riiz qsegott sxnn)AY, joumiAi; PoirrLAiip, suiidav; nonmNG, jaiiuary n. 1: wmm HELD DISGMF1 BY PAT Willi iS FCUCE Fi; JD t ID ; ELUElIuMB He Refused Divorce Paris. Jam. 14 U. JP-Tho 4atm ! ah TkiMMat OVwavk AbA4M Autwt- I per inajw j&arxed with attempting ' to I Former Outlaw, N&w vsadstille fetor, Sought for Alleged As-. ppisoslag. tf he Ja brought ; Seatine More Shameful Than Hi m b. that she ttmpd . Liscnont oars vemocrauc i divorce. Leader) Two Senators Switched sault on Harry Kerr, Actor. t Ryan's tiry. when ba told M inlag inaghjtrsA at a preliminary ex amteatton bare, was to th affect that ha -Jeedad wife bis wife, a fanner Call- Ounahe, Keb Ja. IC CO. rj-Thaf I local girt and priae-winning oanwrtan. Senator Truroaa H. Neobeiiy own his seat, m tha swats ta "certain powerful Influesjees had that ha Mtswaablag T tha ornate M "a freatar dlacraoe than (ha Michigan electloaa was charged hare too 1Kb t ta aa laterriew by Senator rat Marrtaon. Mississippi. Democratic leader. ; ftoaatar Harrleoa, whe raa hare ta addreee Omaha Detnecrata. refaai I to tnra ptortee attrieovad to bhu ta tha Omaha Newt that ha herged that inoaey featured la tha trading; of votes." "At bast two a atora c were strong In thair opposition ta Newberry. witched thair votes at tha Uat ta ate." sUrrtaoa declared, Thee asaetors ware atretic far the Wltlia uuodmat. whioh cosdemeed the eapendlture t targe suns f money In awutieai aenapaigna ood etoted that each expenditure were contrary ta public pol icy end ta tha dignity aad ethics of the senate. ! 'Certain Moobtji followers agreed ho vote for tha Willis amendment, and In return esreain entpra whe pUnaedVn voting acalnat Newberry voted for the MkMgaadar aa tha fatal baOot. - "Any remarks 1 made regarding being "bought efr tarred to the nreeaure brought to hear oa tha WUUa amend for a reconciliation. This aha refused. saying, according to Ryan. ,1 wast a divorce. Unleee you eon- BBS-II aet WHUU awwaue Ryan said .that ho Jokingly answered : "All right. I've gat seat btehlorfde at mercury to. any -a art ewe t." ' . - . Whan ha looked axvand. hia wtfe had taken tha aoiaoa. - Washington Wool Growers Assured Of Aid Irom U. S. U I'm WnMaJin wool-' TaJdaaa. Jaa.- i nsaa lint Chat thai r anises I forget for aacaring funds corporation waa today ertfh the success ad .(heir from tha arar fi practteafiy aa Following a mousty to farm corporation know aa tha Waal Growers lorpaemliea. tha caaunirtl oat to aciistt "8L Loola, Ma. Jait 14.Tr. t-V--F- Uaa tonlcbt were fee wheiahrats of Al Jeamlnga, foroar outlaw and tmla robber and ttaw a vaudevtlla actar and wvangwltat, acsjght oa -charge C eueaaniaac Barry Sern, an actor., ; "Kerr awore Jennlng threateaHl tn MB Mm when Kerr ouua ed Wm wWa teen In a hotel here scad found Jtmninga an her company. Kra. JUrvjmn bar fleeotnga wna oan- oinra were perfectly j-legHima to sue deetaoed After aha aaot btsa a Kaaaaa City he proostaed bar a Joe in a new movie which he piaasea to axase oon. -Wo vers 'mm oar mm to the eaat. where Mr. Jenoiaga was 4e eoachide him present engagement, and then -piaJSnea to go to CaBfonda. 