft. .' baata. kl iii par tack: eabbag. 2 0 8 per lb. aM.c, 17 7101.7 wsto; egrpUut, lie lb ; ' aaraaipa, l 50 ck; greea pepper. 40e lb ; tnaaauaw, tlU iraia, 4 per hit; brerd " ten.' S lb. ; apraata, 17 We per lb. artichoke. ; It fill )' ara.) eauiiuower, ii ii.iv nte; Wy. 11.10 0 1 00 aoa. APPI S'-ttabwjaa aati It. 011 ( tsar, 14 Saturday Marion. t Frtdsy. Oh trUatlan Btoady Oeneralry utearty tone waa indicated for cheeat In this territory. Tillaatonk alone reported a really strong tone with well maintained prices. Arerrrdin to the TUUmnok ateoclatiou. It had more demand than supply of eheeas and wa getting the fall prtr. Other districts ef the Pacific Northwest wer e. noting from 2e to 4c a pound below Tillamook. Poultry Trad Ii Oood Wrrfle toward the cloning of the week somewhat better supply of poultry nam forward and practically took ear of immediate reqolre menta, early receipts were rather scant and n advance wa forced ta the MlUag prtc along th treet This wa for chicken. Turkey wer rarce, bat th trade will not pay extreme prises. Country Meats Bra Easter Batty 1 the week rerr litSerai strength was ahmru for country killed ealees of top qtallty na nm wue were made fractionally turner, ater in the week there was a somewhat better morement, bat price held steady. Hog wer tn more liberal supply and ralnes wer nc hanged ta a fraruoa lower. Oood tembs are aaarca. Potato Situation Quiet Early in the week higher price wer offered for rotator., da. to th inability of Takiroa and uitrrmountain eectacos to make shipments on account of th cold weather. Latet in the week ther was sa eairler tone and most of the advance was lost. Local potato grower show tittle dlrpoeltion to accept ereu th adranced ralue at the start of the week and they are mnch km Inclined to take the later 1 ,. Onions Rsaohlnf Mhjhee Sharp advance were foroed agats for onion during th week. Reports indicate that Cali fornia interests hare practically Borne red the American onion supply and are ta line to grab a hag fortune. Let la tha week tale at Oregon ounrry points wer mad Bp to II per cental f. o. b. car, bat ther waa only fair activity at thia price. Apple SltoaahM Sottr Ouita actire tone was shown for arm lea m the local market for the week. Demand was treiisnt for prkrtically til ofrennc, but the bulk ef the asoraawnt continue ia th bib til nse st low price. Considerable overripe stock is ale being offered by aaater whs held too galas. . STOCKS 400 Adam Expfes . . . Advance Rum . . . . do Pf d. ....... ..... AST. Cbem. , do pfd. , 700AUX Rubber ..... 200 Alaska Gold .... . . . . Alaska Jtraeaa , . 4500;Ailted Chem. .... 300 AUis-Chalmert . . . 400 do pfd. .... Am. Beet Sugar . 1000 Am. Bosch ..... 2600 Am. Can Co. ... 300 do pfd. ...... Am. Car A Fdy. . do old. 100 Am. Cot. Oil . . . . 100 do pfd. ...... 100 Ala. Drug Synd. . ' 4 00 (Am. Bide A Leather 000 do pfd. . . : . Bla, Low. 114 89 0 ii" 15 S0O Am. Ice 2200 Am. IntL Corp. .. 