The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 10, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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If AUtHcr and If AU Trum I
: LOVE AND BUSINESS art . the el.
' menta upon which Meredith Nicholson hu
built Th Campbell Arc Com In sr." on
f the two Interesting fiction feature lm
The Sunday Journal wiagaaine section...
Illustration la by Paul Stahr.
f All Urn and If Aft Tree.
THK WEATHE31 Tonight aad Wednes-
. day. fair: variable wiade. -,
- Minimum temperatiirea Monday: . ' -
Portland 41 New Orleans .:. SI
Boise It New Tor ...... J :
Lee Angeles .... 4 - St. Paul 24
VOL. XX. NO. 2S4.
eeoad-Ckas Matter
TAMO rus easts :
riMMOee, rorUead, Otefoa
of Aces
New Tort, Jan. 10. (U. P.) Airplanes
which are not being restricted by the
anna conference will was the next
war. Captain Eddie Rickenbscker. Amer
ica ace or ace, declared today. The
dreadnoughts of the sky will hurl death
I by va bombs on defenseless men, women
ana cniiaren.
'Nevertheless. I believe the Washmr-
Corrupt Use of Money Vitiated KrtSK S&&2Li
n j u; Atr. I " an interview riven the United Press.
rrimay Bna UaVB nim VIIICC, I -Besides being the devil of war, the
Acts of His Henchmen Were aS opinion of the aky fighter, who brought
i. rt o . i j I down more Germans than any other
nij VWn. 06II41B l llll UI IllCU. American flyer.
inaouDSMir me next war wiu oe a
war In the aJr If there Is another war.
By 1. Bart Canaaetl lit will be a "mechanical -chemical war.
Washington. Jsn. 10. ( I. N. S- I .,. ..... ltu, iw. i
Chargli that the election of Senator will suffer suffocation hurled from the
Truman 1L Newberry was "tainted" by air.
drug addict '
Six Former Members of Army Of
ficer's Command Swear They
Saw Him Murder His Own Men;
'Hardboiled' Smith Is Sought
Curative Measures Suggested In
clude 'Police Activity, Institu
tional Care; Oregon May Ap
peal to World to Stop Imports.
President Griffith, Formally Elect
ed by Dai I, Announces He. Will
Run Government Until People
Decide Issue by Popular Ballo
Tet. restrict aeronautics and you re-
(R,. Idaho) today attacked Newberry's on transportation. Mankind la cluttering
th Oomi pt use of money. Senator Borah
right to retain his seat.
.Borah Joined with other progressive
Tie publicans like Kenyon of Iowa In re-
thls planet. Increased rapidity of trans
portation Is needed to keep mankind
alive. The airplane gives this necessary
speed, it Is not limited to one level
fusing to accept Newberry's explanation I It travels on a thousand levels..
that ha was not personally responsible "Nations and continents will be united
f ik. ...v-mim.,. r,f .Kr... na&nno hv as never before by the airplane. In 20
hie famlhr and friends to secure his years Japan will be only 24 hours dls
nomination tn the Michigan primary of M" trom unit statea-
cms vr m attitude
r Borah summed on hie attitude in the
following statement of his reasons for
Ills refusal to vote to keep Newberry
la the senate :
. "A thorough etamlnation of the law
and a careful study nf the facts relative
to the Newberry, controversy led me to
the followfe conclusions :
"First, that the primary Is a part of
the election prone, and the Improper
Use of money in - the primary has the
hum effect upon Invalidating- the elec
tion as the use of money at an election.
"SVcond, that the amount expended In
"the Newberry election was such as to
lead to the conclusion thst It was in
tended to, and did. corruptly affect the
. results or the primary.
Third, that no man can be the bene
ficiary of .a corrupt election when such
corruption wss had tn his behalf
whether ha personally participated in
the corrupt methods or not.
his aw committee ;
1 "Fourth, that the committee which rx
' penned this money wss Newberry's com
mittee. If not actually selected by him.
It was accepted by htm aad he cooper
ated with It so that the committee's acts
became his acts. ,
"fifth, that Mr. Newberry had such
knowledge of the expenditure of the
"Washington. Jan. 10. (I. N. &) Six
ex-soldiers, in rapid succession, swore
today before a senate Investigating com
mittee that they saw Major H. L. Opie,
of Staunton." Vs.. shoot down two of his
own- men in France, north of Verdun,
In October, 1918.