'rhara - -wa wootd to Another picture wnen uo trouoie mtrtmaV Mrs. Kerr staled. 9m amid aha voom aoi Appear xo aw la tha lawtomitlno of JaPMnga juuin st chargoa, which Xerr oaid ak againat tba nraatr tra -iMintnra offered eao tSm a if I would go ta cjMKoraaa saa about the to. be Diamond and Gbld Miners on Strike; Airplanes onGuard Mrtea. Thle I WW tu way Newberry waa aeatsd. to aay.K tha oooaaton CANDIDATES HESITATE mbsarlptlnos to tha capital reportod that their work waa haif done. Bankure of the Kjr appears before the lef tha piao, aaytn that no wootgrowcral ,J5Hr I"? "Tlawid and dianwod fields Mat eanphayee e",b . .. . i -1 hi ..I... i.ittjtmttni waua ana aa msa aasa . -l - , , It ABOUT BIG OUT Sears c anlnius, lavttatioa the Katlonsl Wool to- moot aa fkiokai tt is aoeoptod the Washington I fro wars wtfl hoid thoir anauai coa tien at I (Cearataal rueOas) Absence of France Is reported that the atrikera ta tha gold 0eMa are fhwdtac mines. Upon the atrikera agreetng a wtth the mine ownera tha avwraanont Konowaoed K would poapewa oa lrlion of aaartial law. The oee force of the mtotog dtawtot is tafoaoad with airptanoa. Paris, Jaa. liwThe Genoa. win take ptaoa wtthou I gates of Oftaat Britain, Belgium aad Italy whoa informed of prance's ehjao-l uad flwiaiiy. la tha Third dastrict o r eeaee oat hato tha oaaa eud declare aalvea. i J' OtCOTT IT TKtaTT " I Oorge JU Baker, mayor of Partlaad. la duo. ao eloas trtaads relata, to ohy hia eaator lata tha rtag wMhla tha aaxi few day a ; C E. Gates of Medford, aceording to I . us bios t sail aai any. IS wamag to I ttona rassBee ' I TZ7 JTZ ZZT T resignation, uday oatphaUosily V Tlm-si IfTnr iiaaiBilsaliiaii of rhel oth-d w"1 oJowod to tnterfero with . part of rortiaod, 4a thinking t over. J L U Pattstwaa. Joint oeaa.tor (roes Bea- tea aad Jatk, baa been tn tarttand i -rsrv-s I Ford Car Prices to m win vovnv iv sbbb naa wih bo docaalvo. Osairasr OtroU. cmrraaOy aapusi to I baea bis mind aaado up to go again. Is ; awwaar auan aa-yio npama. wawag fori Detroit. Jaau 1C-TI. P-Vrd ! riJir: " - -lwHl be eat (rasa fU to 4 oa tha open - . ' z' A lane of basjasas Monday. Jsjnarr U. w 1 accotwinaT to W. J. Svmii. C Jt. MeAjthear haalaaanacer tor the mord miss i im aio aon. ataskseraesel hia lisi ! I - - m iiaiiW mrA- J to a- bio aasrrssaiiaai raoa overl i af cwta waa alvoa to hint today by waaataavicdaei M syvar tha lane dUataaMO-talo. Aiimhk uiilwsatar 1m offerlnc a lift- 4 TnlsrtHarW I 1 1 ii lis iiii ! . i i Wt i w. f 1 1 1 1 1 ir inr Tram um .sjsuwwm v I the "mm. faapartaat peace waa declared." Be Cut January 16 OTKXXM . h" AAay Xm ar thoro akono Croaa Maw Tack, he aatd. bf UliO fi iQ la afttl and vmr "I CUVBU JiCI MX CTBA rrastklaa r. oin exneeti to have I WaabJncta. Jaav 1141. K. K.w or ww BBiaaia or h week! Major O-owal necb XL h ana bo a risifajiliesl oaa I rived In Whtrwoa today Cruca Havana v j . sm waawr iyaa U eem as thai to confer with - state department off , vm' : I eisla regarding the finanehU aad lam f"'. ap ma attuatloa aol ante problems of Cuba, For mora tha a J ar aa puss this saajar oanaidocass for (year Qeaaral Czowdor has haea ta Ha- ! lTT..vr "' 1 ,f ,1 rd I vaoa aa the peraoaAlpepraaenUttae of J ni."1, Si1? 