200 An, Linaeed do pfd. 2000 Am. Loco. d pfd. 100 Am. Saf. Rasor . . , 400 Am. Ship A Comic 800 Am. Smelter . . . 100 do pfd. An, Snuff ..... TOO Alt, Steel Fdy. . . 8800 Am. Sugar . . ... . 200 Am. Sugar pfd. . BOOlAra. Sumatra . . . t 200 Am. TeL A Tel. 200 600 6800 3000 6100 600 800 7200 200 I. Tobacco do "B a. Wool nfwIV a. Kins . Anaconda . AMd. oa . .Atchbwa . do pfd, kiaet 2114 42 4 13 61 80 H 41 31 105 7 45 B8 !!' 02 86 1174 .(134 H 129 82 58 3 81 ... .i !? 84 H tl 21 42 4 13 59 80 40 31 ios 7 4B 83 89 01 84 117 184 129 80 pfd... . .. i -. ' i AU. IOMI uai.i.. ii... All. Oulf A vr. I. .1 80 Baldwin Lacs. .... .ft 10 35 49 r 87 do nfd. . .-ZbaW . & A. m vnj-f . . a tin 99 105 35 tra fhary, 4-tter, .40 1. 19; extra fancy 4-tter. -Oar. gl.1i r war. IJV lili toaay 4 Oe. 18.11 Irnx--Ctmtnt ator. tl tad 1 80 box. 10 and aJet. M Twaty.(iv eenu aff U abov c , f ar. 10 aff ea 17 aad ami s OOTTTTBT MtAT SeTnag arW Coaatrv aga, 11013 aar Bv (or top blacken about ' II t 10 ft-v beaey ntff laee; eeal. top. , aawat 0 to loif Ba,. 10 1H Oh; heavy atarf tea: spring lamb. 14 0 15 lb. SMOSED MkJI 1 1 Haau. 11011 tV; J t k-mkfaat baaem, 11 04t lb PACK1NU HOTst MEAT S tear beef. 01I; hetfm. 11; eow. I0ft0.' ... Waaka, ll0ll Wethara. It, ewe. 10018 Vw)Ol 8w3jBr4aa m wlflR Wool mark.t esntlnned to raftee rreat ebrength at primary points, artheogh little activ tty waa shows at tb Paeifie Korthweet do to the lark of general tupptie. Efforts to contract th 1921 clip an rbTJ betnt made, but nn cooflrraatio of acoeptano by trowen it availgbte. BJV KarUe teadeeed, 14 par Bv 11 We lb. leb and Bhafrfbat f1.tTl rtlU 8 1 vrKi., 12 per 1: ban Baa. 10a kVi eaareeaa.. IT lla Bxi bteea aaa. 1011 tbl aaake k)iid ad. tl.; kmt ad. I bV OHfEHA amaieta, tbL, 14 : 01rpte, M si, Pte'l vraaa, mn. IATI mU . aaa. VF6)6Bbs wVvilssW Twaa9 MeBwV rTOT 111 eron, aomlaal, 10 20 Dx MU'KS Calftkta. Ue: ktp. Te: I saoaa, B 0 t !, ... ? MOtlAlB amlvMt 1010 tk. 5w Tort Battr aad Erg New Tor. Jan. 14. (1. N. B.) Butter- Market firmer. Creamery extra, 310 8e; do firets. IO0t5H: higher seorlng, tt0t7o; trta dairy tab. 8101; tedtee. (resh ex ua. z0ie. tneeat Mark steady. Whole milk ftparmk, lwSle; do fancy, vrag, 3O0S2c; lower, MHt: a hoi milk, fancy I gang Americas, l4W:7r: aims. - specular' 15 017c: do chote. 11014c; toed. 6 010c; tower iradm. 7c Market trrerala. Narby wtjft. faaey, V: dn browa faacX. 4104ta: aaaraa. 4e- ftnta. 17 at 40c MUk The nrSBlnal wKcAraki wrtca te S.STe pee ana, delivered ia Hew Terk, Official quota- 1 1 Utile Willamette vaUef era raj 11014 20 35; Easter I taOsw, V a!, 110 70c: fin, i Oaeaa.Lt. I. a. 10 IB I. - fAUAW AMU UBAAtB Ra i a. 2. ta CASCAEA BASE New, u kv BBA1IS th) .watte. .; terge whtta. as ear r. ea- (; hat. 11.35; barov. BOTH taaa. 110 BltB J era a atyte, Na 1. a; Bra te h ; trrteaea, bead.. 9 ta. Ct'FFM - Boaated. HBSkl0 a., ta ar, . .. 1 SALT Oara, , lr. Ill IB 7 10. II7B tebl dairy. BOa. (H ID: aa aairy. 