Tuesday, JANUARY 10, 1S22. THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL,- PORTLAND. OREGOr 11 BRINGING UP FATHER XJ. sV rataa Omae.) By. George McManus . 'AX 1 1 H M' A r- Wis Mill f tit - .J, . .. - I7A fx A A w y Minn its- lT..OLAfCEr ,nlu!onUy at bar aod AA dins; spouao from time to tint until his hanging head and -tbe rythmio na dolatlone ef hla cheat rm4 that be had surrenders to u warm soUce-of ib t lhborln back log. .Then she slipped evening paper from hla unheeding re, SdJUSUd be Spec and Battled herself to fM4 the new. -w'' ."C "C11 la a llttla walls with true feminine regard for bar UBt lt ''' . y'fph''" T. Pmt responded eompan- s iI OITW "wWer nd 1st tt oaf still tower opwn, i' , "T!lr? Jn't many vice presidents f.a u U that trouble- Ma -.lJ,.,0,'bly' T nuit have a ! l Mrt for Portland." mJtP!J.U, ?r thn" T. Paw mam. It?- " romfortaole." v?v.r" " t aim. "What're tlhlng about r , fcS T. Par muttered. "i,"1 tt 'ad let roe be." . up" oommended. ."I ain't ! T Hi this bouse aJone ail r :nd then Mt -ad listen to 70a 1mp , ail evening." , TP"-, tsuader" T. Paer groaned. . 1.".!.." '' e If you ta K wl y want .'"f,1- kPn horn cbaarfoL" lla rctortad, "If all ta thaaka " f 'f anoraa from supper 'til "All Hht " T Pa.. V , , V" k, bl nd talk your "No, than you." Ma raplUd politely, Bhe retUTtied 'tO har UMr In iHrnl- fled alleace. T. Paar waited ezpecULnUy w m-ni ninuiea. men be filled bta . plpa, whlatllnr to blmaelf In a tad. miner key the wblle. Tbea be srlnned slyly w mm u. "Darlla'-I am rewln' eld," be In toned toulfullr. "aUver threada-." "Nobedr'd know It from the way you , act." M tnurrupted telly. TTou act , like a spoiled kid." "It aeema like re" botUd In wron " T. Paer answered humbly. "What was ' yen sarin about Calrlnr , "Woat'i' the us of reveatlnt ttr Ma answered caustically. "Ton ain't lnter eeted- . "I m all ears." T. Paer assured her. Yad all ef "im are yourn." 3 "WelL Ill a&M fi.r.t. v. Uttle, "I was Just saying it was awful uoa in the rice president to send that book to the CUy dub." Wbat bookf ielj .v t -- &ad n chance to read too paper this ev. '"V omlnourty. : Wnat book?" T. P- nnuii lly. 1 ain't beard about it" . "Why." Ill Mb. ... book 'Have Faith in m.... 1 - werawiaUUenlMel aV the club with his oompUments." f.uZ?1 w bnneo want to have raita In Maaamcbnaotta n- n rmcr - - wvueu w w lu ineir own noma state." f oon t know what bis Idea was." Ma canfasasd. "hn h. - - "tvtfl n ute www vmce uiat b was aendln' it In mtTOory or wall la McCamant." "In Bwmorr of hlmf t r. v. . led, "Doe Calvin think Wallie's a dead "Ha aava Waiiu . Clusen of Orea-on. r i people don't usually aay them things kAMt akKH.AJ a. . . . v wijruway ui aster tneyre dead." , guess that ain't it," T. Paer said twtiBjauuuy. -1 got a bunch it s a apner meeaage." "Cipher message V Ma repeated dully 'HOW could It ha a. nlnhor "Well," T. Paer dUgramed, "Wallie's waltln to be appointed federal judge, Kin 1 Bar Tea." Ma admitted, "they say he wants to be one awful bad." "Hd." T. Paer progressed, "he's bankln' a lot on Calvin to land the too xor mm, because he made that speech ai umcago. aurt ner "That's what Ihey say," Ma agreed, "but where does the book come in? - "rra geuin' to that," T. Paer assured her. "Calvin's from Massachusetts, am 1 oar "He is,"-Ma answered, "do on." "Well, then." T. Paer ooncludwl trl. umphantly, "What do you 'spose 'Have r wu La jaaaaacnusetty means to Wal lleT" "I ret you," Ma exclaimed admiringly "Calvin's pretty slick, ain't her "He makes no promises." T; "Paer pointed, out, "but Just sort of winks at "The Bible says," Ma piously remind ed him, "that falthll move mountains.'1 "It'll do more'n that In politics,"' T, Paer (Tinned, "sometimes." .r By Tkerstes W, Barftts WW Water- aaMng. aotaias sabw; Waue bakUMB. attaa ateeh abtalaa, ' Old Has Ooreta. LONO ago Old Man Coyote learned ' the truth of this. AX the same Urns be learned that while be who ventures nothing rains nothing, be loses nothing ; but be who is overbold may lose every thing. 