O REG OK JOURNAL. PORTLAND. OREGON f . j , ........ f ............ ;; .... ; .. j . .. .. . ) ' .. , .. , 1 nnnnnrop piiniiiii , III1NO0 ILS FOR FOREIGN BORN Th attiadaaee at th public Meat school for th for Ira born of rrtUi4 during th laat Mk waa lit. aa Ineraaa of 1M over th earn period laat year, Tne T. M. C A. la conduct ing Santa r wllk II ctaaaaa haying an erf a attendance of five In various , parts of Um city, thai showlnr a notable Increase la tbla work ovr laat year. ' Thaao and -other etlmulatiac facta eoo earatnc tba avanemnt of th causa of Atartoaalaatkm wara brought out at th , nMMUr luaclMoa of til Portland Amir , toaalsallo eounotl bJ Saturday at th Irleaelwood. tba president.' Lawranc R. Walr.. proaldlnc. Tha work of tba publla night schools " waa reported by tha superintendent, a. M. Oray. wbo.a4d4 further that tha f coanmuatty maoUnas which are bald from Mono to Uma In tha buildings wkara eight clsasas are held, are betnC eon c tad tbla year with mora auccoaa than aver before. The Uat on waa held at tba Stephana and lha Ladd buildings wara proclaimed tha beat ever held, on account of tha large attendance of tha forelan bora and tha frtondlr spirit vl deaoadL Tba programa are of a musical and literary character with an hour for amiability. Tba survey of the residence districts most thickly populated with "tha for elgn bom. with a view to Increaatng the enrollment In the night schools, which Is being conducted by a large - committee ofwomen under tha leadership of Mr Lea Davenport, waa dlacuaaed at soma length, and upon tha motion of Norman r. Coleman, It waa voted that tha work era ahould receive uniform Instruction . before entering the field, that tha chief stress be laid upon making a friendly contact and that Information that may ba need aa a baala for further' work be secured. Amartcaalaatlon week will be ob served February II to 11 Inclusive. Judge ' Jacob Kanaler la chairman: of tha com mittee arranging this celebration. Tha week J HI be preceded by a number of community gatherings and will close With .a big patrlotio meeting at Tha Auditorium, when a large claaa will ba admitted to cllltenship. Landlord Explains Side in Case Over Goods of Tenants Extra! Extra! Extra! Express Cart Lost; Reward Is Offered Boecburg. Jaa. V Three sobbing M- yaar-olda appeared at police head- quartara Friday morning and, b tarcen tsar, reported the loaa of pony express waron. They told tha chief they had been warned to etay away from tha river, but tha lure of tha high water had drawn then and. while watchln it. a young "criminal had mad away with then wagon. They pooled their resource, which amounted to 4 cents, and offered reward. The eaae went on the police blotter "Stolen, one pony expreaa wagon. loft hind wheel dished, rear axle placed together with a board, rebuilt body. Reward offered, 4 cents. T RAID HITS TRUCK; i DRIVER IS 1NIURED Albany, Or.. Jan. I. A. C Libby. 60, a prominent resident of Jefferson, w seriously injured . Sunday afternoon when a track ha waa drtvina; waa atruck by northbound Southern Pacific passen ger train No. It. The accident occurred at a crossing In Jefferson near tha Jet teraon flour mill. Libby waa returning hom from Greens bridge. Tha : Injure man atmered aev shock and hrulsea and It vaaa thought ha might be suffering- from a concua- aioa of tha brain and a broken Dip. He is at the Albany hospital. Libby served two terms In tha state legislature from Marion county and haa been prominent in state grange circles. school to another, to purchase a new book. Id all language subjects, there is no standard list of supplementary hooka which tha pupils must etudy. and eaen school haa selected It own list. In noma esses students have been compelled to purchase from 