114 10 Sl!OAhV Oab. till: frast aad tarry, ABl0 soi -( mate . team, (I baa. ABB TOO ICOEtTO fOB A BE. EABBAbLb EkODrCB DEALER t Teml Batter Frfe (he , Fasliri Etg Mae- Any Frad Bel Ask fas Utt Bbdi ta artaar IBsaltry bbs meat thipmeat. m m a. a aj Its Fraat St rsrtlaad. Or. Dried FraM aad Beast New Terk. Jaa. 14 d N II a.a. Martet qmet. MarTWW choice. 15.71: naa choice. 15.00 0 3.11: red kidney. chaMe. 16 to 6 75. Dries rrvrm Market ffrsa. Apricots, choice to extra fancy, 26 013c; apple, evaporated, prime to fancy, 14 011; argnea, 30 to tut, 01Oc; SO to 100. , 010c; peaeh a. ehotc t xtra fancy. 13 0IOc; aeedad raiataa, 1401l. Kw Tsrk ratals Market New Tork. Jaa. 14. (L 5. SI Porat-a. im aaia. Barrel ,r aagi Martet aaater. N ay Whit. IAI0B.7IS l.O0. Bermuda, 19.10 0 yellow D, It 20:. beet granulated. 83.60: K 11.40: gnldaa C, I1.B0, NNU MIL isaUa, 13.18: baby ata, II 80 at tra CA I4.BI eaee; Eagle. 19.7 SODA CRACK KBS la balk, 14 Th, NUTS Walnut. 33 0 84 lb.; ahaoadi. 24 !1 Mi lb.: fUberta. 20 lb. In aaek w.. aaata, 11 012 la.: aaeaaa, 82 1. Bra- (ite, 110 20 A.; ehmtasta. Japan. 33 0 34e ta. 00, Falnta, OMl WTRK NArLS Bae pnr. 14.1 tea. UNSEED OIL Raw, bboV. 8Bc; avtfW boiled, bbi.. ; taw ea, 11.04; baited, Bare, ii.ui BaL GABOU Iroa allna. FVET. 0n-Basis. $1.88 brraL WUTS IE Tb Tea teta .31 IBS fav. TLB rTS Tl-t B Drama, aeg tka, 31.18 8 per gauoa, ut AA 4800 Booth Flan. f tenn'n a. t ,.l t SOOlBtrtt C. k B 8 900 Butte A Bus... ..I 23 2500Burn Bros. 119 SOOICadd Oil 10 llOOlCatif. Packtas .... 70 n0 Calif. Pet I 43 500 do pfd. ..I 84 ltnaiOaaadiaa Pa. 1122 2200 Cen. Leather I 81 inolrerm da Paana....l 85 14700 Chandler Motor.:.! 66 lOOOiChen. A N. W....I 63 lOO Chgo- Gt. W 6 200 do Pfd. .1 16 , nAA rrkiit r.m .1 1 A a; A ',.': V ui.i vr. ...... " - 200iChlno I 27 sonln M Rt P I 18 9001 do pfd. J 80 BiOOlCoco Coia ......I 45 400la AO I 6 SOOlColo. F. L.....I 28 ... Ii VJn R oath er 1500 CoL GaS A EteS... SlOOColumbta Graph. 100 Con. Oa ...... ICwna. Otaas ... da pfd, lOotCnatL Caa .... ICitte See. Banker sun wots rroo. ...... d pfd. .... 2300WBjrMa Od ... 1800 a B. L A P. .. do "A" pfd.. I . amM . . , SB pit. ... . 8200 CrscfM .... 400 d pfd. . . . 800 Cab Can .. 1700 do Pfd. . . . 600 (Cuban Am. Sugar ID. A Hodsoa.. 100 Pom Mine . . . 700W A Lack. ... 2800DarbjOB Che. , 400 Kadioett Johanoa 400 Sri 800 do 10 pfd,.. 200l do 2nd pfd. . . lOohrxmota Player , Fd. bfln. A Brnh. da pfd, lOOFVk Tir. ........ Oastoa WtMama , lSOO Oew. Cigar ..... 1600 Geo. Electrkt 8U0 Kirn. Motor .... Glen Aide ..... lOfteOea. Asphalt ... lOOKroodrteh Oeodyaer ....... ..... Granby ........ , . . . . ll.. cor. wi". 40 d pfA ...... CreaS Caasnea , 2900 Oalf B. Steel.... tOOHaak, Bark ... 2800 HuusaP Oil . . . . 1100 Hupp Motor .... 600 THa. Central . . . . ma. "50" 10 IU 61 18 89 9 4 i 84 97 "I 1 21 42 4 18 60 80 40 81 56 105 113 4 7 45 87 112 82 59 91 li?H 134 129 61 103 23 11 48 100 tMla, BTOCX 67 lt 8 22 16 10 7 46 83 121 80 3 64 3 6 16 11 2T 17 80 tl IS barret, 2 31 Par S 1 2 '46- 17 100 it 12 62 B 8 17 16 ii 114 53 79 8 13 8 82 , . . ii f2 141 5 36 971 ill 300;lnspiiratioa ...... Itat. Agr. Corpw.e. ..... Sa pfa. 600 Islerkor . 