FRIDAY. JANUARY 13, 1B22L FlflOTOPPOSED; Fitin OPED DISLIKED GMETHQD Pendleton, wilt dorlve noma Itaaineaa a4a wiMtinr tba. fair, bat the ta a seoefal f eeUn that tills boninoaa win b paruy or wowv fact omen local money irura iui tion will bo apent to Portland, thus tak tnr It out of circulation la Eastern Ore- ffon. XZZ9 KOAD M03TET "Th road anblect la one of intenM vaata, nrtfML Umatilla ta kaaa nllM of roada and WUUW aww"W not nor than 200 jtnllen have been per- i imnsM4 Ti need of more road wont la urgent ana u mumuvu the nam all over Eaatern Oregon, County and atata funds are virtually ex hausted and there la consequently great Interest In the distribution of the federal road money. The money available will not suffice to carry out 10 per cent of the wont that is neeoea. "Under such conditions people are in wpm ... aaa anv nt this moner wasted on protect In which Eastern Oreg-on has . . . A 1 1 A 1 . l. AM no interest, uur peopie iesi mai. irmmtmry rtrmn'm nuou or federal money la allotted their wishes should be given consideration. Ii nnnruiTW nnnwo LUHbtVlll UKUWd THE rittttOON-. DAILY. JOURNAL PORTUIN1X OREGON. That lUstern Orern Bt eVP" a'nrlnetnU to the proposed exposiuon In Portland In IMS. but that It opposes the idea of calling- upon the state at large to finance what Is to the people . of that district a Portland undertaking, 7 .. .i V n Aldrteh. aXll- tor of the Pendleton East Oregonlan. .n.. i- .knuM ha financed by pertlaad alone, Aldrlch declared to be .... . i. fa at am Orecon. ana . . w . w ta wmiM vladlv aooro- prists funds to erect a creditable build-ins- and provide an t.hlblt of Oregon uxuturta and Orecon Industries. dava tn Portland ten his wsy to the editors' conference at Eugene. TOt II LAWMAKERS .1 Jan. 13. A special . 4t I . . , -Kaaldents of uroauna couuij, ""train of ZS cars oi came ana wp -n extrersoly few escepuons r wni Dere Thursday tor tjamornia pom is. xue and unitedly back of the 14 senators who gteerB brought cents, considered here a staadfastly opposed the plan for a top pct at present. The shippers were ' 1 noa.OOO stste tax for the 125 exposi- (n,arl. Drew, Fred Stukel and Louis Don." Aldrlch said, iso returning ... --1 rrber ... - -a mora avlalm 1 Hint " " , . . than was H-nator Roy IMn-r, president .w. An raachlnc Pendleton W L II, following the close of the session. i a public bssquet in honor of Senator Vila ... W. aaaa vlanrOualV Indorsed Dy luimi n. w i j . mm nmfaa.onal men HHin UU.IH... i..., . and farmers without reference to ParU aanahln or factionalism. ReporU from Trainload of Stock ' Is Shipped South IN STATE; HEALTH GOOD PAST YEAR System Is Scored; S. P. Agent Talks Uses Gun to Take Shirt From Guest Tan 11 After feeding and eiT- sanshln or factionalism. i . -- , , - . - , p"OTn,F . . . i.jlhI, I., w I A . am whn claimed tn he ik. aaatarn Section 01 uie siaia niuni iu wu . that similar inaoriemeni nm wrn i u j the other Fstem Oregon senators. Those the Pendleton round-up, Dan M. Jones, who. may thins .""- : r-. ;h: these senators ami m -""'"" i " - " . , z - , - reuse of their action on the fair meas- ungrateful man the morning following a-ranita.' I hi rest snd nourishment. ."There is on ine pari oi """.1 rounly residents no feeling of dislike LIBRARY BOARD ELECTS for Portlsnd. nor any aesire w Freewater, Jan. 1J Mrs. Earl & or. small. There ls simply a difference R waB elected chairman of the Free- f opinion as to how ine .a.r , library board. Uklng the place financed. Most persons believe that wfMr8 K d. Mason, resigned. Mrs. Und should