The soldiers who testified were former
members of Opie's command and were
Virginians.' They differed somewhat as
to details, but they insisted they saw
the battalion commander do the shoot-
Kalem, Jan. 10. How can Oregon rid
itself of the drug evil?
The state board of health and -the
state board of pharmacy, called to Joint
meeting today by Governor Olcott, seeks
the answer to this question.
Dublin, Jan. 10. Arthur Griffith,
founder of the Sinn Fein, was today
formally elected ' president by Dail
Eireann (the Sinn Fein parliament.)
Griffith succeeds ' Eamonn de Valera,
Aids McMiririyille; College
Mrs: Frances eleanor ross linfield. osc
offer of Spokane property, Valued at more than a quarter
of a million dollars, conditional upon changing the name
of the institution, to Linfield college, In honor of her husband.
Rev. George Fisher Linfield, was accepted this afternoon by
the college trustees.
In Oregon, according to official esti-l , ci,n h. iri.h
mate, pci oviiB it viiouiveu vj sim- i
cotics. Of these 1SS6 are in Portland. I treaty was ratified by the dail.
Members of the boards are agreed that I At the suggestion of Griffith, the Dail
the problem consists In the main of the I this afternoon took an adjournment un-
peddler and the curable and the Incur- I til ireDmary n
able addict. Cure for the peddler men- I Griffith announced his cabinet as fol
In complying with the federal law.
stockholders and directors in the na
tional banks of the city sect today and
elected directors and official staffs. With
the exception of the First National bank
and the Peninsula National bank, the
personnel of the directors and officers
of the national banks of Portland will
remain the same In 1922.
in the First National bank the name
of E K Dickson, cashier of the bank.
was added to the roster of directors.
The Peninsula National bank accept
ed the resignation of Grant Smith as a
director and elected R. E. Hurd as an
assistant cashier. Smith's resignation
was v submitted on account of the press
of outside business, which made it dif
ficult for nim to take an . active part
In the affairs of the bank.
. The directors o .the -, First Nations
bank now are: fA. U Mills. C- F. Ad
ams, . R. Corbet, E. A Wyid, "W." I.
money and the doings oc the committee f Thompson, ,C C Colt. Joseph Simon,
as le char him with respoaslMHty for H.-1 Corbett, W. C Alvor aad. H. B.
Dtoksoti.- . .,'.,. .
. At a subsequent meeting of the di
rectors tho following offiosrs were re
elected: President. A. l suns; -vice
presidents. C F. Adams.- E. B. Corbett
R A. Wyla, W. I Thompson, u. u. tu
and A. O. Jones. Cashier. H. B. utcx.
son: aasisUnt cashiers. B. F. Stevens,
J. W. Bickford. J. H. Molr. K JEL Wil
liams. T. W. Peters, U H. Vook and T,
T. Ash ton.
The stockholders and directors of the
Peninsula National bank are as fol
lows: Fred C. Knapp. chairman oi
the board ; John N. Ekllefsen, president ;
Frank P. Drinker, vice president;
Charles B. Russell cashier; Stanton I
SO. nourj icarj, o. T T nu.), ..J p V. XI-A mm.
Canby. an attendant at the state bos- 1 '. rAnt-
pitsl for the Insane, was almost instantly
hilled by r . F. oerber, a patient, tn an
rag. which Opie himself denied having lace will be sou eh t in active notice serv-llows:
aone last wees. I ice. lone sentences and laree fines.
l was Wltmn 100 yards of Opie Ud rmiTrart snncTvn
i saw mra point dib gun at a man run
ning to the rear. He fired and the man
dropped," swore John R. Leedy of Lu
ray, Va.
The records In the Klne cam hn
that he was "wounded In action and not
seen again," but Robert A. , Harrison,
one of the witnesses, testified5 that King
mei oeim ai uie ena or a hanfonan s
Senator Watson questioned Colonel
Bethel closely. .
"Why is It," he demanded, "that Sen
ator Simmons of North Carolina and
Foreign Affairs George Gavan Duffy,
Finance Michael Collins.
Defpnu Richard Mul rah v chief nf
Physicians say mat tne euraoie aoaict I staff of the Irish Republican army.
Home Affairs E. J. Duggan.