30 a . pfA : 0OiTeeaato pawiiai. narv, lOVOtlstv mere,: Uartaa 93 48 17 99 iiW 81 i 82 8 1T 16 21 113 61 79 .8 12 8 81 ii' ii" 140 8 '68, IIP 1 5' is1 TS ii 81 TB 12 100 46 1 S3 16 71 . 49 81 74 12 99 40 81 14 lit 104 39 13 lt j u k ! ii 19 10 88 lf? B1W. 84 68 83 14 16 27 17 10 46 S 67 1 91 17 99 114 B 82 84 72 61 2 8 17 16 106 1 21 113 68 79 8 13 8 83 9 87 lti n 139 42 ill u 27 Sl 73 a 81 4100 do pfd. . 8600 Int. Nickel . . 1600 Int. Paper . . 8600 Invincible Oil tiyv Bane mi 600Url Tea 700 K. a 200IK. a Sou. pfd. 24001Keny4prugfild, 8700 Kennecott .... 8100 Kcystoa Tlr . Lack. Btod . . . 400 Lee Tire 3500Lhlh TaJlay.. LnrUiard .....Law Theatre. ivvvu e. ri..,, ... . . . . . JMackay ....... 900fMarland Ofl .... 1000 May Dept. Stores. 11100Met. Pel, 100 Miami ........ 6300 Middle States OS 6400 Midrale Steal 8000 H. K. A T. "Wi' 1000 do pfd "Wl". . lOO'Mont. Power. . . . 100 Moat. Ward. . . . 200 Mo. Pacific 300 do ntd 100IM. St. P. A S. S. M. SOO Nor, Am. . 200 Sit. Buwtrlt .... 600 Nat. Enamel 6000 Nat, Lead 400 Nevada Con. 4200 New Hea. 600 Norfolk A W.... 1200 Nor. Pacifia 100 Nova Scotia Steal. ..... N. T. Air Brake, 1600 N. T. Central.... . , AACWl. DbJ a ItafM Surer ... 1 Ontario A W.... 200 Omt 8 ted 500 PbeW D. IF. 61 0 Kte. . High. 1 Low. ttlm 63 12 43 15 2 12 33 54 37 26 17 "28 89 67 12 47 15 2 12 22 54 37 26 17 '27 59 113 ' 24 106 111! 27 12 80 8 25 68 13 17 45 61 28 34 92 15 13 98 76 24 71 700 Pasta Alstare oo prm an . . 1100 Pa-Ama. taw 1000) d B ... izvwireo, uw BOO Per MartaeUa . , 400 Pnr OU 600 Phillip Pebk . . . , 1800 Ptera-AjT . ... 4600 Ptere OU 100 Pitt Coal 100 Pitta A W. Ta.. . . , da afd. . . , 100 Preeeed Stee Car 600 Pullman .600 Bay Cone. ..... 8700 Reading 1000 Remington ..... O AA X..ll. lu.1 1600 iReiiubliC LAS... so pfd. Mm 111 4 105 ! 10 27 11 30 8 25 68 2 45 ei 49 12T 34 86 14 13 98 76 24 74 2 ioV 7 100 800 4 81 63 20 11 18 11 61 24 64 108- 29 28 53 Raw. Motor Rotal Dutch Oil. . Ry. Steel Six lBOOiStasd. OS. N. J. 100Sen rtoebtM-t .. SOOiShattaek. Arte. .. . , . . . Shell T. AT.... 10900 Sinclair ........ laoslstead. on lad... . .,.,om Shef. ...... I2001SOO, Paaifls . ... 200Sa. By. ....... 800 Stand. OH Cl .. SOOjSt. Ia A t. F. . , BOO Irltnaahei. fk . tOTOOiBtodebaAer . . . , , iac a. , ... .iciwu. ai a. SOO TesA. Oop. AChea. 8100 Tea Oil i860 Texas Pan. lOOOiTea. Pa. C A 0 nOOiTob. Preducta . , . 2001Traa. ConU. Ofl . SUOO'Uhion Oil Del. . . . lBOOiUntoB Pas. SOOll'Sited Alloy 1 00 j United Drac . . . . llOOjChitod Food Pro. 400TjBitod Fruit lOOlCnited Rds. of N. J. 200 Union B. A F 85O0!Uuited Retail tore IOOOiO. B. Ind, Alcohol 900IC. 8. Bub. .... 1901 4e 1st pfd. . .. . ... .V- B, SabMUhS ... eTOOiXt. S. Steal tOftl da ofd 600 Uteh Oapsrr 8 52 179 63 8 21 86 ii 18 93 ss 89 64 102 10 4 26 25 64 10 20 128 86 I 69 7 124 9 II 40 84 101 10 7 83 46 tt 88 68 20 86 BI 14 11 61 24 4 108 14 74 27 28 63 s" 52 177 63 8 20 86 200j . , 4 . lOOO 100 40O "oo1 100 . . . 