J -r ey. u feature page t . v - v yNr5ifV;V . r ' S 3 B , THEjJOrHiL, WUUM U.rmr. I, y ? r Sf- V- T : .. MX X jl V'f V" ''-v": ' . -'---. I H 'vOU Xixj NO 42. ' CITY EDITION ' ' PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY I . MORNING, JANUARY lg22LmGHT.:SECTIQNSt. Trt r;:- f-RICEPIVB-rCEWTS WQimCARE FILLS IMG POSTS IN mMI&SlWmmj xmBRD:STmKES' BA&K,- WEMMSI0MWMWM FOUR ACCEPT ttno iaiioG BONUS FROM ' CiNDIDATES OHINHTO ASll Si AUJO IlflHllFll ; ! SEATS IN NEW Fog BIanlce 0 North. --iT?- ' - ARE SLOW IN Plliliii ip- . nri-i- nnVFRNMFNT NIMBlf COMING OUI ZtDEIIIflS H. RECftLLOFFER 1 1 i i Lloyd George and New French Premier Holol Conference, but ; "Unable to Come to Agreement most place. Snow hu failed Intermlt- Tbe Dalles, Jan. 14. The ninth week or winter weather began today. Eight weeks sgo today the city was paralysed by the snow storm and the ground haa been white ever since, and In the up lands there Is still a toot of snow in tenUy erer since, and with the exception of seven days the temperature has been 'liberty loan Act forbids Such Gossip Has it That MayorB Use of Funds: if Bonus Is Vot- George Kelly, Sen. Patterson, 1 Issue Before oonterence, ue- 'ed, It Will Levy Direct Taxes. C. E. Gates Seek Governorship spite Opposition of 'Japanese. Two Statesmen! Will Not Meet point for the daily Sales Tax May Supply Funds; Re- McArthur May, HavteXom ' ' . .!! r i.i..-lmutv tti ba. ba imdera nnhiioane Toi FUrfinn Males with Manricfi CrumDacker and Vassal State and Assert Oues- Agaln Until Pincare Completes Cabinet TasWMay End Today. if By Webb KIDii tattod tfm Wuifl CorMponW rarls. Jam. It Tramler DeslcnaU Polneare toalfht aasounced he had defl lUty fUled tour pkees In bis cabinet which Is f replaos the fallen BrUnd tnlnlrtry, and that be expects to com plete the cbeoslnc e the government by tomorrow morning. Tbs places definitely filled are: ' ', H. bfanoury, minister of the Interior. X. Bartbou, minister of Justice, vtce president of the cabinet and bead of the administration of Alsace-Lorraine. M. Pe la Betyrle, bilnleter of finance. M. Maginot, minister of way and pen , stoas. ' ! A!t TO JOKE Uoyd Oeorge and; Polncare the one standing for a. snlted, reconstructed Kurope. the other f dr a Fteqch nation alist policy somewhat narrower met tonight U see what eovld be Saved from the wreck of the Canoes conference.- Th irwxtlng of the British premier and the rrench statesman, who probably will bead the next French government, 'was fraught wttb tremendous posslbUi- - ties. . A serious dinftgreement between ; th iw would tmfarU ail Europe. Uord aonrm aukd oiiware-.were in a - prrratw conference for tialf an hour at the British embaMy this evening. It .was announced thai beaause the pro yawl Polncare government bad not been ' formally established.: the French leader and the British premier were unable to erne to any dennits decisions. FATOES 1TAL CUT . The tws statesmen discussed various Franeo-British questions which are ponding. Including the proposed defen- sive part. Uoyd Oeorge. It was undr teod. found Polncare much less dls posed U agree with his (Uoyd George s) (OMMtadid ea Pase Vest. Celeste Thraa) This week the dtr has been under a fog blanket, with a freesing wind out of the northeast which has permitted no thawing at all. Numerous accidents have occurred from people falling upon the icy stdewalka. The snow has turned to a treacherous bard blue ice, which looks as thougtt it has coma to stay un til March. - Skating enthusiasts are Socking to the Columbia river sloughs which are safely frosea to a thickness of several inches. " - publicans Feel Elections Make Some Kind of Bonus Necessary. With Maurice Crumpacker and Walter