' THE OREGON SUNDAY, JOURNAL; PORTLAND, SUNDAY HORNING, JANUARY 15, IS US BROTHERS PREFERRED STOCK PAYMENTS MOUNT Thirty Per Cent on Stock ind 3 Per Cent Dividend Is Paid to . Muy little Past Two Weeks. Prisoners Take ; Paupers' Oath And Dodge Fines i "Now tor a rood .dish of ham and fTV MOd Jack Casey aCedfOrd as b walked oat of U United States mar ataTa oCflc Saturdar a tres man for th Crat Urns In to days. Caaar. Jack Maloney and Jos Ray had Juat takan tha panpai's oath, to escape Daxoeat of fine. They -were fined and sentenced to CO days tn the county Jail 03 October If by Federal Jods Wolyer- toa dartnc the at edford term of the fed eral court, for opera tin- a.atlU In the wilds of Jackson county. Each also erred ! days in Jail additional before taking the pauper's oath, as required One by one durtns; the last two weeks! by uw, many nreferred stockholders la the new! All three declared they had reformed - , . . ...-. ,., w a would hereafter not tamper with .... ... .. , . Ithe laws of Uncle Sam. paid per cent ex weir atoca doiuwb. and aa additional I per cent dlrldend. T TI I A nfinlrinfl When the ether preferred stockholders! JT li VJi ilUSpillIlCL Buys St. Francis Apartment House call at the hoodlnc house durtns the eominf week and recelre their share from the profits of the new concern. about tUQ.M wUT have been paid out. according to John I Ctherldse. man a car. Ktheridce made the announce ment Saturday afternoon, following; special meeting of the board of directors Purchase of the stock of the St Fran; cla Anartment TTmim rormratinn for Monday about I1I0.0O0, or SO per cent. I $115,000 was announced Saturday by Dr. Riverview Association to ' Taks Action Toward Rehabilitation of Depleted finances. A meeting of lot uwua of Kiverrlew Cemetery association will be - held at Library hall, at J p. m Monday, to take definite action toward rehabilitating' the finances or the association. At a meet ing; held last week a report was sub mitted by Strong k. McNaughton show ing that the fund set aside for the maintenance of the cemetery had been depleted and that no money is available lor operation and upkeep. A report prepared and submitted by a committee of. lot owners proposed a way oat of the difficulty, and action oa this report will be taken Monday after noon. Tb plan of the committee pro vides for the establishment of an irre ducible fund for maintenance, which is reoutred by. a law passed in 1882 when the association was organised and re pealed by the legislature of UZ1. It was also urged that a new board of trustees be elected. At the meeting last week W. &C Ladd, who had been a member of the board since the organ ization 40- rears ago and president of the board for 20 years, announced his resignation and stated that he would not be present at the next meeting. The alleged mismanagement of the finances of the--cemetery association does, not mean that the concern is bankrupt, for. according to the report. Its assets in reau property not used . for cemetery pur-i poses and ta securities held by the treas urer, amount to more than 8300,000. More than 10.000 graves are in River- view and approximately 8500 lot owners in the association live in Portland. Each lot owner is a member of the association and has a voice in its management. Portland Man to EepresentU.S.at Brazil Exposition CoL XVC CoBier, president of the San Diego exposition tn l15,r who was ap pointed by President Harding recently as commissioner general of the Ameri can exhibit at the Brazilian Centennial exposition this year, has selected I G. Monroe, former secretary of the Cham ber of Commerce or Eugene, ana secre tary of the Ohio club of Portland, as his assistant, according