Local Government Affairs Deputy
death I Cosa-rave.
given I - Economics Deputy Higgln.
to be cured should be placed in an insti
tution for at least IS months for treat
ment. The incurable those in
grip of the drug should be
enough of It to keep them from going I DE YALEBA BOLTS DAIL
President Griffith and his cabinet con-
Another problem Is given by tho drug I . ituteji the nrnvisional rovernment of
user no. once proKen. oi. nis naou, re- the Irish free state, which wUl shortly
turns u it. isommg wiu ail eel a per- take over all administrative authority in
manent cure. ?lt is pointed out, except J Ireland (outside of Ulster province) from
tne Dutmuig or character and will the British.
YWfcVMie whith wMesv sVaK Vm.i.V m V..m- Tk,..! PmMnrk. A A VsUm Si VW m 0tflArAft tea
. .-J . , I vvxzswaa uia w MI Wgl ftUVUl UJ I uwuwuif UO teucisi s aaa eswua
rr"? .vr " ,n .ln correspond- ambition or new desires in life. I bolted DaU Eireann.
It is for this reason. especiallT. that! ! Valera gained the floor and said
an Institution, where the addicts mayj01-1 na couid 11 ot remain in the house
ence with tho war department for sev
eral years and could get no information
aetout this boy's death until it was tes-
uiiea nere tnat ne was hanged?"
"All I know." replied Bethel. "Is that
the records show he was killed In ac
"Has any effort been made to get ln
toucn witn iiarQ-tJoiled smith?" Wat
son asked.
"No," said Bethel. "I understand he
is in the Mexican army."
"When and where did this method of
whatever the eeosmtUM did.'
-With, that the Michigan
- atatnU was repeatedly violated.
-Rerwnth. that the federal statute, not
ICeacayWd mi rss Tve, Cahuan Thna)
(Coaclndeii ea pace Two. Cohua Biz)
- j"TsFsl sEjN tscE?y
unprovoked attack at 9 o'clock this
Teary. who has been an attendant at
the hospital since October 1. was direct
ing the work ot a crew of patients on
the hospital lawn near the main build
ing whea he was suddenly attacked by
sen. H. W. Bon ham. C It. Carter. F. F.
Drinker, J. N. Edlefsen, F. C. Knapp and
M. G. RussL
Emery Olmstead. president of ' the
Northwestern National bank, announces
that 'at the stockholders' meeting to be
held after banking hours this afternoon.
the present directors and bank officials
will be retained for the ensuing year.
ueroer. w no .trues mm on tne top follows: Directors. A. D.
. . , m a. . n . Ar in. vim -
with- a shovel, fracturing his head
Teary was attacked from behind and
had ao chance to defend himself.
Oerber was committed to the state
hospital from Multnomah county. April
s, 1910, and has been a trusty at the
Institution for several years. He was
always regarded as harmless and hos
pital authorities are unable to account
for his attack upon Teary. He has nei
ther re la Lives nor friend a so far as the
records at the hospital show.
Teary Is survived by a daughter, Edna
Teary, also an attendant at the hos
Turkish Army Chief
Arrives in Berlin
Charlton, George H. Kelly. Natt McDou
gall. Li B. Meaefee. Phil Metschan, C.
V. Morden. A. 8. Nichols. Emery Olm-
(Oaadadra ob Pate IWr. Column Two)
3 Firemen Killed in
Crash Between Car
And Truck; 3 Hurt
San Francisco. Jan. 10. (L N. &)
Three San Francisco firemen are dead
today, a fourth la dying, three are bad
ly Injured and 60 persona are recover
ing from minor hurts as a result of a
craah between a speeding fire truck and
a Sutter streetcar. The fire truck was
crossing Sutter street when the street-
Jan. IS i. N. S. Stomal car Craaneo. into U. nuruns n across
raaha. head ot the Turkish army, ar- the street. Many of the M passengers
rtved here today incognito. on the streetoar were women.
undivided suoervlsion and rutd.
ance, is most necessary, say physicians.
Aside from seeking means with which
to combat the evil in Oregon the board
may sound an appeal to the world. In
expressing this idea one of the board
members said
'An international agreement 'is neces
sary to .prohibit the importation of any
more drugs than are necessary for modi
cat use.r The manufacturing of large
quantities of opium products must be
stopped. A protestation on the .part' of
states could do much toward making this
a national issue. Tho United States rcov
ernment could- call a conference , of na
tions to agree on a policy to restrict the
opium trade, v A memorial to this effect
would sakei pertta-wreater tatereat
i - - . . . . . .
tr. eorgs iwracs: oz Koseburr. m
member of tho health hoard, found birrt-
seix in a minority- when be started the
day's discussion with tho statement that
all drug addicts are mentally deficient
and that treatment which failed to take
Into consideration this phase of the
problem is doomed to failure.
