The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 15, 1922, Page 17, Image 17

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comwo etest
Hwftirt katiwdWt iwflli Eaaaaa -Mm.
Jan IT aa4 It; rartlaaa
Jaaar 1 .ad J.
luu llataU Barfnn s4 lcliiat DaaV
V WMtettM. Jinttf 14 to IT.
' rptanajal l.Wnr aaavaadoa. rartUad. lu
art l aad !.
QwrtarlT aoafimma af Orvana tod WuhhM-
tM efeofaaaa at tha aUnr(al4 Charrh of
lm Carl a Lattsa iJ Baaua, rsrUaad.
IkrafT ta .
Aaaatl aaawnrt Oram Cfcrwtlaa KaoaaTdt
Cawm. aalaa. faacaan 14 tm 1ft.
U"aM-aaaata aaafiraaca. Carrtllla, Match
It to !.
Oaltod ' rMahvtaatea (ban aprte sawaibly,
Atkaaf. TU if.
AattoM Oi4a Cb4U4 WsrkaMB, graaa lodca,
Rxa r.atlL Jaaa T. aad .
sr ! Kaatara Itar. (nod chapter. Jaaa
II to It.
THa Aaartsaa laatitata at Banalac, J air It
to II.
M, (tonal laaniittoa af rrotattant Tptnl
.nana a aawttra, rorUaad. SVplraibar ft la Z
Talaaaaas EMalaras to Olra Prograai
Emptors of th pacific Telephone
Tatorrtph tomptny will rive a program
at tha Knlshta of Columbus hall Mon
day night. A motion picture, selections
by'tha tslaphona orchestra, composed of
U Quam. Howard Kelly. Minor Holll
day. Onlela Matthlaws. Hrmut) Brealow
and Harold Boons, songs In coatume by
Krelyiv Drtwery and Elisabeth McKay,
a room pan 1 at. and selections by the mixed
quartet, eowipoaad of Hal Young. Ferrla
Abbatt. Ilalan White Evana and Beatrice
U Johnaon, will be feature. Mark Dan
lele and a quartet composed of Hal
Young-. D. O. Denman. Kerria Abbott and
Mara -panlele will alnf.
Chlaaaiaa Held ea lite Boada Fol
lowing 4 hairing before United States
Commissioner frater Saturday, So Hoo
and Chin Chung- were held to answer
lo the federal grand Jury on a charge
of Violating, the federal narcotic lawa.
They were returned to the county jail
in default of I5(M0 bond each. The Chi
tieae are charged with aelling narcotic
agents flt.J&O worth of narcotics last
Maturday night In a Chinese restaurant
across tha street from the police sta
Mrs, Harriet Crawford Disappear
Tollca began a search Saturday for Mrs.
Harriet Crawford, ii years old, who dis
appeared from her room at the New
Houston hotel Thursday and has not re
turned. Btaa was last reen In a restau
rant on Histh street. She Is described
a five feet tall, weighing 105 pounds,
with light complexion, brown hair and
blue eyes. Xhe wore a brown coat with
ray collar and a black velvet hat.
Celaaakla IMagee (formerly ksows at
Rkepard't Asto Bn l.lnet) PortlsBii.
Maltaoaak Vails dlTUIoa Leave t'ort
. land -10 a. ra. and 4:20 p. m. daily and
11:11 p. m. baturdaya, Siindays and holi
day only. Leave Multnomah Falls
7 tSO arm. and I p. ra. daily and 6 p. ni.
Saturdays. Mundaya and holidays. All
cars heated. Leave from and arrive at
1h new Auto Stage Terminal Depot. 352
Tamhlll street, corner of Park street.
Phone Main Mil. Adv.
eraltlsg Office MovedOffices of
the recruiting station of the U. S. army
have bean removed from the sixth floor
of tha new poatofflce building to room
:o5, recently vacated by the U. 8. se
cret service. Enlistments are desired
for service at Camp Lewis, Wash., Kort
t. A. 'Russell, Wyoming, and Forts
lieorge Wright and Warden, Washing-
Maa af Aaaojt Old Small girls
In the neighborhood of Interstate and
Buffalo atreeta have been annoyed on
several occasions recently by a roughly
dressed man who attempted to attack
on small girl Friday. The police are
arching for him. He was described
M about 10 years old, very wrinkled,
with a beaked nose, discolored teeth
and thin face.