to advice received Saturday by Or. Emmett uraxe or una dtyv -- - Monroe left Saturday ror New xorx, where he will join Collier for the trip to BrasU. Dr. Drake worked for the appointment of CoL Collier as commis sioner general of the exhibit and the information of Monroe's appointment was received In a letter from Collier, in which he expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the Portland man. EVERY ARTICLE : REDUCED Except Contract Goods will also be rwady for the creditors q xuspiund. The company owns WHO aa not join me n-w wnwrmnum m,, St. Francis apartments at 1J3 North provided Refere A. M. Cannon signs an 1 Twenty-first street. Ausplund stated order which Earl a Bronaugn, trustee, l h lne purchase as an invest- has prepared. The non-awwnung crean-1 meat. He also owns the Nob Hill apart- ors wra not receive the additional PrimenU at 77s Glisan street, and the cent, dividend from the trustee, how-1 wheeldon annex at 895 Salmon street, ever. I The Cecelia apartments at 714 Glisan SIPOkT IS DTjrirD I street recently was sold by Ausplund. M.htiHi .,.-.- Miat the PromoUon of the 1925 exposition re- l-l jki. . hn I suited in an acUve demand for apart rIp.;-cenr"d7nUd by' John --t hou prty jjnd the market 1 wi.i.r atlnni, fn, th IrailaM I " 1 ! ii .Ki. ! increasing population of the city. the non-a-entlng creditor, is said to ' "Tln JJZ v . . ,-, f h under construction will be completed yfe'rve, w Urged that th. creditor, be I J summer and plan, are brew- given their money as quickly as posaiDie. Both the non-assenting creditor, and those holding stock In the new cor- . po ration are creditors of the old Morris Brothers bond bouse, which entered bankruptcy ovct, a year ago. On No vember 18. 19JL the new corporation purchased the assets of the bankrupt estate from the trustee, following an order from Federal Judge" Bean allow ing the sals. BALAJTCB IS PATD On December 81 the new corporation paid the balance of the purchase price v which under the contract with the court log for a number of others. . Fred H. Bixby Is Elected President Colorado Springs, Colo., Jan. 14. (U. P.) Fred IL Blxby, Long Beach, CaL, was elected president of the National American Livestock association at Its final session here late today. Blxby succeeds Senator Keudrlck, Wyoming. The association passed a resolution sup- It was not required to pay until March porting the agricultural bloc 1. The trustee was paid Is77.960.55. Tne corporation Is now paying out an add! tlonal IJ10.0OO to Its preferred stockhold er. An effort In bolng made to nave all the stockholders reinvest their money In bonds which the corporation Is hand ling. To date 90 .per cent of the people who have called for their money have rem rested it. Ktheridgf. said. On Jsnuary 1 Etherlwge moved back Into the Irvlngton home which he gave up when the old concern entered bank- runtrr. and which untn recently, was occupied by Fred 8. Morris. The house was returned to the new corporation by liroiiauah when the assets were pur- chased. Since that time the board of d.reotnrn has directed Etherldge to take pmnSlon of the house. ' Winter Is now preparing an opinion for p.ronNtigh advising him whether or not the trustee has any rights to proceed civilly against Morris. Judge Denies More Delay to J. W: Todd In Land Fraud Case federal Judge R. 8. Bean refused fkiturday to grant another delay in the trial of John W. Todd, former superln tndnt of public Instruction at Salem, who la charged along with Carlos U Byron with using the mails to promote a fraudulent land schema Todd was tried last November. The Jury arnultted him on three counts of the Indictment and disagreed on the fourth. lie has stnee been