Both Dr. F. M. Brooks and Dr.
while voting was in progress1 for Grif
fith. Accompanied by 65 of his follow
ers he left the hall. The deputies who
remained then made the election of
Griffith and his cabinet unanimous.
"The election of Griffith would de
grade the office of president of the
Irish Republic. - exclaimed de Valera
angrily, as he paswort out of the legisla
tive -chamber.
A. debate between De. Valera and
Arthur Griffith had enlivened proceed
in pa at the ' opening of the - DaiTs sea-
it , . "
1 , .. - . ;
; i .. ', ' . ' '
. ' : ' ' : ' .,- .
T I' 'v-litY .
. i'.v .
.. - - , . 'y 'f.
5 " '-: ,
: 1 v ::::
, JjgjSBiSswasesesrSBSBBSSfliaweiaBa . ,
Institution's Name Changed , to
Ljnfield College and Property
Worth $250,000 Is Accepted
In Memory of Dr. Linfield.
(Concladed oa Pase Two, Cettuna Oae) '.t : . i. ' - ' .f '. " ' ' 'X ' '' . ." '. .'' '
minTrinrTnui i . t'nniii'iii t' in uiiiiiii -nni rit im in fiiiM
IVIUoltAut IKIAL ouiHonno mvw mmm ulhuvh
- - i f i ' .... i i , ii .
- By George R. Holmes
Washington, Jan. 10. (L N. &) Dif
ficulties in the adjustment of the five-
powered naval treaty and more Darticu
uriy in connection with the Far East
side of the armament conference, have
arinen In mtrh mimhar, & t malr. iff
virtuallv certain that thn na.rlov win 3,m'-Il " roruana, iook issue with Dr.
continue well towards the end of Janu- I iiuck 8 statement. Many brilliant men (states Attorney Lester W. Humphreys There U' an. enormous, production of
mrv it w. iaraH tiwtmr I and women have been drmr users. ac-lni ri Tnrmni hi nnmiTr k -th I err ahowine-. in thie section , and a areat
Arthur J. Balfour, head of the British f!?lnf Dr. Brooks, while Dr. Smith in tho last few days he had been ad-1 surplus is bemg. shipped - to New. Tork.
delegation, who had planned to sail for Insated that the use of narcotics did vised by the attorney general's office j Chicago, Boston and other points. - It
England, has cancelled hi nunn nnii I k ""'J uuap a person as m-1 that the mm mieht now be reset for I appears UUU me- enure caunuy. is. iiui
wiU remain la Wahlneton another 10 1 I!6 or eYen feeble-minded. ItrlaL ' of eggs .and-thia ha resulbsdAto .tha
C. J.
Efforts on tho part of friends of Jer-1 . , ' "JT Z. XXZ
T C.l-.K.nft. D41,.4 kwk.. I JDX9. HCH IS UJ. UIO WWUI1, W
against him quashed, outside of the le- Consumers wUl, therefore, be given an
.i nr, v .. unexpected treat by being- able to pur-
rumr tr kiva r11l 1 -bb " - .
In response to direct question United 1 "
days, at least.
Drug addicts are not institutional Since ' Steinbach
arrested last 1 greatest disaster to egg prices known
McMlnnrille, Jsn. 18. Un field collexs.
new in name only, is to take the place .
of McMlnnville college as tho result cf
acceptance today by the trustees of Mo-
Mlnnvllle oolleg of a girt conservatively
estimated st a -sluation of a quarter of
a million dollars.
The gift. was made br Mrs. Frances.
Eleanor Ross Linfield. member of the
board of trustees of McMlnnville1 college
since 1917 and dean of women of the -
college since September, IL It was
given in honor of Mrs. UnfieVd's bus- '
Rev.. George Fisher Linfield. -
Proper ties In Spokane, an located
within three blocks of the Davenport
hotel, ln the heart of the city, form the
gift. They were bought by Rev. aad
Mrs. IJnfietd and Mrs. Linfletd's father "
with their savings when Spokane was a
small community. Included Is a lot for '
which SSSOO was paid, and this lot, with
a modest brick, building erected on It.