1.1 lee 700 mm a t A t4 12 100 89 7 83 1 .4 8( 8 14 Va. Cheia. a af d. Tanadinm Steal . . Tlvando ....... Wabash ........ do A afd. .... a B Ufa. .... Wells Fargo esters ram , . , i da pfd. ...... Weteera trade . . IWeiataevtecasBAH west ata, ....... Whits Moto . dOOfWiUjaOiailalal WPto.' Wavossia Caaoalf, 400 100 100 800 WaRMnatAa W. A L.B. White OS . 84 118 M 28 31 2 16 S3 89 ikM 6 "ii 23 Hi 9 67 12 48 16 3 12 21 53 37 23 17 46 28 69 149 13 113 76 24 105 111 26 11 30 8 25 67 13 17 45 61 49 123 84 91 14 13 98 76 23 58 74 3 4 20 10 7 65 88 6?5 46 88 68 20 35 21 14 11 61 24 76 63 108 14 74 37 87 63 84 8 81 95 179 61 l?g 20 6 86 80 18 63 21 38 84 101 10 5 36 25 63 10 19 136 28 69 weiht 78e: calves, heavy. 66C Sheep Lambs, 808c; wethers. 605; ewes, 8 0 3 c Hogs Hard grain fed, weighing 100 t 1T2 lb., 9e: over 800 lb., 7 So. BaattU Haas tB.OO Seattle, Wash.. Jan. 14. (L N. S.) Hon RereirHa 31: etoady. prime. .se n a.oo tmooth he Ties, 17.2507.75; rough heavies. 14.50 0 6.50: pigs. 17.50 0 8.00. nettle ReeeiDta 14 1 steady. Prime eteers. 17.00 0 7.50: medium to choice, t 0 0 7.00c cofnmou to good 15.60 0 6.50; best cow arid heifers. I3.0OQ5.50; prime light eslvea, 9 00 Hely yvarUags 0 9.50: bearls, 11.00 0 8.00; DUiJa, 4.T0 Sheep Receipts 143; steady. Prim light lamb. 17.25 0 7.55: fair to food, 11.60 0 7.25; ton lamb. 15.00 6.00: yearlings, 17.00 0 7.25; wethers, light. 6.00 06.60; heavy. tB.OO0B.3O; ewe, t4.7B0.2S. at 18.60 te a Ural ted way, bat it te Btad that I pnoa of bast aitesia lamua at isc a jw pound la somewhat higher her thaa when Qv staff was ennjBSBdlBg II ta In other words, with a lower Dream. aoctation oa Iriiwa etnn at Burner Gaoeral sheep aaa lamb market rang Best east of mountain lamoa Fair to gooa lam. .......... Cull lambs ............4... Best valley Iamb.. . . . . . . . . . . Eart af mowbtaia feeder tembs, . Light .yearling. Ckleage Dairy PrOdee r-vi.. 1. 1 i It M SI Battaf the aUeya. Reeerpta. 7146 tubs; creamery, extra, 141 Orate, I e t k prtee. the 1 28 0 3c: packing stock. 10 IS. , I CwrrerS Eggs Keeetpta. live eaaasj akn tBtel7; riary f ir-ta, 63 014; Urate, las; warreaay. Cteiates asmteil rata a bask Imsiii llial Draft Cabm Par Landea Chart. Trtafefa. Ykre Lha.aaarBM.1 22 1 4 28 t 4 16 farte Franea. . 8 21 6 81 1 6 BarUa Marks. .55 .11 111 Genoa Lira... .7 4.17 1 ) Athene lc4tma .. 4 42 4 1 11 19 eaag 1 warwiiaaiaa Eraaar .... 19.96 86.63 I6.T9 1 Cbratteate Kraear .... 1A61 1ST 26.76 Starkbatek 24.18 SBaaraBal maw am 0S"6FTf w S . Japaa Iaa ..47. 4 66 160 0 ?? I T 2 woS T.S 0 0 Light wethers Heavy wetsere Ewa DIspoaHtan of Livestock. FnTWln wa the dispraittien of Vvattook al North Portland far th week: Delivered To Cattte. Ualva. xtoga. sneea. Saa FraaclBCS Pealtry Xarkt San Francisco. Jan. 14. (L N. S.) Poultry Broilers, 1 to 1 lbs, 85 0 86c; 1 to 1 lbs, 85 0 37c; 1 to 8 lbs, 36 0 88c: colored fryers 2 to 8 lbs, 33 0 33c; colored young roosters. B to 4 lb. 18 0 82: over 4 lbs. 20 31e; tg7. showing spur. 84 0 28c; entered 01a roosters, learzuc; Lajae. oau iothbo. 