Lynn Among Others. Vassal State and Assert Ques tion Has Effect on All World By David IawxsBCS Ooprricfcttd 1922. by The Joarnii. By Carl W Groat United Pna BtafX ' Washington, Jan. v 14. China wffl I mand of the Far Eastern conference the abrogation of Japan's tl deraanfli 115. :t ,. In " the face of manifest efforts o MAN KILLED BY sidetrack this issue, the delegation ; let j lit be known through an official state OREGON ELE CTRIC Mate Karaman Hit in Attempt to Cross in Front of Train at Capitol Hill ' - Out through the fog of uncertainty and conjecture which wraps . "Oregon's Washington, Jan. 14. All Idea that the J political situation round about, on por- American soldiers will be paid a bonus I tent gleams stronger and brighter as out of the proceeds of the allied w tta days go by: the fact that a newly debt may be abandoned. ' - : coordinated force of unknown scops and ' There win be bonus paid, hewever. J power la entering into all political cal but It win be raised by direct taxation, j cations and may be of compelling m President Harding announces tnav ne i bfore the Drimary and general I ment of Dr. Chung Hul Wang, delegate. favors the enactment or a Donua iaw gittona have oom,, fcni gne. tonight that the Chinese will not keep and that he will not oppose a. sales tax cjiaatea, for governor and for their peace on" this Issue. .-. as the method of raising the money, go, especially, are feeling 'its These demands. which China was Whether public sentiment will approve breath aDd touch, aU. or nearly all, forced to accept because of Japan's ulti- anotner tax unpoaiuea ';r"' I are hoping to take hold of this Invisible matums, virtually make China, a vaasaj matter, but wepuoucan JZZ hand and feel its drawing power. I state,, ber delegates claim.- . . - A1T50UKCE1IE5T8 EXPECTED "T .tea , t . , .. . their opposiUoa- to -diacuBsiom of their b- grated Patrio eties t deinaJld,wf . - r f .. America, that, in substance, is the offl- ,TT ----', ' clal designation of this new force which, "HAT. CHLSA WIU-UT like the waves of the wireless, is reach- The Chinese win place tham stjuarely i i. Muintiai to success in the fall elec tions that they put the measure uirous and they plan to do so within the next few weeks. OBSTACLES HATE ABISBK vstimii nhatsAles have arisen to pre vent the linking up of the1 bonus with I ti mwMd. or the amea war owu vw ia th fat that tne onsinai uioorur i i loan acts provided that any payments ing out. Into the highways and byways before the conference and -will say tn of the state, gathering the clans together substance, j for the batUe to be waged. How far This Is no mors a two-power affair, it reaches, or will reach. 4s a. guess ; how it affects the whole world. It shuts the .V1mM A Va whAv A imtafl .VUV mmmm 1 tW. 1 - II T r . mnnmw- mnf I "'i'pullJl . ww wA umi. ivmmiv UUW iUT . WIUU1 JVU WAJQ Vats Karaman. said to be a farmer of maae on me pwjii JYZ I counted' 1' wren but. tne nou-l have declared and for which the coai turdUfteruoon at Capitol Hill sta- ltly- P 7t r'' wbsu I mo5tl Chin virtually, vaawa stats. And tt - S j Secretary f War Putters Around, fni Asks Irrelevant Questons About Muscle Shoals, He Says.' Meanwhile Fertilizer Trust and Wall Street Deluge Congress With Lies, So Ford Declares. By Xsrbert W. Walker SOU LM m III erty loan bonds and . totest reon waHing. . i mI. limit, mrwkmn wm mi I . . uuu. . ,. oiona -artiifth hv been aiscnssea I " ,. -3 tw a ' tmntMl tn run across the Oregon iiiec- I " " r . -r. v,i w i muun lap ww,i wrs jiio x iuji w SittaclS in front of limited train No. ;S;S"SraS to .A.L , is. m-rthbound. from Busene. . r - 1 w ,v",uu : . , . niBi-H wbtd to kw uiwHbSH w w--- - Aocording - to tamw vy r new i - - - f -yon the lAh- erty loan tM of September 191T. hd the and fori ST i- tOnachxVvi ea. a man ana inree onuareu w WOuld compel the: federal government nessed the accident. PP.Y to kwoL the American people ently believed the limited to be No. . I iLY. ZnJTtyi taterest on the Liberty bonds, but the principal as weU.1 MUST' BAT BOKD, IHTEBBST a rnktien stind now." mnt hr most annuallr provide about $350,000,000 to pay Liberty bond holders is due them, wnere FH0 IS UNDER CONTROL the local, which iouows ue iniw closely and arrives In Portland 10 min utes later. Wright had about four pounds of air In his brakes to hold the heavy tram on th TnA ha Mid. a.nd had lust whistled to warn children playing near the track th-interest that when the man darted from the shadows Mid &ttMBDted to "beat" the train. He had just reached the tie ends when the train struck him. hurling him to the ground between the tracks, which run double at that point.- The force bent the iron handle on the front of the car. touches the 'equality of opportunity lor rore l en nations in cnina. - -: .- ; Having said this,: the Chmeaw VQt do what -they can Uo persuade th sthet poweiw- to take up ths . . Question ' hers and give relief.- : Japan will object 'to the consideration of this topic here, hold-1 ing It foreign to the business - ef the confsWncK v Indies ions are she will have British backing unless the British take a dlf-1 Waahlngtom; Jan, li Banry rord bare tonight struck bsA vigorously at the forees which have beM se iking to prw Ivent his acquisition of the great hfuscta - Shoals nitraut projeet. , lttt'"f th Tertniasr trsst," the I power and chamk-al interests ef Wan street.- ana ecrscary es war wwn. Ford left and Implied the uml that as would throw verboard bis lor tne. Muscle Shoals plant If a final setuanMBt , en the matter were oeiayea mncn longer , by "irraltvaat Question.- ana VT guv ameat agents -puaartag aiwwa.7 WXXX1 1L0W TO ACT -Aftss atz months ef eons Idwratles of oar offer. Secretary of Wax Weeks Is. ftffj asking what apar te sae as ralevant quesdoes and eelaytag Ctoal eK tl ant ea this saauer," Pord said. "We did. not want Muscle gsesis cor aamsn trpeeas in the nrsa ptaoa, uangea tt we oare very-saucn wnsxner e an I we get tt now."- - - Ta automooiis mauzsABrer-anappos the govern- News , Index J'a e,.L' t- J r"nnTfA 1 ferent course than they have pursued In dy. Sunday Journ Complete Inl pnta mmta. holding that a Eight- Sect Ions fc. Editorial - . Section 2, Pag 2- f " . -1 'J New Zealand Paper To Pay Cole Leader Damages for, Libel Colonel John Leader, who has been lec- Mevla. lriVondr2r Town." Suffers turlng for the EUllson-Whlte Chautauqua CAldf nonUBr IUWII OUIICIjln Atra,a Md Nw Zealand. recenUy $250,000 Damage? Wires Are te,iffaSS l Down j Reports Meager. ir.ZJSZr1. court granted him the privilege 01 uiciai is that monev secured? By the Income Ux, corporation tax, and all the, otjio' DUand i toi -- Gold Mineni -Btrik-feectJan 1. levies of the new revenue act. Keliezi p, 3. . . : : i - ; . HsUonal n : tOonclnted ea Pass ZScht, Obhnna Ponr) I Kevteny ' ToU ' Held Dunnetul Seetioa . 'Pate 1, t Aoxtria'l Premier I Prohibitionist Section Pace S. Biiby Beads Iirmtoek" Men Kectkm 1, Pace S. Ford Prion to Be Gat Sealion I. Pace 2. Police Find No One to Jasiuagi Soctioo 1 PaseS. WOMAN HOLDS UP BURCH VERDICT "treaty is a treaty." however made, and that "we must deal with facts, not dis appointments and. regrets." ' Meantime the final draft of the naval (Omchidsd on Page Povr, Ooloana. Pear) 'Gov. Olcott Urges Law and Order Be January 22 Topic 1 LUMBERMAN LOISG 1HAYS Vilt RES12H We didst make the gtrraraesent a selfish prepeeitton-A was aa Industrial , philanthropy which we emcres - as af ter casea ee eesire w gram aw he eentinsed. 