MONDAY. JANUARY 9, 1822. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. OREGON Lipman, Wolf St New Telephone Number It Broadway 7001 T - i i t New - Telephone dumber Broadway: New Telephone Number Broadway c'MerehanJioo of cJ Merit Palf cJr Merchandise of c Merit Onljr 7001 ; ; , : - - , ' mm i f EVERYTHING FOR CASH EVERYTHING FOR LESS Tl 11 POOTO (Of ya VMi JLk UZi s tW 11 V. O One of the Important January Events Remarkable, the savings to be effected in this sale of good quality bedding. No shelf-worn goods all good, clean merchandise 1 and greatly underpriced. in ! . I ! V x I 6 I I I Good, Warm Blankets for Less ! I i i ! I X ! Large Blanket Here's a blanket that's a good blanket a real, warm blanket, and priced at just $1.95. It's double bed size, of close-weave cotton. Here in quantities. DurableBl'nk'ts Blankets known" for wear. In gray and tan with assart ed borders. Size 66x80. Hlankct for warmth and comfort. Tuesday's lower lrice is $2.69. Priced Less at 1 .95 Priced 'or Less at 2 Heavy Blankets Full-sized blankets 70x84 inches in gray and tan. Priced at $2.98 in this Base ment Bedding Sale. A lim ited number come early. Cotton Blankets Mixed lot of wool-finish cotton blankets. Colors gray and tan. "Downap" plaid blankets also included. Sizes up to 70x84 inches in this sale at $3.95. Priced for Less at s 2 Priced for Less at 3J ECOSOMT BA8EMKKT Llpmao, Wolfe Co. Comforters Big Warm Ones Quilted Comforters Full Sized Comforts Heavy, warm comforters, full double bed size. In modest or elaborate designs. Some with $Q. 48 luuiraswiiK uorncrs m sonu coi ors Special Tuesday at . 3 These full-sized comforts tied or quilted and filled with new carded cotton. (And the special g price is less than you could bur .t the material for $2.69. ECONOMY BASEMENT LIpnan, Wolf t Co. X I Bedspreads Underpriced Crochet Spreads Well made, heavy crochet bed spreads. Size 72x84 inches. Plain hemmed. Just 12 to go at this low t "I 49 price. Reduced for Tuesday sell- I ' mgto$1.49. . Honeycomb Spreads Just 18 of these heavy spreads left for this sale of the popular honeycomb pattern with plaint hem. Size 72x81 inches. Reduced to $1.79. Sbreadsil76x86 I-arce size satin spreads, made with plain hem. Just 12 for this t, and these priced far below 25 jula'r prices. Size 6x86. Re- J. sale, regi duccd to $2 i i X f I i i 1 i i Large Spreads Extra heavy honeycomb spreads in extra large size 88x92 inches. Made with plain hem. Just 25 Qg left, and priced to clear Tuesday J at $2.98. Satin Spreads Only 21 of these satin spreads in the beautiful full bleach, with scalloned $.95 r - jv. oiv. m 11 i 78x90 inches. Very special, $3.95. I Stevens Spreads ) o o f f The Stevens spreads are notpH for the fine yarns of which they are made, their beauty of design t A Qg and finish. Size 88x98 inches, f scallopefd and cut corners. $4.98. eCQSOMT BASEMENT LIpm, Wolfe 4 Co. oiweis, oneetS, olXyu Mllnm fins- These sheets are torn and hemmed. Made by a mill whose label means quality. " All ready for use. A re markable value at this special sale price v- l wins $1.19 A record low price for sheets of standard quality. Sheets that are torn and hemmed and wilPgive the service you expect. Priced very special J" OQ at only. tPXjS ECONOMY BA8EME5T Ltaa, Wolfe Fancy embroidered, scal i loped, hemstitched and some plain pillow cases. Extra quality pillow cases for less than more ordinary ' cases generally , rtA A isell for LdUC Co. X f i Turkish Hand Towels Bath Tnh ooah I - v 4X.J i f Just the correct size for hand lowcis 18x34 inches. How is your supply ? You will want a lot of them at this ldw price. Very special at 17c each. 17c ECONOMY BASEMENT Llfaa. WoMo Co. Bath towels of triple thread terry good weight and absorbent quality. The j kind of towel" the housewife will appreciate for serv ice, special rat 39c 39 ??ThU Storm kVm No Comparative PricmThey Ar, Misleading atd Often Untrue' And Now the Petticoats' in the January Sales Cotton Taffeta Petticoats A Special Lot at 95 Stylish petticoats, serviceable petticoats, wanted pet ticoatsevery one of them 'ni remarkable values are these at 95 e. They're floral patterned and solid-col ored petticoats with plaitings and ruffles. Not a treat many of them, but still enough to make this selling a notable Tuesday feature. "Heatherbloom" and Cotton Taffeta Petticoats $1.49 Attractive in themselves, greater charm is added to these petticoats by splashes of contrasting color and by the plaited and ruffled flounces. One has choice of floral designs and other smart patterns. Another Special Lot of Petticoats Reduced to $1.95 These are made of solid colored or fancy figured cotton taffeta or "Heatherbloom'' material. Some of the petticoats with insets of contrasting color; others effectively trimmed' with self material, cordings, shirrings and plaiting. Still others with silk ruffles. Fearth Floor Llpmaa, Wolfe t Co. Special Purchase True Linen Tablecloths Pattern Cloths $5.95 A new shipment, and just in time to prove a sensation in the January Sales a sensation, indeed, since it has been so long since such cloths have been offered at such a price. They're in the 70x70 inch size and in four patterns floral and conventional. Another lot of 100 linen pattern cloths at $6.25. These in beau tiful satin damask patterns. 