8u- P Harding ltd ass wsfally I not stadlod the financial situation of tha , r. pr .urging tneas forward, ATTUU09 CtOSXtT ; fentlee! gaaalP baa It, and Insists upon , It. that thio aw aad aarwahThad InOw enae ta aaaia aoliUea to couch In the Z Bttnda of tho gubornatorial aad eoasroe- ataaal ea ad ids tea. or of theaa Who are I petjeottal aaptranta for high office, The leaders of tha Podwatad Patriotic So- claUaa. fjaaalp aayu, are lacks dor A . ; ruseraevtortat aaadldato eighty odd teaiaalaa ad tha fed era ties . may caatea aa Ahotr awa. , Oieatt. at ta aid, doea o ! or baa aot nliiiSil theaa bv thlnaa ha , baa dona ar ta avpaoaad to havo anUndod to do. Tbsy are aot friendly te bins. , Baker, too. Is At preeent at least, out. aide tha warmth of tha circle. ' , : auny Is a HUle cloaer to the heart , of thiags, but Senator Pattaraoa b) ; eieeiet to the longad (or mantle of dares is out. - I XtAlTHUX tKDKX BA5 . Should this or apery fall About hire It 1 . . would bring hlaa a daAaite and ooheaive ; atreagth bo up to thia tyne tats net poaoeased and tend to bring hit solidly ; aad denmutr into tho nght - '' . Turalng to tho ocftS'soslonal tight tn . tho- Third district, which proreiaea. to . n t warm and tntwaatlwg battla, M 'Arthur, from the aarrent whlspara af ; the day, ah Is aador tha baa of tho new aad militant Influaaea, Kaeatt Is said , ta havo beea taken under advajimsat by s Uia groasx aad tho ewut bv day will I deteammo whatbed tha verdict baa baaa favorable ar. otlaa a lee, s sou Sing aa ha . J cenmoa tato tho battlo m stays sat. Aad the aame aitaaUaa exists as to I tho tegtelaUua attoaUoa sad tho AlocUoa 'of couaty oommlsel oners In Multnomah caadidataa out for au-aiim. tor the - J houaa, for tha aaaats aad for tha soaaty commbwionerahipa. It la going to be no ' pteat tea affair, ao tha prophets aay, but a seen bat and a battle royal fought atone new Unas ta much part, and for blood. MOKDAT, JATTTJABT W Dijlay Or FAXOTJ8 BOG FREE COCKE MTAXXXSM . Vmb Kaat and Woat rvpf bis fraai Tbaaa Thatwarftteaftt RIRtS, aVllwoot VASCK nillU, Park Asa ' Oa Bfapmy at c&s. WELDING SERVICE JTullr Batilnntl tar AB MimOt mt CXY ACETYLENE WELDING '. ' AND BSAZINO id jtfiTsj t. rsjptnt cast bam t-a--Ji-w---"-swmsl Ijl . SdentiiicWorkPlasIture Jndg ji 1 it U" III sn)i i-ii.wih'i.ii i ji'iwiiii Mam.W'Mmiilwyw!j llEiili I ' i MLr E3 I Of HI BKt 111 Hi 11 HI Supposing your home is under construction, and the contractor says it will not be completed for a month or six weeks MAKE SELECTIONS NOW J The present opportunity to save is well worth while! The re mainder of this month is only a mdtter of daysand then, GONE will - be Edwards Annual L n - J ' - ;, V 'V Try Mi wmm we Sa Furniture, Rugs ? and Ranges, as . well as draperies and cooking utensils selected now at January sale prices, will be held for future delivery without additional charge. Easy terms, no interest, will also be arranged to please your