Is now considered worth nearly 1100.-
000, '
President Leonard W. Riley of th
college made the announcement, as fol
It is a privilege and a great pleasure
to present to you today something for -
which we have longed and prayed d ur
ine tha many years we have together
been struggling for the upbuOding of
McMJnsrvUk 'college.. The prayers of
these who have labored before us, aa
well aa, our own. are today being an
swered la tho presentation to as of a
memorial gift of such proportions as will
warrant another action wo have long
contemplated namely, tho changing of .
the name of McJlianviUe college. .
Tn preoenrlng this matter - to yew ' I
shall speak first - ot the donor aad of
that which has led her te this decision ;
second, of tha gift; third, ot our nego
tiation with the donor, and. fourth, ot
the changing of the name of our college,
"The donor la Mrs.. Frances k-leanor
Rosa Linfield. whom we hsvo known
atnoa 1117 aa -valued, tnembar of this
aoaxVaM atac September. 1Z1, as
tho beloved dean i women of our col-
Kn Lisnsid was bom at. Fennel a.
N. T January 4. 1U2. She was edo-
oated in private schools at Racsjsster.
N, T- and. graduated from Eunira col
lege, Elniira. N. T.. In lt71 with tha de
of baeheior of arts. After teach--
tng la the Eugiewooa. iil, bign acnooi
ea Pase Tkrea, Oelaraa Onel
t- i. j-1 , . u . " AnuuiE n jjt. omiui. wno on- I Mnrrh iq mt tm inn M nn a wmt In- I IOT mur .Tun.
.i .v.- ln .,. v.i posed any move for a state appronria- dictment Kiimhhn ha fH mnH.r. Because of the enonnocis surplas aad
1. . . . "-"""-5 uvuuajr , 0o f institution f. , I IJ,. " . . " -ZZ,--. w1nn th. h-.W rl of e at
llyf" HX drug case. In the omioi ' 0 0 as been reduced to" 20c babltanU-of vnandated territories .was
. ,.J',B7rSary rod
. Geneva.. Jan. JO. TJ. P. Tn League
of NaUona council met here today on the I one year, ahs became In 1HI preceptmas
secoM. anniversary- ot; tile. roDdlng of I
the. league. Paul Uymana: of Belgium
presided, over the .opening session.
' Tne council expects to launch formally
the project of an-' international court at
The Hague. - which t will -. be . opened In
February. .The .council -began at once, I
d cawing up a list of InternaUonal ques
tions which will .come withla. the Juris-1
diction .of ' the world, court. 1
A number of other questions were to be
laid before the league. The question of I
what nationality .' is to be given In-1
changed from the lines originally laid
down, but ln the supporting provisions
there have been details inserted that
are of vital concern to the signatory
powers. How many of these will be
knocked out ln the final diplomatic bar
tering or how many others will be added
before the treaty text reaches the pub
lic, remains to be seen.' It is accepted.
however, that the treaty will be un
changed ln its keystone provisions.
Chief among the supporting provisions
of the new pact,' as it was taken up to
day, are understood to be the following:
1. Any of the signatory powers can
renounce the treaty upon giving due
notice to the other four powers. : This
provision - is designed to take care of
possible war, when no nation would want
to be bound by the limitations agreed
upon here.
2. The powers can be called together
for amendment or revision ot the treaty
upon the request of any one of the
signatory powers.
1. The life of the treaty will he IS
years or until 1937. although the replace
ment building is not to start until 1331,
far as Great Britain, theL United
States and Japan are concerned. France
and Italy will be allowed to build one
(Concluded on Pace Three. Oohusa Three)
drug addicts should be re elate red. with I tk mittpr t ai tn hv hM. nn. I a dozen, effective Wednesday morning.
sented to Oregon's senators by friends Today's buying price is ioc This is ior
of the 'accused in the hope that the at- mixed color stock, hennery .eggs being
tomey general might be Influenced to slightly higher than this. The new, price
order the case dropped. is lower than at any time during 1121,
Humphreys says he refused to accept and Is virtually as low. as has been
the responsibility of dropping the case, known here for many years, even during,
even after he was asked for a report by the so-called flush production period,
his superior. The trial was originally when cold storage -operations begin,
set for October 4, but Humphreys had It la somewhat too early for general
it ntitnnnni- until Kn.mir 1 a that cold-storaee ! operations . to start- ln this
date conflicted with another cam he territory, but because of the great aur- Reduced westbound transcontinental
had on the circnit court of anneals cal- plus now on hand such storing may be I railroad rates on hardwood lumber, glu
endar. The November date was later forced. - : cose,, coal, cash - registers, oil cloth and to be there.