17 0 18 ; Leghorn hena, 2 to 8 lb.. 26 0 28c; 8 lbs. and over. 28 0326: large tutored bens. 8O0S2e: ducks, young. 20 sec; old. 12 0 24c; gees, yonng, 280820 Live turkeys, young, 86 088c;. old, 820 84e Dressed turkey. lrBS. 46 04T: . lit 41. Bennett Meat Oa.. Barton A Co. . . . . Chkfflben Pkg. C. . . j. Gin Henry Pkg. Oo. L Otto Srhlesser Bra. . . . . wift A Co United Meat Co.. . . . North Mterellaneoa Through nock . 1 . . . . Oregon feeder We inert" (eaawts.. 5 Tork Wool sBfl HMtl New Tor, Jan. 14.- (L NB. ) Woo Vtarket atnm. Domeetic fie el XX Ohio. 20 39c: do palled scoured basis. 18 0 67; a Texaa scoured basts, 40 0 75c; territory staple, eeoured 60 0 90c. Hides Market steady. Natrr etoark, lie branded steer. 1, 80 18 95 21 30 83 101 10 45 2S 24 63 10 19 188 26 69 7 124 til 40 54 101 b 84 118 61 28 ETf TORK BOND MABEBT AtehMnrl Obi. 4s BaL A Ohio Gold 4 ...... 1 . Beta. Steel Bef. t .......1. Cent Pifio 10 4 ........ BV Paul GerA 4 , CUeag-o N. W. Genl. 4 ...... U A N. Uni. 4s . . New Tork Ry. 5s Northern Pkc P. U 4 Union Pacific 1st 4t . V. 6. Steel 5s Union Pee. 1st Ref. 4a ..... Southern Pkc Conv. 5s ...... Southern Pac Con. 4 ...... Penna. Conv. 4 ......... Penna. 1st 4s Che. A Ohio Conv. 5s ...... Ore. Short Line 4 Allied Packers 6 Am. Can 7s Am. Cotton OQ 6s. 1924.... Am. Tobacco 7s. 1922 Anaconda 7a. 1929 Anglo-Ant. Oil 7 s. 1926 . . . Armour 7s, 1930 tudahy Pack. 7a, 1928 Oen. Elee. Deb. 5. 1952 Goodrich 7, 1623 Kennecott .Cop. 7a, 1990 .... Sean-Itoetfeck 7a, 1927 Stan. OU CaL 7s. 1931 WeBting bouse 7. 1931 West. Elec 7. 1925 Bid. Ask. 87 88 76 78 90 66 81 11 62 64 65 90 91 25 26 86 86 89 90 100 100 84 85 78 88 88 94 96 87 88 85 . . 88 88 66 67 90 94 94 94 101 101 102 102 103 105 100 102 100 100 Q 96 97 98 108 103 97- 99 10 106 106 197 104 104 loo B 8 86 l.wi. 9 ,. AlrtiaL 97 at. a.Bwey 1. we 1 in Twin, sew, svg: aaaase, 1111111 Teant Aatonaaa. 80; I oaekara. : IT. ijm nrailtre Taikaea. BBei ekAeaaOa. 28a: I v hpririfa, 22e: rototota, 17i; r. 17; dacka, ava TB 99 28 89 6T 47.6 76 86 6.00 8 00 BOOM 4.060 100 1.00 0 AO Canadiaa Bsttet. rlieneaat T par Tll.Xrtj?ORTAnol 25 27 141 217 26 16 Ttl 29 26& 838 19 31 i 2 22 10 28 67 812 2680 99 '393 '248 iioi 26 1089 "96 1101 81 140 22 atlBSeapoIlw-DslaU tfks Dulnlh. Jaa. 14 (L N. I ) Flas J.a oery and Hay. 82.07 : Jalf, 62 OS t track. s.ob s.ii : 1 Mianaasoha, Ja January. 12 08: Mss, wriva, 2.0 0.1. a. 14. IL N. A. TteS w. aau, la.k aa arrit. .se 0 l.ll TlAfsoftTA,o?, .viliilwrii Ealtora Cash Wheat Mlnnetrpolia, Jan. 1. Caah wbe N. 1 dark Bortaem. tl. 8001.85; No, 2. 1.270, 11: Na 1. It 1IM1 ll: 7o. t nonnera. it Ul 10: Va. 1. 1 2401.27: No. 3. 11.17 1.22 : No. 1 nam milling, m; isa. a dumm. 93 0 96e. Winnipeg. 4s. 1 uasn wnea a. 1 northern. tl.l44: No. 2. tl.0: No. 8. 9e; Na. 4, lift; no. a, eostc: na u. 78: feed, B2e: tract, i im, ua . 2 white. 48: Na 6. 40 a Mmneaaolte Borne I air ooar sate ware aaaoe rr night. Chiaago Cbih W!ai No. 1 bard, 81.16. rVwn Na 2 mixed. 