'And yon can tost say that every time eecreury ef . War Weeks gets us down again to- set-- Oe trrelevas points ta this prvposiuoa hTl rt i vwm barganvThis Is net A poUUcal toAUer te be jockeyed and . toggled abooU-why dont be take or leave It Let him say ys er no ss he would to n .privs.buemess tnattor." . rord then charged that toe interests . I opposed te. him have deluged 00c gross with lies and iiilanpreesntetlnwa on this . proposition, and announced sis intention to -force them to prove their statements' before eommlUeee ef congress Be la Ut axzacn ea gov HorthWMt End Conference Section Jury Asks to Be Discharged Be cause of Deadlock but Judge Refuses. Gain to Beetcn Section 1, tmnas, Trias, Jan. 14 TJ. I The fire at Mexla, Texas, the "winder oil town." was nndr control tonight, 'with damage estimated at (350,000. according to meager reports reaching the Western Vnlon over a crippled wire. Earlier in the afternoon It was report ed that two whole blocks of the town bad been destroyed sad that the fire was 'anreadlng rapidly. Cenununieatlon with th taw a la voor. f Aiexla is the center of what Is credited 'with being the largest developed oil field Dm Mouthwest, Martial law was de clared there this week by Governor Ncff of Tax as. who sent stats troops and . Veaaa ran sera to Quell what waa dclared So towlaawnees as bad as that in the eld days ef Nome and the Ml gold camps. Ing to the weekly an apology which It was ordered to publish. The libel suit was ifiitinind after the weeaiy auc.ea Los Angeles, Cat, Jan. 14. (U. P- Falling to fix the guilt or Innocence of Colonel Leader, branding him as "ton- Arthur a Burch after 80 hours ddlbera- postor sna stating ne n in the BrlUsh army. Mrs. Leader said. Salem, Jan. 14. In an open letter to the people of Oregon today. Governor j Olcott, asks that Sunday, January 22, be observed as Taw and Order" Sun day at all meeting places and In the churches. , "The idea of this day," the governor I . . " . ! explained, "is- to bring more strongly commonwealths the sacredneen of our constitution and. our laws and parti cu-1 larly of our federal Constitution. I trust our people will pause on that day lane enough to give due consideration to the value and meaning ef oar Institu tions.' Wool Grower Pass 2. St&aiieki Hot Pase . , Orecoa Gtj'a Grand Old Man Couapeat Secbeo 1. Pace 6. , Caecfcimaii 1. Paco 10 Report- of Recent $15,000,000 Hammond Deal Revived; Party to Inspect Mill-Site. v Eailway Equipment Certificates Sold! Washington, Jan. 14. (I. N. S- The War Finance corporation announced to dar additional amies of railway equip ment trust certificates totalling $12. SMOO. The total amount of certifi cates sold by the government to date Is $1(0.017,700. Hon. the jury in the Kennedy murder trial was ordered to cease debate and retire at 10 o'clock tonight. The Jurors were locked in quarters re served for them at a local hotel. They, were notified by Judge Sidney Morm Broa. Ma Portland Tooth Arreated Section 1, Fac 10. Water, Bights Sought Section 1. Page 11. Giffiam County te Aid 'Highway Section 1 Pace 11. Bojr Baca Bear Section 1. Pace 11. Cooperation an Highway law Asked Sectioa 1 Paca 13. 1 Latneld College Gains Section 1, Page 13 Portland CeaaetiT AwociaUoo : to Meet Section Pace 3. Todd Cue to Be Tried Becnoa 1. Pag . Payment Section 1. Page I bitter i' tope 'and -wests. 'Oetaartnc tnax ne oflerlng the goveramanc more sau- , . a- v. Postmaster Qeneral Accepts High- Salaried Position; Successor :u Discussed. " Boys 8L Francis Section -Section 1, HawaiiansMoumDeadPrince at -t H H H t Splendor to Mark His Burial N. Keeve tnai ne wouia receive a ver-1 tjt. 1,, diet irom tnem at any ume tomorrow, i . 