Westbound Freight
Reductions of S. P.
Effective Jan. 30
"Your Toe Is Very Charming
K .
Such May Be Future Greeting
By Jame Lk Kllgnllen
Chicago, Jan. 10 (L N. 8.) Pink-tinted feminine toes will make their
appearance on tha main streets ot tha nation within two years, it was pre
dicted at tb,e National Retail Shoo association convention nere tooay
Tho fascinating Cleopatra ptnxea ;
Krr's why not next year's flapper, ask
forward-looking men In the shoe busi
ness who observe a decided tendency on
the part of the stylish young women et
todsy to display "more and more ankle
and less and lent shoe.'
- In less than two years our girls will
ho almost barefooted by choice.' pre
dicted K. M. Stone, Importer and manufacturer.-
of New Torkj
Tinkling bella on galoshes have been
neeensed without undue excitement la
blase 8lom dry. according to dispatches,
sad. say the shoemen, the advent of the
1 protruding toe will be accepted by the
nation with equal equanimity,
"Girls of tomorrow will pay as much
attention to their feet as to their tecs.'
sold Mr. Stooe. "Ia the last five years
they have piogrssned more In shoe styles
than In JS years before. That's why 1
predict protruding toes as tha rags with-
. ta two years.
- Today yon can't gres shock sway.
Olria won't wear shoes. They want slip
pers the lower suppers the lower the
better. Skirts high, slippers . low. that
Is the idea. As much ankle as possible
must be shown. The tendency every'
here is toward sandals, and slippers
with straps where the leather used to
be. The less leather in the slipper the
better It will sell. It Is only another
step to the protruding toe.
"Toes have a subtle charm. I venture
to say Mare Anthony thought so. You
win soon see oar girls 'dabbing.-their
toes with henna sad washing their feet
as often as they now wash their face.
"Silk stockings our girls WiU always
wear. But when the toes are revealed
the stockings wiU be sheer very sheer.'
The oorrugated brows of many of the
10.S0O delegates are the direct result. It
was said, of Miss America's sadden ab
horrence for what fathers and husbands
who paid tho bills formerly knew as tho
shoo. What to do sell slippers sad san
dals exclusively, or tarn foot manicurist.
that seems to be the quesxiorar
Coocloriad on Fac Two. Cotamn Four)
Poisoned Whiskey,
Sold by Sailors,
Kills 5 at New York
New York, Jan. 10. (L N. S- Five
men living within a few blocks of each
other along the Hoboken waterfront
died early today from wood alcohol
poisoning. Police believed the poisoned
liquor responsible - for all the deaths
came from . the same source.
Mrs. Etnil Lang, wife of one cf the
dead- men, said her husband drank
liquor bought from sauors on incoming
The other dead are Paul Smith and
Rudolph Eberle, steamship firemen, who
boarded with the Langs ; William Bers
er. a Delaware A Lackawanna railroad
employe, and Henry Of fen.
Policeman:Eun Over
By Ambulance, Hurt
Centralia,' Wash, Jan. M. James Bur
gess, member oTtho police force, was se
riously hurt Sunday, when he T was
knocked down and . ran over by an am
bulance, driven by O. F. Weisinger, in
front of the city haU. The ambulance
had but one light and Burgess stepped
into tho street to stop it. The machine
swerved Into htm. Tho front wheel of
the car passed over his body and the
rear wnaei ioshm en wn vsea un i
chine was stopped. - .
For the first time in many months no
proposals for new construction were
called for by the state highway com
mission at its monthly meeting today.
Bids were received, however, for t 1,000,
000 issue of S per cent state road bonds
in serial form.
The best bid was that of a syndicate
represented by Ralph Schneeloch com
pany, who offered Sl.032,900, or a prem
ium oi S33.9W. The bid reflected a
slight decline in the bond market, being
on a net interest basis of 4.68, as com
pared with 4.55 obtained by the commis
sion in December.
Other bids were A. M., Wright, $1,033,
440 : John E. Price & ' Co.. $1.022.790 :
Lumbermen's Trust company. $1,032,730;
Blythe, Witter & Co.. Sl,01.897 : Seattle
National bank. $1,025,530.
The bids were 'taken under advise
ment. .
The commission also received propos
als for auditing the accounts of the
highway department for 1921. Alex
Young & Co. submitted the lowest bid.
maximum of $800. There were six
other bidders ranging from $1000 to $2000
maximum charge.