Same Takea From Klaeker Llit
United States Marshal Hotchkisa will
recommend that the name of John LutU
be taken from the slacker liat of Tort-
land because Luttl was killed several
months ago on wiuiama avenue In a
revolver duel with Patrolman Finn
while- resisting arrest. Lutti was posted
Friday by the government as a draft
Mr. Marie Adrot Improves Nurses
at 8t. Vincents hospital reported Satur
day night that Mrs. Marie Adcox. who
shot herself Tuesday night when her
husband returned home unexpectedly
and surprised a dinner party at their
home, was slightly Improved and now
seemed out of Immediate danger.
Far Can Drop la rrie Slight re
duction In tha price of Ford automo
biles, announced at Detroit Friday by
lleftry Ford, have gone Into effect In
Portland. The touring car Is now $7
cheaper, tha runabout ((, sedan and
coup IIS, and truck $10. - The price of
the tractor remaina unchanged.
After AIL Ike Teat for Tosr Teeth Is
"Can you eat with them?" Dr. E. C
Roasman specialises In artificial teeth
scientifically designed for masticating
food. Ill Journal building. Adv,
Ftaed far Havlsg Deer Meal Because
they bad deer meat In their posses
sion out of season. R. L. Miller of An
chor, and -Jack Bay of Vernoniav were
each fined 150 following trial at Roae-
burg and ClaUkanle, respectively, ac
cording to report filed at the headquar
ters of the state game com mission Sat
ColMbl Stages iroraierty kaowa as
Bhepard't Aat Bss Lines) Pertlaad-Afterta-ftoaalie
division Leava Port
land 7 -JO a. m, 10 n. nu 1 p. m : p.
m. and 11 -JO a. m. Leav Astoria 7 :15
a. ro. It a. m, 1 :30 p. m.. :J0 p. ro, and
:1S p. mv Direct connections at Astoria
to and from Seaaide and Clatsop beach
nolnta All car heated. Leav from
and arrive at the new Auto Stage Term
inal Depot S5S TamMll street, corner of
Park street. Phone Main ho aov.
Colambla Stage (Formerly known at
g tie card's Asto Bss Lines) Portland
St. Heleas division Leava Portland
10 a. m. and 4:15 p. m. daily and 11:15
p. m. Saturdays, Sunday and holidays
only. Leave St. Helena 7 JO a. m. and
1 :15 p. m. dally and :15 p. m. Satur
days. Sundays and holidays only. All
cars heated. Leava from and arrive at
the new Auto Stage Terminal Depot.
161 Tamhlll street, corner of Park street.
Pbor.e Main S1L Adv
Hammer Toarlst Bates Summer tour
ist rate for travel both east and west
bound will be reestablished this summer,
according to advice received Saturday
from the transcontinental passenger
bureau by local railroad officials. The
round trip fare will be approximately
the same as last season.
Colambla Stages (Formerly kaowa at
Shepard't Asto Bss Lines) Portland-
Hood River division Service temporar
ily discontinued on account of snow
drift on the highway. Resumption of
service will be announced In tni space.
Phono Main 1611 Adv.
Fortlaad-Kewberg Bif Leave Stage
depot. Park and Yamhill, daiiy, f. 8:30
11 a. m. and 1. 2 :20. 4 .15, 5:30, 8:30
p. m. Raturdsy and Sunday. 11:15 p. m.
Main 11. Adv.
Portlaad-Tlllamook CadUlae Stage
Stare depot. Park and Tamhlll sta. dally
at S :1S a. m. and 1p.m. Special arrange
ment made for fishing parties. Main
1611. Adv.
Forllaad-Salem-Albany Leaves Stage
depot. Park and Tamhlll. every hour
from 7 a. m. to " i m. Fare, $16a
Main 1611. Adv.
Feet Hart I See our foot specialist
X-ray service free. Knight Shoe com
pany. Morrison tear Broadway. Adv.
The Pott System for Feet A scien
tific treatment for broken arches. 711
712 Broadway bldg. Mar. 1317. Adv.
Salem-Mills City Stage Connects O.
E. trains Nca S and 9 for Mill City.
Joseph Hamman. Salem. Prop. Adv.
Sir. America St Helens via Columbia
river. 2:30 p. m. dally; H:J0 a. m. Sun
day Alder st dock. Main S323. Adv.
Better Deatlstry Plates, pyorrhea. Dr.
J. R. Marshall, 307 Journal Bldg. Adv.
William Wood, pipe organ tuner and
builder; phone Sellwood 1832. Adv.
Dr. G. T. Trommald has returned i 800
Journal building. Adv.
Uoverament Test Show Edlefsen's
coals excel in heat Adv.
Parents' Meeting Annoaneed The
regular monthly meeting of the Whit
ney Boys' Chorus Parents' association
will be held at the East Side library,
a.t Kleventh and Alder streets, at 8
, m. Monday, January 16. A large at
tendance of members 1 desired, as mat- j
ten of Importance will be considered- .