10 to II different hooka In the study of a single language dur- In the vesr. Simplification and standarawauon wiu he extended to high achooi English, ac cording to AaaUtunt Superintendent ju H. Whitney. Tae same English oooa will be used in u the schools, and ear wilt Kn m tkn In the selection oi in borka that tha student will oenve ine asm amount of rood from a closer tnriv af s few rreat books than by a more Hasty study of a greater numuerw literary productions. Students to Help In Entertainment Of Newspaper Men Sneakers will Include George P. Cheney of the Entarpria Record Chieftain i Ed- gar Piper, editor of ma uregoniaa. Frank Irvine, editor of the Portland Journal; Addison Bennett, one of the oldest nawanaaac man in tha etater Paul Cowlea. head of tha Western aivwon oi the Associated Press: Dean Alien ox tna journalism achooi : Helen Manning, ana others. - -r: An attempt will be made to have an tha editors meet aa many of the stu dents of Journalism aa possible. Oregon Knight will have charge of the details ox entcrtaiaiag the vial tors. Highway Officers Of Tour States at Meet in Lewiston BURIED Si PAMSKGED I t2i.Tl5.Hi. an increase of SlS.00e.000 over the previous year. Tha total num ber of panalonera waa Ht,OM. a ni iobs of more than ft. 000 for the year. Tha Spaniah war pension roll now memoes tSJUl ninaT Out ox the total. 2i.ia are survivors of the Civil war. and XIV 127 are widows of Civil war soldier. I Drowning Is Due to Slush Ice in BaTer University of Oregon, Eugene, Jan. 9 Students in the school of Journalism will assist materially In the entertain ment of guests at the annual editorial conference, which will b held at Eu gene this week-end. according to Dean Allen, ! bead of the Journalism depart ment. . Sigma Delta Chi. men's Journalism fra ternity, will have charge of the banquet at the Hotel Oaburn, Friday night. Pres ident P, Lewiston. Idaho. Jan. S- Prominent highway workers from Oregon. Wash ington, Montana and Idaho are meet ing: here today for a conference on the Lewis and Clark Highway, ana plana will be made for completion of this im portant trunk road, which win extend from Missoula to the Pacific Coast. Governors of the four Northwestern j states were Invited to the meeting, and! state highway officials are present to represent the departments of -their re spective states. A large part of the construction on the highway haa already been done, but no to the present time the building of : tha section through the national forest haa been held up pending federal legis lation which would approve the project. Washington, Jan. 9. WASHING TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL) The pension bureau, devoted to eoldlars of wars other than the World war. re ceived m.071 claima: daring the laat fiscal year and had over 99,000 applca tiona pending at the close of the year. Buffera . from the common compiauu that more clerks are, needed to keep op tha work. This condition, which the commis sioner of pensions In his annual report describes, is similar to? the patent of fice, where the commissioner says on riitlrma are Memorable." with 10.000 ap plications pending. It la evident that de mands will be maae upon coneresa " mim some of the clerks that were discharged when "Hell and Maria' niM first went into action. Claima in the pension office are prin cipally derived from tne law granting increases ox pension to veteran oi vnm Civil war passed in 1910, and the act D. L McLeod. owner of the Stanfleid apartments, denies emphatically In a tet ter te The Journal that he la a hard hearted landlord. McLeodJs being sued t for M0OO by Mr. aad Mrs. Charles O. Tooley, some of whoee personal effect ha la holding In lieu of rent du him. ' McLeod writes that he let tha Tooleys