8 048e: Na. B. aau.i Wa eaiiaw. ate4.a: Na 8. 4T047i N. 3 white, 47c Oate Ne. 3 white. T0se; na a. as -a. ay so; So. 4. 33018. 0 9 FCBtlQK OOrKRTOTl B0KB9 (IMnusaed by Ovrrteck Con te Co.) STADAB,T on. STOCKS (Furnlehed by Overbeck-Cooke Co.) 31 k a a a 0 76 16 "2 60 'is - 6 B 1 Z5 44 6 9 1212 9 67 53 46 54 Ifl HT 6 26 67 21 6 a ? 74 11 n 6 83 6 n 28 118 48, Anglo ' Cheeaeb rough . . do. pfd. Bureka, ei-div. . Galena eom. . . . Galen Old pfd Galena New pfd. Illinois Pip . . , Indiana Pip . . . Northern Pip Ohio Oil . .... Pcr.n. Mex. . . . . Southern Pip . Strath Fens. OQ 8. O.. Cat .... S. O., Tad. . . . S O., Kansa . S. O., Kentbriy S. U-. N. I. . 8. a. Ohio S. O., Ohio, pfd. . . , 8. O . N. J. ...... B. 0.. Sebruka ... Bid. . 17 .178 .106 . 8 . 60 .104 .100 .16 . M . 92 .260 . 10 e v . . . i 180 .... 65 .... 86 ....660 438 .850 .,.. ....114 ....179 ..,.160 A. 1T 186 110 S3 107 . 108 168 96 263 18 79 183 670 448 333 890 115 iii' BHgian, re. 8 .... Belgian, prem. ft ... BehtiAn 7. 1946 .. Belrtaa 8. ll Belziaa 6. 1923 Braail 8, 1941 British 5s. 1022 .... British Bs. 1927 .... Britteh 6. 1929 .... rtnnsh vky. 4 British ref. 4 BOrdeattT 6. 1934 Canadian 6s. 1981 Canadian 5s. 1926 nadias 8. 1929 Crnadian 5s, 1931 Csrsdian 5. 1927 .... Chilean 8. 1941 C tn I win I ..... Deaeitrk 8a. 143 Dan. Mant 6. 1948 ..... French 4a. 1917 ........ French 5t, 1921 French 6. 181 Frerich 7v 1041 , French 8. 1945 German W. L 5s ....... Berlin 4s HAmburt 4 Hamhurg 4 ......... Laipaig 4 Laipsis Ba Mcnich 4 Munich 8 Frankfort 4 Italian Be, 11 Jap. 4a, ltl Jap. let 4. 1925 .... Jap. 2d 4, 192B .. Norway 8s, 1B40 Rcssian 5 Ha. 1921 ... Russiaa 6 a, 1926 Russian 6, 1919 ... Ssria , 12 .... Swiss 9 1940 C. BL 6, 1923 .... V. K. 8 a, 1929 .... C. K. 6 a, 1917 .... SHOBT TERM SECCBlTTES ' Furnished by Clark. EeadaU A C. Am. Tel. A Tel. , October. 1923.,.. 100 Ata. TeL A Tel. ea, rebruary. 124 Tel. TeL a. Aagait, 12 Anacondk Cop. (s, J ah airy, 1929.. AnacondA Cop. ft, Jjansary, 129 . . . Total waakty akscb aataa .. sbaraa. Total assekty bead aatea, 1 128.11.00sj. Total late atsek, 432.008 (harea. Total Bates banda, 310,859,00. ' - ' Armour Coo v. Ta. Jalr, 1910. Belgian . 6. Jaaaary. 123....... Beth. Steel 7, July, 1923 Beta. Steel 7a. Jaly. 123 Caaadiaa 8a, AptU, 1628. Caaadiaa be. October. 1031.. Cop, Kxw. Aiana S. Frtrrmvry. 1923... Cop. Exp. Assoc. 8s, February, 1923... cop, tap. Assoc. St, r Ternary, iszt . . . Cop. Exp. Ajaoe, Be, Febraary. 1928... Cuoahy Packing 7. Jaty. 133 lu Firm xL 4 a. February. 1923.. Jap. rjeoad 4 i, Julv. 125. ...... 8f Routheaatera Bell TeL fa April 1928.. 162 fttajKiard Oil at few Iocs- 1m. JaB-. ABSt IVBSk Swift St Co. 1. tJctoBar, tei tb O. S. Rubber 7s. Deeexaber. 19:8.... 100 0. A Rubber 1 a, Attgas.' 1930. ... 105 11 11 102 98 102 3 101 101 at 6 lOsk 191 103 109 104) 88 Bid . 66 . 74 .105 .105 ..95 .104 6 85 83 97 ,. 63 , . 83 ..94 ..96 ..97 ..95 ..93 ..101 .. 19 ..105 ..106 .. 49 .. 74 ..63 ..95 . .100 .. 1 .. 4 .. 8 6 .. 6 6 .. 8 .. 