80, though Old Man Coyote is very bold at times, he la never reckless; . be makes sure that he hasn't overlooked anything. At least, he tries to make sure of this so that tbe chances may be in ble favor and not atramet him. II was a bold thing for turn to burrow under that stack of straw in Farmer Brown's barnyard and plan to stay there Tee sir, that was a bold thing to do. But he knew that no one would ever thtnk of hiding so near. Now, as be lay there peeping out, be was tempted to do another bold thing, Just a little way from him was a basket. Farmer Brown's Boy had taken It from a sltlgh snd set It down there while be and Farmer Brown unhitched tbe horse and put Mm in the barn. Betfe were Inside tbo bam wow. Old Man Coyote was tempted to find out what was in that basket. - He looked over, to the house. No one was .to be seen there. Bowser the Hound was not about It would take less than a minute to slip over to that basket, find out what was tn It and slip back under that stack of straw. Old Man Coyote hesitated only long enough for one more look about to make sure that there was no one to see him. Then he crept out and swiftly stole over to that basket. A moment later be was back under that stack of straw. - Hardly was he out of sight when Farmer Brown's Boy and Farmer Brown eame out of tbe barn. Farmer Brown's Boy picked up the basket and they went over to the house. When the door Was opened' Bowser the Hound met them with wagging tall. "Here are the groceries and things ye wasted from the store," said Farmer Brown's Boy as he put the basket 00 the table. Mrs. Brown at once began to unpack it "Whore Is the meat for dinner T" she asked as .she took, out the last park axe "Why. it Is there, for I put tt In there seyseJt." said Farmer Brown, looking very in oca surprised at tbe question. Mrs. Brewn shook bar bead. "It .isn't here, said ' sbev oooe mora going over tbo packages, Fat-map Brown eame over and went everything himself, and such The Mystery of the Basket Then bo crept out and swiftly stole over to that basket. fanny, pussled look as there was on hla lace wnen be couldn't find that meat! "t know I put it in that basket. It waa the very last, thing, and J put it, right on top," said he. "It must have Jounced off on the way home and we dldnt notice It Son, run out to the steica; guess you will find it there." Farmer Brown's Boy ran out to the sleigh and looked and looked. He hv out the robes. There was no sign of that iwcaage 01 meat, lie even went Into the barn and looked there, thinking his father might have taken It In there and forgotten about It When he returned"1 to the house and reported that that meat wasn't to be lounu. jrarmer Brown went to the tele phone and called un the mark he had bought that meat to see If, after eu, ns naa it 11 there. When he hung op he looked more puxxled than ever The market man says It Isn't there," said he. "He says he aaw me put tt In tbo basket Just as 1 told von 1 axa Where was Bowser walls we were un- narnessmgr no demanded with sudden suspicion. "Rlcht hers In the house all the time," replied Mrs. Brown promptly. "He met you at the door when you came In. You ean't blame Bowser for that loot meat" Farmer Brown shook hla bead. "Then 'V1.! - mrtt:rr to mo what has become of It" said he. "I don't see bow it .m I possibly have fallen out of the sleigh. I Tea. elr, it Is a mystery." uaprnsM, 1S33. vr 1. VI Competition Wins t User Cheap Bread ;! :v. Aberdeen. Wash., Jan. 10. Aberdeen bakers Monday reduced the price .of broad from 11 1-1 seats a loaf to ! n if vd ur skin burns apply Resinol at once. See how quick ly the irritation stops and healing begins.' Aided by Resinol Soap, relief is even more prompt 1 i UUL" 3oonmq avnd HeevSrsf ' U centa. One baker win sen a 20-ounee s pnoa wmie another will sell a. Ilunlol ln. m vm.i. vfc it ounoes. ma cut w made to meet competition of out "'a """iwura, wnicn nave been shipping bread here. AUTO WBXCK Y1CTOM BIBS i,TSv 3 l. Ernest Jones, tt of Philomath died Saturday night at a local hospital as a result of Injuries received In aa accident Thursday when the automobile la which he was ridint crashed Into a Southern Pacific freight train. Funeral services ware held Mon day and the body was taken to Med ford for burial. Mr. Jones came to Corral lie from MarysvlUe. CaL. eight months ago to engage In business with his brother, O. H. Jones of Philomath. He had charge of the mall stags be tween Corvallla and philomath. TELXrHOSK BOBT XLECTS Corvallla. Jan. 10. H. TJ. Rowland of Plymouth was elected president of the Benton County Mutual Telephone associ ation at tbo annual meetltng Thursday. Other oflfoeri are : J. B. Buchanan, secretary-treasurer ; J. U Russell. J. M. Ackers and C A. Barelnger, execuUve board: B. P. Cator, representaUve to the Oregon Telephone Federation. Com mittees were appointed to take charge of cooperative buying of materials for farm linos and plans for a membership campaign wore formed.' . W. at. C. vFFXCBXS ISTAtI.EB -Corvallls. Jan. 10. Officers Installed by the W. S. C are; President Addle Tonxi -awqlor ; vico president Martha Tork i Junior Vice ; president Carrie Strong; secretary. Ella Area; treasurer. Sarah Wilkinson ; chaplain, Elisabeth Wade; conductor. Lydln Bullla; guard, Clara Bonis : assistant coaduetor, Ussle Beck; assistant guard. Alios Wicks; eolor bearers, Jennie - BuIUs, - Maude Fteltas, KaU Buchanan. Sarah Brown. 1 want to -V - 6W K ORES, 1 HER J1 FAvW aMn .-. ? M CNO AMOOfeL IN M . . ;own- . 'J LATCVT PARt V-l- CREATION- rKJW OlO MOO laKC THAVT - I - - 4 -OWN? "WOULD VOU LIKE. TO tOME. OTHER OWN I ,T TROUBLt FOR TrC. I V. . F j MOOCL TO POT t KRAZY KAT . . ., a ,; - ., ,. . . ; " . . s 1122 av twrv FrATuwC Scmnct. Inc. ) jr.j0 (Copyricltt. 1922. by latcraatioael rwi Berrte, toe.) r . - - - rt. Vi, . ...... rST itS 8 MlLkZ TM5 fcyg. 0) (J&7 a. Right to tlvs Inch 1Uts is 5 Tl J 'a JEeRRY ON THE JOB tCopM '"LT " u:. ml - - 4 Its A ArMffrs2?y nucrs'vsrVST rr 17 K-A MSte:. Deep "TtooewT 9oar-Ntet - mm 1 m ft jl Atir ' v r 'ii 1 1 v . s. OUT SoMtrtHwe. "TUwsivusr it 0QHTT BMl K2A. .ViWfTEB. AS IT DOES' IM TVG. WEED AS" MUCH DOKTT Sou See? Ah WOUB. OP SAVtt ULLOO csp rr God do w ABIE THE AGENT (Copirsght 1922. iDtarsabeoal Featate SetTka. Iae.) I'tWKr lAwsk Defter- he r-Wi SfttLS 6V v VMKO in nm r m HE ICOKS tVPtSi W0Ki0VtvX.! MKiSk TEU.S Me K CAR Abe Finally LeU It Out iw. w, .r.r n ii tew VttNNJCWtt HOLZMAN VjJHQsl he Booerr rrf-vus SWCtE WHKT HE" IS: aMaH Urv. 1 t .r ..t. . rj COST oNCf TWO SO HE HE Bought a Secdk Hroo rr -WfVT Hr9 5LVW MTIAJL5 LITTLE JIMMY 5 ri -. 1 1 1 i!f 1 (Oomricht 122. by IntenaUaaal Tmtmn Btmw. Iae.) US BOYS This Seems Quite Plausible 1T aW 1? A 71 Ri riVA j"ewepwswawswswswaawaswaBwawai 1 1 1 awawewawai . l,--;---- . . . f. -r--f --rT-vr- la-, .-w n I IS. . 'miv.aiimi. 1 ... ... - W H i ft tS THAT XOU INSIDE OF You A " - S J' , v v :f WtP rTT?7p CAM RUN 'AROUND FR-IS AI.WAY5 r-:fm n BtOW -ivl-.---'"-r (STs. - IV4THIS SNOW RilttKiiKjr : A UH WATS :rXA 1 DLJw aJ : , l u-w- ruuuuarui . . , : m 1111 (Uopnwfat. 12I. W What Do You Think About Thii? " . I I UIAS UP m VP .r-t.t , .. - J isr ipi i isfgr 1 " 7 1 . l tl rfiF