reindicted. Both indictments have been consolldat d. so he will be tried jointly oa both charges. VICTOR RECORDS $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.75 $2.00 $1.75 $1.75 Behold, MEN! The best suit values yet offered: ALL-WOOL UITS with two pairs of pant? The iJareloot Trail.... John McCormack There's a Long. Long Trail-John McCormack Then You'll Kemember Me (From Bohemian GLrD.John McCormack Thy Beaming Eyea.... Ernestine Bchiimann- Helnk Souvenir (Drdla) Frits Krelsler Caprice Vlennois v Krelsler) Frits Krelfler Romance (Wlenlawski) J a nc ha HeiXets Sing Me to Sleep Oluck-Zlmballst Carry Me Back to Old Virglnny Alma Gluck Lullaby from Jocelyn.. (Qodard).. Alma Gluck HOYENDEN PIANO CO. 14 PARK ST. Between Aider and Morrison RubbEr In Flexible waterproofing for textiles, leather, ete. Colors gray, khaki aad black. Tor ante and track tops, sportsmea'a, fishermen's aad loggers clothing aad shoes. la evart aad kali (alio. cast. Man order or to aaafactsrer, 1M8 Beaver are., or phone Woodl.wa 1184. OVERCOATS fit $19 lllH $34 Unusual Values! Practically all styles, shades nd weights axe included. Every overcoat is marked far below its former selling price. The Styles Single and double-breasted models for young men; single breasted, three-button sack models for men of - conservative taste. The Patterns Herringbone, Plain and Fancy mixtures in shades of Brown, Gray and Dark Blue. The Fabrics All-Wool materials in Chev iots, Cassimeres, Finished and. Unfin ished Worsteds. The Entire Stock New models priced in accordance with the new, lower price level , , . BEN SELLING Leading Clothier Morrison at Fourth Are Y011 Saw fcey? I Make Your Purchases at DAVIDS Where the Dollars Go Farthest t WHEN YOU CAN BUY MERCHANDISE AT SUCH PRICES AS LISTED BELOW YOU ARE DOLLARS AHEAD JUST THINK NAPKIN RINGS, Sterling Silver, each $1.58 26 PIECE SETS. The set only $9.89 Solid Gold Tie ClaspsChoice, each $1.98 i . . . ... . a . ni 1 f 1 T 1 tl AS Obroof or round shape, enrjaved or hammered design SALTS and PEPPERS, Amer. Shef field, at pair. . .$3.98 Colonial ShapX Community Par Plate 10-Year Guarantee Three Beautitui patterns Vernon Monroe Bridal Wreath Solid Gold Cameo Brooches, spec'l, ea. $4.79 CASSEROLES beautiful pierced design Koond or QvaJ Snipes Pearl Handled Batter Spreaders Pearl Handled Fruit Knives Per set of 6 Gold Filled Cuff Links Large assortment to select from each 89J ! e $2.87 Novelty Ear Drops AH colors, sizes and shapes, ea. 49 and 98 wuu v v svs 9Uf9 Including Pyrex lining. Special $5.89 Cutglass Handled Nappies, each. . . . .$1.98 SANDWICH TRAYS Amer. Sheffield pierced and on stands $5.23 Many other beautiful patterns, only. . .$3.43 BREAD TRAYS, 13 in. long - Amer.ShefidJ--hanamered patterns. . .$2.98 Cutglass Sugar and Creamers, pair. . .$3.98 Solid Gold Tiffany Birth Stone Rings, " Solid Gold Scarf Fms 2'98 stiffened ptn Novelty Sterling Silver Rings, 1 lot ....49c Hundreds to select from to go at, each 89 Novelty Sterling Silver Rings, 1 lot. . .$1.48 Sterling Silver Cigarette Cases Different patterns and shapes... $6.98 Solid Gold Cuff Linl Stiffened post Just the thing, at each $2.98 DAVE 343 Washington, Near Broadway The Most in Value The tiestin Quality EVERY ARTICLE . . REDUCED j Except Contract Goods Still in Full Force Our Annual January CLEARANCE SALE Savings Extraordinary The taird week of Jansarv Clearance finds this great sale in fuQ progress wita un- matchable offerings EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED And the word has rone forth Better sell tKU better get rid of that; better sacrifice all odd. and ends and surplus iota, regarcuee. ot worth or former selling price BE. FORE INVENTORY. Prudent Aansari