Diphtheria, Patient Escapes While
detained at the Isolation hospital of the
Frazer home, Gtadya Wayatt. , 1. who
was suffering with diphtheria, escaped
Friday. Operative of the Women s
Protective bureau and police officer
began a search for her Saturday. The
girl is five feet tall, weighs 125 pounds,
ha dark bobbed hair and dark brown
eyes. She wore a tan coat with
leather belt and a dark colored -hat
turned up from" her face.
Forest Engineers to
Designate Widtnof
Mount Hood Road
Eric V. Allen to :
Lecture at Annual
'Journalism Week'
Whether the new road to Mount Hood
timber line from the Mount Hood loop
shall follow the present route to Cloud
Cap Inn, or be placed south of Tilly
Jane creek and passing by the proposed
camp of the Hood River American Le
gion, rests upon the recommendation
by forest service engineers who will
make a close study of the two routes
next summer.
A delegation of American Legion
members from Hood River conferred
with T. H. Sherrard, supervisor of the
Oregon national forest, and P. H. Dater,
district engineer, last week in the inter
ests of the Tilly Jane location. This
route, say the American Legion men, is
better than the old road to Cloud Cap.
Homer .Rogers, owner of Mount Hood
Lodge and Cloud Cap, strongly disa
grees with the opinion of the American
Legion, and wants the new road to fol
low the old to Cloud Cap.
It will depend upon the decision of
the engineers.
University of Washington,- Seattle,
Jan. 14. Students of the University of
Washington school of Journalism will
hear practical talks on newspaper work
during the school' tenth annual "Jour
nalism" week. January 23-28. The se
sions wDl be held at the University of
Among the speakers will be Brie V.
Allen, dean of the University of Oregon.
Ilia topic will be "Directing the Re
The program will be in three parts.
Trade publication men will meet Janu
ary 23-24, advertising and daily news
papermen January 25-26 and weekly
newspapermen January 27-28.
New Cooking Device Economical
and Functions in Minute and a
Half, It is Claimed.
"Waffles while you wait," a minute
and a half. This is the claim made in
behalf of a new electric waffle Iron
which is now being manufactured in
Portland by the Wonder Electric Manu
facturing company.
John W. Henry, overseas veteran, who
is president of the company, which has
Just filed article . of lncorporaUoa for
325,000, says the new device) 1 destined
to remove another Item of drudgery from
tha housewife, hotel and restaurant
cooks and. eliminate delays In service. '
Some of the feature claimed, for the
commercial Iron are: It turn out a
brown, crisp waffle In a minute and a
half, la free from smoke, save M per
cent over the gas method and retain Its
cocking; heat 25 minute nrter we elec
tric current is switched off.
While the commercial device, which
is made -of Iron, weighs 20 pounds, the
company is laying stress upon the do
mestic cooker, which is lighter and de
signed especially for household pur
. . . . ,tv.
The iron is aiiacnauie i
Most of the material In the manufac
ture of the irons are to be made In
Dortumi Ris-ht men are employed In
hsndllnc the product. A number of ln-
nniria rerardlnr the Iron, which U pat
ented, have been received from large
outside . concerns desirous of obtaining
contracts ' to handle the product, says
President Henry.
The" Incorporator are: ' John W.
Henry, Stephen Downey, formerly of
the Hippodrome theatre, and Austin 1.
Neylosu" Officers are: . John TV. Henry,
president, and general manager ; Aus
tin J. Ncyioa, vie president, and Stephen
Downey, secretary and treasurer. The
company office I at 109 Chamber af
Commerce building-..
Burned Body Found
By Fire Is That of
Jack Welsh, Logger
Centralia, Wash., Jan. 14. The charred
body found thi3 morning in the old
stock yards north of Centralia was
identified as that of Jack Welsh, for
merly employed at the McCormick Lum
ber company camp as high climber.
Identity was made by Lester Shambley,
a logger, who says that a sister of
Welsh resides in Seattle. Besides two
pawn tickets found with the body, police
found 85 cents in silver near the bonfire
where Welsh had lain. Two bottles
partially filled with moonshine were near
Citizens of Heyburn have protested to
the public utilities commission against
the closing of the Oregon Short Line 1
railroad station at that place.
Direction Steers & Coman
Floor $2.00
Rear Balcony $2.00, $1.50
Sid Balcony. .$2, $1.50, $1., 50c
War Tea 10 Etra
Mail Orders Now
Order will be filed in the order
of their receipt and filled before
the regular box office seat sale
opens. If accompanied by check
and self-addressed, stamped en
velope sent to nteers A Coman,
Columbia building.