stay In an apartment for months when they did not pay their rent and that he defended Tooley when policemen came te lavestlgate chargea against him. rtnally the Tooleys went to California without sirina him notice, he explain. Three weeks later, after the. Tooleys had returned, he got bold of Mra Tooley on th telephone. She told him they had i left the apartment for good and for hlim , ta hold their afZeeta until , the rent waa bald. eecordln'eM Uv fetter. " Sixty days later. McLeod says, he Wanted Tooley waa in Jail oa charge of ataallns sulomoblle. and he allowed Mrs. TooWy to take away practically all fear own and tha baby'e clothea Standardization of Text Books Is to Be Belief to Pocketbook Rad action f the number of hooka high school students will have to purchase. together with the standardisation of language text books used In th differ ent high schools. Is a result of a move ment among th school superintendents and high achooi principals, it waa an nounced today. . At present there la n standard text book for Rpanlah, and each high school baa-a 'different text, making It necea eery for a student transferring from on Soaring Camp' to Help Daughter of Its Famous Author (By JJnited New) San Francisco, Jan, 9. Angel's Camp aa not forgotten.. From th "Mother Lode" country of the days of gold, the days of okL the days of '49, where "M'llss," "Tennea- k Partner." the "Outcasts of Poker Flat" the "Luck of Roaring Camp" and other stories of Bret Harte'a were given a romantic background, has come a response to a recent appeal in behalf of Jeaaamy Bret Harte Stol. daughter of the novelist, who haa been found In an Ofrdensburg, N. Y insane asylum. The resident of Angel's Camp, in the mining district of Calaveras coun ty In the Sierras, and a famed spot of the "roarin' days," read the, newa of the plight of Bret Harte'a daughter with deep sorrow. And still true to the old open-handed traditions of the days of gold they have announced that they will open their purses in her behalf. TheAngel's Camp Chamber of Com merce. through Its secretary. Harry k. Barden, sent the following to those in San Francisco Interested In the move ment to do something for Mrs. Stol "This community, whose early history waa ao ably portrayed by Bret Harte, most earnestly desires aa soon as pos sible to assist any further effort to be made te further the health and happi neaa of Jeaaamy Bret Harte Stol. The 1500 resklenta of Angel's Camp will aid liberally. Keep us advised." - SICK MAMiill. MPfiOVES Arlina-ton. Jan. 9. City Marshal Sweeten has been 111 with pneumonia, but is now convalescing, though yet con fined to his home. Charles Warner la L. Campbell, will be toastmaater. 1 acting marshal until he recover. Yakima. Weak, Jan. 9. Roeco H. Edmlater. a. hridca carpenter for tha Northern Pacific, waa drowned In the Yakima, river at Granger Friday when he waa knocked oft the bridge aa piling were belns? shifted. - Minister waa good awlmmer bat could make no head way against the run ez ninaa-ice ana was drowned before other members of the crow, who launched an emergency raft and went to hie rescue, reached aim, 2TEW XXktBBBS FOB COCSCIA Names of the new members of the department of International good will of the Portland Council of Churches have been announced by the Rev. Ralph C MacAfee. executive secretary. The tot lowing were appointed by the executive board of the council : Mrs. Dallas Bach. the Rev. Daniel Bryant, Marshall Dana, the Rev. J. J. Handaaker, th Rev. C W. Huett. Harry W. Stone, Jam B. Kerr, th Rev. Donald W. M. Mae nn ninliawi W llmtma tha Rv. A. of tha same rear allowing service pen- it Bchmane, President Richard r. Bcnois. si cms to whn who served m ta war l and riuftjasa slower u. mason, cauur- with Spain. It sa stated that nearly 000 applications were filed during the year for the ITS s month granted to I W. IT. HEAD TKAKSFEKUB rivil war veterans - neipies or ouno.