individual requirements. I Si?c? the Windows Kvery room aetUsar and steel arti cle displaced la at a reduced price and the I Iff ere nee m price from last year Is atriktngiy noticaabla, THIS IS A CO-OPERATIVE AND PERSONAL SERVICE STORE WITH CUSTOMERS AS WELL AS A CO-OPERATIVE AND HARMONIOUS OR GANIZATION OF OWNERS AND EMPLOYES, WHO SHARE IN THE FRUITS OF THEIR LABOR. Very Striking Example of An Economy Outfit, at a Substantial Saving Too LIVING ROOM- $64.75 Both Rockers maatratad are of aetld oak And ons has a leather seat, too, library Table Is also Identloal to Illustration aad haa MxOtach top- of ejuartor aawed oak. The Arm cnair nan neon repiaeea with one of Baronial Brow Wicker with, cretonne cush ion At Your Serried YeilovTaxi NO EXTRA CJJARGB FOR SECOND j PASSENGER LOWEST HATES IN TIIE CITY Optometry called an exact science. It is it the sense that the measttretMeirt f the eyes or glasses is done scientifically with the aid I tnachines that measure accurately- the re fraetire power of the eyes so that lenses may be froandto supply any deficiency.1 3 Howerer, the aimlicatyon of anw sci depends so larfely upon the jodgment and ' skilL of the operator that iher is a wast difference in the results obtained. ' ' ' ' 't , aa '"'- LThe Thompson Optical Institute offers you eTerything necessary to tho foil realization of yonr hopes for better -vision, i Our expe rience, our mature judgment, oar equipment; all combine to render you satisfactory service - in every case. - :; m-:,L HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED I Our own complete lens-grinding plant on the premises. Eyesight Specialist C3 ThompsonOpticalbsutate . PartlaadH largest. Vest Modera, Boat Ksvlyped XxalattT Opttoal fstabllahaieaU 209-10.11 Corbett Bldg Fif th and Zlarltoa s' . "f Shaee MaS i: v - CHAS. A. RtJSCO, PRBS. AMD GCt'MGB. - " r-,il lli '"in ill i DINING ROOM $52.50 Six very Sturdy Chairs wtth saddla-ahAped seals, substantially built and braced against the back poet. Table has tf-lneh top that will open to six feet. All ar finished ta hand-rubbed goldea wax to snatch to living-. luiJUiHj v, .a- v $6150 Porcelain Top Kitchen Cabinets $49.50 Just exactly what yeu need to aav trottlaf back aad forth while getting maaia aad otrbg away tha diahaa. Organla your kitchen aad you 11 hav a plaeo for everything and everything wtu bo In Its slaoa. ThU Master Model Cabinet to pteto. and you'll Ilka H at th J uat try to duplicate It. that'O be th beat ooavtaoar as to Its vJe ar worth. aegular SM SELLERS K Itches Cablaets Sow $7150 S13SD0 Queen Anne Walnut or Mahogany Table and Chairs Ul1' wi leej BEDROOM $76,00 This w th boaary: Zueterd old Ivory enamel. It'a la the window today- aea it- Bed, chiffonier, chair had roeker ar oulta similar to Illustration. Vanity Table baa peen repiaoaa ny a ureas sr. -$115- Quren Anne, ths most loveable and charrnlng of all periods. Table, has 4-tnch diameter top aad aet of six chairs ar fle ly finished to match either w a 1 n.u t or mahogany table. Blue or brow genuine leather all seals. Not identical, but every Similar to