6 .. ..83 ..74 87 87 10 18 4 1 08 114 100 100 ..... 98 Ab 69 7 105 106 91 104 88 87 85 69 65 93 95 7 97 Pntitngzr and Freight Strvtem to CmlJomla Tarsagk BatUaf 8a Baa FrSMss. l aar to aas ataa !) Lea Bfaaletaal Dk Na. 8, 4 m. aa. SS. Admiral Evans - Jan. 21 SS. Senator - - - - - Jan. 28 SS. Admiral Evans - Feb. 4 As Every BAUrday TkBraaXatt Local Strrvictt to Marthfiold, Earoka end San Francisco Admiral Rodtnan - Jan. IS ETry 14 Bay Tbereafter Fast Trant-Pacifie Passen ger and Freight Service TtBt a, a, BBSagssaj. HBgkor ss8 afsallB SaQlag frsai SatU SS. Silver State - - Feb. 4 SS. Pine Tree State - Feb. 18 SS. Wenatchee - - - Mar. 4 Far fall UUnaattas SBBl al 101 Third St., Cor. Star!: fbob snMirtf 6411 95 104 16 108 107 50 75 64 05 10 4 7 6 7 83 74 67 87 109 20 5 20 96 114 100 100 91 Arm Temr Geing to (traps? Or the OrientT Or Arxmnd thm World? WBr ab4 gt rat trawaias asuaatvajij saar Ti lf , S Ah llllllll taoan Sajaassakla yaarBUBM mmA DORSEY B. SMITH ABASE jouRfou. ttlavtl tutcua tie aauvBWAt. FwaziaAE a at. rkABS MtwaakJI tttl ATTORIA and WAY POINTS rmats stsviet Laa. Deny tSaasa Bteaeaajl Ta .,', 6 IHSdld Saag AraeatmrateMr Coaaarue kUd far Ail SwrU aad EAEB 11 1 BACH WAX. 6A04) aOCWD TBXF ' klwse Sweet Uu . Bww. 34S tub tURKtas TBAft80rrEtToa ea. ; AUSTRALIA SIW EEAUUIS ASS) MwT ttAS as ataioa as. sa. af at- sgatas, tl I ia tfl Mi "I I aaaaaaaaaaaa i i mini . , . (Retro la af His t-twAaS aotniand. tvviiaA.trj.ia .. a.. i Tork and Los Anrataa. Ban rrmadmom. portlsneL onna- w.rria Tacoma. via tb Panama Canal Nortk Allan tie 4 Wxtat aV 17 Cm, 9 tkOO-ton sted vewaeLe aVASTBW.BB . WESTSOCIB irrogsl TtwIbI SVwm . Portland. Urn. Boat on PhliaV AETTOAl ...... .'iaa.r8 Feb. 1 Feb. 4 BKCSH Feb. LEBIGH Feb. 86 Bar. 1 Bar. f For Further tafrms tbwa Apply a latl ABM.lBAii LUX, FaatU Coast AgsstB 111 Tklrd Strt Faaa Erwadwsf tUl WFST IStETA COLD HABBOa BFBIXO FIELD Portia Dd Jaa II Fbk 18 F 11 BOSTON COPFEB STOCKS (Furbished by Ovwrtack A Cooke Oa.) Bid. Arte. ewa. 8 Adventure 50 Ahmeek.. 60 Ateotaah. 20 Areadiaa. z T Ring Mns, 18 CaLAArta, BB CaLAHec .... New Car 17 Cta Uanlal 9 Oop. Rge. 41 parte Daly DsJBr Wt 2 K. Bathe. 11 Frank. Mg. 1 Helvetia. . 1 Keewanaw 1 Kerr Laker 8 LakaOes. LaSalte. 1 MicbigaS. 1 Mohawk. 86 bLOCa). S ' N. Batto. 13 ' Htamui.. Ask. I Bid. AaV. 9 0 D.Cow. . 24 21 89 rrarwoavM. 32 84 62 rtbijawa.. 2 1-16 2 BO QulncyMs 48 44 8 Pwad Creek 14 It 13 AateRawal 23 86 Sa, BoetoalOO 27B U.S. Men. 87 17 a pfd. 1 1 B-ltoh.. 3 41 . Oop. 2 Hhattnck . 8 rTrln. Catt 11 ITaamma 11 l"tah-. lCaJfl TB 1 Cos. 1 1BJ. AMng, 26 3 do pfd. 43 2 Cta Apes 2 2 Teatara.. 22 2 Victoria.. 1 83 Wtoaaa.. 86 8 WotvartB 1 13 WyeadoU. 26 - - ill M I 74 ll 88 48 S . 23 Vs 11 64 OREGON-PACIFIC COMPANY aOebts FOB TOYO KiSEN KAISHA A1tl 01BT SIBT1CK OF HOLLUSli LINE ROYAL iYlAIL STEAM PACKET C0MPANY BsUtagt fr ItbAA, Cbfas as4 Wl CsavM Sotk AtaWa sal Carted Klawdwwa aad Bafw-sa Frt - GENERAL FREIGHT AND PASSENGER OFFICE 203 Wilcox Bids. Bdwy. 4329 - PorlUnd, Ora. s . i