- i RoseburK. Jan. . . ai. noon or so nearly so as to require regular I -er of the local western union omen, personal attendance." Nearly 45,000 of I haa been transferred to Kverett. wean-. these claims were allowed. i and wui leave xor uh piao i nc The disburse menu for the year were I W. Boyd, formerly traveimg reiiei snan- arer for the Western Union, will fin hia Doaltion here. Boys si present m ex Aberdeen. . . . - aaaaaasaBa)BjgaSB BUkGLAkS TAKX TAklXTT Gold Hill. Or Jen, 9-Bwxlara Jim mied s window and entered the Merrtu store eome time Thwreday night, carry-lee- in aboa. aaackiBawa. wool socks. flannel shlrta ana 3gsrHe - majw print experta took picture of the win dow where their baa da shewed p plain ly. Two vagrant was nuns; sreons w town are guapected. . - aasnwasaaa Kirhv Anneal From Death Penalty Bet in a ll MIS mrK. w-wTrww.vrrTxir AT AUDITORIUM TO-MGUT , AT kli V. - " IHreeO gtserv A twmaaw 'Salem. Jan. 9 Arrument of the ap peal of Klvie D. Klrhy from the decree of the Umatilla county circuit court, sentencing him to pay the death penalty for the mardar of Sheriff TU Taylor, haa bean tafltaxfarehr set for January U. se- cordins to Arthur B. Peaeon. dark of the supreme court. The date, however. will depend upon the ability of the state to nrenara and Cle its brief previously. The argument on th appeal will center about th eonatttntKmaiKy ox um seaua penalty, which Is being attacked by at torneys for Kirby. Hoquiam Eagles Plan To Build Large Hotel Hoquiam. Wash, Jan, 9, Hoqulan Aerie No, XSX EaxleBV 8nnday night kUd nlana for build lnar s large hotel in con nection with the propoesd new lodge building here. Hoquiam, alnce the dos ing of the Grayport hotel laat NowenV ber. is without a hostelry In keeping wtth the atse of the city. Dmh fer star f e)eek. I traae nor a 4 sad Market. . Bala r ft a. aeatM wane neaaaaaaa ataasa as !. rieseta a aala at thtrwaa. Clay A Ce, eatu '!. Afwr tsaa ai AaalaBrlaaa, Third and day btrU. li,ll!lli!Iiiilt'hiiHl i We Give S. & H. Trading Stamps on Purchases Amounting to 10c or MoreAsk for Theml Anniial Clearance Sale EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED Except Groceries and a Few Restricted Lines Flouncings y Price Main Floor Silk Radium and Net Flouncings in gny, henna, dark blue. Jade, copper, orchid, brown sand and honey dew. Large selection of beautiful patterns to choose from. Up to 8.50 Flouncings at H Price ti&fXVtWO V V Wi UaUi UKJUSU at-. tWW.sm' I RELIABLE MERCHANDISE RELIABLE METHODS. . " t lr0ftt$OH, MJDFX. WtST fAW. Kt TTKTVi aTTPgcTS-T" Skirtings $19 Yard Mam Floor All-wool Skirtings ta checks, plaids and fancy stripes la the -wtnted colon. Regular Q1 CQ 1.50 to 3.50 grades. Clearance price at OX -! Odd lines rancy Skirtings, 3.50 to fS ti1s.S1.98 Woman Injured as Two, Autos Collide Salem. Jan. . Mra. E. V. Ryder. 1S05 Broadway. Salem, waa severely cut about the face and head by flylnr claaa when the automobile In which she waa rtdlne- turned over after a collision with a car driven by C J. Green of this city Sunday. Ryder, who waa drlvtns th car ta which his wife waa rldlns;. escaped Injury. Both cars were badly damaged. Clearance of Women's Suits at $24 and $36-2d Floor ST OWE PliAIfT EXTAWB8 Gold Hill Or., Jan. . The Artsto Ston company haa taken over the bulld Incs formerly occupied by the Bla; Ptnea Lumbr company and haa established headquarters office here. The company moved from Medford to be closer to raw material. Boys' Union Suits Special 85c Main Floor Heavy winter-weight Cotton Union Suits In white and ecru. Several well-known makes. Excellent