3. He had previously refused a request to 1 Ctnreh Federation Qeets SecreUry discharge the Jury. A hopeless dead-1 Pace S. lock, however, was forecast. The count I Hardware Mea to Meet Section 1. Page - was ssid to stand 11 to 1 for conviction. I loo Company Salt Dismissed Section 1. Page 6. Burch is accused as the Perpetrator 1 Knltaomah Chn Team Defeated Section 1.- of the "death trap" murder at Beverly I Pace e. Glen, which cost the life of John Bolton I "Clean-op" Week Set Section 1. Page . Kennedv. I Work of Late Artist oa Exhibit Section 1. WOMAK TOU DEWKTBAITT 1 Ch rlTBldln, HaTlad-6 U T T. Mrs. Eva DeMott, one of the 10 women I coatsnmity Cheat Woraera Ttainhw Section 1, Jurors, was said to be tne one who was I pM, g holding out Mrs. PeMott throughout I hnproronenU to Be Postponed Section 1. the trial, by her questions, evinced sym- i p g. P thy for Burch. - 1 Ltbrarf Staff Chanced Section 1. Page 8. Interest in the reported sale of prop erty of the Hammond Lumber eompany In Oregon and California to the Long- Bell Lumber company of Kansas City for $15,000,000 was stimulated Saturday by the announcement that R. A. Long, aeoomsanled bp a party ef officials of the Long-Bell eompany. would arrive (N1 HAft AAA a. n il nere- eany nunoay norum. S 1.8 00.0 00 tO Get h0 th6 made at the Hi XU J WjV J J V f A J vi hotel jj ( 'was reported that Lone and his associates were en their ay to Kelso. Waah to Inspect went aider way on a new lumber mm and V By atayniend Ctopptf ' - TJaitad Pre Staff Washington, Jan. 14. Will H. Hays tonight announced his. Intention to re sign an postmaster general and become the Judge Landls of the motion picture Industry, Hays probably win leave -tne cabinet on or before March 4. His. resignation will . formally be handed to the presi dent, who has agreed to accept It as be executes his contract. An the details ef Hays new lob have .. . m I flflt BMB Mil !!! DU L D. 171 uutuij WU Chicago. Jan. 14. TJ. P.) Mrs. Edith townstte on tne norm nana ot i - - -- lmnnrtD. Muri-a whlrh Rockefeller MoCormick. former wife of tombln river at the nontn 01 ine uow- --TJT ' . .Ln,,,. i .Mrs. McCormick Pays , $1,800,000 to Get Old Family Mansion s Aaarmatrr of P. S. O. Section 1, Pace 10. Story of Oregon to Be Told Sectioa 1. Paca 10. Honolulu. T. II, Jan. 14. fO. P.V Thousands are gathering here today, tor .the funeral ef Frtnee Knhlo Kalanl anaole, ' delegate te congress from Ha- V When rrinceKnhio Is buried here to rn orrew the last of Hawaii an royalty will be tn Its grave, A great stote funeral eomprlstng en edd mixture ef the 'old end the new; Che democreUe and the aristocratic : paa-anlan and Christian rites, with the end note ef Hawaiian romance fast dying dominating It all, will mark the . burial ef the link between moearehlal Hawaii of the old ind Hawaii ef to day. . HIGH OFFICIALS TO ATTX5D High navy, armyasd ervQ offlciaU will attend Sunday's ' oat emool ea rwb , hi ng elbows with the natives who re ' knembered Kuhle as the gay prince who belpwd make the (rye4 paJaoe end the t royal notei pieces onunioia gaiety. .'' rourteea , high chiefs among, the na- tlvea will set as pegbearere. Since the death of Kuhlo a week ago the body has been lying In state at Kawalahae church, surrounded by the symbols of ancient and royal splendor. Priceless feather -kahin and -laou sticks" to drive away evil spirits, and feather cloaks of resplendent colors sur round the casket which lies on a cloth ef royal purple on , a background of red and yellow.: WATCH MLS XTXT GTJABJ) Watchers keep guard day and night over the casket, changing hourly. AH