finance the expoalt on. but or rs. .mb,r of nty masy think It v.ould be right ana proper - - wa, eIected a new mem- for ths state to make a "'"-' w Mrs. Howard Evans was reelected pronrlatlon for an Oregon building. I ber. f. Farta of Eastern uregon. muuuun Longevity Is on the increase In Ore- eon and the health, of the people of the atate has been especially good during the past year, according to the mortat- itv records of the Oregon Life Inaur ance com oan T. Total death, claims paid during 1921 amounted! to $58,000, 27 per cent of the expected losses, and the low est death record in the history of the company. The figures were presented In the an nual report of A. L Mills, president of the Oregon Life, at the sixteenth an nual sales conference of the company In ih. Tvminan imm ( the Benson hotel - rr TAr,t inmrinM in force at llluiaiBj. --" ' the end of the year amounted to SZ6,- 510,000. compared with 3.ouu,uw i i end of the previous year, according to 4V aaaaauo O tfftT HI 1 fit" tJtJllI lnJ mo w.w - - .,, (Win Increased from z,ii.wv w durine The year. Though the year 1921 was character t ,v. i.w .hh nf a np.riod of fln- lacvt a uu " " , anclal depression, policies jssuea i j ...ii n s 1S4.000. compared .i.v. s o-e iun iiirlna- 1320. Which was IU1 fiwivww " . the record year In the company's his- tory. a decrease oi oniy i per wcuw pared with a loss oi zu " v ' ter condiUon were predicted by the pres ident for 1933. , As a birthday present to Pi861" Mills, who will be 64 years old Friday, the salesmen of the organisation pre sented him with 84 poUcies aggregating 1128.750. written during the past lew days. The sales conlerence wui Friday night, adoui ","" their wives are in atienoance. J. H- Mulchay. general freight agent of th e Southern I-acinc company; urged members of the Portland Industrial traffic club, at its weekly luncheon in tha Orecon erill Thursday, to take the initiative in seeing that equitable freight rates are put in effect and that the spirit of fairness be developed between indus tries, localities and states. He warned 4V.. .1,,K avafnat rata.m&iknr bY Commis sions, holding that the Interstate com merce commission should be the sole "You have the power to overcome an unfavorable rate by communicating your troubles to your represenuvea a con gress and to the interstate commerce commission." Mulchay said. "It is for you to use that power. m Kresheara. Thursday night, was .lai of manslaughter for the slay ing of Joe Brigga la a quarrel over some .nniaa at Ttresbears' rancn en oiumo .innrh. The Jury recommenaea tnat Bresheara be paroled, but this recom- Unl afwit and later aa a Sautban oaiac. r.Tiii Ama?. Ha arraaHaai i.ti. ii. . mm i lif rVa and i.,u ... -Mit af Anfmnillnr a local boteV keeper oat oi severaj oayw louging. i- . Vak-aM III 111 1,IW1 -ITini MXa V mXKjEr noon by IL P. Swetlaad. deputy United States mars mo. Portland Students In Political Eace PnHQT HDTI11CDV I1HHF0RIIRWT rwport. Or. Jam, 11 Sixty attended th annual bosioeas meeting At seauie ocnooi nesday cveainc. i Major Getthstedt ad- . .. !. . . Ka ortaaea tne cius in um latuuav Temperature Nine . .a . 