range of sizes. Union, Suits. selling formerly at OCp and 2.50. Clearance Sale at only wax 6.25 ChUdren's Sleepers $1 -"Tudor" Sleeping Garments in the popular one-piece style witbfeet Made up in good, heavy Quality outing flannel in plain ..white and pink -or. blue stripes. Q"l Sizes 2 to 5. Special Clearance Price at only OI Women's Porch Frocks and House Aprons Second Floor With Clearance prices in force the woman who has need for a fresh supply of Frocks and Aprons should purchase now and' reap the benefit of substantial savings. Our stock offers wide range tor choosing in an tne latest modes and fabrics. Come to the Garment Store and view the many attractive styles on display. Porch Dresses Charming styles yet very inexpen sive. Made up in Crepe,' Gingham and Voile materials " effectively trimmed with applique, embroidery, etc. Great variety of bright patterns. All sizes 36 to 44. Our Clearance Sale prices range $3.38 to $5.85 Tea Aprons Any number of dainty styles in this -special showing of Tea Aprons. Fine, sheer Organdie material trimmed with laces, ribbons, bows, pockets, etc. -Special Clearance Sale prices range from 50c up to $1.49 House Aprons Bungalow, Polly Prim and Bib Aprons made up in Gingham, Per cale and Cretonne materials. Many attractive styles to select from. Stripes, claids. etc., in light and dark colors. Clearance Sale 60c to $2.03 Rubber Aprons Here is something every housewife has need for. Light weight Rubber Aprons in plain or checked patterns. Choice of several different styles with bibs. Claerance Sale prices range from 90c up to $1.98 Ask for Your S. & H. . Stamps! Nurses' Uniforms and Aprons Schumann -Hemk municipal Auditorium January 9 ! 3 Attend this concert and note the ind idual qualities that distinguish Schumann Heink't exquisite interpretations. Then go to any dealer in Victor products and hear the Victor Records by Schumann-Heink. Note how faithfully her renditions are j por trayed on the Victrola. p. , am rj - Regulation styles in Nurses' Uni forms, V-neck, short or long sleeves. Made un in white linene material. Sale prices at $3.15 to $3.56 Maids' Dresses of Nurses' Stripe Gingham and Black Mohair, with white collars attached. Good qual ity. Sale price $2.98 up to $6.53 Semi-Annual Sale Gossard Corsets 21-Models Reduced A selling event of more than ordinary importance to every woman witntn reacn of this store, offering pop ular styles in the famous Gossard Front-Laced Cor sets at cut prices. Style Numbers in the Sale 226, 250. 390, 393, 6S2. 382. 384. 377, 573, 590, 570, 575, 671, t20t, 1204, 1208. 1309, 1808, 1809, 2S11, 2521. Not all sizes in each model, but there are all sizes in the sale. Note Special Prices 3.75 Corsets S 5.00 Coreeta S 6.50 CorseU S s 2J9S 3JS0 4JS0' 5.00 7JS0 S 8.50 Corsets SI 2.50 Corset'! S18X0 Corsets SI 0.00 $25.00 Corsets .13.50 GOSSARD Braasire. $4.50 and $5 vals- special S2.95 Corset Salon, 2d floor Sale of Blankets Special Clearance Prices Now is an opportune time to .supply Bedding needs. To reduce our stocks preparatory to tak ing inventory we have re duced prices oa our ennre line of Blankets and Com forters for this sale. SPECIMEN BARGAINS Plaid Blankets of alt pure wool. Large size, slightly Imperfect On Q Q( sale now at only WUaav Mixed Wool Bleaket In fancy plaids. Large size and splendid $8 ralues. Inspection rn- trc 7C vited. Sale price wtJalU Whit Blaakete Qf mixed wooL Good weight and quality. Regu lar 7.50 values. &M ir Clearance Sale price tirrextj Woobaep Cotton Blaakets In tan or gray. Size 66z (? QQ SO Inches, pair, only 0000 Mi, Wool BXaakete ta Beauti ful claid patterns. Size 6xS0 Inches. Heavy gride. QSJ OC 17.7$ values. Special CO AO WeeJaa Ctta Bleariest ta fancy plaid patterns. Regular 5.50 