An unusual proceeding was the indefi
nite postponement of a plan to create an
Improvement district along' the Cornell
road in Multnomah and Washington
counties. The -matter was laid on the
table on the . suggestion of its propo
nents, who represented that a large ma
Jority of the residents of the proposed
district had voted not to go ahead with
It on account of the expense involved
tn view of the low price of wheat and
potatoes. -
The petition of residents of Bridge
aaklnr for a change In the location of
the Coos Bay-Roseburg road at that
place was taken under advisement. The
change is asked for on the ground that
the location proposed wUl Involve extra
cost for right of way ana does not serve
the local needs so wen as the old loca
tion which is only about one quarter of
a mOo longer.
For' the completion of tho Old Oregon
Trail grade in Umatilla county between
Pre Amah'S Pass and Kamoia the Uma
tilla county court presented an agree
ment to pay the cost of grading, esti
mated at $80,000. provided the stats
would loan the money to be repaid by
the county In two or three installments
within three years. vTbs .proposal was
taken under adrisemsmV: . t- r
cancelled by Humphreys as it conflicted
with the trial of the John w. Todd lana
fraud case.
Steinbach is charged in a long indict
ment of six counts with unlawfully
transporting Miss Mae Pope from Port.
land to Augusta. Ga.. and again from
New York city to Portland.
At the time Steinbach was arrested a
statement was made by a member of
Santa Ross, CaL. Jan. 10 U. P.)
An autopsy to determine whether Jo
hanna D. Haberhauer, 11. or Santa koss.
was the victim of some uhrht prowling
poisoner was being held hers today.
Miss Haberhauer died during tho night,
and her' sister Mary- It. was seriously III
today -from tho effects of "something,
like a pUl" which the younger gVi
said she swallowed during tho night.
The younger girl said that tho -piir,
was in her mouth when she awoke and
she had no knowledge of how It
Consumers are now able to purchase I other commodities were announced to-
eggsat unusually low prices.-but with I day by . J. H. Mulchay, general freight
the- lower buying prices, in eneci reuui agent for the southern racinc The new
values wiU have one grand slide within rates will become effective January 80.'
the next few days. The hardwood lumber rate wiU be 85
Mrs. Cow is not disponed to allow Mrs. cents from Cincinnati and 80 cents from
Hen' to take all the honors at this time. Chicago while the present rates are
for butter production Is now breaking all nx and $1.06 J4 . respectively. - Clu-
records for this period of the season and com rates wUl be reduced appro xlmate-
a drop of 4c at wholesale and -So at w 20 cents. The rate on -coal win be
' ,ftlLJL "To hat retail will be effective Wednesday morn- reduced i cents from Chicago. St. ouis
tho United States attorney's office that . m n retail from 40c I ti.i..m it t. tw,m'i7.n.
Miss Pope had known Steinbach for
about 10 years, or since she was about IS
years of are. When Steinbach was sent
to an eastern military camp ln 1918,
Miss Pope is said to have accompanied
him. Since his return from the service
Steinbach is said to have ceased his at
tention to Miss Pope and to have mar
ried another woman.
Steinbach Is at liberty at present under
bond. Humphreys wUl probably request
the federal court some day this week to
set a new trial date for the case.
to 43c per pound without cartons.
i i
Every thing Wrong
With New Dollar;
To: be .Called. Back
sss. City, , Tho-rate on cash registers
will be reduced $2.08 H' per hundred
pounds and - oil cloth will move west
bound on a lower minimum weight basic
A new import rate of $L4S wfllb pub
lished on kapoc from facific ports to
eastern territory. ,
Authorities found the Case one of tho
most mysterious they have encountered
During the night the younger of the,
two sisters, who were sleeping together,
arose and told her mother and father.
Karl Haberhauer. that her sister was ta'
convulsions and that she was sick from
swallowing "something like a pilL" '
Simple household remedies were gven
as first aid and a physician was called.
Johanna, however, died la agony 20
minutes before tho physician reached
the Haberhauer home. He was able to
save the younger sister.
Officers were called imraedtely ts ln
vestigate and an autopsy was ordered .
Oils morning, to be folio ed by an In
quest later in the day.
76 Persons Killed
In San Francisco
By Autos in 1921
(B rtaitvnal Berries)
Washington Jan.- . The new peace
dollar is misnamed and wUl have to be
withdrawn from circulation and remod
eled. it is said.' at the treasury.