1 Below at Ulamatn xri.matv, TiVitia. Jan. IS. A temnera- is dea-reea below aero has caused the upper end of Klamath lake to freeze ever, bringing to an ena ior tne winter tne diking of a large area or tnaian lands by the California-Oregon Power company. The thermometer here yester- mAminii registered a aecrrees oeiow Tern 16 deCTees colder than was re corded any day last winter. . . ... - I Tvi-i mainii, MMa artltlarv. located Bresheara be paroled, out tnia room- i University of waanington. seatue. ju. - - i " " . .. . - mmIm mi.h action I, ir hav.. ..j rn,n. Hnwe.n. both I here. The club went on record la aup- menaauon ww vv"- - I wj i . niiM tv.a iaw the court I. nn. .1.11 tnr atndantl port' of the CMxanlsation in any way may disregard the recommendation. Sen- offices at an all university lpo""b furher IU "Towth and tenee will be pronounced later. I -emoiy ai me uniTtraij 1 The iury returned to the courtroom Thursday afternoon. Miss Boyer was Secretary DWktnsofi reviewed tne afM7d SUn out a short time, as- nominated for secnr of the indent acbvement. of the club duHnflM WXtr representauv on the board I -rnr,VaT duar" mi ImpoV the courtroom, fainted. I Miss Boyer is prominent in f 7: commission form of city government for o the Judge's chambers work. She was a member 'h"aeM Newport. Leading dUaens from dlffer ni.riTd Her committee In chsrge of building the nf the cltv heartily tn-1 Pupils of rrench v -.vUlass Jintertainea aataaWM- lu. 1 TIm yitatch claM Ct thar-Artlngtoa nigh achool. cnwalstlnC at -aveai finm ana seven poya. Lata aloaiagwe, reu tut. Strode. Aedra l-wortb, Beverly Iwas. Gladys) West, joaa MixMnnay, wa Douglas, Martoa vvaauerxora. mw - .mi Rnat and RaT HakeT. aaaer'Mlas BealrVta. Toran, wvre gweata at th bome OI a IW n caiaeritarw. Wednesday evening. WUUara EUertaea. Arlington nign acnoot tuwue q-cm was honor guest. Newport. Or.. Jan. !. Leeur Martin has received the appointment of deputy f ct ha"d bn r I w c a tant of which was the adoption of a I collector of r CU ears, who was In the urm. fainted. , a member of the ".tude,t I ?J ?"".r.Z I T. a "rooT l-" Hi She was earned to tne Juag-a coa ---- --- f buljdln. thel"rT.rra !T. t..7 7 I kMitirr Martin has taken an active, and later In th. evening recover r" , " r. tro. She has also e" J "".I Zr"'7 county and stau politics for a-"- - - - I 11 1 nail 1 v n as b"it w i m ana avr ptbletil. bliiu 1 a - been active in rnpua comvee tXpresslon Of the members of the 1 Deputy Collector of Customs Appointea composure. Prisoner Accused On Several Counts She belongs to HosebUrg. Jan. 13. George Grant, who was arrested here some time ago on .him nf imnemnnatinK an officer. 1 1 v v.". aw - . w was Thursday bound over to the federal grand Jury by United States Commis sioner jonea. vaum dc.. .1 " - - -- m weeks ago, first passing himself off aa a I place Wednesday. January 1 debate work. Vata IftmrltT. Miss Howell haa been a member of the staff of the university dally for three years. She Is president 01 km uoraino. women s honorary dramatic soroniy, anu is society editor of the 1932 Tyee, student a. v.v Sh haa been nromlnent in Miin'i leaa-ue work and is a member Af the lunior nrom committee. She is atriiiataii with Pi Reta Phi sorority. TVia atiirlent election, nominations for a.hlch were made Thursday, will take several years. HOKSB FALLS OS RIDER n.w.. Ian 11. James Coleman was peverely Injured while riding an unmy horse Tuesday. The animal reared and fell backwards on nun. ET8 1CT BVTH Cottage Grove. Or.. Jan. IL Albert i..n f.n fai under the flame lesdin? a n'avlirfi aawmlll and was deluged ins uoara ui uuwa ...... . . - .i, , year. The Newport quartet aang. "It s a with Ice cold water. He -as badly Darn Good Town for the Shape It's In." I bruised. . rv.,.. 