values. Clear- QO fTfr snce Sale price only 0e I O Cotton Saeot Blaakete ta fancy plaids, tans and grays. Q1 QQ Large size. Special, ea. Bed Pillows Reduced for the Clearance 2U2S in S5.45 POlewa filled with sanitary feathers and covered with art ticking. Regular Q- QP 2.50 grade. Special tDJL7tJ 13.50 Pillows, size QO rjr 20X26 inches. Pair D I ej Bedding DepL, 3d Floor $6.50 PIUows, Size Extra fine valae. Specially priced, pair $7.50 Pfflows, sire CC 21x27 In. Salt, niir OUUtl $8.50 Pillows at a pair $&&5 Brenlin Window Shades For the New Home Insist upon having Brenlin Unfilled Window Shades and save ta endless amount of worry and replacement costs. Brenlin Shades ire made from i material that will not crack or break. Water will not spot them, neither will the hottest sun fade them. They will keep their beautiful velvet finish and wear twice as long as the ordinary shade. During the Annual Clearance you may buy Brenlin Shades at special low prices. Place you order at once.- Dept. 3d floor. Brenlin Shades Are Sold in Portland Only at This Store Victor Talking Madiine Co Camden. New Jersey Muslinwear Reduced Bargain Circle The Clearance Sale brings exceptional savings on Undermuslins of alt kinds. Our entire stock of Gowns En velope Chemise, Skirts, Camisoles at special low prices. Many Lines Reduced Vfe Price Groceries Fourth Floor Hilf-HiH.Tani Flsa, can 42c A, & H. Soda, 3 pkgs. for 25c Rolled Oats, 9-lb.. sacks 52c i-Queen Maude Sardines at 15c Kin gsfords Gloss Starch put up in 6-lb. boxes, special at 69c Baby Week Clearance All Infants' Needs Reduced Vaata Banda at 45c t 99c Infanta Hoee 45c to $2.02 Dr. D ton's Sleepera in sizes t to 6. Sale at 90c to $15 Infants Wrappers of Eden Cloth ia pink or blue with white stripes. Regular 98c values, priced special, bow it only 65c Porky Prim Drosses, $2.50 values, priced special at $1.93 Our "Baby Week Sales never fail to bring hundreds of mothers to the store, and this sale is proving no exception. Every article reduced ia Infants' Dept. Sale Specials Infanta' Wool Sweatere in slip-over style. Jf Kf Reg. 2.75 vals.VXeWU ReuWs Shirts 54c-S4XS Vanta Skirts at 86c-1.6Z Carter Banda at S1-US .r.t.' "RmM of Eden Cloth, 1.S0 vah.,special $15 -JKAiCmt of white on tin r flannel. 1.98 vals spe't $15 . Wool Sweeter Suits, 3 pieces, warm and comfyf Special $5 .5 Knitted Suit in Culver Twist styles. M Wnite, rey; t copen. Priced for utts sale at 53-95 Infants' Department, 2d Floor Richardson's Famous Irish Linens Known all over the world wherever fine Linens are in demand! Richardson's linens are of superb quality and finish. During. the Clearance Sale, prices on all linens are sub stantially reduced. Don't overlook this great opportunity to save supply your needsl Richardson's Cloths Double damask Table Cloths, size sale. 2x2 yards. On ?" r OA ,at very special DAtJOU Richardson's Cloths, 1 Q size 2x2 H yards xt only OlO Richardson's Table Cloths. size 2x3 yards. Oa QOO Kil Sale it very special &i03 Napkins to match Of ( Qf Cloths special at WlUV Scotch Linens Table Cloths, size 47 Ofi 2x2 yards. Special at D I iV , Table Cloths, sue 2x1 M vtrds. Special Table Goths, extra fine valae. size 2x3 yards. On A OA sale at verr special tJ)iUOU Napkins to 'match ?Q A A dozen vacw S9.00 Table Ooths. Ask ! for S. & H. Stamps. Belgian-Lineri Qoths Pure Uaea Table Cloths, size 63x75 laches. Rega- QQ (TA lar 12.50 values. NowO7JV 27x27-lnch Table 4?1 O Napkins at i dozea OJUUU Linen Spreads - Reduced linen Bedspread Sets In whit with colored embroidery designs. Bolster to maUh. . 3S COC sets, size 7x96 Inches, at 0U JL40 Sets, srze 90x9.CQrt inches. Priced special at OOU English finish White Si tin Bed spreads, size 72X9V tTA rn ' inches. Priced ScecUC?ttaUU 1 i -i i - .