Trouble has been associated with the
new coin since its career was launched.
President Harding-, its, sponsor, had
premonition of this when ho objected to
the dimple -originally placed tn the stun
of the figure of Liberty.
Cemetery Critics Have Innings
t H t si ss si i.
Financial Management Scored
Acrid criticism of the financial management of Rivervlew Cemetery
.oration and various DroDosed schemes for piscine tho concern on s
Tfi!?!-" f self-sustaining basis feature s meeting- of 200 lot owners in the as-oclaUon
Cm Vmmwtmn. Tan 1 A fl ltf S
Seventy-six persons were killed "bright ns!' t? f" iis- st Library, ball Monday afternW The meeting was the largest tn tho
Kw ,,tn.n.ila In Rn Vnnrlm Ta That Was removed. PUT. DOW. n IS CIS- I . .. ,. - - " .tt.nA.
Irito tJhTsemi-annnailZ covered that the sculptor. Anthony Fran- history xf the Organization accoruuig vo )" "
03 Henry GenTf h -- "
,, . . . I neatn tne lace or liberty, wnacn is moo-1 . aa- -wm v-m ...
.0TtO. avnlnslwa Ko. Kn nlarl lWA VAlem-l, Vi LUw W -AS. . W
aSilSUl UOS W SMMlHtVW WS Uiwm we MV jSSSS I - - , M
m,rm i.t MTv.wt nriAmmt t,- I money are taboo, it is statoo.
report also shows that 1701 persons wore J? mrJoaATet UJth
i-J v.- K., . ,. I bankers complain the new dollar wllf not
82 others were Injured in street car and
automobile crashes.
Disregard for speeding;, reckless drtv
ing, driving without lights and numer
ous other reasons were assigned by the
captain as tho cause for the deaths.
stack and others say It Is too thin.
If the Issue , Is . withdrawn those si-
Acrid criticism- of the financial man
agement of Rivenrtew Cemetery associa
tion and, various proposed schemes for
placing the oonoern on a self-auataining
basis featured a meeting of 200 lot own-
ready in ctrculation may go to. a- pre-1 era in the sssoclatlrm st xsorary nu
ni-w. ui.MiUMm'win rirM fn tw I Mmdn 'aflenoon. -.The .meeting was
Hence treasury offlriars smile when yoa
refer to 'the newa issue ss "the- peace
dollar." . ; ; : : 1 1 t j j
Bail Labor Bules
Vx Are Being Drafted
7 W :
Chicago, Jan. 18. (U. P.) Final con
sideration of rules governing working
conditions of 800,000 employes on rail
roads, over which disputes haws arisen,
was started by the United States rail
road labor-board -today.
(fennah Eecogmtloii'
Is Askedr by Bussia
Berlin. Jan, 10-(L K. & Formal
request for . recognition by - Germany
was made by the Russian soviet gov
ernment today. . Russia proposed ; the
mutual cancenaUoQ of-aU
' . ...
the largest ,1a the history ot the or
ganriatVsi. aoeordlna; to the- report of
the secretary, sttsndsnre of 12 lot owa
ers bemr the maximum at annual meet
ings durmg the past 4 years.
.The Meeting was called by W. M
Ladd. chairman of the board of trus
tees, for the purpose of determining
in tKiMt of mans cement made nec
essary by changed financial and eco
nornle conditions since the organisa
tion of the association in 1881.
Hints that the association was facing
bankruptcy were apparently refatod by
a report on Its condition- submitted by
Strong McNaughton.
Tt wa itum thai the seanrlinfm sun
holds nnsotd eemetsry lots valued at
$S.sM. undeveloped land suitable for
residence purposes valued at $!U.0.
and funds Invested In securities valued
st fl0.soo a total of $178.011.. Debts of
the association amounted: to eoosiiiew.
accord! n to the report. It was snggcet
ed that the unused land be sold aad the
money accruing fronk tho sale be placed
In a permanent maintenance fsnd for
the care of the cemetery. 1
- Whea the aaaocranoo was organised It
was planned to set aside per ce-it of
the funds secured from the oale lots
for an ' Irreducible tnalatenaac fond.
Had this' ptaa been foUor.-, the fund
would now amount to $14. WO. cceordlng
to the report Of icretary W. R. ilao
kensie of the assoctxtlon.
The fund was authorised by an "i nf
a rasa Vest. Cetera Oe .
:i -y .... V
. J a i .