day today n constant stream of people mostly native Hawallans passed through the etjUrch. chanting and walling the last tribute or a dying race to Its last-leader of royal blood. At midnight ' tonight n great torch light proceastoir will remove the body from the church to the throne room of the royal palace, la accordance with the eld custom last performed when Queen Lntukolanl died some five years ago.. It wCl remain at the palace tutu re moved to the mausolemm. there to rest with the ether royal dead of Hawaii, Sectioa 4. Page 8. oalneat Mewa Real Batata and Baudinc Section S, Page Markets Section S. Pace It. Finance Sectioa 3, Page 12. MarhM Sectios 1, Page IS. Automotive Section , Pagas 1-4. Oa the rtnar SMe The Week is Society Sectioa e. Pages UdmI Oab attain Beettoa 4. Page . The little defendant nervously paced his cell throughout the afternoon; His round face was frequently wreathed in smiles, however, and aside from , show ing himself to be under, tension, he did not appear apprenensive. . His father, Rev. William X Burch, heavy-eyed from sleepless nights, re mained close to Arthur. - Madalynne Obenchaln plainly showed the strain which the Burch crisis Is re flecting upon her. She is under indict ment with Burch tn connection with the same murder. LED BT WOaaH ' According to the state's theory as re-1 The Realm of Msalo Section S. Page 3. la ted to the Burch Jury. Mrs. Obenchaln 1 Trauma! Sectioa . page 1 led her sweetheart. Bel ton Kennedy. whoee love she feared she was losing. I In ForUaod Into a trap , at lonely Beverly Glen. where Burch shot him from ambush. The murder was committed between 9 o'clock and midnight August S, 1I2L on a night or steps leaning rrora tne Beverly canyon road -to Kennedy's sum mer house in the glen. Mrs. Obenchaln said that she and Kennedy were mounting the steps when two phantom-like figures clothed in ran anoeared without warnine. shot Kennedy through the head and faded I back into the dark. At p. re. the Jury -went to dinner. Deliberations wlU be resumed at T :S4 o'clock. HitnM VfrV-tnf-V tutad of the Inter-1 UtA. national Harvester company, today pur-1 The Long-Bell company nee large rhtmri th 1 -ale. Yornt home. The nm I boldlnxn of timber tn the CowUts vSJley Involved was said to have amounted to I and toe mill .under way near iune win 1 tnn AAA I have a dallv canacttv OI LOogLUoe seea. ...vwuu, - , . t Mrs. McCormick. It Is said, win con-ITne company aiau iww-w mw- .v. i.to . vhnd trw tM I matotv SOOO acres ox lane xor a lowneiia teaching of synthetic psychology. ("JL.T1 we!r f m '"i "T" the Columbia. Proposed dockage harbor faciUUes tor the new plant enhanced by the purchase last week of a large area of tldolandg from the state of Waahrnrton. Reported sale of the Hsmtnand hold ings In Oregon and cauiornia ts LonoBen company. , published en J narr X. were denied at that time by etfi- 14 m. P I The I dais of the two oompeniee. It U under- all the producers and distributors will be asked to follow. Hays salary will Jump from the $12. 000 mark of . cabinet officer, to ap- nravlmatalv $147,000. . TtUS Will leave jum m on manna wnvn taxes ana outer eipeneoe etr paw about $100,000. His contract Italy, France and f i e t v e Britain itecognize Obregon, Is Report la to run anal Wobd AlcoM Fomid ' In Seized .Iiiqnor; : Mens' Bonds liaised; . - , -; V "V .. , Dkacevery by government ehrTSlsto Saturday of traces or wood sjconot in . Uqvor eemed from Anton Morris and Mike Borith eeneea Aana.m wauw States Attorney rVgel to tocreane their . ban to $1000 each, Morris, proprietor' of a north end soft drinn stano. rnr nlshed his bond. Sortth. who is alleged ' to have aeen an agest lor Morns, ooom -not