witl no faQ to .apply both present and ru.tn.re need, at Uus sale. These ' offerings mt adjusted stock for saving, for yon. EXTRA While Any Remain Monday We Will Close Out All Remnants and Short Bolts : Of Woolen Dress Goods Both Plain and Colors and Novelties at Exactly V2 Remnant Prices Here- is the announcement of that annual event that hundreds of prudent shoppers have learned to wait for and never miss a time when we place on sale, without reserve, our entire stock of Woolen Dress Goods Remnants, and Short Bolts at One-Half Remnant Prices Included Are Popular Plain Colors and Fashionable Novelties in Suitings Coatings Skirtings Velours, Tweeds, Serges, Challis, Granites, Tricotines, Veilings, Poplins, Nov elty Worsteds, Plaids, Checks, Stripes, etc All colors all widths all lengths all at Half Price. Come early. No Samples cut. No Phone or Mail Orders. None reserved or exchanged. " v ' ALL OUR REMNANTS RIBBONS LACES GEORGETTES NETS RUFFLINGS EMBROIDERIES CHIFFONS Right down throngh our Fancy Goods Section we have gath- ered all Remnants broken assortments and short bolts for one I mighty sale, to insure immediate, clearance, and this entire stock I .Will Be -Disposed of at Exactly One-Half Remnant Prices ' J SQk and Cotton Net. Organdie. Lace and Net Raffling, and Ves tings LmbrowierU. of All Cads, I wm. a m mm f M etc mi a i nau rnce. EVERY ARTICLE AT A REDUCED PRICE Laces 3 to 5-inch widths All sorts of Edges and Insertions 5c yard. Laces 0Y2 to 5 ins. wide Imitation Uuny, frilet, Crochet. VaL Yd. 10c 17-inch Black Silk Chanully Laces Clearance Sale price 79c a yard. 5c Yard For Swiss and Cambric Edges. Insertions and Beadings. 10c Yard For Fine Edges, Insertions, Beading and Skirting Embroid'cs. 5c Yard For broken lines narrow and medium Silk Braids. Trimmings. 25c Yard For 9 to 12-inch Skirtings 17-inch Flouncing Embroideries. 95c Yard! For 27-inch Organdie Flouncings for Graduation Dresses. 1 e Every Article at a Reduced Price House Dresses at 95c Voile Waists at 79c Sateen Petticoats 95c Black and Navy Serge Dress Skirts $155 Y3 OFF Women's Normandy Goats Best Styles Sizes 16 to 42 ALL AT V2 , REMNANT PRICES 4 oz. Rolls Toilet Paper 25 Rolls for $1.00 5000 Rolls of Crepe Toilet Paper to close at this sale price. Regal Envelopes 4 Packages for 25c Note size Envelopes 2S to a package 4 packages for 25c 49c Sale in Our Art Goods Section Wonderful Values Many Vi Etcb H Regmlar Price) PILLOW TOPS KIDDIES DRESSES All to Go at 49c Rexford Writing Paper 19c Box 72 sheets of linen finish Writ ing Paper for only 19c Every Article at a Reduced Price 5-lb. All Wool Blankets, slightly imperfect, $6.95 Full size White Cotton Silkoline Comforters $3.45 Curtains, White and Cream Scrim and Net, pr. 98c 80x90 Unbleached Seamed Sheets at, each 98c 42x36 Lonsdale Pillow Slips at, each 32c 45x36 Lonsdale Pillow Slips at, each ..36c' HALF PRICE AND LESS Several Hundred Pairs Standard Makes and Popular Styles in MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SHOES That Are Positively Marvelous Values AT S2.95 PAIR This season's models in black and brown leathers. Styles with lieht. medium and heavy soles those for women with military or French heel those for men in styles for dress or work. All sizes in the assortment See oar Morrison i Street window. January Clearance Sale Price Boys' All-Wool Mackinaws $485 Fine well made Mackinaws tn double breast style with two flap pockets and belt they re aH-wool and shown In the best of colors sizes to 18 Men's All-Wool Shirts at" $4.45 Styles with either flat or military collar la coat ff.rtc msl with two Vinttnn-dnwn rockets 13- wool shirts In small checks and medium plaids- ii years. y--- ' sizes y 10 .