Illustration. md i II Rockers and Chairs Edwards haa aa ahnaet unlimited assortment to show you the mighty wall rack, wtth over too beautiful samples of tha enakenr choicest creathma, eonttaaously sways to aad fro. WHITEtK TOtJ DEStRB BE POB Chenille, Wilton, Brussels Asaninster or Rag Rugs! Here's Only a Smattering of What Awaits You S27JS0 Wood and Coal Heaters U2JS0 IS Pew a. tl Weak, So Uearaet tttJ ..9SSA 4AS Sts.QO John Croraley Sacttsh WOton, SxlS feet.. .00 Bigelow Bagdad. XxU feet S87M Verdun Chonilio, txU (throe colors) , (SS.ea Jacqumrd Persian, 9x12 (one only)........ 6TA Lbicr Fringe Wilton Velvets, Ixll 44?A0 Seamless Wool Velvets, x!8.. m J38.50 Axndnstera, 9x12 (three good patterns) stj( 135.00 Seamleaa Brussels, aim xll.... tlCTa 26.0S Feamleas Bruoaato, atso txll tlsAi ell.U Jaspay Fiber Boss, stso Pxll UJ tax, nxnt, soss ash rnrx bag arcs (Bagaiar Piioas fZSfc, Z9, S3, S.M.) 4aasarr Prtcea........ .tLti, 9L7I. ILSt, HA No Room Is More Important Than Where You Spend One-Third Your Life Heavy polls hod body, perfectly ntted heavy caa-4roa ftr bw tnga aad cratao far wood. oal. brtejuota. Larg feed door with mica front aad Vow ar draft 'Gill A clean sweep of the more stock, aad ovary add and discontinued aorsber frore Bodreava Rockera to Heavy Oak. Mahogany and Cane. Daisty Wicker. Velour. Tapestry and Genuine leather Overstuffed, will go at extra s pedal January prtcea. ThU la aa axiraordiaary gaaslao bargain spportunlty. See the Front Window Today You'll Be More Than Pleated! saa aata oa hoary baaa, are awpajrat. Tv,.. m a-i e xarcKArar om torn abt kvgs otoox arxxsi CRegulAr Prtess ItAo, St-tS, SSSa, SS.U) jAauary Prtcaa.. 4UI, ttla, SUt, UU Genuine Inlaid Linoleums (Regular Prices I1AS. SU. Ji-. $2, 12S.) TajsBAry PMoaa................ tlAS, tlJ, 91M. fUR, Ltt. ' Eleven poxterns of linoleum to select from. (One aad two-tach block tile designs included at reduced price,) Beautiful Cuttee te Ivory, walaut. nisbogsny. btrdaoy aaapl. quartered oak and polychrome gray. Boca with chiffonettee and toneful vanity caaea. others with ohiffoniera and dressing tablea. Soma wtth dignified bow-end aad panel beds, while others have high-lighted decorations. -BBWitM WOTLB LI KB TOHATB TOU B TWO IflTtl IH PABT1CCLAB THkT AU SlMIXAJt U OVTLISB TO TKS UXOSTBATIOH ABOVE. U Frosted-Gray AsJi and Decorated Mahogany Finishes FOUR PIECES $127 J S Chair, Roeker and Bench to match tf desired. If th four are not wanted, th pieces ar priced separately as follows: SiX'Lld Crown Steel Ranges SST Vr COHFLETX WITH BOT.WATZB COllA COyXZCTCD. $89.00 tHirjrOBiXB BED .'. VAESSTwo TABLX 9UUU ... ....... StlAd at (A 4UM : f - Fifty-Pound Ideal relted Oottoa Mattraaa. buflt with rolled edge Inside, heavy grade art ticking, at 515.00 S T, Tour old stov aa par. Balaae a r raaced to suit. Ahaoet Ideatl. Ml a) ISi Polished stssl body sad pot. tshod steel wars. tng claaec Larre aow i ora firohox. Duplex aad ooal graua. v ix-lkt top ar pollebad. Nickel trlea - vntna are ptaia. , While or gray saasssl rpUah- Tbw r a a g a Is also ta the front window today. i "i 4 0