furnish bond. Aooordtng to federal agents wno rao- ; ed tne place, and who say they have , (rarchaaed Uquor Sortth enmea -a, .notue . In his hip pocket ..that he produced , henever Morris encored n customer. Butchers' Walkout; - Is OfficiaUy Off New Terk. Jan. 14V TJ. P- The six ' New Terk meat pecking firme agatoet which a strike was caned Deoember 10 have been notified, by the district council of the smalra meted American Meal Cottars A B nickers that the , walewet has been, officially declared eff. ft wes . announced here tonight, workers were sffeited TP..I.U t Tarn u... ,ku tMiirki Kill hfamaih- atota . that engineers of the -Long-Bell tJI - onnv that RlUaln. 1 OnnnMIT ! nCBUUT ! ubvs uu.. vreauanuviM euu vutw wmmir mood mills and timber tracts la Oregon and California and persistent from apparently an then tic sources Indi cate aa early consummation ef the sale. j The Long-Ben Lumber company le one of the strongest factors In the South-! em pine lumber industry and the rapid exnennuoa oa umoaw . an ubbi ovauwe states has forced the concern to new sources of supply In. the Northwest. GhildrenAidTroubledMother Theft orbVB Ttirs France and Italy - had recognised the i Obregon government of Mexico. Manuel C Telle, secretary or the em- I bassy, however, said that be haa as yet received nothing official Cram tne .Mex ican foreign office. . , Sectios ?. Paget 4-T. 8. Pagas 1-4. Poatex. by Bueai Beettoa T. Pase l. I-Tbo Peaoa. hy Bay ties . Page J. " " I Ring Lantnert Letlar Setkw e. : I Sonthern Parliament Approves Treaty Government Seeks to' Eecover $7,5000,000 of Trooble . Paaw . flaetioa . Page a. By Hnyden Talbot - Ttnl 1 Sm.Iim Stafl Oorra. Dublin. Jan. 1. In less than an boor I this -morning the Southern -perlism ant " IV. Trlah li.lhr, .-- KHM AT it. ViWiVnarrf vu.-nrawBL- m fhal WSSTimgrtOn. Jan. 1 V- ra. 1 - - - Ik. Vanha liwn Hill I 111 li a I ml UW WWW th. nnvwxiiiin. The atreeto at Pub-1 between the to vera ment and the Dayton- After their mether bad been' driven -to stoaL ft as from the TJnltad States gee- it to help out on tne mauNae .nsed by. the Ulnees ec nw paralytle husband wntcn ner meagra salary of $11 .a .week would not cover. had been anesteo inereuw-. um thraa adult chUdren of Mrs. rrances Krum rallied- to" her aatstanne Satur- eay. , . - - - tb' damrhter are tanmea ana a w.i,. . b, inrtlana. .- xne nan vto - a i and soo-tn-Uw said, She was serf-: faring free n nervene Shock and was T. Pagas 1-S- lin vera thronged tonight with Interested Wright Airplane Co. I -k ttw. . nmaiBin I 4th a view to leoevi I m www " . - vi.w aa (bdiIb ft auas I tne goearanant waa nm hi 'Holyhead. : . ; depeotment of Jnstioe today. The children would not permit leeve- antatrven of The journal tn see aarav r ' B.imtif aftneoat when thCT 8-) ilLtuj rh. ejnv little bMM to Monto- vfXa which was an that kept out et tail the toother Who had been obliged 1 . . l a ..a . mm m ea. .aaawarw at nAOteee w tW icniu . - Mtoffua baUdtnar. . Nobody should see their young men sned .tears as taey they could net Tanderstand wnat thatr mother Xa. Oe - seen a tbtog, and one upbraided the govern ment for paying such smaa ealariee. - -Didn't , either ec yea anew ywur caother waa ta such dJTVtia rmanclsi straiur was asked. 7to. wept the ansa. . She never teas anyone ber trablee," -We tot end to ee everytnmc nac wv can te help ber eat eC this.- declared tba aoa, : ' ' - A. Wg siilieawiUle was standing- to front ed the tiny bowse, from which a weS greawad young woman had gvttea eat and had goae erooad te deer Jaws, before Tne Journal tanve arrived. g '. - ? ; . 'HER OWN I-W AY." , an Ensasins Romanes - Av CHAPTER! . A . DAY':.- - in .Th'e JoCTiiai -Begmnmg-TOMORROW'