K l
Wc Stake Our Reputation
On Each Diamond We Sell
Starting as a small jewelry store in Portland over 2u
years ago, we began specializing in Diamonds. Today
v.e are direct importers, ranking with the largest dia
mond dealers on the Pacific Coast.
Our reputation for fair dealing has grown with the
years. The featuring of quahty and exceptional value
giving has established a standard in Portland by which
diamond values arc gauged. In fact, Jaeger Bros, is
often spoken of as "the Diamomj Store of Portland."
This expert Diamond service is yours to command.
You can depend upon quality priced as low as is con
sistent at all times whether you wish to purchase a
small stone or a magnificent Diamond costing $2500
or more.
Our $100 Diamond Ring is larger than ever before.
We absorb the war rax a great saving to you.
Portland's Only HALLMARK Store
131-133 Sixth Street Pari, Address
- Orf onian Building No. 8 Rue Lafayette
Matter Pianitt
CARL DEXT05, Conductor
January 25
Floor t2J; Balcony 13.5. $2, fl.&l
(iallerj He served 91
Smith Premier, Xo. 9 f 15.00
Remlarfon. Nos. and 7.... IT. SO
Mb It a premier (visible) 3U,VU
Remlnrton (visible) -45.00
Nolseleta (visible) 50. OO
L. V. Smith, No, (visible).. 50.00
Underwood, 5c 4 (visible).. 50.00
and "ALL MAKES- of other late
model Standard Visible .Writing at a
Ad Thoroughly Rebuilt and
Fully Guaranteed
Machines sent anywhere on Pacific
Coast tor three days' examination.
No. 4 Underwood. No. 10 Remington
and Mo. u u. mltn
t X oaths for (7.50
a5D issrtcT vik Bitiva
32 1 Wash. St., Portland
Phone Mala SMI V
Steretr San fraaehro, Los Angeles,
You're getting quality in this
Va Off Sale
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Suits and Overcoats
In these clothes you are
getting real quality
beautiful all-wool fab
rics, fine tailoring and
all the essential niceties
of finish.
Our 25 reduction ap
plies to every suit and
overcoat in stock, offer
ing such splendid values
that they are too good
to pass up. It will pay
you to attend this sale
at once.
or money back
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
Fifth at Alder
Gasco Building
Know any of these?
FfVrf V,
I it
v r 1 m
it . v sK-'"
The Quiet Hour
When the day's activities are over what
is more restful and enjoyable than an
hour spent with your favorite author,
forgetting your cares and trials, and
living with his characters the interest
ing and thrilling happenings of their
varied lives?
Globe -Wernicke
Sectional Bookcases
Today Sectional Bookcases are recognized as
standard and three-foerths of all the sec
tional cases in use are G kobe-Wernicke , That
denotes preference, superior design and work
manship, and creates the greatest re-sals
value. And three-fourths of the public are
most likely right.
Sectional construction enables yoa to build
the Globe-Wernicke cases around windows. In
corners, beside fire-places, wherever artistic
taste and convenience may dictate. Our
catalog illustrates many artistic arrangements
and gives full information. It's yours for tht
ffioa Outfitters.
Left to Right :
Top row W. R. Allen. G. C. Goheen, C. Bates, Otto Hanson. Harry A. Due, J. W. Hyser. Pat
Shell, B. H. Welsh, Roy L. Spurgln, G. C. Gaddla, J. B. Mathews, O. W. Chambers.
Center row John Rosen ich. Vera Gamett. Dave Dixon. A. W. Brandon. C. L. Chilton. Pat
Murphy, H. H. Wolf. Fred Friedle. M. A. Swenson. H. O. White, P. A. Reed.
Bottom row Wra. A. L. Hamilton, J. Hanrahan, R. Southward. T. K. Co. J. F. Jenkins.
G. T. Edwards, Otto Smith, Geo. Poppo, B. Lain. Peter Erraler. Albert Berg-quist, W. E. Mace.
These are your fellow-citizens ; the men who produce the Gasco Briquets.
Every dollar you spend for Gasco Briquets is kept circulating in Portland. Every dollar
you send out of Oregon, or out of America, for other solid fuel is Just that much less for
these men.
Support Home Industries and thus protect your fellow-citizens in their occupation.
Phone Main 6500 or Automatic 562-74, or call at the Gas Office.
$2.00 -21P.
f -r r. vti -fA-v 1
risjcrr I
tmk sorrHwm
Journal Want Ads
1 J
roaxESLT Kiomr Al
Ts sHErAam auto srs itr
THE 31HK or
rfc Xala Mil
A. JALOrF, V fT,
Bring Results,