1 tne expression ei vne meroorra 01 um I ... I Jl . . .a... I. alll W. . A .....l at the next election. With a deep water, channel to tne oceanln eight. I a committee was ap pointed to work In conjunction with the port commissioners' to acquire mill ing sites near the city for Industries now seeking locations here. nArm Wllmt A. T. Thomaa. C C Presley and Dr.; Forbes were elected on the board 01 directors tor ui ensamg .nnnw rnMPITT ELCCTS IfiLIlI HWl w uwawoter. Jan. 13. The Pleasant View Telephone company elected offi cers and directors Tuesday w President. R. E. Heskett ; eecretary easuTer. rscr Walters ; directors, Walter Vanderahe and John Foater. r 1 r j. r...:.:..1 A M4!tnr!nni Tnmnrrnw T7vrinin?T Harmonious Choruses, Was e Earner I 1 " " " " EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EVERY ART IChicolate Walnut Fudge, Lb. Box 19c I Freshly made in our own fac- I tory. .' No deliveries. I Main and Nlnfc Floors, I Basement Balcony. ! THERE'S III I at I " Eveiytliing in the Downstairs Store Reduced Oar own lower prices are still farther reduced NOW. Downstair- Store, Basement Balcony. Money Saved Is Money Earned? ICED I MONEY WITHIN YOUR GRASP You Get It Simply by Getting Your Share of the Most Liberal Outpouring of Economies Featuring Meier & Frank's Greatest of All Clearance Sales Now Sweeping Through Every One of the Store's 100 Departments v- and salaried workers, until lately, have lacked -the money-making advantages of Investment. But all this has been changed. There is a new order of things. Now, everybody, no matter how small their salary or wages, can invest and receive cash dividends from their savings. PORTLAND GAS & COKE CO. has worked out a way for you to enjoy all the privileges, advantages and benefits of invest ment Our Plan, while new to many, is not untried and untested. By means of it hundreds of local people have become partners in this business. They bought shares in the company by paying a little at a time out of their earnings. Lots of these investors had nothing coming in but their wages at the end of the week. Now, with the income from the money they invested, they are able to provide many comforts and luxuries for their families and themselves which they could not have afforded otherwise. Why don't YOU become an Investor? Gome in and talk the matted over with us. 0" y?u so, a representative of the Company will be glad to call upon you and answer any questions you d like to ask. Use the coupon below; it is for your convenience. e (CONTRACT MNES AND GROCERIES EXCEPTED) Buy! r Supply All Personal and Home Needs at Substantial Savings From the Northwest's Greatest Stocks of Quality Merchandise Now! All Suits Now on Sale at $ Sampeck and other standard, makes. Entire stocks ia these three groups. Third Floor. Overcoats Now on Sale at $101 $18 AH are peafly reduced. Sizes to 17 years. Fur collared coats are S16.50 to $26.65. Third Floor. All Manhattan Shirts Less 33 Now 1.6S to $4.65 lor refute $2.50 to $7.50 shirts of this fa mous make. Main Floor. All Suits and Overcoats ETerytUnt la our stocks includ ing new Society Brand and Adler Rochester cirments. Third Floor. Store Hoars 9:15 to S:4S MaH Order Filled Gas Portland & Coke Co. r , INFORMATION COUPON (Without OblicabOB) if a .- M.Va rhmn-na. roruana was ot w - j , n Investment Dept. Gasco Bufldint, Portland, Ore. . . :n..tMtj KnnVlat rantiinfnr ti'S 1 Iriease sena me muu -------- j - r More Inforrnatiorf about your Preferred Stock, (2) I Details, of Easy Plyment Plan, (3) How to Judje an Investment. . j .....M-.,M.,MaM-aaaaa-maiaaWwaaaw k OUR WINDOWS TELL THE STORY OUR WINDOWS TELL THE STORY jName .......i, ddres$. in : ur m"iJ 4 i -r . ' . t A Baaiatoaa wkkk of KwCwaalty ia P