70x70 inch size. Napkins Reduced to $7.75 Dozen 100 dozen of them. They're made of heavy weight true linen and : they ar in assorted fcatterns. 70x70 inch-sizec t j ' Hemstitched lunch5 napkins $7.50 dozen. These are in the l53tl5 inch size and are in a number of handsome designs. "Derryvale" Tablecloths Much Underprice 70x 70-inch "Derryvale" tablecloths, underpriced at $ 8.50 70x 88-inch "Derryvale" tablecloths, underpriced at $10.50 70xl06-inch "Derryvale" tablecloths, underpriced at $12.75 ; 22x22-inch napkins to match are underpriced at $11.25 doz. Seeoid Floor Llpmam, Wolfe Co. Woolen Sweaters and Silken Sweaters Reduced New Sport Sweaters of Wool $3-95 It's January, the Clearance Month. That explains why the price for such fine sweat ers is so low. Charming models in this lot with Peter Pan or long tuxedo collars; others are edged at neck. With patent leather belts and belts of self material. With and without pockets. Pure Silk Sweaters Reduced to $21.75 So beautifully fashioned and of such fine silk one would never expect to buy them for $21.75 and were it not for the fact that the January Clearance Sales are now in progress the price of these sweaters would be decidedly larger. Choose henna, Ameri can Beauty, navy, black or brown. Tklr Floor LIpmam, Wolfe Co. Elegant Fur Coats Half Price Other Fur Pieces at 33H Off -A splendid collection of handsome fur coats at Lrpman, Wolfe's: Muskrat Hudson Seal French Seal Caracul American Broadtail Pony Mink Mole Coney Stylish Chokers and Scarfs at 33$ Off v ' 1 Squirrel Mink1 Beaver Hudson Seal" Kolinsky Mole Black Fox Brown Fox Taupe Fox Stone Marten jap Marten Jap Mink Skunk Tklr4 Floor Llaam, WoUe A Co. Beautiful Silk Lingerie at Heavy Reductions Featuring Envelope Chemises Some for as Little as $J.95 And others at 2.95, 3.95 and upward to 19.95 according to their former prices. Lovely chemises made of crepe de chine, radium, satin and Crepe Russe. Smartly tailored models or trimmed styles. Fine. Silk Nightgowns Reduced . These are made of Crepe Russe, silk la Jerr, satin, crepe de chine and radium. Choice of orchid, white, blue and pink. Lace-trimmed and tailored styles. 3.95. 5.95. 7.59. 9.t9, and to 30.00. -Silk vests reduced vests of soft, lustrous crepe de c , neTrme lre Pnly tailored and others are trimmed with filet edtfnt. Reduced. 2.65 and 2.85. Ponree sUVbloomers special at 2.95. With double elastic at the knee and waist Pink and natural. Philippine Underwear Reduced Gowns of fine sheer materials and beautifully em broidered by hand. 2.95, 3.95 and to 9.95. Envelope chemises reduced to 2.95, 3.95, 5.95. Fotrtfc rioor Lleau, WoUe A Co. Hosiery Reduced Women's Silk Hosiery in Clearance at $1.25 Indeed, the savings are quite interesting:, when compared with" the original pricing. Pure silk hosiery at $1.25 a pair high grade hose in plain and lace boot style. In good weight and reinforced. Choice of black, white and cordovan. Odd Lots of Silk Hose Reduced to S 1.1 5 Pure silk hose reduced to $1.15. Odd lots grouped in one lot and drastically reduced for immediate clearance. Good weight hose in buck, white, gray and cordovannot all sizes in each shade. r ?. Fiber Silk Hose Reduced to $1.00 Pair Silk-plated and fiber silk hose $1 these with elastic garter-proof nb tops. Choice of black, white and cordovan. Reduced to $1.00. Mercerized hose 3 pairs for $1. They're in plain and drop stitch effect and with mock-seam backs. Perfect fitting hose rein forced with garter-proof top. In black, cordovan, gray and beige. Street Floer Llf Wolfe Co. Famous Corsets Reduced in January Clearance Modarts" Some Half Price $9 The better models are included at this low clearance price excellent corsets made of pink silk broche in the low and medium bust styles extra long hip and back. All sizes, but not in each model. Another "Modart" corset, front-laced, of fine' white coutil and pink batiste. Low and medium bust and long skirt. A good assort ment of sizes. Special at $3.95. "Stylish Slender" W. B. Corsets Reduced $4.95 These are fashioned of coutil and fancy pink brocade fashioned with a trigness of line which admits of no superfluous fullness, but rather tends to emphasze the beauty of . the natural line. Fevrlk Floor Llpotem, WoUe Co. All Novelty Furniture at. VA Off in the January Clearance Sale Odds and ends of fancy furniture in dark mahogany and walnut finish pieces left from the holiday collection now priced for clear ing at one-fourth off. Dainty bits of furniture pieces that add the artistic touch to the home are now to be had at this 25 per cent reduction. Included in the selling are the following: Gate Let Table Spinet Desk Windsor Chairs Sewbtr Cabinets Tea Waton End Tables Daren port Tables. Smoking Stands Painted Tables, Chairs Cedar Chests Children's Rockers Waste Baskets Fin Floor Uyui, Wolfe A Co. ?;ST..RS. V5ES N C0UpAMT!yE PlUCTHEY,A AND OFTEN UNTRUE